The Canadian Association of Irish Studies /Association canadienne

The Canadian Association of Irish Studies /Association canadienne d’études irlandaises
Annual Conference
and Annual General Meeting
19-22 May 2010
Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Loyola 282
Graduate Student Introduction & Workshop
facilitated by Cecil Houston, University of Windsor
5:30pm-9:00pm: Conference Registration
Sobey Building Foyer, Saint Mary’s University
7:30pm-9:00pm: Opening Reception
Sobey Building Foyer, Saint Mary’s University
Thursday, 20 May 2010
8:30am: Registration and Refreshments
Sobey Building Foyer, Saint Mary’s University
9:00am: Welcome
Sobey 255
9:15am-10:30: Session 1
Sobey 255
The Irish Revolution: Myths and Ideals
Chair: Gavin Foster, Concordia University
1. Danine Farquharson, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Novels of the Easter Rising: Tainted Glory and Bloody Idealism
2. Caoimhe Nic Dháibhéid, Institute of Irish Studies, Queen’s University, Belfast
National success, personal tragedy: the 1916 families and the creation of a national foundation myth
3. Jennifer Geraghty-Gorman, Independent Scholar, Hamilton, Ontario
‘Motivated by high ideals’: Reshaping the history of the Drumcondra Ambush, January 1921
10:30am-11:15am: Session 2
Sobey 255
The Charitable Irish Society of Halifax Reading
Tugtha i láthair ag/ Introduction by Neasa Ní Chuaig, Saint Mary’s University
A dual-language reading
11:15am-11:30am: Refreshment Break
Sobey Building Foyer, Saint Mary’s University
11:30am-12:45pm: Session 3a
Sobey 255
Music, Sport and the Celtic Tiger
Chair: Kate Dunlay, Saint Mary’s University
1. Brian E. Rainey, University of Regina
Batting for England: Defining Success and Failure in Contemporary Irish Sport
2. Gearóid Ó hAllmhuráin, Concordia University, Montréal
‘German girls are grand but they’re very crabbit’: Doolin Devolved — A Case Study in Irish Musical
3. Michael Böss, Aarhus University, Denmark
The Rise, Fall and Meanings of the Celtic Tiger
11:30am-12:45pm: Session 3b
Loyola 170
Film and Texts
Chair: Jerry White, University of Alberta
1. Donald Masterson, State University of New York, Oswego
Representations of the Black and Tans in Irish Cinema
2. Heather Macdougall, Concordia University, Montréal
Good Things in Small Packages: The Role of Short Films in Irish Cinema
3. Olivia Heaney, Memorial University of Newfoundland
The Rights of Girls in Contemporary Irish Fiction and Film
12:45pm-2:15pm Lunch
Dockside Dining Hall
2:15pm-3:30pm: Session 4a
Sobey 255
Revivals and their Discontents
Chair: Anthony O’Malley, Saint Mary’s University
1. Macy Todd, New York University
To Revive a Famine
2. John Waters, New York University
What were we Thinking?: Irish Studies and the ‘Content’ Celtic Tiger Ireland
3. Gregory Dobbins, University of California, Davis
Falling into Old Ways: Idleness after the Celtic Tiger
2:15pm-3:30pm: Session 4b
Loyola 170
Joyce: Text, Context and Hypertext
Chair: Seán Kennedy, Saint Mary’s University
1. John Donahue, Concordia University
Eveline and the Poisoner — Joyce and Browning: A Study in Contrasts
2. Maria Kager, Rutgers University
Paralyzing Ghosts and Dynamic Engines: An Investigation into the Roles of the Parnell and Dreyfus
Affairs in Joyces’ Ulysses and Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past
3. Stewart Donovan, St. Thomas University, Fredericton, and Trevor Sawler, St. Thomas University,
Hypertexting Irish High Modernism
3:30pm-3:45pm: Refreshment Break
Sobey Building Foyer, Saint Mary’s University
3:45pm-4:45pm: Session 5a
Sobey 255
Language Matters
Chair: Neasa Ní Chuaig, Saint Mary’s University
1. Feargal Ó Béarra, Concordia University, Montréal
Labhraimse teanga nach dlisteanach feasta: Mine is a language which has fallen from favour
2. Jerry White, University of Alberta
Some Basic Issues for an Ireland-Jura Comparison
3:45pm-4:45pm: Session 5b
Loyola 170
Performing and Recording
Chair: Michael Kenneally, Concordia University
1. Kevin Kerrane, University of Delaware
Lughnasa in Performance: Promises and Pitfalls
2. John Countryman, Berry College, Georgia
Was Ben Barnes a Success or a Failure as the Abbey’s Artistic Director? A Response to his Diaries.
