SYMPOSIUM OF NORTH EASTERN ACCELERATOR PERSONNEL CONTENTS LISTS FOR THE PUBLISHED PROCEEDINGS 1968 -1978, 1980-1992, 1994, 1996 SNEAP 1968a Université de Montréal, Montréal, Quebec, Canada. April 1, 1968 TITLE Agenda Organization of Laboratories Technical Discussion AUTHOR DesRochers R. Burn N. Various AFFILIATION U. of Montréal CRNL, McMaster CRNL, McMaster, Montréal FORM D D D PAGES 1 2 3-4 FORM O O O P D D P D R D D O PAGES 2 3-5 6 8-12 13-15 16-19 20-23 24-27 28-29 31-36 37-39 40-41 FORM O O D D P D D D O P PAGES SNEAP 1968b McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. October 3-4, 1968 TITLE Editorial Directory of Members Index Ion Sources Beam Handling Gas Handling High Gradient Test Apparatus Tubes, Belts, Resistors LASL Laboratory Report Vacuum, Stabilization, Ancillaries Administration Business Meeting AUTHOR McKay J.W. AFFILIATION McMaster Swanson, G.W. Kuehner, J.A. Ashbaugh, P. Beckett, B. Ashbaugh, P. McKibben, J.L. Bender, Lloyd DesRochers R. McKay J.W. HVEC McMaster University McMaster University HVEC McMaster University LASL CRNL U. de Montréal McMaster University SNEAP 1969 Chalk River Nuclear Laboratory, Ontario, Canada. October 21-22, 1969 TITLE Editorial Registrants Ion Sources Vacuum Systems Beam Handling Gas Handling Generator Structure Stabilization Business Meeting Pelletron Charging System FORM: AUTHOR AFFILIATION Borgsteed, H. Burn, N. Galejs, A. Bender, L. Thompson, D. DesRochers, R. Ashbaugh, P. Anon HVEC CRNL HVEC CRNL CRNL Montréal McMaster D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report SNEAP 1970 Université de Montréal, Montréal, Quebec, Canada. August 27-28, 1970 1-28 29-46 47-56 57-63 64-71 72-76 77-79 80 TITLE Development of D.C. Accelerators Charging Systems, Belts, Tubes, Chains Gas and Beam Handling Ion Source Development, Strippers Vacuum Systems Business Session AUTHOR Herb, R.G. DesRochers, R. Bender, L Thomson, D. McKay, J. Burn, N. AFFILIATION N.E.C., Madison University of Montréal CRNL University of Ottawa McMaster University CRNL FORM P D D D D O PAGES 1-5 6-13 14-21 22-35 36-41 42 FORM P R D P P D O PAGES 1-35 36-72 73-84 85-108 109-116 117-129 130 PAGES 73-78 79-88 89-104 105-129 SNEAP 1971 McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. August 26-27, 1971 TITLE Alternate Accelerator Uses Accelerator Lab Descriptions Equipment Costs Accelerator Systems: Ion Sources Vacuum Systems Beam Handling & Monitoring, Charging Systems Business Session AUTHOR Simson, J.J. Burn, N. McKay, J. Burn, N. Brown, P. Ashbaugh, P. Ashbaugh, P. AFFILIATION University of Guelph CRNL McMaster University CRNL. CRNL McMaster University McMaster University SNEAP 1972 Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, U.S.A. March 23-24, 1972 TITLE Editor's Note List of Participants Introduction Developments Made at the Rochester Tandem Lab Introduction to Session 2 Accelerator Tube Repair Introduction to Session 3 The High Current "T" Tandem & CRNL MP Upgrading A Charging System Proposal Progress Report On L.A.S.L. Polarized Ion Source BNL Ion Sources X-Ray Trace Element Detection FORM: AUTHOR Chapman, K.R. AFFILIATION FSU Chapman, K.R. Purser, K. H. Ashbaugh, P. Peoples, J. DesRochers, R. Chmara, F. FSU University of Rochester McMaster University Potentials Inc. University of Montréal HVEC FORM O O O R O P O P Davis, R.H. McKibben, J.L. Benjamin, J. Nelson, W. FSU LASL BNL FSU P P P P D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report 1-2 3-24 25 26-46 47 47-72 SNEAP 1973 Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, N.Y., U.S.A. September 12-14, 1973 TITLE Heinicke Source, Modification & Experience Operation of High Resolution Negative Ion Injector for the EN Tandem Terminal Ion Sources Negative Sputter Ion Sources The UNIS Ion Source Sulfur Hexafluoride as a Gaseous Insulator The Pelletron Charging System The Pelletron Accelerator Accelerator Tubes for the Daresbury NSF Accelerator Tubes HVEC Tube Development The Rochester Upgrading Program The Upgrading of the MP at Chalk River The Upgrading of the MP 7 at Brookhaven Preliminary Design of Terminal Charge State Separator Description of Some Power Supplies and Other Devices Installed in the Terminal at BNL Use of a Programmable Desk Calculator for Automatic Search for Possible Contaminant Heavy Ion Beams Discussion: In-terminal Electronics, Surge Protection, Computer Assisted Control and Heavy Ion Beams Terminal Ripple Remover Discussion on Foil Stripping, Safety etc. Operation Experience with the SUNY Albany Dynamitron Proposed Pelletron Mass Separator at Chalk River Auxiliary Equipment to the Proposed Mass Separator The High Voltage Development Program for the NSF Accelerator Further Discussions Business Session FORM: AUTHOR Chapman, K. DesRochers, R. AFFILIATION Florida State University University of Montréal FORM P P PAGES 2-11 12-28 Hyder, H.R.M. Purser, K.H. Middleton, R. Ashbaugh, P.G. Sato, K. Kerr, R.G. Joy, T. Hyder, H.R.M. Chmara, F. Lund, T.S. Burn, N. Lindgren, R.A. Broadhurst, J. Oxford University General Ionex Corporation University of Pennsylvania McMaster University Yale University National Electrostatics NPL, Daresbury Oxford University HVEC University of Rochester CRNL BNL University of Minnesota P P P P P D P P P P P P P 29-44 45-58 59-89 90-108 109-123 124-134 135-147 148-175 176-190 191-213 214-232 233-243 244-252 McKeown, M. BNL P 253-263 Abendroth, H. BNL P 264-276 D 277-289 290-296 297-318 319-323 Weitkamp, W. K. University of Washington Haberl, A. SUNY, Albany P D P Walker, D. Sims, J. CRNL CRNL P P 324-336 337-343 Aitken, T. Daresbury N.P.L. P 344-356 Ashbaugh, P. McMaster University O 357 D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report SNEAP 1974 Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. August 21-23, 1974 TITLE Improved Belt Charging System for the BNL MP Pelletron Installation on the Chalk River MP Rochester MP Upgrade Accelerator Tubes, Resistors & Strippers Column Washing Discussion Terminal Equipment and Stabilization New Machines/ Vacuum Systems BNL Ion Sources Ion Source Discussion Beam Transport Business Section AUTHOR Thieberger, P. Hurley, P. Lund, T. Chapman, K. Hurley, P.I. Hurley, P.I. McKeown, M. DesRochers, R. McKay, J.W. McKay, J.W. AFFILIATION BNL CRNL University of Rochester FSU CRNL CRNL BNL University of Montréal McMaster University McMaster University FORM P P P D D D P P D D O PAGES 3-30 31-49 50-56 57-90 91-114 115-124 125-128 129-139 140-146 147-151 152 FORM O O O D P D P P P D D D O R R P O P PAGES SNEAP 1975 McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. August 20-22, 1975 TITLE Editor's Note SNEAP Participants Welcoming Address Machine Operation, Conditioning & Components Super Tandems Single Ended Machines Terminal Systems The Inverted Sputter Ion Source Conventional Ion Sources Chalk River MP PelletronCharging System Vacuum Systems Miscellaneous Topics Business Meeting Laboratory Report Chalk River MP Pelletron Charging System Fibre Optic Control of Ion Source Variables Gas Mixtures Summary of Sputter Source Information FORM: AUTHOR McKay, J. AFFILIATION McMaster