698 N. Locust – P.O. Box 698, Manteno, IL 60950-0698
Phone: (815) 468-8946 – Fax: (815) 468-9420
E-Mail Address –
Published Monthly – Volume Seventeen – Issue Number 1 – January 1, 2011
From the Pastor’s Keyboard
Do you know what happened in 1961?
President Dwight Eisenhower announces that the United States has severed diplomatic and
consular relations with Cuba.
British authorities announce that they have discovered a large Soviet spy ring in London.
January 20 – John F. Kennedy succeeds Dwight Eisenhower as the 35th President of the
United States of America.
February 14 – Discovery of the chemical elements: Element 103, Lawrencium, is first
synthesized in Berkeley, California.
President of the United States John F. Kennedy establishes the Peace Corps.
The first U.S. Polaris submarines arrive at Holy Loch.
March 29 – The Twenty-third Amendment to the United States Constitution is ratified,
allowing residents of Washington, D.C. to vote in presidential elections.
April 11 – The trial of Nazi Adolf Eichmann begins in Jerusalem.
April 20 – Fidel Castro announces that the Bay of Pigs invasion has been defeated.
May 4 – U.S. Freedom Riders begin interstate bus rides to test the new U.S. Supreme Court
integration decision.
May 25 – Apollo program: President Kennedy announces before a special joint session of
Congress his goal to put a man on the Moon before the end of the decade.
June 4 – Vienna summit: John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev meet during 2 days in
Vienna. They discuss nuclear tests, disarmament and Germany.
Manteno Church of the Nazarene is officially organized and the pastors are the Reverends
Ortive and Francis Welch.
These events happened 50 years ago and we are going to celebrate our 50 th anniversary the
weekend of April 8-10, 2011. Make plans now to be part of this great weekend. If you have
ideas for how you would like to see this weekend unfold, please contact one of the committee
member listed below. We welcome your ideas.
Committee: Rick Ouwenga, Paula Shelton, Tony Grimm, Margaret & Linda Lunsford, Cheryl
Wadsworth, Jacob Fields, Pastor Bekah, Pastor Susan and Pastor Jack.
God has blessed us in the 50 years since the Welchs’ planted our church. I just want to thank all
those who have ministered to our congregation throughout the years as well as all of the
wonderful laypeople who have served the Lord and called Manteno Church of the Nazarene
their home.
Put the dates on your calendar and plan to celebrate God’s goodness.
The Pastor
Manteno’s All Church Music Fest
Benefit for Food Pantry
January 14, 2011
7:00 p.m.
Manteno Church of the Nazarene
Please bring non-perishable food items for the
Manteno Food Pantry
A Free-will offering will be taken
Refreshments to follow
Sunday School Ministries
- Marian Pollard, S.S. Director
The song, "Deeper, Deeper" just keeps going through my mind! So, today,
this is my prayer for you and for me as we begin a new year, 2011!
"Deeper, deeper in the love of Jesus daily let me go;
Higher, higher in the school of wisdom, more of grace to know.
Deeper, deeper blessed Holy Spirit, Take me deeper still,
Till my life is wholly lost in Jesus and His perfect will.
Deeper, deeper! tho' it cost hard trials, deeper let me go!
Rooted in the holy love of Jesus, let me fruitful grow.
Deeper, higher, every day in Jesus,Till all conflicts past find me conqu'ror,
And in His own image perfected at last.
O deeper yet, I pray, and higher ev'ry day,
And wiser, blessed Lord, in thy precious, holy Word.
May God bless you and your family with good health, peace, love and joy as we strive to become
more like Jesus.
Loving you through Jesus,
Changing Wednesday
Service time
Beginning on Wednesday, February 2, we will change the
time for our
adult Bible Study and Prayer service to 6:30 p.m.
season is in many ways no different than all the ones
A Christmas
Note From
before it. For me personally that is not quite true, as my son, Isaac,
will be celebrating his first Christmas (will have celebrated by the
you read
this). Outside of Isaac it is Christmas as usual:
Christmas Eve service, Christmas Day with family, eating too much
food, taking a nap, reading a book, and watching a few movies.
