Maturita – možné otázky v části Part One Personal identification

Maturita – možné otázky v části Part One
Personal identification, characteristics, family
 Can you describe a member of your family?
 What do you like most about your best friend? Why?/Tell me more about it.
 Would you change anything about your appearance/the way you look? Why/Why not?
 Are you going to study at university after you graduate? Tell me more about it./Why not?
 Have you ever done anything your parents did not like/were really proud of? Tell me about it./Why not?
 What would you do if you wanted to make your friend happy/cheer your friend up?
 Who are the members of your family? What do they like doing?
 What do your parents do? Are you interested in their work?
 Who are you closest to from your family? / Who do you like most from your family? Why?
 Do you meet your distant relatives? On what occasion? Tell me about it. / Why not?
 Which family celebration is your favourite one? Why? / Tell me about it.
 How much time did you spend at your grandparents’ when you were a small child? Tell me about it./Why
 Would you change anything about your parents’ behaviour? Why?/Why not?
 What should your future family look like? Tell me about it.
 Tell me about how you spend the weekends with your family.
 Have your common activities changed since you were a child? How?
 Do you have the same interests as your parents/your brothers/your sisters? Tell me more about it.
 What was the most significant day in your life? Why? / Tell me about it.
 Which living/historical person do you admire/look up to? Why?
 Have you ever thought of moving/living/studying abroad? Why?/Why not?
 What is your greatest achievement/success so far? Tell me about it.
 In your opinion, which skills are necessary to get the job of your dreams? Why?
 If you could choose, what would you change about your personality? Why?
 Do you think many generations should live together under one roof? Why?/Why not?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a member of a big family/being a member of a closeknit family/being an only child/having many siblings? Why?
 In your opinion, will more people stay unmarried in the future? Why?/Why not?
 If you could change one thing about your family life or activities, what would it be? Tell me about it.
Daily routine
 What do you usually do in the mornings? Tell me something about it.
 Where do you usually spend your evenings? Why?
 How do your weekdays differ from your weekends? Tell me something about it.
 Have you ever had to do any housework you don’t like/dislike? Tell me something about it./Why not?
 Should students study every day? Why/not?
 If you had the chance, what would you change about your daily routine? Why?
 Tell me about your typical weekday.
 Can you tell us something about mornings/breakfast time at your home?
 How do you think your day will change once you get a full-time job? Tell me about it.
 In your opinion, what do young people like you enjoy doing on Friday/Saturday nights? Tell me about it.
 Do you agree that children should help with housework/chores at home? Why?/Why not?
 If you could, what would you change about your school schedule/your typical day at school? Tell me
about it?
 If your English speaking friend came to visit your family, what do you think he/she might find surprising
about your daily routine?
Interpersonal relationships
 Who do you get on with best in your family? Tell me about him/her.
 Can you think of an occasion when you had a really good time with your family/friends? Tell me about it
 Have you ever had problems with your neighbours? Why?/Tell me about it./Why not?
 Which is better, in your opinion: being brought up as an only child or having more brothers or sisters?
 Do you think it is easy or difficult to find friends these days? Why?/Why not?
 In your opinion, how might family life change in the future?
 What would your ideal home look like? Is it very different from where you live now? Describe your
house/flat. 2. What is your favourite piece of furniture at home?
 Have you ever re-decorated your house or flat? If not, how would you re-decorate it? Think of colours,
decorations, accessories etc.
 Do you like the area where you live? Is it safe? Is there anything to do there in the evenings and at the
 Do you know your neighbours? What are they like? Do you get on with them?
 Have you ever stayed in a hotel or guest house? Did you like it? What was the room like? Have you ever
slept in an unusual place?
 Who does the cleaning in your family? Do you have to clean your home? Which cleaning job do you
 What does the place where you live look like?
 Which room in your house/flat do you like the most? Why?
 How do you spend your free time at home?
 Would you change anything about your room? What?/Why not?
 Have you ever invited your friends to your home? On what occasion?/Why not?
 Where would you like to live in the future? Why?
 Would you like to live in a village/in a big city? Why?/Why not?
 Should teenagers have household chores? Why?/Why not?
 If you could live in any home from a famous TV series, which would it be? Why?
 Are there any household chores you have to do? Tell me more about it./Why not? What about the other
members of your family? What chores do they have?What is your least favourite housework? Why? /
What housework do you not mind doing? Why?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a house/flat? Why?
 In your opinion, when should young people find their own place to live? Why?
 In your opinion, is it important to have a room of your own? Why?/Why not?
 What things at your home could you not live without? Tell me about them.
