LeisureSportsQuestionnairePARIS.doc ISSP 2007 “Leisure Time and Sports” New Draft Questionnaire Based on the meeting of the drafting group in Paris, September 19-20, 2005 November 8, 2005 Drafting group: Austria, convenor (Max Haller, Markus Hadler, Franz Höllinger, Regina Ressler); France (Yannick Lemel/Philippe Coulangeon); Philippines (Linda Luz Guerrero, Mahar Mangahas), Portugal (Manuel Villaverde Cabral, Alice Ramos, Isabel Menezes), South Africa (Jare Struwig), Venezuela (Roberto Briceno). CONTENTS Introduction I. Leisure time: activities and satisfaction .................................................................. (22 items) II. Sport activities and subjective functions of sport and games ................................. (13 items) III. The meaning of time and leisure, and its relation to work and other spheres of life ......................................................................................................... (13 items) IV. Sociological aspects of sports and leisure ............................................................... (19 items) V. Social determinants and consequences of leisure (additional demographics) ........ (11 items) VI. Optional items ........................................................................................................... (8 items) Total (Total incl. optional items 86 items 94 items) 1 Introduction In this introduction, a short overview is given on the theoretical basis of the questionnaire, on the structure of the module and on the social determinants of leisure time and sport activities which can be analysed with this survey. The module contains six sections: Questions on the frequency of different leisure time and sport activities (I); on the subjective satisfaction derived from them (II); on the meaning of leisure time activities and sport and their relation to other spheres of life (III); on sociological aspects and determinants of sports and leisure (IV and V); and a few optional items on daily time budget and aspects of the human body (VI).1 In modern time, the amount of leisure time has strongly been increasing. There are, however, still large differences in the amount of leisure time between different societies and cultures (in terms of levels of development, material wealth, and in the dominant ways of spending time (e.g. “monochromic” vs. “polychromic” use of time). New communication technologies (radio, television, internet) and the facilitation of travel over large distances today provide people with new ways of spending leisure time. The reduction in the hours of work, the transition to flexible work hours, the increased labour force participation of married women, the growing risks of becoming unemployed for certain periods make it more necessary for many to develop a conscious management their daily, weekly and yearly time schedules. As a supplement to the ISSP-modules on work, on family, on social networks and others, this module will provide for the first time world-wide, reliable information on practices and meanings of leisure time in different societies. Sport has evolved into one of the most important forms of leisure time activities; it became also an important sector of economic activity, and it is relevant as a means to strengthen national identity and pride. One aim of this module is also to grasp which kinds of activities are perceived by the public as belonging to leisure time and to sport. Therefore, we apply a broad definition of sport: We define it as any activity which involves more or less systematic training and effort, carried out for its own sake (be it pure pleasure, toughening, socialising etc.); therefore, we include not only physical activities in the strict sense, but also such things as board and card games. Chart 1 gives an overview on the topics covered by the questionnaire. The core of the module are questions on the frequency of different types of leisure time activities and sport; these are supplemented by questions on the satisfactions and feelings, and questions on personal meanings as well as on sociological aspects of sport and leisure time activities. In correspondence with the recommendations of the ISSP-plenary in Mexico City, the section on the “time budget” has been dropped (two items from it have been included into the section VI “Optional items”), and a new one on “sociological aspects and determinants of sport and leisure” has been included. 1 For a more extended exposition of the theoretical and empirical background of the module and its structure see Max Haller, in collaboration with Franz Hoellinger and Regine Ressler, “Leisure time and sport. Proposal for a new ISSP-module”, prepared for the 2003-plenary meeting of ISSP, Graz 2003, 33 pp. A summary of the historical changes, intercultural differences and social-structural dimensions relevant for leisure time use has also been given in the Draft Questionnaire Version of November 9, 2004. 