University Johns, M.W. McKay, J. Jones, C.M. Janzen, H. Berners, E. Chapman, K. Haberl, A.W. Hurley, P. McKay, J. McKay, J. McKay, J. Letournel, M. McMaster University McMaster University ORNL Queen's University Notre Dame University F.S.U SUNY, Albany C.R.N.L. McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University CRN, Strasbourg CRNL. CRNL CRNL ORNL O'Dacre J.P.D. Burn, N. Alton, G.D. D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report 1-2 3-12 13-21 23-32 33-42 43-54 55-60 61-68 69-75 77-79 81 83-85 87-89 90-92 93-94 95-99 SNEAP 1976 Florida State University, Tallahassee. November 3-5, 1976 TITLE Editor's Note Business Meeting SNEAP Participants SNEAP 1975 Membership List SNEAP 1976 Membership List Welcoming Remarks Upgrading of the L.A.S.L. Accelerator Terminal Communications: Argonne FN Tandem Work at EN Tandem Oak Ridge ORNL 25MV H.I. Accelerator: Vacuum Components Experience of NEC 12UD Pelletron on HVEC Yale MP-1 The Separation of Gas Mixtures Containing SF-6 SF-6 Purification System The Oxford Folded Tandem Th XTU at Legnaro The NEC Accelerators for Oak Ridge & JAERI Status of the Oak Ridge Accelerator Diagnosing & Reducing V.D.G. Terminal Sparking Machine Performance at Rochester Since 1975 Belt Tests With Half Open Structure in Strasbourg MP The McMaster Polarized Ion Source Use of Triton Beams From Sputter Ion Source Preparations for a Triton Beam Negative Ions From the Sputter Source An Improved Method of Mounting Stripper Foils A Terminal Source Tests of Cal Tech/ Stony Brook H.I. Booster Chalk River Project General Discussion Notes On Sputter Ion Source Cones FORM: AUTHOR Chapman, K. McKay, J. AFFILIATION Florida State University McMaster University FSU LASL ANL O.R.N.L. O.R.N.L. FORM O O O O O O P P R P PAGES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-25 26-32 33-43 44-53 Edwards, S. Woods, R. Billquist, P. Zeigler, N. Johnson, J.W. Sato, K. Yale University P 54-59 Brassard, C. Rowton, L. Doucas, G. Krusstatcher, P. Rathmell, R. Jones, C. Weitkamp, W.G. Lund, T.S. Letournel, M. University of Montréal FSU Oxford University INFN Legnaro NEC ORNL University of Washington University of Rochester C.R.N. Strasbourg P P P P P R P R P 60-67 68-73 74-82 83-84 85-98 99-103 104-113 114-122 123-126 McKay, J. McKay, J. Middleton, R. Middleton, R. Chapman, K. Laughlin, W. Schultz, E. Hurley, P. McMaster University McMaster University University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania Florida State University University of Pittsburgh SUNY Stony Brook Chalk River N.L. Lund, T.S. University of Rochester P P P P P P P R O O 127-131 132-138 139-144 145-154 155-163 164-175 176-182 183-189 190-191 192-198 D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report SNEAP 1977 Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, N.M. September 26-28, 1977 TITLE SNEAP77 Welcome Absolute Charge State Yields: 20MeV 127-I Ions Coulomb Explosion & Transmission of Molecular Ions Through a Tandem Staffing for Operational Safety & Efficiency Telemetry Systems: Review & Forecast Installation of NEC Tubes in the ANL FN Pelletron Installation at Brookhaven Characteristics of the Beam Charging System Problems With Our Upgraded 3MV Machine Principles of Pulsing for Tandem Accelerators Buncher Development for ORIC Injection Physical Phenomena in the Insulating Gas Mixture 834 Hiconex Sputter Ion Source Operating Experience The Brookhaven Terminal Ion Source Synopsis of Tritium Running at Penn. C-14 Dating Using a Tandem Proposed Upgrading of EN Tandem for Heavy Ions Progress on the Oak Ridge Tandem Comments on the Coulomb Explosion Experience at B.N.L. Major Improvements at B.N.L. Since Beginning Stony Brook Booster Project Update Status of Laddertron Development at H.V.E.C. Improved MP Acceleration Tube Performance Thoughts on Accelerator Tubes Experiences With Accelerator Tubes SNEAP Business Meeting Letter from IPN, Orsay, France Letter from CEN, Saclay, France SNEAP Participants FORM: AUTHOR Woods, R. Taschek, R. Moak, C.D. Middleton, R. AFFILIATION LASL LASL ORNL University of Pennsylvania FORM O O P P PAGES 1 2 3-13 15-30 Woods, R. McNaught, R. Billquist, P. Lindgren, R. Letournel, M. Janzen, H. Liebert, R. Milner, R. Sato, K. Lund, T.S. LASL McMaster University ANL CNL CRN, Strasbourg Queen's University General Ionex ORNL Yale University University of Rochester P P P P P P P P P P 31-40 41-59 61-83 84-88 89-103 104-112 113-123 124-137 139-175 175-186 McKeown, M. Middleton, R. McKay, J. Laughlin, W. Bair, J. Thieberger, P. BNL University of Pennsylvania McMaster University University of Pittsburgh ORNL BNL P P P P R P 187-198 199-201 203-211 213-222 223-229 230 Thieberger, P. Schultz, E. Shaw, J. Thieberger, P. Larson, J.D. McKibben, J.L. McKay, J. Bretonneau, P. Bianchi, L. BNL SUNY, Stony Brook HVEC BNL ORNL LASL McMaster University IPN, Orsay CEN, Saclay R R P P P P O O O O 231-234 235-236 237-240 241-248 249-265 266-273 275-276 277-279 280 281-283 D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report SNEAP 1978 Oak Ridge National laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. October 23-25, 1978 TITLE Welcome Address Conditioning and Breakdown in Accelerator Tubes Conditioning of NEC Tubes Breakdown Properties of Pure and Mixed Tank Gases Sulfur Hexafluoride Purification from Air Mixtures Sparkling Characteristics of Pure SF6 and Mixtures Separation of Air from SF6 Using Molecular Sieve Report on Fourth Tandem Conference at Ebeltoft Improvements to FN Belt Charge and GVM Systems Refinements to the BNL Pelletron Charging System Discussion on Chains and Resistors Safety in Electrostatic Accelerator Operation Recent Ion Source Development at Pennsylvania SNICS- A Source of Negative Ions by Cs Sputtering The 14C Beam at the Munich MP Tandem Test of Target Size in the FSU Inverted Source Negative Source Developments at ORNL Negative Heavy Ions Produced by Charge Exchange Overview of the VICKSI Facility AUTHOR Zucker, A. Skorka, S.J. Yntema, J.L. Broadhurst, J.H. AFFILIATION ORNL Munich ANL Minnesota FORM O P P P PAGES 1 4 30 38 Perona, J.J. Lindgren, R. Hurley, P.I. Chapman, K.R. Fauska, H. ORNL BNL CRNL FSU University of Washington P P P R P 50 66 72 76 83 Thieberger, P. McKay, J.W. Burn, N. Middleton, R. Billen, J.H. Kutschera, W. Billquist, P.J. Alton, G.D. Tykesson, P. Spellmeyer, B. P D P P P P P P P P 91 102 105 114 137 150 163 168 187 223 Modification of the Argonne Tandem FN Tandem Project at the University of Ife Buenos Aires Tandem Accelerator Facility Yntema, J.L. Oso, G. Filevich, A. P P P 254 271 273 Operation at the Oxford Folded Tandem Operation of a Gridded Foil Stripper Carbon Foil LIfetimes from Harwell and Daresbury Plots of Charge State Distributions for Tandems Instrumentation of VICKSI Beam Lines Hyder, H.R.M. Chapman, K.R. Larson, J.D. Sayer, R.O. Homeyer, H. R P P R P 283 290 304 306 316 Phase Measurement and Control of Bunched Beams Experience With the VICKSI Control System Lewis, R,N. Spellmeyer, B. P P 334 357 Light Links in Electrostatic Acclerators The HHIRF 25 MV Tandem Accelerator Control System Business