Pre-K Lesson Plans Week of 11/10 – 11/14 Judy Magee Activity Opening Song: Pledges/Moment of Silence Calendar Time: Monday “Sneezing Song” Pledges/Moment of Silence 1. Calendar Routine (see Tuesday’s Activity) 2. Read “Gorilla be Good” to review letter Gg 3. Post/Discuss objectives 4. “Shakin’ It” Song for shaking time Introduce “Spaghetti Legs” Song for shaking time Story: “The Beastly Feast” Circle Time: Review Agreements Learn Fingerplay TLW – learn words & movements to fingerplay “Eat an Apple” Small Group: Favorite Food TLW – explore the different food groups using poster then share their favorite fruit/food &identify what food group it is in Fractions TLW – discuss what fractions are using Math concept card #14 Small Group: Closing: “Eat An Apple”/ “Good-bye Song” Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday “Eat An Apple”/ “You’ve Been Gone” Pledges/Moment of Silence “Pump Pump Shuffle”/ “You’ve Been Gone” Pledges/Moment of Silence “Pump Pump Shuffle”/ “You’ve Been Gone” Pledges/Moment of Silence “Banana Song”/ “You’ve Been Gone” Pledges/Moment of Silence Calendar Routine: Months Song Recognize Month, Count Days, Today, Tom, Yest. Sing “7 Days” Song Weather/Daily News Seasons Count big #’s to 20 identifying today’s # See Tuesday’s Activity for Calendar Routine See Tuesday’s Activity for Calendar Routine See Tuesday’s Activity for Calendar Routine Recognize new month “Spaghetti Legs” Song “Spaghetti Legs” Song “Wheat” “Manners” Lesson #4 Review Agreements Exercise TLW – learn the importance of exercise for keeping their body healthy by watching movie on website Review Agreements Food Pyramid TLW – review the food groups and learn how much they need to each from each group daily to be healthy by watching movie on website Read: “Oranges” TLW – review how oranges grow and identify what food group it is in then discuss foods made w/ oranges It’s a Fruit! TLW – review food groups and how fruits grow on trees/vines then look at pictures on power point and identify which ones are fruits “Banana Song”/ “Good-bye Song” “Brown Bear, Brown Bear…” Review Agreements In The Soup TLW – play a memory game by naming something to put in a soup as well as naming what their friends already put in the soup “Spaghetti Legs” Song “How Dinos Eat Their Dinner” Review Agreements Fractions TLW – continue to explore fractions and learn about whole, half, thirds and fourths by watching movie on website “Spaghetti Legs” Song Re-read: “The Beastly Feast” TLW – count words in title & identify which words rhyme, then listen to story to find more rhymes Read: “Tomatoes” TLW – review how tomatoes grow and identify what food group it is in then discuss foods made w/ tomatoes Whole & Part TLW – use an apple and an orange to discuss vocab. whole, half, part & identify how many parts Parts of a Whole TLW – use a graham cracker to break a whole into parts & share with their friends “Eat An Apple”/ “Good-bye Song” “Pump Pump Shuffle”/ “Good-bye Song” Read Aloud: “Look & Learn” p.18-19 TLW – discuss recipes after looking at pictures of children cooking Healthy Snack TLW – follow recipe from look and learn book to make healthy snack “Ants on a Log” “Banana Song”/ “Good-Great Day!” Centers Listening Center Tues./Wed. TLW – Listen to story “How Dinos Eat Their Dinner” on tape while following along with book Dramatic Play Center Tues./Wed. TLW - pretend to visit a restaurant and order from the menu choices while a chef prepares the meal Puzzle Center Tues./Wed. TLW – practice critical thinking using spatial reasoning skills to put together paper plate puzzles Thurs./Fri. TLW – practice setting the table using placemats Math Center Tues./Wed. TLW – practice using fractions by matching halves of play fruits & veggies Science Center Tues./Wed. TLW – explore food groups by “shopping” for items from each food group then create a meal using magnetic food Lang. Arts Center Tues./Wed. TLW – practice letter recognition through letter matching in carrot patch match game Thurs./Fri. TLW – sort play food into food groups using food pyramid for reference Library Center Thurs./Fri. TLW – explore books from Healthy Me unit while handling appropriately Fine Motor Center Thurs./Fri. TLW- have free choice of manipulatives to play with while using fine motor skills Blocks Center Thurs./Fri. TLW – have free play with the blocks while using their agreements Tuesday/Wednesday: Listening Math Dram. Play Science Puzzle Lang. Arts Thursday/Friday: Library Dram. Play Fine Motor Art Center Thurs./Fri. TLW – use food pictures from different food groups to create silly snack sacks Centers Schedule: Monday Make-up centers from last Friday * finish assessing for 2nd six weeks report cards Blocks Science Art