2 Chart 1: The topics and areas covered by the module Satisfactions, feelings Activities, frequencies Meanings, wishes and sociological aspects and determinants Satisfaction from selected types of leisure time Activities (Q.2a-d Frequency of different types of leisure time activities (Q.1a-l) Meanings associated with selected types of leisure time activities (Q.3a-d) Days of vacation/ holidays Last year (Q.4a-b) Meanings and aims associated with the use of free time (Q.10a-e) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 sport activities practised Reasons for practising most frequently (Q.5, 6/1-2) sports (Q.7a-g) National pride associated 2 types of sport looked at Personal and social with watching sport most frequently in TV functions of sports (Q.9) (Q.8/1-2) (Q.17 a-j) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Feelings of boredom/ Wishes for more time for time pressure (Q.11) work/ household/ family/ leisure (Q.12a-d) Trust in people (Q.15) Involvement in associations and groups (Q.16/1-5) Political empowerment (Q.13a-b) Personal health(Q.18) Happiness (Q.19) Disability/ illness (Q.20) Ownership of books (Q.26) Hours spent for housework/ free time activities (Q.26a-b) Ownerhip of house (Q.21) Ownership of garden (Q.22) Sport facilities (Q.23) Motor vehicle ownership (Q.24) Children in household (Q.25) The data can be analysed from two points of view: The first concerns the determinants of leisure time and sport activities; these include social characteristics of the individuals and their immediate social contexts as well as characteristics of the macrosocial context. The second concerns the consequences of the use of leisure time for individual health and well-being. Chart 2 gives an overview on some of the possible relations and effects which can be investigated in these regards. 3 Chart 2: Individual and macrosocial determinants and consequences of leisure time and sport activities DETERMINANTS Individual level Personal characteristics: (Gender; age; disability Social class characteristics (education, employment and occupation, income) Family and household situation Macro level Levels of living/standards of development ACTIVITIES AND SATISFACTIONS Aspects of the daily time budget Leisure time activities, and their meanings and satisfactions Sport activities, meanings and satisfactions Cultural differences in patterns of time use Types and strength of welfare states 4 CONSEQUENCES Feelings of of boredom Trust in people/ empowerment Personal health and happiness I. Leisure time: activities and satisfaction (19 items) 1. How often do you do the following activities for leisure? Daily Several times per week Several times a month Several times a year Once a year or less Never o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a. Read books b. Attend cultural performances such as music, theatre, exhibitions, museums c. Visit relatives (away from home) d. Meet friends e. Play card, board and other games f. Practice a sport g. Go for a walk h. Do handicraft, needle work i. Do home-Improving, gardening j. Watch TV k. Spend time on the internet/PC l. Listening to music Dimensions: cultural: a – b, social: c – e, physical: f – g,manual: h – i, intellectual-media: j - l 2. Tell me how much satisfaction you get from the following free time activities. Please, indicate it on the following scale from 1 (no satisfaction) to 7 (very much satisfaction) No satisfaction a. b. c. d. Read books Meet friends Practice a sport Watch TV 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 Very much satisfaction Does not apply 7 7 7 7 o o o o 6 6 6 6 (Source: GSS, Question 164, Codebook; some items taken from H. W. Opaschowski, Einführung in die Freizeitwissenschaft, Opladen 1997, Leske+Budrich) 3. When you are engaged in your favourite leisure activity, would you agree very much, agree, neither agree nor disagree, not agree, not agree at all? Agree very much Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Do not Agree at all o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a. It allows you to express the kind of person you really are. b. It makes you feel like you are becoming a better person. c. It makes you feel closer to other people. d. It makes you feel happy. 5 4a. . In the last year, how many days of vacation, if any, did you take from your work all together? ............days [Does not apply if no paid work] 4b. In the last year, how many days of holidays or recreation did you spend all together away from home? ……….days II. Sport activities and subjective functions of sport and games (13 items) 5. Do you practise any sport, games or physical activity (excluding physical education in the school)? Yes Not currently, but have in the past I have never practised sport o o o (please go to question 6) (please go to question 8) (please go to question 8) 6. Please, indicate up to two types of sport or games that you practise now or have practised in the past most frequently. (Please, indicate the kinds of sport or games exactly) 1. 2. ………………………………………..……………………….. ………………………………………..……………………….. [Coding afterwards by using ISSP-Classification of Sports] 7. Please, indicate how important the following reasons are or have been for you to practise sport or games. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Not at all important Not very important Somewhat important Very important o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o For physical health and well-being To preserve a well-proportioned figure To meet new people To be with friends To show others I can do it To win recognition To earn or win money or prizes (Source: Edmonton recreation & leisure survey 2002, with adaptations) Underlying dimensions: - Physical fitness, appearance: a – b - Achievement, competition: e – f - Socializing: c - d - Financial: g 8. Which types of sports or games do you like most to watch? (Please, indicate up to 2 types of sport) 1. ………………………………………..……………………….. 2. ………………………………………..