Coms 463 Dot Net Security Paper Joe Schuldt 11/13/2005 Developers have always had to deal with the added stress of including security within applications that they write or maintain. Although security has always been an issue in application development, it becomes infinitely more complex with the advent of the internet. Professional developers now have to deal with the “online” world as opposed to the past where an application was kept in one location. Due to the online nature of the world more and more people are starting to get access to computer systems/programs. Application security has changed from an unpleasant development process to a significant part of the software development lifecycle. Security in dot net is very complex however, knowing the correct methods could make all the difference within an application. The methods that will be addressed in this paper are authentication rights, application security, and testing. Though this is a very brief description of all the security methods that .net has to offer it is a good start in writing and maintaining a secure application. There are several ways to write a secure web application. One of the most effective ways is user authentication. According to ApacheWeek “There are two ways of restricting access to documents: either by the hostname of the browser being used or by asking for a username and password”. Obviously the type of user authentication that you use is limited to who your core audience is. There are several identifiers that you can use to give access to only certain computers. One is by IP address which is very useful for static networks that are very secure. An example of this would be a company. Most companies do not use DHCP to allocate their IP addresses across a network. This means that each IP address is unique to a user. Certain users would have the ability to get access to the web application. The other form ApacheWeek discussed is username and password. This method allows multiple users to log onto an application. It is user dependent as opposed to machine dependent. Another authentication method is certificate. According to Microsoft’s website “The external user must have a certificate. A certificate is a file used for authentication and secure exchange of data on non-secured networks, such as the Internet. A certificate securely binds a public key to the entity that holds the corresponding private key held by the individual. Certificates are digitally signed by the issuing certification authority (CA) and can be managed for a user, a computer, or a service.” User sign-on and certificates are useful for users that have to travel or will not always be at the same work station. Domains and Active directory groups can also be used for authentication. Authentication has its weak points. First, a user can easily spoof an IP address or even in some cases a certificate. This will give an unauthorized user access to an application by making the application think the user is someone else. Authentication allows users a “door” to get into an application but what is responsible for security after the user is in the application. Application security takes care of what users can and can not do while in an application. There are numerous forms of application security but the ones that will be mentioned in this paper will be buffer security, code access and Intellisense security. According to Microsoft’s website “The vast majority of security problems that are found in native code fall into the category of buffer overruns. Buffer overruns occur when data exceeding the size of a buffer is pushed into a part of memory from which code can be executed.” Once the buffer error occurs in .net then the memory block is cleared and a user can write there own code in that memory block. Obviously this is a severe scenario, but users have been known to use this trick to execute code in programs that would not have normally ran. Buffer overrun errors can be avoided by new features that dot net has created. These features include; code analysis, application verifier, buffer security check and Safe CRT tools. These tools are all found in visual studios 2005 edition and have methods of combating buffer overrun issue. Code access is also another application security risk. According to Microsoft’s site “.NET Framework applications run under a security model called Code Access Security. This is an evidence-based model, where security privilege is granted based on factors such as the location of the assembly and the assembly's signature.” These factors are compared to environment factors that are within the dot net framework on the machine and can allow access to users that meet certain criteria in each of those areas. IntelliSense in Zone is another form of application security. This security setting allows the developers to be controlled in what methods they are allowed to run while coding an application. If the developer does not have access to a certain method, it will be grayed out on the IntelliSense drop down menu. Application security is certainly important within the development process however, there is another method that is often overlooked in dot net security. Testing is often thought of as a way to ensure an application is functioning correctly and within the specified parameters. This is an accurate statement however testing can also be used in application security. Load testing and unit testing are two very important examples of this. Load testing is often thought of as only being used to test servers. However, they can be used to test an application. In load testing an application has a certain amount of users using it. This amount is increased incrementally until the application is either killed or quick functioning. This can be used for testing denial of service attacks. These attacks are caused by users the repeatedly visit a web application until it dies. Knowing the limits of your user tolerances within an application is very important for security and performance issues. Performance issues can also happen due to internal data within your application. This also has an important aspect in security, because if wrong data is sent to an application how will it react. To answer this questions most developers use unit testing. Unit testing is basically sending different types of data to methods within an application to see how it will respond. For example, if you have a banking application that is sent an alpha character instead of a numeric character how will the application handle this problem. Testing