SE Kansas Area Transit Coordinating Council, Inc. Coordinated Transit District 10 Coordinated Public Transit-Human Service Plan Planning Document for Linn, Woodson, Allen, Bourbon, Wilson, Neosho, Crawford, Montgomery, Labette, and Cherokee Counties Final Prepared November 30, 2007 FTA Review Check List Coordinated Human Services Public Transportation Plan Section I: Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan 1. Assessment of available services identifying current providers (public, private, nonprofit): Pg. 7-12 2. Assessment of need for individuals with disabilities, older adults and people with low incomes. This assessment can be based on experiences and perceptions of the planning partners or more sophisticated data collection efforts, and gaps in service (Note: If a community does not intend to seek funding for a particular program – Section 5310, JARC or New Freedom – then the community is not required to include an assessment of the targeted population in its coordinated plan): Pg. 14, 23-29 3. Strategies and / or activities to address the identified gaps and achieve efficiencies in service delivery: Pg. 16-20 4. Relative priorities for implementation based on resources, time, and feasibility for implementing specific strategies / activities identified: Pg. 15, 21 Table of Contents 1. Introduction ...........................................................................................................1 2. Description of Service Area .................................................................................2 Counties included in CTD .............................................................................2 Demographics of CTD by county for CTD 10 Transit Dependent Populations ....................................................................2 3. Inventory of Transportation Providers in CTD 10 ...........................................4 Stakeholder Identification ..............................................................................6 Transportation Providers Funded by KDOT ..............................................7 Other Transportation Providers .................................................................11 4. Transportation Needs in the CTD ....................................................................14 Framework for Action Summary................................................................14 Service Gaps: What do we need to do better? .........................................15 5. Prioritized Needs ..........................................................................................15, 24 6. Action Plan ...........................................................................................................16 7. Attachments a. Sample letter of invitation to participate .............................................25 b. Completed Framework for Action .......................................................26 c. Stakeholder contact log ..........................................................................33 d. Summit roster ..........................................................................................74 List of Tables Table 1: Table 2: Table 3: Table 4: Table 5: Transportation Dependent Populations, 2005 Estimates ......................3 Planning Participants ..................................................................................6 Transportation Providers in the CTD 10 Service Area ........................10 Other Transportation Providers in CTD 10 ...........................................11 Summary of Survey Results.....................................................................14 List of Figures Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: Figure 5: Map of Coordinated Transit District 10 ..................................................2 Population Density for Counties in CTD 10 by Census Tract .............3 Organizations .............................................................................................4 Planning Participation ..............................................................................5 Intercity Bus Routes ................................................................................12 Coordinated Transit District 10 Coordinated Public Transit-Human Service Plan (Linn, Woodson, Allen, Bourbon, Wilson, Neosho, Crawford, Montgomery, Labette, and Cherokee Counties) November 30, 2007 1. Introduction The goal of this plan is to improve coordination of transportation and human services in Coordinated Transit District 10. It also fulfills the federal planning requirements of SAFETEA-LU which consist of the following: A unified, comprehensive strategy for public transportation service delivery; Identifies transportation needs of individuals with disabilities, older adults, and individuals with limited incomes; Lays out strategies for meeting those needs; and Prioritizes services. To complete the plan, CTD members were asked to complete inventories and webbased surveys. They were also asked to participate in a transportation planning summit held on April 24th, 2007. Twenty-five of the seven-hundred twenty-six people invited participated in the summit. By the end of the summit, a draft action plan was completed. A coordinated public transit-human service transportation plan was developed based on data and input received from summit stakeholders. All identified stakeholders were given the opportunity to comment on the action plan before it was finalized to be included in this report. This plan addresses transit coordination priorities for the period from July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2010, but may be updated periodically to meet developing needs in the communities of Coordinated Transit District 10. CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 1 November 2007 2. Description of Service Area Counties included in CTD. Figure 1 Map of Coordinated Transit District 10 In Kansas, there are 15 Coordinated Transit Districts (CTDs). Each CTD is responsible for coordinating public transit within their service area and membership consists of recipients of public and human service transit funds from the Kansas Department of Transportation. The CTD is located in the area of the state Southeast. 10. Map 1 contains the ten counties that are included in CTD 10: Linn, Woodson, Allen, Bourbon, Wilson, Neosho, Crawford, Montgomery, Labette, and Cherokee. Demographics of CTD 10 by county for Transit Dependent Populations Almost 185,149 people live in the CTD 10 service area. Figure 2 provides the population density of the area by number of persons living in each square mile. The areas surrounding the following towns have the highest population densities: Baxter Springs Chanute Galena Independence Iola Parsons Pittsburg Specialized transportation funds are targeted to individuals that are more likely to be transportation disadvantaged. Groups included in this category are older adults and individuals with disabilities, and individuals with incomes below the poverty CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 2 November 2007 level. Over 17.3% of the area’s population was age 65 or older, which was higher than the state’s overall rate of 13%. However, the rate of individuals with a gooutside-of-home disability was consistent with the state at 6.6%. The poverty rate of individuals 18 and older was slightly higher in the area (8.9%) than the overall state (6.5%). Figure 2 Population Density for Counties in CTD 10 by Census Tract Table 1 Transportation Dependent Populations 2005 Estimates 16+; Go- County Allen Bourbon Cherokee Crawford Labette Linn Montgomery Neosho Wilson Woodson CTD Total Elderly Elderly 65+ 65+ (%) 2,485 2,734 3,266 5,906 3,845 1,813 6,324 2,898 1,962 885 18.0% 18.2% 15.2% 15.5% 17.3% 18.3% 18.3% 17.5% 19.9% 24.8% 17.3% 16+; Go- outsideoutsidehome home disability disability 32,120 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan (%) Adults Adults (18+) below (18+) below poverty poverty (%) Total Pop. 775 1,100 1,573 2,206 1,709 696 2,279 986 669 265 5.6% 7.3% 7.3% 5.8% 7.7% 7.0% 6.6% 6.0% 6.8% 7.4% 1,270 1,267 1,916 4,322 1,838 725 2,773 1,320 753 320 9.2% 8.4% 8.9% 11.3% 8.3% 7.3% 8.0% 8.0% 7.7% 8.9% 13,787 14,997 21,555 38,222 22,169 9,914 34,570 16,529 9,834 3,572 12,258 6.6% 16,503 8.9% 185,149 3 November 2007 3. Inventory of Transportation Providers in CTD Stakeholder Identification The CTD members identified 726 organizations that would be impacted by the Coordinated Plan. Human service providers represented the highest percentage of the stakeholder organizations. This is not surprising because there are many human service providers in CTD 10 whose clients rely on public transportation, and as a result these providers often have to coordinate their services with transit providers. Figure 3 Organizations Cities/Counties, 36 State, 8 Schools or School Districts, 72 Human Services Agencies, 46 Hospitals/Home Health/Hospices, 15 Nursing/Assisted Living Facilities, 12 Other Agencies, 105 Faith-based, 411 Each organization was invited to the Transportation Summit, as well as asked to either complete a transportation inventory and/or a human service provider inventory. 3.6 percent of those organizations either attended the Summit or submitted inventories. CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 4 November 2007 Figure 4 Planning Organization Submitted Inventory Attended Summit 3% 4% Attended Summit and Submitted Inventory 2% Did Not Participate or Respond 91% CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 5 November 2007 Table 2 Planning Participants Agency Name All Faith Church Arrowood Lane Residential Care Facility Bible Baptist Church Cherry Street Youth Center First Assembly of God First Assembly of God First Presbyterian Church Frontenac United Methodist Medical Lodge South Neodesha Senior Center Saint Peter's Lutheran Church The Udder Mudder Daycare Wesley Little Learners Preschool Yates Center Senior Center Allen County Transportation System Bourbon Co. Senior Citz. Transportation CLASS LTD Elm Acres Youth & Family Services Four County Mental Health Center Girard Hospital Linn County Transportation Mt. Carmel Medical Center Parsons State Hospital Pittsburg Transportation Service Prairie Mission Retirement Village Inc. SEK - Area Agency on Aging SEK Mental Health Center SEK-CAP Senior Services of SEK SKIL SKIL Thanks Program, Inc Thrive Allen County Tri-Valley Developmental Services, Inc. Wilson County Hospital Windsor Place Woodson County Commissions Woodworth Community Service CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 6 City Mulberry Humboldt Neodesha Chanute Fort Scott Fredonia Columbus Frontenac Pittsburg Neodesha Humboldt Girard Parsons Yates Center Iola Fort Scott Columbus Pittsburg Independence Girard Mound City Pittsburg Parsons Pittsburg St. Paul Chanute Humboldt Girard COFFEYVILLE Columbus Chanute Fredonia Iola Chanute Neodesha COFFEYVILLE Yates Center Parsons Attended Summit No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Inventory Received Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes No No No Yes November 2007 Attachment C contains the stakeholder contact log, which is a complete list of organizations who were contacted as part of the planning process. Transportation Providers Funded by KDOT Transportation providers who are members of CTD 10 receive capital and operating assistance from the state and federal government. The two primary funding programs are the Section 5310 (Specialized Transportation for the Elderly or Disabled) and Section 5311 (General Public Transportation). The following paragraphs include are descriptions of providers funded by KDOT. Southeast Kansas Community Action Program, Inc. CTD # 10 This non-profit corporation provides all types of trips to the elderly, disabled, and the general public. This provider utilizes a deviated fixed route system. It serves Allen, Bourbon, Cherokee, Crawford, Labette, Linn and Montgomery counties and is funded by Section 5311 and State funds. The agency has fourteen vehicles of which eight are lift-equipped. Southeast Kansas Mental Health Center This non-profit corporation provides transportation for disabled individuals for medical, personal business, education, recreation, shopping, and employment trips. The provider services Anderson, Linn, Allen, Bourbon, Neosho, and Woodson counties and is funded by Section 5310 funds. The agency has six vehicles, one of which is lift equipped. Mt. Carmel Regional Medical center This non-profit corporation provides demand response trips for elderly and disabled individuals for medical trips. It serves Crawford County and parts of Cherokee, Labette, and Bourbon counties, and is funded by Section 5310 funds. The center owns five vehicles, including two lift-equipped vehicles. Thanks Program, Inc. This non-profit corporation provides demand response trips for elderly, disabled, and the general public for medical, personal business, recreation, and shopping and is funded by Section 5311 Capital and Operating funds. It serves Wilson County and has five vehicles including two lift-equipped vehicles. CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 7 November 2007 Pittsburg Transportation Services Inc This non-profit corporation provides demand response trips for elderly, disabled, and the general public for all types of trips. It serves Pittsburg and Frontenac, and is funded by Section 5311 for capital and operating costs. The center owns two vehicles, none