YEAR 10 SOCIOLOGY HOMEWORK TERM 4 For all your essays

For all your essays this term you should take note of how you are going to do
Level 4 Breadth and Depth (16 -20 marks)
Sixteen marks are available for detailed answers that offer a specific and accurate knowledge of understanding
of the question linked to explicit and relevant examples. The information offered will display accuracy and
sociological language will be used.
At the upper end of this mark band, understanding may be displayed through contrasting and comparative
reference to theories or examples, perhaps with evaluative and analytical observations that explicitly point out
that some theories are more plausible than others. There may be reference to changes in society. Candidates
may even argue against the information in the question, albeit in an implicit fashion. Answers will demonstrate a
good application of knowledge with examples and specific factual evidence. The quality of written
communication will be good, with few errors of spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Date set
Date Due
2nd March
Using sociological knowledge discuss the functions of the family in our
society.(20 marks)
Helpful tips: Functionalism is a theory (idea) in sociology which says that every
institution that exists in society eg. the family, schools, sports clubs have a purpose
or function to help society to carry on well. Talcott Parsons thought that there were
two functions performed by the family which nothing else in society could do. These
were the primary socialisation of children and the stabilisation of adults (helping
adults to have a haven to relax in so that they would be able to carry on their work in
Today our families still performs lots of functions although in a modern society other
institutions carry out functions eg. we have doctors and hospitals to go to and do not
rely on herbal remedies from our gardens when we are ill.
Key terms: Functionalism, role model, imitation, primary socialisation
2nd March
9th March
Using sociological knowledge discuss the reasons for the increase in
Single Parent families since the 1960’s.(20 marks)
Helpful tips: in 1969 the Divorce Laws were changed and there was no longer any
need for someone to be blamed for the divorce ‘A guilty Party’. All that had to be
proved was that the marriage had broken down for good ‘Irretrievable breakdown’.
Women were able to be more financially independent of men as they were accepted
in the world of work.. Men had to support their children financially. The decline in
religion called ‘secularisation’ meant that there was no longer a stigma (bad label) put
against people who were divorced and people did not see marriage for life. The
increase in sexual activity amongst teenagers has led to more Single Parents.
Teenage boys are less likely to want the responsibility of caring for their children so
do not tend to stay with their partners. Traditionally the ‘New World Black Family’
has been a matrifocal family – one centred on the female. This is still a pattern which
stems back from slavery and is still present in Western societies.
New Right followers do not consider the increase in Single Parent families a good
thing for society as they blame the rise in delinquent children on the loss of male
role models in the family. Most Single Parent families are headed by females.
Key terms: Divorce, marital breakdown, sexual liberation and promiscuity, Post
Modernism, diversity, matrifocal, secularisation, New Right.
9th March
Using sociological knowledge discuss the reasons for the changes in
gender roles in families in the United Kingdom in recent years.(20 marks)
Helpful tips: Gender equality laws have meant that women are involved in the world
of work. Women expect men to play an equal role in housework and childcare. Young
and Wilmott are two sociologists who found that men are increasingly involved in
housework in comparison to the past. However, other sociologists have found that
women are still doing most of the household chores and childcare in what they call a
‘Dual burden of work’ or ‘Triple Shift’ system – working, childcare and household
tasks. In some families there has been little change at all eg. Pakistani and
Bangladeshi immigrant families have a very traditional division of labour. Another
reason for the change in gender roles is the employment situation. The closure of
heavy industries from 1960’s and more recent economic decline has seen increased
unemployment amongst men who are back in the home. The role models in the media
demonstrate men who are active in their roles as fathers and husbands. New Right
do not consider it a good thing for society that women are not the homemakers any
more as they consider this a reason for children becoming ‘latch-key kids who are
becoming more delinquent.
Key terms: equality, role, gender, Triple Shift, immigration, New Right, economic
decline, socialisation.
Using sociological knowledge discuss the reasons why there has been an
increase in the number of different sports available to people in our
society in recent years.(20 marks)
Helpful tips: Some people believe that we now live in a Post Modern world. This is
one in which we have lots of different choices including choice of leisure activities.
This means that there is no longer an expectation that everyone likes or is involved in
traditional sports such as cricket, football or rugby. Society, including schools will
then cater for different tastes and no-one considers it odd to take part in eg. TaiChi or Judo. With increased immigration, sports associated with cultures in different
parts of the world are now practised in the U.K. Increased geographical mobility
means that people have started clubs and activities which they have enjoyed whilst
living or training in other countries. People have more money and time to travel so
that sports such as dry-slope skiing has increased, usually to prepare people for
going skiing abroad. Our secondary socialisation (through media and education) has
put greater emphasis on individual success and therefore society expects people to
find something that they are good at. Anti-discrimination laws has meant that there
is greater inclusion of people with impairments in society and competitions such as
the Paralympics has meant that there is greater diversity in the availability of clubs
for people with impairments.
Key terms: Postmodernism, diversity, equality of opportunity, immigration, global
communication, secondary socialisation, anti-discrimination.
Revise your booklet of terms and theories ready for a second trial
examination on Tuesday 30th March.