Curriculum Vitae Name: Ronald Paul Caputo Address: 4536 Spruce Ridge Dr. Manlius, NY 13104 Phone: Home (315) 682 - 1823 Work (315) 448 - 6215 Date of Birth: April 18, 1962. Place of Birth: Philadelphia, Pa. Citizenship: United States Marital Status: Married Education: 1984 1988 B.S. in Biology, Georgetown University, Washington DC MD, Georgetown University Medical School, Washington DC Post Doctoral Training: 1988 - 1989 Intern in Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester MA. 1989 - 1990 Junior Medical Resident, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester MA. 1990 - 1991 Senior Medical Resident, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester MA. 1991 - 1992 Chief Medical Resident, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester MA. 1992 - 1996 Research and Clinical Fellow in Medicine (Cardiology), Harvard Medical School and the Beth Israel Hospital, Boston MA. Licensure and Certification: 1990 Massachusetts State License for Medicine and Surgery 1991 Diplomate - American Board of Internal Medicine 1995 Diplomate - American Board of Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Disease 1996 New York State License for Medicine and Surgery 2000 Diplomate – American Board of Internal Medicine, Interventional Cardiology 2005 Recertification,American Board of Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Disease Employment: 1996 - Invasive/Interventional Cardiologist, S.J.H. Cardiology Associates, P.C., Syracuse, NY. Academic Appointments: 1991 - 1992 Instructor in Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester MA. 1995 - 1996 Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA. 1998 Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, State University of New York Health Science Center, Syracuse, N.Y.. Hospital/Clinical Appointments 1989 - 1992 Primary Care Physician, Evening Medical Clinic, Tri - River Family Health Center, Uxbridge MA. 1990 - 1992 Attending Physician, Emergency Room, Worcester Hahneman Hospital, Worcester MA. 1991 - 1992 Attending in Internal Medicine, Ward Service, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester, MA. 1992 - 1996 Clinical Fellow, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston MA. 1996 Attending Invasive Cardiologist, Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Crouse Medical Center, Syracuse, N.Y. (performing approximately 700 cardiac catheterization and 375 percutaneous coronary intervention procedures annually) 2000 -2004 Attending Cardiologist, Community Memorial Hospital, Hamilton, N.Y. 2002 - 5 Consulting Cardiologist, Samaritan Medical Center, Watertown, N.Y. 2003 Attending Cardiologist, Community General Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. 2004 -6 Consulting Cardiologist, Oswego Hospital, Oswego N.Y. 2005 Clinical Director, Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, Community General Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. 2006Consulting Cardiologist, Cortland Memorial Hospital, Cortland, N.Y. 2003 Director of Cardiology Research, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. 2009 Director of Cardiac Services, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. Major Committee Assignments: 1988 - 1992 Executive Residency Committee, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester MA. 1991 - 1992 1991 - 1992 1991 - 1992 1991 - 1992 1996 - 2000 1999 2000 2003 20072007200720082008- Resident Selection Committee, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester MA. Pharmacy Committee, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester MA. Medical Quality Assurance Committee, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester MA. Housestaff Implementation Committee, Milford Hospital, Milford MA. Cardiothoracic Surgery Committee, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse N.Y. Investigational Review Board, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse NY. Catheterization Laboratory Committee, Crouse Hospital, Syracuse N.Y. Campaign Cabinet, St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation. Utilization Review Committee, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse N.Y. Congestive Heart Failure Committee, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse N.Y. Cardiac Catheterization Task Force, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. Acute Chest Pain Task Force Committee, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. Capital Budget Committee, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. Organizations and Societies: 1988 - 1998 Massachusetts Medical Society 1988 - 1992 Worcester District Medical Society 1991 Member, American College of Physicians. 