
Greenfield Community College
Science 121/CSW 391:
Introduction to Photovoltaic
Wed or Th.: 6:30 p.m-9:20 p.m.
Sat: 9/15, 9/29*, 10/20, 10/27*
Wed class: 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
Th. Class: 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Greenfield, MA
Fall, 2007
Required Text: American Technical (Solar Electric)
Publishers, Photovoltaic Systems.
Reading handouts; 3-ring binder req.
Lab/activity handouts to be provided
Room: 338S
Instructor: Richard Gottlieb
Phone (802) 254-4670
Cell: (802) 254-1643
Office Hours: Before class by appt
Prereq: MAT 090 or satisfactory placement test. Credit-free students must have proficiency in mathematical
operations with whole numbers, decimals, fractions, percents, geometry, & algebra).
Introduction to Photovoltaic (Solar Electric) Technology
An introduction to photovoltaic (solar electric) technology for students with a strong personal
interest in Photovoltaic (PV) technology as well as those considering a career in solar electric
technology. This course provides students with the theoretical basis for understanding the various
types of solar electric systems. The course covers the history of photovoltaics, current markets and
industry status, basic electrical theory, and other considerations necessary for solar electric systems.
Topics include a detailed study of system components as well as the proper and safe electrical
interconnection of these components includes hands-on training exercises and experiments. Visits to
local PV installations, and assembly of real world system examples reinforce classroom learning.
Course Learning Objectives:
These objectives are based on the task analysis for photovoltaic installation performed by the North American
Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP). It forms the basis for the syllabus of the course and will help
prepare you to take the voluntary Certificate of Basic Knowledge (for PV installation) exam if you choose. For
more information on NABCEP certification pathways, see (**)
Describe history of PV technology and industry
Describe markets and applications for PV (grid-tie, remote homes, telecom, etc.)
Identify types of PV systems (direct motor, standalone with storage, grid-backup, etc.)
Associate key features and benefits of PV with applications
Identify safety hazards of operational and non-operational PV systems
Identify safety hazards, practices and protective equipment during PV system installation and
maintenance (electricity, batteries, roof work)
7. Explain difference between energy and power
8. Define basic electrical terms
9. Describe the use of digital multi-meters
10. Calculate simple circuit values
11. Define basic solar terms (e.g., irradiation, Langley, azimuth)
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12. Determine true (solar) south from magnetic (compass) south given a declination map
13. Describe Basic solar movement and effect of earth tilt
14. Predict solar position using solar path diagrams
15. Describe angular effects on the irradiance of array
16. Identify factors that reduce/enhance solar irradiation
17. Determine average solar irradiation on various surfaces
18. Convert solar irradiation into a variety of units
19. Determine effect of horizon on solar irradiation (shading)
20. Demonstrate use of Solar Pathfinder or sun charts
21. Explain how a solar cell converts sunlight into electric power
22. Label key points on a typical IV curve
23. Identify key output values of solar modules using manufacturer literature
24. Illustrate effect of environmental conditions on IV curve
25. Illustrate effect of series/parallel connections on IV curve
26. Define measurement conditions for solar cells and modules (STC, NOCT, PTC)
27. Compute expected output values of solar module under variety of environmental conditions
28. Compare the construction of solar cells of various manufacturing technologies
29. Compare the performance and characteristics of various cell technologies
30. Describe the components and construction of a typical flat plate solar module
31. Calculate efficiency of solar module
32. Explain purpose and operation of bypass diode
33. Describe typical deterioration/failure modes of solar modules
34. Describe the major qualification tests and standards for solar modules
35. Describe most common solar module mounting techniques (ground, roof, pole)
36. Compare features and benefits of different solar mounting techniques
37. Explain the relationship between solar module cell temperature and environmental conditions,
given mounting method (e.g., NOCT)
38. Describe purpose and operation of main electrical BOS components (inverter, charge controller,
combiner, ground fault protection, battery, generator)
39. Identify key specifications of main electrical BOS components (inverter, charge controller,
combiner, battery, generator)
40. Illustrate interaction of typical loads with IV curve (battery, MPPT, dc motor)
41. Analyze load demand for stand-alone and grid interactive service
42. Identify typical system electrical output derating factors
43. Calculate estimated peak power output (dc and ac)
44. Calculate array and inverter size for grid-connected system
45. Calculate estimated monthly and annual energy output of grid-connected system
46. Explain relationship between array and battery size for stand-alone systems
47. Calculate array, battery and inverter size for stand-alone system
48. Determine series/parallel PV array arrangement based on module and inverter specifications
49. Select BOS components appropriate for specific system requirements
50. Determine voltage drop between major components
51. Describe the relationship between row spacing of tilted modules and sun angle
52. Describe the mechanical loads on a PV array (e.g., wind, snow, seismic)
53. Describe typical system design errors
54. Describe typical system performance problems
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55. Associate performance problems with typical causes
56. List equipment needed for typical system performance analysis
57. Compare actual system power output to expected
58. Identify typical locations for electrical/mechanical failure
Students are expected to attend all classes, labs and field trips and to come on time. Students must attend at least
40 hours of the class to qualify to sit the NABCEP Basic Knowledge exam. Credit students must attend at least 35
hours to pass the class. Exceptional circumstances arise when a student cannot make it to class. (Please do not
come to class if you are very ill and could infect us all). If you know you are going to miss class, please call or
email me. Take responsibility for contacting a classmate for notes and assignments before the next class meeting
so you don’t get behind. We will make a voluntary class phone and email list on the first day of class.