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of living on the outskirts of a city/in the city centre/in a
remote area?
 If you could, would you stay where you live now or would you consider moving house? Why? / Where
to? / Why not?
 What is your favourite subject at school? Why?
 What do you like most about your school? Tell me more about it.
 Did you enjoy your graduation ball? Why?/Why not?
 In your opinion, will traditional schools be replaced by online studies/by computers? Why?/Why not?
 Should students in Czech schools wear uniforms? Why?/Why not?
 If you could study anything you like, what would you choose? Why?
 How often do you have English lessons per week? Do you think it is enough?
 What are the activities you do during the lessons? Tell me more about them. / Which do you like most?
 What do you find the most difficult about learning English? Why?
 What do you like most about your school? Tell me about it.
 Did you go to a nursery school/kindergarten? Tell me about it. / Why not?
 What is your typical school day like? Tell me about it.
 Do you prefer to study languages or other subjects? Why?
 Would you like to study abroad at some point? Why?/Why not?
 In your opinion, what will change at schools in the future? Tell me about it.
 Tell me about your school. Where is it? What subjects do you study there?/What is your favourite/least
favourite 16. subject? Why? What would you like to change about your school?
 Can you tell me something about your first day at school?
 In your opinion, what’s the ideal student like? Tell me about him/her.
 Have you ever thought of studying abroad? Why?/Why not?
 Do you agree that students should wear uniforms at school? Why?/Why not?
 If you had the chance, what would you change about your schedule at school? Why?
 What do you like best about studying English/foreign languages? Why?
 What used to be your (least) favourite subject at primary school? Why?
 Do you believe it is important to get a university degree? Why?/Why not?
 In your opinion, should music/PE be compulsory for all students? Why?/Why not?
 Do you agree that teachers will be replaced by computers in the near future? Why?/Why not?
 If your best friend got really nervous before an important exam, what would you recommend to him/her?
 Do you do any sport? Tell me more about it. / Why not?
Did you like your P.E. lessons at school? Why?/Why not?
Should everybody do sports? Why?/Why not?
What do you think about adrenaline sports? Have you ever tried/Would you ever try any?
Would you like to become a professional sportsman/sportswoman? Why?/Why not?
What would you do if someone got injured during a sport activity?
Is sport important for you? Why?/Why not?
When you were a child, which sports or games did you use to do with your peers/friends? Tell me about
 Is there a sport you would like to try one day? Why?/Why not?
 In your opinion, which sports should everyone learn when young? Why?
 Do you think sportspeople are good idols/role models for young people? Why?/Why not?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of team sports? Why?
 What sport can´t you stand watching?
 What sports do you really enjoy watching?
 What sportsperson are you keen on seeing play?
 What sports have you either taken up or given up recently?
 Do you feel more like playing sports on holiday than during the rest of the year?
 Who do you think is the greatest football player/swimmer/skier/athlete/tennis player/boxer of all time?
 Do you think that some sports are easier than others? Why?
 What sports would you consider to be dangerous? Why?
 Have youever seen otr tried a dangerous sport? What was it?
 What is your opinion of huge sponsorship deals? Do you think advertisement should play such a big role
in sport?
 Are top athletes and gymnasts ruining their bodies by training too much or taking various substances to
enhance their performance?
 Would you take a bribe if you were a football referee?
 The Olympic Games require a lof of investment. Do you think it´s worth it? (building new stadiums and a
whole new infrastructure – is it money down the drain?)
 Do you think Prague is a suitable candidatefor the summer Olympics?
 Do you think the prices at Czech ski resorts correspond to the quality of services provided? How do they
compare with prices abroad?
Free time, culture, entertainment
 What was the last book you read? Tell me more about it.
 Would you like to be a movie star/a bestselling writer/a pop star? Why?/Why not?
 Which do you prefer: reading a book or watching a film based on the book? Why?
 Do you agree that Hollywood movies will replace local Czech films in the future? Why?/Why not?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching films with subtitles/on DVD rather than in the
cinema? Why?
 Should art/music classes be compulsory at school? Why?/Why not?
 What´s your favourite leisure activity? Tell me about it.
 Which hobbies that your friends have do you find boring/uninteresting? Why?
 Do you think men take up different hobbies/leisure activities than women? Why?/Why not?
 Can studying foreign languages become a hobby? Why?/Why not?
 Do you think hobbies which are popular now will be replaced by the internet? Why?/Why not?
 In your opinion, should parents choose hobbies for their children? Why?/Why not?
 Do you like going to the cinema? Why?/Why not?
 Do you prefer seeing a film in the original language with subtitles or its Czech version? Why?