1992 - 1996 Norfolk County Medical Society 1993 Member, American Heart Association 1996 Member, Medical Society of the State of New York 1996 Member, Onondaga County Medical Society 1997 Member, Society for Coronary Angiography and Intervention 1997 Fellow, American College of Cardiology 1999 Representative to the Cardiovascular Advisory Committee, Medical Society of the State of New York 2000 Fellow, Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions 2002 Fellow, American College of Physicians 2009 Director of Transradial Programs, PAMEAS National Patient Advocacy Organization Major Research Responsibilities: 1993 1993 1996 1997 1998 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 Co - Director, Core Angiographic Laboratory, Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) - 9 Study, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, MA. Co - Investigator, Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) 8 Study, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, MA. Co - Director Interventional Cardiology Research, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. Principle Investigator, EXTRA Study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. Principle Investigator, Beta - Cath Study, Crouse Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. Principle Investigator, START study, Crouse Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. Principle Investigator, SAFER Study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. Principle Investigator, PREDICT Study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y Principle Investigator, RAPIER Study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. Principle Investigator, SWING Study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. Principle Investigator, SPLASH Study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. Principle Investigator, SIRIUS Study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. (top five national enroller) Principle Investigator, FIRE Filterwire Study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. (top ten national enroller) Principle Investigator TAXUS IV Study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. (top five national enroller) Principle Investigator, STAMINA Study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. Principle Investigator, BLAZE Study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. Principle Investigator, SIRIUS DIRECT Study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse N.Y. Principle Investigator, Enlighten II Study, Study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. Principle Investigator, SIRIUS 4.0 Study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. (top national enroller) Principle Investigator, Enlighten III Study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. Principle Investigator, OASIS Study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. Principle Investigator, Endeavor III, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. 2004 2005 2005 2005 2006-7 2006 2006 2006-8 2006 2006 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2010 2010 2011 Principle Investigator, ACCT-UP Study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. and Samaritan Medical Center, Watertown, N.Y. Principle Investigator, Delta MI study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. Principle Investigator, DEScover registry, St. Joseph’s Hospiial, Syracuse, N.Y. Principle Investigator, EVENT registry, St. Joseph’s Hospiial, Syracuse, N.Y. Principle Investigator, Endeavor IV study, St. Joseph’s Hospiial, Syracuse, N.Y. (top ten national enroller) Principle Investigator, SPIRIT III study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. Principle Investigator, SHINE study, St. Joseph’s Hosptial, Syracuse, N.Y. Principle Investigator SPIRIT IV