Learning Styles and Needs
Students have a variety of learning styles and I try to incorporate different approaches and methods of assessment
into my teaching. I encourage your feedback and input. If your particular ways of learning and test taking need to
be discussed, please come talk to me at the beginning of the semester. If your concerns are about a learning
disability or other special need, you may also wish to make an appointment with a counselor in the Learning
Center (413-775-1330).
Please note that any handed-in, graded quizzes, tests and assignments are only required of credit
students. Credit-free students are encouraged to complete them as well, to increase learning from the
Reading assignments
There will be reading assignments every week to help you further understand the material presented. These
assignments will come from "Photovoltaic Systems". The assignments are listed on the outline. Many find reading
the material before the presentation, helps with the understanding of the materials presented during a specific
A variety of handouts you will be provided during the initial class which will serve you for the entire course.
Additional handouts may be provided at other times during the class which can be integrated with what you
already have been given. They can be integrated within your materials in your binder which should accompany
you to each class and lab.
Three-ring binder
Because there are many handouts and much of the material will be covered during class, a 3-ring binder is
required. Please dedicate some time to organizing you binder so that it can be a resource to you for future courses
or work in the photovoltaic field. Your binder should contain all of the material from the class, such as labs,
handouts, lecture notes, field trip information, etc. It could also contain your notes from each class. Many of the
materials initially provided are already in chronological order for the course long presentation. You may find that
dividers may help you organize the materials into meaningful sections for you.
Quizzes and tests
There are some “nuts and bolts” materials and important concepts in both class discussion and readings. A solid
grasp of that material is necessary to synthesize more complex ideas. To help us all stay on top of things there will
be periodic (noted on the schedule) lasting approximately 15 minutes. These quizzes are multiple-choice format,
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similar to what you will encounter on the NABCEP exam. There will be a cumulative final to synthesize the
course material, which mostly following the same format with a few exceptions.
Written work
If you find interesting article on photovoltaics in the popular press, in magazines, or on the internet, please feel
free to bring them in to share with the class. Be prepared to give a summary of the item. We’ll keep them in a
notebook for all to share.
There are no make-ups for missed labs and field trips, although occasionally comparable assignments can be
generated and there will be some optional field trip opportunities that could serve as make-ups. It’s much easier to
do the lab when it is scheduled, with the rest of the class. Labs will often have some form of written work.
Although you will usually work with a partner (and I encourage you to work with different partners), you should
always do your own work. This is especially important with lab reports. You can certainly collaborate with your
partner, or with anyone else in the class, but make sure that the words you hand in are your own.
Your timely arrival, preparation and willingness to engage in learning with each other makes a huge contribution
to the success of the course for everyone. Every student brings different life experiences, inherent skills and
strengths, and areas where we each need extra help. This component of your grade allows me to support the
learning process and give credit for all of those intangible but crucial ways that group participation enriches the
learning environment.
QUIZZES (four at 50 pt each)
LABS (2)
200 PTS
100 PTS
100 PTS
100 PTS
100 PTS
100 PTS
700 PTS
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