COMPLIANCE WITH FRS8: DISCLOSURE OF RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS The Council has agreed that the Annual Accounts of the Law Society comply with all relevant Financial Reporting Standards (FRS). The Society is therefore required to comply with FRS 8 - Related Party Disclosures. Under this standard, the Society is required to disclose related party transactions* between the Society or its subsidiaries and related parties. After consultation with the Society's professional auditors, it has been agreed that related parties would include Council and Board Members and their firms, employers or close family members** In order to ensure that the disclosures are accurate, please complete the attached declaration and e-mail to Bill Bilimoria, Head of Finance, as detailed on the following page. * A related party transaction includes any transaction involving the transfer of assets or the performance of services by, to or for a related party. However, specifically excluded are claims for travel and subsistence expenses incurred on Law Society business, the annual expense allowance, practising certificate and other statutory fees payable to the Society, supplies by the Society on terms no more favourable than available to any other member, Office Holders Compensation and Lay Members Compensation. Also this should not include any transactions between Council or Board Members or their firms and the Solicitors Indemnity Fund. ** A close family member is a family member or member of the same household as the Council or Board Member and, in either case, is a person who may be expected to influence or be influenced by the Council or Board Member in his or her dealings with the Society. A related party would also include a company, of which the Council or Board Member, their Firm, employers or close family member was a director or held a controlling interest therein. COMPLIANCE WITH FRS8: DISCLOSURE OF RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS Please ensure that you have selected the correct statement by clicking on the arrow at the beginning of the paragraph Please ensure that you have printed your name below related party transactions between myself, my firm/employers or close family and the Law Society or its subsidiaries for the period 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2007. (This excludes claims for travel and subsistence expenses incurred on Law Society business, the annual expense allowance, practising certificate and other statutory fees payable to the Society, supplies by the Society on terms no more favourable than available to any other member, Office Holders Compensation and Lay Members Compensation. Date Related Party Law Society Entity Signature: Description of Transaction Value of Transaction if Quantifiable Date: Please return your completed form to Bill Bilimoria, Head of Finance, the Law Society, via e-mail by clicking the ‘Send Mail’ button below and typing in Bill Bilimoria’s e-mail address ( Send Mail Please note that the origin of the e-mail will be taken as authentication of the form