study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. (top five national enroller) Principle Investigator ZoMaxx study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. Principle Investigator, Factor study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse N.Y. (second leading national enroller) Principle Investigator, TAXUS-Perseus study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse N.Y. Principle Investigator, Cypher-ELITE study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse N.Y. Principle Investigator, Resolute study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse N.Y. Principle Investigator, TRACER study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse N.Y. Principle Investigator, Current study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse N.Y. Principle Investigator, PROTECT CA, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse N.Y. Principle Investigator, Resolute study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse N.Y. Principle Investigator, Xience USA study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse N.Y. Principle Investigator, Corpath PRECISE study, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse N.Y. Business Interests: 1999 - 2004 Chairman, Medical Director, and founding partner of AngioLink Co. This private company, based in Taunton MA, developed a staple based arteriotomy closure device. Several patents have been issued in regard to the device. A successful randomized U.S. clinical study resulted in FDA approval. The company was sold to Medtronic Corporation in a total package worth $86,000,000 in 2004. Founder and President, Transluminal Technologies Co., Syracuse, N.Y. A private company developing a biodegradable femoral arteriotomy closure device. Over $3 million in private equity raised. Currently undergoing design finalization, continued capitalization, in-vitro, in-vivo, and human OUS testing. 2006 - Consulting: 2001 – 2003 – 4 2003 2003 - 4 2004 2005 -6 2005 - 7 2005 2006 20072007-10 2008 Medical Advisory Board, Boston Scientific Corportation, Natick MA. Scientific Advisory Board, Novoste Corporation, Norcross GA. Vision Advisory Board, Guidant Corporation, Mountainview, CA Medical Advisory Board, W.L. Gore Co., Flagstaff, AZ. Cardiology Medical Advisory Board, Nanobac Life Sciences, Tampa FL. New Product Development Stent Steering Committee, Cordis/Johnson & Johnson Corporation. Medical Advisory Board, Pathway Medical (peripheral occlusion device), Seattle WA. Transradial Cardiac Catheterization Advisory Committee, Cordis/Johnson&Johnson Corporation New Product Development Chronic Total Coronary Occlusion Device Committee, Cordis/ Johnson & Johnson Corporation. Consultant, Transradial Access and New Product Development, Terumo Medical Co. Board of Directors, Pangenex Corporation, Tampa Fl. Listed on the OTC this company specializes in nutriceutical solutions to cardiovascular health care problems. Core Cardiovascular Products Advisory Committee, Cordis/ Johnson & Johnson Corporation. Major Research Interests: 1. 2. Utilization of intracoronary ultrasound for optimal percutaneous coronary revascularization in humans (includes participation in the OARS and RAVES multicenter studies). Multicenter studies utilizing new techniques for percutaneous coronary revascularization (TIMI - 3, TIMI - 4, TIMI - 8, TIMI - 9, STRESS, OARS, RAVES, STRATUS, DART, VEGAS, NIRVANA, EXTRA, CADILLAC, SPORT, Beta Cath, START, PREDICT, SAFER, RAPIER, Filterwire). Lead investigator chronic total coronary occlusion FACTOR study. 3. Feasibility and efficacy of primary PTCA for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction (Author, Primary Angioplasty section of Cardiology- Up to Date, Stent PAMI, CADILLAC and Advance MI, Delta MI trials, 4. Creator of primary PTCA quality assurance program at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse N.Y. 5. Clinical trials investigating new stent designs (EXTRA, NIRVANA, NIRON, PREDICT, VISION, STAMINA, TAXUS IV, SIRIUS, Endeavor III/IV, SPIRIT III, ZoMaxx, SPIRIT IV). 6. Transradial Catheterization - applicability to patient subsets, clinical outcomes etc. 7. Development of hemostasis devices applied to percutaneous vascular access. 