Leading up to Christmas the youth group and myself do the normal
things for us: bring in Operation Christmas Child gifts, bring in gifts
for families in need in Manteno, and pass out Christmas baskets to
families in need from the fire station. These are the practices of
Christmas. The gift giving is about the fact that we received the
greatest gift in Jesus, but it is also about the season of the year.
I hope this year will be a little different for me and for you. What I mean by that is often we are very
giving in the Christmas season, but once the New Year starts we tend to have a change of heart, or
at least a change of wallet. It is my hope that for the youth group, for my family, and for the church
that we will continue to be giving with our time, energy and resources for the betterment of God’s
Kingdom. The truth is that the Christmas season is about the life that God gives and I am certain
that life is given even in the nastiness of January and February! The greatest gift we can give is to
live our lives for Christ and to be a people that give hope with the way we live!
Bethany Blanton
10 Amanda Mountain
Debbi Baldauff
11 Brian Scott
Barbara Loewig
11 Daphne Bogenschneider
Connie Helm
12 Harold Yochim
Charles Knox
13 Rich Carlson
Ryan Bennett
15 Tim Boudreau
Jaycob Harders
17 Tony Grimm
Connie Blacklock 18 Gary Scurlock
Shelly Stroud
19 Alysse Rueff
Jackson Baldwin
20 Leann Hale
and Carla Pralle
Kevin Whittington 23 Robert Bennett
Michael Nay2 Kevin and Dawn Reardanz
Bob Austell
Megan Skinner
Randy Helgeson
Kate Mountain
Sharon Bellomy
Jon Toepper
Bill Harris
Larry Holder
Zach Austell
Shirley Foster
Alyssa Cullotta
George and Leslie Knox
Jason and Marci Sowles
Jeff and Kendra Testerman
Ben and Ruth McCrary
Harold and Hilda Yochim
Notes of Thanks
To our Church Family,
We are once again overwhelmed with your love, support and generosity
shown to us during this Christmas season. We are truly blessed to serve
God with such a loving church family. We look forward to see what God has in store for Manteno Church of the
Nazarene in 2011.
Jack, Susan, Aaron, Bekah, Joey and Martha
Continued on next page…
Notes of Thanks Continued.
Dear Church Family,
We greatly appreciated your thoughtfulness and kindness with giving us a Christmas bonus. We love the Lord
and feel blessed to serve Him through service to our church. Have a blessed New Year!
Connie, Pam, Ken, Mary Ann, Judy and Wilbur
To My Sunday School Class,
As I write this note and think about your generosity, I am enjoying a cup of coffee form my new Keurig!! Thank
you so much from my heart for the gift.
I value each one of you and consider our class one of my greatest blessings,
God Bless, LeAnn
Dear Church Family,
Thank you so much for the candy, the bear, and balloon you gave me when I had my surgery. I also thank you
for the prayers you’ve said throughout the year on my behalf. I have had a rough year, but I know it could’ve been
much worse if I hadn’t had all your prayers to support me! My family is so very blessed to have you all in our lives.
Thanks again for everything!
Kaylee Boudreau and family
Manteno Nazarene Church,
The Manteno Christmas Basket Committee would like to thank all the children, parents and adults that collected
food and worked at the fire house. Through your efforts we were able to provide presents and food for 105 families
this year. The food competition with the Sunday School Classes allowed us to provide the most food we have ever
collected for the families. We are very proud that our church is reaching out in the community to help the less
Richard VanPelt, Manteno Christmas Baskets
To My Dear Church Family,
Words cannot express how deeply your prayers, cards, visits to Marge and your love and support have touched
both my and Marge’s hearts. Marge went home to be with the Lord on her 86 th birthday. What a blessing to know
that she celebrated her birthday in the arms of the Savior! I truly feel blessed to be part of such a caring and loving
church family.
God Bless each of you, Shirley Foster
February 11-13, 2011
(Please mark your calendar)
Dr. Mark R. Quanstrom is a full-time professor of theology and philosophy in the
School of Theology at Olivet Nazarene University. He began teaching at Olivet
in the fall of 2005.
