Underwater Acoustics - Applied Technology Institute

Acoustics, Radar, and Communications
Classic Books
Peninsula Publishing
Los Altos Hills, California USA
June 2009
Sediment Acoustics. Robert D. Stoll. Seminal book
addressing Biot Theory for the modeling of acoustic
behavior of ocean sediments. Written for seismicacousticians in the geo-exploration, engineering,
oceanographic and underwater sound communities. Stoll, a
respected leader in marine geoacoustics for more than forty
years, added a brief preface and updated selected
bibliography to this second printing of his book, first
published in 1989. Sediment Acoustics provides an excellent
introduction to Biot Theory, the physics underlying the
model parameters, and experimentally measurable
predictions of the theory. The book constitutes a major
synthesis for non-specialists: the results of laboratory, insitu and numerical modeling studies of seismic-acoustic wave propagation, reflection
and attenuation in two-phase poro-visco-elastic media. Includes tutorial sections and
references for new researchers in seismic modeling, quantitative seismic stratigraphy,
offshore marine geotechnique, underwater acoustics and sonar, and groundinteracting aeroacoustics.
Softcover. 172 pages. ISBN: 9780932146144
Underwater Electroacoustic Transducers. Dennis
Stansfield. This reprint is a practical handbook for users and
designers of underwater transducers. It has been an
authoritative text in the field since first published by the
Bath University Press in 1991. Design methods are
illustrated by concentrating on the design of piezoelectric
transducers in the 2 - 20 kHz range, most commonly used
in sonar systems. Designs for frequencies below this range
are also discussed. Treatment is down-to-earth and avoids
complex mathematics. Topics include the role of the
transducer as an element of the complete system; wide
bandwidth, high power transmitter applications; wide band
hydrophones; characteristics of piezoelectric and magnetostrictive materials; and
transducer testing. For the user, the wide range of topics and practical approach of
the book help him to identify the most important features of the requirement and
assist him in drawing up realistic specifications. For the designer, the book describes
the necessary theoretical and practical aspects involved in developing a transducer to
most effectively suit the application and it discusses the main features of the various
types of designs.
Softcover. 429 pages. ISBN: 9780932146724
Introduction to the Theory and Design of Sonar
Transducers. Oscar Bryan Wilson. Written in 1985 as a text
at the Naval Postgraduate School, this book provides a
complete treatment of the fundamentals of transducer theory
and design using equivalent circuit techniques. Subjects
addressed: introductory baseline and definitions, equivalent
circuits, properties of materials: piezoelectric and
magnetorestrictive, hydrophone design and transducer arrays.
Hardcover. 202 pages. ISBN: 9780932146229
Underwater Electroacoustic Measurements. Robert J.
Bobber. Theory and practice of measuring electroacoustic
parameters such as response, sensitivity, directivity,
impedance, efficiency, linearity and noise limits of transducers
used in sonars.
Hardcover. 341 pages. ISBN: 9780932146199
Matched Field Processing for Underwater Acoustics.
Alexandra Tolstoy. Published by the World Scientific Publishing
Company in 1993. The author was with the Naval Research
Laboratory. Matched Field Processing is the process of crosscorrelation of a measured field with a modeled, predicted or
replica field to determine a set of input parameters that yield
the highest correlation. Typically, input parameters in to a
selected sound propagation model would include candidate
range, bearing and depth of a source relative to the receiving
array. The sound propagation model might be defined by
environmental data such as sound speed profiles, bottom and
surface conditions, tides, and composition of the water. The
matched field processing (MFP) would be employed to determine the location of the
source – the exact relative range, bearing and depth of the source. This book is for
scientists and engineers who are familiarizing themselves with MFP and those in need
of detailed information about the process. The first two chapters address a brief
history of MFP and discuss other types of processors used in underwater acoustics.
The third chapter discusses where errors in MFP solutions occur due to errors in the
propagation model. Chapter 4 gives the reader a familiarity of how linear and
minimum variance processors perform under a wide range of conditions. And the last
chapter addresses broadband processing, source movement, and multiple sources.