8. Clinical application of drug eluting stents (Sirius and Taxus IV studies – largest combined experience in the United States) 9. Coronary Brachytherapy – new applications and techniques 10. Drug Eluting Coronary Stents (SIRIUS, TAXUS IV, SIRIUS 4.0, SIRIUS Direct, Endeavor III & IV, SPIRIT III & IV, ZoMaxx) 11. Distal Embolization Protection Devices – development, applicability to patient subsets, clinical outcomes etc. 12. Therapies for treatment of chronic total coronary and peripheral vascular occlusions (Factor study) 13. Hybrid Coronary Revascularization. Grant Support: 1. Principle Investigator and Co- Author of the ACCT-UP study. Recipient of a $3,700,000 Department of Defense Telemedicine grant designed to study the safety, effectiveness and utilization strategies telemedicine and cardiac catheterization (2005- 2008). The study has been completed. 2. Principle Investigator and Co-Author of “Predictive Power of 64 Slice CT in Treatment Decisions for Low and Intermediate Risk Patients with Acute Chest Discomfort”. Recipient of an $880,000 grant from the Department of Defense. An ongoing study, designed to quantify the utility of coronary CT angiography for evaluation of patients presenting to the Emergency Room with chest discomfort, at intermediate clinical risk for Acute Coronary Syndrome, delineating the CT variables of intermediate severity coronary lesions that correlate with clinical/functional significance. Publications Original Reports: 1. Caputo RP, Carrao J, Lew R, Becker RC. Effect of serum cholesterol on hemorrhagic complications following thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction. Cardiology 1991;79:211-218. 2. Becker RC, Caputo RP, Ball S, Corrao JM, Baker S, Gore JM. Hemorrhagic potential of combined diltiazem and recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator administration. Am Heart J 1993;126:11-14. 3. Caputo RP, Cohen DJ, Baim DS, Kuntz RE. Extravasation of Thrombus into the aortic root: A complication following the use of an infusion catheter for intra-graft thrombolysis. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis. 1995 4. Caputo RP, Chafizedeh E, Stoler R, Lopez J, Cohen DJ, Kuntz RE, Carrozza JP, Baim DS. Stent Jail: A minimum security prison. Am J Cardiol 1996;77:1226-1230. 5. Sukin C, Baim DS, Caputo RP, Ho KKL, Laham R, Flatley M, Carrozza JP, Cohen DJ. The impact of optimal stenting techniques on cardiac catheterization laboratory resource utilization and costs. Am J Cardiol 1997;79:275-280. 6. Lopez JJ, Ho KKL, Stoler R, Caputo RP, Carrozza JP, Kuntz RE, Baim DS, Cohen DJ. Percutaneous treatment of protected and unprotected left main coronary stenoses with new devices: Immediate angiographic results and intermediate-term follow up. J Am Coll Cardiol 1997;29:345-352. 7. Caputo RP, Ho KKL, Stoler R, Sukin C, Lopez JJ, Cohen DJ, Kuntz RE, Berman A, Carrozza JP, Baim DS. Effect of continuous quality improvement analysis on the delivery of primary percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction. Am J Cardiol 1997;79:1159-1164. 8. Lopez JJ, Edelman ER, Stamler A, Hibberd MG, Pottumarthi P, Caputo RP, Carrozza, JP, Douglas PS, Sellke FW, Simons M. Basic fibroblast growth factor in a porcine model of chronic myocardial ischemia: A comparison of angiographic, echocardiographic and coronary flow parameters. J Pharm and Exp Therapeutics 1997;282:385-390. 9. Lopez JJ, Edelman ER, Stamler A, Hibberd MG, Prasad P, Thomas KA, DiSalvo J, Caputo RP, Carrozza, JP, Douglas PS, Sellke FW, Simons M. Angiogenic potential of perivascularly delivered aFGF in a porcine model of chronic myocardial ischemia. Am J Physiol. 1998;274:H930. 10. Sukin CA, Baim DS, Caputo RP, Ho KKL, Laham RJ, Flately MG, Carrozza JP, Cohen DJ. The impact of optimal stenting techniques on cardiac catheterization laboratory resource utilization and costs. Am J Cardiol 1997;79:275-280. 11. Caputo RP, Rosenberg J, Fedele K, Giambartolomei A. Myocardial ischemia resulting from spontaneous dissection in a patient with massive bilateral Sinus of Valsalva aneurysms. Cathet and Cardiovasc Diagn 1999;47:194-198. 12. Simons AJ, Caputo RP, Esente P, Giambartolomei A, Bowser M, Reger M, Walford G. An unusual complication during deployment of a Multi-Link stent. Cathet and Cardiovasc Diagn 1999;47:58-60. 