Form 5-3a CHILD & FAMILY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Family Interest Assessment Resources and Handouts/order Form I. YOURSELF (Red) A. IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA Self Esteem 1. The Importance of Parental Basic Trust & Self-Esteem 2. I Am Responsible 3. Human Rights 4. Self Talk 5. A Reappraisal of Praise 6. Affirmations For Building Self-Esteem 7. Self Esteem Scale 8. Revised Janis-Field Scale 9. Eating Disorders 10.Rules for Maintaining Self-Esteem B. IB IB IB IB Assertiveness 1. 10 Ways To Improve My People Skills -- I Want to Communicate. 2. Non-affirmative Feedback/ Affirmative Feedback 3. Experiencing Asserting and Affirming 4. Helping Others Understand what You Are Feeling C. IC IC IC IC IC IC IC Coping With Stress 1. Coping With Stress 2. Stress Symptom Check List 3. A Guide for Typing Stressors 4. Steps in doing an Anger Log 5. Living Better with Stress 6. Parent Stress 7. Helping Yourself deal with Stress D. ID Managing Time 1. Managing Time E. IE IE IE IE IE Communication Skills 1. Secrets of Giving and Getting More Emotional Support 2. Communication Climates / Hazardous VS. Secure 3. Points To Remember Communication: Listening 4. Basic Skills For Discussing Interpersonal Relations 5. Defensive VS. Supportive Communication Updated: 9/98 1 IE IE IE IE 6. 7. 8. 9. "LISTEN" Poem If You Want To Be a Good Listener Effective Communication 12 Roadblocks to Effective Communication F. IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF Counseling 1. People Who Love Too Much 2. Outgrowing The Pain (Adults Abused As Children 3. Domestic Violence Information 4. Warning Signs of Violence 5. Continuum of Violence 6. Am I In a Battering Relationship 7. Myths About Domestic Abuse 8. Social Abuse 9. Adult Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Emotional Abuse 10. Marriage Tips 11. Social Abuse 12. People Bingo 13. Consumer Credit Counseling Service/Worksheet 14. Sexual Abuse of Children - The Offender 15. Offender Cycles 16. Personality Characteristics 17. Characteristics of Adult Children of Alcoholics 18. Food Addiction: The Balancing Act of Recovery 19. Eating and Exercise Disorders 20. Teenagers with Eating Disorders 21. Accepting your feelings II YOUR FAMILY A IIA IIA IIA IIA Counseling Additional Resources available at local Mental Health offices 1. You Need Not Go Crazy When You Go Home 2. Local Counseling Resources Available 3. Characteristics of Dysfunctional Families 4. The Healthy Family B IIB IIB IIB IIB Budgeting 1. The High Holiday 2. Poverty / Feminization 3. Your Money Matters 4. Budgeting - Local Resources C IIC Adequate Housing 1. Local Resources - HUD (Green) Updated: 9/98 2 D IID Weatherization 1. Local Resources - CAT office E IIE Energy Assistance 1. Local Resources - CAT office F IIF Adequate Food 1. Local Food Banks/AFS/CAT office G IIG Clothing 1. Local Resources H IIH IIH IIH IIH IIH IIH IIH IIH IIH Recreation 1. Nature Ideas 2. Fun Things To Do With Your Child (ren) 3. Family Christmas Calendar 4. Seasonal Helps 5. Rainy Days & Mondays - Games 6. Shopping With Your Children 7. Local Library Brochures 8. Predictable Books 9. Items Commonly Found Around the House I IIi Child Care Additional Resources at CCRR office 1. Choosing Child Care / A Consumer Guide for Parents J IIJ Transportation 1. Local Resources Available, JOBS TRANSPORTATION information K IIK Furniture/Household Goods 1. Local Resources Available, St Vincent De Paul -Salvation Army Etc. L IIL IIL Schools 1. Transition Information Available Locally 2. "Readiness" Reprinted From USA Today M IIM Public Assistance/Food 1. Food Stamp, AFS, Local Food Banks, HOPE Agencies N IIN Social Security 1. Current Federal Regulations Updated: 9/98 3 III ADULT EDUCATION & EMPLOYMENT A IIIA ESL 1. ESL - See Local Literacy Plans B IIIB IIIB IIIB GED 1. JOBS Program Information 2. Literacy Plans Information 3. What do the GED tests measure? C IIIC IIIC Improving Basic Skills / Reading Writing Math 1. Local Literacy Plans / JOBS Program / CTA program 2. Job Search Info and Interviewing Helpful Hints IV LEGAL A IVA IVA IVA IVA IVA IVA IVA IVA IVA IVA IVA IVA Legal Aid 1. Oregon Legal Services - St Helens 2. Legal Services Information - Portland 3. Oregon Referral Attorney ½ Hr. for 20.00 4. Local Resources 5. Citizen and Consumer Rights Flyer 6. Divorce/Dissolution 7. Answers to Your Questions About...