
Summary Translation of Minutes of the
1 Meeting (2005-06) of Sai Kung District Council
The first meeting (2005-06) of the Sai Kung District Council (SKDC) was
held on 6 April 2005 (Wednesday). The major issues discussed are summarised
Motions proposed by Government Departments and Public Organisations
Draft Clear Water Bay Peninsula South Outline Zoning Plan (OZP) No.
(SKDC(M) Paper No. 17/05-06)
Members’ views on the motion were drawn up as follows:
Most village representatives raised objections to the draft OZP and
were of the view that it would seriously deprive villagers of the right to
build houses.
Villagers and land owners found it unacceptable because the Planning
Department (PlanD) did not consult indigenous residents on the draft
OZP beforehand and made no concession afterwards. Neither did it
accept villagers’ views. Besides, it also failed to respect and
safeguard the private property of land owners. It was hoped that the
PlanD would respect and accept villagers’ views in the future.
The draft OZP was too restricted and failed to outline the long-term
development. There was also no mention of relevant facilities and
ancillary facilities.
The three planning intentions of the draft OZP were recognised but
problems would arise when they were implemented. It was pointed
out that the relevant sites had potential for recreational development.
In this connection, the PlanD should construct a larger roundabout at
the section of Tai Au Mun Road near Po Toi O and widen the roads on
both sides as far as possible to facilitate traffic circulation. It was also
pointed out that some areas in Po Toi O were available for the
construction of roads and relevant parking facilities.
With the allocation of reasonable resources, the government could
improve the traffic circulation in the area and roads. When carrying
out small house development in the future, the government could add
infrastructure to tie in with the comprehensive development needs.
this connection, the land use of the area would become more effective.
The linking of Clear Water Bay First and Second Beaches and the
expansion of the parking lot gained support as these would facilitate
swimmers and help develop the area into a tourist spot. By rezoning
the “Conservation Area” in Po Toi O to a road upon request, the PlanD
gained much appreciation. It was also proposed that a parking lot
should be provided in the area to attract more visitors.
It was proposed that a comprehensive transport interchange should be
constructed in both the area of Tai Miu and that between Tai Au Mun
Road and the west of Po Toi O Chuen Road to provide parking
facilities for sightseeing buses and private vehicles.
Regarding the suggestion that the government should solve the
problem of small houses by repurchasing the indigenous villagers’
concessionary right, unless the government and the indigenous
villagers reached an agreement, all departments concerned should meet
their commitment to protect the rights of indigenous villagers.
Therefore, the views and concern of village representatives should be
taken into account.
It was inappropriate for the government to dominate over the direction
of the development of the whole region. Once problems were found
in planning, the PlanD should work out a solution to tackle them on a
long-term basis by means of planning.
It was hoped that the PlanD could maintain a closer liaison with
villagers to listen to their views and consult the rural committee on the
draft OZP so that the rural committee could make an explanation to the
Conservation and environmental protection should not affect the
interests of indigenous villagers.
As regards land use planning, particularly in developing recreational
facilities, the government should not work on its own. Conversely, it
should enable villagers to participate in the development and seek their
(m) The PlanD should exchange views with the representatives of rural
committees and villages concerned before planning the land use of
villages so as not to cause divergence of views.
The representative of the PlanD thanked members for their valuable advice.
She told the meeting that the PlanD would conduct a serious and detailed study on
the overall situation with a view to reaching a general consensus on the issue. In
response to members’ questions and views, the representative of the PlanD replied
as follows:
At the district level, the PlanD’s task was to make good use of the local
land resources, including identifying the characteristics, constraints
and potential of the district.
In developing a district, members usually would like to enhance the
status of the district in the overall development of the territory.
During the process of district planning, the PlanD would pay attention
to the existing problems and explore the solutions. As the finalisation
of district planning depended on the characteristics of the district and
government policies, the PlanD had to give consideration to the
resources of the whole government and other government departments’
views on the needs of the district. However, in some cases, due to the
constraints of departmental resources, the actual planning could not
fully reflect the PlanD’s original planning intention.