of which are lift-equipped vehicles. Linn County, Kansas This county organization provides demand response trips for elderly, disabled and the general public for medical, personal business, education, and shopping trips. It serves Linn County, but can travel outside the county boundaries for specialized medical care and other services. It is funded by Section 5311 funds. The center owns two vehicles, including one lift-equipped vehicles. CLASS LTD This non-profit corporation provides fixed routes and demand response trips for elderly, disabled and the general public for all types of trips. The fixed route service serves Cherokee, Crawford, Labette, and Montgomery counties, while a demand response service is provided within the city limits of Parsons. Section 5311 funds the non-profit for capital and operating costs, and Section 5309 Capital funds. CLASS LTD owns eighteen vehicles, including eight lift-equipped vehicles. Bourbon County Senior Citizens This non-profit corporation provides demand response trips for the elderly, disabled and general public for all types of trips. It serves the City of Fort Scott and the surrounding three miles, and is funded by Section 5311 funds for operating costs. The center owns two vehicles, including one lift-equipped vehicles. Elm Acres Youth and Family Services This non-profit corporation provides fixed route, deviated route, and demand response trips for elderly and disabled individuals for medical trips. It serves the Pittsburg and Frontenac area and the Columbus area, and is funded by Section 5311 funds for capital and operating costs. The center owns six vehicles, of which none are lift-equipped. CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 8 November 2007 Tri-Valley Developmental Services, Inc. This non-profit corporation provides demand response, fixed routes, and deviated route trips for the elderly, disabled, and general public for all types of trips. It serves Neosho, Allen, Bourbon, and Woodson County and is funded by Section 5311 operating funds. The center owns nine vehicles, including four liftequipped vehicles. Senior Services of Southeast Kansas, Inc. This non-profit corporation provides demand response trips for the elderly, disabled and general public for medical, personal, recreational, shopping, and nutritional trips. It serves the cities of Humboldt, Iola, Edna, Mound Valley, Oswego, Coffeyville, Cherryvale, Independence, Erie, Neosho Falls and Toronto, and is funded by Section 5311 for operating funds. The center owns twelve vehicles, including seven lift-equipped vehicles. Four County Mental Health Center This non-profit corporation provides fixed route and demand response trips for elderly and disabled individuals for all types of trips. It serves Montgomery County and Wilson County, and is funded by Section 5310 and State funds. The center does not currently have any vehicles. Allen County Service to Elderly Van This county service provides demand response and fixed route trips for the elderly for medical, personal business, recreational, shopping, and nutritional trips. It serves Allen County, and is funded by State for its operating funds. The center owns one vehicle, which is lift-equipped vehicle. CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 9 November 2007 Table 3 Transportation Providers Funded by FTA 5310 or 5311 or State County Allen Allen Agency Name SEK Mental Health Center Allen County Transportation System Type of service Funding Total of Vehicles (KDOT vehicles in parentheses) Other 5310 (6) County Government 5310, State Operating Annual Ridership 30100 665 Cherokee CLASS LTD Demand Response, Fixed Route 5311, 5309 (18) Crawford Elm Acres Youth & Family Services Demand Response, Fixed- Deviated- Route 5311 (6) Cherokee SEK-CAP Fixed Route 5311, State Operating (16) Demand Response 5311 (12) 1056 Demand Response 5311 5 (5) 531 Demand Response, Fixed- Deviated- Route 5311 10 (9) 4100 Montgomery Wilson Neosho Bourbon Crawford Bourbon Crawford Linn Crawford Montgomery Senior Services of SEK Thanks Program, Inc Tri-Valley Developmental Services, Inc. SEK-CAP SEKCAP Inc. Bourbon Co. Senior Citz. Transportation Pittsburg Transportation Service Linn County Transportation Mt. Carmel Regional Medical Center Four County Mental Health Center CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 1040 5311 5311 Demand Response 5311 (2) Demand Response 5311 10 (2) 900 Demand Response 5311 1 (1) 2120 Demand Response 5310 (5) Demand Response, Fixed Route 5310, State Operating (0) 10 November 2007 Other Transportation Providers in CTD 10 There are also other funding sources for transportation providers. Table 4 consists of an inventory of other transportation providers that serve CTD 10. Table 4 Other Transportation Providers in CTD 10 County Montgomery Montgomery Neosho Bourbon Bourbon Labette Crawford Allen Wilson Crawford Montgomery Montgomery Woodson Labette Agency Name CLASS LTD Coffeyville Transportation Juvenile Transport Specialists LLC Tri-Valley Development First Assembly of God Woodworth Community Service All Faith Church Arrowood Lane Residential Care Facility Bible Baptist Church Medical Lodge South MEDIRIDE Mercy Transportation Yates Center Senior Center Parsons State Hospital CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 11 City Independence Coffeyville Chanute Fort Scott Fort Scott Parsons Mulberry Humboldt Neodesha Pittsburg CANEY Independence Yates Center Parsons Type of Agency Church Home Health Agency Church Residential Care Facilities Church Nursing Facility Senior Center Developmental Services November 2007 Intercity Bus Jefferson Lines provide intercity bus service in the CTD 10. The nearest intercity bus stops are in Iola and Chanute. Figure 5 illustrates intercity bus routes nearest to CTD 10. Figure 5: Intercity Bus Routes Five intercity bus companies were invited to the Transportation Summit on April 24th, 2007; however, none of them attended the summit. The companies invited include the following: American Bus Association; Autobuses Los Paisanos; El Conejo Bus Lines; Greyhound (Industry Relations); and Jefferson Lines (Marketing and Sales). CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 12 November 2007 Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans (Transportation) Transportation planning and coordinating the needs of vulnerable populations can significantly contribute to the success of emergency responses. The following groups require special consideration when preparing evacuation plans: the transportation dependent population; the population residing in nursing, assisted living, or other residential facilities; and hospital patients. One local emergency planning official were invited to the transportation summit, which included: Emergency Preparedness, Wilson County None of those invited attended the summit: CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 13 November 2007 4. Transportation Needs in the CTD Framework for Action Survey Results To assess the current level of coordination in CTD 10, over 700 transportation and human service providers were asked to complete an online survey. The Framework for Action: A Self-Assessment Tool for Communities was the survey instrument used. Table 5 provides a summary of the results of the web-based survey. Table 5 Summary of Survey Results (N=7 individuals) Area 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Making Things Happen by Working Together Taking Stock of Community Needs and Moving Forward Putting Customers First Adapting Funding for Greater Mobility Moving People Efficiently CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Done Well Needs Some Action Needs Substantial Action Needs to Begin Unsure 29% 14% 14% 0% 43% 29% 14% 0% 29% 29% 43% 14% 14% 0% 29% 0% 29% 0% 0% 71% 14% 43% 0% 14% 29% 14 November 2007 Service Gaps: What do we need to do better? During the summit, each sub-group was asked to assess whether the current transportation system is meeting communities expectations. They were asked to create a list of “What do we need to do better?” Below is a summary of their comments. Improve Education and awareness of transportation needs. Public awareness/relations Better marketing efforts Improve coordination between providers Use available vehicles more often Networking system / Personal contact Centralized Dispatching Evaluation of services / Do “needs” survey Expand Service More transportation vehicles Meet the need of all populations Point to point service Door to door service Weekend and evening service Demand Response Transportation between communities Other factors that would improve coordination Obtain non-traditional funding sources 5. Prioritized Transportation Service Needs in CTD 10 4 priorities were developed for work in CTD 10, as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Improve coordination between providers Improve education and awareness of transportation needs Expand service Develop financial resources CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 15 November 2007 Action Plan for CTD #10 Goal 1: Establish a centralized dispatching system to increase awareness, pool resources and better use under-utilized vehicles. 1. Objective Enact a centralized dispatch system. Action Steps 1. Designate an organization to research and coordinate regional dispatch. 1. 2. 3. 2. Centralize list of transp. providers, with contact info, fares, eligible clients. 3. ID ways CTD will split any costs not covered by other funding. CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 1. 2. Sub-Tasks Explore programs that have centralized dispatching Agree on common communication system Identify primary dispatcher Develop a resource directory Explore funding sources 16 Timeline 2010 2010 2010 Responsible Party Outcome Measures A centralized dispatch system that realizes economies of scale, and lowers dispatching costs overall for participating transp providers. Notes November 2007 Action Plan for CTD #10 Goal 2: Expand and improve marketing efforts to increase awareness of available services 1. Objective Increased awareness of the available services. Action Steps 1. Define what individual providers can provide for marketing skills and materials. 2. Work with each provider to develop a marketing plan 3. Assess the needs for the marketing plan (set targets) 4. Enact policies within each transp. provider to coordinate marketing efforts with CTD. 5. Develop a task force to coordinate a district wide marketing plan. CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Sub-Tasks 1. Agree on common message, common graphics. Timeline 2010 Responsible Party Outcome Measures Increased public awareness of the services available. Notes Increased rider ship 1. Place PSA on TV, radio, newspapers. 2. Flyers in medical facilities, churchs, community boards. 1. Update and frequently distribute CTD directory, brochures, etc. 2. Schedule outreach 17 November 2007 Objective CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Action Steps Sub-Tasks programs in schools, senior centers, businesses. 18 Timeline Responsible Party Outcome Measures Notes November 2007 Action Plan for CTD #10 Goal 3: Expand existing programs and diversify transportation to meet community needs. 1. Objective Accommodate cultural needs, specifically language. Action Steps 1. Use NGO’s, census data to determine demographics of immigrant population. 2. Offer CTD-wide language classes for transportation staff, focusing on transportation subjects. 3. Hire additional bilingual drivers. 4. Make all marketing material bi-lingual. 2. Identify community transportation needs. Sub-Tasks 1. Research on language classes focused for transportation providers. 2010 Responsible Party Outcome Measures 50% of drivers can give basic directions in another language by July 2008. Notes 2010 1. See Goal 2 – marketing. 2010 1. Hold public information mtgs to determine if transit-dependent needs are being met. CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Timeline 2010 2010 19 November 2007 Objective Action Steps 2. Each transp. provider create a geographic and demographical map of area and population they’re serving. CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Sub-Tasks 1. Identify gaps of service area (both in geographic and demographic). 20 Timeline Responsible Party Outcome Measures Notes November 2007 Action Plan for CTD #10 Goal 4: Develop financial resources to further meet the needs of the transitdependent population within CTD 10. 1. 2. Objective Approach businesses impacted by ridership. Action Steps 1. Identify business with large numbers of transit-dependent employees, such as manufacturing, call center, processing plants. 