Session Conference Participants Rathmell, R.D. Ziegler, N.F. BNL McMaster University CRNL University of Pennsylvania University of Wisconsin Munich Argonne ORNL University of Aarhus Hahn-Meitner Institut, Berlin ANL University of Ife Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica Oxford University FSU Independent ORNL Hahn-Meitner Institut, Berlin Argonne Hahn-Meitner Institut, Berlin NEC ORNL P P 372 379 McKay, J.W. McMaster University O 386 393 FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report SNEAP 1979 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Proceedings not Published SNEAP 1980 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. October 13-15, 1980 TITLE Electrostatic Accelerator Development in the 1930s 1979-1980 Tandem Accelerator Report Brookhaven National Laboratory The Chalk River MP Tandem Accelerator Facility Chalk River 2UH High Voltage Mass Seperator Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory Florida State University Tandem Lab Report University of Guelph VICKSI Laboratory Report 1979-80 University of Ife Nuclear Science Laboratory Lehigh University Sherman Fairchild Laboratory Los Alamos 3-Stage Van de Graaff Facility University of Lowell McMaster Tandem Acclerator Laboratory Laboratoire de Physique Nucleaire University of Notre Dame Nuclear Structure Lab Status of the Oak Ridge 25 MV Tandem Accelerator Oxford University Laboratory Report University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh Accelerator Laboratory of Queen's University University of Rochester Rutgers University State University of New York at Stony Brook Stanford University University of Washington University of Wisconsin Yale University Status of the Oak Ridge 25 MV Tandem Acclerator A Proposal for a New Tandem at the University of Washington Status of the 20UR at JAERI The TU Tandem Installation at Legnaro Progress of the 20UR at CNEA, Buenos Aires Progress in the Art of Producing Polarized Ions Removable Heavy Ion Terminal for P9, LASL Versatile High Intensity Negative Ion Source Additions to the Negative Ion Injector Survey of Gas Mixtures Used in Electrostatic Accelerators Insulating Gas Fast Transfer System Trace Analysis of SF6 Arc By-Products Electrical Breakdown Studies of SF6 Mixtures and Experimental Fluorcarbons Analysis of the Pelletron Charging Chain Break BNL Pelletron Report FORM: AUTHOR Herb, R.G. Yntema, J.L. Lindgren, R. Burn, N. Walker, D.A.S. Westerfield, C.R. Chapman, K. Gingerich, R. Zeigler, K. Oso, G. White, R. Hardefopf, R. Connolly, C. McKay, J. Brassard, C. Berners, E. Zeigler, N. AFFILIATION NEC, Middleton, WI ANL BNL CRNL CRNL TUNL FSU University of Guelph, ONT HMI, Berlin, W. Germany University of Ife, Nigeria Lehigh University LASL University of Lowell McMaster University University of Montreal University of Notre Dame ORNL. FORM P R R R P R R R R R R R R R R R R PAGES 2-10 11-12 13-15 16-19 20-21 22-24 25-26 27-28 29-31 32-33 34-38 39-41 42 43-46 47-49 50-51 52-53 Allen, K.W. Adams, C. Saylor, T. Janzen, H. Kelly, D. Leidich, R. Noé, J. Dillard, E. Weitkamp, B. Billen, J. Sato, K. Zeigler, N. Weitkamp, B. Oxford University University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh Queen's University University of Rochester Rutgers University SUNY, Stony Brook Stanford University of Washington University of Wisconsin Yale University ORNL University of Washington R R R R R R R R R R R R P 54 55 56-58 59-60 61-65 66-67 68-70 71-72 73-75 76-78 79-83 84-92 93-99 Rathmell, R. Goldie, C. Ceballos, A. Haeberli, W. Tesmer, J.R. Middleton, R. Lund, T.S. Burn, N. NEC HVEC CNEA, Argentina University of Wisconsin LASL University of Pennsylvania University of Rochester CRNL R P R P P P P P 100-109 110-116 117-123 124-131 132-133 134-140 141-146 147-157 Brassard, C. Pohl, M. Mastroianni, M. Université de Montréal Air Products Inc. P P P 158-162 163-166 167-172 Burn, N. Lindgren, R. CRNL BNL P R 173-181 182-183 D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report SNEAP 1980 (continued) University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. October 13-15, 1980 TITLE Investigation of the Charging System used in the Chalk River 2MV Pelletron Improved Two-Loop Regulation System for an FN Recent Improvements on Generating Voltmeters Performance of Carbon Stripping Foils in the ANL FN Simple Ethylene Cracking Apparatus for the Preparation of Carbon Films Notes on Stripper Foil Lifetimes Procedure for the Rapid Evaluation of Carbon Stripper Foils Conditioning Rebuilt Accelerating Tubes Some Experiences with Fiber Optics Deflector System for 2 MV Electron Beam AUTHOR Walker, D.A.S. AFFILIATION CRNL FORM P PAGES 184-194 Trainor, T.A. Fauska, H. Den Hartog, P.K. University of Washington University of Washington ANL P P P 195-202 203-207 208-218 Gallant, J.L. CRNL P 219-224 Jones, C.M. Auble, R.L. ORNL ORNL P P 225-227 228-234 Berners, E.D. Janzen, H. Ratcliffe, C.A. P P P 235-239 240-243 244-246 Status of the Oxford Folded Tandem Operating Experience with the ANL SC Booster FSU Superconducting Booster Upgrade of MP-6 and MP-7 Upgrading of Strasbourg MP-10 Business Meeting List of Participants Member Institutions Letters from Daresbury laboratory Accident with the Platform of the P9 Accelerator Summary of the Loss of SF6 Incident Experience with the Rochester Belt Charge System Allen, K.W. Yntema, J.L. Chapman, K.R. Lindgren, R. Letournel, M. McKay, J. University of Notre Dame Queen's University Pacific Northwest Laboratory University of Oxford ANL FSU BNL CRN, Strasbourg McMaster University Voss, R.G.P. Rowton, L. Lund, T.S. Kelly, D. Daresbury LASL University of Rochester University of Rochester R R P R R O O O O O R P 247-253 254-257 258-268 269-272 273-277 278-285 286-293 294-295 296-297 298 300-304 305-306 FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report SNEAP 1981 McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. October 14-16, 1981 TITLE Opening Remarks Ion Sources Accelerator Tubes Charging Systems Charge Exchange ANL Tandem/Linac Accelerator Report BNL Tandem Acclerator The Chalk River MP Acclerator Facility The Chalk River High Voltage Mass Seperator 1981 Laboratory Report on the FSU Tandem/Linac 4MV Acclerator Dedicated to X-Ray Analyses Laboratory Report LASL 3-Stage Van de Graaff Accelerator Facility McMaster Tandem Accelerator Laboratory Report Positive Ion Lab0ratory Report Report on the Nuclear Structure Lab Report on the Oak Ridge 25 MV Tandem Oxford University Nuclear Physics Lab Report University of Pennsylvania 81 SNEAP Lab Report University of Pittsburgh Nuclear Structure Lab University of Rochester Report on the FN at Rutgers University University of NY at Albany Lab Report Stony Brook Nuclear Structure Laboratory University of Toronto Triangle Universities Nuclear Lab University of Washington Nuclear Physics Lab University of Wisconsin Insulating Gases New and Upgraded Accelerators Vacuum Systems and Miscellaneous Business Section List of Participants SNEAP Member Institutions 81 Conditioning a 2 UH Pelletron Tube Conditioning Procedure:Titanium Accelerator Tubes Letter