STRODE COLLEGE BOARD OF GOVERNORS STANDING ORDERS FOR THE CONDUCT OF MEETINGS OF THE CORPORATION SEPTEMBER 2015 Standing Orders/September 2015/SES 1 of 15 THE CORPORATION OF STRODE COLLEGE STANDING ORDERS FOR THE CONDUCT OF THE CORPORATION LIST OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Meetings 3. Quorum 4. Order of Business 5. Minutes 6. Appointment of Chair/Vice Chair 7. Attendance at Meetings 8. Publication of Minutes and Papers 9. Access to Corporation Meetings 10. Proceedings of Meetings 11. Rules of Debate 12. Any Other Business 13. Action by Chair 14. Statement on behalf of the Corporation 15. Individual contributions by Members of the Corporation 16. Smoking 17. Allowances to Members 18. Contact with Corporate Members 19. Membership 20. Amendments to Standing Orders Appendices A, B and C Standing Orders/September 2015/SES 2 of 15 1. Introduction 1.1 Nothing in this document is meant to override the provision of the Articles and Instrument of Government of Strode College which at all times are to be regarded as the primary sources of guidance. 1.2 It is the responsibility of the Clerk to the Corporation to interpret the following documents and to advise the Corporation (or if appropriate the Chair of the Corporation) if at any time it appears that the Corporation (or an individual member of the Corporation) is in breach of the following regulations. 1.3 2. 3. Instrument and Articles of Government Standing Orders for the conduct of meetings In addition to the documents referred to above, the Clerk will have regard to longstanding custom and practice as far as it relates to the work of the Corporation. Meetings 2.1 A calendar of meetings for the Corporation and its committees shall be established for the whole of the academic year by 1 June each year. 2.2 The Corporation shall meet at least once every term, and shall hold such other meetings as may be necessary. 2.3 All meetings shall be summoned by the Clerk to the Corporation, who shall send to the members written notice of the meetings and a copy of the agenda at least seven calendar days in advance of the meeting. 2.4 A special meeting of the Corporation may be called at any time by the Chair or at the request in writing of any five members. Where the Chair or, in his/her absence, the Vice-Chair so directs on the grounds that there are matters demanding urgent consideration, it shall be sufficient if the written notice convening the meeting and the agenda are given within such period, being less than seven calendar days, as he/she specifies. Quorum 3.1 Meetings of the Corporation shall be quorate if 40% or more members are present (6). 3.2 If the numbers of members assembled for a meeting of the Corporation does not constitute a quorum, the meeting shall not be held. If in the course of a meeting of the Corporation the number of members present ceases to constitute a quorum, the meeting shall be terminated immediately. Standing Orders/September 2015/SES 3 of 15 3.3 4. Order of Business 4.1 5. 6. If for lack of a quorum a meeting cannot be held or, as the case may be, cannot continue, the Chair shall, if he/she thinks fit, cause a special meeting to be summoned as soon as may be convenient. Business shall be taken in the order it appears on the agenda unless members present at the meeting decide that the order should be varied. Minutes 5.1 At every meeting of the Corporation the minutes of the previous meeting shall be taken as the first agenda item, except in cases where the members present decide otherwise by agreement with the Chair, and, if agreed to be accurate, shall be signed as a true record. 5.2 Separate minutes shall be taken of those parts of meetings from which staff or student members or the Clerk have withdrawn. A staff or student member or the Clerk who has withdrawn from a meeting in accordance with Instrument of Government 14(5), (8), (9) or (10) shall not be entitled to see the minutes of that part of the meeting or any papers in relation thereto. 5.3 Where the next meeting of the Corporation is an extraordinary or special meeting, the next following meeting shall be treated as a suitable meeting for the purposes of signing of minutes. Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair 6.1 The Chair and Vice-Chair shall hold office for a one-year period 1 August – 31 July each year. 6.2 The Principal and any staff or student member shall not be eligible to be appointed Chair or Vice-Chair. 6.3 If both the Chair and Vice-Chair are absent from any meeting of the Corporation, the members present shall choose one of their number to act as Chair for the meeting, provided that the member chosen shall not be the Principal or a staff or student member. 6.4 The Chair and Vice-Chair may at any time by notice in writing to the Clerk to the Corporation resign their respective offices. 6.5 At the last meeting before the expiry of the term of office of the Chair or the Vice-Chair, the members shall appoint a new Chair or Vice-Chair, as the case may be, from among their number. 6.6 At the expiry of their term of office the Chair or Vice-Chair shall be eligible for re-appointment. Standing Orders/September 2015/SES 4 of 15 7. 