Prior to coming to Olivet, he was pastor for 23 years at the Belleville, IL First Church of the
Nazarene. While pastor, he was an on-line instructor for Nazarene Bible College, and an adjunct
professor for European Nazarene College, Director of the Illinois District School of Ministry and
served on the Illinois District Advisory Board.
An exciting aspect of missions in the Church of the Nazarene is the
hands-on experience afforded by volunteer ministries. Volunteers,
ranging from children to senior adults, serve in a variety of tasks
requiring an assortment of skill levels. Volunteers assist in the following: Work & Witness, Mission
Corps, Nazarene Health Care Ministries, College and University Students Serving and Enabling,
Youth in Mission, Youthserve and Prayer.
January 9 – 5:45 p.m. Bandage Rolling. We really need help with this project and welcome all
January 10 – NOTHSTINE CHAPTER, 10:00 a.m. Come help us roll bandages for the Mission
Hospital in New Guinea and learn more about missions.
January 12 – 7:00 p.m. Rich Carlson will be sharing his Work and Witness trip to Switzerland.
Pray for God’s peace to reign in the country of Mexico. Pray that people will be kept safe from
violent situations, especially those related to the drug cartels, and for Christians to be a source of
light in areas where darkness lives
Remember our LINKS Missionaries: The Kim’s and Perry’s.
Kits are needed to replace the ones that have been distributed. We need
your help to bring in items needed. The list of items and sizes is on the
missionary table in foyer. Please leave the items in the box by the NMI table.
Thank you for your help in this project!
Praise the Lord that through the ministry of JESUS Film Harvest Partners
(JFHP), 57.5 million people have heard the Gospel message. Of these
contacts, 10.2 million have indicated decisions for Christ, with 3.6 million (3
percent of the decisions) being involved in initial discipleship follow-ups.
Janice Carlson – NMI President
Friday, February 4, 2011, 7 p.m.,
Marriage Inc
at ONU’s Centennial
Les and Leslie Parrott are the speakers. They are authors of more
than a dozen best-selling books such as: Saving Your Marriage
Before It Starts, Your Time Starved Marriage, Dot Com Dating,
and the Complete Guide to Marriage Mentoring. Tickets are $10
each and are available in the church office.
- Pastor Bekah
R U N? Are you in? Or are you out? Almost everything in life requires us to decide whether it’s
worth it to finish it: Learning to play the bongos, turning in that science project, cleaning the toilet
(again), growing your hair out for Locks of Love, starting (and maintaining) a savings account,
continuing to serve, even when it seems like no one appreciates it, finishing the race. Worthwhile
things in life are like a race.
So, you have to decide: are you going to finish it, or are you going to give up?
Do you want to be like Paul, who did what he did, determined to finish? Or do
you want to be like the Israelites, who gave up all too often? Are you a runner
or are you a quitter?
That’s what’s coming up in January in Power House Kidz elementary S.S.
and kids church. We will take a look at determination, which is deciding it’s
worth finishing what you’ve started. So get your running shoes on…By Melanie
Williams. ©2010 Orange • • All rights reserved. Used by permission.
You ARE Special!
It's time to start thinking about 2011. Wow! Another year passed. The New Year is a time of
reflection. A time to look back at what we've accomplished and look forward to our new goals. What
do you want to do with your preschoolers this year? How are you going to impact their lives for their
Heavenly Father.
We'll begin the year by teaching these precious gifts that they are special. Not only are they special
to you and to me, they are special to God. God MADE them, and that makes them very special
indeed. They are so special that Jesus even said, "Let the children come to me," Luke 18:16,
NIV, and shared stories of how much God loves each and every one of us. By relating to us the love
a shepherd has for his sheep and the love a father has for his returning son, Jesus showed us how
much God loves each and every one of us, even the littlest members of our churches.
