Leadership Workshop - European Health Care Reform Project (HCRP)

Leadership Workshop , June 2008,
3 groups, 3-4 June, 9-10 Jun, 12-13 Jun 2008
Day 1
Welcome and introduction – Dr Apirom
Questions – participants answer 3 questions on the training start
 What key things does a leader do?
 What challenges you in your current role?
 What will you or your organisation need to do differently to respond to the
Thailand Health System reforms?
answer 3 questions
Session 1 – Introduction to the days
To explain about the purpose and style of the workshop i.e. using real issues relevant
to the group, sharing some leadership and management tools, opportunity to work in
participative groups to share knowledge and experience etc
workshop design and
process model
Session 2 – Mind Mapping and Reflective Log Books
Mind mapping
Session 4 – Setting the Context
Leadership in the
21st Century
Session 5 – Analysis
- Introduction of SWOT analysis
- Carrying out a SWOT analysis
- Feedback/Presentation
- Group Discussion
- Identification and Prioritisation of 3 Issues
Session 6 – Leadership Motivation – assessment
motivation assessment
Session 7 – Key Transformation Gaps
- Personal/Team level ‘Gaps’
- Organisational level ‘Gaps’
- Group discussion
- Prioritisation of ‘Gaps’
Session 8 – Stakeholder Analysis
- Introduction of Tools
- Choice of tool
- Using the tool to complete an analysis
Stakeholder analysis
Influence maps
Session 9 – Completion of reflective log books on content and process
Day 2
Session1 – Reflections from Day 1
Session 2 – Negotiation
- Introduction of Tool
- Prepare ‘win win’ negotiation model
Win - win negotiation
Session 3 – Implementation Tools
- Introduction of Tools
- Practical Implementation and application
Force field analysis
Session 4 – Reflective Log Book
Session 5 - Implementation Planning
- Using tools for planning, decision making and action planning
Pyramid of Purpose
Session 6 – Presentation of Key Outcomes
- Preparation
- Presentations
Final Presentations
Session 7- Reflective Log Books
Session 8 – Commitment to project work
Session 9 – Summary and Close
Document in Filing
Sharing Experience
of UK Health System
Dimensions of
Leaders have to
adjust to different situations
Revised NHS
The 5 Practices of
Leadership Framework Exemplary Leaders
Leaders and