Installation CAFFO 11g Rhea Table of Contents 1. Pre-installation ..................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Java Runtime ........................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Oracle Installation .................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Installation ............................................................................................................ 4 2.1 Auto Installation ....................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1.1 Caffo Installation ............................................................................................................................ 4 2.1.2 Caffo Custom Installation ............................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Database Installation ............................................................................................................................... 7 2.3 Installation of the ‘Named Sets’ for Designer. ......................................................................................... 7 2.4 Implementation Aspects ........................................................................................................................... 8 2.4.1 Directory Structure ......................................................................................................................... 8 2.4.2 Use of splash (cf. …/bin) ............................................................................................................... 8 2.4.3 Use of RES-files ............................................................................................................................. 9 2.5 Installation Debugger for Stored Objects ................................................................................................. 9 2.6 Known problems .................................................................................................................................... 10 1. Pre-installation 1.1 Java Runtime The Caffo installer uses the JDK of the Oracle Middleware installation. No additional installation of a JDK is necessary. 1.2 Oracle Installation The Caffo installer uses Oracle products to complete the installation. On the Unix platform, Oracle Sql*Plus ,Oracle Forms Runtime and Oracle Forms Compiler have to be installed. You also have to be able to connect to the database where the Caffo Repository needs to be installed. You can also create a table space on the database where the Caffo Repository objects are created. In this table space, a minimum of 50Mb has to be free. The data base option OPEN_CURSORS has to be on 300. Cronos Caffo 3 2. Installation 2.1 Auto Installation First of all, the CaffoInstaller.tar.gz file needs to be unzipped and untared. Put the CaffoInstaller.tar.gz file in the directory where it can be untared. Execute the following commands: 1. gunzip CaffoInstaller.tar.gz 2. tar –xvf Caffoinstaller.tar Next, the environment variable ORACLE_HOME, has to be set to the Oracle Middleware software installation: 1. ex : ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/as_1 2. export ORACLE_HOME Next, the environment variable INSTANCE_HOME, has to be set to the Oracle Middleware instance installation: 3. ex : INSTANCE_HOME=/home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/asinst_1 4. export INSTANCE_HOME The installer can then be launched with the command: 1. ./RunInstaller The installer script will check the existance the sqlplus, and scripts in the PATH. 2.1.1 Caffo Installation Now it is possible to choose between a New Caffo Application, a Caffo Upgrade or a Custom Installation. A new Caffo Installation will install all the possible Caffo options. An Upgrade will install the caffo software, update the caffo repository, install the new translations and install the documantation. It is also possible to to a Custom Installation were you can choose the options yourself. With the option Uninstall Caffo one can uninstall all the Caffo files. Cronos Caffo 4 2.1.2 Caffo Custom Installation If you check Caffo Custom Installation, you get a check list with Caffo components you can install. If you want to do a new installation, all components have to be checked. Cronos Caffo 5 View Pre-Installation Steps: this option will show the preinstall.txt file. Please follow the instructions in this file for setting up the Caffo repository. Caffo Software: installation of the Caffo software. The software means all files necessary to run Caffo. Caffo repository : installation of the Caffo repository. At this choice, a username and password are asked. Here, you use the Oracle user you created as repository owner. If a Caffo repository already exists, this choice upgrades the existing repository to a new version. Caffo translations : installing the Dutch translation for the AM application. Oracle menu security objects : installing the Oracle database objects which are necessary to use menu security. Here, a user name and pass word will be asked. You have to use the system user. Caffo Software : installing the Caffo software. Software means all files necessary to run Caffo. User adjustable pll’s : installation of the Modlib, Applib and AF pll’s. Caffo Documentation : installation of all Caffo documentation View Post-Installation steps: this option will show the postinstall.txt file. Please follow the instructions in this file for setting up the config files. Cronos Caffo 6 2.2 Database Installation Attention: If all choices were checked in the installer, this doesn’t have to be executed. You can install the AM application in a simple way with the AM scripts. The AMInstall.sql and AMTrans.sql script