Customer Profile Worksheet fall 2010billz

Marketing Management
Customer Profile Research Worksheet (Profit & Nonprofit Version)
Check-in worth 20 points
William J. McGraw
1. Identify at least 2 target markets for your organization
a. White women over 50
b. Minority women over 50
2. For Target Market A describe the following:
What are the demographics of this market? (for example: age
range, gender, education level, race, income, ethnicity or
anything you think is relevant for your market)
White women over 50 seem to be concerned with how they
look. Aging women may seek help in the form of beauty
products, surgery, foods, and other anti-aging remedies.
The more educated women are, the more they are likely to
seek more expensive anti-aging remedies.
Women with less income seek budget remedies.
Many of these women have college degrees and earn on
average $65,291/year.They are spending more on insurance
and health care. Typically they are cautious and fear their
wealth will fall.
MORE magazine has garnered the women boomers and the
subscriptions are growing.
What are the psychographics of this market? (for example:
what do they like to do? What do they value? What are their
hobbies? What life stage are they in? And anything else you
think is relevant for your market)
Women seem to be concerned with their looks, figure, and
health. By offering a variety of products and information to
women over 50, we hope to tap into this growing market.
Women value their looks and health. They value looking
young, having good skin, and good health. They are over 50,
they are half way through a normal lifespan.
According to the book titled “The Baby Boomers, The
American Generation Series, 4th ed. Written by Cheryl Russell,
boomers are concerned with health care, chronic conditions,
and insurance. She cites the following facts:
1 in 4 boomers smoke and half have tried to quit smoking.
2 out of 3 are obese.
14% have no health insurance
35% of people aged 45-64 have lower back pain.
Hypertension, arthritis and other chronic conditions are a
concern to boomer.
22% of people aged 55 to 64 have a work disability.
Cancer is the #1 killer of boomers.
We hope to tap into the women’s concern for family and offer
information and products to help both sexes.
3. For Target Market B describe the following:
What are the demographics of this market? (for example: age
range, gender, education level, race, income, ethnicity or
anything you think is relevant for your market)
Minority women over 50 share some of the concerns as white
women with some exceptions. Some minority women can age
slower than white women due to diet, exercise, and life habits
that prolong life. For example, an Asian diet is rich in fish,
fruits and vegetables. Or a Mediterranean diet is rich in antioxidants and other beneficial plants based products.
However, some minority women have other heath concerns
white women may not have. And, their income may be less
than white women.
What are the psychographics of this market? (for example:
what do they like to do? What do they value? What are their
hobbies? What life stage are they in? And anything else you
think is relevant for your market.)
Minority women may have more stress than white women due to lower paying
jobs and social pressures. Stress can harm people. They are cautious
spenders and suspicious of the hard sell. They travel, refurbish their homes,
and are active. They are likely to care for family members. Some have an
empty nest as the kids have moved out. They are multi-taskers, and they are
drawn by emotion, not product hype.
From comes this information. They make careful buying
decisions, seem to live longer than their husbands, seem to worry, are interested
in money and careers, and passion is important.
4. Identify at least 1 potential target market that your organization is not
presently serving (or is not serving to a full extent anyway)
Men over 50. Men over 50 can be interested in anti-aging products and
information. And, we hope to get men interested in anti-aging, good health
and diet and exercise through women in their lives.
5. For your potential target market describe the following:
What are the demographics of this market? (for example: age
range, gender, education level, race, income, ethnicity or
anything you think is relevant for your market)
Some men need to look young and act young. Men, in general
seek to be healthy, fit and trim. Health, living longer, and
saving money are important to men. Since some men die
before their wives, being in good health is important.
What are the psychographics of this market? (for example:
what do they like to do? What do they value? What are their
hobbies? What life stage are they in? And anything else you
think is relevant for your market.)
Some men over 60 date, have spendable income, some have hobbies, and
From comes the following information.
Boomer men seem to use online dating, engage the social networks, are
concerned with health, and are interested in travel, cars, insurance, finances,
gift services, and nostalgia
They also visit malls, dine out 4-5 times a week, use the Internet to find health
information, make online purchases, spend $29 billion annually on grandkids,
and hold 62% of all large Wall Street investment accounts.
6. Resources (list below all resources used to gather the information on this
The Baby Boomer, 4th ed, The American Generation Series, Cheryl Russell.