Burns Bog Conservation Society Strategic Plan 2013 (updated, November 22, 2012) Burns Bog Conservation Society 4-7953 120 Street Delta, BC V4C 6P6 Burns Bog Conservation Society Strategic Plan 2013 Table of Contents Executive Summary ............................................................................................................ 3 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3 History & Highlights........................................................................................................... 4 Organizational Structure ..................................................................................................... 5 Governance ..................................................................................................................... 5 Board of Directors........................................................................................................... 5 Executive Committee ...................................................................................................... 5 Society Staff .................................................................................................................... 5 Society Committees ........................................................................................................ 6 Objectives of the Society .................................................................................................... 7 Core Values ..................................................................................................................... 7 Vision .............................................................................................................................. 7 Mission Statement........................................................................................................... 7 Strategic Foci ...................................................................................................................... 8 Priority Rubric: ............................................................................................................ 8 STRATEGIC FOCUS I - FUNDRAISING .................................................................... 9 GOAL 1: Develop Corporate Fundraising Package ................................................... 9 GOAL 2: Develop a Goal-Oriented Fundraising Plan ............................................... 9 STRATEGIC FOCUS II – MARKETING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS ................... 10 GOAL 1: Optimize our Online Media Presence ...................................................... 10 GOAL 2: Grow and Strengthen Memberships ......................................................... 10 GOAL 3: Delivering Newsletters and Annual Report ............................................. 10 GOAL 4: Enhance the Public Relations Program .................................................... 11 GOAL 5: Enhance Community Stewardship ........................................................... 11 STRATEGIC FOCUS III –MANAGEMENT AND INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 12 GOAL 1: Develop and Implement a Succession Plan .............................................. 12 GOAL 2: Support the Burns Bog Conservation Foundation .................................... 12 GOAL 3: Write and Maintain Operation Manuals ................................................... 12 STRATEGIC FOCUS IV - EDUCATION ................................................................... 13 GOAL 1: Plan and Develop an Interpretive Corner ................................................. 13 GOAL 2: Grow School Field Trips, Tours, & Presentations ................................... 13 GOAL 3: Grow Summer Day Camps....................................................................... 13 GOAL 4: Develop Library and Research Studies .................................................... 14 GOAL 5: Develop Educational Materials for Teachers & Public ............................ 14 GOAL 6: Finish Boardwalk Construction in the Delta Nature Reserve .................. 14 APPENDIX 1- Strategic Analysis (SWOT) ..................................................................... 15 APPENDIX 2 - Organization Chart .................................................................................. 16 Internal Organization .................................................................................................... 16 Board & Staff Relationships ......................................................................................... 17 2 Burns Bog Conservation Society Strategic Plan 2013 Executive Summary The Strategic Plan for the Burns Bog Conservation Society articulates the strategic goals for change and capacity building, and the action plans for bringing about that change. It reviews strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities. It presents a series of statements relating to the Society’s vision, mission, values and objectives; and sets out its proposed strategies and goals to fulfill those aspirations. The purpose of this document is to clearly communicate the future plans of the Society to all staff, members, donors, stakeholders and the general public. The Strategic Plan is not a single static document, but a resource to be reviewed and updated as necessary. The Society is committed to sustained efforts to achieve its goals, monitor progress of specific