from Stony Brook (Digital Megger) Safe Handling of Sodium Hosting SNEAP 1982 FORM: AUTHOR McKay, J. Chapman, K.R. Ashbaugh, P. Burn, N. Woods, R. Den Hartog, P. Carlson, C.W. Burn, N. Walker, D.A.S. AFFILIATION McMaster University FSU McMaster University CRNL LASL ANL BNL CRNL CRNL FORM O D D D D R R R R PAGES 1-2 3-17 19-35 37-51 53-73 76-82 83-84 85-87 88-90 Chapman, K.R. Leonard, R. Gingerich, R. Woods, R. Ashbaugh, P. Elliot, D.C. Berners, E. Alton, G.D. Allen, K.W. Adams, C.T. Saylor, T. Miller, T. Leidich, R. Haberl, A. Noe, J. Finn, C. Westerfeld, C. Amsbaugh, J. Billen, J. Billen, J. Berners, E. Janzen, H. McKay, J. FSU FSU University of Guelph LASL McMaster University NRC, Ottawa, Canada University of Notre Dame ORNL University of Oxford University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh Universtiy of Rochester Rutgers University SUNY, Albany SUNY, Stony Brook University of Toronto Duke University University of Washington University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Notre Dame Queen's University McMaster University Walker, D.A.S. CRNL Dowlish Developments Ltd. R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R D D D O O O R R 91-96 97-98 99-100 101-102 103-106 107-108 109-110 111-115 118-119 120-122 123-124 125-127 131-133 134-135 136-137 140-142 143-147 148-150 151-155 157-175 177-198 199-211 214-218 219-223 225-226 229 230 Noe, J. Brandes, S. Weitkamp, W.G. SUNY, Stony Brook Rutgers University University of Washington O O O 231-235 237-241 243 D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report SNEAP 1982 University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. October 6-8, 1982 TITLE Introduction and Acknowledgements Second Step of the Upgrading of the Strasbourg MP Recent Upgrading of Brookhaven MP Facility & Plans for the Future The 10 MV FN-Pelletron at McMaster Phenomenology of Conditioning the Pelletron 12UD at UTTAC Experience with a 2MV Pelletron Conditioned with a Low Voltage Discharge JAERI 20 UR Pelletron: Voltage Conditioning & Beam Performance Time Structure of X-Rays from Oak Ridge 25MV Tandem The NSF Regional Accelerator Facility for Radioisotope Dating Ion Transport & Detection Systems for Isotrace Preliminary Measurements with OSIRIS Heavy .Ion Accelerator Mass Spectrometer A Second Stripper for an EN or FN Tandem A Terminal Lens for an FN Tandem Plasma Lens for an Mev-Ion Tube Computer Control of the Magnetic Beam Transport System A Numerically Controlled NMR Survey of E-Division Accelerators at LLNL University of Oxford Status of Folded Tandem Installation of the Superconducting Linac Report on the Oak Ridge 25MV Tandem The Buenos Aires Tandar Facility Chalk River MP Tandem & SC Cyclotron SUNY Albany Accelerator Laboratory BNL Tandem Facility High Voltage Mass Seperator Report FSU Tandem Report University of Ife: Tandem Laboratory Progress Institute of Nuclear Sciences, DSIR Laboratory Isotrace Laboratory Progress Report Isotrace Sulphur Hexafluoride Handling System LASL 3-Stage Van de Graaff Accelerator Facility McMaster Tandem Lab Report University of Pittsburgh Accelerator Laboratory Report University of Rochester Laboratory Report Stony Brook Tandem/Linac Facility UTTAC Laboratory Report Triangle University's Nuclear Laboratory Western Michigan University Report University of Washington Report University of Wisconsin Report AUTHOR Weitkamp, W.G. Letournel, M. AFFILIATION University of Washington CRN, Strasbourg FORM O P PAGES Thieberger, P. BNL P 9-12 McKay, J. Seki, S. McMaster University University of Tsukuba P P 13-18 20-23 Walker, D.A.S. CRNL P 24-31 Norton, G.A. NEC. P 32-40 Jones, C.M. ORNL P 41-43 Zabel, T.H. University of Arizona P 44-53 Kilius, L.R. Greenway, T.J.L. University of Toronto University of Oxford P P 54-61 62-74 Chapman, K.R. Den Hartog, P.K. Connolly, R.C. Trainor, T.A. FSU ANL University of Oregon University of Washington P P P P 75-83 84-91 92-98 99-104 Fauska, H. Proctor, I.D. Greenway, T.J.L. Noe, J.W. Zeigler, N.F. Perez Ferreira, E. Hurley, P.I. Haberl, A. Lindgren, R. Walker, D.A.S. Chapman, K. Oso, G.A. Wallace, G. Kilius, L.R. Finn, C.W. Rowton, L. McKay, J. Saylor, T.K. Janzen, H. Lund, T.S. Noe, J.W. Seki, S. Westerfeld, C. Ferguson, S.M. University of Washington LLNL University of Oxford SUNY, Stony Brook ORNL CNEA, Argentina CRNL SUNY, Albany BNL CRNL FSU University of Ife, Nigeria Lower Hutt, New Zealand University of Toronto University of Toronto LASL McMaster University University of Pittsburgh Queen's University University of Rochester SUNY, Stony Brook University of Tsukuba Duke University Western Michigan University of Washington University of Wisconsin P R R P R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 105-107 108-117 118-124 125-143 144-151 152-158 159-164 165-170 171-172 173-174 175-176 177-178 179-180 181-183 184-186 187 188-189 190-191 192-194 195-196 197 198-199 200-201 202-203 204-205 206-210 Billen, J.H. 1-8 Business Meeting Upgrading Sargent-Welch Turbopumps The Strasbourg Project: A Vivitron of 35 MV Charging Systems Conditioning Hydr.aulic Belt Tension & Tracking System for a Van de Graaff Accelerator Magnetic Suppression of Gridded Tube Lens University of Washington Polarized Ion Source Ion Source Development at Argonne First Operation of 400 KV Heavy-Ion Injector Computer Modelling of Sputter-Type Negative Ion Source General Discussion Participants Nuclear Physics Labs With Vax Computer Systems FORM: McKay, J. Noe, J.W. Letournel, M. Krause, R.D. Janzen, H. McMaster University SUNY, Stony Brook CRN, Strasbourg Kansas State University Queen's University O P R D P 208-216 217-225 226-235 236-238 239-242 Schmidt, F.H. Glavish, F.H. Billquist, P.J. Noe, J.W. Billen, J.H. University of Washington Anac Inc. ANL SUNY, Stony Brook University of Wisconsin P P P P P 243-251 252-260 261-267 268-280 281-287 Woods, R. LASL D O O 288-299 300-306 307 D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report SNEAP 1983 University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. October 3-5, 1983 TITLE Status Report on the Strasbourg MP Broken Column Members in the Chalk River Tandem Column Structure Status of the NSF/Arizona AMS Accelerator Status of the Oak Ridge 25URC Acclerator Rehovot 14UD Pelletron Tandem Conference in England BNL Double MP Facility: Developments and Plans Things to Know About HighVoltage Power Supplies Applications of High-Speed Bearings and Turbopumps Selection of Vacuum Pump Fluids Detection of Al-26 and a Search for Fractionally Charged Particicles Modifications to FSU Inverted Sputter Source A Versatile High Intensity Negative Ion Source Progress Report on Poly-C Belts Some Experiences With a Poly-C Belt Short History of Poly-C Belts in a FN Tandem Limitations to Charging Chain Lifetimes Nylon Link Tests Charge & Collector Screens Modifications at Ohio Brief & Unsuccessful Experience with a Tandem Van de Graaff Belt Non Nuclear Physics Applications of Acclerators Heavy Ion Microlithography as a Tool Ion Beam Enhanced Adhesion in the Electron Stopping Region Application of Accelerators in Radiation & Nucleonics