Hardcover. 228 pages. ISBN: 9789810210595
Space-Time Information Processing. Charles Loda and A.
Winder. Classic reference for signal processing and data
analysis for acoustic and sonar engineering. Features Fourier
transforms, statistical analyses, spectra and correlation.
Valuable chapters address spatially and temporally limited
functions, optimal filtering procedures, and interpretation of
Hardcover. 192 pages. ISBN: 9780932146045
Principles of Underwater Sound, Third edition. Robert
J. Urick. The most widely used book on underwater acoustics
and sonar published today. This book continues to be the
standby of practicing engineers, scientists, underwater
systems managers and students. Its contents lie squarely in
the middle between theory at one end and practical
technology at the other. Principles summarizes
fundamentals, effects and phenomena of underwater sound
and their application to sonar. It provides numerical,
quantitative data for the solution of practical problems. 229
figures; 23 tables; 673 references. Detailed index pinpoints
data and explanations instantly. Problem section with
Hardcover. 444 pages. ISBN: 9780932146625
Transducers and Arrays for Underwater Sound. Charles
H. Sherman and John Butler. This book is published by
Springer, released in 2007, and sold by Peninsula Publishing.
This is the most recent and complete book on the theory and
design of underwater transducers in print today. Sponsored by
the Office of Naval Research of the U. S. Navy. This book
addresses the theory, development and design of
electroacoustic transducers for underwater applications. It is
more comprehensive than any existing book in this field. It
includes the basics of the six major types of electroacoustic
transducers and shows why piezoelectric ceramic transducers
are the most suitable for underwater sound. It presents the basic acoustic concepts
and models needed in transducer and transducer array development, and discusses
most currently used transducer designs. It analyzes nonlinear effects and describes
methods of transducer evaluation and measurement. The extensive Appendix and
numerous diagrams provide an up to date source for use by students and practicing
engineers and scientists.
Hardcover. 630 pages. ISBN: 9780387329406
Underwater Acoustic System Analysis, Second Edition.
William S. Burdic. Provides a comprehensive exploration of
underwater acoustics, acoustic signal generation, and acoustic
signal processing for systems analysts, systems engineers
and sonar engineers. This book is a reprint of the second
edition published in 1991 and is still a classic text in the field.
Updated and expanded in 1991, this edition contains all the
valuable information it its earlier text plus a detailed
discussion of adaptive processing as applied to spatial
filtering. You will also find review sections on Fourier analysis,
correlation, random processes and hypothesis testing.
Highlights include: generation and propagation of compressional acoustic waves in
the ocean; narrow band signatures of surface ships caused by cavitating propeller
blades and diesel engine firing; optimization of signal-to-noise ratio and spatial
resolution in the presence of multiple signals; ambient noise in the ocean; and
examples of system performance.
Softcover. 489 pages. ISBN: 9780932146632
Sonar Engineering Handbook. Harrison T. Loeser.
Fundamentals and
engineering formulas dealing with sonar, signal processing,
sound transmission, noise generation, vibration control and
elastomers. Each formula is briefly explained in an
associated paragraph with references provided for detailed
follow up.
Softcover. 216 pages. ISBN: 9780932146595
Ambient Noise in the Sea. Robert J. Urick. Examines
significant aspects of ambient noise beneath sea's surface:
definition; measurement; sources; variation. Essential for work
in sonar systems.
Hardcover. 205 pages. ISBN: 9780932146137
Sound Propagation in the Sea. Robert J. Urick. Overviews
underwater sound propagation, multipath, deep sound
channel, sea surface reflections scattering, attenuation,
absorption, modeling.
Hardcover. 225 pages. ISBN: 9780932146083
Physics of Sound in the Sea. Milestone work on undersea
sound propagation resulting from the World War II studies.
Discusses transmission loss, target strength and echoes
from subs/surface ships, sound transmission through
wakes, etc.