 In your opinion, what is better: seeing a film or reading a book? Why?
 What was the best/worst film you have ever seen/you have seen recently? Tell me about it.
 Would you like to meet a famous film star? Whom and why?/Why not?
 If you were a film star, what kind of films would you like to play in? Why?
 What do you like doing in your free time? Tell me about it.
 Who do you spend your free time with? Why?/How?
 How are you going to spend next weekend/your summer holidays?
 Are there any hobbies/activities you would like to try/learn? Why?
 Why is free time important for people?
 If you had more free time, what would you like to do?
 Tell me about your last visit to a concert or to another cultural event.
 Tell me about your favourite free time activity.
How do you usually spend your winter holidays?
Do you prefer going on holidays with your friends or your family? Why?
How did you spend your holidays when you were a small child?
What are the advantages/disadvantages of package holidays/travelling on your own? Why?
Should students have less free days/holidays than they have now? Why? Why not?
If you had enough money, which foreign country would you like to visit? Why?
Tell me about your dream holiday.
What is your best holiday experience so far? Tell me about it.
Would you prefer to spend your holiday relaxing or being active? Why?
Have you or your family ever encountered any problems while on holiday? Tell me about it./If not, what
could some possible problems be?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of going on package holidays/backpacking
holidays/sightseeing holidays? Why?
 If you could choose, which place would you like to visit this summer? Why?
 What could be done to attract more tourists to the Czech Republic? Tell me about it.
Travelling, transport
 How do you travel to school? Tell me about it.
 What means of transport do you like most when travelling on holiday? Why?
 What are the advantages/disadvantages of travelling by public transport?
 Should everybody have a driving licence nowadays? Why?/Why not?
 What has been your longest journey so far? Tell me about it.
 Would you use public transport more if it was free? Why?/Why not?
 Tell me about the journey to your last winter or summer holiday. (How did you travel? / What means of
transport did you use? – Who did you travel with? Was it OK? / How long was the journey? – Would you
use the same means of transport on your next holiday? Why?/Why not?)
 What do you usually do when travelling on a bus/tram/train? Tell me about it.
 In your opinion, what´s the most environmentally-friendly means of transport? Why?
 Is it important (for young people) to have a driving licence these days? Why?/Why not?
 What could be improved about the traffic situation/public transportation in your area? How?
 Do you agree that young people are better at driving than older people? Why?/Why not?
 If I wanted to travel to a neighbouring foreign country/the sea, which means of transport would you
recommend to me? Why?
 Do you ever read magazines and articles about health and healthy lifestyle? Tell me about it./Why not?
 Do you think first aid should be taught at school? Why?/Why not?
 What would you recommend to someone who wanted to lose weight/live up to 100?
 Why do you think more and more young people are addicted to alcohol/tobacco?
 Have you ever considered donating blood? Why?/Why not?
 If your friend felt stressed and tired, what would you recommend to him/her? Tell me about it.
 What do you do to keep yourself healthy?
 Do you read magazines or newspaper articles about health? Why?/Why not?
 What would you recommend to someone who has flu?
 When were you last ill? Tell me more about it.
 Would you like to work as a doctor/a nurse? Why?/Why not?
 If you saw a car accident, what would you do?
 Tell me about the things or activities you do or could do to keep fit.(Do you like the activity, or do you do
it only because it is good for your health? How often do you do it?/Where?/With whom? Do you do
anything that is not good for your health?)
 Are you afraid of the dentist? How often do you go? What was your last visit like? Have you ever had a
tooth extracted?
 Have you ever had surgery? If so, where were you operated on? If not, have you ever had to go to
hospital? What for? How long did you stay there?
 Did you have any of these (or other) children´s diseases: chicken pox, measles, mumps, rubella,
whooping cough? do you remember what they were like?
 Have you ever had anything broken? How did it happen? How long did it take to heal? Did you have a
plaster cast?
 What is your attitude to smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs?
 Have you ever tried any alternative medicine? Do you know anything about the following: homeopathy,
acupuncture, acupressure, kinesiology, osteopathy, aromatherapy, herbal therapy, crystal healing, energy
therapy (e.g. reiki), hypnosis, massage therapy, meditation, yoga?
Do you always eat dinner with your family? Why?/Why not?
In your opinion, what food is unhealthy/healthy? Why?
Can you imagine becoming a vegetarian? Why?/Why not?
Should everyone know/learn how to cook? Why?/Why not?
Have you ever been on a diet? Tell me about it?/Why not?
What Czech food/meal would you miss most if you lived abroad? Why?
Do you prefer to eat out or at home? Why?
What do you think about fast food restaurants?