As you share God's love with your preschoolers, remember that they see you as a personification of
that love. When we show preschoolers that each and every one of them is unique and special, we
are showing them how God feels about them. The greatest way to teach preschoolers that they are
special to God is to show them that they are special to you.
We pray that these months will bring moments filled with wonder as we give preschoolers a "first
look" at the God who loves them, made them, and wants to be their friend forever.
By Kathy Hill. © 2011 The reThink Group * * All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Get Ready…purchase a derby car kit ($4 each) from Pastor Bekah or the
church office, Get Set…make your car according to the directions in the
kit, be creative but make sure it doesn’t weigh more than 5.0 ounces! GO…To
the Family Life Center for RACE DAY on Wednesday, January 26 (weigh-in
5:30 p.m., Race 6:30 p.m.). This annual event is open to everyone, and there
is an adult category too.
Continued on next page…
Children’s Ministries Continued.
Sledding Day
Join us out on the hill behind the Bowman’s house on Jan Drive in Manteno on
Saturday, January 29. We will be sledding away as long as there is snow! We
will begin at 2:00 p.m. Hot Chocolate will be available in the Bowman backyard!
Preteen After Hours:
Preteens Only! We will be meeting at the Harder’s house, 611 Farm View Ave.,
Bourbonnais, on Sunday, January 30, for some fun and games. We will begin at
5:30 p.m. and be done at 7:00 p.m. Bring food and friends!
January Jump & Jive – January 15, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., at College Church North Campus. Cost:
$15 (by January 4), $20 after. Quizzing (lessons 1-10), inflatables, bounce
house, giant slide, 2 obstacle courses, lunch and games. This event is for
quizzers only. FUN, FUN, FUN! We need a dad or man who is willing to be at
College Church by 2 p.m., to help with breaking down the inflatables and clean
up. Please contact Mark Mountain if you are willing to help.
Women’s Ministries
1st Annual “Everything You Didn’t Want for Christmas” Party
Sunday, January 16, 6 p.m. Come join us for a fun evening
where re-gifting is encouraged! Bring a new or old unused item,
carefully disguised in a brown paper (or similar) bag. We’ll have
some laughs around the white elephant exchange and all go
home with something different. (Disclaimer: It could be another
while elephant!) Please bring a snack to share.
SECRET PALS: If you would like to participate in this years Secret Pals, please sign-up on the
sheet on the Family Life Center hallway bulletin board. We will get together on Monday, January 31,
6:30 p.m., to reveal those who we have had this past year and, then, anyone interested in being a
new Secret Pal will draw names. Being a Secret Pal consists of giving cards throughout the year
and a gift for special occasions. Following the Secret Pal revealing, we will have a time for
fellowship and desserts. We would like to encourage all the women of the church to join us.
Babysitting will be provided at the church for a small fee. Please contact Melody Grimm, at (815)
304-5042, with number of children attending.
COOKIE SALE: We would like to thank those who made cookies for our Annual Cookie Sale as
well as those who purchased cookies. This is our main fundraiser for Women’s Ministries and we
raised $1,147! These monies are used to fund community outreach, such as our Annual Harvest
Dinner, baby and wedding showers. Thank you, also, to Marian Pollard and Nancy Boyer for
organizing and running this sale and to all of the volunteers who worked. We appreciate all of you!
A Winning pattern for the New Year
Some anonymous wise person penned the following directions for living without bringing pain to others
or oneself:
“You will never be sorry—for thinking before acting, for hearing before judging, for forgiving your
enemies, for being candid and frank, for helping a fallen brother, for being honest in business, for
thinking before speaking, for being loyal to God and the church, for standing by your principles, for
refusing to participate in gossip, for holding your words when tempted to demean another, for not
entertaining impure or hateful thoughts, for sympathizing with the afflicted, for being courteous and kind
to all.”
Youth Leaders
Mtg. 12:30p
Rolling 5:45p
Ch. Bd. Mtg.
Music Fest 7p
Mtg. 7p
Youth Parent
Mtg. 2p
Ministry 6p
Youth Game
Night 7-9p
Chapter 10a
Sledding at
Pastor Bekah’s
Derby 6:30p