can best be run under a user created to control AM. This user needs to insure a good functioning of AM or insure the following additional rights: - creation and deletion of public synonyms, rolas, tables, views and triggers. - select rights on dba_role_privs and dba_roles. - Rights on the -Forms security tables of ORACLE(run the frm90bld and frm90grt files with the system user). - CONNECT, RESOURCE, DBA, SELECT ANY TABLE, EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE, CREATE ANY PROCEDURE, ALTER ANY PROCEDURE, DROP ANY PROCEDURE, CREATE ANY CONTEXT (one can find all statements in the preinstall.txt file). Attention : The ORACLE user needs to have select rights on the Designer tables and on SYS.DBA_ROLES en SYS.DBA_ROLE_PRIVS. After the installation of the database objects, a select privilege needs to be given on SYS.DBA_ROLE_PRIVS and SYS.DBA_ROLES and to the role AM_ADMIN9. Don’t forget to adjust the options and the system options in AM for correct path setting. It is possible to install version 9 of Caffo next to the previous version. 2.3 Installation of the ‘Named Sets’ for Designer. The Named Sets can be loaded with the Repository Object Navigator or RON. Since it is not possible to unload a pref. set, a dummy application is created from where an export is created. This is done so the application will resort, and afterwards makes a copy of the preference sets in the required application. This is done with the Application/Restore menu where the import file name of the DMP file, \CAFFO9\DOC\PREFSETV9x, has to be given at the bottom.DMP. After pressing the import button, it can take a while before everything is loaded. When the import has stopped, you can no longer restore the application. ATTENTION : Additional manual adaptions for the current version are: FMNDMA = <APPLICATIE>MAIN Cronos Caffo 7 2.4 Implementation Aspects 2.4.1 Directory Structure Application Framework consists of two main folders/directories: /Caffo9 Application Metadata System (AM) Contains all code for the application to maintain the meta-date CAFFO can be used to create several applications simultaneously of the global set of components and libraries available. For each application you wish to implement, you can set a similar directory structure. /bin Contains all files necessary in the final BIN directories for the different applications (e.g. Splash, INI-files, …) /doc Documentation related to the main folder /frame Only for CAFFO9. Contains all generic Caffo modules /frm Contains all–fmb’s and fmx’s /olb Only for CAFFO9. Contains the olb that functions as library where ‘objects’ are that can be subclassed /pll Only for CAFFO9. contains library modules /rep Contains the reports /sql Contains all possible SQL-scripts, possibly subdivided in sub folders (e.g. Code, Data Objects, …) /template Only for CAFFO9. contains templates that can be used (possibly with Designer) this directory structure can be adapted/extended according to the needs of the project, e.g. /graph Oracle Graphics programs /word Word templates For each application, a structure with the following sub-folders/directories has to be set. Application specific components (templates and library modules) can be localized here. At generation, you have to direct options to the right files with the preferences or generation options Cronos Caffo 8 2.4.2 Use of splash (cf. …/bin) splash.ontw Script to launch application/runform splash.forms Script to start form builder with the right form settings. 2.4.3 Use of RES-files Under <ORACLE_HOME>/FORMS90/ the (updated) version of FMRUSW.res, cq. FMRDUW.res (for a Dutch version) needs to be implemented. The FMRUSW.res is a resource file that is used by Oracle Run Forms; it contains mapping for several function keys. Oracle offers the possibility to define 10 additional function keys with application specific functionality: e.g. Ctrl-K can be defined to call the calendar object. The FMRUSW.res, that can be foujd under the AFW directory, contains an example of how to create and extra function key, defined with Oracle*Terminal. 2.5 Installation Debugger for Stored Objects This is how you proceed : 1. Give a SYS user an execute grant on the Dbms_Pipe package to the AF owner. 2. Start the Pck$Debug.Sql script under a different AF owner. 3. Grant Execute on Pck$Debug to user that wants to debug. 4. Create Public synonym Pck$Debug for Pck$Debug. 5. In your code, you put call to the de Pck$Debug package where you want to debug. Example : begin for number in 1..10 loop pck$debug.debugmessage(‘this is debub line number '||to_char(nummer)); end loop; end; / 6. With the form Debugger you can look at the results with the Start button. Cronos Caffo 9 2.6 Known problems Problem : When you get an error when starting the installer that looks like “Client not authorized to connect to Server” or “connection refused by server”, the X-client is not authorized to connect to the X-server. Solution : Give the X-client the permission to connect to the Server with the command “xhost + <name of X-client>” Problem : You get the error “The program is not successfully completed. Please try again …” when creating the caffo repository owner. Solution : first check if de form responsible for creating the repository owner is successfully compiled. In the <caffo_dir>/frame directory must exist a CAFFO_USER.fmx file. If not, create it first (f90gen userid=sysem/<password>@dbstring module=<caffo_dir>/frame/CAFFO_USER.fmb). Then start the form manually (f90runm userid=sys/<password>@dbstring module=<caffo_dir>/frame/CAFFO_USER.fmx). Abort the Caffo Installer and restart it without choosing the option “create Caffo repository owner”. Cronos Caffo 10