8:00pm Ceolchoirm na Comhdhála/ Conference Concert
Scotiabank Conference Theatre, Sobey Building, Saint Mary’s University
Fear a’ Tí/ Introduction: Gearóid Ó hAllmhuráin
accompanied by James Nash on guitar
Friday, 21 May 2010
8:30am Registration and Refreshments
Sobey Building Foyer, Saint Mary’s University
9:00am-10:15am: Session 5
Sobey 255
The Irish in Canada: Women Transplants, Fenians and Orangemen
Chair: Sean Farrell, Northern Illinois University
1. Sandra Barney, Lock Haven University
‘Mothers and Bewildered Wives’: Women Transplants from Ulster to New Brunswick, 1830-1840
2. David A. Wilson, University of Toronto
Success and Failure in the Fenian Raids of 1866
3. Simon Jolivet, Université d’Ottawa
Hope and Disappointment: the Failure of Québec’s Orange Order
10:15am-11:30am: Session 6
Sobey 255
An Cumann/The Irish Association of Nova Scotia Poetry Reading
Introduced by Michele Holmgren, Mount Royal University, Calgary
11:30am-11:45am: Refreshment Break
Sobey Building Foyer, Saint Mary’s University
11:45am-1:00pm: Session 7a
Sobey 255
Post-Conflict Northern Ireland: A Grim Normalcy?
Chair: Alexandra Dobrowolsky, Saint Mary’s University
1. Katherine Side, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Settling for Less? A Preliminary Assessment of Northern Ireland’s Gender Equality Strategy
2. Nancy Hansen, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg and Myrtle Hill, Queen’s University, Belfast
Disability and its Discontents. Tracing the Cultural Absence of Disabled People in Northern
Ireland. A Work in Progress
3. Sandra Murdock, Memorial University of Newfoundland
The New Normal: Theories of Racism and Anti-Racism in Northern Ireland
11:45am-1:00pm: Session 7b
Loyola 170
The Rule of Law: Peelers, Free Staters and Republicans
Chair: Danine Farquharson, Memorial University of Newfoundland
1. Gavin Foster, Concordia University
Enforcing ‘Law-and-Order’ in a Civil War: The Paradox of Early Free State Policing
2. Rebecca Lynn Graff-McRae, Memorial University of Newfoundland
‘Bitterness burnished and polished’: the Memory of Victory and Defeat in Irish Civil War Fictions
3. Michael E. Beebe, New York University
Knock the Eye from a Peeler: The Currency of Rural Irish Violence in the Works of J. M. Synge and
Liam O’Flaherty
1:00pm-2:15pm: Lunch
Dockside Dining Hall
2:15pm-3:30pm: Session 8a
Sobey 255
Chair: Sandra Murdock, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Contraceiving, Inventing and Reproducing
1. Jill Allison, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Assisted Reproduction in Ireland: Contesting the Meaning of Change
2. Seán Kennedy, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax
‘Now let us contraceive a Cuchulain’: Beckett and the politics of Irish fertility
3. Joseph Valente, University of Illinois, Urbana
Inventing Cuchulain
2:15pm-3:30pm: Session 8b
Loyola 170
Memory and Identity
Chair: Rebecca Lynn Graff-McRae, Memorial University of Newfoundland
1. Daniel O’Leary, Concordia University, Montréal
Honour all Men: A Comparative Analysis of Sectarian Thought in the Orange Visual Cultures of
northern Ireland and Atlantic Canada, 1790-1922.