As regards villagers’ involvement in planning affairs, the PlanD was
open-minded on the issue and invited members and villagers to give
their views.
Tseung Kwan O Town Centre Area 56 Proposed Comprehensive
(SKDC(M) Paper No.18/05-06)
The representative of the Mass Transit Railway Corporation (MTRC) said
that the above development plan had aroused much concern from the residents and
that the MTR had earlier on conducted consultations in several housing estates in the
district. Another representative of the MTRC briefly introduced the paper on Tseung
Kwan O Town Centre Area 56 Proposed Comprehensive Development by means of
short films and PowerPoint. He pointed out that consultations had been conducted in
several nearby housing estates in the district earlier on.
Members’ views were as follows:
(a) It was proposed that a civic centre of international standard should be
constructed in the district.
(b) A member said that he supported the plan, in particular the proposed
canopy, specialty shopping arcades, civic square, high-class hotels,
hanging garden, etc.
(c) The Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) would
be publishing the findings of the Feasibility Study for Further
Development of Tseung Kwan O in June 2005 and any change in the
planning of Area 56, Tseung Kwan O would affect the development of
other areas. As such, the development of Area 56 should fit in with
other areas.
(d) Residents of the Po Hong area did not want residential buildings to be
built in the area for this would increase the area’s population density.
(e) The development of the above area should fit in with the overall
development of Tseung Kwan O. The MTRC was requested to
provide data on ventilation assessments.
(f) As the findings of a recent questionnaire revealed that 70% of the
residents in the nearby housing estates were against developing
residential units but supported the construction of hotels, the MTRC
should be more far-sighted and review the whole plan again.
(g) The MTRC had plenty of opportunities in property development.
Therefore the development of Area 56 should be handled carefully in a
way that it could be compatible with the development of the nearby
(h) A member appreciated the MTRC’s idea of cultural piazza and hotel
develpment, but he had reservation on the residential development
(i) The Chairman said the SKDC did not support the development of the
MTRC in Area 56. He suggested that the MTRC should have
consulted the community before submitting the application to the Town
Planning Board. He hoped that the MTRC could amend the project
after listening to the views of members and then consult the SKDC on
the amended project.
Progress Report of Major Works Project (2005/06)
(SKDC(M) Paper No. 19/05-06)
With powerpoint presentation, a member briefed the meeting on the progress
report of works projects in the previous year as well as the details of the works project
which were going to commence in the coming year. The meeting was briefed on
three areas of works projects, namely, community facilities, leisure and cultural
facilities as well as territorial development, roads and other highways.
The Proposed Development of Sai Kung and Tseung Kwan O submitted by
the Territorial Development Department used to present a 10-year development plan
to the SKDC. However, since last year, a works schedule only for the upcoming
year was available. The SKDC was unable to grasp the information needed and thus
had no idea of the future development of the district. A member had expressed his
discontent about this arrangement at last year’s meetings, but he saw no improvement
at this meeting. This was totally unacceptable to him.
The Chairman decided to accept the Progress Report of Major Works
Projects (2005/2006) submitted by the New Territory East Development Office after
discussion. However, the SKDC was not satisfied that the Progress Report only
contained short-term information and requested the Department to provide
information in more detail so that members could be able to get hold of the long-term
development plan in Sai Kung and Tseung Kwan O.
District Officer (SK) said he could understand members’ concern towards
district development and undertook to co-ordinate with the CEDD through the Sai
Kung District Management Committee with a view to providing more detailed
information on works projects for SKDC’s reference in the future.
Laundry Drying in Public Places in Tseung Kwan O
(SKDC(M) Paper No. 20/05-06)
The representative of the Sai Kung District Office (SKDO) briefed members
on SKDC(M) Paper No. 20/05-06. She pointed out that the short-term measure
mentioned in the Paper referred to initiating clearing operations against local clothes
drying blackspots with the concerted efforts of various departments, while the
long-term strategies referred to launching publicity and education campaigns as well
as improving the laundry drying facilities. She reiterated that the SKDO would
convene inter-departmental meetings at regular intervals to review the effectiveness of
the measures taken and to explore other feasible methods of solving the problem.
