For members of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) Heriot-Watt University Pension+Plus Factsheet Contents Introduction What is Pension+Plus? How it works Does everyone benefit? Who might not benefit? Frequently Asked Questions Find out more Introduction Following changes to the rules of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS), Pension+Plus was introduced by the University because it offers a more cost-effective way to pay contributions into the Scheme. What is Pension+Plus? Pension+Plus is a new way to contribute to the USS which reduces the amount both you and the University pay in National Insurance (NI). Your take home pay increases because you pay less NI. The University also pays less NI and will be able to reinvest the savings it makes into new initiatives. Pension+Plus will not affect any other salary-related payments or benefits that you receive from the University. Your salary increases, bonuses and overtime will continue to be calculated on the basis of your salary before Pension+Plus (your notional salary). Pension+Plus will not affect your income tax position, as pension contributions are not taxable whether they are made by you or the University. We have designed Pension+Plus so that the majority of staff who are members of the USS will benefit from taking part, and those who could be adversely affected will automatically not be included. Pension+Plus will not normally reduce Working Tax Credit or Child Tax Credit. Please call the Tax Credit Helpline (details can be found on page 4) for advice on how it will impact your tax credits, as it depends on your personal circumstances. How it works Individuals’ pension contributions are no longer paid by them into the USS Instead, the University will increase its contributions by 6..5%1, taking its total contributions into the USS to 22.52% Your salary will reduce by 6.5%1 (the percentage of your salary you currently contribute to your pension) 1 2 7.5% for Final Salary section members of USS 23.5% for Final Salary section members of USS You and the University will both pay lower NI Your actual take home pay will increase Pension+Plus will not affect your income tax position The increase in your take home pay will depend on how much you earn. The table below gives you an idea of the annual saving you should expect. Should you wish to use the saving to increase your Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) to boost your retirement benefits, please contact the Payroll Office on ext. 8006. Annual pensionable salary £10,000 £15,000 £20,000 £25,000 £30,000 £35,000 £40,000 £45,000* £50,000* Estimated saving3 per month per year £5.75 £69.00 £8.61 £103.32 £11.48 £137.76 £14.36 £172.32 £17.22 £206.64 £20.10 £241.20 £22.97 £275.64 £4.88 £58.56 £5.41 £64.92 * The rate of NI paid by staff reduces from 12% to 2% on income above £40,040 (for the 2013/14 tax year). This is why you see a reduced NI saving after this level. Does everyone benefit? Pension+Plus will benefit the majority of Heriot-Watt staff who are members of the USS. However, if any of the circumstances listed below apply to you, you will not be included in Pension+Plus and will pay your pension contributions in the normal way. Who might not benefit? If any of the following circumstances apply to you, you may not benefit from Pension+Plus. Therefore you will automatically be excluded from taking part, or you will need to consider more carefully whether or not you should participate. If you earn less than the earnings threshold, £9,440 a year (for the 2013/14 tax year) If your salary would be reduced below the national minimum wage by participating in Pension+Plus If you work less than 16 hours a week and you receive Job Seekers Allowance you may find this allowance affected To ensure that you will be no worse off financially, we have introduced a pay protection limit of £7500 a year (for the 2013/14 tax year). If your earnings fall below the pay protection limit, or the national minimum wage, you will be automatically opted out of Pension+Plus. If your salary subsequently increases above the pay protection limit or the national minimum wage, you will automatically be opted back into Pension+Plus with effect from the beginning of the next enrolment period which will be 1 April each year, unless you decide to opt out. If you are over state pension age, you do not pay any NI and as a result, will not make an NI saving. However, as you will not be adversely affected and the University will still make savings, you will be automatically enrolled into Pension+Plus. If you do not want to participate, you will need to opt out. 3 These savings are based on the Career Revalued Benefits section of USS Frequently Asked Questions Will my pension be affected? No, don’t worry, participating in Pension+Plus will have no impact on your pension from the USS. Will my basic state pension be affected? No, Pension+Plus will not affect your basic state pension. The pay protection limit (detailed on page 2) ensures that anyone who earns less than the minimum levels of earnings an employee needs to qualify for the basic state pension will automatically be protected. What’s the difference between my notional salary and my pensionable salary? Under the Pension+Plus arrangement, notional salary is the term used for your annual salary before adjustment for Pension+Plus. It is the amount used to calculate your other salary-related benefits including salary increases, bonuses and overtime. It is also the amount used in any official letters including mortgage letters, loan applications and job references. Pensionable salary is based on your notional salary plus any other earnings as may be recognised by the University as pensionable. On your monthly payslip, the total ‘Pay’ figure shown (with Pension+Plus) will be 1/12 of your notional salary plus any other contractual or non-contractual payments, less an amount equal to your normal monthly pension contributions (and any other contributions for benefits such as childcare vouchers). This is also technically known as your contractual gross pay. Can I opt out of Pension+Plus? Yes. You will need to contact the Payroll department at if you wish to opt-out of Pension+Plus. Thereafter, you can opt out by informing us before the next opportunity to change, which will be 1 April each year. If I decide to opt out, can I opt back in? You will be able to opt back in, but will only be able to do this by informing us before the next opportunity to change, which will be 1 April each year. If I have been automatically opted out, can I choose to opt back in? If you have been opted out of Pension+Plus it is unlikely that you would benefit from opting back in. If your salary after Pension+Plus increases, and goes above the pay protection limit or the national minimum wage, you will automatically be opted back into Pension+Plus the following April. But, if any other personal circumstances change and you feel you may benefit from participating, please contact the Payroll Manager on ext. 4524. Does the University use a similar approach for any of my other benefits? The University already operates a similar approach for childcare vouchers. For more information contact Human Resources on ext. 8258/3449. What happens if I leave the University? If you leave the University and have been a member of the USS for two years or more, your deferred benefits will not change because of the introduction of Pension+Plus. Your benefits will be secured as normal. If you leave within three months of joining, you will be put back into the position you would have been if you had not joined the USS. If you leave after three months of joining but before completing two years’ pensionable service, you will be entitled to a preserved pension or you can choose to transfer your benefits to an alternative approved arrangement. What happens if I have multiple contracts at the University? If you have more than one contract with the University we will use your total pay to determine if Pension+Plus will benefit you. What happens if I go on maternity/adoption leave? You will continue to participate in Pension+Plus whilst being paid enhanced maternity/adoption pay but will automatically be opted out during periods of statutory maternity/adoption pay. I have been on maternity/adoption leave – am I eligible for Pension+Plus on my return? Yes, if your earnings are above the pay protection limit when you return to work, you will be included in Pension+Plus (unless you decide to opt out). If your earnings are below this limit, you will be automatically opted out of Pension+Plus. If I earn less than the NI threshold, should I participate in Pension+Plus? Because you earn less than the NI threshold, you would not make any savings by participating in Pension+Plus, and you may see your State benefits affected. You will therefore be automatically opted out of Pension+Plus. Alternatively you can contact your own financial adviser for independent financial advice. See below for further information. Find out more This factsheet aims to answer all of your questions. If, after reading it, you are still unsure whether or not you want to participate, you should contact the Payroll Manager on ext. 4524 You may also find the following points of contact useful when making your decision: Tax Credit Helpline For more information about whether Pension+Plus would affect your tax credits please call 0845 300 3900 between 8am and 8pm. State Pension Advice Helpline Visit for more information or you can call The Pension Service Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 8.00pm on 0845 60 60 265. Independent financial advice For details on IFAs in your area, visit IFA Promotion Ltd at or call 0800 085 3250. All information correct at the time of going to print. June 2013 (v3)