LONGFIELDS-DAVIDSON HEIGHTS S. S. - MATHEMATICS Course Outline Functions, Grade 11, MCR3U (University Preparation) Teacher: Sensei Hang Contact: vanessa.hang@ocdsb.ca Office: 318 Website: TBA Guideline: Mathematics: Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12, Revised 2007 Textbook: Functions 11, McGraw-Hill Ryerson 2009 (Replacement cost $90) Prerequisite: MPM2D (Recommended with 70% plus (Level 3) in MPM2D…See Math Pathways Sheet for info) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course Description: This course introduces the mathematical concept of the function by extending students’ experiences with linear and quadratic relations. Students will investigate properties of discrete and continuous functions, including trigonometric and exponential functions; represent functions numerically, algebraically, and graphically; solve problems involving applications of functions; investigate inverse functions; and develop facility in determining equivalent algebraic expressions. Students will reason mathematically and communicate their thinking as they solve multi-step problems. Major Strands and Approximate Classes: Strand 1 Characteristics of Functions Functions Transformations Strand 2 Exponential Functions Exponential Functions Strand 3 Discrete Functions Discrete Functions Financial Applications Strand 4 Trigonometric Functions Trigonometry Trigonometric Functions Evaluation: Formative (70% of final mark): Strand 1: Characteristics of Functions Strand 2: Exponential Functions Strand 3: Discrete Functions Strand 4: Trigonometric Functions Mastery Learning (15%) (15%) (15%) (15%) (10%) Summative (30% of final mark): Final Evaluation and Summative Task. (30%) Materials: Students are expected to bring a text, calculator, pencil, pen, eraser, ruler, three-ring binder, paper, and student planner to class. Graph paper and highlighters are also recommended. Expectations: Daily completion of the 30 minutes homework is MANDATORY and is critical for test and exam preparation. Students are expected to attend all classes and hand in all assignments. Missed lessons due to absences: In case a student is absent for any reason, it is important to note that the material covered in the missed classes will still be on the upcoming evaluation. It is the responsibility of the student to catch up on missed work – please copy out missed notes, show an attempt to complete the homework (see website homework calendar), check their answers (with the back text) and then, if having difficulties, to arrange for extra help with me showing me the above attempted work so I may optimize the help session. [Please note: There is extra math help at lunch throughout the week at fix times. Students and parents should check the extra help times on their teacher’s websites.] LDHSS Mathematics Test: Students are expected to be present on test days. Those students who know in advance that they will be away on the day of the test are expected to make alternate arrangements with their teacher to complete the test. Students who have a legitimate reason for missing a test (e.g. school field trip, documented illness) will be given the opportunity to complete an alternate test before or after the scheduled one or have their exam mark replace the missed test mark. In the case of illness students must have a note written to the math teacher from a Parent/Guardian stating that that they are aware that the student missed a test due to illness. In the case of a field trip, both the student and the teacher leading the field trip should notify the subject teacher in advance of the field trip. When a student’s reason for being absent for a test is not legitimate, the student may receive a mark of zero for that test. LDHSS Missed Test Opportunity “MTO”: When a student’s reason for being absent for a test is legitimate, typically a note provided by the parent with an explanation for the missed test, the student should come to room 324 at the designated time on the MTO posters in our classroom. LDHSS Assignment Policy: In the event of a planned absence (trip, sporting event, family event, etc…) the student shall be responsible for informing the teacher and they shall arrange an alternative date for the student to complete the task. This should be arranged prior to the student being away. Where possible and at the discretion of the teacher, the student is expected to complete the missed assignment/test immediately upon her/his return to school All assignments will have a specified due date and students are expected to respect these dates. Late submission may lead to marks being deducted at a rate of 10% per day up to 20% of the value of the assignment. Once the marked assignments are returned to the other students the teacher may assign a zero. Plagiarism: Work that is not the student’s original material (i.e. copied, borrowed, electronically translated or stolen work) will not be included among the evaluation evidence that is considered for grading purposes because it provides “zero evidence” of a student’s knowledge or skills related to the expectations being evaluated. PARENT SECTION How can you monitor your child’s progress at home? 1) It is necessary that you along with your child monitor and check my website for updated course information such as course outline and policy, important test dates, summative, and exam dates, extra help hours, any posted assignments, etc… Go to http://ldhss.ocdsb.ca/ Click About LDHSS and choose Staff Directory. Scroll to find Hang, Vanessa Click on Website. OR Bookmark TBA 2) Please feel free to send me an e-mail at vanessa.hang@ocdsb.ca if you have any questions or concerns. 3) Expect your child to do a minimum of 30 minutes of homework in Math DAILY. Students are reminded to show that they have checked their homework with the answers provided at the back of the textbook. Questions will be answered during the next class, so each student should have any question(s) ready to ask at the start of class as these are taken up. I hope the above tips will help your child have a successful year and reach their best potential. Please return this form to Sensei Hang by September 10th, 2012 **************************************************************************************** I have read and understood the outline and policies for the Grade 11 Functions MCR 3U course. Student’s Name Student’s Signature Parent/Guardian’s Name Parent/Guardian’s Signature In the next section, please provide your e-mail address for my records. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Print parent e-mail(s): _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Parent Signature: _____________________________________________________ ********************************************************************************************