8. Attendance by members at meetings of the Corporation 7.1 Where members become aware that they will be unable to attend a meeting they should advise the Clerk in order that their apologies can be made to the meeting and that possible inquoracy can be identified at an early stage. 7.2 The Clerk to the Corporation shall be responsible for maintaining a record of attendance at Corporation meetings. 7.3 If a member is unable to attend meetings for a period longer than six months, they should seek the permission of the Corporation. Should this not be sought, the Corporation may resolve to remove the member from office by notice in writing. Publication of minutes and papers 8.1 With the exception of excluded items (see paragraph 8.2 below) the following will be available for inspection in the office of the Clerk to the Corporation as indicated in 8.4 below. the agenda for meetings of the Corporation; the signed minutes of meetings of the Corporation; and any reports, documents and other papers considered at a meeting of the Corporation. The signed minutes will also be available on the College website. 8.2 The following items will be regarded as excluded items and thus will not be available for inspection: 8.3 any matter concerning a named person employed at or proposed to be employed at the College; any matter concerning a named student at, or candidate for admission to, the College; any matter concerning the Clerk to the Corporation; and any matter which, by reason of its nature, the Corporation is satisfied should be dealt with on a confidential basis. The address of the office of the Clerk to the Corporation is as follows: Sue Snell Clerk to the Governors Strode College Church Road STREET Somerset BA16 0AB Phone: FAX: E-mail: Standing Orders/September 2015/SES 01458 844487 01458 844423 5 of 15 9. 10. 8.4 Whenever practicable documents will be available between 0930 and 1630 hours Monday-Friday. If it is not convenient to provide immediate access to documents an interested party will be given an appointment, which will normally be within five working days. 8.5 Copies of public documents are generally available, although a charge for photocopying may be made unless surplus copies are available. Access to meetings of the Corporation 9.1 In certain circumstances a member of the Corporation may be asked to withdraw – see Instrument of Government paragraphs 14(5), 14(8), and 14(9) (See Appendix C) 9.2 Responsibility for determining who may attend meetings of the Corporation other than members and the Clerk rests with the Corporation (Instrument of Government paragraph 16). 9.3 The Principal and the Clerk will consider which members of College staff are required to attend meetings of the Corporation so that the Corporation has access to information and advice (for example, the Executive Director of Finance will be invited to all meetings of the Corporation and other committee meetings where finance is part of the agenda). 9.4 The Corporation has agreed that members of the public shall be entitled to attend Corporation and committee meetings for nonconfidential agenda items insofar as seating allows. 9.5 Unless specifically invited to do so, members of the public and the press do not have speaking rights at any time during a meeting of the Corporation. 9.6 If there is any form of disruption by members of the public and/or press the Chairman will have the authority to suspend the meeting. 9.7 When it is possible to reconvene the meeting the Corporation will consider the withdrawal of the invitation to the members of the public and/or press to be in attendance at the meeting. The decision of the Corporation in such matters is final. Proceedings of Meetings 10.1 Every question to be decided at a meeting of the Corporation shall be determined by a majority of the votes of the members present and voting on the question. It is often the case, however, that the members present are clearly unanimous and thus it is not necessary to conduct a vote. Standing Orders/September 2015/SES 6 of 15 10.2 10.3 11. Where there is an equal division of votes the Chair shall have a second or casting vote. A member may not vote by proxy or by way of postal vote. 10.4 The normal way of voting will be by a show of hands. If a majority of members present and entitled to vote on a particular issue so wish the vote may be conducted by secret ballot. It is envisaged that such an arrangement will only be needed in exceptional circumstances. 10.5 No resolution (decision) by the Corporation may be rescinded or varied at a subsequent meeting unless consideration of the rescission or variation is a specific item of business on the agenda for that meeting. 10.6 The withdrawal of members from meetings of the Corporation for particular items is dealt with in the Instrument of Government (specifically paragraph 14). 10.7 There will be occasions when an individual member should declare an interest – not necessarily a financial interest – in an issue due to, for example, membership of an outside body. 10.8 The issue of rules of debate (including motions and amendments to motions) is dealt with in section 11 below. Rules of debate at meetings 11.1 The reports received by the Corporation will normally include a clear recommendation. It is true to say that the Corporation will often adopt the recommendation of the Clerk and/or Principal. There will be occasions, however, when an alternative approach to the recommendation outlined in a particular report before the Corporation is put forward by a member. The following paragraphs deal with motions, amendments and points of order. 