2 HALF-DAY SHORT COURSE ON “HOW TO PREPARE FOR AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY INTERVIEW FOR CONSTRUCTION PRACTITIONERS” Organized by Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers, Limited [ Deadline for Registration: 10 April 2015 (Friday) ] Course Brief and Objectives: Under the Buildings Ordinance (BO) (Cap. 123), a registered contractor (Registered General Building Contractor [RGBC] or Registered Specialist Contractor [RSC]) is required to provide continuous supervision to the carrying out of the building or street works in accordance with the supervision plan. A minimum of one person must be appointed by the registered contractor to act for the purposes of the BO, and the appointed representative is commonly known as the ‘Authorized Signatory’ (AS). This short course aims to provide helpful reviews on buildings ordinances, regulations and current codes of practice in light of a construction practitioner. Empirical techniques in attending the AS interview will be one of the focus. This course is specially designed for experienced and competent construction practitioners who would like to fortify his confidence in being an AS as well as to update their practical and managerial knowledge in general building works. Course Content: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Objectives of the Buildings Ordinance Building Control Mechanism Supervision Plan / Technically Competent Person (TCP) System Building Statutory Control and Administrative Procedures Present AS Registration System Statutory Role and Duty of AS A Brief Introduction of Contractors Registration Committee (CRC) Objectives of AS Interview Aspects of Knowledge to be Assessed by CRC - Statutory Role, Function and Duties of Registered Contractors - Objectives of Buildings Ordinance and Control Mechanism - Buildings Ordinance, Regulations and Codes of Practice - Practice Notes and Circular Letters - Site Supervision Plan / TCP System - Building Statutory Control and Administrative Procedures - Control of Building Works by Other Authorities Mock AS Interview Introduction of Registered Construction Manager (RCM) and its registration system AS Vs RCM Course Structure: Lecture Mock AS Interview Q & A Session Total : : : : 6 Hours 1 Hour 1 Hour 8 Hours Speakers: Key Speaker - Cr Dr. C M Ho AS/TD of RGBC & RSC (Demolition, Site formation & Foundation), RCM, RPE, RSA & RSO and Author of《香港註冊承建商牌照全攻略[加强版] 2014》 Guest Speakers - Ex-CRC members and existing ASs to be invited for experience sharing HKICM members experienced in the registration and assessment of AS under BO will be invited to share their experience and join the Mock AS Interview and Q&A Session. Date and Time: 18th and 25th April 2015 (Saturday) (9:00 am - 1:00pm, 4 hours each) Course Venue: SRDI Training Centre, Unit 230, Houston Centre, 63 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon Class size: 40 persons (Maximum) Medium of Instruction: Cantonese supplemented with English CPD Credit: The course is considered suitable for 1 CPD-day credit of 8 hours. A certificate of attendance will be issued to those who attend all the sessions. Course Fee: HKICM Member HK$7,200.00 per person HKCA Member HK$7,500.00 per person Non-member HK$8,200.00 per person * Fee inclusive of course handouts & textbook of《香港註冊承建商牌照全攻略 [加强版] 2014》by Cr Dr. CM Ho Closing Date for Registration: 10 April 2015 (Friday) Registration: 1. 2. For on-line registration, please click here (confirmation e-mail will be sent to successful registrants in due course); or Fill in the Registration Form below or download the words version here. * Payment shall be made payable to “Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers, Limited” and sent by mail together with the Registration Form to the address below: The Secretariat Office, Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers Rooms 801-2, On Lok Yuen Building, 25 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong Enquiry: For any enquiries about the course, please contact the HKICM Secretariat Office at Tel: (852) 2523 2081 or e-mail: info@hkicm.org.hk. REGISTRATION FORM ( To be replied on or before 10 April 2015 ) Course on : 2 Half-day Short Course on “How to prepare for Authorized Signatory interview for Construction Practitioners” Date : 18th and 25th April 2015 (Saturday) Time : 9:00 am - 1:00pm (4 hours each) Venue : SRDI Training Centre, Unit 230, Houston Centre, 63 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon Name : Tel / Mobile : Address : Company : Payment : English Chinese E-mail : M’ship No. : Post : (Please mark your name, Membership no. and CPD Code at the back of the cheque) Cheque No. : Bank : Signature Date : :