13. Caputo RP, Simons A, Giambartolomei A, Grant W, Fedele K, Esente P. Transradial cardiac catheterization in patients with prior brachial artery cutdown. Cathet and Cardiovasc Diagn 1999;48:271-274. 14. Caputo RP, Amin N, Marvasti M, Wagner S, Levy C, Giambartolomei A. Percutaneous treatment of a saphenous vein graft perforation with and autologous vein covered stent. Cathet and Cardiovasc Diagn 1999;48:382-386. 15. Caputo RP, Abraham S, Churchill D. Transradial coronary stent placement in a patient with severe idiopathic autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura. J Invas Cardiol 2000; 12:365-368. 16. Caputo RP, Simons A, Giambartolomei A, Grant W, Fedele K, Abraham S, Reger MJ, Walford GD, Esente P. Transradial cardiac catheterization in elderly patients. Cathet and Cardiovasc Intervent 2000; 51:287-290. 17. Caputo RP, Simons AJ, Giambartolomei A, Grant W, Fedele K, Abraham S, Felice P, Reger MJ, Walford GD, Esente P. Safety and Efficacy of Repeat Transradial Access for Cardiac Catheterization Procedures. Cathet Cardiovasc Intervent 2001;54:188-190. 18. Caputo RP, Giambartolomei A, Simons AJ, Reger MJ, Wagner S, Esente P. Use of Combination Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor and Direct Thrombin Inhibitor Drugs to Support Percutaneous Coronary Stent placement in a Patient with Renal Insufficiency and Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia. J Invas Cardiol 2001;13:657-659. 19. Baim DS, Flately M, Caputo RP, O’Shaughnessy C, Low R, Fanelli C, Popma J, Fitzgerald P, Kuntz R. Comparison of Predilatation vs. Direct Stenting in Coronary Treatment using the Medtronic AVE S670 Coronary Stent System (The Predict Trial). Am J Cardiol. 2002; 88: 1364-1369. 20. Esente P, Caputo RP, Levy C, Giambartolomei A, Simons A, Reger M, Walford G. Unusual mechanism of coronary perforation during PTCA. J Invas Cardiol 2001;14:8787. 21. Esente P, Giambartolomei A, Simons AJ, Carlton Levy, Caputo RP. Overcoming vascular anatomic challenges to cardiac catheterization by the radial artery approach. Specific techniques to improve success. Cathet Cardiovasc Interv 2002;56:207-211. 22. Caputo RP, Ebner A, Grant W, Piemonte T. Percutaneous Femoral Arteriotomy Repair – Initial Experience with a Novel Staple Closure Device. J Invas Cardiol 2002; 14:652-656. 23. Caputo RP, Flately M, Ho KKL, Baim DS. Safety and effectiveness of stent implantation without predilation for small coronary arteries. Cathet Cardiovasc Interv. 2003 . 24. Allie DE, Hebert CJ, Walker CM, Caputo RP. Staple-Mediated Vascular Closure. Endovasc Today 2003; April: 56-58. 25. Moses JW, Leon MB, Popma JJ, Fitzgerald PJ, Holmes DR, O’Shaughnessy C, Caputo RP, Kereiakes DJ, Williams DO, Teirstein PS, Jaeger JL, Kuntz RE. Sirolimuseluting stents in patients with stenosis in a native coronary artery. New Engl J Med 2003; 349:1315-1323. 26. Cutlip DE, Ricciardi, MJ, Ling FS MD, Carrozza JP, Giri S, Dua V, Garringer J, MD, Ling FS, Caputo RP. A Randomized Comparison of Standard Primary Angioplasty To Facilitated Primary Angioplasty with Early Tirofiban Administration in the Emergency Room. Am J Cardiol 2003; 92:977-979. 27. Allie DE, Lirtzman MD, Wyatt CH, Keller A, Kowalski JM, Khan MH, Allie AA, M. McElderry W, Khan MA, Fail PS, Chaisson G, Hebert CJ, Ellis SD, Mitran E, Caputo RP, Walker CM. New Concepts in Vascular Closure: “An Endovascular Surgeon’s Perspective”:Manual Compression May Not Be Benign! J Endovasc Surg 2003; (submitted) 28. Stone GW, Rogers C, Hermiller J, Feldmam R, Hall P, Haber R, Masud R, Cambier P, Caputo RP, Turco M, Kovach R, Brodie B, Herrmann H, Kuntz RE, Popma JJ, Ramee S, Cox DA for the FIRE Investigators*Randomized Comparison of Distal Protection with a Filter-Based Catheter and a Balloon Occlusion and Aspiration System During Percutaneous Intervention of Diseased Saphenous Vein Aorto-Coronary Bypass Grafts Circulation 2003;108:548. 29. Stone GW, Ellis SG, Cox DA, Hermiller J, O’Shaughnessy C, Mann JT, Turco M, Caputo RP, Bergin P, Greenberg J, Popma JJ, Russell ME. Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind Evaluation of the Slow Rate-Release Polymer-Based Paclitaxel-Eluting Stent in Patients with De Novo Atherosclerotic Coronary Lesions. New Engl J Med 2004;350:221-229. 