STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABES-BOLYAI, PHYSICA, SPECIAL ISSUE, 2003 VACUUM SYSTEM PROTECTION AND AUTOMATION UNIT (VSPAU) DESTINED TO MODERNIZE THE IZOTOPIC ANALYSYS MASS SPECTROMEETER. Nicolae Lupsa, Valentin Mirel, Stefan Popescu. National institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and MolecularTtechnologies , P.O.Box 700 , 3400 Cluj-Napoca 5, Romania. The high vacuum protection ensurance is necesarily so that the izotopic analys mass specctrometer correctly work and require boths : the using of the high performance vacuum pumps and the nonstop working of them. If tere no some condition are assured during pumps running, they get out of order. For this reason there is of capital importance the existence of a electronic unity destined to keep working the pumps if there only the necessrily conditions are acomplished. The isotopic analysis spectrometer vacuum system is made up by two distinct subsystems : there is one wich assure the vacuum in the magnetic analisys chamber and anoder wich assures the vacuum in the inlet subsystem. The first subsystem is made up of preliminary vacuum pump , one turbomolecular pump , air electrovalves and separation electrovalves, two gauges for preliminary vacuum measure at the preliminary vacuum pump input, respectively at the turbomolecular pump output and a high vacuum gauge for vacuum measure in the chamber analyser. The second subsystem is structured also by preliminary vacuum pump , one spreading pump, air electrovalves and separation valves , two preliminary gauges and a high vacuum gauge. The V.S.P.A.U. consist of few parts like: -the electronic circuitry for vacuum pomps and for electovalves action, -the electronic relays for overload protection , -the vacuum measure circuitry coresponding to the vacuum goge, -the logic circuitry wich assures pump working conditions check (protection function) and the corect starting, respectivly stoping sequences (automation function). -assure the correct shut down of mass spectrometer in case of accidental net voltage fall(power suplay interrupt protection) , and the automatic restarting when the net voltage reappearence, -for the VSPAU building we are designed and realized the electronic relays for overload protection as well we are used the CMOS integrated circuits in local protection logic of the the power components (pumps, electro valves ,heating resistors). By means of some dedicated microcontrollers there are achived starting sequences and restarting protocols for the two vacuum systems . NICOLAE LUPSA, VALENTIN MIREL, STEFAN POPESCU. The block diagram for VSPAU is the following: PG Interface ADC P G MicroController JT1 Interface Vacuumcontrol Module JT2 Interface PUMP DRIVER PTMM TurboMolec. Pump EV EVSM S JT 1 EVAM Relays Unit EVA JT2 PVPM Fore vacuum pump VACUUM SYSTEM PROTECTION AND AUTOMATION UNIT The major fuctions of the unit are accomplished by the following modules: 1.Vacuum control module. a) It manages the logical signals from the vacuum guages and made the comand signals in corelation with the other sistem components. b) Memorise all the abnormal events. 2. PVPM This module check and assure the forre vacuum pump whith protection at short circuits and overoad. 3. EVSM Manage the separation valve during the start, stop and restart after failure proces of the mass spectrometer. 4. EVAM This module drive and check the air electro- valve and memorise the failure events. 5. PTMM Make the conection the micro-controler module and the turbo-molecular unit giving the Start- Stop commands and checking the signals from it. All of this modules are interconected with the microcontroler unit by a bus system. The micro-controler unit manage: -Start sequence comands -Stop sequence comands -Acquire the signals from the vacuum guages -Liniarise the transfer function of the vacuum guages - Digitaly display for the vacuum sistem parametrs.