Math Lessons Chapter 10 (enVision – Equivalent Fractions) Monday 1-27-14 Activities Closure Materials CCSS New CC Lesson 10-2 USING MODELS TO COMPARE FRACTIONS: SAME NUMERATOR Given 1/6 and ¼, students will trace around fraction strips to compare. Then students will draw a rectangle divided into 6 equal parts and another rectangle divided into 4 equal parts – coloring only one section. Then students will use <&> to compare fractions – see example provided. Think/Pair/Share – explain to a partner what the numerator means. New CC Practice WB 10-2 (corresponds somewhat with old Lesson 12-6), fraction strips 3.NF.3.d 3.NF.3.a Closure: You have learned how to use models to compare fractions with the same numerator. This week: Discuss the mathematical practices that help us succeed with this unit;, #2 – Reason, Stop & Reflect; #3 – Justify Conclusions; #4 – Model Math; #5 Use Math Tools (fraction strips); #6 – Be Precise (use math vocabulary). Tuesday New Lesson 10-3 COMPARING FRACTIONS USING BENCHMARKS. Given a drawing of fraction strips, students will circle the fractions closer to 1 than to 0 (1/4, 2/4, ¾, 1/3, 2/3, 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8) – see example. Given fractions strips for 1 whole, 1/8, ¼, 6/8, and ¾, TSW determine which fractions are closer to 0. Closure: Today you used benchmark numbers such as 0, ½, and 1 to compare fractions. New Practice WB 103, fraction strips 3.NF.3.d Wednesday New Lesson 10-4 COMPARING FRACTIONS ON THE NUMBER LINE. Using green tape, make a number line labeled 0, ¼, 2/4, ¾, 1). Pass out index cards with these fractions on each one; allow students to line up on the number Pass out previously used fraction index cards (0, ¼, 2/4, ¾, 1); allow students to line up in order without number line. Additional cards may be used (1/3, 2/3, etc…) Closure: “You learned that when you locate New Practice WB 104 (similar to old Lesson 12-7), green tape, index cards 3.NF.3.d line. Remove the number line. fractions on a number line, the greater fraction is farther to the right.” Thursday Lesson 10-5 FINDING EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS. Using problem-based interactive learning, students will work with a partner using fraction strips to determine equivalent fractions. Use textbook glossary to define equivalent fractions, simplest form. Students should explore the “simplest” fractions strips needed for a given fraction. View “Reducing Fractions” on BrainPop and “Equivalent Fractions” on BrainPopJr. Pass out equivalent fractions task cards for partners to solve. Refer to LearnZillion powerpoints 3.NF.3a & 3b. With Quick Check, use actual egg carton to demonstrate other fractions that are equivalent to 6/8. New Practice WB 105, egg carton, fraction strips 3.NF.3.a 3.NF.3.b Friday Lesson 10-6 EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS AND THE NUMBER LINE. Using problem-based interactive learning, students will fold paper strips to illustrate equivalent fractions on a number line. Use on-line number line to demonstrate equivalent fractions. Refer to LearnZillion powerpoints 3.NF.3a & 3b. Feed the Dolphins website. Demonstrate how to use multiplication chart to show equivalent fractions. Using Quick Check, students will draw a number line to indicate that equivalent fractions are located on the same point on a number line. New Practice WB 10-6, 3 strips of 8 ½inch x 1-inch paper (1 set per pair of students), crayons 3.NF.3.a 3.NF.3.b 3.NF.3.c Closure Materials CCSS Science Lessons – Weather Activities Monday 4c(DOK3) Complete Mitten Math research using – academic vocabulary word data. TSW take turns transferring data to a spreadsheet. Spreadsheet template, research data sheet Lesson 1 – What is Weather? Text pages D26-33, vocab – atmosphere, weather. View brainpop video-clip “Weather”; discuss wind names in Can It Rain Cats and Dogs? Spreadsheet, science textbook, Can It Rain Cats and Dogs? Wednesday Show weather vane from home; discuss its purpose. Lesson 2 – “How Are Weather Conditions Measured?” – vocab – temperature, front, wind, anemometer. Read “Nature Related Statements”. Continue weather research. View brainpop video-clip on “Temperature” and “Wind”, discuss measuring weather pages 10-18 of Can It Rain Cats and Dogs? Spreadsheet, science textbook, Can It Rain Cats and Dogs?, weather vane 4c(DOK3) Thursday Show newspaper clipping of weather map. Discuss recent weather. Read Lesson 3 “What is a Weather Map?”, vocab – weather map. Read page 8-9 from Can It Rain Cats and Dogs? TSW share results of weather temperature research. Spreadsheet, science textbook, Can It Rain Cats and Dogs?, newspaper weather clipping 4c(DOK3) Friday Review definition of anemometer. Create an anemometer using Dixie cup, straws, and a pencil. View “Weather Instruments” on Review meaning of various weather instruments. Continue weather temperature research. Science textbook 4c(DOK3) Closure Materials Tuesday 4c(DOK3) Language – Complete Dinosaur Research Reports Activities CCSS Monday Discuss again the purpose of informational writing and compare with opinion/narrative writing. TSW complete dinosaur research using two sources, and at least one book source. Pair students in groups of like dinosaurs to share ideas and book sources. Research page Tuesday Pass out writing rubric and discuss requirements. Provide topic sentence frames with flipchart. TSW write first paragraph from computer research, adding facts and details (2b). With a partner, TSW read aloud draft and make necessary corrections. Research page, writing rubric for dinosaur research essay, flipchart 3.W.2a 3.W.2b Wednesday TSW write second paragraph from computer research. Review requirement of linking words and phrases, along with sentence variety (simple, complex, compound sentences). With a partner, TSW read aloud draft and make necessary corrections. Research page 3.W.2c Thursday TSW write third paragraph from book research and add concluding statement with provided sentence frames. Discuss use of strong words; review thesaurus pages in writing binders. TSW make final edit, checking for spelling (see dictionary page in writing binders). Research page 3.W.2d Friday In groups of like dinosaurs, TSW give short presentation on information learned from this project. TSW be allowed to ask questions from the speaker. Completed essays 3.SL.3 3.SL.4 Reading – Because of Winn Dixie 3.W.7 3.W.8 Activities Closure Materials CCSS Monday Read aloud chapter 6-7. Continue filling out Character Traits booklet. With guided practice, TSW complete short answer questions on chapters read aloud, citing evidence with page numbers from the novel. TSW locate evidence of point of view (first and third person) in the novel. Review terms: narrator. Because of Winn Dixie, “Character Traits” booklet 3.RL.3 Tuesday Read aloud chapter 8-9. Continue filling out Character Traits booklet. With guided practice, TSW complete short answer questions on chapters read aloud, citing evidence with page numbers from the novel. Review Think, Write, Pair, Share method. Because of Winn Dixie, “Character Traits” booklet 3.RL.3 Read aloud chapter 10-12. TSW complete study guide. With guided practice, TSW complete short answer questions on chapters read aloud, citing evidence with page numbers from the novel. TSW use ACTIVotes with vocabulary review flipchart. Novel, activity page on strong verbs 3.RL.3 3.L.1a Weekly Reading Test – Because of Winn Dixie Quiz – Chapters 1-12. Weekly Spelling Test. Read AR books after test. test 3.RL.3 Begin “Presidents Unit” with KWL chart on Lincoln and a discussion of the Big Idea: What are details that are important in a biography? Real aloud from Magic Tree House non-fiction companion on Abe Lincoln, chapters 1-2. Introduce notetaking template but only complete Who, When, Where sections for today. As a Discuss meaning of famous quotes from Able Lincoln (refer to flipchart). Compare these quotes to Ben Franklin’s quotes. Flipchart, Magic Tree House companion book, non-fiction article from, note-taking template 3.RI.1 Wednesday Thursday Friday Exit Slip: TSW write one sentence in first person and third person that relates to chapters read aloud today. class, complete short answer activity with non-fiction presidents article. TSW cite evidence with sentences frames such as: The author said…In the first paragraph, it states …, etc..