Rukmani Birla Modern High School, Jaipur Summer Vacation Assignment (2015-16) Class XI Note: Date for submission of projects- 15/07/2015 Subject- English 1. Read the novel The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde thoroughly and change its genre to drama. Prepare a script in groups. Use A4 size ruled sheets. The work should be done in a neat handwriting. After the submission of the script each group will be asked to perform the play. Subject: Mathematics Define a Venn diagram and write its history. Where and why do we use Venn diagrams? Use Venn diagram to show disjoint sets, difference of two sets, union, intersection and complement of a set. Represent the types of functions graphically. Prepare a presentation (submit a CD for the same). Subject: Sociology Project Work Topics Poverty and Crime The changing nature of Culture and Tradition Role of media in society Gendered differences in Socialization of Girls and Boys Role of women in the present family structure. Subject- Economics Project Work The students are required to prepare a project as per the revised syllabus. The project must be strictly prepared as per the given guidelines. Topic:-Survey on Consumer awareness Specification: Cover page Acknowledgement Index Covering letter List of respondents Table for enumeration with tally marks Diagrammatic presentation on any ten important questions Interpretation containing important aspects of the survey All questionnaires must be approved by the subject teachers. Subject: Computer Science Prepare a group discussion on the topic “Computer Education in School”. Key points in discussion: Every group must have a team leader. Every group must have a reporter. 100% participation is must. Discussion must be based on actual facts and surveys. By using C++, prepare a calculator that can perform basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and remainder. Subject: Fine Arts (Commercial Arts) 1. Prepare a sketch file including minimum of 20 sketches based on the following topics- (Your sketches should be original) Plant Study Object Study (Utensils, Pots, Furniture, etc.) Landscapes Body Parts (Eyes, Nose, Ears, Hand, Feet, etc.) Subject-Physical Education (A4 size, portrait) 1. Scrap book: Prepare a scrap book or file related to favourite sport’s personality or game. 2. Collect information on a specific game and prepare a soft board (allotment of game will be done by the teacher). Subject-Biology 1. Investigatory project on the topic related to the syllabus like physiological disorders in humans, effect of environmental factors on growth of plants, flowers of different families like solanaceae, paplionaceae .Make a working or non working model. 2. Presentation of the project Index Certificate Acknowledgment Objective of Project Introduction Content Discussion and Conclusion of results Bibliography SUBJECT – PHYSICS Investigatory Project : As per CBSE syllabus, the students have to prepare an investigatory project .The project must be based on some concept of physics of standard class XI. The students will have to submit a report on the project comprising scientific investigations involving laboratory testing and collecting information from other sources. Guidelines to be followed : (a) The Students will get the topic of investigation from the concerned subject teacher. (b) Brief report (Investigation file) Mention following details: Cover Page Index Certificate Acknowledgement Content: 1. Aim (name of investigatory project) 2. Apparatus and material used 3. Theory (concept, diagram etc.) 4. Procedure 5. Experiments and Observations 6. Result/Conclusion 7. Application of project in daily life Bibliography Topics of investigation: 1. To investigate the effect of angle of launch on range of projectile. 2. To study conservation of linear momentum. 3. To study conservation of angular momentum. 4. To investigate the Bernoulli’s theorem with simple experiments. 5.To study phenomenon of resonance using an open pipe. 6.To study variation of volume of a gas with its pressure at constant temperature using doctor’s syringe. Subject: Chemistry Investigatory Project- As per C.B.S.E. Guidelines: Scientific investigations involving laboratory testing and collecting information from other sources. Example- Hardness of water, Foaming capacity of soap, Analysis of fruit and vegetable juices for their acidity, constituent of alloy, sterilization of water using bleaching powder, conductivity of electrolytic solution, oxalate ion in guava fruit, rate of fermentation, adulteration in food stuff. Project must cover the following: Cover Page Index Certificate Acknowledgement Objective of Project Content Experiments Bibliography Subject:Psychology Project Assignment To choose a branch of psychology List of topics: Developmental Psychology Legal Psychology Paranormal Psychology Media Psychology Criminal Psychology Military Psychology Social Psychology Cognitive Psychology Adolescent Psychology Forensic Psychology Neuro Psychology Environmental Psychology Psychopaths Sports Psychology Clinical Psychology Child Psychology Organisational Psychology Dream Analysis Counselling Psychology Health Psychology Community Psychology Woman Psychology Educational Psychology Political Psychology The project will contain an in-depth description of the branch of psychology, the methods of research and skills used in it. The project will also contain a case study with reference to the chosen branch. Guidelines The project has to be submitted in a spirally bound copy, A4 size. The project should be creative. The project is to be submitted after the summer break. Subject: Political Science Prepare a detailed project report on “Land Acquisition Bill” Project Report must include •Cover page • Index •Steps under which the bill would be converted into law •The major provisions of the bill •The people who would be affected by the bill •Arguments in support for and against the bill •Conclusions •Bibliography Subject: Geography Complete the practical file in all respects for the following topics: Construct various types of Maps based on scale. Construct various types of Maps based on functions. Construct a graphical scale when the given R.F. is 1:50,000 and read the distances in kilometers and meters. Subject- Business Studies Students are going to prepare a Project Report on obtaining a car and home loan from any nationalized bank. They should prepare a project report by filling in the information in the Performa. The information should be authentic. Specifications: Cover page Acknowledgement Index Covering letter Detailed information Subject: Accountancy Project Work as per C.B.S.E. Guidelines : Prepare a Comprehensive Project based on collection of various source documents like Pay-in-Slip, Cheque, Cash Memo, Invoice etc. and vouchers from different business institutions (at least two) along with their definition in a project file. Specifications: Cover Page Index Certificate Acknowledgement Performa of source documents and vouchers Detailed information Bibliography