VOCATIONAL UPGRADE KIT Certificate III in Business (BSB30107) A professional development opportunity for secondary teachers 1|Page Worklinks Inc is offering a professional development opportunity for secondary teachers to: obtain a qualification maintain currency of skills and knowledge of industry network with other vocational teachers meet continual improvement indicators. Contact Details Worklinks Inc 2/477 Newman Rd, Geebung PO Box 631 Virginia BC QLD 4014 P: F: W: E: 3265 3447 3216 2706 www.worklinks.com.au janerobinson@worklinks.com.au Course Times: 9 am - 3 pm (unless otherwise advised). Numbers for each course limited to 14. Should numbers exceed 14, a 2nd set of dates may be considered. 2|Page SECTION A Information It is VITAL you read this information prior to commencing the process. It provides generic information on the qualification, as well as an overview of the streamlined RPL assessment process. Overview Teachers will be provided with an opportunity to participate in one or more of the following activities over the year. The cost for each individual day or part thereof is $200 + GST, payable in advance of the day. Day 1 RPL ASSESSMENT 1/4/2011 Conversations with the trainers will identify any gaps that require further PD and a Statement of Results will be issued for any units that are acquitted through the RPL process. (Note: all documentation must have been forwarded to Worklinks Inc at least 5 working days beforehand.) Day 2 INDUSTRY CURRENCY 20/5/2011 This will be a currency day where teachers are able to find out current information about the industry it could involve industry representatives, industry visits or industry placement. Day 3 GAP TRAINING 10/6/2011 Day 4 This will be a training day addressing any gaps identified through the RPL process. Some additional work may be required to be completed by teachers in their own time. Gap training This will be a training day addressing any gaps identified through the RPL process. Some additional work may be 22/7/2011 required to be completed by teachers in their own time. 3|Page Participation in VETnetwork’s annual industry network day to validate Training and Assessment Strategies and assessment tools would complement this professional development model. BSB30107 Certificate III in Business This qualification has one core and 11 elective units. Please refer to the information below and a full copy of all units, available on www.ntis.gov.au, when developing your RPL application. National Code Unit of Competency Title BSBOHS201A Participate in OHS processes Elements of Competency: 1. Contribute to workplace hazard identification 2. Gather information about workplace hazards 3. Contribute to OHS risk assessment BSBDIV301A BSBFIA301A BSBITU302B BSBITU303A 4|Page Work effectively with diversity Elements of Competency: 1. Recognise individual differences and respond appropriately 2. Work effectively with individual differences Maintain financial records Elements of Competency: 1. Maintain daily financial records 2. Maintain general ledger 3. Monitor cash control Create electronic presentations Elements of Competency: 1. Prepare to create presentation 2. Create presentation 3. Finalise presentation Design and produce text documents Elements of Competency: 1. Prepare to produce word processed documents 2. Design word processed documents 3. Add tables and other data 4. Produce text documents Core / Elective C E E E E BSBITU304A BSBITU306A BSBWOR301A BSBWRT301A BSBCMM201 FNSACC303A 5|Page Produce spreadsheets Elements of Competency: 1. Select and prepare resources 2. Plan spreadsheet design 3. Create spreadsheet 4. Produce simple charts 5. Finalise spreadsheets Design and produce business documents Elements of Competency: 1. Select and prepare resources 2. Design document 3. Produce document Organise personal work priorities and development Elements of Competency: 1. Organise and complete own work schedule 2. Monitor own work performance 3. Coordinate personal skill development and learning Write simple documents Elements of Competency: 1. Plan document 2. Draft document 3. Review document 4. Write final document Communicate in the workplace (one elective unit may be selected from a Certificate II qualification) Elements of Competency: 1. Gather, convey and receive information and ideas 2. Complete workplace documentation and correspondence 3. Communicate in a way that responds positively to individual differences Perform financial calculations (from the Financial Services training package – one of the core units in FNS30310) Elements of Competency: 1. Obtain data and resources for financial calculations 2. Select appropriate methods and carry out financial calculations 3. Check calculations and record outcomes E E E E E BSBITU307A Develop keyboarding speed and accuracy Elements of Competency: 1. Use safe work practices 2. Identify and develop keyboard skills 3. Check accuracy OR... E BSBITU309A Produce desktop published documents Elements of Competency: 1. Prepare to produce desktop published documents 2. Set up desktop published document 3. Create desktop published document To be awarded the qualification you must be able to demonstrate that you can competently perform the required skills and apply relevant underpinning knowledge to current industry standards. You may not have all of the skills and knowledge relevant to all of these units but you may be able to demonstrate competency in one or more particular units. This is still worthwhile as you can receive recognition for the skills that you have and may only need some training where there are gaps in skill or knowledge. You will be provided with a streamlined client-focused approach to recognition of prior learning, gap training and industry currency. The RPL process will focus on knowledge and skills gained inside and outside of the formal education and training system that are relevant to your selected qualification. RPL assessment will: be customised to the types of evidence most easily accessed by secondary teachers ensure that evidence meets current industry standards and the critical evidence for each unit of competency within the qualification use a conversational approach to checking a candidate’s knowledge and skills rather than requiring the candidate to collect large amounts of documentary evidence or mapping evidence to competency elements and/or performance criteria. EXAMPLES OF TYPES OF EVIDENCE THAT MIGHT BE PROVIDED TO SUPPORT AN APPLICATION FOR RECOGNITION This table lists examples of the types of evidence you could provide when applying for recognition. The list is not exhaustive and you may be able to demonstrate equivalence through other means. Please note that more than one form of evidence may be required for some units. 