F211 Biology 'AS' Level 2011 Name ……………………………………………….. Content You should be able to: a) state the resolution and magnification that can be achieved by a light microscope, a transmission electron microscope and a scanning electron microscope; b) explain the difference between magnification and resolution; c) explain the need for staining samples for use in light microscopy and electron microscopy; d) calculate the linear magnification of an image (HSW3); e) describe and interpret drawings and photographs of eukaryotic cells as seen under an electron microscope and be able to recognise the following structures: nucleus, nucleolus, nuclear envelope, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi apparatus, ribosomes, mitochondria, lysosomes, chloroplasts, plasma (cell surface) membrane, centrioles, flagella & cilia; f) outline the functions of the structures listed in (e); g) outline the interrelationship between the organelles involved in the production and secretion of proteins (no detail of protein synthesis is required); h) explain the importance of the cytoskeleton in providing mechanical strength to cells, aiding transport within cells and enabling cell movement; i) compare and contrast, with the aid of diagrams and electron micrographs, the structure of prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells; j) compare and contrast, with the aid of diagrams and electron micrographs, the structure and ultrastructure of plant cells and animal cells Resources Video: Subcellular fractionation The Electron microscope The Living Plant Cell The Plasma Membrane Introduction to Living Cells DVD: Keeping it all together Computer: Images of Biology Virtual Biology Lab. The Cell – structure, function & processes Introduction to Cells – The Drama of Reproduction VLE: Fibroblasts Science / Biology / Year12 / AS Biology / Module 1 Cells / 1 Cell Structure Cell structure Cell size Cells and organelles Interactive cell organelle activity Revised Notes Unit 1 Module 1 Topic 1 References Topic 1.1.1 Textbooks Consult your issued textbooks in the first instance, then look at other textbooks in the library for alternative diagrams, other examples or further explanations. For more specialised books, ask for advice or use the keyword system in the library. Articles Biological Sciences Review: Vol.3 No.3 Vol.4 No.1 The Cell Nucleus A Cloistered Existence: life in a plant cell wall Vol.4 No.2 The Golgi Apparatus: the distribution centre of the cell Vol.4 No.3 Mitochondria: power stations of the cell Vol.6 No.3 Cilia Vol.8 No.4 No visible means of support (Cytoskeleton) Vol.13 No.1 High tension – cell specialization & transport in plants Vol.17 No.2 Lysosomes The cell's recycling centres Vol.17 No.3 Lysosomes and their versatile but potentially fatal membranes Vol.18 No.4 The beat goes on: cilia & flagella Vol.19 No.3 Light microscopy Vol.19 No.4 Electron microscopy Vol.20 No.1 Scanning electron microscopy Vol.20 No.1 Cell suicide Vol.21 No.2 A twist in the tail Vol.21 No.2 CELLpics Vol.21 No.4 Chloroplasts: biosynthetic powerhouses Fact of Life Websites www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/ www.pbrc.hawaii.edu/bemf/microangelo www.cellsalive.com http://cellpics.cimr.cam.ac.uk/ Keywords Cell Cell wall Cellulose Centriole Chloroplast Chromatin Cilium Crista Cytoskeleton Electron Microscope (EM) Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Eukaryote Flagellum Golgi apparatus Histone Light Microscope Lysosome Matrix Microfilament Microtubule Middle lamella Mitochondrion Nuclear envelope Nucleolus Nucleus Organelles Most animal cells are extremely small, ranging in diameter from about 10 to 150 µm. However a nerve cell can be over a metre long and the egg cells of birds may be several centimeters in diameter. The largest egg cell is that of the ostrich which may be more than 10cm in diameter, and have a volume equal to that of two dozen hen's eggs. Plasma membrane Prokaryote Resolution Ribosome Scanning EM Spindle Tonoplast Transmission EM Ultrastructure Vacuole Vesicle NB Errors in Biology 1: Page 14, Column 2, line 6: endocytosis should read exocytosis. Page 15, Column 1, lines 9 & 10: the words grana and thylakoids have been interchanged. Page 261: grana incorrectly defined. The Light Microscope Specimens are often colourless so stains are used to make structures easier to see Stain Methylene