Laser Hair Removal 1 Quantitative Methods Laser Hair Removal Group Two Stasie Broughton Lindsey Gainer Maryanne Tidwell Wendell Weaver MBAC 5453 Quantitative Methods Dr. Juan R. Castro October 18, 2001 Laser Hair Removal 2 Abstract The impact of increased governmental regulations and the institution of managed care products into the primary care environment are causing physician practices at Trinity Mother Frances Health System (TMFHS) to look at additional viable revenue enhancements from a variety of sources. In 2000, TMFHS incorporated a new slogan into its marketing strategy. “Amazing Technology and Graceful care”. The health system has set a goal to provide technology that is amazing, but yet customer friendly for all patients. The LightSheer Laser is considered as one the most efficient, innovative, and advanced lasers developed to treat unwanted hair. It is one of the leaders in hair removal technology offered today. According to Dr. Vistnes, of the LightSheer Company, “the LightSheer laser is a diode laser system, that is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for permanent removal of unwanted hair” (2001). Many other hair removal systems exist, but most do not provide permanent hair removal. Our analysis will be for the implementation of permanent hair removal technology into the Family Practice division of TMFHS. The Family Practice division of TMFHS currently consists of nine board certified primary care physicians. In July of 2000, the division added a female physician who had previously worked in the Bronx of New York. One of her certifications included the use of the Light Sheer laser for hair removal. The TMFHS division believes that her additional certification in hair removal can be used to enhance revenue for the family practice division. This paper will investigate the following hypothesis: the introduction and use of advanced hair removal technology, and how it can and will provide an additional revenue stream for the family practice division of TMFHS. This service can be managed at a break- even rate monthly for the first year, and will be re-evaluated financially at the end of the first year. Laser Hair Removal 3 The goal in implementing this hair removal system is also to provide a psychological boost for the family practice physicians who enjoy the institution of new technology. Since the institution of the new technology plan for TMFHS, the family practice division has had very little input to the systems initiative. The approval of this hair removal system will allow the family practice partners to contribute to providing new technology to our patients. Laser Hair Removal 4 Introduction This paper will be presented as a data analysis tool to the Family Practice division and the Chief Financial Officer at Trinity Mother Frances Health System. It will be used for decisionmaking regarding the addition of a permanent hair removal procedure to the existing business services offered by the Family Practice division to the East Texas Community. The division concurs with the system that we must work together to provide the latest technology available for the East Texas population, however, we must also be aware of the financial risk and operational liabilities regarding the institution of this new advanced technological service. The division’s current pay or patient mix consists of a forty percent Medicare population over the age of sixty-five who have fixed incomes. Because of the high volume of Medicare patient’s, the financial risk must be determined thru data analysis to ensure monthly break-even for the first year and the continued success of the service. The hair removal procedure will be offered to adults age 18 and over who are willing to use discretionary income to pay for permanent hair removal. The current family practice patient population was asked to complete a convenience survey to determine if the men and women who use Trinity Clinic would want to have permanent hair removal at the Clinic. The survey also includes a question to determine the amount of discretionary income that patients are willing to pay for this procedure. Our goal is to determine the viability of instituting this procedure as an expansion to the existing practices. To prove our hypothesis we will use surveys to determine the expected utilization by the patients. Chi-square will be used to perform a test of statistical significance to determine the degree of confidence in accepting or rejecting the hypothesis. Laser Hair Removal 5 The break-even point for operational expenses will be established thru the use of Costvolume-profit analysis (CVP analysis). Secondary sources consisting of literature reviews from physician practices that have already implemented the hair removal procedure will be used to determine potential operational risk involved with the use of this procedure. Literature Review Dr. Vistnes. (2001). Laser hair removal: laser assisted hair removal. LightSheer. Available: [2001, September 17]. This source