2. Schedule transit trips around shiftschedule in return for financial partnerships. Approach medical community impacted by ridership 1. Identify social agencies such as hosp, senior centers, and workforce centers that receive direct and indirect benefits from transit services in community. CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Sub-Tasks Timeline 2010 2010 21 Responsible Party Outcome Measures Contractual agreements established with local businesses. Notes Consider apartment complexes/businesses with large number of transit-dependent tenants/employees. Establish contractual agreements with local government and medical community November 2007 Objective Action Steps 2. Collect data on how many trips either originate or terminate at medical offices. Sub-Tasks Timeline Responsible Party Outcome Measures Notes 3. Work with medical community to schedule transitdependent patients in blocks of time. CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 22 November 2007 7. Project Selection Priorities Project selection in CTD 10 will be based on the following priorities: A. Project addresses area of greatest need. Currently identified high-priority needs include i. Improves coordination among providers ii. Expands hours and service to underserved areas. iii. Expand service between cities B. Project is most cost effective. i. Provides services the most people for the least money ii. The expected benefits are the are the greatest for the amount of money expenses iii. The most use is made of existing resources to deliver a new service iv. The project will reduce costs in the long run C. Project demonstrates the great amount of coordination among partners. i. Most partners are involved ii. Leverages the most funds from partnerships iii. Service to clients is most coordinated and integrated iv. Administration is the most coordinated and integrated CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan November 2007 23 March 13, 2007 Attachment A- Sample letter of invitation to participate You are invited to attend Transportation Needs Summit for Southeast Kansas Identifying public and human service transportation needs April 24, 2007 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Lunch Provided) Pittsburg Memorial Auditorium (Down Stairs) 503 N Pine Pittsburg, Kansas Hosted by the Southeast Kansas Coordinated Transit District (Allen, Bourbon, Cherokee, Crawford, Labette, Linn, Montgomery, Neosho, Wilson, Woodson Counties) Please R.S.V.P to Sandra Nielsen by April 9 to allow us to plan for lunch. In August 2005, Congress passed the SAFE, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), reauthorizing funding for transportation services. As part of this reauthorization, agencies receiving funds for public and specialized transportation services must meet certain planning requirements. One requirement of receiving funding is that projects must be part of a “locally developed coordinated public transithuman services transportation plan.” This plan must be developed through a process that includes representatives of public, private, and non-profit transportation services, human services providers and the general public. You have been identified as representing an agency with an interest in mobility needs for people living in this sixcounty service area. You are invited to participate in a transportation summit to help improve services to help us make sure that we target transportation resources to the right services and deliver them as efficiently as possible by working with the other service agencies in our communities. The planning process requires an inventory of all of the transportation human service providers in our region. Please complete the enclosed inventory and return it to me by April 09th in the self-addressed stamped envelope. At the meeting we will review the inventory and complete an assessment of human services transportation coordination services within our area and an action plan for steps to improve coordination efforts. Please RSVP to this meeting invitation on or before April 9th by calling me at (620) 251-7313 or emailing We look forward to seeing you on April 24 in Pittsburg. You will be asked to complete an online survey. You can complete the online survey at: Link:CTD#10 On-line Transportation Self Assessment Survey. We would greatly appreciate it if you would take the time to respond to that survey to help us in the work that will be done at the transportation summit. Thank you for your time and assistance in this important process. Sincerely, Sandra Nielsen Chair Person of CTD#10 Attachment: Inventory with instructions and envelope (please mail back by April 9th) CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan November 2007 24 Attachment B- Completed Framework for Action Framework for Action: BUILDING THE FULLY COORDINATED TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM A Self Assessment Tool for Communities Survey Summary CTD 10 April 20, 2007 Survey Overview Area 1: Making Things Happen by Working Together in CTD 10. Top number is the count of respondents selecting the option. Bottom % is percent of the total respondents selecting the option. My overall evaulation of how well the counties in CTD 10 are doing in the area of "Making Things Happen by Working Together": Done Well Needs Some Action Needs Substantial Action Needs to Begin Unsure 2 29% 1 14% 1 14% 0 0% 3 43% Area 2: "Taking Stock of Community Needs and Moving Forward in CTD 10" Overall Evaluation: My overall evaluation of how well we are doing in the area of "Taking Stock of Community Needs and Moving Forward in CTD 10": 2 29% 1 14% 0 0% 2 29% 2 29% 1 14% 1 14% 0 0% 2 29% 2 29% 0 0% 0 0% 5 71% 0 0% 1 14% 2 29% Area 3: "Putting Customers First" Overall Evaluation My overall evaluation of how well we are doing in the area of "Putting Customers First": 3 43% Area 4: Adapting Funding for Greater Mobility in CTD 10. My overall assessment of how well we are doing in Adapting Funding for Greater Mobility in CTD 10: 0 0% Area 5: "Moving People Efficiently in CTD 10" Overall Assessment My overall assessment of "Moving People Efficiently" in CTD 10: CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 1 14% 3 43% November 2007 25 Area 1: Making Things Happen by Working Together in CTD 10. The key factor for "making things happen in CTD 10" is that individuals and organizations in our communities help envision, organize, and sustain a coordinated system that provides mobility and access to transportation for all. Top number is the count of respondents selecting the option. Bottom % is percent of the total respondents selecting the option. Done Well Needs Some Action Needs Substantial Action Needs to Begin Unsure Have community leaders and organizations defined the need for change and articulated a new vision for the delivery of coordinated transportation services? 2 29% 1 14% 0 0% 2 29% 2 29% Is a governing framework in place that brings together providers, agencies, and consumers? With clear guidelines that all embrace? 1 14% 3 43% 0 0% 1 14% 2 29% Does the governing framework cover the entire community and maintain strong relationships with neighboring communities and state agencies? 0 0% 3 43% 0 0% 1 14% 3 43% Is there sustained support for coordinated transportation planning among elected officials, agency administrators, and other community leaders? 2 29% 1 14% 1 14% 1 14% 2 29% Is there positive momentum? Is there growing interest in and commitment to coordinate human service transportation trips and maximize resources? 2 29% 2 29% 1 14% 1 14% 1 14% Comments about "Making Things Happen by Working Together" in CTD 10. I believe we have a strong CTD who do work together to make transportation available for as many citizens as possible. 2 I am just learning about the CTD and do not know what steps have already been taken. The Transportation Needs Summit is certainly an excellent step toward "making things happen by working together". CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan November 2007 26 Area 2: Taking Stock of Community Needs and Moving Forward in the Counties of CTD 10. The driving force for this area is the availability of a completed and regularly updated community transportation assessment process identifies assets, expenditures, services provided, duplication of services, specific mobility needs of the various target populations, and opportunities for improvement. It assesses the capacity of human service agencies to coordinate transportation services. The assessment is used for planning and action. Top number is the count of respondents selecting the option. Bottom % is percent of the total respondents selecting the option. Done Well Needs Some Action Needs Substantial Action Needs to Begin Unsure Is there an inventory of community transportation resources and programs that fund transportation services? 1 14% 3 43% 1 14% 0 0% 2 29% Is there a process for identifying duplication of services, underused assets, and service gaps? 0 0% 2 29% 2 29% 0 0% 3 43% Are the specific transportation needs of various target populations well documented? 1 14% 2 29% 1 14% 0 0% 3 43% Has the use of technology in the transportation system been assessed to determine whether investment in transportation technology may improve services and/or reduce costs? 1 14% 2 29% 0 0% 1 14% 3 43% Are transportation line items included in the annual budgets for all human service programs that provide transportation services? 1 14% 2 29% 0 0% 0 0% 4 57% Have transportation users and other stakeholders participated in the community transportation assessment process? 1 14% 0 0% 1 14% 2 29% 3 43% Is there a strategic plan with a clear mission and goals? Are the assessment results used to develop a set of realistic actions that improve coordination? 0 0% 3 43% 0 0% 2 29% 2 29% Is clear data systematically gathered on core performance issues such as cost per delivered trip, ridership, and on-time performance? Is the data systematically analyzed to determine how costs can be lowered and performance improved? 0 0% 2 29% 1 14% 1 14% 3 43% Is the plan for human services transportation coordination linked to and supported by other plans such as the Regional Transportation Plan, State Transportation Improvement Plan, human service program plans, and other state and local plans? 0 0% 2 29% 0 0% 0 0% 5 71% Is data being collected on the benefits of coordination? Are the results communicated strategically? 0 0% 2 29% 0 0% 0 0% 5 71% Comments about "Taking Stock of Community Needs and Moving Forward" in CTD 10: 1. Everyone is willing to work together to make transportation accessible to anyone who need it. 2 Again, I do not know what has been done in the past or is already in place. Inventories have been distributed in our district so the process of assessing resources and needs is in progress. CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan November 2007 27 Area 3: Putting Customers First The driving force for this area is that customers including people with disabilities, older adults, and low-income riders have a convenient and accessible means of accessing information about transportation services. They are regularly engaged in the evaluation of services and identification of needs. Top number is the count of respondents selecting the option. Bottom % is percent of the total respondents selecting the option. Done well Needs some action Needs substantial action Needs to begin Unsure Does the transportation system have an array of userfriendly and accessible information sources? Are efforts being made to inform the transportation users about available programs and services? 4 57% 2 29% 0 0% 1 14% 0 0% Are travel training and consumer education programs available on an ongoing basis? 2 29% 2 29% 1 14% 0 0% 2 29% Is there a seamless payment system that supports userfriendly services and promotes customer choice of the most cost-effective service? 3 43% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 4 57% Are customer ideas and concerns gathered at each step of the coordination process? Is customer satisfaction data collected regularly? 1 14% 2 29% 0 0% 1 14% 3 43% Are marketing and communications programs used to build awareness and encourage greater use of the services? 2 29% 2 29% 1 14% 1 14% 1 14% Comments about Putting Customers First in CTD 10: Availability of public transportation is advertised in area papers. I do not know what other efforts are made to increase consumer awareness. Our agency has asked staff to spread the word to our consumers. CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan November 2007 28 Area 4: Adapting Funding for Greater Mobility in CTD 10. The driving factor in this area is that "innovative accounting procedures are often employed to support transportation services by combining various state, federal, and local funds. This strategy creates customer-friendly payment systems while maintaining consistent reporting and accounting procedures across programs." Top number is the count of respondents selecting the option. Bottom % is percent of the total respondents selecting the option. Done well Needs some action Needs substantial action Needs to begin Unsure Is there a strategy for systematic tracking of financial data across programs? Are local funding allocations based on demonstrated evidence of coordinated activities? 1 14% 2 29% 0 0% 0 0% 4 57% Is there an automated billing system in place that supports the seamless payment system and other contracting mechanisms? 0 0% 1 14% 0 0% 0 0% 6 86% Comments about "Adapting Funding for Greater Mobility in CTD 10": 1 I do not have any information about how the financial aspects of the program are managed. CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan November 2007 29 Area 5: Moving People Efficiently in CTD 10. The driving factor for this area is that multi-modal and multi-provider transportation networks are being created that are seamless for the customer but operationally and organizationally sound for the providers. Top number is the count of respondents selecting the option. Bottom % is percent of the total respondents selecting the option. Done well Needs some action Needs substantial action Needs to begin Unsure Has an arrangement among diverse transportation providers been created to offer flexible services that are seamless to customers? 