Blue Acetic orcein Eosin Haemotoxylin Iodine solution Light green Acidified phloroglucinol Use Colours produced Practical: Examining Animal Cells Risk Assessment List all the possible hazards and risks associated with this practical and identify the precautions that you will need to take. Method Take a cotton bud from a newly opened pack. Move it over the inside of your cheek on one side of your mouth. Smear the cotton bud over a small area in the centre of a clean microscope slide. Immediately place the cotton bud into a container of 1% sodium hypochlorite solution. Allow the smear to air dry. Heat-fix the smear by passing the slide quickly through the blue flame of a Bunsen burner. Place two drops of 1% methylene blue stain onto the smear and leave for one minute. Rinse off the methylene blue. Dry the slide and add a drop of distilled water to the stained smear. Cover with a coverslip and observe the cheek cells under the microscope. Use low power first. Draw three cheek cells as seen under high power. Label cytoplasm, cell membrane and, nucleus. Measure the diameter of a cheek cell and the diameter of a nucleus, add to your diagram.. When the cells have been observed place your slides, with their coverslips, into a pot of Virkon. Practical: Examination of plant cells Introduction If you cut an onion bulb in half and then separate the fleshy leaf bases you will be able to peel off the thin, one-cell thick epidermis layer that is between them. As the epidermis is one-cell thick, provided that it is laid flat on a microscope slide, the transparent cells will be seen. Iodine/KI solution will stain the cells and enable you to more clearly see the nucleus, nucleoli, cytoplasm and cell wall. You may be able to distinguish the large vacuole inside the cell. You may also be able to see the middle lamella between adjacent cells. The shape of each cell in the epidermis layer is partly determined by the pressure of other cells around it. If a single cell were isolated it would be rounded or oval. In some cells the nucleus will appear near to one edge of the cell and is some the nucleus will appear in the centre of the cell, but it is still surrounded by cytoplasm connected by strands to the cytoplasm lining the wall. Risk Assessment List all the possible hazards and risks associated with this practical and identify the precautions that you will need to take. Method Place 2 drops of iodine/KI solution onto a clean microscope slide. Peel off a small piece of onion epidermis from between two fleshy leaf bases of an onion bulb and place it, flat on the slide, in the iodine solution. Carefully add a coverslip and blot off any surplus liquid. Observe the slide. Use the lowest power objective first and then use the 10 and 40 objectives. Draw two or three cells. Label as many structures as you can see. Measure: the length of a cell, the width of a cell, and the diameter of a nucleus. 1 In the table below the scale of Magnification is a logarithmic scale, each unit on the scale is 10 times as large as the preceding one. Thus the divisions become progressively compressed towards the upper end. Place the following objects in the correct boxes on the scale. For some of these you will need to make an inspired guess! adult human bacteria haemoglobin molecule human sperm virus mitochondrion chloroplast large virus (HIV) onion epidermis cell haemoglobin molecule human liver cell ribosome cilium hen egg Division Objects 10–100m Large building Giant squid Tall tree 1–10m 100mm–1m 10–100mm 1–10mm 100m–1mm 10–100m 1–10m 100nm–1m 10–100nm 1–10nm 0.1–1nm Below 0.1nm Red blood cells human egg Amoeba giant squid atom Read P 2-5 Complete the following table to define the following terms: Term Magnification Definition The object looks …………..! Magnification = ……………………………….. Resolution Is the degree to which it is possible to ……………………………….... …………………………………………………………………………. It is determined by ……………………………………………………. The ….