11.2 A motion may be proposed by a member which if seconded by another member will be the subject of discussion by those entitled to do so. 11.3 There is an expectation that a motion which cannot be recorded immediately by the Clerk will be put in writing by the member proposing the motion before it is discussed. This will ensure that there will be no subsequent debate as to the terms of the motion. 11.4 While a motion is being discussed an amendment may be proposed by a member. The amendment must be seconded by another member before it can be discussed or voted on. 11.5 Once seconded, discussion may then take place on the terms of the amendment. During this time the original motion is put to one side. If the amendment is carried (i.e. a majority of those members present and entitled to vote are in favour of the amendment) the original motion is changed and the new form of words becomes the substantive motion. Standing Orders/September 2015/SES 7 of 15 11.6 The wording of an amendment can change the meaning of a motion but cannot contradict it. 11.7 A member opposed to the terms of a motion will need to speak and vote against it. It is not possible to put forward an amendment. 11.8 A member only partly opposed to a motion does have the facility to propose an amendment. 11.9 Amendments propose changes to motions by doing one of four things: 1 2 3 4 omitting words substituting words inserting words combining 1, 2 and 3 above 11.10 At any time during a discussion a member may raise a point of order where it is believed that the provisions of the Instrument and Articles of Government and/or the Standing Orders and/or another recognised authority are being ignored. The member raising the point of order will be required to explain the way in which the correct procedure is not being followed. A point of order will be dealt with immediately by the Chair. The ruling of the Chair will be final and shall not be challenged further at the meeting. 11.11 It is the responsibility of the Chair to seek the right balance between ensuring that all members have the opportunity to contribute to discussions while avoiding repetition and making sure that the subject before the Corporation is not lost sight of. 11.12 All discussions at meetings of the Corporation will be conducted through the Chair. 11.13 Members are required to respect the right of others to express their personal views although nothing should be said or done which could bring the Corporation into disrepute. 11.14 The Clerk to the Corporation will have direct access to independent legal advice. The advice can be sought on behalf of members or when the Clerk requires specific legal assurance. 12. Agendas for meetings – any other business 12.1 Agendas for meetings of the Corporation will include ‘any other business’. This item should only be used for issues which arise since the publication of the agenda. 12.2 The item will normally appear as the penultimate item on the agenda although the Chair might ask during an early stage in proceedings if Standing Orders/September 2015/SES 8 of 15 12.3 13. any member or the Clerk proposes to put forward an item of any other business The Chair will need to be assured that the issue is one which meets the following criteria: It is the proper business of the Corporation to consider having regard to the Articles of Government and the terms of reference of the Committees of the Corporation; It needs urgent attention by the Corporation. 12.4 If appropriate the Chair will seek the support of the Corporation as a whole that a proposed item of any other business is not heard. In such cases it is hoped that it is possible to determine a way forward which is acceptable to all parties. 12.5 Members of the Corporation are asked to give prior notice to the Clerk of their intention to raise an item of any other business, the subject matter and the reason for the urgency. Action taken by the Chair of the Corporation 13.1 The Articles of Government specify the roles and responsibility of the Corporation and the Principal. 13.2 Provision is made in the Articles of Government Scheme of Delegation for the delegation of Committees, the Chair of the Corporation or the exception of the following six responsibilities delegated: 13.3 and the College’s functions to the Principal with the which cannot be the determination of the educational character and mission of the institution; the approval of the annual estimates of income and expenditure; ensuring the solvency of the institution and the safeguarding of its assets; the appointment or dismissal of the Principal or a Deputy Principal; the appointment or dismissal of the Clerk; the modifying or revoking of the Articles of Government. There are occasions when issues arise which should be placed before the Corporation although the next scheduled meeting is too distant and it is not thought appropriate to call a special meeting. In such circumstances the Corporation has agreed that the Chair may take action on behalf of the Corporation on the condition that such a course Standing Orders/September 2015/SES 9 of 15 14. of action is not contrary to the Articles of Government or other regulations. Statements made on behalf of the Corporation 14.1 Unless otherwise agreed by the Corporation in individual circumstances statements on behalf of the Corporation will only be made by the following: 15. 