When did you last go to a restaurant? Tell me about it.
Would you like to work as a waiter/a waitress/a cook in a restaurant? Why?/Why not?
What shouldn’t you do in a restaurant? Why?
Where would you take your friends if you wanted to invite them for a good meal? Why?
What do you think the key ingredients of a healthy lifestyle are? Tell me more about it.
Are there any types of food which you consider unhealthy? Why?
Does food play an important role in your family celebrations? Tell me about it./Why not?
In your opinion, should children learn to cook at school or at home? Why?
What are some advantages and disadvantages of eating in school canteens? Why?
If you were asked to prepare a special family dinner, which meals would you choose to make and why?
Would you like to work in a restaurant/become a professional cook? Why?/Why not?
Have you ever watched programmes about cooking/read magazines about cooking? Tell me about
it./Why not?
 If you could choose, what kind of a restaurant would you prefer to eat out at with your family? Why?
 In your opinion, is it possible to become addicted to any kind of food? Why? How?/Why not?
 Should table manners be taught at school? Why?/Why not?
 Do you think Czech cuisine might be attractive for foreigners/tourists? Why?/Why not?
 Tell me about your last visit to a restaurant. (Who did you go with? On what occasion? What do you
usually order when you eat out? Do you have a favourite (kind of) restaurant. Why do you like it?)
 Tell me about your favourite place to eat out. (Where is it? How can you get there? What kind of food do
they offer? What is your favourite dish there? How often/On what occasions do you visit it?)
Services, shopping
 Do you like going shopping? Why/not?
 What is your favourite shopping place? Why?
 Where do you get the money you spend in the shops? Tell me something about it.
 What was the last thing you bought for someone else? Why/Where did you buy it?
 Have you ever bought anything on-line? Tell me something about it./Why not?
 Would you buy anything in a second hand shop? Why/not?
 Do you use public transport? Why?/Why not?
 What do you think are the advantages/disadvantages of public transport? Why?
 What is your best/worst experience travelling by public transport? Tell me about it.
 Have you ever taken a taxi? Tell me more about it./Why not?
 Should public transport in big cities be free? Why?/Why not?
 If you could, what would you improve about public transport in your town/city? Why?
 Tell me about how you communicate with your friends or classmates. (How do you usually communicate
with your friends? Why? Do you use modern technologies like mobile phones, the internet, etc. to
communicate? Do you write letters? Why?/Why not?)
 Tell me about the best present you have ever bought for someone. (Whío did you buy it for? Why did you
buy it? Where did you buy it?)
 Can you tell me something about your last shopping experience?
 Can you imagine spending all afternoon shopping? Why?/Why not?
 In your opinion, what could be done to improve customer service in your country? Why?/Tell me about it.
 Do you think Internet shopping will be more and more popular in the future? Why?/Why not?
 What are some advantages and disadvantages of using credit cards? Tell me about it.
 What would you do if a stranger/homeless person asked you for some money in the street? Why?
 Have you ever considered working as a hairdresser/a police officer/a postman/postwoman? Why?/Why
 What do you think people typically complain about in restaurants/in shops? Why?
 Do you find services such as cleaners/laundrettes/hairdresser´s useful? Why?/Why not?
 What should/could be improved about services and shops in the Czech Republic?
 Is it easy or difficult to rent a car/exchange money/have your shoes repaired in your home town? Tell me
about it.
 If a foreigner came to visit your country, what would you tell him/her about tipping?
 Do you often go to the hairdresser’s/ to the post office? Tell me about it./Why not?
 When you are on holiday in another town or abroad, do you like sending postcards? Why?/Why not?
 Where can tourists exchange money/buy a phone card/stay overnight in your hometown? Tell me about it.
 Have you ever borrowed a book from a library? Tell me about it./Why not?
 When you went on your last holidays, did you travel with a travel agency? Why?/Why not?
 If you could change anything about the services in your hometown, what would it be?
 Tell me about the place where you stayed on your last holiday. (Where was it? Who did you go with?
What did you like/dislike about the place? Why? Would you recommend it to your friends? Why?/Why
Mass media
 Do you watch news on TV? Tell me more about it./Why not?
 Where do you find information when you need it? Why?/Tell me more about it.
 Have you ever read a magazine in English? Tell me more about it./Why not?
 Which modern technology could you not live without? Why?
 How did the people in the past spend their evenings without a TV? What do you think?
 Should TV commercials for cigarettes and alcohol be banned? Why?/Why not?
 Now, tell me about the type(s) of mass media you use in your daily life.(Which media do you use every
day? Why do you use them? Which media can you not live without? Why?)