2. Mary C. Kelly, Franklin Pierce University, New Hampshire
A Century of Discontent: Great Famine Memory and the Evolution of Modern Irish-American
3. Andrea Walisser, Simon Fraser University
‘Under Siege’: Comparing Protestant and Catholic Understandings of Drumcree
3:30pm-3:45pm: Refreshment Break
Sobey Building Foyer, Saint Mary’s University
3:45pm-5:00pm: Session 9a
Contemporary Irish Writing in English
Sobey 255
Chair: Stewart Donovan, St. Thomas University, Fredericton
1. Michele Holmgren, Mount Royal University, Calgary
Ripley’s Believe it or Not: The Failed Autobiographer in Ripley Bogle
2. Adam Lawrence, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Joseph O’Connor’s Cowboys and Indians: A Novel ‘wrapped up in a sauce of snotgreen Joycean
3. Margaret Lasch Carroll, Albany College of Pharmacy
The Essays of John McGahern: Crossroads of Fiction and Non-Fiction
3:45pm-5:00pm: Session 9b
Loyola 170
God, Glory and Failure
Chair: Rhona Richman Kenneally, Concordia University, Montréal
1. Julia Wright, Dalhousie University, Halifax
‘Tho’ Glory be Gone’: Thomas Moore and the Problem of Colonial Masculinity
2. Heather Edwards, University of Notre Dame
The Domestic Life of Rebellion: Women Rewriting the Failure of the 1798 Rebellion
3. Sean Farrell, Northern Illinois University
Bringing the Word of God to the Streets of Belfast: Street Preaching and Mid-Victorian Religious
Sobey 255
Chair: David A. Wilson, University of Toronto
Screening of a “work-in-progress” docu-drama video and readings by Pádraig Finlay on Thomas
D’Arcy McGee, with opportunities for audience feedback.
Saturday, 22 May 2010
9:00am-9:30am Registration and Refreshments
Sobey Building Foyer, Saint Mary’s University
9:30am—10:30am: Session 10
Sobey 255
Ireland Canada University Foundation Panel Discussion
Chair: Pádraig Ó Siadhail, Saint Mary’s University
Teaching Irish in Canada: Challenges and Strategies
A Panel Discussion with the ICUF Visiting Scholars
Clíona de Brí (Concordia University, Montréal; Joanne Fahy (University of Toronto); Bríd Falconer
(Memorial University of Newfoundland); Neasa Ní Chuaig (Saint Mary’s University); and Séamus Ó
Floinn (St. Francis Xavier, Antigonish, Nova Scotia)
10:30am—10:45am Refreshment Break
Sobey Building Foyer, Saint Mary’s University
10:45am—12:00pm: Session 11a
Sobey 255
The Pink, Green, Orange and Silver
Chair: Simon Jolivet, Université d’Ottawa
1. James P. Walsh, University of Colorado, Denver
Colorado’s Canadian Connection: Canadian Irish in Leadville’s Silver Rush, 1876-1890
2. Michael Boyle, Memorial University of Newfoundland
General Sir Hugh Tudor finds Sanctuary in Newfoundland
3. Fred McEvoy, Independent Scholar, Ottawa
Between Orange and Green: Diefenbaker in Ireland, 1961
10:45am—12:00pm: Session 11b
Loyola 170
Irish Poetry: Revising, Assessing and the Blues
Chair: Adam Lawrence, Memorial University of Newfoundland
1. Michael Moir, Catholic University of America
‘A lonely impulse of delight’? Louis MacNeice and 1930s Revisions of Yeats’ ‘Airman’
2. Aliah O’Neill, Independent Scholar, Brooklyn, NY.
Woman and Nation: Assessing Eavan Boland’s Political Poetry
3. Richard Rankin Russell, Baylor University
Success and Failure: The Blues of Millenial Mahon in The Yellow Book and Harbour Lights
12:00pm-1:00pm: Session 12
Sobey 255
Ireland Fund of Canada Keynote Lecture
Chair: Danine Farquharson, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Professor of Irish Literature, Queen Mary University of London
‘The Best Are Leaving’: The Contents and Discontents of Irish Emigration in the 1950s
1:00pm-2:15pm Lunch
Dockside Dining Hall
2:15-3:15pm: Session 13
Sobey 255
Chair: Cecil Houston, University of Windsor
Remembering a Memory. Première screening of a documentary film by Ronald Rudin, Producer
(Concordia University) and Robert McMahon, Director (Royal Ontario Museum). Introduction and
post-screening discussion with the film’s producer.
3:15pm-3:30pm: Refreshment Break
Sobey Building Foyer, Saint Mary’s University
Sobey 255
Annual General meeting of The Canadian Association for Irish Studies/ Association canadienne
d’études irlandaises
6:30pm Pre-Banquet Reception, the Courtside Lounge, The Tower, Saint Mary’s University
7:15pm Banquet and Musical Entertainment, the Courtside Lounge, the Tower, Saint Mary’s