initiatives, and review and report on this progress annually. The Society will continue to reach out to our members to learn more about how our programs and services being received and how we can maximize our efforts to the full benefit of the membership. The Strategic Plan will continue with some of the Society’s prior objectives as well as incorporate fresh ideas and provide a real focus for the Board, and will guide the costeffective and efficient stewardship of resources. A vibrant Society is essential to the growth and vitality of the community and the communities at large. Volunteers, board members and employees become involved with the Society because of the organization’s public benefit mission. Therefore the continued success of the Society requires broad member support and confidence. This document testifies to the Society’s commitment to excellence based on the values of quality, responsibility, and accountability. Introduction The Burns Bog Conservation Society was established in 1988 by a concerned group of citizens. They along with other members of the community successfully stopped a major development. The founders realized they had won the battle but not the war to protect Burns Bog. The Society has a credible reputation as the voice of Burns Bog and is committed to educating people of the ecological and economic benefits of Burns Bog and other peatlands globally and how they affect our quality of life. 3 Burns Bog Conservation Society Strategic Plan 2013 History & Highlights 1992 – Conducted its first field trip with a group of grade seven students 1994 – Obtained its charitable status 1995 – Reopened trails in Delta Nature Reserve 1995 – Dr. David Bellamy visited Burns Bog and declared Burns Bog “The Lungs of the Lower Mainland”. 1995 – Quick guide to Burns Bog published. 1995 – Two resolutions were passed by the International Peatland Congress: 1. To have Burns Bog purchased or expropriated 2. Designated as a Ramsar site. 1996 – The Society in partnership with UBC’s Alma Mater held the first Peatlands for People Conference 1996 – Published Teacher’s Guide to Burns Bog 1996 - Held North America’s first International Bog Day celebration. 1997 - Dr. David Bellamy becomes Society’s honourary chair Parents and teachers in Delta held the first Jog for the Bog on Earth Day (1997) 1997 - Society receives the Cultural Diversity Award 1998 – Conducted first Wetland Adventures Summer Day Camp in the Delta Nature Reserve 1998 – Published Teacher’s Resource Guide to Sandhill Cranes 1999 – Collaborated with the Government on the Ecosystem review. 2000 – Ecosystem review published. 2000 – Launched Official Burns Bog Website 2002 - The first annual Celebrating Women and the Spirit of Cranes. 2004 – Four levels of Government purchased 5000 acres of Burns Bog 2004 – Published Comprehensive Guide to Burns Bog 2005 – Published Teacher’s Guide to Miracle at Willowcreek 2007 – Published Boglin Gets Lost and Boglin and the Birthday Party 2008 – Issued position paper on the South Fraser Perimeter Road 2009 – Record number of field trips 2010 – Ray Zahab, world famous adventure athlete runs around the Bog to increase awareness (2010 – Filed lawsuit November 24, against the Federal Government for failing to uphold the Conservation Covenant, the Burns Bog Management Agreement, the Burns Bog Ecological Conservancy Area Management Plan [Collectively the Burns Bog Agreements]) 2012 – Burns Bog received Ramsar status under the Fraser River Delta area 2013 – Burns Bog Foundation Gala & Society’s 25th Anniversary 4 Burns Bog Conservation Society Strategic Plan 2013 Organizational Structure The Burns Bog Conservation Society is a registered charity based in Delta, British Columbia. The Society is a volunteer-board run organization. Governance Burns Bog Conservation Society is governed by an elected volunteer board of directors comprised of individuals who are committed to the mission of the organization. The board determines the mission of the organization, establishes management policies and procedures, assures that adequate human resources and financial resources are in place, and monitors the Society’s financial and programmatic performance. Board of Directors The Board of Directors acts as the governing body of the Society and provides vision and strategic direction of the organization while ensuring implementation of approved strategic action plans. It meets approximately 9 times per year, usually on the fourth Thursday of every month, except for August, September and December. It is responsible for the control of Society property, its finances and business affairs; as well as being the final decision point for the formal adoption of advocacy and legislative policy. The Board membership consists of the following: 5 Executive officers and seven Directors Officers take office for a term of one year commencing on the date of the AGM. Individual Directors can serve as Chairs or Co-Chairs to all committees. Board members are requested to choose a committee for personal involvement. Executive Committee The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice-president, treasurer, secretary and past president, and deals with the ongoing business of the Chamber in the absence of the Board of Directors. The executive consists, of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and Past President. The Executive meets