……… wavelengths give the ……….. resolution eg blue light 1µm is 1/1000 of a mm 1nm is 1/1000 of a µm and so The resolution of the human eye is 100µm This means that we can’t see objects that are smaller than 0.1mm (1/10 of a mm) The resolution of the light microscope is 200nm This means that the smallest thing we can see on a slide is 0.0002mm (1/2000 of a mm) The resolution of the electron microscope is 0.20nm This means we can see things as small as 0.0000002mm (1/2000000 of a mm) The diagram below shows a mitochondrion, as seen using an electron microscope. Calculate the actual length of this mitochondrion and show your working. Now study the worked examples in your text book and complete SAQ 1,2,3 and 4. The Electron Microscope The light microscope is relatively cheap and easy to use. Whole and living specimens can be used and, using dark ground illumination, transparent objects can be viewed without staining. However, above magnification of 1500 the image may become blurred. This is due to limits on the resolution of the light microscope. Visible light has a range of wavelengths of 400–700nm. Some of the organelles inside cells are smaller than this so the light cannot get in between these objects. Hence, two small objects closer together than 700nm, will be seen as one blurred object. Electron microscopes are very expensive and require a high degree of skill and training to operate. Preparation of materials is lengthy and often involves the use of highly toxic stains. Specimens have to be viewed in a vacuum so living material cannot be observed. Images are always in black, white or grey, although false colour can be added using computers. Instead of a beam of light, a beam of electrons is used. In light microscopes the beam of light is focussed onto the specimen by a condenser, which is a thick glass lens mounted under the stage. In electron microscopes the condenser is a vertical magnetic field produced by the cylindrical electromagnet that straightens and intensifies the electron beam. The radiation passes through the specimen and is focussed by an objective lens. The final image is focussed, by a projector lens, onto a viewing screen coated with a fluorescent compound, such as zinc sulphide. When irradiated with electrons the fluorescent substance emits light visible to the human eye. The final image is photographed to produce an electron micrograph. (Photographs taken of specimens seen under the light microscope are called photomicrographs.) The wavelength of electrons is 0.05 nm. This should produce a corresponding increase in resolution but there are technical difficulties that prevent this increase being realised. The resolving power is actually about 0.20 nm. Clear images of at least 200 000 – 300 000 magnification can be obtained using the electron microscope, Golgi apparatus Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) image of a flea Light Microscope Transmission Electron Microscope Use the diagrams above, your textbook and the previous notes page to compare the Electron Microscope and Light Microscopes then fill in the table below: TEM LM Power Source Lenses made of Preparation of specimens State of Specimen Resolution Magnification Advantages Disadvantages SEM Resolution is Magnification is Drawing of an Electron-micrograph of an Animal cell Drawing of an Electron-micrograph of a Plant cell Organelle Nucleus Nucleolus Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Apparatus Mitochondria Chloroplast Lysosomes Ribosomes Centrioles Structure Function Complete the table below to compare the structure of animal and plant cells (use present/absent) Structure Cell wall Cell membrane Cytoplasm Large vacuole Mitochondria Chloroplast Endoplasmic reticulum Ribosomes Tonoplast Cilia Flagella Cytoskeleton Golgi apparatus Lysosomes Centrioles Plant cell Animal cell How the organelles work together to produce and secrete a protein such as INSULIN study the diagram, use your textbook and fill in the table below to explain what is happening at each point. Step What is happening in the diagram 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The Cytoskeleton Role Provides Mechanical Strength to cells Aids Transport within cells Enables Cell Movement http://www.biology.arizona.edu/cell_bio/tutorials/cytoskeleton/main.html How this role os achieved A Bacterium is a PROKARYOTIC cell(Pro=before, karyotic= nucleus, so the term means, the cell has No Nucleus!) But there are other differences to eukaryotic cells, cells that do have NUCLEI Structure Eukaryotic cell Prokaryotic cell Size Cell wall Nucleus Genetic material mitochondria chloroplasts ribosomes Endoplasmic reticulum cytoskeleton Cilia and flagella Slime capsule Review Questions Staphylococcus, which is a prokaryotic cell. Label parts A to D Staphylococcus