30. Simons AJ, Caputo RP, Giambartolomei A. Successful placement of a stent in a previously un-stentable vessel segment, made possible by the ACS High Torque Wiggle Wire: A case report. J Invas Cardiol 2004;16:28-30. 31. Caputo RP, Kosinski R, Walford G, Giambartolomei A, Grant W, Reger MJ, Simons A, Esente P. Effect of continuous quality improvement analysis on the delivery of primary percutaneous revascularization for acute myocardial infarction: A community hospital experience. Cathet Cardiovasc Interv. 2005 Cathet Cardiovasc Interv;64:428. 32. Stone GW, Ellis SG, Cox DA, Hermiller J, O’Shaughnessy C, Mann JT, Turco M, Caputo RP, Bergin P, Greenberg J, Popma JJ, Russell ME. One-year clinical results with the slow-rate release, polymer-based paclitaxel-eluting TAXUS stent: The TAXUS-IV trial. Circulation 2004;109:1906. 33. Weissman N, Koglin J, Cox DA, Hermiller J, O’Shaughnessy C, Mann JT, Turco M, Caputo RP, Bergin P, Greenberg J, Russell ME, Ellis SG, Stone GW. Polymer-based, paclitaxel-eluting stents reduce in-stent neointimal tissue proliferation: A serial volmetric intravascular ultrasound analysis from TAXUS-IV. J Am Coll Cardiol 2005;45:1201. 34. Ellis SG, Popma JJ, Lasala JM, Koglin JJ, Cox DA, Hermiller J, O’Shaughnessy C, Mann JT, Turco M, Caputo RP, Bergin P, Greenberg J, Stone GW. Relationship between angiographic late loss and target lesion revascularization after coronary stent implantation: Analysis from the Taxus IV trial. J Am Coll Cardiol 2005;45:1206. 35. Swaminathan A, Stone GW, Rogers C, Hermiller J, Feldman R, Hall P, Haber R, Masud AZ, Cambier P, Caputo RP, Cox DA, Mehran R, Herrmann HC. Influence of vessel diameter on the efficacy of distal protection devices during saphenous vein graft intervention. 2005;95:651. 36. Pinto DS, Stone GW, Ellis SG, Cox DA, Hermiller J, O’Shaughnessy C, Mann T, Mehran R, Na Y, Turco M, Caputo RP, Popma JJ, Russell ME, cohen DJ. Impact of routine angiographic follow-up on the clinical benefits of paclitaxel eluting stents: Results form the TAXUS-IV trial. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006;48:32. 38. Hirohata A, Morino Y, Ako J, Sakurai R, Buchbinder M, Caputo RP, Karas SP, Mishkel GJ, Mooney MR, O’Shaughnessy CD, Raizner AE, Wilensky RL, Williams DO, Wong SC, Yock PG, Honda Y, Moses JW, Fitzgerald PJ. Comparison of the efficacy of direct coronary stenting with sirolimus-eluting stents versus stenting with predilation by intravascular ultrasound imaging. Am J Cariol 2006;98:1464. 39. Ansel G, Yakubov S, Neilsen C, Allie D, Stoler R, Hall P, Fail P, Sanborn T, Captuo RP. Safety and efficacy of staple-mediated femoral arteriotomy closure: results from a randomized multicenter study. Cathet Cardiovasc Interv. 2006;67:546. 40. Halkin A, Masud AZ, Rogers C, Hermiller J, Feldman R, hall P, Haber RH, Cambier PA, Caputo RP, Turco M, Kovach R, Brodie B, Herrmann HC, Kuntz RE, Popma JJ, Ramee S, Cox DA, Mehran R, Stone GW. Six-month outcomes after percutaneous intervention for lesions in aortocoronary saphenous vein greafts using distal protection devices: results from the FIRE trial. Am Heart J. 2006;151:e1. 41. Simons AJ, Iskander A, Caputo RP. The use of both peripheral and coronary techniques to treat a diseased saphenous vein graft. J Inv Cardiol 2007;19:E172. 42. Moses JW, Weisz G, Mishkel G, Caputo RP, O’Shaughnessey C, Wong SC, Fischell T, Mooney M, Williams DO, Popma JJ, Fitzgerald P, Smith S, Kuntz RE, Collins M, Cohen SA, Leon MB. The SIRIUS-DIRECT Trial: A Multi-Center Study of Direct Stenting Using the Sirolimus-Eluting Stent in Patients with De Novo Native Coronary Artery Lesions. Cathet Cardiovasc Interv 2007;70:505-12. 43. Caputo R, Ebner A, Garcia L. Treatment of severe infapopliteal vascular disease using a novel atherectomy device: a case report. Cathet Cardiovasc Interv 2007; 70:463466. 44. Caputo R. Essential technical components of the transradial approach. Cath Lab Digest 2007;15:38-39. 45. Moses JW, Weisz G, Mishkel G, Caputo R, O’Shaunessey C, Wong C, Fischell TA, Mooney M, Williams DO, Popma JJ, Fitzgerald P, Smith S, Kuntz RE, Collins M, Cohen SA, Leon MB. The SIRIUS-DIRECT Trial: A multicenter study of direct stenting using the sirolimus-eluting stent in patients with de novo native coronary artery lesions. Cathet Cardiovasc Interv 2007;70:505-512. 