has the ability to find security errors rapidly. Obviously by itself it is not an effective security standard. Developers have always had to deal with application security. Within the last few years this worry has become a major headache for developers. Due to the online nature of most business today everything is handled online. Application security is now tested more then ever for the simple fact the more users have potential access to it. With this in mind many developers have begun to see application security in a different light. Dot net for years was an un-secure language but do to the facts of society the developers are starting to change the structure to a programming language that will easily handle security matters. Bibliography New Security Features in Visual Studios 2005. Retrieved November 10, 2005 Active Directory Users, Computers, and Groups. Retrieved November 10, 2005 ctory/maintain/adusers.mspx Using User Authentication. Retrieved November 10, 2005 Computer Security Information. Retrieved November 10, 2005 Code Examples First paragraph code example (Example 1A): User Authentication This code grabs the user id off of a network This function uses windows api to interface and pull the user ID off of the network This method will return the username and the length Private Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _ "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long This method pulls the user name off of the API Public Function UserName() As String Calls the method above in order to get the user name Variables for the user name and length Dim userLength As Long, name2 As Long Dim strUserName As String Pulls the user name from the method strUserName = String$(254, 0) userLength = 255 Checks the length of the user id name2 = apiGetUserName(strUserName, userLength) If the length is greater then zero then the userid is extracted If name2 <> 0 Then UserName = Left$(strUserName, userLength - 1) UserID is not extracted Else UserName = "" End If End Function =============================================================== First paragraph code example (Example 2A): User Authentication Code checks to see if a user is an admin Public Function Admin() As Boolean Check to see if user is already an admin If AdminFlag Then IsAdmin = AppAdmin Exit Function End If Run queries to get admin name out of table Dim strSQL As String strSQL = "SELECT FunctionNum,Control, ItemName " & _ "FROM tblLookup WHERE FunctionNum = 3 AND ItemName = '" & UCase(User & "' ;") Opens the database connection OpenDBConn Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient rs.Open strSQL, _ DBConn, _ ADODB.adOpenForwardOnly, _ CloseDBConn Checks to see if a record set is found if not then it will not run If rs.EOF Then IsAdmin = False Else IsAdmin = True rs.Close End If If the user is an admin then the following code will run AppAdmin = IsAdmin AdminFlag = True Set rs = Nothing End Function =============================================================== Code Example on version control (3A): Public variable for application version Public Const appVersion As String = "2.7" Function to check the version Public Function Check_Version() As Boolean Dim strSQL As String Check_Version = False Queries the database to get the version number strSQL = "SELECT FunctionNum, CName, ItemName FROM Lookup WHERE LDomain = 0 AND ItemName = '" & appVerNum & "' ;" OpenDBConn Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient rs.Open strSQL, _ DBConn, _ ADODB.adOpenForwardOnly, _ ADODB.adLockBatchOptimistic Set rs.ActiveConnection = Nothing CloseDBConn If record set is not found then the version numbers are incorrect If rs.EOF Then 'MsgBox "AppVer False" Check_Version = False User is authenticate Else 'MsgBox "AppVer True" rs.Close Check_Version = True End If Resets the record set Set rs = Nothing End Function Questions Questions: 1. How does Certificate Authentication work? a. By placing a local file on the user’s hard drive the website/application can authenticate that user. 2. How are managers keeping applications secure from developers a. By using methods like the IntelliSense Zone to limit what developers can do 3. Why is unit testing important with application security? a. Unit testing is important with application security in order to ensure how methods will react if wrong data values are sent to it. 4. How can attackers use a Buffer overrun? a. Attackers can use a Buffer overrun to put their own code in reserved memory slots and have it ran instead of the actual code 5. Why is application security more important now then in the past? a. Due to the nature of business today personal information is readily available online. Without proper security applications can cause anything to happen from information sharing to identity theft MC 1. Certificate Authentication uses the following: a. Local files b. User entered names and passwords c. IP address d. None of the above 2. Attackers can do all of the following with a buffer overrun except?: a. Change a command in memory b. Have the application react differently c. Enter machine code directly into memory d. Change the IP address of the computer 3. Which type of testing can be used for security? a. Ready testing b. Beta testing c. Alpha testing d. Load testing 4. .Net framework applications run under which security model? a. Code Access b. .net restriction c. Authentication d. Limited 5. Unit testing does what? a. Tests return types of methods b. Tests entire application output c. Tests the number of users that an application can handle d. Tests for denial of service attacks T/F 6. Testing can not be used for security? 7. Load testing is only used for servers? 8. Code access is the .net security framework model? 9. IP addresses can be used to restrict user access to an application? 10. Machine code can cause a buffer overrun? Answer to problems: 1. By placing a local file on the user’s hard drive the website/application can authenticate that user. 2. By using methods like the IntelliSense Zone to limit what developers can do 3. Unit testing is important with application security in order to ensure how methods will react if wrong data values are sent to it. 4. Attackers can use a Buffer overrun to put their own code in reserved memory slots and have it ran instead of the actual code 5. Due to the nature of business today personal information is readily available online. Without proper security applications can cause anything to happen from information sharing to identity theft MC T/F 1. A 6. F 2. D 7. F 3. D 8. T 4. A 9. T 5. A 10. F