0 0% 3 43% 0 0% 1 14% 3 43% Are support services coordinated to lower costs and ease management burdens? 1 14% 1 14% 1 14% 1 14% 3 43% Is there a centralized dispatch system to handle requests for transportation services from agencies and individuals? 0 0% 4 57% 0 0% 1 14% 2 29% Have facilities been located to promote safe, seamless, and cost-effective transportation services? 1 14% 3 43% 0 0% 0 0% 3 43% Comments about "Moving People Efficiently in CTD 10": 1 Again, I do not know much about how the system handles calls for tranport other than via telephoning the various sites to request services. CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan November 2007 30 Please identify your affiliation. Please check all that apply: State agency personnel (local or regional office) 0 0% Public transportation provider agency 3 43% Human service transportation provider agency 1 14% Human service agency with consumers in need of transportation services 3 43% State association representing human service agencies 0 0% Advocacy organization 0 0% Consumer 0 0% Intercity bus transportation 0 0% Local governmental official 0 0% Other, Please Specify View Responses 3 43% 18. Which counties do you directly serve or are you involved with? (Please check all that apply?) Allen 2 29% Bourbon 1 14% Cherokee 1 14% Crawford 2 29% Labette 1 14% Linn 2 29% Montgomery 1 14% Neosho 2 29% Wilson 1 14% Woodson 2 29% Comments or questions about this self-assessment process? 1 Agencies invited to the Transportation Needs Summit were asked to complete this survey. I did not feel I had enough information about the existing system to adequately answer the questions. After the meeting, I would probably be able to better respond. CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan November 2007 31 Attachment C- Stakeholder Contact Log CTD members are encouraged to complete the information requested in this table and to update it periodically. Agency Name County Name Address City Zip Phone Email Parsons State Hospital Labette Paul Thomas 2601 Gabriel Parsons 67357 620-421-6550 CLASS LTD Cherokee Randy Pommier PO BOX 266 Columbus 66725 620-429-1212 Elm Acres Youth & Family Services Crawford Kit Parks PO Box 1135 Pittsburg 66762 620-231-9840 Four County Mental Health Center Montgomery Judy Wilkins P O BOX 688 INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-1748 SEK - Area Agency on Aging Neosho Linda Meyer P.O. Box J Chanute 66720 620-431-2980 SEK Mental Health Center Allen Bob Chase Glenda Helton 1106 South 9th Street Humboldt 66748 SEK-CAP Cherokee Jamey Whitney 606 E. Main Girard 66743 620-724-8204 Senior Services of SEK Montgomery Sandra Nielson P O BOX 1415 COFFEYVILLE 67337 (620) 2517313 Tri-Valley Developmental Services, Inc. Neosho Megan Rousselle P.O. Box 518 Chanute 66720 620-431-7401 Pittsburg Transportation Service Crawford Mike Swartz 502 E. 20th Street Pittsburg 66762 Thanks Program, Inc Wilson Tom Hearne/Susie O'Neal 629 N. 7th Street Fredonia 66736 Mt. Carmel Medical Center Crawford Robert Poole 1102 E Centennial Pittsburg 66762 620-232-0153 Allen County Transportation System Allen Jill Allen Courthouse- 1 N Washington Iola 66758 620-365-1407 Linn County Transportation Linn Marilyn Augur 306 Main Mound City 66056 913-795-2279 Woodworth Community Service Labette Kim McMann 1217 S 15th Parsons 67357 620-421-0989 Cherry Street Youth Center Neosho Barb Prier 710 North Forest Chanute 66720 620-431-2161 Medical Lodge South Crawford Blair Wagner 2520 S. Rouse Pittsburg 66762 620-231-0300 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 32 November 2007 Agency Name County Name Address City Zip Phone Neodesha Senior Center Wilson Jimmy Richardson 604 Main Neodesha 66757 620-325-5484 The Udder Mudder Daycare Crawford Wendy Bolin 410 W Prairie Girard 66743 620-724-4333 Wesley Little Learners Preschool Labette Nancy Heenan 500 Leawood Dr Parsons 67357 620-421-6130 Yates Center Senior Center Woodson Pamela McKinsey 403 West Rutledge Yates Center 66783 620-625-2254 Arrowood Lane Residential Care Facility Allen Peggy Strong 615 East Franklin Humboldt 66748 620-43-3456 First Assembly of God Bourbon Steven Bell 124 E. National Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2234170 All Faith Church Crawford Billy Wells 205 E Alfred St Mulberry 66756 620-764-3496 Bible Baptist Church Wilson Dewayne Prosser 1100 N. 4th Neodesha 66757 620-325-2104 First Assembly of God Wilson Karen Parsons 1102 South 11th Fredonia 66736 620-378-2801 First Presbyterian Church Cherokee Susan Rosenbaum 133 E Pine Columbus 66725 620-429-3619 Frontenac United Methodist Crawford Larry Willis 107 E Leighton St Frontenac 66763 620-230-0248 Saint Peter's Lutheran Church Allen David Meier 910 Amos Street Humboldt 66748 620-473-2343 SKIL Cherokee 125 E Maple Columbus 66725 620-429-3600 SKIL Neosho 106 East Main Chanute 66720 620-431-0757 Windsor Place Montgomery Monte Coffman 2921 W FIRST COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-5190 Prairie Mission Retirement Village Inc. Neosho Brenda Thorton 242 Carroll St. Paul 66771 620-449-2400 Wilson County Hospital Wilson 205 Mill Neodesha 66757 620-325-2611 Girard Hospital Crawford CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Donna Shirema Girard 33 Email 620-724-8291 November 2007 Agency Name County Name Address City Zip Bourbon Co. Senior Citz. Transportation Bourbon Joan Crane 26 N Main St Fort Scott 66701 Woodson County Commissions Woodson Karl Allen Courthouse Yates Center 66783 Thrive Allen County Allen MaryAnn Percy Allen County Courthouse Iola 66749 Department of SRS - Iola office Allen Director 406 North Buckeye Iola 66749 Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services Anderson 504 North Redbud GARNETT 66032 Pittsburg SRS Crawford 320 South Broadway Pittsburg 66762 Social & Rehabilitation Services Neosho 1500 West 7th Chanute 66720 620-431-5000 SRS Bourbon 108 W. 2nd St. Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2234010 SRS Montgomery Brenda Blackard 200 ARCO PLACE INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-0350 SRS Linn Sally Echos 108 W. 2nd St. Fort Scott 66701 620-223-4010 Altamont – USD 506 Labette Superintendent 521 S Houston St Altamont 67330 Applewood Rehabilitation Neosho 1720 West 2nd Chanute 66720 620-431-7300 Chanute Healthcare Neosho 530 West 14th Chanute 66720 620-431-4940 Cherryvale Comm. Preschool Montgomery 600 W MAIN ST CHERRYVALE 67335 620-336-3106 Chetopa Schools Labette Superintendent 430 Elm Chetopa 67336 Class LTD Montgomery Phillip chauppie 1120 E MAIN INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-8604 Community Care Connection Bourbon 120 E. Wall Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2235085 Cornerstone Family Life Center Neosho 109 East Main Chanute 66720 620-431-6577 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Dennis Beal 34 Phone (620) 2230750 Email November 2007 Agency Name County Cornerstone Village Address City Zip Crawford 1502 Centennial Dr. Pittsburg 66762 EKAN Anderson 132 East Fifth GARNETT 66032 Family & Childeren Service Center Montgomery Mark Charest 200 ARCO PLACE INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-332-1340 Family Life Center Cherokee Harold Price 201 W Walnut Columbus 66725 620-429-1860 Family Life Counseling Center Labette 5100 Main St Parsons 67357 Family Resource Center Crawford 1700 N Locust Pittsburg 66762 Garnett Nutrition Site Anderson Director 128 West Fifth GARNETT 66032 Meals on Wheels Woodson Director 600 East Mary YATES CENTER 66783 Meals on Wheels Woodson Director 600 East Mary Yates Center 66783 Neosho Valley Chapter of Am. Red Cross Neosho Dr. Richard Good 27 South Grant Chanute 66720 620-431-2239 New Beginnings Enterprises Wilson Anna Silva-Keith 1001 Wilson Neodesha 66757 620-325-3333 Red Cross Bourbon Patty Gorman 116 S. Main Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2230980 Resource Center for Independent Living Allen Director 602 South State Iola 66749 Resource Center for Independent Living Bourbon 1417 S. Judson Fort Scott 66701 SALVATION ARMY Montgomery 102 W 12TH ST COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-2686 SEK Downs Syndrome Society Neosho Cindy Zimmerman P.O. Box 405 Chanute 66720 620-431-0470 SEK Independent Living Resource Center Woodson Director 119 W. Butler Yates Center 66783 SEK Mental Health Bourbon 212 State Fort Scott 66701 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name 35 Phone Email (620) 2235030 November 2007 Agency Name County SEK-CAP Address City Zip Bourbon 212 E. 1st St. Fort Scott 66701 SEKCAP Inc. Crawford 212 N Pine Pittsburg 66762 SEKSEC Preschool Labette 646 Wisconsin Parsons 67357 SKIL Crawford PO Box 1706 Pittsburg 66762 SKIL Wilson Steffen Blevins 623 Monroe Fredonia 66736 620-378-4881 SOUTHEAST KANSAS INDEPENDENT LIVING Montgomery Richard Davis 107 E MAIN INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-1006 Southeast Kansas Independent Living Resource Center Woodson Director 119 W. Butler YATES CENTER 66783 TFI FAMILY SERVICES Montgomery Debra Ostroe P O BOX 54 INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-0411 Tri-Valley Development Bourbon 4305 Campbell Dr. Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2233990 USD #436 Montgomery 700 E BULL PUP BLVD CANEY 67333 620-879-9200 Coffeyville Community College Montgomery 400 W 11ST STREET COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-7700 Catholic Church of St Rose Cherokee 115 W Walnut Columbus 66725 620-429-2639 Coffeyville Community College Cherokee 509 W Elm Columbus 66725 620-429-3896 USD #445 Montgomery 615 ELLIS ST COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-252-6800 College Heights United Methodist Crawford 1901 S. Taylor St. Pittsburg 66762 Color My World Pre-school Neosho 702 Central St. Paul 66771 620-449-2668 Community Elementary School Montgomery 102 S CLINE COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-252-6430 Country Daycare Crawford Rt 1 Pittsburg 66762 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name Richard Wells 36 Phone (620) 2230680 Email November 2007 Agency Name County UDS #101 Address City Zip Phone Neosho 205 South Main Erie 66733 620-244-3264 Diane’s Playhouse Crawford 1402 Main St. Ln Pittsburg 66762 Durham School Services Montgomery 1125 E MAIN ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 Early Bird Learning Center Crawford 206 Long Avenue Girard 66743 FIELD KINDLEY HIGH SCHOOL Montgomery 1110 W 8TH STREET COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-6812 Fort Scott Comm. College Bourbon 2108 S. Horton Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2232700 Frontenac School District Crawford 208 S. Cayuga Frontenac 66763 Galena Preschool Cherokee 1901 Galena Ave Galena 66739 Girard School District Crawford 415 N. Summit Girard 66743 Head Start Cherokee 713 E 2nd Street Scammon 66773 620-724-8204 Head Start Cherokee 502 Chicago Galena 66739 620-724-8204 Head Start Cherokee 209 W Spring Valley Road Riverton 66770 620-724-8204 HEAD START Montgomery 201 S WALNUT COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-1147 HEAD START Montgomery 900 E POPLAR INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-6140 Head Start Center Bourbon 2173 Ironwood Rd. Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2234440 Headstart Anderson 707 Queens Highway GARNETT 66032 Headstart Choices Crawford 212 N Pine Pittsburg 66762 INDEPENDENCE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Montgomery 861 COLLEGE AVENUE INDEPENDENCE 67301 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name Don Jesseph Steve Ortega Director Terry Hetrick 37 Email 620-331-7088 620-783-5704 620-331-4100 November 2007 Agency Name County Name Address TH Phone INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-332-1800 Montgomery INDEPENDENCE USD#446 Montgomery Chuck Schmidt 517 N 10TH INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-332-1800 Jayhawk Linn USD #346 Linn Royce Powelson PO Box 278 Mound City 66056 913-795-2247 Labette Community College Labette 200 S 14th Parsons 67357 LUTHERAN PRE-SCHOOL Montgomery 301 S 11TH ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-332-3331 Neosho County Community College Neosho 1000 South Allen Ave Chanute 66720 620-431-6222 Northeast (Arma) School District Crawford P.O. Box 669 Arma 66712 Oswego – USD 504 Labette 321 Commercial Oswego 67356 Parsons – USD 503 Labette 2900 Southern Blvd Parsons 67357 Parsons Catholic Elementary Labette 1831 Stevens Parsons 67357 Pittsburg Community Child Care Learning Center Crawford 106 W Jackson Pittsburg 66762 Pittsburg School District Crawford 510 Deill St. Pittsburg 66762 Pleasanton USD #344 Linn Tim Conrad PO Box 480 Pleasanton 66075 913-352-8534 Prairie View USD #362 Linn Jim Day 13799 KS Hwy 152 LaCygne 66040 913-795-2677 SEK Interlocal 637 Preschool Cherokee Stan Henderson 1900 Galena Ave Galena 66739 620-783-4499 ext 1107 Southeast (Cherokee) School District Crawford 506 S. Smelter Cherokee 66724 ST ANDREW’S SCHOOL Montgomery 216 N PARK AVE INDEPENDENCE 67301 St. Mary’s – Colgan High School Crawford 212 E. 9th Pittsburg 66762 Superintendent 38 ST Zip INDEPENDENCE SCHOOLS PUBLIC CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 517 N 10 City Email 620-331-2870 November 2007 Agency Name County St. Patrick Catholic School Address City Zip Phone Neosho 409 South Malcolm Chanute 66720 620-431-4020 St. Paul Schools Neosho 318 1st Street St. Paul 66771 620-449-2245 Sumbeam Christian Preschool Bourbon 123 Scott St. Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2233331 Superintendent Allen USD #256 Moran 66755 Superintendent of Schools Woodson 101 W. Butler YATES CENTER 66783 Superintendent of Schools Woodson 101 W. Butler Yates Center 66783 Taryn’s Daycare Crawford 807 E Atkinson Avenue Frontenac 66763 TRI-COUNTY SPECIAL EDUCATION Montgomery 220 E CHESTNUT ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 U-234 School Dist. Bourbon 424 S. Main Fort Scott 66701 U-235 School Dist. Bourbon PO Box 70 Uniontown UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST#447 Montgomery 618 E 4TH ST CHERRYVALE 67335 USD #257 Allen Superintendent 402 East Jackson Iola 66749 USD #258 Allen Superintendent 910 New York Humboldt 66748 USD #413 Neosho 315 35 Pkwy Chanute 66720 USD 246 Crawford Arma, KS 66712 USD 247 Crawford Cherokee, KS 66724 USD 248 Crawford Girard, KS 66743 USD 249 Crawford Frontenac, KS 66763 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name 39 Email 620-331-6303 (620) 2230800 (620) 7564301 620-336-8130 620- November 2007 Agency Name County City Zip Phone USD 250 Crawford USD 387 – Altoona-Midway Wilson Bill Orth 20584 US 75 Highway Buffalo 66717 620-568-5725 USD 404 Cherokee Damon McCorkle PO BOX 290 Riverton 66770 620-848-3314 USD 461 Wilson Daryl Prater 522 Wisconsin Neodesha 66757 620-325-2610 USD 484 Wilson Jim Porter 300 North 6th Fredonia 66736 620-378-4177 USD 493 Cherokee PO BOX 21 Columbus 66725 620-429-2514 USD 499 Cherokee Stan Henderson 702 E 7th Street Galena 66739 620-783-4499 ext 1107 USD 508 Cherokee David Westin 1520 Cleveland Baxter Springs 66713 620-856-3333 Watch Us Grow Preschool Cherokee 937 Military Ave Baxter Springs 66713 620-856-5662 AREA AGENCY ON AGING Montgomery 1 WEST ASH CHANUTE 66720 620-431-2980 ABC 123 Sally’s Home Daycare Crawford 622 E. Jackson Pittsburg 66762 ABC Playhouse Crawford 411 W. 5th Pittsburg 66762 Active Angels Pre K School Crawford 411 E Centennial Dr. Pittsburg 66762 Advance Services, Inc. Neosho 1530 South Santa Fe Chanute 66720 Adventure Village Daycare Labette 814 N 32nd Parsons 67357 Altoona Senior Center Wilson Box 232 Altoona 66710 Always Learning Daycare Crawford 126 W 21st St. Pittsburg 66762 Amanda’s Angels Daycare Labette 1002 N Central Parsons 67357 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name Address Email Pittsburg, KS 66762 Linda Meyer 40 620-431-3499 620-568-3780 November 2007 Agency Name County American Legion Address City Zip Phone Neosho 313 South Main Erie 66733 620-244-5485 American Legion Post 170 Neosho 301 North Evergreen Chanute 66720 620-431-2960 B&E Cab Company Montgomery 108 W MAIN INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-1580 Big Bird Crawford 1271 E 580th Avenue Pittsburg 66762 Birthline Bourbon 1101 Scott Ave. Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2236853 Bradford Residential Living Center Montgomery Michelle Bish 621 S 2ND INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-2600 Buck Run Community Center Bourbon Kirk Sharp 735 Scott Ave. Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2230386 Buffalo Senior Center Wilson P O Box 75 Buffalo 66717 620-537-8700 Bumble Bee Daycare Crawford 720 E 18th St. Pittsburg 66762 BZB Daycare Crawford 812 W 8th Pittsburg 66762 Chanute AA Group Neosho Kenneth Olson P.O. Box 8 Chanute 66720 620-431-4186 Chanute Kiwanis Neosho Paul Blecha 24375 Jackson Road Chanute 66720 620-431-0480 Chanute Rotary Club Neosho Scotty Bunch 2102 South Plummer Chanute 66720 620-431-7506 Chanute Senior Citizen Center Neosho Ruth Benson 1717 West Main Chanute 66720 620-431-4320 Coffeyville Transportation Montgomery P O BOX 906 COFFEEVILLE 67337 620-252-0500 Comforting Angels Montgomery 111 W 8TH ST COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-6677 East Central KS Area Agency on Ageing Linn 123 S. Main Ottawa 66067 785-242-7123 Erie Senior Center Neosho 106 West 3rd Erie 66733 620-244-3253 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name Ken Tolbert Elizabeth Maxwell 41 Email November 2007 Agency Name County Fredonia Senior Center Address City Zip Phone Wilson P O Box 473 Fredonia 66736 620-378-2000 Galena Senior Center Cherokee 720 Wall Street Galena 66739 620-783-2384 Giggles & Grins Crawford 207 W Rose Pittsburg 66762 Gorentz’s Wee Waddle Group Day Care of Arma Crawford 605 E Hector Alma 66712 Grammy’s House Crawford 115 W Leighton Frontenac 66763 Gran Villas of Fredonia Wilson Laura Findley 2111 E. Washington Fredonia 66736 620-378-2329 Gran Villas of Neodesha Wilson Terri Greaves 400 Fir Street Neodesha 66757 620-325-2244 Greenbush – Southeast Kansas Crawford P.O. Box 189 Girard 66743 Guest Home Estates Anderson 905 West Seventh GARNETT 66032 Guest Home Estates Bourbon 737 S. Heylman Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2231620 GUEST HOME ESTATES Montgomery 400 S MCGEE CANEY 67333 620-879-5199 Guest Home Estates #2 Neosho 1202 South Plummer Chanute 66720 620-431-9509 Guest Home Estates #3 Neosho 7440 220th Road Chanute 66720 620-431-7115 Guest Home Estates V Allen 1336 North Walnut Iola 66749 Hillside Guest Home Bourbon 1115 227th St. Fort Scott 66701 Humboldt Senior Center Allen 718 Bridge Humboldt 66748 Hyman Renee Daycare Crawford 201 S Osage St. Girard 66743 I CAB TAXI Montgomery ARCO PLACE INDEPENDENCE 67301 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name Administrator Sherry McBride Administrator Director Robert Baker 42 Email (620) 2236132 620-331-6019 November 2007 Agency Name County Name Address City Zip Phone INDEPENDENCE DAY CARE Montgomery Amy Bloomfield 200 ARCO PLACE INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-2505 INDEPENDENCE DCCA Montgomery P O BOX 375 INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-3482 Jus Kidz Crawford 505 W 2nd St. Pittsburg 66762 Juvenile Transport Specialists LLC Neosho 11 North Western Chanute 66720 620-431-7785 KeyHole Bourbon 1002 S. Main Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2234700 KIDDIE KOLLEGE PRESCHOOL Montgomery 202 N CLINE COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-2606 Kids Corner Neosho 330 Walnut Galesburg 66740 620-763-2120 Kid's Depot Daycare Neosho 506 W Main St Chanute 66720 620-431-0884 Kids First Daycare & Preschool Crawford 102 S Cayuga Frontenac 66763 Kids Korner of Arma Daycare Crawford 201 W Main Arma 66712 Kids Zone Crawford 220 W 24th St. Pittsburg 66762 Kingdom Campground Cherokee 1 ½ Mi W Galena 66739 La Tonya Burt’s Daycare Crawford 105 W 23rd Pittsburg 66762 Little Critters Labette 3016 Stevens Parsons 67357 Little Feats Daycare Crawford 108 W Carlton Frontenac 66763 Little Rascals Daycare Crawford 101 S Wright Frontenac 66763 Little Wonders Daycare Crawford 309 W Maple Girard 66743 LULLABY’S & NURSERY RHYMES Montgomery 914 N 6TH ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 43 Email 620-783-5256 620-331-2557 November 2007 Agency Name County Name Address City Zip Phone Main Street Chanute, Inc. Neosho Nancy Qualls P.O. Box 22 Chanute 66720 620-431-0056 Manpower Neosho 702 East Main Chanute 66720 620-431-0001 Marilyn’s Daycare Crawford 1807 N Michigan Pittsburg 66762 Medical Lodge Bourbon 915 S. Horton Fort Scott 66701 Medical Lodge North Crawford 2614 N. Joplin Pittsburg 66762 Medicalodge Cherokee 101 N Lee Columbus 66725 620-429-2134 MEDICALODGES OF COFFEYVILLE Montgomery 720 W 1ST STREET COFFEEVILLE 67337 620-251-3705 MEDIRIDE Montgomery Rick & Cheryl Wilson ROUTE 1, BOX 234B CANEY 67333 620-331-9385 Mother To Mother Bourbon Wilma Leach 1602 E. 1st St. Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2239982 Neosho Valley Senior Center Woodson Director Neosho Falls, KS 66758 NEOSHO FALLS 66758 Neosho Valley Senior Center Woodson Director Neosho Falls, KS 66758 Neosho Falls 66758 Orlando Day Care Crawford 115 N Cayuga Frontenac 66763 Parent's Relief Central Child Care Neosho 927 South Central Ave Chanute 66720 620-432-0034 PIRATE COVE ACADEMY CHILDCARE Montgomery 861 W COLLEGE ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-7834 Playmates Childcare Labette 604 6th St Altamont 67330 Precious Lambs Preschool Bourbon 2824 S. Horton Fort Scott 66701 Raider Academy Crawford 4069 Mt. Carmel Rd. Frontenac 66763 RAINBOW PALACE DAY CARE Montgomery 1105 N PENN AVE INDEPENDENCE 67301 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Amy Higgans 44 Email (620) 2230210 (620) 2232118 620-331-7316 November 2007 Agency Name County Name Address City Zip Phone REGAL ESTATES Montgomery Mandy Monroe 1000 MULBERRY INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-8789 RSVP Neosho Patty Allen P.O. Box 518 Chanute 66720 620-431-3902 Senior Citizens Congregant Meal Site Allen Director 204 North Jefferson Iola 66749 SMART START CHILD CARE Montgomery 1317 W MARTIN ST COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-8687 Spring Grove Preschool Cherokee 19th & Galena Ave Galena 66739 620-783-2787 Thayer Senior Citizens Neosho 222 West Neosho Ave Thayer 66776 620-839-5454 THE GANSEL HOUSE Montgomery 3768 CR 5250 INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-7422 The Learning Tree Pre School Crawford 311 N Crawford Frontenac 66763 THE LITTLE CRITTER CRIB DAYCARE Montgomery 700 S 6TH INDEPENDENCE 67301 The Play Pen Crawford 201 W Capaldo Road Frontenac 66763 TINY TOT’S DAYCARE Montgomery 1317 W 3RD ST COFFEYVILLE 67337 Tiny Tykes Daycare Labette 1400 Chess Parsons 67357 Toddler Time Crawford 904 Turner Ct. Pittsburg 66762 Toronto Senior Citizens Inc Woodson 108 West Main TORONTO 66777 Tree House Daycare Crawford 2007 W Quincy Pittsburg 66762 Wesley House Crawford 411 E. 12th St. Pittsburg 66762 YMCA Preschool and Daycare Center of Pittsburg Crawford 1100 N Miles Pittsburg 66762 Arma Care Center Crawford 3rd & Melvin Arma 66712 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Stan Henderson Beverly Zimlock Charoltte Caflisch Director 45 Email 620-331-0531 620-251-3331 November 2007 Agency Name County Autumn Place Address City Zip Phone Cherokee 311 S East Ave Columbus 66725 620-429-1011 Autumn Place Memory Care Cherokee 315 S East Ave Columbus 66725 620-429-2212 Bridges Community Care Crawford 2420 South Rouse Pittsburg 66762 Cavalry Crossing Apartments Bourbon 210 W. 23rd St. Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2230660 Cherryvale Care Center Montgomery 1001 W MAIN ST CHERRYVALE 67335 620-336-2102 Connections Residential Care Neosho 108 5th Street St. Paul 66771 620-449-2277 Country View Nursing Home Linn Jerry Unruh 301 E. Miller St. Prescott 66767 913-471-4315 Eagle Estates Living Center Montgomery Jennifer Jarnagin 1354 TAYLOR ROAD INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-1662 Fort Scott Manor Bourbon 736 S. Heylman Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2233120 Fountain Villa Residential Care Allen Administrator 2620 North Kentucky Iola 66749 Galena Nursing Home Cherokee Michael Sumoner 1220 E 8th Galena 66739 Golden Heights Living Center Anderson Administrator 101 North Pine GARNETT 66032 Golden Keys Nursing Home Wilson David Loos 221 Mill Neodesha 66757 620-325-2631 Golden Living Center Wilson Lillian Graham 240 North 19th Street Fredonia 66736 620-378-4163 Golden Living Center Wilson Sherri Cunningham 1626 North 8th Neodesha 66757 620-325-3088 HEATHERWOOD ESTATE Montgomery Tracy Andres 614 S 8TH ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-0511 Heritage Crawford 511 N. Western Girard 66743 Infinity Nursing Home Woodson 801 South Fry YATES CENTER 66783 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name Katherine Ruhl Administrator 46 Email 620-783-1383 November 2007 Agency Name County Name Longterm Care Center Anderson Administrator Moran Manor Nursing Center Allen Administrator Parsons Presbyterian Manor Labette Pinecrest Nursing Home Allen Quaker Hill Nursing Home Cherokee Sunset Manor Crawford Tara Gardens Residential Care Facility Allen The Residencies at Pleasanton Linn Vintage Place Crawford Windsor Place Allen City Zip GARNETT 66032 Moran 66755 3501 Dirr Parsons 67357 Administrator 1020 Pine Humboldt 66748 Della Smith 8675 SE 72nd Terrace Baxter Springs 66713 206 S. Dittman Frontenac 66763 Administrator 1110 East Carpeter Iola 66749 Shirlene Johnson PO Box 418 Pleasanton 66075 1004 E. Centennial Pittsburg 66762 600 East Garfield Iola 66749 Windsor Place at Home Care Crawford 1403 N. Broadway Pittsburg 66762 Allen County Hospital Allen Administrator 101 South First Iola 66749 Anderson County Hospital Anderson Chief Executive Officer 421 South Maple GARNETT 66032 Coffeyville Regional Hospital Montgomery 1400 W 14TH COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-1200 Fredonia Regional Hospital Wilson 1527 Madison Fredonia 66736 620-378-2121 Heritage Health Care of Chanute Neosho 1630 West 2nd Chanute 66720 620-431-4151 Infinia Health Care Labette 1212 Ohio St Oswego 67356 Labette County Medical Center Labette 1902 S Hwy 59 Parsons 67357 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Administrator Terry Deschaine Address Anderson County Hospital 47 Phone Email 620-848-3797 913-352-6658 November 2007 Agency Name County Mercy Health Center Address City Zip Bourbon 401 Woodland Hills Blvd. Fort Scott 66701 MERCY HOSPITAL Montgomery 800 W MYRTLE ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-2200 MERCY TRANSPORTATION Montgomery 800 W MYRTLE INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-332-3221 Neosho Memorial Regional Medical Center Neosho 629 South Plummer Chanute 66720 620-431-4000 Oswego Medical Center LLC Labette 800 