Members’ views on this issue were summarized as follows:
It was noted that only a small number of residents were found drying
their clothes in public places.
The practice of individual housing estates to allow residents to hang
dry bulky laundry and bedding within designated time periods was
Laundry drying problem was a problem in the overall design of
buildings. It was not limited to public housing estates. Private
buildings also faced the same problem.
The problem was currently caused by a small number of residents
taking the liberty of laundry drying in public places as well as a
presence of co-ordination setback among the departments concerned.
The authorities should not yield to the objection posed by the minority
public against the clearing operations.
The authority should not provide places in a long-term manner for
residents to hang dry their daily laundry. Assistance should only be
given to them for tackling bulky laundry and bedding. It was
anticipated that once newly designed buildings were all equipped with
balconies, the problem could be completely resolved.
2005-06 Sai Kung District Anti-corruption Publicity Project
(SKDC(M) Paper No. 21/05-06)
The meeting endorsed that support should be given to the ICAC in
promoting the Anti-corruption Publicity Project. Funding application lodged by the
ICAC for carrying out the Project was also approved. The amount of fund approved
was $50,000.
Motions Proposed by Members
Requesting the Government to Change the Permanent use of the land in
Area 137, Tseung Kwan O and Cancel Its Existing Uses for Deep
Waterfront Industry, Potentially Hazardous Installation and Other Uses
(SKDC(M) Paper No. 23/05-06)
Members’ views on this issue were summarized as follows:
As Area 137 would not be included in the project on further
development of Tseung Kwan O, the captioned motion was raised to
draw the attention of the relevant departments.
Owing to the unique topography in Tseugn Kwan O, Area 137 was not
a suitable place for dangerous goods store.
Request for Improving and Beautifying Tseung Kwan O Trail
(SKDC(M) Paper No. 24/05-06)
Members’ views on this issue were summarized as follows:
The construction of Tseung Kwan O Trail was funded by the Home
Affairs Department and it was a popular trail for morning walk among
residents in Tseung Kwan O.
(b) According to residents, many sections of the Trail were not paved with
cement and they would turn very muddy on rainy days.
(c) Half way up the mountain, many sections of the Trail were steep and
railings were absent. Besides, the indications on road signs were
unclear, the base stone of the landscape plan was of poor design and
there were inadequate seating and dustbins.
improvement could be promptly made.
It was hoped that
Request for Relocating the Two Bus Companies’ Temporary Depots in
Tseung Kwan O to Permanent Depots without Delay
(SKDC(M) Paper No. 25/05-06)
The representative of the Transport Department (TD) said that the two bus
companies concerned had completed the feasibility studies on building bus depots in
Area 26. The TD had studied the reports and stated a number of views, and the bus
companies concerned would amend the reports in due course. Should there be no
further problems, the bus companies concerned would proceed with the environmental
assessments. Once the consent of the Environmental Protection Department was
obtained, they would approach the Lands Department (LandsD) for initiating the land
grant procedures and carry out construction. As the land in Area 26 was inadequate
to accommodate the vehicles of the 2 bus companies, the 2 bus companies would
continue to liaise with the LandsD for identifying suitable sites for housing the buses.
Request for Repaving or Repairing the Pavement of Po Hong Road
outside Beverly Garden
(SKDC(M) Paper No. 26/05-06)
Regarding the damaged road surface in Tseung Kwan O caused by both
normal and abnormal site settlement, the Chairman urged the CEDD to take follow-up
action and announced that the subject motion would be referred to the Housing and
Development Committee for follow-up action.
Sai Kung District Council Secretariat
June 2005
[SKDC Minutes of 1st Meeting (2005-06).030605]