when summoned by the President. In matters deemed urgent by the President, the Executive can make decisions on the Board’s behalf subject to subsequent ratification by the Board. Society Staff The Society relies on dedicated volunteers and full-time and part-time staff to ensure that the day-to-day activities of the organization are implemented in an effective and financially prudent manner. The Society employs: Volunteer Executive Director 5 Burns Bog Conservation Society Strategic Plan 2013 Administrative Assistant Education Co-ordinator Events Co-ordinator Communications Assistant Society Committees Committees are the lifeblood of the Society and provide members with the most effective means of being involved in Society programs, activities and policy development. Without its vibrant committee structure and the invaluable resources provided by the committee members, the Society would cease to be the effective voice of “Lungs of the Lower Mainland”. Committees meet on a regular basis to ensure that the organization remains open and democratic. Any Society member or volunteer wishing to participate on a committee may attend at any meeting without obligation to join the full committee structure. Nevertheless, all interested Society members are encouraged to formally register as a Committee member. Current committees are: Membership Advocacy Communications Events (Gala, Jog for the Bog, Pilgrimage) Fundraising In addition to these Committees, the President and the Board of Directors meet from time to time to review specific topics or issues or establish other ad-hoc/task force Committees or Sub-committees. 6 Burns Bog Conservation Society Strategic Plan 2013 Objectives of the Society A. To ensure the ecological integrity of the Burns Bog ecosystem for the long-term enjoyment of the public and for future generations; B. To carry out educational programs and provide facilities to enhance public enjoyment and appreciation of the unique peat bog ecosystem of Burns Bog Society; C. To solicit, collect, receive, acquire, hold and invest money and property, both real and personal, into cash, and to use funds of this Society and the proceeds, income, rents, issues, and profits derived from any property of this Society, in furtherance of the specific purposes set forth above; D. To operate exclusively for charitable purposes within Canada Core Values The corporate values governing Burns Bog development will include the following: Strong belief in the conservation of Burns Bog and peatlands internationally Support ethical environmental practices as outlined in our policies Operating in full compliance with all laws and regulations mandated by duly elected governments and regulatory bodies Maximizing continued co-operation with the four levels of government. Non-Partisan to “listen” to alternate view points, including complete fairness and impartiality in dealings with all stakeholders, including members and staff Adhere to the ‘Donor Bill of Rights’ Vision To educate the public on the importance of Burns Bog and the world’s peatlands. To provide opportunities for people to interact with the Bog’s natural environment. To ensure sustainable, ecologically sound management and governance of Burns Bog and other peatlands. To contribute to the local community and enhance community health, through collective participation in the conservation of Burns Bog. To protect and sustain Burns Bog as a model for other peatlands. Mission Statement To protect and sustain Burns Bog. 7 Burns Bog Conservation Society Strategic Plan 2013 Strategic Foci These are the four pillars of our organization, each of which is essential to achieving our mission. I. Financial Stability and Growth II. Marketing and Public Relations III. Management and Organization IV. Education *Please note: These foci are not goals in themselves, but the four main categories which define and support our organization. Specific goals within each category are identified below, and action plans to achieve those goals are proposed. Priority Rubric: Within the Action Plans for each goal, priorities for each initiative are defined. Priorities are a method for understanding how the organization should direct their resources to implement the strategic plan, in order to achieve best results. These priorities are understood as follows: A – Critical: Immediate action is absolutely necessary, because the current situation is perceived to be a crisis, or a potential future crisis. B – Essential: These are major priorities of the organization which demand action and resources wherever possible. C – Investment: Excess resources which cannot be applied to A or B can be directed to these initiatives, which will return value to the organization in the form of improved products, services, systems, etc. D – Currently Unimportant: Based on evaluation of current situation and available resources, it is unclear that the organization has the ability to effectively pursue these initiatives. While these initiatives are understood to further goals in line with the organization’s mission, work in other areas is needed before they can become a priority. S – Satisfactory: Action plan is implemented, effective, and demonstrated to be achieving its goals in line with strategic plan. No further initiatives are recommended (but all current procedures should be maintained & documented). 