46. Tiroch K, Cannon L, Reisman M, Caputo R, Caulfield T, Heuser R, Braden G, Low R, Stone G, Almonacid A, Popma JJ. High frequency vibration for the recanalizaiton of guidewire refractory chronic total coronary occlusions. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;72:771 47. Rinaldi MJ, Kirtane AJ, Piana RN, CaputoRP, Gordon PC, Lopez JJ, Dauerman HL, Ryan TJ, Kiernan FJ, Cutlip DE, Ho KK, Gibson CM, Murphy SA, Cohen DJ. Clinical, procedural and pharmacologic correlates of acute and subacute stent thrombosis: results of a multicenter case-control study with 145 thrombosis events. Am Heart J 2008;155:654. 48. Stone GW, Midei M, Newman W, Sanz M, Hermiller JB, Williams J, Farhat N, Caputo R, Xenopoulos N, Applegate R, Gordon P, White RM, Sudhir K, Cutlip DE, John Petersen JL, for the SPIRIT III Investigators* Randomized Comparison of Everolimus-eluting and Paclitaxel-eluting Stents: Two-Year Clinical Follow-up from the SPIRIT III Trial. Circulation 2009;119:680. 49. Caputo RP, Ellis SG, Cox DA, Hermiller J, O’Shaughnessy C, Mann JT, Turco M, Bergin P, Greenberg J, Popma JJ, Russell ME, Stone GW. Correlates of restenosis requiring bypass graft surgery in patients treated with paclitaxel-eluting and bare metal stents. Am J Cardiol 2008 (submitted). 50. Stone GW, Midei M, Newman W, Sanz M, Hermiller JB, Williams J, Farhat N, Caputo R, Xenopoulos N, Applegate R, Gordon P, White RM, Sudir K, Cutlip DE, Petersen JL. Randomized comparison of everolimus-eluting and paclitaxel-eluting stents: two-year clinical follow-up from the Clinical Evaluation of the Xience V everolimus eluting coronary stent system in the treatment of patients with de novo native coronary artery lesions (SPIRIT) III trial. Circulation 2009;119:680 51. Caputo RP. Transradial arterial access: Economic considerations. J Invas Cardiol 2009;21:18-20A. 52. Stone GW, Rizvi A, Newman W, Mastali K, Wang JC, Caputo RP, Doostzadeh J, Cao S, Simonton CA, Sudhir K, Lansky AJ, Cutlip DE, Kereiakes DJ. A randomized clinical evaluation of everolimus-eluting and paclitaxel-eluting stents in patients with coronary artery disease. N Engl J Med 2009 53. Caputo RP, Tremmel JA, Rao SV, Gilchrist IC, Pyne C, Pancholy S, Frasier Gulati R, Skelding K,Bertrand O, Patel T. Transradial Arterial Access for Coronary and Peripheral Procedures: Executive Summary by the Transradial Committee of the SCAI. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2011; Abstracts: 1. Caputo RP, Corrao J, Lew R, Becker RC. The effect of serum cholesterol on hemorrhagic complications following rt-PA administration. Blood 1990;76:1649a. 2. Caputo RP, Becker RC. Environmental tobacco smoke as a risk factor for coronary heart disease: Assessment of health beliefs and practices in medical students and resident physicians. Third Annual American Heart Association Massachusetts Affiliate Cholesterol Conference, February 1992. 3. Becker RC, Caputo RP, Ball S, Corrao J, Ansell J, Baker S, Gore J. Hemorrhagic potential of combined intravenous diltiazem and tissue plasminiogen activator administration. J Am Coll Cardiol 1993;21(2):397A. 4. Paik GY, Caputo RP, Nunez BD, Baim DS, Carrozza JP. Thrombus contains soluble factors which decrease blood flow in swine coronary arteries through a nitric oxidedependent pathway. J Am Coll Cardiol 1994;23:64A. 5. Wood MJ, Cohen DJ, Laham RJ, Caputo RP, Carrozza JP, Lopez JJ, Baim DS. Catheter based revascularization in patients with prior coronary bypass surgery increasing prevalence and new device use in 1993 compared to 1988. Circulation 1994;90(4):I63. 6. Caputo RP, Kuntz RE, Baim DS, Carrozza JP. Balloon counterpulsation in the ascending aorta provides greater coronary blood flow compared with descending counterpulsation. Circulation 1994;90(4):I604. 7. Caputo RP, Lopez JJ, Ho KKL, Paik GY, Kuntz RE, Baim DS, Carrozza JP. Intravascular ultrasound analysis of routine high pressure balloon post-dilatation after Palmaz-Schatz stent deployment. J Am Coll Cardiol 1995;49A. 8. Caputo RP, Ho KKL, Lopez JJ, Stoler RC, Cohen DJ, Carrozza JP. Quantitative angiographic comparison of Palmaz-Schatz stent implantation with and without intravascular ultrasound. Circulation 1995;92(8):I545. 