Research Some Thoughts on the Purification of SF-6 The History of SNEAP Selection of Location for SNEAP 84 Vivitron Component Tests on the Strasbourg CN Design of University of Washington S-C Booster FSU Upgrade: Status Report Sept. 1983 Argonne Linac Status Report First Operation of Stony Brook SC Linac Purging Techniques for Helium Cryopumps Life Tests on Two Standard NEC Cup Bellows Computer Control for Atlas Postaccelerator Heavy Ion Energy Determination from a PostAccelerator Atlas- Linac Statusof the Oak Ridge Tandem Control System Measurement of Nuclear Resonances to +/- 10eV Lab Report: University of Rochester Lab Report: S.U.N.Y. Stony Brook Lab Report: University of Pittsburgh AUTHOR Oberlin, J.C. Burn, N. AFFILIATION CRN, Strasbourg CRNL FORM P P PAGES 1-11 12-20 Nurn, N. Zabel, T.H. Ziegler, N.F. Hollos, G. Chapman, K. Thieberger, P. Glassman, S. CRNL University of Arizona ORNL Weizmann Institute Florida State University BNL Glassman High Voltage Inc. D R R R R P P 21-28 29-35 36-38 39-42 43-50 51-84 85-109 Osterstrom, G. P 110-119 Gilbert, L. Aarosma, G.E. Sargent Welch Scientific Co. Inland Vacuum Co. University of Toronto P P 120-123 124-125 Chapman, K. Middleton, R. Norbeck, E. Janzen, H. Rowton, L. Rathmell, R.D. Richardson, E.G. Sturbois, J.D. Sturbois, J.D. FSU University of Pennsylvania University of Iowa Queen's University LASL NEC ORNL University of Ohio University of Ohio P P P P P P P P P 126-130 131-138 139-143 144-152 153-154 155-159 160-166 167-169 170-175 Purser, K. Fischer, B.E. Griffith, J.E. Gen. Ionics Corp. GSI, Darmstadt Cal Tech P P P 176-183 184-200 201-220 Sawko, D. Westinghouse Research & Development Co Air Products & C. Co. Inc. McMaster University McMaster University CRN, Strasbourg University of Washington FSU ANL SUNY Stony Brook University of Rochester ORNL ANL ANL P 221-233 P P O R P R R P P R P P 234-249 250-254 255-266 267-286 287-298 299-300 301-311 312-332 333-335 336-340 341-353 354-362 ORNL University of Iowa University of Rochester Stony Brook University of Pittsburgh R P R R R 363-371 372-374 376 377-380 381 Croll, D. McKay, J. McKay, J. Letournel, M. Weitkamp, W.G. Chapman, K.R. Pardo, R.C. Brennan, J.M. Kelly, D. Richardson, E.G. Pardo, R. Pardo, R. Ziegler, N. Norbeck, E. Lund, T. Dunkle, R.F. Lab Report: University of Notre Dame Lab Report: LASL Lab Report: BNL Lab Report: Queen's University Lab Report: University of Arizona Lab Report: McMaster University Lab Report: University of Guelph Lab Report: FSU Lab Report: University of Pennsylvania Lab Report: ANL Lab Report: University of Washington Lab Report: University of Wisconsin Lab Report: University of Toronto Lab Report: Western Michigan University Lab Report: Rutgers University Lab Report: University of Iowa Lab Report: ORNL. Lan Report: Canberra Lab Report: Weizmann Institute Lab Report: Triangle University Lab Report: WNSL, Yale University List of Participants FORM: Lindgren, R. Janzen H. Gingerich, R. Chapman, K.R. Den Hartog, P. Amsbaugh, J.F. Billen J.H. Kieser, W.E. Ferguson, S.M. Leidich, R. Norbeck, E. Hollos, G. Westerfeldt, C. Sato, K. Notre Dame LASL BNL Queen's University University of Arizona McMaster University University of Guelph FSU University of Pennsylvania ANL University of Washington University of Wisconsin University of Toronto Western Michigan University. Rutgers University University of Iowa O.R.N.L. ANU, Canberra Weizmann Institute TUNL Yale University D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 382 383 384-385 386-387 388-389 390-391 392-393 394-395 396 397-399 400-401 402-403 404-405 406 R R R R R R R O 407-408 409-411 412-413 414-415 416-417 418-419 420-426 427-437 SNEAP 1984 State University of New York at Stony Brook, NY. October 15-18, 1984. TITLE Status Report on the 20 MV Tandem Status Report on the ORNL 25 URC Accelerator Arc Discharge Conditions of the Munich MP Tubes 14 UD Pelletron Operation Report on the Tandem Accident & Column Rebuild Progress in Accelerator Mass Spectrometry AUTHOR Aitken, T.W. Ziegler, N. Ziegler, N. Weisser, D.C. Hyder, H.R.M. Wolfi, W. FORM P P P P P P PAGES 1-5 6-10 11-13 14-22 23-34 35-40 Kutschera, W. AFFILIATION NSF- Daresbury ORNL ORNL ANU, Canberra Oxford University Institut fur Mittelenergiephysik, ETH ANL Coupled Tandem/Linac System Accelerator Mass Spectrometer Applications of Decelerated Ions Experience with the Polarized Heavy -Ion Source at Heidelburg Some Recent Sputter Source Developments Supplemental Cesium un the Inverted Sputter Source Megavolt Energy Ion Micro Beams Tandem Pelletron for Astrophysics Research An Experience With a Poly-C Belt Failure of Stainless Steel Tubes at FSU A 40 Foil Post Stripper Mechanism The Strasbourg Vivitron Project: A 35MV Tandem Status of the ESTU Project at Yale Mechanical Design of the FN & MP Van de Graaff Tandem Accelerators Glass Breaks in the Stony Brook Tandem Heavy Ion Injection from the.BNL Tandems into the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron Advanced Positive Ion Sources Survey of Radio Frequency Quadruple Accelerators Operating Experience & Contruction Status of Atlas The Atlas Positive Ion Injector Proposal Status of the F.S.U. Linac Project A Kryebis + Linac for Ion Collision Physics Stony Brook S-C Heavy Ion Linac Overview & Status of U. Washington NPL Booster Project Status of the Oxford Linac Project S-Conducting Post Accel. for Daresbury 20MV Tandem S-C Heavy Ion Booster Accelerator Overview of Super-Conducting Boosters & Resonator Structures Niobium Accelerator Structures for Heavy Ions New Directions in Lead Plating Technology Lead Plating Facility at the U. Washington NPL Heavy Ion Deceleration With Argonne Tandem/Linac Tune Up of the Stony Brook Linac Pre-Tandem Beam Buncher Control Electronics P 42-54 Johnson, B.M. Paul, P. BNL SUNY, Stony Brook P P 55-62 63-68 Middleton, R. Billquist, P.J. University of Pennsylvania ANL P P 69-76 77-84 Martin, F.W. Carr, R. Pepmiller, P. Chapman, K.R. Adams, C.T. Letournel, M. Microscope Assoc. Ltd. Cal Tech ORNL FSU University of Pennsylvania CRN, Strasbourg P P P P P P 85-92 93-95 96-98 99-107 108-109 111-117 Parker, P. Danforth, J.L. Yale University HVEC P P 118-120 121-127 Noe, J.W. Thieberger, P. SUNY, Stony Brook BNL P P 128-137 139-146 Kostroun, V.O. Billen, J.H. Pardo, R.C. Pardo, R.C. Frawley, A.D. Gray, T.J. Brennan, J.M. Storm, D.W. Cornell University LANL ANL ANL FSU Kansas Stae University SUNY, Stony Brook University of Washington P P P P P P P P 147-157 158-167 169-178 179-186 187-195 196-208 209-212 213-219 Hyder, H.R.M. Aitken, T.W. Oxford University Daresbury Lab P P 220-224 225-230 Weisser, D.C. Delayen, J.R. ANU, Canberra Cal Tech P P 231-238 239-247 Zinkann, G. Brennan, M. Seamster, A.G. Pardo, R.C. ANL SUNY, Stony Brook University of Washington ANL P P P P 248 249-255 256 257-260 Pillay, R. Vanwechel, T.D. SUNY, Stony Brook University of Washington P P 261-267 268-272 Cryogenic System: U. Washington S-Conducting Booster Cryogenic System of the Stony Brook Linac Cryogenic Distribution System: Oxford U. Booster Linac Control System of the Stony Brook Linac A New