ENVIRONMENTAL WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT JOB TRAINING RFP SCORING SHEET Guidelines: A. GENERAL FORMAT o Proposals must be prepared and sequenced in accordance with the instructions given in the RFP. Specialized bindings or covers (including cover letters) will be removed prior to review. Proposal pages must be numbered. Applications that do not conform to these requirements may be considered non-responsive and may be rejected from further consideration. o When complete, the proposals must contain the following elements in the order indicated: Proposal Title Page (Attachment B) Table of Contents Organizational Information Population to be Served Participant Selection Criteria Experience and Qualifications Statement of Work Curriculum Design Case Management Measurement Tools/Tracking/Data Collection Employer Letters Budgets and Budget Narrative (Attachment C) B. PROPOSAL NARRATIVE A description of the organization’s background in providing the type of program that they are proposing. NOTE: This section is not rated; its primary purpose is to provide an overview of the organization and its mission for raters who may not be familiar with it. The information provided should be geared toward the organization’s experience in the type of programming being proposed. This section should not exceed 2 pages, double-spaced. Scored Items: 1. POPULATION TO BE SERVED (5 points) The project will serve residents of the municipalities of the Waterbury and the surrounding towns living in Brownfields areas or areas impacted by Brownfields areas. As defined in the RFP: The organization must define the population they plan to train and the specific barriers (personal as well as job-related) that may face these individuals in finding and retaining unsubsidized employment. 2. PARTICIPATION SELECTION CRITERIA (10 points) This project will leverage the resources of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) funded Northwest CTWorks (One-Stop System) to provide outreach, recruitment, screening and assessment of all prospective trainees. A minimum of forty five (45) students will be targeted for the program (a minimum of fifteen (15) students each for three (3) training cycles). In order to ensure success in the program, a minimum of thirty (30) candidates, with good potential, will be identified for each class, approximately seventy five (75) candidates for three (3) cycles. All potential candidates will follow this process and be selected according to the following criteria (fully define in the RFP): o Registration o Determined WIA Eligible o Pre-requisites NRWIB REVIEW SHEET ENVIRONMENTAL WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT JOB TRAINING RFP page 1 o o o o o Needs assessment Referrals Open House/Information Sessions Individual interviews with the training provider Notification by interview staff to the referring Workforce Connection or WCCI Project Manager of the selected candidates 3. EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS (20 points) Description of the organization’s experience in providing the type of services required in this solicitation. Qualifications of each of the instructors must be provided (no resumes) along with identification of all staff to be associated with this program by title, not by name. 4. STATEMENT OF WORK (three-parts – total 85 points) Classes will be conducted in three (3) cycles with a minimum of 15 participants in each cycle. It is expected that the training schedule will coordinate with seasonal hiring and allow enough time for recruitment, job development and internships as well as making adjustments, as needed, to the plan prior to subsequent cycles. The subject matter presented in the program must represent important, entry-level skills necessary for graduates to compete in the job market, as well as to prepare students for continuing education. Graduates from the program must acquire the skills to join the work force in such industries as hazardous materials transporters, bulk terminal operations facilities, hazardous waste management facilities, spill response contractors, tank removal and installation contractors and petro-chemical/specialty chemical manufacturing companies as well as asbestos and lead abatement contractors. The curriculum should be presented in at least three (3) sections: 1) Environmental, Health Safety and Industrial Hygiene; 2); Remediation Technologies; and 3) Lead and Asbestos Abatement. a) Curriculum Design (40 of 85 points)- All programs must be geared toward the specific needs of the target population. Curriculum must include, at a minimum, instruction in the following: - Asbestos Abatement Supervisor Initial (40 hrs) - Lead Abatement Supervisor Initial (40 hrs) - HAZWOPER Training (40 hrs) - OSHA 10 Hour Construction Safety (10 hrs) - EPA Lead Safety for Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) (40 hrs) - DOE Lead Safe Weatherization (8 hrs) - Hazardous material handling and transportation (DOT) (8 hrs) - Respiratory Protection (3 hrs) - Hearing Conservation (8 hrs) - Sampling Techniques (8 hrs) - Green Remediation Technologies/Phytoremediation (8 hrs) - Recycling Coordinator (solid waste) (36 hrs) - Undergound/above ground storage tank removal (4 hrs) - BPI Training (Building Performance Institute) (38 hrs) - Chemical Safety Awareness (2 hrs) - Wastewater Treatment Operator (32 hrs) *Learning objectives are further defined in the RFP NRWIB REVIEW SHEET ENVIRONMENTAL WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT JOB TRAINING RFP page 2 b) CASE MANAGEMENT (30 of 85 points) - The vendor is responsible for identifying staff responsible for case management. Case management begins with involvement in the participant’s enrollment into the training program and concludes upon successful training-related job retention. The case managers will assist participants with issues in their lives that might cause them to drop out of the program or job. Some of these issues pertain directly to the program/employment experience: need for childcare, transportation, tutoring, self-esteem building, conflict resolution with employers and/or other workers. Others pertain to events totally outside of the program or employment: housing and clothing needs, substance abuse, relationships with family members or significant others, relationships with other agencies they are currently involved with, etc. c) MEASUREMENT TOOLS/TRACKING/DATA COLLECTION (15 of 85 points)The vendor must provide a Describe the methods that will be used to measure each participant’s progress throughout training. Identify the tools to be used to