9. Sukin CA, Caputo RP, Laham RJ, Carrozza JP, Cohen DJ. Catheterization laboratory resource utilization and costs for Palmaz-Schatz native coronary artery stenting in 1995 vs STRESS. Circulation 1995;92(8):I661. 10. Lopez JJ, Starebier A, Edelman ER, Hibberd MG, Caputo RP, Carrozza JP, Prasad PV, Douglas PS, Sellke FW, Simons M. Local bFGF treatment results in angiographic collateral development, dose related increase in coronary flow and myocardial function in chronic myocardial ischemia. Circulation 1995;92(8):I67. 11. Lopez JJ, Caputo RP, Ho KKL, Stoler R, Carrozza JP, Kuntz RE, Baim DS, Cohen DJ. Percutaneous treatment of left main coronary stenoses with new devices: Acute results and intermediate term follow-up. Circulation 1995;92(8):I147. 12. Carrozza JP, Kereiakas D, Caputo RP, Knopf WD, Nolan K, Chase K, Chen X, Senerchia C, Rodriguez O, Cutlip D.P. Final acute, 30-day, and 6-month clinical and angiographic outcome from the multicenter, randomized EXTRA trial comparing the operator-mounted XT and Palmaz-Schatz coronary stents. Circulation 1998;17:I661. 13. Caputo RP, Giambartolomei A, Simons A, Esente P, Keriakes D, Ho KKL, Carrozza JP. 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Sheldon WS, O’Shaughnessy C, Cox DA, Hermiller J, Mann JT, Turco M, Caputo R, Bergin P, Greenberg J, Popma JJ, Weissman N, Russell ME, Ellis SG, Stone GW. Angiographic and clinical reduction in restneosis with polymer-based paclitaxel-eluting stents as a function of lesion length: Analysis form the TAXUS IV study. Am J Cardiol;45:64A. 42. Weisz G, Rogers C, Hermiller J, Feldman R, Hall P, Haber R, Masud Z, Cox D, Cambier P, Caputo R, Turco M, Mehran R, Popma JJ, Stone GW. Severity of thrombus score predicts adverse events after stenting in saphenous vein grafts with distal embolic protection: The FIRE Trial. J Am Coll Cardiol 2005;45:85A. 43. Hirohata A, Ako J, Sakurai R, Fearon WF, Caputo R, Mishkel G, Mooney M, O’Shaughnessy C, Raizner A, Wilensky R, Williams D, Wong SC, Karas S, Yock PG, Honda Y, Moses J, Fitzgerald PJ. Impact of direct coronary stenting on neoimtimal distribution within sirolimus-elutin stents – IVUS subanalysis form the DIRECT trial. J Am Coll Cardiol 2005;45:70A. 44. Hermiller JB, Ellis SG, Cox DA, O’Shaughnessy CD, MannT, Turco M, Caputo R, Bergin PJ, Greenberg JD, Raizner AE, Popma JJ, Koglin J, Stone GW. Four-year clinical outcomes of the polymer-based paclitaxel-eluting TAXUS stent: The TAXUS IV trial. Am J Cardiol. 2006;98:27M. 45. Hassan AHM, Ako J, Honda Y, Zeller T, Ebner A, Caputo R, Fitzgerald PJ. A novel expandable rotational atheretomy aspiration system: An intravascular ultrasound study of the first human cases. Am J Cardiol. 2006;98:122M. 46. Stone GW, Ellis SG, Cox DA, Hermiller JB, O’Shaughnessy CD, Mann T, Turco M, Caputo R, Bergin PJ, Greenberg JD, Raizner AE, Popma JJ, Baim DS. Safety and durable efficacy of the polymer-based, Paclitaxel-eluting TAXUS stent: Final 5 year outcomes from the TAXUS IV trial. Am J Cardiol 2007;100;36L. 48. Caputo, RP, Pencina M, Kleiman N, Lopez JJ, Waksman R, Tolerico P, Gordon P, Bach R, Cohen D. Impact of Total Drug Eluting Stent Length on Clinical Outcomes in Routine Clinical Practice: Results from the EVENT Registry. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008; (accepted) Book Chapters: 1. Caputo, RP. Acute Heart Failure. In Irwin RS, Cerra FB, JM Rippe (eds): Intensive Care Medicine 4th Edition, Philadelphia, PA: Lippencott - Raven, 1999, pp 413 - 428. 2. Caputo, RP. Primary Angioplasty. In Podrid P (ed): Cardiology UpToDate, Wellesley MA, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002. 3. Caputo RP, Grossman W. Brachial Cutdown Approach. In Baim DS, Grossman W (eds): Cardiac Catheterization, Angiography, and Intervention 6th Edition, New York, NY: Williams & Wilkins, 2000, pp101 - 124. 4. Caputo RP, Becker RC. Acute Heart Failure. In Irwin RS, Rippe JM (eds): Manual of Intensive Care Medicine 3rd Edition, New York, N.Y.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000, pp171 – 176. 5. Caputo RP. TRA for Addressing LMCA Lesions. In Patel T (ed) Patel’s Atlas of Transradial Intervention. Hobe Sound FLA, Seascript, 2011. (in press) 6. Caputo RP. Transradial Arterial Access: Economic Considerations. In Cohen H (ed) Textbook on Transradial Catheterization. 2011. (in press)