 Do you agree that television is the most popular form of mass media among young people? Why?/Why
 What would you change about TV programmes in your country? Tell me about it.
 Do you believe all TV broadcasting will be in English in a few years´ time? Why?/Why not?
 In your opinion, was the Internet/television the greatest invention of the 20th century? Why?/Why not?
 Can the media/the Internet/TV affect young people negatively? How?/Why not?
 If you want to learn about current events, do you prefer reading newspapers or watching the news on TV?
Festivals and customs, celebrations
 What was the last celebration you enjoyed/participated in? Tell me about it.
 Why do you think people like meeting to celebrate birthdays or other important days in their lives?
 In your opinion, might imported customs such as St. Valentine’s Day or Halloween replace our traditional
celebrations? Why?/Why not?
 Will birthday cards and other cards be replaced by electronic cards in the near future? Why?/Why not?
 If you were invited to your best friend’s birthday party, what present would you consider buying? Why?
 If a foreigner came to visit you, what might he/she find surprising about your
Christmas/Easter/birthday/name day tradition? Why?
 What is your favourite (family) celebration/holiday? Tell me about it./Why?
 Are you/Is your family interested in/good at keeping traditions? Tell me about it./Why not?
 When you were a child, what kind of presents did you like to get? Tell me about it.
 Do you think giving money instead of buying a real present is a good idea? Why/not?
 Should children learn about traditions and customs at school or at home? Why?
 Which of your typical traditions or holidays might be surprising for foreigners? Why?
 Now, tell me about the celebrations or traditions you keep in your family. (What holidays/special days do
you celebrate in your family?/What traditions do you keep? What is your (least) favourite celebration?
Why?/Tell me something about it. What food and drinks are typical for this celebration? / Who do you
celebrate it with?)
 What is your ideal job? Why?/Tell me more about it.
 Would you like to have your parents’ job? Why?/Why not?
 Which is more important for you: to be paid well or to enjoy your work? Why?
 Have you ever had a summer/part-time job? Tell me more about it./Why not?
 Should teenagers take a part-time or a summer job? Why?/Why not?
 What would you do if you couldn’t find work in your field/in your hometown?
 Tell me about your future career. (What job have you chosen for your future career? Why?/ Would you
like to start working after you graduate or would you like to study more? Why? / What skills do you need
to do this job? Why?
 Could you imagine having your parents’ job? Why?/Why not?
 Which do you think is more important: to make a lot of money or to enjoy your job? Why?
 What job do you wish to have in the future and why?
 What qualities should a journalist/manager/teacher/doctor have to make a successful career? Why?
 Should students work for money while they are studying? Why?/Why not?
 If you could own/run your own business, what would it be? Why?
Environment, weather and climate
 What kind of weather do you like the most? Why?
 What was the weather like yesterday?
 What is your favourite winter activity? Tell me something about it./Why?
 What does the typical weather in autumn look like in the Czech Republic?
 Do you depend on weather reports/forecasts on TV/on the internet? Why?/Why not?
 Which season would you like to cross out from/leave out of the calendar? Why?
 Now, tell me about your least favourite season of the year. (What season is it, and why don’t you like it?
What type of weather would you prefer instead during this part of the year? Why? What activities do you
like doing at this time of the year?)
 Have you ever had a pet at home? Tell me about it./Why not?
 In your opinion, what pets are the most popular in your country? Why?
 Do you agree that animals should have the same rights as human beings? Why?/Why not?
 Are you optimistic that endangered animal species will be saved in the future? Why?/Why not?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos? Tell me about them.
 If you witnessed the mistreatment of an animal, what would you do?
 Do you / Does your family recycle? Tell me about it./Why not?
 What other things can you do to protect the environment? Tell me about it.
 In your opinion, should cars be banned from the centres of cities? Why?/Why not?
 Do you think that global warming is an important environmental issue? Why?/Why not?
 How would you persuade your friend to use the public transport instead of driving a car?
 What should be done to prevent wasting energy in households? Tell me about it.
 Would you like to learn more about protecting nature at school? Why?/Why not?
 When did you last go to the zoo? Tell me about it./If you haven’t been, would you like to? Why/not?
 Should people stop driving cars in cities and towns? Why?/Why not?
 Do you think the environmental situation will improve/get better in the future? Why?/Why not?
 If you had a lot of money, would you give it to an environmental charity? Why/not?
 Now, tell me about the activities you can personally do to help the environment. (Do you sort out waste?
Why not? Do you save water/energy? How? Tell me more about it. Have you ever taken part in an event
organized by ecology activists? Tell me about it./Why not?)