Planned Projects to Date: STIP Project Control No. FISCAL YR Project 1 (CN 2976) FYO6 Project 2 (CN 2976) FY06 Project 3 (CN 3096) FY06 Project 4 (CN L1045) FY06 FY07 Project 5 (CN 3310) FY06 Proposed Amount Complete $1.7 million 99% $2.25 million $1.5 million $1,386,902 $2,640,000 % On Hold On Hold Design Phase Design Phase Description District 3 -- Albuquerque Metro Traffic Management System (AMTMS) – I-25; CN 2976 Installation of Fiber optics, traffic sensors and CCTV Under Construction – scheduled for completion October 2005 Funding source – Federal Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) District 3 -- AMTMS – I-40; CN 7629 Installation of Fiber optics, traffic sensors and CCTV Design Completed – expected bid letting 2006 Funding source – Federal Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) District 3 -- Tijeras Canyon CN 3096 Deployment of Dynamic message signs (DMS), Variable speed limit signs (VSL), lane assignments, remote weather information systems (RWIS), CCTV, Roadside traffic monitoring systems (RTMS), fiber optic installation Scoping Report completed – bid letting expected in late 2006 This Project is currently on hold. District 1 –Santa Teresa Port of Entry Upgrades; CN-L1045 Installation of a weigh-in-motion commercial vehicle scales Memorandum of Agreement between NMDOT and NMSU has been signed and Partnership Agreement has been signed between FHWA and NMDOT for this project. Notice to Proceed expected to be issued in August to NMSU. Project completion expected within 12 months of NTP. Funding source – FY’03 Fed Earmark to NMSU $693,451; NMSU match - $277,380; FHWA-DOTMTD – funds - $416070 District 1 – Santa Teresa Port of Entry Upgrades; CN-3310 Access to STPOE ITS deployments via fiber optic installation/leasing Project 6 (CN ITS45) FY07 $750,000 Project 7 (CN-3337) FY07 $300,000 Project 8 (CN 1319) FY08 $1.7 million Project 9 CN 1319 FY08 $200,000 Project 10 (CN 1319) FY08 $200,000 Project 11 (CN 3096) FY08 $1.5 million Re-Bid NEW Design Phase MOU, PA and MOA being developed between NMSU/PSL, FHWA and NMDOT; expected to be completed within 90 days Funding source – ’00, ’01, ’02 federal earmarks $1320000; NMSU state funding - $600000; NMDOT Border Corridor Earmark (federal) $720000 District 4 – Raton Pass ; CN ITS45 VSL, RWIS, CCTV, Communication Line, HARS, Gate Closures, and DMS on northbound and southbound traffic along I-25 Letting scheduled for September 2006 Funding source – Interstate Maintenance and NH funds from FHWA District 4 – ITS Deployment CN-3337 Deployment of Dynamic message signs (DMS) Funding source - Interstate Maintenance and NH funds from FHWA District 1 – I-10; CN 1319 DMS and RWIS deployment in response to dust storms along I-10 corridor Scheduled to sequence of CN-3310 (securing access to communication between devices and center) Funding Source - FHWA NEW NEW NEW Route: Interstate 10, milepost 0 to 164 Deployments - DMS, CCTV, RWIS, communication District 4 – ITS Deployment CN-3337 Deployment of Dynamic message signs (DMS) Funding source - Interstate Maintenance and NH funds from FHWA District 3 -- Tijeras Canyon CN 3096 Deployment of Dynamic message signs (DMS), Variable speed limit signs (VSL), lane assignments, remote weather information systems (RWIS), CCTV, Roadside traffic monitoring systems (RTMS), fiber optic installation Scoping Report completed – bid letting expected in late 2006 This Project is currently on hold. Project 12 FY07 * (Proposed RFP for Communicat ion Plan) $300,000 Project 13 FY07 * (Proposed RFP for TMC Operations Software) $1,400,000 Project 14 FY08 (CN1153) $4,000,000 Proposed Proposed 50% Statewide ITS Communication Architecture Plan NMDOT - Statewide Concept, Creation and Production of a Statewide communication Plan. COTS Application Software Operational Efficiency Statewide Integrated for Automated Operation Improved Systems Interface I-40 Carlisle Blvd. to Pennsylvania Blvd. Installation of Fiber optics, traffic sensors and CCTV. Under Construction – scheduled for completion Nov 2008 Funding source - FHWA