4H5915 Steel production technology

August 16, 2005
KTH and the Brinell Centre
invites you to participate in the course
4H5915 Steel production technology
The main aim of the course is to provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed
to analyse steel production.
The target groups for this course are:
People employed in the steel industry as well as suppliers and other people with an
interest to further develop their knowledge regarding the state-of-the art of steel
production technology.
Graduate students in metallurgy and materials science. The graduate students are
required to both follow the lecture series and to carry out a separate project
assignment. The result of the project work will be presented at a special seminar. The
course is a 4 unit course.
We are looking forward to meet you here in Stockholm!
Prof. John Olof Edström, Dr. Sven Ekerot, Dr. Margareta Andersson and Prof. Pär Jönsson
Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
KTH Brinellvägen 23 100 44 Stockholm. Tel: 08-790 8375. Fax: 08-20 76 81. E-post: par@mse.kth.se
Pg: 1 56 53-9. Bg: 895-9223. Momsreg.nr/VAT: SE202100305401. www.mse.kth.se
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Lecture series
October 11, 2005
08.30-08.35 Prof. Pär Jönsson, KTH
08.35-09.15 Prof. Emer. John Olof Edström, KTH
Production routes for steelmaking
09.15-10.00 Prof. Jan Olof Wikström, MEFOS
Production methods for ironmaking
10.00-10.20 Coffee break
10.20-11.20 Executive Vice President - Specialty Stainless Olof Faxander
The strategic challenges for Outokumpu and the processes used to deal with them
11.20-12.40 Lunch på Jakthornet
12.40-13.40 Prof. Olle Wijk, Executive Vice President, Production, Sandvik Steel
Technology AB
Rationalization of steel production
13.40-14.40 Dr Martin Pei, General Manager Slabs Production, SSAB Oxelösund AB
Preparation for and commissioning of investments in a steel plant
14.40-15.00 Coffee break
15.00-15.45 Prof. Pär Jönsson, KTH
Production methods for steelmaking
15.45-16.30 Dr Bo Rogberg, AB Sandvik Materials Technology
Production methods for casting
18.30 Dinner at Jernkontoret
In connection with the dinner: Prof. John Olof Edström “History of steelmaking in
Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
KTH Brinellvägen 23 100 44 Stockholm. Tel: 08-790 8375. Fax: 08-20 76 81. E-post: par@mse.kth.se
Pg: 1 56 53-9. Bg: 895-9223. Momsreg.nr/VAT: SE202100305401. www.mse.kth.se
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October 12, 2005
08.00-08.45 Prof. Sven-Erik Lundberg, Örebro University
Production methods for rolling
08.45-09.45 Prof. Göran Carlsson, Executive Vice President, Swedish Steel AB
The development of the world steel industry during the last ten years
09.45-10.05 Coffee
10.05-10.50 Dr Per Storm, Vice President, IVA
The economics of steel production
10.50-11.35 Dr Sven Ekerot, KTH
The cost situation for Swedish steel production in comparison to the rest of the world
11.35-12.45 Lunch at Jakthornet
12.45-13.30 Dr
Joachim von Scheele, Customer Segment Manager - Steel Industry,
Foundries and Recycling, Linde Gas AG
Economy, energy and technology aspects of blast furnace and electric arc furnace
13.30-14.15 Prof Jonas Lagergren, Jernkontoret
Some research and quality needs in upgraded strip rolling
14.15-15.00 Tech. Lic. Rutger Gyllenram, Kobolde & Partners
Process modeling and control
15.00-15.25 Coffee break
15.25-16.15 Tech. Lic. Lars Bentell, Director, Jernkontoret
Quality management for steel production
16.15-17.00 Birgitta Lindblad, Director, Jernkontoret
Eco-cycle strategies
In addition to the lecture series, participants taking the course for credit need to carry out a
project in groups of two. Suggested project titles are given in Appendix I. The project
results will be presented in a separate seminar on January 18, 2006.
Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
KTH Brinellvägen 23 100 44 Stockholm. Tel: 08-790 8375. Fax: 08-20 76 81. E-post: par@mse.kth.se
Pg: 1 56 53-9. Bg: 895-9223. Momsreg.nr/VAT: SE202100305401. www.mse.kth.se
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Course Fees
Graduate students, KTH
Graduate students, other universities
Industry representants and others, not
registered as graduate students
500 kr
1500 kr
6000 kr
Course fee includes coffee, lunch, dinner and written course material.
Questions regarding the technical content of the course can be directed to:
Dr. Sven Ekerot
Div. of Applied Process Metallurgy
Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering
100 44 Stockholm
Phone: +46 8 790 6545
Fax: + 46 8 14 93 38
E-mail: svene@mse.kth.se
Organizing committee
Prof. John Olof Edström, KTH
Dr. Sven Ekerot, KTH
Dr. Margareta Andersson, KTH
Prof. Pär Jönsson, KTH
Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
KTH Brinellvägen 23 100 44 Stockholm. Tel: 08-790 8375. Fax: 08-20 76 81. E-post: par@mse.kth.se
Pg: 1 56 53-9. Bg: 895-9223. Momsreg.nr/VAT: SE202100305401. www.mse.kth.se
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Registration form
4H5915 Steel production technology
Note here if you take part as a graduate student and what university you are affiliated to:
Specify if you are vegetarian:
Please send registration form at latest October 4, 2006 to:
Johan Björklund
Div. of Applied Process Metallurgy
Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering
100 44 Stockholm
Phone: +46 8 790 8404
Fax: + 46 8 20 76 81
E-mail: johanb@mse.kth.se
After registration an invoice will be sent to you as well as information on organisational
Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
KTH Brinellvägen 23 100 44 Stockholm. Tel: 08-790 8375. Fax: 08-20 76 81. E-post: par@mse.kth.se
Pg: 1 56 53-9. Bg: 895-9223. Momsreg.nr/VAT: SE202100305401. www.mse.kth.se
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Appendix I
Suggested project topics:
1. Iron based raw materials for the steel industry.
2. Pretreatment of pig iron.
3. Current state-of-the-art with respect to production of stainless steel.
4. Methods for ladle refining.
5. Methods for casting of stainless steel. Comparison of the competition between
steelworks with a high and a low production volume.
6. Manufacturing of steel powder and products.
7. Methods for coating of thin sheet.
8. Rolling of strip steel.
9. Methods to decrease scale formation during hot rolling of strip steel.
10. Efficient technologies to reheat cast steel for rolling operations.
11. Strategies and technologies for recycling of by-products.
It is assumed that the students will take both the technical and economical aspects into
Note, that industrial participants are welcome to suggest topics for the students.
Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
KTH Brinellvägen 23 100 44 Stockholm. Tel: 08-790 8375. Fax: 08-20 76 81. E-post: par@mse.kth.se
Pg: 1 56 53-9. Bg: 895-9223. Momsreg.nr/VAT: SE202100305401. www.mse.kth.se
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