Barker Dr Oswego 67356 St. John’s Maude Norton Hospital Cherokee 220 N Pennsylvania Columbus 66725 Community Outreach Crawford 804 W St. John Girard 66743 First Methodist Church Wilson 402 North 8th Fredonia 66736 620-378-2764 A Place of Worship Montgomery 1902 BROWN AVE COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-5730 Abundant Life Temple Montgomery 202 WASHITA ST COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-2325 Alliance of Churches for Christian Living Neosho 602 West Main Chanute 66720 620-431-1622 Amazing Grace Ministries Montgomery 501 E 9TH ST COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-1012 Ambassador Christian Church Neosho 4001 Johnson Road Chanute 66720 620-431-7766 American Baptist Church Crawford 1701 S. Broadway Pittsburg 66762 Angola United Methodist Church Montgomery 100 WATSON ANGOLA ST COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-922-7259 Apostolic Christian Church Bourbon 1615 S. Horton Fort Scott 66701 (620) 223- Apostolic Faith Bible College Cherokee 1009 Lincoln Ave Baxter Springs 66713 620-856-3283 Apostolic Faith Church Cherokee 1819 Main Galena 66739 620-783-2433 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name Kathy Newkirk Charlotte Coats Wilma Olson 48 Phone (620) 2232200 Email 620-429-2545 November 2007 Agency Name County Name Address th City Zip Phone Apostolic Lighthouse Church Labette 310 S 25 St Parsons 67357 Apostolic Pentecostal Church Bourbon Jct. US 54 & 69 Fort Scott 66701 Assembly of God Anderson Park Road GARNETT 66032 Assembly of God Bourbon 103 E. 7th St. Pleasanton Assembly of God Cherokee 1500 E 7th Galena 66739 Assembly of God Crawford PO Box 464 Pittsburg 66762 Assembly of God Church Labette 1323 4th St Oswego 67356 ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Montgomery 301 N MCGEE ST CANEY 67333 620-879-5255 ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Montgomery 305 E MAIN ST CHERRYVALE 67335 620-336-2356 Assembly of God Parsonage Woodson 303 West Rutledge YATES CENTER 66783 Baptist Church Montgomery 300 W 9TH STREET COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-3980 Beacon Bourbon 525 E. 6th Street Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2236869 Berean Christian Mission Montgomery 329 S 19TH ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-5858 Bethel Ame Church Montgomery 200 W 12TH STREET COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-4105 Bethel Baptist Church Cherokee 1014 E Sycamore Columbus 66725 620-429-1235 Bethel Baptist Church Neosho 120 South Denman Chanute 66720 620-431-0592 Bethel Community Church Bourbon Bethel Community Church Cherokee CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Pastor Pastor Bob Eckesl Ken Bowlin Email (913) 3526186 620-783-2349 (620) 2235142 21st & Military 49 Baxter Springs 66713 620-856-3064 November 2007 Agency Name County Beulah Community Church Address City Crawford 100 N Summit St Girard Beverly Rehabilitation Center Crawford 1005 Centennial Dr. Pittsburg 66762 Bible Holiness Church Montgomery 606 PARK ST CHERRYVALE 67335 620-336-2797 Big Creek Methodist Neosho 22965 Lyon Road Chanute 66720 620-431-3696 Boltons Friend Church Montgomery ROUTE 3 INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-289-4260 Brethern Church Bourbon 1421 Margrave Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2232584 Calvary Baptist Church Cherokee Sycamore & Ohio Columbus 66725 620-429-2201 Calvary Baptist Church Neosho 119 North Malcolm Chanute 66720 620-431-7532 Calvary Bible Church Crawford 511 N Logan St Girard 66743 Calvary United Methodist Church Allen Pastor 118 West Jackson Iola 66749 Calvary Wesleyan Church Wilson Rob Stewart Highway 47 E Fredonia 66736 620-378-3434 Cana Tabernacle Cherokee 533 W 9th Baxter Springs 66713 620-856-3580 Caney Nursing Home Center Montgomery 615 S HIGH ST CANEY 67333 620-879-2929 Caney United Methodist Church Montgomery 114 N HIGH ST CANEY 67333 620-879-2648 Catholic Rectory Labette 1112 3rd St Oswego 67356 Center Bethel Church Labette 1699 18000 Rd Parsons 67357 Center Christian Church Cherokee 3150 SW Center Road Columbus 66725 620-674-3429 Central Church of the Nazarene Montgomery 1501 W 9TH STREET COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-1484 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name Don Flanner Charles Belles 50 Zip Phone Email November 2007 Agency Name County Chanute Christian Academy Address City Zip Phone Neosho 1000 West 14th St Chanute 66720 620-431-7777 Chapel of Praise Montgomery 1400 N 8TH ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-3738 Christ Church Wilson 1001 W. Elm Neodesha 66757 Christ Community Church Crawford 900 E. 4th St. Pittsburg 66762 Christian Church Allen Pastor 120 North Ninth Humboldt 66748 Christian Church Allen Pastor 901 South Main LaHarpe 66751 Christian Church Allen Pastor Church & Pine Moran 66755 Christian Church Bourbon Wall Street Road Mound City Christian Church Crawford 119 N Summit St Girard 66743 Christian Church Montgomery 100 E 4TH ST CANEY 67333 620-879-2811 Christian Church Montgomery 319 E MAIN ST CHERRYVALE 67335 620-336-2356 Christian Gospel Chapel Bourbon 2305 Maple Road Fort Scott 66701 Christian Learning Center Bourbon 3200 Liberty Bell Fort Scott 66701 Church of Christ Allen Pastor 2205 South State Iola 66749 Church of Christ Anderson Pastor 1021 Westgate GARNETT 66032 Church of Christ Bourbon 1900 S. Margrave Fort Scott 66701 Church of Christ Bourbon 15th & Crawford Fort Scott 66701 Church of Christ Cherokee Florida & Sycamore Columbus 66725 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name Dave Cheshire 51 Email (913) 7952955 (620) 4020101 (620) 2233244 (620) 2232222 (620) 2234067 620-429-2703 November 2007 Agency Name County Church of Christ Address City Zip Crawford 802 E Centennial Dr. Pittsburg 66762 Church of Christ Labette 2900 Briggs Ave Parsons 67357 Church of Christ Montgomery HWY 166 WEST & SIGGINS ST COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-0559 Church of Christ Montgomery 115 E 1ST CANEY 67333 620-879-5167 Church of Christ Montgomery 401 S 11ST ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-2739 Church of Christ Neosho 111 North Rutter Chanute 66720 620-431-2741 Church of Christ Neosho 620 North Washington Chanute 66720 Church of Christ Neosho Larry Dye 400 West State Erie 66733 Church of Christ Wilson Leo Miller 233 North 10th Fredonia 66736 Church of Christ Wilson John Reeves 1226 North 8th Street Neodesha 66757 Church of God Crawford 1107 N Tucker St. Pittsburg 66762 Church of God Labette 320 N 24th St Parsons 67357 Church of God Holiness Crawford 602 N Chestnut St. Pittsburg 66762 Church of God in Christ Montgomery 102 E 1ST STREET COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-2536 Church of God in Christ Montgomery 600 N 19TH ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-2675 Church of God in Christ Neosho 1212 North Washington Chanute 66720 620-431-1034 2109 Jayhawk Rd. Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2230830 1420 East Carpenter Iola 66749 Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name Avery Sanders Bourbon Allen Bishop Nathan Fawson 52 Phone Email 620-378-2707 November 2007 Agency Name County Church of Jesus Christ of LDS Address City Zip Crawford 1507 S. Rouse St. Pittsburg 66762 Church of Jesus Christ Montgomery 507 MULBERRY ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-7323 Church of Nazarene Montgomery 4 & LABETTE CHERRYVALE 67335 620-336-2581 Church of the Nazarene Anderson 258 Park Road GARNETT 66032 Church of the Nazarene Cherokee W 8th & Park Ave Baxter Springs 66713 620-856-3955 Church of the Nazarene Cherokee 321 S High School St Columbus 66725 620-429-3596 Church of the Nazarene Labette 3100 Wilson Ave Parsons 67357 Church of the Nazarene Montgomery 3167 S 10TH ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-5404 Church of the Nazarene Neosho Mark McCuistion 1313 West 14th Street Chanute 66720 620-431-2040 Church of the Nazarene Wilson Dale Coble 812 N. 7th Neodesha 66757 Coffeyville Bible Church Montgomery 909 MOON ST COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-7918 Columbus Christian Center Cherokee Columbus 66725 620-429-2424 Columbus Christian Center Church Cherokee Columbus 66725 620-429-1924 Community Baptist Crawford 1009 E 6th St. Pittsburg 66762 Community Baptist Church Allen 124 North Fourth Iola 66749 Community Christian Church Bourbon 1919 S. Horton Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2231852 Community Christian Church Montgomery 3001 W MAIN INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-2309 Community of Christ Bourbon 17th & Eddy Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2232135 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name Pastor Nancy Hurd Pastor 1001 E Merle Evans drive 1001 E Merle Evans Drive 53 Phone Email November 2007 Agency Name County Community of Christ Address City Zip Crawford 701 S. Walnut St. Pittsburg 66762 Community of Christ Montgomery 3906 CR 2600 COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-948-3920 Community of Christ Neosho 602 North Wilson Chanute 66720 620-431-3822 Ccongregational United Church Montgomery 400 N 9TH ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-2522 Connections Residential Care Montgomery 400 N 9TH INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-2522 Cornerstone Family Church Crawford 405 S Locust Pittsburg 66762 Countryside Christian Church Crawford 1901 E 4th St. Pittsburg 66762 Countryside Christian Church Wilson Highway 75 North Neodesha 66757 Covenant Harvest Church Crawford 615 S Highway 69 Pittsburg 66762 Crawford County Mental Health Crawford 3101 N. Michigan Pittsburg 66762 Crossroad Baptist Church Crawford 232 W 580th Ave Girard 66743 Crossroads Full Gospel Church of God Neosho 520 North Lafayette Chanute 66720 60-431-6680 Crystalbrook Church Inc. Montgomery 200 W 10TH ST COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-7777 Crystalbrook Church Inc. Montgomery 801 W CHESTNUT ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-2444 Dennis United Methodist Church Labette 110 Boyle Parsons 67357 Diamond Community Church Bourbon 2577 Jayhawk Road East Gate Chapel Wilson Jim York 421 North 9th, P O Box 474 Neodesha 66757 Elsmore United Methodist Church Allen Pastor 106 West Fourth Street Elsmore 66732 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name Larry Mallett Erlan Rothge Gene Turner 54 Phone Email November 2007 Agency Name County Emmanuel Baptist Address City Zip Bourbon 601 S. Lowman Fort Scott 66701 Emmanuel Southern Baptist Church Montgomery 2ND & SPRUCE COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-4060 Empire Mission Church Cherokee N Columbus Galena 66739 620-783-2181 EPISCOPAL CHURCH EPIPHANY Montgomery 400 E MAPLE ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-4794 Episcopal Church of the Ascension Wilson Gerald Eytchison 702 Osage, P O Box 446 Neodesha 66757 Erie Christian Center Neosho Mark Clevenger 621 East 4th Erie 66733 620-244-5720 Erie Federated Church Neosho Larry Jordan 202 South Main Erie 66733 620-244-5372 Evangelical Covenant Church Allen Pastor 3840 Arizona Road Savonburg 66772 Faith Bible Church Neosho Steve Pefley 102 South Lafayette Chanute 66720 Faith Christian Academy Cherokee Gary McGrew PO BOX 737 Weir 66781 Faith Christian Center Bourbon 1850 E. Wall Fort Scott 66701 Faith Lutheran Church Crawford 1233 S 220th St. Pittsburg 66762 Faith Tabernacle Assembly of God Cherokee 206 N Turtle Ave Weir 66781 620-396-8560 Fellowship Baptist Church Cherokee 1124 Kansas Ave Baxter Springs 66713 620-856-2456 First Assembly of God Allen 1020 East Carpenter Iola 66749 FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD Montgomery 1504 W 8TH ST COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-0230 First Assembly of God Church Cherokee 1245 Park Ave Baxter Springs 66713 620-856-3644 First Assembly of God Church Cherokee Sycamore & Minnesota Columbus 66725 620-429-3407 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name Pastor 55 Phone (620) 2231465 Email 620-431-2915 620-396-8560 or 8503 (620) 2230144 November 2007 Agency Name County Name Address th City Zip Phone First Assembly of God Church Labette 521 N 16 St Parsons 67357 FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Montgomery 126 E LOCUST ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 First Baptist Church Allen Pastor 7th & Osage Humboldt 66748 First Baptist Church Allen Pastor 801 North Cottonwood Iola 66749 First Baptist Church Allen Pastor 308 North Spruce Moran 66755 First Baptist Church Anderson Pastor 417 South Walnut GARNETT 66032 First Baptist Church Bourbon 123 Scott Ave. Fort Scott 66701 First Baptist Church Bourbon First Baptist Church Cherokee 1005 East Ave Baxter Springs 66713 620-856-5676 First Baptist Church Cherokee 220 N Penn Columbus 66725 620-429-3158 First Baptist Church Cherokee 7th & Euclid Ave Galena 66739 620-783-1618 First Baptist Church Cherokee 108 N Jefferson Weir 66781 620-396-8235 First Baptist Church Crawford 200 W Forest Ave Girard 66743 First Baptist Church Crawford 608 N Walnut St. Pittsburg 66762 First Baptist Church Crawford 209 W. 7th St. Pittsburg 66762 First Baptist Church Labette 1621 Main St Parsons 67357 First Baptist Church Labette 302 Merchant St Oswego 67356 First Baptist Church Labette 608 Locust St Chetopa 67336 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 56 Email 620-331-0766 (620) 2233080 (913) 7952333 November 2007 