#6 8. Answers to Your Questions About...#5 9. Answers to Your Questions About...#4 10. Answers to Your Questions About...#1 11. Marriage and Living Together 12. Annulment, Separation & Divorce B IVB IVB Child Abuse and Neglect See Head Start/CSD interagency agreement 1. CSD information and procedures 2. See Legal Aid C IVC IVC IVC Landlord/Tenant Laws 1. See Legal Aid 2. Legal Evictions 3. Answers to Your Questions About...#3 D IVD Battered Families 1. See Legal Aid (Orange) Call Jeanette Howell Even Start Director 556-3736 for literacy/GED/ issues (Purple) Contact Local Shelter Homes for more information Updated: 9/98 4 E IVE IVE Welfare Rights 1. See Legal Aid 2. Local AFS office F IVF IVF IVF IVF IVF IVF IVF Child Custody 1. Adopting Step Children 2. Legacy of Adopted Child 3. See Legal Aid 4. Paternity 5. Children's Services Division 6. Adoption 7. Custody, Visitation & Support G Support Enforcement IVG 1. See Legal Aid H IVH Restraining Order 1. See Legal Aid V PARENTING (Yellow) A VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA Single Parent 1. Positive Parenting Tips 2. Healthy Parents Healthy Kids Info 3. Gaining Cooperation 4. Sibling Rivalry 5. Facts about Parents Without Partners 6. 40 Tips for Single Parenting 7. Parents are Forever 8. It's not easy to be a single Parent 9. Chart of Normal Development 24-36 months 10. Chart of Normal Development 36-48 months 11. Chart of Normal Development 48-60 months 12. Chart of Normal Development 60-72 months B VB VB VB VB VB VB Children's Growth Stages 1. Developmentally Appropriate Practice for 4 & 5 's 1a.Traditional Subject Areas for Early Education 2. A Word Picture of the Five-Year-Old 3. Stages of Sex Play 4. Realistic Expectations of a Two-Year-Old 5. I'm Three Updated: 9/98 5 VB VB VB VB VB VB VB VB VB VB VB VB C VC VC VC VC VC VC VC VC VC VC VC VC VC VC VC VC VC VC VC VC VC VC VC VC 6. How to have a Happier First Day - Transition to Kindergarten 7. Kindergarten: Off to A Happy Start 8. First Days of Preschool 9. Saying Good-Bye to Preschool 10. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 11. Child Sexuality 12. Masturbation in preschoolers should you worry 13. The Four Year Old in Daycare 14. Age Profiles - The Four Year Old 15. Trends in Developmental Considerations 16. Weakling 17. Dealing with Challenging Behaviors Child Discipline 1. Temper Tantrums 2. Time Wasting Issues with Children 3. Time Out 4. Ignoring As Behavior Management 5. Misdirected Behavior (a) Power struggle for control (b) Feelings of inadequacy © Attention-getting behavior (d) Revenge 6. NAEYC Helping Children Learn Self-Control - A guide to discipline 7. Discipline For Preschoolers - Spanking, Yelling, Alternative approaches, Explanations 8. Ten Points of Discipline 9 Guidance Techniques - General 10. Fighting 11. Spanking 12. Twelve Alternatives to Spanking Your Child 13. What To Do In The Grocery Store To Help Children Behave 14. Unacceptable Language 15. Things to Do Instead of Hitting 16. Time-Out Summary 17. Time-Out: An Alternative to Spanking 18. Avoiding Power Struggles With A Teenager About Potential Misbehavior 19. Behavior I Want to Ignore 20. Behavior I Want to Reinforce 21. Time Out - A Great Tool 22. Rules of Thumb 24. Developing a Child’s Self-Esteem 25. The Preschooler D. Sex Education For Preschoolers VD 1. Talk About Touching Handouts for Parents VD 2. Help! For Parents of Children 3-6 Years Updated: 9/98 6 E. Improving Communication With Children VE 1. Communication Tips For Parents & Kids VE 2. Phrases Guaranteed