was used to determine the use of the LightSheer laser treatment for all age groups within a patient population. Patients are given information regarding the hair removal procedure and the laser source used for hair removal. Patient interviews and questionnaires were used to provide patients with factual true-life testimonies of experiences gained from the use of the product, as well as, previously used products for hair removal. Primaria, A. (2001). Economic impact of the introduction of a minor surgery programme into primary care. National Library of Medicine. Available: ../query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=11333554&dopt=Abstract. [2001, September 18]. This source calculated the cost based on one year of procedures performed in a primary care clinic. The average age and gender of the patient population was also established. This data was used to compare the cost of minor surgeries at a private specialized level. Laser Hair Removal 6 Gersten, J.K. (1998). Increasing revenue with an existing patient base. Coherent Medical. Available: [2001, September 19]. This source used surveys of the existing population base to determine if patients would like laser hair removal treatments available by their physician. The marketing expenses were reduced by the use of materials posted in the practice by the laser company. The procedure was not marketed to people outside of the routine practice population. Start up cost consisted of the laser lease and the operator. To answer patient questions, the practice created a brochure and price list and used a taping announcing the procedure when patients called the office and were on hold. Because this is a self-pay procedure, special attention must be given to patient needs to ensure success. Ames, B.L. (2000). Laser hair removal expanding a busy practice. Coherent Medical. Available: [2001, September 19]. Dr. Ames used mail outs to inform his patient population about the addition of this procedure to his practice. When patients began using the service, they immediately informed friends and family about the procedure. Within a few months of offering the procedure, Dr. Ames determined that the use of the procedure was more lucrative than he anticipated. The Objective of the Sampling Activity The objective of the sampling activity is to determine probable utilization of permanent hair removal offered to patients by the Family Practice division at Trinity Clinic. The survey will also determine which body areas that patients would consider for permanent hair removal treatments. Laser Hair Removal 7 The Target Population The target population will include the current family practice patient population of 10,000 patients. Patients will include both male and female patients age eighteen years and older. The Population Frame Five-hundred family practice patients, ages 18 and older, were scheduled during the week of October 5-9, 2001. All of these patients were asked to complete a hair removal survey. The Method of Sampling Subjective data was obtained using a convenience-sampling plan. Operational Procedures for Collecting the Data Scheduled patients were asked to complete the hair removal survey along with their routine registration paper work. For patient convenience, all front office assistants added the hair removal survey to the routine paper work clipboard. Patients were given the option to complete the survey before their scheduled physician visit. Ninety-four patients returned the completed survey to the front office receptionist. The survey results were compiled and entered into an excel spreadsheet for statistical analysis. Laser Hair Removal 8 Statistical Tools used to analyze the Data Chi square distribution was used to “develop interval estimates and conduct hypothesis tests about the population variance” (Anderson, Sweeney and Williams, 1999 p. 638). The use of the chi square statistic determines the relationship as well as how strong the relationship is between the fourth graphed independent variable in graph one and hair removal body sites within the collected survey data. Refer Graph 1 below: Yes/No Hair Removal Questions. 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 73 49 47 34 41 40 31 35 41 yes no 15 Have you Have you Have you Would you removed removed removed be interested unwanted unwanted ear unwanted in a more facial hair in hair in the body hair in permanent the last 6 last 6 the past 6 hair removal months? months? months? If this service were offered at Trinity Clinic, would you be interested in having it performed? Graph 1 The data in this graph is used to determine the significance of the relationship between the number requesting hair removal and the body site of the hair removal. Laser Hair Removal 9 Ho : There is no linear relationship between people who want hair removal and the body site that they want the hair removed from. H1 : There is a linear relationship between people who want hair removal and which body site that the hair is to be removed