This diagram shows the general structure of an animal cell as seen with an electron microscope. Match the letters on the diagram with their structures and with each structure’s correct function. Choose structures from the list below: smooth endoplasmic reticulum nucleolus nucleus microvilli microtubule cell membrane nuclear envelope with pores ribosome Golgi apparatus centriole rough endoplasmic reticulum lysosome mitochondrion vesicle chromatin Functions 1 Controls movement of substances into and out of the cell. Contains marker molecules, usually glycoproteins or glycolipids, so that the body’s immune system can recognise them as self (or nonself in the case of transplanted cells). Has receptor sites for hormones and neurotransmitters. Where the aerobic stages of respiration occur. The link reaction and Krebs cycle occur in the matrix and oxidative phosphorylation occurs on the cristae. These consist of two sub-units, one large and one small. In eukaryote cells they are 80s type. They are the sites of protein synthesis. Here proteins are modified, by addition of carbohydrates, to form glycoproteins. Lipids are modified and stored and lysosomes are formed. Secretory enzymes are produced here. Releases enzymes to the outside of the cell by exocytosis Increases the surface area for absorption Made of DNA and protein and found in the nucleoplasm. Will form chromosomes when the cell is dividing. Makes ribosomal RNA and ribosomes. It is a highly organised sub compartment of the nucleus that disappears during mitosis and reforms after nuclear division. Retains the chromatin and controls the cell’s activities. Letter on diagram Name of structure A B C D E F G H I The diagram below shows an animal cell Function of structure (as indicated by number of textbox) _________ 5m Diagram showing the general structure Of an animal cell as seen under the electron microscope Fill in the missing labels Calculate the magnification factor Calculate the length of structure G Calculate the diameter of the nucleolus Calculate the diameter of the nucleus Calculate the diameter of the cell at its widest point The diagram below shows a plant cell ___________ 40m Diagram showing the generalised structure of a plant cell as seen with an electron microscope Label the structures A – L. Calculate the magnification factor. Calculate the thickness of the cellulose cell wall. Calculate the length of the cell. Calculate the length of structure C. Calculate the length of the vacuole. This is a diagram showing the general structure of a plant cell. nucleus nucleolus chloroplast mitochondrion polysomes tonoplast membrane cell wall plasma membrane microtubules vacuole rough endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus Match the letters on the diagram with their structures and with each structure’s correct function Structures – choose from the following Functions 2 Bound by a double membrane or envelope. The inner layer is folded into lamellae. Thylakoid membranes contain chlorophyll and are the site of the light dependent reaction of photosynthesis. The gelatinous matrix, the stroma, is where the light independent stage of photosynthesis takes place. Made of cellulose, a polymer of -glucose. It gives strength and shape to the cell and is totally permeable. Contains cell sap – a solution of mineral salts, sugars, oxygen, carbon dioxide, enzymes, pigments and waste products. It helps regulate osmotic properties of the cell. Site of aerobic respiration – link reaction, Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. Surrounds the vacuole and regulates entry/exit of substances into/out of the vacuole Regulates entry and exit of substances into and out of the cell It is here that proteins manufactured in the cell are modified. Its surface is covered with ribosomes. Here, newly manufactured proteins pass along the cisternae towards the Golgi apparatus. Contains the chromatin. Controls the activities of the cell. Letter on diagram A B C D E F G H I Name of structure Function of structure (as indicated by number of textbox) Complete the table below to indicate whether the feature is always (A), almost always (AA), sometimes (S) or never (N) present. Feature Chloroplasts Large permanent vacuole Cellulose cell wall Centrioles Centrosome (region containing the two centrioles) Histone proteins (associated with DNA on chromosomes) Nucleus