To Turn Off Teens VE 3. Tips For Handling Common Situations With Children VE 4. How Well Do You Know Your Child? Quiz! VE 5. Skilled Way of Talking to Children VE 6. How To Talk Back To Your Kids VE 7. Touching Is A Powerful Way To Communicate VE 8. Generalizations - Improving Communication With Children VE 9. The Person Who Had Feelings VE 10. How To Praise - Parent Training VE 11. Skilled Ways of Talking to Children VE 12. Ten Ways to Start Conversation with your Child VE 13. Helping Children Cope F. Protecting Children From Personal Harm And Abuse VF 1. Are You Going To Hurt Me Too? / 10 Steps To Curb Child Abuse VF 2. What To Do If Your Child Has Been Sexually Molested... VF 3. Activities For Large-Muscle Development VF 4. Personal Safety for our Children VF 5. Nudity at Home: The New Thinking G. Special Needs/Handicap VG 1. How Parents Can Help Their Child Who Stutters VG 2. Bedtime Struggles VG 3. Nurturing Bedtime Routines VG 4. Soiling (Encopresis) VG 5. Bed Wetting (Enuresis) VG 6. Bed Wetting VG 7. How To Raise Kids According To Kids VG 8. Memorandum From Your Child VG 9. Kids Who Beat The Odds VG 10. Behavior Signs of Stress VG 11. Being A Little Kid Isn't That Easy VG 12. Parental Basic Trust And Self Esteem VG 13. How To Say Very Good VG 14. "Children Learn What They Live" Poem VG 15. Fact: One out of ten Americans as a Mentally Retarded Person in his family - Brochure VG 16. Children’ Emotional Reaction to Domestic Violence VG 17. Opportunities & Services for the Mentally Retarded VG 18. Rewards for Being Updated: 9/98 7 VG VG VG VG VG VG 19. A Handicapped Child in the Family 20. Essential Components of Physco-social care for the Hospitalized Child 21. Attachment Disorder 22. Parental Rights In Special Education (in Spanish also) 23. Tips for Handling Common Situations w/Children 24. What would you do if...... VI HEALTH AND SAFETY (Blue) A. Family Health Care VIA 1. Family Planning VIA 2. Instructions From The Doctor Form VIA 3. The Hidden Dangers of Non-prescription Drugs VIA 4. Head Lice VIA 5. Tillamook County Health Department (in Spanish also) VIA 6. Talking About HIV and AIDS VIA 7. Project Inform Pediatric & HIV/AIDS Fact Sheet VIA 8. Hepatitis VIA 9. When a Child has HIV disease B. Adult Dental Care VIB 1. AFS JOBS program VIB 2. Portland Dental School Information C. Nutritious Meal Planning VIC 1. Recipe VIC 2. Child Care Nutrition Programs at Work VIC 3. Guidelines for Pleasant Eating Experiences for Young Children VIC 4. Factors to Keep in Mind when Feeding Young Children VIC 5. USDA D. Physical Fitness VID 1. Local Resources E. First Aid And Safety VIE 1. Local and Head Start First Aid Classes VIE 2. Poisonous Plants Encountered in Oregon VIE 3. Emergency Preparedness Checklist F. Childhood Diseases VIF 1. Immunizations VIF 2. NAEYC Keeping Healthy Updated: 9/98 8 VII FAMILY CHANGES (Brown) A. Move VIIA 1. Local Title Companies - Moving Checklist VIIA 2. Local Post Office for Forwarding Address Cards VIIA 3. Good-Bye House VIIA 4. Ideas to Ease Moving Stress for Children B. New Baby/Siblings VIIB 1. First Steps / Prenatal Care Clinic VIIB 2. Local Health Dept. WIC Program VIIB 3. Childrens Books from Head Start or Local Library VIIB 4. Step Parenting and Blended Families C. Divorce VIIC 1. Children of Divorce: The Rebuilding Process D. Death VIID 1. Talking With Young Children About Death VIID 2. Dealing With Death - Grief Process VIID 3. Joy & Pain VIID 4. Loss and the Grieving Process VIID 5. Understanding Children’s Grief E. Counseling VIIE 1. Local Counseling Resources VIIE 2. Family Anger Management Institute VIIE 3. Alcohol - Drug 20 Questions VIIE 4. Helping Children Cope With War VIIE 5. How You Can Help Your Child in School VIIE 6. Naturalization Federal Application VIIE 7. Is There a Problem VIIE 8. Kids & Drugs VIIE 9. Depression: What you need to know (also in Spanish) VIIE 10. Do any of these Symptoms Fit you VIIE 11. Helping Children Cope with Disaster Updated: 9/98 9