16. 14.2 It is the responsibility of the Clerk to the Corporation to conduct all correspondence on behalf of the Corporation. 14.3 Custom and practice is for the Clerk to respond to correspondence from staff (including representatives of the staff such as union officers) so as to reduce the burden on individual members of the Corporation and to ensure that collective decisions of the Corporation are followed. This task will be undertaken following consultation with the Chair of the Corporation. Individual contributions by members of the Corporation 15.1 All parties will recognise that members must take a personal view on each matter received by the Corporation and contribute to debates accordingly. 15.2 Instrument 12(6) Every member shall act in the best interests of the Corporation and shall not be bound to speak or vote by mandates given by any other body or person. 15.3 Once a matter is considered by the Corporation each and every individual member of the Corporation is expected to be bound by the collective decision of the Corporation whatever his or her personal views are on issues. 15.4 Particular regard should be taken to the confidentiality of certain proceedings. Smoking 16.1 17. the Chair the Principal the Clerk Smoking is not permitted in any College building. Allowances to members of the Corporation 17.1 The scheme for the payment of allowances to members of the Corporation for costs which are incurred as a result of their membership of the Corporation is detailed in Appendix A to this document. Standing Orders/September 2015/SES 10 of 15 18. 19. Contact with Corporation Members 18.1 Any person wishing to write to members of the Corporation may do so by providing the Clerk to the Corporation with sufficient copies of any documentation. 18.2 Normally no charge will be made for postage for forwarding a document to members although the Clerk to the Corporation will use discretion when considering if the costs to be incurred are reasonable. Thus a charge could be made to cover direct and indirect costs as a condition of forwarding documentation. 18.3 Addresses and telephone numbers of members of the Corporation will not be made available to third parties. Membership of the Corporation 19.1 The membership of the Corporation of Strode College will be determined from time to time by the Corporation having regard to the provisions of the Instrument of Government, the recommendations of the Search and Governance Committee and custom and practice. 19.2 It is the wish of the Corporation that there is an appropriate balance of skills and experience amongst members and this will mean that members will be drawn from a range of backgrounds, to be decided by the Corporation when each vacancy arises. 19.3 The Corporation has established a Search and Governance Committee to assist it to appoint members in an open and structured way. 19.4 The Terms of Reference of the Search and Governance Committee, as approved by the Corporation, are attached at Appendix B. 19.5 It is understood that the final decision for determining the membership of the Corporation including the individuals to be appointed to serve on the Corporation rests with the Corporation as a body. Thus it will not be appropriate to delegate authority to a standing committee or individual office holder to make decisions on behalf of the Corporation in such matters. 19.6 It will be appropriate for existing members to make known to the Clerk to the Corporation at an early stage if they are prepared to serve on the Corporation after their current term of office expires. This does not mean, of course, that all existing members will be appointed to serve for an additional period. This is for the Corporation to decide in accordance with the provisions of the Instrument of Government. Standing Orders/September 2015/SES 11 of 15 20. Amendments to the Standing Orders for the conduct of meetings 20.1 The Clerk will be required to keep under continuous review the provisions of this document with the intention of suggesting to the Corporation improvements/amendments to meet changed circumstances. 20.2 Individual members of the Corporation may wish to suggest to the Clerk improvements/amendments to this document. Points raised will be the subject of a report to the next convenient meeting of the Corporation so that a decision may be made. 20.3 Any amendments to the text of this document will require the approval of the Corporation unless they are covered directly or indirectly by statute in which case such changes will be acted on without delay. First adopted by the Corporation on 23 September 1998 This edition approved by the Corporation on 26 September 2012 Reviewed September 2015 Standing Orders/September 2015/SES 12 of 15 Appendix A STRODE COLLEGE BOARD OF GOVERNORS ALLOWANCES TO MEMBERS The following allowances have been agreed by the Corporation: 1. If required to use their car in pursuance of College business a payment at the prevailing rate per mile for journeys within Somerset or to the Exeter, Bristol or Bath areas will be paid. This rate will be reviewed each year in line with HMRC increase on tax free mileage. 