8 Burns Bog Conservation Society Strategic Plan 2013 STRATEGIC FOCUS I - FUNDRAISING GOAL 1: Develop a Goal-Oriented Fundraising Plan Situation Action Improve corporate, individual, granting…. Priority Responsibility A Timeline Executive Director & Board. Complete by Spring 2013 Develop donor profiles Incorporate retail sales strategy into fundraising plan GOAL 2: Develop Corporate Fundraising Package Situation Only $1000 of revenue in 2011, or 0.4% Down from $8000 in 2010 and $24000 in 2007 Context: lawsuits. Individual donations way up. Action 1. Workshop with Deltasisst. Develop corporate sponsorship policies.Spirit of the Cranes Jog for the Bog International Bog Days 3. Develop a target donor profile / list. 9 Priority Responsibility A Executive Director & Board. Timeline November 24th workshop. Burns Bog Conservation Society Strategic Plan 2013 STRATEGIC FOCUS II – MARKETING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS GOAL 1: Optimize our Online Media Presence Situation Action Priority Communications 1. Optimize website using Assistant has redeveloped Google Analytics & other best website to be more practices interactive and mobile2. Implement Google Adwords compatible, ready for Nov to drive traffic to website 7 launch 3. Develop schedule Twitter, Facebook & blog procedures for continuous updating updated regularly and of Twitter, Facebook & blog integrated with new website Responsibility S Communications Assistant Timeline Complete in Dec Better integration with LinkedIn and Google+ planned but not active yet GOAL 2: Grow and Strengthen Memberships Situation 1.5% of revenue, down from 2% in 2010 Action Priority 1. Develop membership packages, utilizing existing merchandise where possible (write-off & gift for publicity) B Responsibility Timeline Executive Director. GOAL 3: Delivering Newsletters and Annual Report Situation Action Priority 1. Members and donors with emails will receive newsletter and annual report electronically S Responsibility 1-3. Executive Director & Events Coordinator. 4. Administrative Assistant. 2. Non email members, donors by mail 3. Post newsletters and annual reports on website (Currently in effect) 5. Communications Assistant. 10 Timeline Burns Bog Conservation Society Strategic Plan 2013 GOAL 4: Enhance the Public Relations Program Situation Action Increase Public Profile of Board of Directors and Advisory Board Priority Responsibility Communications Assistant Timeline Complete in Dec B Add Board & staff biographies to new website Ongoing strategy of news releases of topical environmental information to local papers. GOAL 5: Enhance Community Stewardship Situation Action Priority Lawsuits Petitions Responsibility Communications Assistant. B Community activism Etcetera. 11 Timeline Burns Bog Conservation Society Strategic Plan 2013 STRATEGIC FOCUS III –MANAGEMENT AND INTERNAL ORGANIZATION GOAL 1: Develop and Implement a Succession Plan Situation Capacity building grants are available to assist with hiring ED, but strategic plan, succession plan, & business plans must be finalized to demonstrate organizational readiness Action Priority 1. Define criteria for ED job description a. Obtain outside professional help with final decision (BackCheck for CRC, references, A Responsibility Executive Director & Board. Timeline November board meeting. January Thursday evening. b. Professional Hiring Coach for final interviews and final recommendations) 2. Research funding databases 1. Hire an Executive Director 2. Look for funding grants on operations 3. Hire a fundraiser 4. Investigate merger/consolidation with another society, or NFP group GOAL 2: Support the Burns Bog Conservation Foundation Situation In its infancy Action 1. Develop capacity over time to allow for interpretive center’s operation when capital is in place. Priority C Responsibility Timeline Communications Assistant & Events Coordinator. 2. Work with foundation on events, communications, etc as needed. GOAL 3: Write and Maintain Operation Manuals Situation Many are out of date. Need master lists to better locate resources (Where Is Everything?) Action 1. Need review and update of board procedures Priority C 2. Get co-op student to update (staff) Responsibility 1. Board/Staff 2. Staff/volunteer 3. Get co-op student to update/rewrite procedures 3. Staff/volunteer 12 Timeline Burns Bog Conservation Society Strategic Plan 2013 STRATEGIC FOCUS IV - EDUCATION GOAL 1: Plan and Develop an Interpretive Corner Situation Action Priority Prototype interpretive area in-office, exploring what is possible. C Responsibility Timeline Education Coordinator. Consolidating and organizing existing educational resources. GOAL 2: Grow School Field Trips, Tours, & Presentations Situation Action Priority Revenue 6.4% of total in 1. Write business plan for the 2011: education programs B $10 000 field trips S $3 000 other tours/presentations 2. New manual update for Delta Nature Reserve tours Responsibility 1. Communications Assistant, with help from Sauder School of Business. Timeline 1. Spring 2013. 2. Education Coordinator 3. Develop grade-specific tour lesson plans, and expand offering to include gr 8-10 biology PLOs. 3. Education Coordinator 2 & 3. Complete in December. GOAL 3: Grow Summer Day Camps Situation Action Revenue for 2011 was 1. Currently limited by venue. $18 000 or 7.7% of total Research potential partners, identify corporate sponsors, etc. What can we do? Brainstorming needed. 