……………………….. I do not watch sport on TV o 6 9. Which of the following applies to you when a representative of your country wins at an international sports or games competition? I am very proud I am somewhat proud I am not very proud I am not proud at all o o o o Cant’t choose o (Source: ISSP-2003 National Identity) III. The meaning of time and leisure, and its relation to work and other spheres of life (13 items) 10. How do you use your free time? Please tell me, if you do the following things always, sometimes, seldom, or never in leisure time. Always Sometimes Seldom Never Does not apply o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a. In free time, I establish contacts useful for my life b. I use my free time to relax and to recover c. In free time, I develop and cultivate special abilities and talents d. I think about my work even when I am away from work e. In free time I spend a lot of time with my friends 11. How often do you experience the following feelings? a. b. c. d. I feel bored. I wish I had more time. I don’t know what to do with my time. I feel rushed. Very often Often Sometimes Seldom Never o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o (Source: Adapted from M. G. Ragheb and S. P. Merydith: “Development and validation of a multidimensional scale measuring free time boredom”, Leisure Studies 20, 2001, 41-59) Dimensions: 1. Boredom: a,c ; 2. Time-stress: b, d 7 12. Would you like to spend more or less time … …in a paid job? …doing household work? …with your family? …in leisure activities? Much more time A bit more time Same time as now A bit less time Much less time o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o (Source: ISSP 1997 “Work orientation”) IV. Sociological aspects of sports and leisure (19 items) 13. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Can’t choose o o o o o o o o o o o o Strongly much a) People like me don’t have any say about what the government does b) I feel I have a pretty good understanding of the important political issues facing (Country) (Source: ISSP 2004 “Citizenship”) 14. How interested would you say you personally are in politics? Very interested Fairly interested Not very interested Not at all interested Can’t choose o o o o o (Source: ISSP 2004 “Citizenship”) 15. Generally speaking, would you say that people can be trusted or that you can’t be too careful in dealing with people? People can almost always be trusted People can usually be trusted You usually can’t be too careful in dealing with people You almost always can’t be too careful in dealing with people Can’t choose (Source: ISSP 1998 “Religion”) 8 o o o o o 16. In the last 12 months were you involved in the activities of one of the following associations or groups? I have participated I am a member but, did not participate I am not a member and I did not participate 1. A political party or association o o o 2. A church or other religious organisation o o o 3. An organization or group that engages in voluntary work o o o 4. A sport or leisure group o o o 5. A cultural group or association o o o 17. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 1 Agree very much 2 Agree 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Do not agree 5 Do not agree at all a. Sport encourages people to be too competitive o o o o o b. Being a professional sports player is a good career o o o o o c. A person who loves sports knows how to be a good loser. o o o o o d. When sport teams play in international competitions, it brings the nations together. o o o o o e. Loyalties to different sport teams divide the country and cause conflicts o o o o o f. Sport brings people of different groups and races closer to each other o o o o o g. Professional sports is more about advertising than competition o o o o o h. Government should be investing more money in sport o o o o o i. Playing for money makes one play a game at one’s best o o o o o j. Placing a bet on the outcome of a game is a good way to get more enjoyment from it o o o o 9 o V. Social determinants and consequences of leisure (additional demographics) (11 items) 18. How accessible are to you public or private facilities to do your favourite leisure or sport activity? very accessible somewhat accessible not accessible not accessible at all o o o o 19. How good or bad is your health in general? Very good Good Fair Bad Very bad o o o o o (Source: European Social Survey, 2002) 20. Taking all things together, how happy would you say you are? Extremely happy 1 2 3 4 5 6 Extremely unhappy 7 O o o o o o o (Source: European Social Survey, World Value Survey) 21. Are you or somebody in your household restricted in daily activities by any longstanding illness or disability? Yes, myself Yes, somebody else Yes, both myself and somebody else No o o o o (Source: European Social Survey, 2002; adapted) 10 22. Do you or does your family … yes no a. own the flat or house where you live? o o b. have a garden o o c. own a motor vehicle? o o 23. How many children under 5 years old live with you? ______ (number) 24. How many books do you have at home? None o 1-5 o 6-10 o 11-50 o 51 or more o 25. On a normal week day how many hours do you spend a. for housework ____ hours b. for free time activities ____ hours VI. Optional items (8 items) 26. Now, I would like to ask you two questions about yesterday.2 a. Just to recall, yesterday was… … a normal weekday or working-day … a weekend day or a holiday o o b. At about what time did you get up? At ……. o’clock (hours/minutes) c. And at what time did you go to sleep? At ……. o’clock (hours/minutes) I have included the questions VI-1.ac- – formerly a part of the questions on the time budget of a „normal day“ – included in the first version of the questionnaire, after a suggestion by Yang-chih Fu, Taiwan. (M.H.) 2 11 27. Would you please tell me your I don’t know o o a. Height: ……..… cm b. Weight: ……….. kg 28. How do you feel about your weight? Would you like to… Gain weight Keep your weight Loose weight o o o I don’t care about my weight o 29. Which of the following pictures corresponds to your ideal shape of a man and a woman? (Please cross out the circle below the picture of you choice of the ideal man and woman) A. Man o o o B. Woman o o 12 o o o