Control System for Atlas A Control Satellite for Booster Modules NPL Linac Satellite Control System Lab Report: Chalk River, AECL Lab Report: Bell Communications Research Lab Report: BNL Lab Report: Cal Tech Lab Report: FSU Lab Report: University of Toronto Lab Report: JAERI Lab Report: Kansas State University Lab Report: McMaster University Lab Report: ORNL Lab Report: Peking University Lab Report: Queen's University Lab Report: Rutgers University Lab Report: SUNY at Albany Lab Report: SUNY at Stony Brook Lab Report: Triangle University Lab Report: University of Iowa Lab Report: University of Notre Dame Lab Report: University of Pennsylvania Lab Report: University of Pittsburgh Lab Report: University of Rochester Lab Report: University of Washington Lab Report: University of Wisconsin Lab Report: Weizmann Institute Lab Report: Western Michigan University SNEAP84 Directory SNEAP Conference Sites FORM: Will, D.I. University of Washington P 273-282 Sprouse, G.D. Hyder, H.R.M. SUNY, Stony Brook Oxford University P P 283-288 289-293 Hasstedt, J.R. Den Hartog, P. Delayen, J.R. Swanson, E. SUNY, Stony Brook ANL Applied S-Conductivity Inc. University of Washington A.E.C.L. Bell Lab, Murray Hill BNL Cal Tech FSU University of Toronto JAERI, Tokai KSU McMaster University ORNL Peking University Queen's University Rutgers University SUNY, Albany SUNY, Stony Brook Triangle University University of Iowa University of Notre Dame University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh University of Rochester University of Washington University of Wisconsin Weizmann Institute Western Michigan P P P P R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R O O 295-301 302-303 304-310 311-314 315-317 318 319 320 321-323 324-325 326-328 329-331 333-334 335-336 337-339 340-343 344-347 348 349-350 351-352 353 354 255 356 357-360 361-362 363-364 365 366 367-372 373 Wilkens, B. Lindgren, R. Rice, A. Kieser, W.E. Minehara, E. Krause, R. Stark, J.W. Pepmiller, P.L. Janzen, H. Leidich, R. Westerfeldt, C. Norbeck, E. Adams, C.T. Dunkle, R.F. Cross, C. Adelberger, E.G. Kaim, R. Parpart, L.R. D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report SNEAP 1985 Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois. October 21-24, 1985 Rev, Sci. Instrum. 57, 1986 with ANL Addendum TITLE Comparison Between the Installations of Vivitron Porticos in MP7 and 10 Status of the University of Rochester Tandem Upgrade Status of the Oak Ridge 25 URC Accelerator Post-mortem-- An Autopsy of an NEC Column Post Status of the Yale ESTU Project Developments in Small Electrostatic Accelerators Safety and Efficiency Ideas for Electrostatic Accelerators Commissioning of the 8-UD Injector for VICKSI Experience With a New Type of Belt Material for Elect. Accel. Status of the ATLAS Acclerator Rebuilding Ion Pump Elements for Longer Life Computer Program for Predicting Tandem Parameters ANL High-Resolution Injector Accleration of Laser-Produced Ions in a Small Van de Graaff Formation of Negative Ions in Cs Sputter Sources KSU Project: CRYEBIS for Producing Slow, Bare, Heavy-Ions Beams Production of Vibrationally Cold Ions Using Radiofrequency storage ion source Operation of the Stony Brook Tandem/Linac Accelerator System Status of the University of Washington Superconducting Booster Status Report on the Florida State Linac Project First Accelerated Beam in Chalk River TASCC Facility Review of Tandem/Linac Projects Introduction to Low-Velocity S-CAccelerating Structures. Recent work at ASI & Cal Tech Recent Work on Very Low-Velocity S-C Accelerating .Structures Superconducting Tests of Beta=0.1 and Beta=0.2 resonators Recent Work on Superconducting QWRs Operating Experience With Beta=0.16 Superconducting Resonators Status of the KSU Superconducting Linac Project NPL Superconducting Linac Control System Scaling of the Optical Parameters for the JAERI Tandem Acclerator Optical Characteristics of the KSU S-C Linac Improved RF Modulation Technique for Bunched Beam Detection High-Efficiency Two-Harmonic Beam Chopper AUTHOR Letournel, M. AFFILIATION CRN, Strasbourg FORM P PAGES 715-717 Cross, C. University of Rochester R 718-720 Ziegler, N.F. Weisser, D.C. Parker, P.D. Rathmell, R.D. Pepmiller, P.L. ORNL ANU, Canberra WNSL, Yale NEC ORNL R P R P P 721-722 723-725 726 727-730 731-732 Ziegler, K. Ziegler, K. Hahn-Meitner Institut Hahn-Meitner Institut P P 733-734 735-736 Bollinger, L.M. Berners, E.D. Weitkamp, W.G. ANL University of Notre Dame University of Washington R P P 737-739 740 740-741 Minehara, E. Korschinek, G. ANL Technical University Munich ANL Kansas State University P P 742-744 745-747 P P 748-750 751-753 P 754-756 Noe, J.W. University of Western Ontario SUNY at Stony Brook P 757-760 Weitkamp, W.G. University of Washington R 761-762 Fox, J.D. Burn, N. FSU CRNL, Chalk River R P 763-764 765 Bollinger, L.M. Delayen, J.R. ANL Cal Tech P P 765 766-769 Shepard, K.W. ANL P 770-772 Storm, D.W. University of Washington P 773-775 Ben-Zvi, I. Zinkmann, G.P. Weismann Institute ANL P P 776-779 780-782 Gray, T.J. Swanson, E. Minehara, E. Kansas State University University of Washington ANL R P P 783 784-786 787-788 Needham, V. Waterson, M. Kansas State University ANL P P 789-791 792-794 Chen, C.E. Peking University P 795-797 Yntema, J.L. Stockli, M.P. Mitchell, J.B.A. Implications of the Tevatron Operating Experience for 1000-Watt Refrigerator Systems ATLAS Cyrogenic System First Tests of the Liquid-Helium Distribution Line for FSU Linac Improved Vacuum Seal-off Device for Cryogenic Transfer Lines Laboratory Reports to the SNEAP Conference Author Index A Short History of SNEAP Sponsoring Institutions Discussions ffollowing Presentations SNEAP Business Meeting List of Attendees FORM: Rode, C.H. FNAL P 798-803 Nixon, J.M. Frawley, A.D. ANL Florida State University P P 804-806 807-808 Noe, J.W. SUNY at Stony Brook P 809 R O P O D P 810-825 826 A1-2 A3 A7-41 A45-64 A65-78 McKay, J. McMaster University McKay, J. McMaster University D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report SNEAP 1986 University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. November 3-6, 1986 Published by World Scientific Publishing Company, 1987. TITLE The First Accelerator at Notre Dame A 300 kV Isolation Platform at the University of Washington An Inexpensive Fiber-Optic Control Link The F.S.U. Polarized Li Ion Source The T.U.N.L. Intense Polarized Ion Source Project Some Experience With the Middleton/GIC 860 Source Initial Tests of Compressed Geometry Acceleration Tubes in the ORNL 25URC Tndem Accelerator Automatic Beam Alignment Techniques Accelerator Tubes Progress on Capacitive Regulation System for the 6 MV VICKSI CN-Inject Beam Energy Resolution of the Tandem Dynamitron at Bochum A Novel Method for Measuring Beam Energies by Time-of-Flight Fast Neutron Yields from Heavy Ion Bombardment of Thick Targets Status of the 35 MV Vivitron Status Report on the Daresbury Tandem The Heavy Ion Transfer Line at Brookhaven Charging and Corona Modifications to the ORNL 25URC Accelerator New Developments in Voltage-Grading Resistors for Tandem