Agency Name County First Baptist Church Address City Zip Labette 721 Maple St Chetopa 67336 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Montgomery 900 S RIDGEWAY ST CANEY 67333 620-879-5220 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Montgomery 100 N MONTGOMERY ST CHERRYVALE 67335 620-336-2777 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Montgomery 220 S PENN AVE INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-6290 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Montgomery 220 S PENN INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-6290 First Baptist Church Neosho Richard Qualls 118 North Forest Chanute 66720 620-431-2910 First Baptist Church Neosho Tim McCoy 120 West 1st Erie 66733 620-244-5667 First Baptist Church Cherokee 6895 SE Bluebird Ln Riverton 66770 620-848-3347 First Baptist Church of Cherokee Crawford 211 S Vine St Girard 66743 First Baptist Church of Crestline Cherokee PO Box 156 Columbus 66725 First Christian Church Anderson 200 South Walnut GARNETT 66032 First Christian Church Bourbon 101 S. Judson Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2232944 First Christian Church Cherokee 3020 Roberts Road Baxter Springs 66713 620-56-5792 First Christian Church Cherokee 128 W Elm Columbus 66725 620-429-2715 First Christian Church Cherokee 920 Joplin Galean 66739 620-783-2389 First Christian Church Crawford 705 E. Centennial Dr. Pittsburg 66762 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Montgomery 319 W LAUREL ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-3880 First Christian Church Neosho 102 North Grant Chanute 66720 620-431-3758 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name Pastor 57 Phone Email 620-389-2545 November 2007 Agency Name County Name Address City Zip Phone First Christian Church Neosho Debi Lorenz 703 West State Erie 66733 620-244-5353 First Christian Church Wilson Steve Brodbeck 303 North 7th Fredonia 66736 620-378-4118 First Christian Church Wilson Robert Agee 702 Wisconsin Neodesha 66757 First Christian Church Allen Pastor 301 East Street Iola 66749 First Church of God Bourbon 1115 E. Wall Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2233862 First Church of God Neosho Gary Bates 902 South Forest Chanute 66720 620-431-1758 First Church of God Wilson Les Griffith 816 Iowa Street Neodesha 66757 First Church of the Nazarene Allen Pastor 1235 North Walnut Iola 66749 First Church of the Nazarene Bourbon 801 E. 3rd Street Fort Scott 66701 First Church of the Nazarene Crawford 816 E. Quincy St. Pittsburg 66762 First Missionary Baptist Church Bourbon PO Box 1 Uniontown First Presbyterian Church Bourbon 308 S. Crawford Fort Scott 66701 First Presbyterian Church Cherokee 133 E 12th Baxter Springs 66713 620-856-3005 First Presbyterian Church Cherokee 5th & Galena Galena 66739 620-783-1717 First Presbyterian Church Crawford 202 N Summit St Girard 66743 First Presbyterian Church Labette 1700 Broadway Ave Parsons 67357 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Montgomery 211 S MONTGOMERY ST CHERRYVALE 67335 620-336-2440 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Montgomery 201 S 5TH ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-0241 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 58 Email (620) 2230131 (620) 7564313 (620) 2233180 November 2007 Agency Name County First Presbyterian Church Neosho First Presbyterian Church Wilson First Southern Baptist Church Address City Zip Phone 15 North Steuben Chanute 66720 620-431-2257 614 Main Street, P O Box 125 Neodesha 66757 Bourbon 1818 S. Main Fort Scott 66701 First Southern Baptist Church Crawford 601 E Perry Arma 66712 FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH Montgomery 200 E 4TH ST CANEY 67333 620-879-2839 FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH Montgomery 717 E 6TH ST CHERRYVALE 67335 620-336-3504 FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH Montgomery 918 W CHESTNUT ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-3810 First Southern Baptist Church Wilson P O Box 181 Neodesha 66757 First United Methodist Church Bourbon 301 S. National Ave. Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2231950 First United Methodist Church Cherokee 1310 East Ave Baxter Springs 66713 620-856-5996 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Montgomery 200 S PENN AVE INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-3840 First United Methodist Church Neosho 202 South Lincoln Chanute 66720 620-431-4240 Fort Scott Christian Heights Bourbon 1101 S. Barbee Fort Scott 66701 Fort Scott Presbyterian Village Bourbon 2410 S. Horton Fort Scott 66701 Foursquare Church Labette 98 Main St Parsons 67357 FOURTH STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST Montgomery 908 E 4TH ST CHERRYVALE 67335 620-336-2826 Friends Church Cherokee Rt 1 Box 22 Hallowell 66744 620-597-2930 FRIENDS CHURCH Montgomery 507 N 11TH ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-0484 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name Marcy Campbell Dallas Martin Larry Meyers 59 Email (620) 2232986 (620) 2234330 (620) 2235550 November 2007 Agency Name County Friendship Southern Baptist Address City Zip Labette 3030 Appleton Ave Parsons 67357 FRONTLINE BAPTIST CHURCH Montgomery 3627 W MAIN ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 Fulton Methodist Church Bourbon 301 W. Osage Fulton Galesburg Christian Church Labette 205 Chestnut St Galesburg 66740 Girard Bible Church Crawford 204 W Northern Ave # 302 Girard 66743 God of Fire Ministries Crawford 427 W. 9th Pittsburg 66762 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Neosho 603 North Mildfelt Erie 66733 Gooding Road Baptist Church Crawford Highway 7 Gooding Rd Girard 66743 Grace Baptist Church Wilson P O Box 314 Neodesha 66757 Grace Baptist Tabernacle Bourbon 502 S. Margrave Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2233140 Grace Episcopal Church Neosho Helen Hoch 213 South Lincoln Chanute 66720 620-431-1210 Grace Lutheran Church Allen Pastor 401 South Walnut Iola 66749 GRACE MEMORIAL METHODIST CHURCH Montgomery 109 S 13TH ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 Grace Southern Baptist Church Allen Pastor 214 West Madison Iola 66749 Grant Avenue Baptist Church Neosho Joe Ketcher 519 North Grant Chanute 66720 Grant Chapel Ame Neosho 112 South Evergreen Chanute 66720 Hallowell Community Church Cherokee PO Box 396 Hallowell 66744 Harvest Baptist Church Allen 115 South Fourth Iola 66749 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name Paul Schnelle Jim Logan Pastor 60 Phone Email 620-331-3137 (620) 8574590 620-244-5555 620-331-2272 620-431-7200 620-597-2750 November 2007 Agency Name County Name Address City Zip Harvest Time Fellowship Allen Pastor 329 South 1st Iola 66749 Harvest Time Holiness Church Crawford 515 S Summit St Girard 66743 Healing Center Church of God Neosho Dr. Charles Chrissy 1390 35 Pkwy Chanute 66720 620-431-1113 Highland Ave United Brethren in Christ Neosho Michael Longfellow 1502 South Highland Chanute 66720 620-431-1847 HIGHLAND PARK BAPTIST CHURCH Montgomery 3000 LAKEVIEW LANE INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-1135 Holy Angels Catholic Church Anderson Pastor 514 East Fourth GARNETT 66032 Home to Home, Inc Anderson Director 318 East Sixth GARNETT 66032 Hope Chapel Assembly of God Bourbon 1216 4600th St. Moran Humboldt United Methodist Church Allen 806 North Ninth Humboldt 66748 INDEPENDENCE BIBLE SCHOOL Montgomery 2246 S 10TH ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-3780 INDEPENDENCE CHURCH OF BRETHREN Montgomery 920 W MYRTLE ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-2068 Independent Bible Baptist Church Crawford 2202 N Michigan ST. Pittsburg 66762 Iola Baptist Temple Allen 426 North Second Iola 66749 Jehovah’s Witnesses Cherokee 120 S Delaware Columbus 66725 Jehovah’s Witnesses Crawford 411 E. Madison St. Pittsburg 66762 Jehovah’s Witnesses Labette 4301 Main St Parsons 67357 JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES Montgomery 2207 N 10TH ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-7631 Jehovah’s Witnesses Wilson Highway 47 E Fredonia 66736 620-378-4520 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Pastor Pastor 61 Phone Email (620) 9394828 620-429-2422 November 2007 Agency Name County Name Address City Zip Jehovah's Witnesses Allen Pastor 1001 West Chestnut Iola 66749 Jehovah's Witnesses Bourbon Fort Scott, KS 66701 Fort Scott 66701 Jehovah's Witnesses (Kingdom Hall) Neosho 215 South Malcolm Chanute 66720 Joy Center Crawford 426 E 21st St. Pittsburg 66762 LATTER DAY SAINTS Montgomery 507 MULBERRY ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-7974 Lawton Baptist Church Cherokee 10651 NE Linnel Ln Lawton 66752 620-643-5589 Life Tabernacle Allen 501 South Street Iola 66749 Lifetrack Christian Church Crawford 503 E Washington St Arma 66712 LIGHTHOUSE BAPTIST CHURCH Montgomery 125 S 17TH ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 Lighthouse Tabernacle Crawford 112 W. 5th St. Pittsburg 66762 Living Faith Church of the Nazarene Crawford 510 E 47 Hwy Girard 66743 Living Word Assembly Church Neosho 1000 West 14th St Chanute 66720 Lutheran Church Labette 522 5th St Oswego 67356 Macedonia Baptist Church Cherokee 1401 SW Black Jack Rd Columbus 66725 Macedonia Baptist Church Labette 801 S Central Ave Parsons 67357 Maple Grove Bethel Church of God Wilson Betinel Road E 75 Highway Neodesha 66757 MAPLE STREET BAPTIST CHURCH Montgomery 812 W MAPLE ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 Mapleton Christian Church Bourbon 427 Liberty Mapleton CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Pastor Milton Hubbard Eddie Broadway 62 Phone Email 620-431-6568 620-331-8833 620-431-7777 620-389-2235 620-331-1374 (620) 7433761 November 2007 Agency Name County Mary Queen of Angels Catholic Church Address City Zip Bourbon 716 S. Eddy Fort Scott 66701 Meadowside Baptist Church Crawford 1406 S. Rouse St. Pittsburg 66762 Mont Ida Church of the Brethern Anderson R R 1Welda KS 66091 WELDA 66091 Mother of God Catholic Church Labette 1105 4th St Oswego 67356 Mound City Federated Church Bourbon 430 Spruce Mound City Mount Olive Church of God in Christ Bourbon 424 S. Ransom Fort Scott Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Bourbon Route 1 Garland Mt Olive Baptist Church Cherokee 211 W 11th Baxter Springs 66713 Mt Olive Baptist Church Crawford 230 E 590th Ave Girard 66743 Mt Zion Baptist Church Cherokee 7th & Cornwall Galena 66739 Mt. Hebron Baptist Church Crawford 710 N Elm St. Pittsburg 66762 Mulberry Holiness Church Crawford 208 W 5th St Mulberry 66756 Mulberry United Presbyterian Crawford 709 W Albert St Mulberry 66756 NEW COVENANT CHURCH Montgomery 1807 W 4TH ST COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-4369 New Generation Bourbon 1502 Scott Ave. Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2231506 New Hope Baptist Church Labette 2103 Grand Ave Parsons 67357 New Hope Missionary Baptist Church Neosho 320 North Central Chanute 66720 620-431-1503 NEW LIFE PRAISE & WORSHIP Montgomery 308 N LIBERTY ST CHERRYVALE 67335 620-336-8027 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name Pastor Otis Crawford 63 Phone (620) 2234340 Email (913) 7952725 66701 (620) 2235610 620-856-2718 620-783-2199 November 2007 Agency Name County NOAH’S ARKADEMY Address City Zip Phone Montgomery 296 W COLLEGE AVE INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-7791 Noah's Ark CACFP Neosho 224 South Forest Chanute 66720 620-431-1832 Old Time Missionary Baptist/Ks. Mission Bourbon 1033 Main St. Pleasanton ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Montgomery 206 N VINE ST CANEY 67333 620-879-2359 Otterbein United Methodist Church Neosho 631West 7th Street Chanute 66720 620-431-0610 Our Lady of Lourdes Church Crawford 916 N Locust St. Pittsburg 66762 Parkview Holiness Church Neosho 1013 South Steuben Chanute 66720 620-431-6802 Parkway Church of God Bourbon 1111 State Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2236870 Parsons Church of the Brethren Labette 4130 Main St Parsons 67357 Parsons Holiness Church Labette 2631 Dirr Ave Parsons 67357 Pastor Allen Mildred Methodist Church Mildred Pastor Allen United Methodist Church Moran 66755 PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH Montgomery 214 W 14TH ST COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-5248 PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH Montgomery 136 CATALPA ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-3132 Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Cherokee 2804 SW Greenlawn Columbus 66725 620-674-3455 Presbyterian Church Allen Pastor Madison & Buckeye Iola 66749 Presbyterian Church Anderson Pastor 150 West Fifth GARNETT 66032 Presbyterian Church Crawford 520 N Pine St. Pittsburg 66762 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name Frank Morgan Carl Knight 64 Email November 2007 Agency Name County Name Address City Zip Phone CHERRYVALE 67335 620-336-2440 North Main & Madison YATES CENTER 66783 201 S 5TH ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 201 South Malcolm Ave Chanute 66720 TH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Montgomery Presbyterian Church Woodson PRESBYTERIAN PRE-SCHOOL Montgomery Reachout Christian Center Neosho River of Life Church Crawford 1709 N Walnut Pittsburg 66762 RIVERSIDE SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH Montgomery 2515 S 10TH ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-7046 