Hardcover. 577 pages. ISBN: 9780932146244
Mechanics of Underwater Noise. Donald Ross. Most
authoritative book on fundamentals of underwater noise
radiated by ships, submarines, torpedoes. Stresses physical
explanations of mechanisms by which noise is generated,
transmitted by structures and radiated into the sea.
Hardcover. 375 pages. ISBN: 9780932146168
Side Scan Sonar Record Interpretation. Charles Mazel.
Training manual produced by Klein Associates, Inc.,
manufacturer of side scan sonars. Applies to interpretation
of all commercial side scan sonars. The 144 figures and
photographs of actual sonar records depict mine and ship
targets, shadows, clutter, noise, wakes and dolphins.
Softcover. 146 pages. ISBN: 9780932146502
Noise Reduction. Edited by Leo L. Beranek. Classic book of
fundamentals of noise control and noise reduction for the
general engineer. Elementary beginnings leading to the
advanced aspects of noise reduction for offices, residences,
auditoriums and transportation vehicles. Case histories and
abundant references.
Hardcover. 776 pages. ISBN: 9780932146588
Collected Papers on Acoustics. Wallace Clement Sabine,
the Father of Architectural Acoustics. Acoustic problems in
theater, auditorium, church, classrooms and their solutions.
Magnificent sketches and photos. This unabridged volume
forms the foundation of modern architectural acoustics.
Hardcover. 304 pages. ISBN: 9780932146601
Signal Detection and Recognition by Human Observers.
Edited by John A. Swets in 1964, this book was the first to
bring together into one volume a broad discussion coverage of
modern signal detection theory applications to human
performance, specifically in auditory and visual sensory tasks.
Applications address problems in psychology including the
integration of sensory information, signal uncertainty, auditory
frequency analysis, speech communication, vigilance and
recognition memory. Bibliography updated to 1988.
Hardcover. 734 pages. ISBN: 9780932146212
Signal Detection Theory and Psychophysics. David
Green and John Swets. Summarizes the application of signal
detection theory to the analysis and measurement of the
human observer's sensory system. Outlines the theory of
statistical decision making and its application to a variety of
common psychophysical activities. Applies signal detection
theory to problems in a sensory psychology.
Hardcover. 521 pages. ISBN: 9780932146236
Applied Acoustics. G. Porges. Develops the basic theory of
sound from first principles and applies the theory to obtain
practical formula for the transmission and absorption of
sound, sound levels in closed spaces and the radiation of
sound from common noise sources. In keeping with the
practical orientation of the book, the mathematics used is
relatively elementary.
Hardcover. 190 pages. ISBN: 9780932146182
The Sabines at Riverbank. John Kopec. Chronicles the
people and research involved in the birth and first decades
of the science of architectural acoustics. Here is the history
of the first family of architectural acoustics, the Sabines,
and the Riverbank Acoustical Laboratories, the world's first
independent laboratory for measuring the acoustical
properties of architectural materials. The story begins in the
early 1900s with Wallace Clement Sabine, a Harvard
professor, who led the practice of acoustics toward a
quantitative science with great insight, industry and
integrity. He was followed by two other giants in the field of
architectural acoustics: Paul Earls Sabine, a cousin, and his
son, Hale Johnson Sabine, all Harvard graduates. No one
other than John Kopec with his historical perspective and inside knowledge of the lab
could have authored this extraordinary history.
Hardcover. 230 pages. ISBN: 9780932146618
Radar Cross Section Handbook. Edited by George Ruck of
Battelle Labs. Originally published by Published by Plenum Press
but now reprinted by Peninsula Publishing. This two-volume set
presents the fundamentals of RCS theory and measurements.
Characterizes RCS of basic shapes such as spheres, cylinders,
ellipsoids, wedges and ionized regions. Principles apply to
underwater acoustic targets, too.
Soft cover. 949 pages. Two-volume set:
Vol. I, ISBN: 9780932146649
Vol. II, ISBN: 9780932146663
Two-volume set: $137.00
ECM and ECCM Techniques for Digital Communication
Systems. Ray H. Pettit. Overview of contemporary concepts
and techniques in the area of ECM and ECCM for digital
communications. Focuses on applicable models and
procedures, and gains and losses in systems performance.
