The Great Wall Project Learning Targets and Essential Question(s): How does physical geography contribute to the political, economic, and cultural development of a particular civilization? I understand how themes and developments have defined eras in history In Groups of 2, you are going to research the following questions. Take note that I will only accept responses that demonstrate effort. By effort I mean multiple SENTENCES that state the WHO, WHAT, and WHEN. Use this form and be sure to put both of your names on it. At the end of the period print you findings. A few helpful links What is the Earliest Dates known for the Great Wall? Who Built it? What is this period called? What and when was the Warring States Period? What does it have to do with the Great Wall of China? Name ALL the Dynasties that worked on the Wall? Include the time periods for those Dynasties and the sections they built or repaired. What is the name of the last dynasty who maintained and used the Wall as part of a defensive structure? What happened? Find 10 facts related to the construction of the Wall. They CANNOT be facts that you have already stated. Find 5 news articles about issues concerning the Great Wall of China in the Modern Day. Copy and Paste the link in below and give a brief 2 or 3 sentence summary of the articles.