2. For journeys of one hour or more or undertaken during peak time, governors on College business may claim first class rail fare. 3. It is the individual’s responsibility to maintain an insurance policy on their vehicle which provides cover whilst the car is being used on College business. 4. The cost of car parking will be reimbursed on production of appropriate car parking tickets. 5. Should it be necessary to incur additional expense in obtaining a meal when away from College (outside Somerset) on official duties, the cost will be reimbursed on production of receipts and where expenses are reasonable. 6. Reimbursement of all reasonable expenses will be paid for authorised overnight accommodation on production of an account or receipt. Standing Orders/September 2015/SES 13 of 15 Appendix B STRODE COLLEGE BOARD OF GOVERNORS TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE SEARCH AND GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE 1. The committee shall comprise five members consisting of: The Board Chair and Vice-Chair ex officio The Principal ex officio Two persons who shall be Board Members (nominated by the Board) 2. The Committee shall be responsible for nominating external candidates for the approval of the Board to fill vacancies on the Board and for determining the process whereby candidates are nominated. 3. The Committee shall from time to time consider and make recommendations to the Board on the Board’s composition and balance, and on the procedures for appointment to the Board. 4. The Committee shall develop and recommend to the Board policies and procedures for the induction, training and self-assessment of governors. 5. The Committee shall keep under review all aspects of Governance such as the link scheme and the effectiveness of Board Committees. 6. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt the services of such external advisers as they deem necessary to fulfil their responsibilities. 7. The Chair or Vice-Chair of the Board shall chair the Committee. 8. The quorum for the Committee shall be two members. 9. The Committee shall normally meet at least once a term. 10. The Clerk to the Board shall act as Clerk to the Committee and shall keep appropriate records of their proceedings. Standing Orders/September 2015/SES 14 of 15 STRODE COLLEGE BOARD OF GOVERNORS Appendix C ACCESS TO MEETINGS OF THE CORPORATION See Item 9.1 in Standing Orders Extract from the Instrument of Government: 14 (5) Except as provided by procedures made pursuant to Article 16 of the Articles of Government, a member of the Corporation who is a member of staff at the institution (including the Principal), shall withdraw – a) from that part of any meeting of the Corporation, or any of its committees, at which staff matters relating solely to that member of staff, as distinct from staff matters relating to all members of staff, or all members of staff in a particular class, are to be considered; b) from that part of any meeting of the Corporation, or any of its committees, at which that member’s reappointment or the appointment of that member’s successor is to be considered; c) from that part of any meeting of the Corporation, or any of its committees, at which the matter under consideration concerns the pay or conditions of service of all members of staff, or all members of staff in a particular class, where the member of staff is acting as a representative (whether or not on behalf of a recognised trade union) of all members of staff or the class of staff (as the case may be); and d) if so required by a resolution of the other members present, from that part of any meeting of the Corporation or any of its committees, at which staff matters relating to any member of staff holding a post senior to that member’s are to be considered, except those relating to the pay and conditions of all staff or all staff in a particular class. 14 (8) Except as provided by rules made under article 18 (3) of the Articles of Government relating to appeals and representations by students in disciplinary cases, a student member shall withdraw from that part of any meeting of the Corporation or any of its committees at which a student’s conduct, suspension or expulsion is to be considered. 14 (9) In any case where the Corporation, or any of its committees, is to discuss staff matters relating to a member or prospective member of staff of the institution, a student member shall – a) take no part in the consideration or discussion of that matter and not vote on any question with respect to it; and b) where required to do so by a majority of the members, other than student members, of the Corporation or committee present at the meeting, withdraw from the meeting. 14 (10) The Clerk to the Corporation – a) shall withdraw from that part of any meeting of the Corporation, or any of its committees, at which the Clerk’s remuneration, conditions of service, conduct, suspension, dismissal or retirement in the capacity as Clerk are to be considered; and b) where the Clerk is a member of the staff of the institution, shall withdraw in any case where a member of the Corporation is required to withdraw under paragraph (5). 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