from. The Chi square formula listed below will be used in Table 1 to test the statistic. Laser Hair Removal Chi Squared Calculation Table 1 Underarms Legs Bikini Totals 41 Yes 38 35 27 100 40 No 13 7 5 25 51 42 32 125 Underarms Legs Bikini Yes 40.8 33.6 25.6 No 10.2 8.4 6.4 Step 5 Laser Hair Removal 10 Step 7 Row 1 0.19215686 0.05833333 0.0765625 0.327053 Row 2 0.76862745 0.23333333 0.013082 0.30625 1.308211 1.635263 Chi Squared 2 Degrees of Freedom 0.114377 Contingency Coefficient There is no linear relationship between the variables. Based on the data received, there is not a significant relationship between those patients having the hair removal procedure done, and which body area they would want done. Therefore, we accept the null hypothesis based on this data. There is not a significant relationship between the variables. Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) analysis is a tool that provides information regarding the interrelationship between costs, quantity sold and price. The use of CVP analysis was to determine the extent and magnitude of the economic trouble a division may be facing, and to help pinpoint the necessary solutions (Hansen and Mowen, 2000, p. 638). For the purpose of this data analysis, CVP analysis was used to establish the number of procedures that must be done to determine the monthly break-even point. Hansen and Mowen, 2000, states “the break-even point is the point where total revenue equals total cost, the point of zero profit” (p. 638). Also, we determined the fixed and variable components of operating the Hair Removal equipment. Laser Hair Removal 11 Due to the fact that the surveyed patients listed below in Graph 1 are willing to pay one hundred dollars or less for the procedure the fee schedule is set at ninety nine dollars per each hair removal procedure. Refer to Graph 2 Discretionary Income Data Survey. 60 50 40 $3000-$1000 30 $1000-$500 48 37 $500-$100 20 10 1 3 3 0 How much would you How much would you be willing to pay for be willing to pay for FACIAL hair removal? BODILY hair removal? Graph 2 The Coherent LightSheer Laser can be leased daily, monthly or annually. For the purpose of this analysis, we will base our data on the monthly lease of the Laser. The operating lease for the Coherent LightSheer Laser is fixed at $1400 per day, or $28,000 for twenty monthly working days. The physician salary cost is fixed at $10,000 monthly. The nursing salary cost is a fixed monthly cost for the first year of $2500 monthly including benefits. The system has currently guaranteed the use of one procedure room for this project. The procedure room cost is fixed at $1000 monthly. The laser enhancement cream is estimated at a variable cost of $15.00 per twelve ounces. Maximum usage per body surface area is three ounces. Personal protective equipment is estimated at a variable cost of $5.00 per procedure. Laser Hair Removal 12 The TMFHS estimation of variable bad debt write-off for minor cash procedures is set at four percent. Each procedure averages ten minutes per treatment for each body area. Five minutes must be allowed between each procedure for room and patient set-up. To determine how many procedures must be done daily to break-even or to earn a zero profit, we can set operating income to zero, and then solve the operating-income income equation for the number of procedures daily. Operating income=(Price X Number of units)-(Variable cost per unit X Number of units)Total fixed cost. A monthly projected income statement is prepared to determine break-even operating income. Results Operating Monthly Income Statement Sales (640 procedures @ $99) $ 63,360 Less: Variable expenses $ 6,854 Contribution Margin $ 56,506 Less: Fixed expenses $ 41,500 Operating Income $ 15,006 0 = ($99 x units) – ($10.71 x units) - $41,500 $88.29 x units = $41,500 = 470 procedures monthly to break even Therefore, the Family Practice division must perform 470 hair removal procedures per month to break even. Sales (470 procedures @ $99) Contribution margin Less: Variable expenses Less Fixed expenses Operating income 470 procedures yield a zero profit. $ $ $ $ $ Conclusion 46,530 48,354 6,854 41,500 0 Laser Hair Removal 13 To conclude: The CVP analysis proves that the procedure can be introduced and maintained at a break-even rate financially for the first year, however the addition of the procedure is not recommended until we can provide statistical data that supports the validity of a patient population that can support four hundred and seventy procedures performed monthly. Our existing data analysis does not prove that the current family practice patient population would support this business service addition. Further analysis must be done before the project can be given additional consideration. Due to the fact that the pay or mix for Family practice includes a forty six percent Medicare population additional data must be collected to determine if there is a correlation between patient age and patient utilization. Laser