Graphic illustrations and practical examples.
Hardcover. 178 pages. ISBN: 9780932146324
Electronic Countermeasures. Originally published as a secret
reference in the 1960s, its 1100 pages cover signal intercept,
jamming and deception fundamentals that are as valid today as
when first written. Subjects include intercept probabilities,
receiver parameters, detection and analysis, direction finding,
jamming techniques, IR and acoustic countermeasures. More
than 600 references and a list of authors that reads like Who's
Who in Electronic Warfare.
Hardcover. 1100 pages. ISBN: 9780932146007
Principles of Electronic Warfare. Robert J. Schlesinger.
Overviews EW technology and tactics in the space age.
Written from an overall systems viewpoint. Highlights radar
countermeasure techniques, electronic intelligence (ELINT),
elements of space environment, payload optimization
between weapons and ECM, and air combat analysis.
Soft cover. 213 pages. ISBN: 9780932146014
The Strategy of Electromagnetic Conflict. Written by the
Air Force Academy faculty. Electronic countermeasures and
counter-countermeasures; electronic reconnaissance;
tradeoffs in air defense; use of chaff for aircraft selfprotection; communications intelligence, security and
cryptology; vulnerability of space stations; countermeasures
in the millimeter, IR, optical, laser and UV regions. Required
reading for engineering and analysis personnel dealing with
design and development of military electronic systems and the
planning of air operations.
Hardcover, 300 pages. ISBN: 9780932146021
An Introduction to Statistical Communication Theory.
IEEE Press. Written by David Middleton, pioneer in statistical
communication theory, this classic established a unified
approach to the basic theory and applications of random
signals in communication systems. It addresses the adaptation
of statistical decision theory to communication problems. The
book emphasizes system optimization and evaluation of
threshold detection and extraction, system design, comparison
between theoretical optimum and actual suboptimum systems,
and structure of optimum systems in terms of existing
Hardcover. 1180 pages.
ISBN: 9780932146151 IEEE ISBN: 9780780311787
Topics in Communication Theory. David Middleton. Concise
coverage of basic problems in statistical theory. Communication
from the viewpoint of decision theory; the detection of signals in
noise; the extraction of signals from noise; and the structure of
optimum systems.
Hardcover. ISBN: 9780932146069
Propagation of Short Radio Waves. Donald F. Kerr. Best
known classic of the MIT Radiation Laboratory Series.
Characterizes the phenomena of radio propagation of radar,
communication and navigation systems in the frequency
range of 100 MHz to 300 GHz. Theory of propagation in a
horizontally stratified atmosphere; refraction and its
meteorological characterization; reflections from the earth's
surface; diffraction; scattering; atmospheric attenuation;
radar cross section theory and measurements;
meteorological echoes; and clutter. Technical information,
data and formulas constitute a bedrock of theory and
Hardcover. 756 pages. ISBN: 9780932146205
Traveling Wave Antennas. Carleton H. Walter. Addresses
traveling wave theory, analysis, synthesis, design and
applications. Written clearly for designers and system
engineers. References and problems at the end of each
chapter. Generously illustrated.
Hardcover. 448 pages. ISBN: 9780932146519
Methods of Operations Research. George Kimball and
Philip Morse. The first Operations Research (OR) text applied
to military operations. Introduces OR concepts followed by probability and measures
of effectiveness. Applies basic principles to naval tactics, search theory,
antisubmarine warfare and use of weapons.
Hardcover. 166 pages. ISBN: 9780932146038
Radar Signal Simulation. Richard L. Mitchell. Modeling of
radar signals including waveform modulation function,
interaction of the scattering environment with the waveform
and receiver processing. Presents radar environment model
structures for simulation, mapping procedures, transformation
techniques, sampled signals and generation techniques.
Softcover. 200 pages. ISBN: 9780961510909
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