Golgi body Plasmids Flagellum with 9 microtubule triplet arrangement Plasmodesmata Cilia Pili Linear chromosomes Mitochondria Glycogen Ribosomes Mesosome Cell membrane Cholesterol in membranes Flagella with flagellin protein Starch Can undergo mitosis Plant cells Animal cells Prokaryote cells Decide whether the following statements are true or false and circle the appropriate letter. At the base of each cilium is a centriole. T F Ribosomes can be free in cytoplasm. T F Viruses have no cytoplasm. T F Bacteria store glycogen. T F Bacterial cell walls are made of cellulose. T F Both chloroplasts and mitochondria have inner and outer membranes. T F Bacteria cannot carry out mitosis. T F Bacterial plasmids are used as vectors in genetic engineering. T F Bacterial flagella contain a 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules. T F Lipids are synthesised in rough endoplasmic reticulum. T F Viruses have no cell membrane. T F Prokaryotes have 80s ribosomes. T F Fungi, algae and protoctists are all eukaryotes. T F Prokaryotes have naked DNA, with no histone proteins. T F Viruses do not have a cellular structure. T F Mitochondria and chloroplasts both contain DNA. T F Resolution is greater at higher wavelengths T F Eosin is used to stain dead cells T F All cells have a cytoskeleton T F Plant cells contain centrioles T F Specimens that have been viewed under the EM divide rapidly T F REVISION Chapter 1 Cell Structure P.1 - 21 Referring to your textbook, you should be able to describe/explain why each of the topics below or tissues named are important in Cell Structure. Use SAQ to help and try the past question at the end of the chapter Microscopes o Light microscopes Condenser lens Objective lens Staining and types of stain o Magnification (SAQ 1,2,3,4) o Resolution o Electron microscopes TEM SEM (SAQ 5) Cells o Appearance under light microscope o Appearance under electron microscope (SAQ 6,7) Structure and function of Organelles o Nucleus Nuclear envelope Nuclear pores Chromosomes Chromatin Nucleolus Ribosomes o Endoplasmic reticulum Cisternae RER SER o Golgi Apparatus Vesicles Endocytosis Secretion o Lysosomes Acrosome o Chloroplasts Grana Thylakoids Stroma Starch grains o Mitochondria Cristae Matrix Aerobic respiration ATP Faulty mitochondria o Vacuole o Plasma membrane o Centrioles Microtubules Preparing for the Test The test will consist of past AS questions and will be marked according to the AS mark scheme. Make sure that you have Read the contents list on your TOPIC SHEET Read all your class notes, are they up to date? (copy up if you missed a lesson including microscope work) Read through the Pate’s booklet including diagrams and try all the past questions in it. USE the VLE!! Made your own summary notes/mind maps/keyword lists, if you do this carefully as we go through each chapter, you’ll have them all ready for the summer revision period! Any Problems? Indicate on your notes any areas that you are having difficulty with eg highlighting in pink/green/underline in pencil! What is the reason: Is it lack of understanding? Were you away when we did the work? Ask before the test if you need help! If you prepare thoroughly, you’ll be fine!! Don’t Panic!! o Cilia and Flagella o The cytoskeleton o Cell walls (SAQ 8) Prokaryotic cells o Structure of prokaryotic cell o Comparison to eukaryotic cells Past Questions 1,2,3,4,5 P. 22-23 CS 26/5/11 Tubulin and spindle A Past Question! 1 Fig. 1.1 is a diagram of an animal cell as seen using a transmission electron microscope. (a) (i) Name the structures of the cell labelled A, B, C and D. A ……………………………………………… B ……………………………………………… C ……………………………………………… D ……………………………………………… [4] (ii) Structures C and E are examples of the same organelle. Suggest why E looks so different to C. ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................ [2] (iii) Calculate the actual length of structure C. Show your working and give your answer in micrometres (μm). Answer = .................................................. μm [2] (b) Proteins are produced by the structure labelled F. Some of these proteins may be extracellular proteins that are released from the cell. Outline the sequence of events following the production of extracellular proteins that leads to their release from the cell. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................ [3] [Total: 11]