FALL 2015 Class Schedule Course * Days Begins Ends Instructor

FALL 2015 Class Schedule
Course *
ASL 1101 - American Sign Language
9:30 AM
12:24 PM
BIO 1101 - Intro to Biology -CN
9:00 AM
3:54 PM
BIO 1101 - Intro to Biology- BTG
9:00 AM
3:54 PM
COM1330 - Public Speaking
4:20 PM
5:47 PM
ENG 1101 - College English Composition
9:30 AM
12:24 PM
ENG 1101 - College English Composition
(Green and Lyons HS)
4:20 PM
5:47 PM
ENG 1101 - College English Composition
4:20 PM
5:47 PM
LAW 1101 - Introduction to Paralegal Studies
9:30 AM
12:24 PM
MAT 1275 College Alg & Trig (not confirmed yet)
8:30 AM
12:24 PM
MAT 1375 - Pre-Calculus(not confirmed yet)
8:30 AM
12:24 PM
MAT 1475 – Calculus (not confirmed yet)
8:30 AM
12:24 PM
MKT 1100 - Essentials of Marketing
9:30 AM
12:24 PM
PSY 1101 - Intro to Psychology
9:30 AM
12:24 PM
PSY 1101 - Intro to Psychology
4:20 PM
5:47 PM
SOC 1101 - Elements of Sociology
4:20 PM
5:47 PM
SOC 1101 - Elements of Sociology
9:30 AM
12:24 PM
75+ on 9-12 Regents
ELA and 80+ on
overall GPA
SOC 1103 – The Family
4:20 PM
5:47 PM
75+ on 9-12 Regents
ELA and 80+ on
overall GPA
75+ on 9-12 Regents
ELA and 80+ on
overall GPA
75+ on 9-12 Regents
ELA and 80+ on
overall GPA
75+ on 9-12 Regents
ELA and 80+ on
overall GPA
75+ on 9-12 Regents
ELA and 80+ on
overall GPA
75+ on 9-12 Regents
ELA and 80+ on
overall GPA
75+ on 9-12 Regents
ELA and 80+ on
overall GPA
75+ on 9-12 Regents
ELA and 80+ on
overall GPA
75+ on 9-12 Regents
ELA and 80+ on
overall GPA
75+ on 9-12 Regents
ELA and 80+ on
overall GPA
75+ on 9-12 Regents
ELA and 80+ on
overall GPA
75+ on 9-12 Regents
ELA and 80+ on
overall GPA
75+ on 9-12 Regents
ELA and 80+ on
overall GPA
Prerequisite and Course Descriptions
Eligible students will demonstrate: Strong record of attendance; no scheduling conflicts during the Fall
2015 semester and other requisites as noted below. For admissions to College Now college credit courses
students must be in good academic standing at their home schools (GPA 80+) and have a good record
of attendance. Furthermore, students must have demonstrated proficiency in the appropriate area(s) via
SAT or Regents scores.
Admission to Math only:
Students must have passed
1. 2 NYS Math Regents and scored 80+ on at least one, AND passed Alg (1yr.); Geo (1yr) and Alg
II/Trig (1yr)
2. Scored 500+ on SAT/Math
3. Scored 21+ on ACT Math.
Admission to Other 3 credit courses: Students must have
1. 75+ on ELA
2. scored 480+ on SAT Verbal or critical Reading score
3. scored 21+ on ACT English.
Course Descriptions
ASL 1101 American Sign Language I (3 cl hrs, 3 cr)
A beginning course designed to develop skill in a form of manual communication used primarily by
American-born deaf persons in interpersonal (face-to-face) relations. Emphasis will be placed on the use of the body
for visually-based communications, and the structure, vocabulary and development of American Sign Language.
BIO 1101 Biology I (3 cl hrs, 3 lab hrs, 4 cr)
The fundamental principles of biology focus on topics including taxonomy, structure, nutrition,
reproduction, heredity, development and evolution. The concepts of molecular biology and DNA fingerprinting
using representative plants and animals are introduced. The course also includes the use and care of the microscope.
COM 1330 Public Speaking (3 cl hrs, 3 cr)
Practice in presenting extemporaneous speeches, textbook readings, preparation of speech
outlines and reading of resource material for research in speech.
ENG 1101 English Composition I (3 cl hrs, 3 cr)
This is a course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including use of the library.
Demanding readings are assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing.
ENT1100 – Introduction to entertainment Technology (3cl hrs 3 cr)
An introduction the live entertainment technology industry including working methods; processes,
equipment and facilities for theatre, opera, dance, concert productions; theme parks; themed-retail; cruise ship
venues and corporate special events.
LAW 1101 Introduction to Paralegal Studies (3 cl hrs, 3 cr)
An overview of the legal system and the role of the legal assistant within that system. Includes the sources
of law; legal terminology; the operation of the court system at the state and federal level. Respective roles of
attorney, client and paralegal.
MAT 1275 College Algebra and Trigonometry (4 cl hrs, 4 cr )
An intermediate and advanced algebra course. Topics include quadratic equations, systems of
linear equations, exponential and logarithmic functions; topics from trigonometry, including
identities, equations and solutions of triangles.
MAT 1375 Pre-calculus (4 cl hrs, 4 cr )
Topics include an in-depth study of functions such as polynomial functions, inverse functions, radical
functions, trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions; solving inequalities; elements of vectors
and complex numbers.
MAT 1475 Calculus I 4 cl hrs, 4 cr Prerequisite: Students must have passed 2 NYS Math Regents and scored
80+ on at least one,AND passed Alg (1yr.); Geo (1yr) and Alg II/Trig (1yr) OR scored 500+ on SAT/Math OR
scored 21+ on ACT Math.
Topics include functions, limits, differentiation, tangent lines, L’Hopital’s Rule, Fundamental Theorem of
Calculus and applications.
MKT 1100 Essentials of Marketing (3 hrs, 3 cr)
Functions involved in distributing goods, the role of the manufacturer in selecting target markets, types of
marketing institutions (wholesale and retail). Formulating marketing policies and strategies. The role of government
and the effects of consumerism on marketing practices.
PSY 1101 Introduction to Psychology (3 cl hrs, 3 cr)
Methodology, history and theories of psychology; brain and behavior; neuropsychology; socialization;
motivation; emotion; perception; learning; thinking; intelligence; personality and the adjustment processes; and
social psychology.
SOC 1101 Elements of Sociology (3 cl hrs, 3 cr)
Perspectives on sociology as an analytical science. The emphasis is on concepts, hypotheses and theories
which explain social behavior and social change.
SOC 1103 The Family (3 cl hrs, 3 cr )
The family viewed as an institution and social group. Emphasis will be on the family as a social system in a
changing society.