RIVERSIDE SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH Montgomery 2511 S 10TH ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-7046 Riverton Friends Church Cherokee 701 N Military Ave Riverton 66770 620-848-3175 RiverTree Christian Church Allen 301 W Miller Road Iola 66749 Sacred Heart Catholic Church Crawford 100 S Cherokee St Frontenac 66763 Sacred Heart Catholic Church Crawford 100 S Cherokee St Pittsburg 66762 Sacred Heart Catholic Church Wilson 1223 Madison Fredonia 66736 620-378-3883 SAINT ANDREW CATHOLIC CHURCH Montgomery 210 N 4TH ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-1789 Saints Memorial Church of God in Christ Cherokee 711 S Main Galean 66739 620-783-5938 Savonburg Bible Church Allen Pastor 209 South Walnut Savonburg 66772 Seventh Day Adventist Wilson Steve Kaiser 121 North 14th Fredonia 66736 620-378-3537 Seventh Day Adventist Church Bourbon Route 5 Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2233221 Seventh Day Adventist Church Cherokee Hwy 166 Galean 66739 620-783-5725 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 4 Pastor Rusty Newman Pastor Fr. Stephen Baxter & MONTGOMERY 65 Email 620-331-0245 November 2007 Agency Name County Name Address st City Zip Phone Seventh Day Adventist Church Crawford 430 S. 21 St. Pittsburg 66762 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Montgomery 1219 W LAUREL ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-1589 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Montgomery 513 S 18TH ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-0100 Seventh Day Adventist Church Neosho Arlin Cochran 909 West 14th Street Chanute 66720 620-431-7830 Seventh-Day Adventist Church Allen Pastor 2401 South State Iola 66749 Sherwin Christian Church Cherokee 6155 NW NW Sandpiper Ln Columbus 66725 Sincere Worship in Praise Wilson 1016 N. 7th Street Neodesha 66757 SISTERS OF MERCY Montgomery 2521 BROOKSIDE DR INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-2370 Sixth Street Baptist Church Cherokee 6th & Cornwall Ave Galean 66739 620-783-1951 SOLIDROCK INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Montgomery 604 E CEDAR ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-0875 South Broadway Baptist Church Crawford 1322 S. Broadway Pittsburg 66762 Southside Christian Church Cherokee 225 E 16th Baxter Springs 66713 620-856-3868 Spring River Assembly of God Cherokee 5946 SE Varck Rd Riverton 66770 620-848-3233 St Ambrose Church Labette 519 Main St Parsons 67357 St Bridget’s Rectory Cherokee 406 N Keith Scammon 66773 620-479-2601 ST JAMES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Montgomery 502 CEDAR ST COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-3090 ST JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH Montgomery 1800 W LAUREL ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-3160 ST JOHN’S CHURCH Montgomery 602 W MARTIN ST COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-3181 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Sara Stokes 66 Email 620-597-2794 November 2007 Agency Name County Name Address City Zip Phone 620-783-5075 St Mary’s Episcopal Church Cherokee 5 & Washington Galean 66739 St Michaels Hall Crawford 509 W Walnut St # 511 Girard 66743 St Michaels Rectory Crawford 106 N Western Ave Girard 66743 St Patrick’s Catholic Church Cherokee 307 Galena Ave Galean 66739 620-783-1693 ST PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Montgomery 613 E ELM COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-4890 ST PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Montgomery 509 W 9TH ST COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-2927 St. Ambrose Church Hall Neosho 519 North Main Erie 66733 620-244-5477 St. Boniface Catholic Church Anderson RR1 GARNETT 66032 St. Francis School of Religion Neosho 311 Washington St. Paul 66771 St. Ignatius Catholic Church Wilson 801 N. 8th Neodesha 66757 St. John’s Lutheran Church Crawford 304 W. 3rd St. Pittsburg 66762 St. John's Catholic Church Allen 310 South Jefferson Iola 66749 St. Johns Episcopal Church Labette 1801 Corning Ave Parsons 67357 St. John's United Methodist Church Bourbon 223 S. Little Fort Scott 66701 St. Patrick’s Convent Labette 1516 Stevens Ave Parsons 67357 St. Patrick's Catholic Church Neosho 424 South Central Chanute 66720 St. Peter’s Episcopal Crawford 306 W. Euclid St. Pittsburg 66762 St. Theresa's Catholic Church Anderson Westphalia KS 66093 WESTPHALIA 66093 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan th Pastor Fr. Stephen Baxter Pastor Father Thomas Scaletty Pastor 67 Email 620-449-2672 (620) 2230812 620-431-3165 November 2007 Agency Name County Name Address City Zip St. Timothy's Episcopal Church Allen Rector 202 South Walnut Iola 66749 Stark Friends Church Neosho Roman Ward 206 S Washington St Stark 66775 Stark United Methodist Church Bourbon PO Box 85 Stark Stark United Methodist Church Neosho Roy Bumstead P.O. Box 38 Stark 66775 Temple Baptist Church Neosho Bill Bingham 301 Butler Erie 66733 620-244-3631 Tennessee Prairie Friends Church Cherokee 9725 SE Star Rd Galean 66739 620-856-5494 Thayer Christian Church Neosho 8495 Dorn Road Thayer 66776 620-839-5650 Thayer United Methodist Church Labette 203 N Okmulgee St Thayer 66776 Thayer United Methodist Church Neosho Tim McCrary 203 North Okmulgee Thayer 66776 Trinity Lutheran Church Anderson Pastor 430 North Grant GARNETT 66032 Trinity Lutheran Church Bourbon 2824 S. Horton Fort Scott 66701 Trinity Lutheran Church Labette 2911 Crawford Ave Parsons 67357 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Montgomery 108 N BRADLEY AVE CANEY 67333 Trinity Lutheran Church Lcms Crawford 109 W Saint John St Girard 66743 Trinity Southern Baptist Crawford 301 E. Washington St. Pittsburg 66762 Trinity United Methodist Church Allen 228 South Kentucky Iola 66749 TRINITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Montgomery 1001 W 8TH COFFEYVILLE 67337 Turkey Creek Church Woodson Hwy 165 & Hawk Roads YATES CENTER 66783 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Jim Pelley Pastor Pastor 68 Phone Email 620-754-3526 (620) 7543375 620-839-5363 (620) 2233596 620-879-5604 620-251-3735 November 2007 Agency Name TYRO COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL AND CHURCH County Address City Zip Phone Montgomery P O BOX 306 TYRO 67364 620-289-4450 Uniontown United Methodist Church Bourbon 505 Sherman St. Uniontown United Methodist Church Anderson 205 South Oak GARNETT 66032 United Methodist Church Cherokee 520 Joplin Galean 66739 United Methodist Church Crawford 223 S Summit St Girard 66743 United Methodist Church Crawford 313 E Main St Arma 66712 United Methodist Church Labette 204 Illinois St Oswego 67356 UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Montgomery 311 W 3RD ST CHERRYVALE 67335 United Methodist Church Wilson Kris Brinlee 802 Indiana Neodesha 66757 United Methodist Church Woodson Pastor 307 South Grove YATES CENTER 66783 United Methodist Church of Bronson Bourbon 502 Charles St. Bronson (620) 9394778 United Methodist Church of Redfield Bourbon 312 N. Cedar St. Redfield (620) 7564569 UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Montgomery 1825 N 10TH ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-7553 VALEDA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Montgomery 10 E NORTH ST COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-922-3585 Ward Chapel AME Allen 523 North Buckeye Iola 66749 Weir United Methodist Church Cherokee 410 S Jefferson Weir 66781 Wesley United Methodist Church Allen 301 East Madison Iola 66749 Wesley United Methodist Church Labette 500 Leawood Dr Parsons 67357 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name Pastor Pastor Pastor 69 Email (620) 7564359 620-783-5000 620-336-2375 620-396-8343 November 2007 Agency Name County WESLEYAN CHURCH Montgomery Wesleyan Church Neosho West Liberty United Methodist Church Address City Zip Phone 136 CATALPA ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-4691 1121 South Evergreen Chanute 66720 620-431-2914 Bourbon 2649 Valley Rd. Fulton West Park Church of the Nazarene Bourbon 1728 S. Horton Fort Scott 66701 (620) 2232911 WESTSIDE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Montgomery 402 N OHIO ST COFFEYVILLE 67337 620-251-6770 Westview Southern Baptist Church Neosho 1415 South Plummer Chanute 66720 620-431-4854 WINGS OF FAITH MINISTRIES Montgomery 400 N 9TH INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-331-6453 Xenia Baptist Church Bourbon YOUNGS CHAPEL Montgomery 600 S 17TH INDEPENDENCE 67301 Zion Lutheran Church Crawford 102 W Jackson St. Pittsburg 66762 Zion Lutheran Church Neosho 1202 West Main Chanute 66720 620-431-1341 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH MO SYNOD Montgomery 10 S MAGNOLIA ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-332-3300 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH SCHOOL & PRE-SCHOOL Montgomery 301 S 11TH ST INDEPENDENCE 67301 620-332-3331 Woodson County Commissions Woodson Courthouse YATES CENTER 66783 Anderson County Health Department Anderson Director 407 West Second GARNETT 66032 Chamber of Commerce Woodson Director 108 South Main YATES CENTER 66783 Chamber of Commerce Woodson Director 108 South Main Yates Center 66783 Chanute Area Chamber of Commerce Neosho P.O. Box 747 Chanute 66720 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Name Tom Wilmoth Bill Peters (620) 8574849 (620) 9394740 Bronson Scott Lemmermann 70 Email 620-331-4726 620-431-3350 November 2007 Agency Name County Name Address City Zip Phone City of Blue Mound Linn Steve Brown PO Box 100 Blue Mound 66010 913-756-2340 City of Elsmore Allen James Nelson, Mayor 108 East Second Street Elsmore 66732 City of Garnett Anderson Joyce Martin P O Box H GARNETT 66032 City of Garnett Anderson Mike Norman, Mayor P O Box H GARNETT 66032 City of Gas Allen Darrel Catron, Mayor P O Box 190, 228 N Taylor Gas 66742 City of Humboldt Allen Tom Rutledge, Mayor 701 Bridge Street Humboldt 66748 City of LaCygne Linn Keith Smith PO Box 600 LaCygne 66040 913-757-2144 City of Linn Valley Linn Ralph Fitch 22412 E. 2400 Rd LaCygne 66040 913-757-2926 City of Mound City Linn Bob Meyer PO box 332 Mound City 66056 913-795-2202 City of Parker Linn Marvin Stevens 310 W. Main Parker 66072 913-898-2710 City of Pleasanton Linn Bill Allen 1608 Laurel St Pleasanton 66075 913-352-9257 City of Prescott Linn Ron Roberts 342 E. Main Prescott 66767 913-471-4521 Emergency Preparedness, Wilson County Wilson 615 Madison Fredonia Fort Scott Housing Authority Bourbon 315 Scott Ave. Fort Scott 66701 Housing Authority of Humboldt Allen Director 410 South Ninth Humboldt 66748 Housing Authority of Iola Allen Director 217 North Washington Iola 66749 Humboldt Chamber of Commerce Allen President 105 South Ninth Iola 66749 Iola Chamber of Commerce Allen Barbara Chalker 208 West Madison Iola 66749 CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan 71 Email 620-378-4455 (620) 2234570 November 2007 Agency Name County Name Address City Zip Phone Linn Co. Commission Linn David Lamb PO Box 350 Mound City 66056 913-795-2668 Linn County Health Dept Linn Donna Thomas 902 Main Pleasanton 66075 913-352-6640 Neosho County Extension Service Neosho Becky Waggoner P.O. Box 200 Erie 66733 620-244-3251 Neosho County Historical Society Neosho Francis Casey P.O. Box 113 St. Paul 66771 Parsons Chamber of Commerce Labette 1715 Corning Parsons 67357 SEK Multi-County Health Department Allen 221 S. Jefferson Iola 66749 Wilson County Board of County Commissioners Wilson 615 Madison Fredonia CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Director 72 Email 620-378-2502 November 2007 Attachment D- Summit Roster Agency Name Name Allen County Transportation System Jill Allen Area Agency on Aging Linda Meyer Bourbon Co. Senior Citz. Transportation CLASS LTD Randy Pommier Community Outreach Address Courthouse- 1 N Washington City Phone Email Iola 620-365-1407 1 WEST ASH Chanute 620-431-2980 26 N Main St Fort Scott 620-223-0750 PO BOX 266 Columbus 620-429-1212 804 W St. John Girard Elm Acres Youth & Family Services Kit Parks PO Box 1135 Pittsburg 620-231-9840 First Assembly of God Steven Bell 124 E. National Fort Scott 620-223-4170 First Methodist Church Charlotte Coats 402 North 8th Fredonia 620-378-2764 Four County Mental Health Center Judy Wilkins P O BOX 688 Independence 620-331-1748 Linn County Transportation Marilyn Augur 306 Main Mound City 913-795-2279 Mt. Carmel Medical Center Robert Poole 1102 E Centennial Pittsburg 620-232-0153 Parsons State Hospital Paul Thomas 2601 Gabriel Parsons 620-421-6550 Pittsburg Transportation Service Mike Swartz 502 E. 20th Street Pittsburg SEK - Area Agency on Aging Linda Meyer P.O. Box J Chanute 620-431-2980 SEK Mental Health Center Bob Chase Glenda Helton 1106 South 9th Street Humboldt SEK-CAP Jamey Whitney 606 E. Main Girard 620-724-8204 Senior Services of SEK Sandra Nielson P O BOX 1415 Coffeyville 620-251-7313 Thanks Program, Inc Tom Hearne/Susie O'Neal 629 N. 7th Street Fredonia Tri-Valley Developmental Services, Inc. Megan Rousselle P.O. Box 518 Chanute 620-431-7401 Windsor Place Monte Coffman 2921 W First Coffeyville 620-251-5190 Woodson County Commissions Karl Allen Courthouse Yates Center Courthouse Yates Center 1217 S 15th Parsons Prairie Mission Retirement Village Inc. Woodson County Commissions Woodworth Community Service CTD 10 Coordinated Public TransitHuman Service Plan Kim McMann 73 620-421-0989 November 2007