6|Page Units of Competency A B C D E BSBOHS201A Participate in OHS processes BSBDIV301A Work effectively with diversity BSBFIA301A Maintain financial records BSBITU302B Create electronic presentations BSBITU303A Design and produce text documents BSBITU304A Produce spreadsheets BSBITU306A Design and produce business documents BSBWOR301A Organise personal work priorities and development BSBWRT301A Write simple documents BSBCMM201 Communicate in the workplace FNSACC303A Perform financial calculations BSBITU307A Develop keyboarding speed and accuracy BSBITU309A Produce desktop published documents x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Legend: A = Certified copy of teaching qualification or Queensland College of Teachers’ teacher registration certificate B = Evidence of teaching these same/equivalent units of competency – Worklinks Third Party reports to be completed and signed by Principal. C = Qualifications/statements of attainment relevant to specific unit/s of competency (certified copies required) D = Relevant professional development activities (documentary evidence required) E = Relevant industry/community experience (testimonials required) 7|Page x x x x x x x x x x x x x SECTION B STEPS IN THE PROCESS STEP 1- PROVIDE INFORMATION OF YOUR SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE Fully complete and return all sections (sections A-E) of the following Application Form. Provide copies (certified for qualifications etc) of all supporting documentation. Post all of the above, together with a cheque for the RPL assessment component only ($200 + GST), to: Worklinks Inc, PO Box 631, Virginia BC 4014. Depending on your individual experience you may or may not have a lot of documentary evidence available. This should not deter you from continuing the process. STEP 2 – MEET WITH AN ASSESSOR - RPL INTERVIEW An assessor will review your application and arrange to conduct a “competency conversation” appointment – to be held on Friday 1 April. This will enable you to discuss your experience with the assessors. The assessor will have some key questions to ask you. This is not a test, but an opportunity for you to talk about the industry skills and knowledge you already possess and to provide further elaboration on the material you have submitted. If you are able to demonstrate relevant industry knowledge, skills and experience for ALL units of competency, a simple RPL assessment will suffice and the qualification issued. If you have not been granted automatic RPL for the entire qualification, you will be required to attend: an ‘industry’ day, organised by Worklinks (Friday 20 May) – a payment of $200 + GST is required for this day, with payment to be received prior to the day gap training – one or two days (Friday 10 June and Friday 22 July), plus possible work to be completed in own time, depending on the number of units to be 8|Page completed through gap training. The gap training days are charged at $200 + GST per day. STEP 3 – ATTEND THE INDUSTRY TRAINING DAY STEP 4 – ATTEND GAP TRAINING, IF REQUIRED One or two days is scheduled for this and you may be required to also complete work in your own time. 9|Page APPLICATION FORM A. SELF ASSESSEMENT Please complete the following self-assessment. Qualification Code and Title: BSB30107 – CERTIFICATE III IN BUSINESS Candidate Name: Please identify the competencies you are delivering and assessing and your level of experience in each competency. Unit Code Unit Title I have performed these tasks in an industry/work context Frequently CORE UNITS BSBOHS201A Participate in OHS processes ELECTIVE UNITS BSBDIV301A Work effectively with diversity BSBFIA301A Maintain financial records BSBITU302B Create electronic presentations BSBITU303A Design and produce text documents BSBITU304A Produce spreadsheets BSBITU306A BSBWRT301A Design and produce business documents Organise personal work priorities and development Write simple documents BSBCMM201 Communicate in the workplace FNSACC303A Perform financial calculations BSBITU307A Develop keyboarding speed and accuracy BSBITU309A Produce desktop published documents BSBWOR301A Candidate Signature: 10 | P a g e Date: Sometimes Never 2. APPLICATION FORM Personal Details Surname Preferred Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss) First Name Home Address Postal address (if different from above) Telephone Numbers Date of Birth Gender Home: Work: Mobile: Fax: / / MALE / FEMALE School email address Personal email address Relevant Training Have you undertaken any training courses related to any of the SPECIFIC units of competency in this qualification? YES / NO If Yes, Name of course, provider, date and links to SPECIFIC units of competency within Certificate III in Business. If the course relates to all units, please state this. (make sure you link your information to specific units of competency) Any further relevant professional development you have undertaken in the past five years – make sure you link this PD to SPECIFIC units of competency within Certificate III in Business. If the PD relates to all units, please state this. (make sure you link your information to specific units of competency) Relevant teaching/industry experience. Have you taught any of these units (or units with EQUIVALENT content) for a minimum of two years? If so, list the units taught and provide completed Third Party Reports for each of these units – contact Worklinks for the Third Party Reports for the relevant units. 11 | P a g e 3. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Name, Address and Phone number of Employers Period of Employment (DD/MM/YYYY) From To Position Held Full Time Parttime Casual Description of Major Duties 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION If you are including documents in your application, please provide a brief description below Document Description 12 | P a g e SPECIFIC UNIT/S OF COMPETENCY FOR WHICH THIS EVIDENCE HAS RELEVANCE 5. DECLARATION I declare that the information contained in this application is true and correct and that all documents are genuine. Candidate Signature: Date: 13 | P a g e