collect data and report participant progress throughout the training process. Describe the process by which participants will be tracked through the various services provided as specified in the Statement of Work section of this RFP. 5. EMPLOYEE LETTERS (15 points)- Strong employer involvement with programs helps insure programs are more responsive to the employers’ needs and increase the graduates’ prospects for employment after training. The most successful programs have employers involved in many phases of the program, including curriculum development, instructor or guest speaker roles, conducting practice interviews, allowing participants to tour facilities, providing donations in the form of funds/space/equipment/supplies, and, of course, providing work experience or employment opportunities. In the proposal the vendor must: Document any employer partnership by providing letters from employers specifying the extent of their involvement with this program and especially their willingness to hire the graduates. NOTE: Letters must be originals on the employer’s letterhead and dated on or after September 5, 2013. They must be submitted by the proposal deadline (late letters will not be accepted). 6. BUDGET/BUDGET NARRATIVE (10 points)- Using the format provided in the RFP (Attachment C), the vendor must prepare a line item budget breakdown of the proposed program costs in accordance with the Statement of Work. On a separate page, the vendor must provide a detailed budget narrative that explains how each budget line item was calculated. C. Notes on Narrative In the proposal the vendor must describe: STAFF QUALIFICATIONS: Identify (by title, not name) all staff positions which are included in the Budget, what aspects of the program each is responsible for, and what qualifications (experience or training) they would require to be effective in carrying out these responsibilities. (Qualifications should more closely resemble job descriptions, not the resumes of individuals currently in the positions, but they should be geared towards the needs of the program.) This could include an organizational chart of the program outlining supervisory roles and responsibilities as an attachment. NRWIB REVIEW SHEET ENVIRONMENTAL WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT JOB TRAINING RFP page 3 APPROACH, TECHNIQUES AND PHILOSOPHY: The approach, techniques and philosophy staff will use in preparing participants for unsubsidized employment, tracking their individual progress through the program, and assisting them in overcoming their barriers to employment. Describe what information will be maintained in the file, what would be important to report back to the Case Manager, and how staff would coordinate services with the Case Manager. MOTIVATION AND SUPPORT: Describe the role program staff will play in guiding participants through each phase or component of their training, placement, and post-employment services. How will they motivate and empower participants to resolve their own problems, increase their earnings and succeed in their efforts to become free of TFA dependents? PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE Proposers who have previous successful experience with the NRWIB operating the same type of programming as requested in this RFP, may describe that experience. The description should include successful completion of placement and retention benchmarks. Proposers, who have subcontracted to operate similar training programs in other regions or for other state agencies are responsible for providing written documentation of their performance from the funding agency. This documentation may include a description of the program offered, as well as the planned and actual statistics for benchmarks including: Enrollment Successful completions Placement Wage gains D. Notes on the budget The vendor should: Cost Effectiveness: Describe how the program plans to operate cost effectively in providing training, placement and retention services to participants. Describe any additional funds they will leverage in providing these services or any innovations incorporated that will allow the program to serve as many participants as possible with limited funding. (They should describe in detail how and where they will leverage additional funds.) Budget Narrative: Provide a detailed budget narrative for expenses listed on the budget form (Attachment C found in RFP), showing the calculations used to determine the total for each line item. When completing this section, the vendor should note the following: Narrative for staff salaries must show the NUMBER OF HOURS to be charged to the grant, the HOURLY WAGE and the TOTAL WAGE. Example: Job Title, 100 hours @ $10 hour = $1,000.00. All portions of the fringe rate must be clearly identified and the breakdown of the calculations clearly shown. Example: Staff Fringe = $7,401 (38%) FICA @ 7.6% = 1,480.20 Pension @ 5.1% = 993.29 Unemployment Compensation @ 3.4% = 662.20 Health Insurance @ 14.9% = 2,901.97 Short Term Disability @ 4.9% = 954.34 Long Term Disability @ 2.1% = 409 For many line items, such as travel, the purpose and need should be explained, as well as calculated. Rent could include the number of square feet and the rate per square foot. NRWIB REVIEW SHEET ENVIRONMENTAL WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT JOB TRAINING RFP page 4 Liability insurance covering participants is required for all programs. It should be part of every budget. NRWIB should be included as additional insured on a Certificate of Insurance that will be included as an attachment Leveraged funds: Any funds or services being leveraged from other sources in support of this contract may be indicated in the Budget Narrative. Identify the source, amount and use of these funds. NRWIB REVIEW SHEET ENVIRONMENTAL WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT JOB TRAINING RFP page 5 ENVIRONMENTAL WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT JOB TRAINING RFP SCORING SHEET BIDDER: ______________________________________ ITEM Proposal Narrative POSSIBLE POINTS 0 points Population to be served 5 points Participation Selection Criteria 10 points Experience and Qualifications 20 points Statement of Work (three parts) a) Curriculum Design (40 pts) b) Case Management (30 pts) c) Measurement tools/tracking/data collection (15 pts) 85 Points Employer Letters 15 points Budget/Budget narrative 10 points TOTAL POINTS 145 Points POINTS EARNED N/A COMMENTS REVIEWER: DATE: September 24, 2013 NRWIB REVIEW SHEET ENVIRONMENTAL WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT JOB TRAINING RFP page 6