13 Priority Responsibility S Education Coordinator. Timeline Burns Bog Conservation Society Strategic Plan 2013 GOAL 4: Develop Library and Research Studies Situation Working on better indexing of online resources on new website Need to centralize all digital resources Action 1.To continue to gather and maintain library Priority S Responsibility Timeline All staff. 2. Look for additional research material on bogs 3. Long term--Society needs to set up electronic database of material (Note: it was done several years ago and is sitting on 3” discs somewhere) 4. Purchase or have relevant books donated GOAL 5: Develop Educational Materials for Teachers & Public Situation Received $5000 YVR grant to develop educator resource book specific to grade 6-7 curriculum Action 1. Update Teacher’s guide Priority B Responsibility Timeline Education Coordinator. 2. Define roles for updating material 3. Need to develop curriculum cross tie-overs with other subject matter 4. Writer/consultant works with education staff/volunteers 5. Role defined by ED/staff person GOAL 6: Finish Boardwalk Construction in the Delta Nature Reserve Strategy Action Applied for MEC Access 1. Need to raise $20,000 for & Activity grant to new boardwalks facilitate boardwalk 2. Need to seek out new construction grants and support Applying for BC Hydro 3. Apply for grants to funding for this project businesses, organizations that as well support capital grants Crowdsourcing funding 4. Note: Gaming no longer via Weeve & website gives capital funding grants Evaluating possibility of (2010-2011) “mobile app” to sell to tourists that simulates an interpretive tour Priority A 14 Responsibility DNR Committee Chair & all staff (support & granting). Timeline Burns Bog Conservation Society Strategic Plan 2013 APPENDIX 1- Strategic Analysis (SWOT) A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Strengths) analysis provided us with a framework for identifying and analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to assess the Society’s current position and identify its desired position. Strategic analysis included scanning the external environment and the internal environment of the Society, and then identified any priorities from these analyses. It is from these priorities that strategic goals were identified. SWOT analysis INTERNAL STRENGTHS - - committed volunteers and staff history and accomplishments reputation – domestic and international regular events educational programs and resources daycamps Delta Nature Reserve boardwalks signs loyal sponsors, donors, and members contact/ relations with other Not For Profit’s integrity and transparency relevant and effective mailing list, website and email newsletter green and sustainable cause access to government funding community engagement programs regular media coverage strong leadership successful fundraising operations (direct mail)\ largest peatland organization society in BCregistered charity - limited access to bog lack of recognition of Society contributions Delta Nature Reserve lack of awareness of existence and importance bog in the Lower Mainland lack of documented & defined business plan high staff turnover no paid Executive Director database system needs upgrade no succession planning low membership involvement no membership growth plan lack of fundraising from events no interpretive centre low visibility from current office location alliance with other Not For Profit’s, also municipal, provincial and federal governments no contract with municipality over DNRlack of internal recognition of social impact of programsperception as totally anti-development OPPORTUNITIES - THREATS develop membership plan develop fundraising plan and identify alternative revenue opportunities document communications operations enhance relationship with local government increase awareness of potential threats to the bog improve sales of retail merchandise Increase profile of advisory board Legitimize presence in DNR with Metro Vancouver Enhance relationships with other non-profit organizations & community groups Use election periods to increase public awareness of environmental issues Improve public relations regarding support of responsible development - - backlash of corporate support re: legal actions threat of reputation loss from internal mismanagement or external groups challenging relations with local government development of bog by private landowners liability & maintenance of Delta Nature Reserve boardwalks continuity of funding and grants public perception that the bog is ‘saved’ no official standing with respect to the Bog EXTERNAL 15 NEGATIVE POSITIVE - WEAKNESSES Burns Bog Conservation Society Strategic Plan 2013 APPENDIX 2 - Organization Chart Internal Organization Stakeholders Members Board of Directors Volunteer Executive Director Society Staff Pilgrimage Committee-Rob Dainow-chair Jog for the Bog Committee-Steve Wilson Administrative Volunteers Administrative Assistant Burns Bog Gala Doug Hart -Chair Fundraising CommitteeTBC Education Coordinator 16 Nomination Committee -board members Communications & Research Assistant Burns Bog Conservation Society Strategic Plan 2013 Board & Staff Relationships Board Of Directors Executive Director Board Chair (President) Authority Accountability Advise/Consult Influence Committee Chairs Society Office Staff 17