Hair Removal 14 REFERENCES Anderson, D., Sweeney, D. and Williams, T. (1999). Statistics for business and economics (7th ed.) Cincinnati, Ohio: Southwestern College. Ames, B.L. (2000). Laser hair removal expanding a busy practice. Coherent Medical. Available: [2001, September 19]. Connor-Linton, J. (2001). Chi square tutorial.. Georgetown Linguistics. Available: [2001, October 17]. Gersten, J.K. (1998). Increasing revenue with an existing patient base. Coherent Medical. Available: [2001, September 19]. Hansen, D. and Mowen, M. (2000). Management accounting (5th ed.). Cincinnati, Ohio: Southwestern College. Primaria, A. (2001). Economic impact of the introduction of a minor surgery programme into primary care. National Library of Medicine. Available: ../query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=11333554&dopt=Abstract. [2001, September 18]. Trinity Clinic, (2000). Annual bad debt report. Tyler, TX: Trinity Clinic. Vistnes. (2001). Laser hair removal: laser assisted hair removal. LightSheer. Available: [2001, September 17]. Laser Hair Removal 15 APPENDIX 1. Survey Questionnaire 2. Survey Results Laser Hair Removal 16 Appendix 1 TRINITY CLINIC FAMILY PRACTICE HAIR REMOVAL SURVEY The Family Practice division of Trinity Clinic is evaluating new services for our patients. Our primary goal is to keep you healthy, but we also know that appearance can have a positive effect on one’s sense of well-being. Unwanted hair (facial, ears, and body) is bothersome to some people. We want to determine how our patients feel about this and, therefore, have developed this survey. It is completely anonymous and will take under 5 minutes to complete Please drop the survey off at the office where you checked in. Gender: M_____ F_____ Year of birth: 19_____ 1. Have you removed unwanted facial hair in the last six months? Yes _____ No_____. 2. When you remove unwanted facial hair, do you do it at home or have it done professionally in a salon? home _________________ salon _________________ both _________________ Laser Hair Removal 17 3. How often do you find that you need to remove unwanted facial hair? daily __________ several times per week ___________ once per week ____________ several times per month _______ once per month ______ every few months ________ 4. Have you removed unwanted ear hair in the last six months? Yes _____ No ______ 5. When you remove unwanted hair in your ears, do you do it at home or have it done professionally in a salon? home _________________ salon _________________ both _________________ 6. Have you removed unwanted body hair in the past six months? Yes _____ No ______ 7. When you remove unwanted body hair, do you do it at home or have it done professionally in a salon? home _________________ salon _________________ both _________________ 8. On what body sites do you currently perform hair removal? arms bikini line other underarms back legs abdomen 9. If a more permanent method of hair removal were available to you, would you be interested? Yes _____ No _____ 10. If the service were offered in the Trinity Clinic, would you be more likely to have it performed? Yes _____ No _____ 11. How much would you be willing to pay for “permanent” hair removal on your face? (i.e.; upper lip, chin, nose hair, eyebrow area, ears.) $3,000 _____ $5,000 ______ $1,000 - $2,999 _____ $500 - $999 _____ $100 - $99 _____ less than $100 _____ 12. How much would you be willing to pay for “permanent” hair removal on a body area? (Place letter for particular body area on the lines below.) Laser Hair Removal 18 A. arms B. legs C. abdomen D. bikini line E. back $3,000 _____ $5,000 ______ $1,000 - $2,999 _____ $500 - $999 _____ $100 - $99 _____ less than $100 _____ Thank you for your participation. Please leave your completed questionnaire at the window where you checked in. Appendix 2 TRINITY CLINIC SURVEY 94 participants Have you removed unwanted facial hair in 1 the last 6 months? 2 Where do you remove unwanted facial hair? How often do you need to remove 3 unwanted facial hair? Have you removed unwanted ear hair in the 4 last 6 months? 5 Where do you remove unwanted ear hair? Have you removed unwanted body hair in 6 the past 6 months? 7 Where do you remove unwanted body hair? What body sites do you remove unwanted 8 hair from? Would you be interested in a more 9 permanent hair removal method? yes no 49 34 home salon both 72 6 daily 5 2-3x week weekly 2-3x month 16 28 11 3 10 yes no 15 73 home salon 18 1 yes no 47 31 home salon both 52 arms 2 underar ms legs bikini back 4 51 42 32 2 yes no 41 40 monthly few month both abdomen Laser Hair Removal 19 If the service where offered at Trinity Clinic, 10 would you be interested in having it performed? How much would you be willing to pay for 11 permanent hair removal on your face? How much would you be willing to pay for 12 permanent hair removal on your body? yes no 35 41 $5,000 $3,000 $5,000 $3,000 $500$100 less $100 $3000-$1000 $1000-$500 1 3 $3000-$1000 $1000-$500 48 $500$100 Less $100 3 37