Accelerators Status of the University of Rochester Tandem Upgrade Modifying the ORNL EN Tandem to Make 6 MeV Positrons A 600 Foil NEC Type Terminal Stripper for an EN or FN Tandem Accel. An Optical Belt Phase Trigger Pulse Generator The 2 and 3.75 MeV Van de Graaff Acclerators at the KfK and their CS Computer Automated Low Energy Steering Control for Dynamic Optimization of Ion Beam Intensity Control of Tandem Accelerator Systems Using a Personal Computer Computer Control of the SUNYA Accelerator Business Meeting General Discussion Progress with the Superconducting Linear Accelerator Installation at Oxford Bunching in Time at the ATLAS Accelerator Heavy Ion Storage Ring for Atomic Physics The Vacuum System of the University of Washington Booster-Linac AUTHOR Chagnon, P. Harper, G. AFFILIATION University of Notre Dame University of Washington FORM P P PAGES 3-11 12-20 Westerfeldt, C. Chapman, K.R. Westerfeldt, C. Noe, J.W. Duke University Florida State University Duke University SUNY at Stony Brook P P P P 21-28 31-37 38-51 52-62 Jones, C.M. ORNL P 65-76 Haberl, A. Larson, L.D. Ziegler, K. SUNY at Albany Independent Hahn-Meitner Institut P P P 77-81 82-100 103-109 Brand, K. Ruhr Universitat, Bochum P 110-113 Milner, W.T. ORNL P 114-121 Hyder, H.R.McK. WNSL Yale University P 122-126 Letournel, M. Aitken, T.W. Lindgren, R.A. Ziegler, N.F. CRN, Strasbourg SERC Daresbury Lab BNL ORNL R R P P 129-138 139-146 147-156 159-167 Noe, J. SUNY at Stony Brook P 168-186 Miller, T. University of Rochester R 189-202 Pepmiller, P. ORNL P 203-206 Chapman, K.R. Florida State University P 207-215 Janzen, H. Erst, A. P P 216-220 223-230 McNaught, R.A. Queen's University Kernforschunszentrum Karlsruche McMaster University P 231-244 Baris, J. WNSL, Yale University P 245-258 Haberl, A. McKay, J. Leidich, D. Hyder, H.R.McK. SUNY at Albany WNSL, Yale University Rutgers University WNSL, Yale University P O O P 259-266 267-284 285-302 305-318 Pardo, R. Martin, J.A. Amsbaugh, J. Argonne NL P P P 319-341 342-346 349-366 McMaster University General Discussion Workshop on the GIC 860 Ion Source Laboratory Report: SUNY at Albany LR: Argonne National Laboratory (ATLAS) LR: Australian National Laboratory LR: Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing LR: Ruhr-Universitat Bochum LR: Brookhaven National Laboratory LR: TANDAR LR: Caltech (Basic and Applied Physics) LR: Caltech (Kellogg Laboratory) LR: C.R.N.L. LR: Daresbury Laboratory LR: F.S.U. Linac LR: F.S.U. Tandem LR: K.S.U. LR: Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe LR: Los Alamos National Laboratory LR: McMaster University LR: Nuclear Science Center, JNU New Delhi LR: Institute of Nuclear Sciences, New Zealand LR: University of Notre Dame LR: O.R.N.L. EN Tandem LR: O.R.N.L. 25URC Accelerator LR: Ohio State University LR: Oxford University LR: University of Pittsburgh LR: Purdue University LR: Queen's University LR: University of Rochester LR: Rutgers University LR: SUNY at Stony Brook LR: Centre de Recherches Nucleaires, Strasbourg LR: Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory LR: VICKSI (Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Berlin) LR: University of Washington-Seattle LR: Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment LR: Yale University SNEAP86 Participants FORM: Pardo, R. Noe, J. Argonne NL SUNY at Stony Brook Den Hartog, P. Weisser, D.C. Jiuchang, Q. Brand, K. Lindgren, R.A. Gonzalez, H. Rice, A Carr, R. Burn, N. Aitken, T.W. Myers, E.G. Chapman, K.R. Krause, R.D. Ernst, A. Rowton, L. Ashbaugh, P.G. Mehta, G.K. Sparks, R. Berners, E.D. Pepmiller, P. Ziegler, N.F. Kaitchuk, M. Dunkle R.F. Janzen, H. Cross, C. Leidich, R. Hasstedt, J. Letournel, M. Westerfeldt, C. Zeigler, K. Hosein, S.M. McKay, J. D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report O P R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R O 367-390 391-406 409 410-413 414 415-426 427-431 432-433 434-439 440-441 442-443 444-446 447-448 449-451 452-453 454-455 456-458 459-460 461-474 475-476 477-479 480-481 482 483-486 487-488 489-491 492-493 494 495-499 500-502 503-506 507-516 517-518 519-522 523-525 526-527 528-530 531-534 535-543 SNEAP 1987 Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA. September 28-October 1, 1987 Published by World Scientific Publishing Company, 1988. TITLE Welcoming Address Status of the 25 URC Accelerator Report on 20 MV Tandar Present Status of the Construction of the Strasbourg 35 MV Vivitron Tandem Vivitron Construction- Estimated Time Planning Comments on the Vivitron Beam Optics Voltage Tests on the Yale ESTU with Portico New Laboratory, New Accelerator, New Challenges Tutorial on Computer Control Discussion of Laboratory Reports Glue-Bond Failure in Dowlish FN Tandem Beam Tubes Mechanical Failure of Accelerator Tubes Mechanical Tests of Accelerator Tubes Optical Pumping in the Heidelberg Polarized Heavy Ion Source Ion Source Work at Simon Fraser University Report on Sao Paulo Accelerator Rejuvenation of Monocaust Nylon Laddertron Links Developments Concerning the NEC High Gradient Accelerating Tube Assemblies Belt Charge Compensation for a Van de Graaff Accelerator Status of the ATLAS Positive-Ion Injector Project The Florida State University Superconducting Linac Current Status of KSU Superconducting Linac Upgrade New Fast Tuning System for the ATLAS Accelerator Status Report on the University of Washington Superconducting Booster Project Superconducting Heavy Ion Booster for the JAERI Tandem University of Washington Linac Cryogenics: Control, Performance, Maintenance and Safety Business Session Laboratory Report: University of Aarhus LR: BNL LR: Kellogg Radiation Lab LR: CRNL LR: F.S.U. LR: University of Iowa LR: Kansas State University LR: LLNL LR:LANL LR: McMaster University LR: University of Notre Dame AUTHOR Robson, D. Ziegler, N.F. Gonzalez H. Letournel, M. AFFILIATION Florida State University O.R.N.L. CNEA, Argentina CRN, Strasbourg FORM O R R R PAGES 1-4 5-10 11-18 19-39 Heugel, J. Larson, D. Hyder, H.R.McK. Tesmer, J.R. Juras, R.C. CRN, Strasbourg Preble, J. SUNY at Stony Brook P P P P P D P 40-46 47-56 57-76 77-92 93-132 133-144 145-156 Hyder, H.R.McK. Hyder, H.R.McK. Jaensch, H. WNSL Yale University WNSL Yale University MPI, Heidelberg P P P 157-160 161-178 179-188 Iyer, I. Pessoa, E. Preble, J. Norton, G.A. McMaster University University of Sao Paulo SUNY at Stony Brook NEC P R P P 189-202 203-210 211-234 235-245 Janzen, H. Queen's University P 246-260 Pardo, R.C. Myers, E.G. Gray, T.J. ANL Florida State University Kansas State University R P R 261-280 281-291 292-308 Zinkmann, G. ANL P 309-320 Storm, D.W. University of Washington R 321-332 Takeuchi, S. JAERI P 333-344 Will, D.I. University of Washington P 345-368 McKay, J. Korsbjerg, T. Lindgren, R.A. Carr, R. Imahori, Y. Chapman, K.R. Norbeck, E. Krause, R.D. Proctor, I. Rowton, L. Iyer, I.S. Berners, E.D. WNSL Yale University O R R R R R R R R R R R 369-381 385-386 387-389 390 391-392 393-394 395 396-398 399-401 402-403 404-405 406 WNSL Yale University LANL ORNL LR: Ohio University LR: ORNL LR: Queen's University LR: University of Rochester LR: Stanford University LR: SUNY at Stony Brook LR: Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory LR: Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Berlin LR: University of Washington LR: Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment LR: Yale University Current Member Laboratories SNEAP87 Participants FORM: Sturbois, J.D. Pepmiller, P.L. Janzen, H. Cross, C. Dillard, E. Bundy, R. Westerfeldt, C. Arndt, P. Hosein, S.M. McKay, J. D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report R R R R R R R R R R R O O 407-412 413-414 415-418 419-425 426 427-432 433-434 435-437 438-439 440-441 442-443 460-463 464-469 SNEAP 1988 Yale University, New Haven Connecticut, USA. October 24-27, 1988 Published by World Scientific Publishing Company, 1989 TITLE Welcoming Remarks The Vivitron Construction Status of the ESTU Accelerator at Yale Improved Voltage Performace of the Oak Ridge 25 URC TA The 16.7 MV Upgrade of the Canberra 14 UD Charging Belt Noise in a Van de Graaff Accelerator Portico Charging to Control Column Gradient in the ESTU Resistor Development for NEC Accelerators Pelletron Chain Nylon Link Test SF Dryer Alumina Analysis The Control System of the Yale ESTU Introduction to the Operation of the McMaster FN Tandem: Using a Knowledge-based Real-time System Status of TUNL Atomic Beam Polarized Ion Source Project The Kansas State University Revolving Sputter Source The Model 860i: A Turbo Sputter Source Production of Atomic Negative Ion Beams of Group 1A Elements A High-intensity Plasma Sputter Heavy Negative Ion Source A Foil Stripper and Terminal Steering Assembly for FN Tandem Potential Improvements in Terminal Voltage Stabilizers The ALPI Project at Legnaro National Laboratory AUTHOR Parker, P. Letournel, M. Hyder, H.R.McK. Jones, C.M. AFFILIATE Yale University VIVIRAD Yale University ORNL FORM P P R P PAGES 3-4 5-12 13-22 23-36 Weisser, D.C. Trainor, T.A. McKay, J.W. ANU, Canberra University of Washington Yale University P P P 37-50 51-67 68-76 Weisser, D.C. Ziegler, N.F. Haynes, D.L. Kindlmann, P.J. Stark, J.W. ANU, Canberra ORNL ORNL Congruent Design McMaster University P P P P P 7782 83-85 86-96 97-118 119-132 Westerfeldt, C.R. TUNL R 133-144 Tipping, T.N. Kansas State University P 145-152 Trainor, T.A. Alton, G.D. University of Washington ORNL P P 153-160 161-167 Alton, G.D. ORNL P 168-186 Weitkamp, W.G. University of Washington P 187-208 Norton, G.A. NEC P 209-226 Fortuna, G. P 227-234 Status of the FSU Superconducting Linear Accelerator Progress on the Argonne Positive Injector Stony Brook Cryogenic Update Laboratory Report: Australian National University LR: Cal Tech (Basic and Applied Physics) LR: Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica LR: The Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories LR: Daresbury Laboratory LR: F.S.U. LR: Institute of Nuclear Sciences, New Zealand LR: K.S.U. LR: Cal Tech Kellog Laboratory LR: University of Kentucky LR: LANL (Ion Beam Facility) LR:LANL (Ion Beam Materials Laboratory) LR: University of Notre Dame LR: McMaster University Meyers, E.G. INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro Florida State University R 235-250 Den Hartog, P.K. Noe, J.W. Argonne NL SUNY at Stony Brook P R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 251-256 257-266 269-270 271 272-274 275-277 278-279 280-283 284-285 286-287 288 289-290 291-292 293-295 296 297 Rice, A. Fazzini, N. Chapman, K.R. Sparks, R.J. Krause, R.D. Vanhoy, J. Rowton, L. Evans, C.R. Berners, E.D. Ashbaugh, P.G. LR: Oak Ridge National Laboratory LR: Queen's University LR: University of Rochester LR: SUNY at Stony Brook LR: The Strasbourg MP Tandem LR: The Vivitron LR: University of Toronto LR: TUNL, Duke University LR: University of Washington LR: Western Michigan University LR: University of Western Ontario LR: Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment LR: Yale University, W.N.S.L. List of Participants FORM: Jones, N.L. Leslie, J.R. Cross, C. Bundy, R. Kieser, W.E. Westerfeldt, C.R. Ferguson, S.M. Mulligan, G. Hosein, S.M. McKay, J.W. D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report R R R R R R R R R R R R R O 298-301 302-303 304-307 308-311 312 313 314 315-316 317-319 320 321-322 323-324 325-326 327-330 SNEAP 1989 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. October 23-26, 1989. Published by World Scientific Company, 1990. TITLE Welcoming Remarks Status of the Vivitron Project Status of the ESTU Project Improved Performance of the Canberra 14UD Operational Experience With Compressed Geometry Acceleration Tubes An Introduction to ECR Sources in Electrostatic Accelerators Development of a Compact ECR Source for a Single-Ended Van de Graaff FSU Polarized Lithium Source Ion Source Forum Final Results of Stripper Foil Development Modifications to an FN to Improve Long-Term Reliablity Recent Experience With Shim Stock Belt Charge Applicators Charging Screen Improvements and Resistor Tests at the University of Washington Tandem Panel Discussion: FN Tandems Business Meeting The New Control System at Yale Charging System Diagnostics Using a Capacitive Chain Signal Pick-Off LANL FN Tandem Stabilizer Upgrade Pelletron Charging System Repair of a Charging Belt Belt Charging Systems Vacuum Studies for the Vivitron Accelerator Auxiliary Gas Containment Valves Final Design of ALPI Beam Transport and Recent Results in Resonator Fabrication and Tests Kansas State Status Report Operating Experience at the University of Washington Booster The Superconducting RFQ at Stony Brook AUTHOR Ball, J.B. Letournel, M. Hyder, H.R.M. Weisser, D.C. Jones, C.M. AFFILIATION CRN, Strasbourg Yale University ANU, Canberra ORNL FORM O R R P P PAGES 2 4 19 32 54 Olsen, D.K. ORNL P 72 Westerfeldt, C. Duke University P 90 Schmidt, B. Middleton, R. Maier-Komor, P. Chapman, K.R. F.S.U. University of Pennylvania TU-Munchen F.S.U. P D P P 108 114 138 145 Trainor, T.A. U. Washington P 157 Linder, C.E. U. Washington P 164 Berners, E.D. McKay, J. Hyder, H.R.M. McKay, J. University of Notre Dame CRNL Yale University CRNL D O P P 176 201 222 230 Darling, R. Stier, M. Jones, N.L. Arndt, P. Heugel, J. Haynes, D.L. Cervellera, F. LANL NEC ORNL HMI, Berlin CRN, Strasbourg ORNL Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro Kansas State University University of Washington P P P P P P P 241 256 271 278 286 306 317 R P 385 396 P 408 Schmeing, H. Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro CRNL Status of the Superconducting Cyclotron at Chalk River High-Field Performance of a Niobium QuarterWave Resonator Performance of the First QWR Module Initial Use of the Positive Ion Injector Laboratory Report: SUNY at Albany LR: Australian National University LR: Brookhaven National Laboratory LR: Caltech (Basic and Applied Physics) LR: University of California Santa Barbara LR: Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories R 427 Bollinger, L.M. Argonne NL P 441 Noe, J.W. Bollinger, L.M. SUNY at Stony Brook Argonne NL P P R R R R R R 448 464 484 485 487 488 489 491 Gray, T.J. Storm, D.W. Lombardi, A. LR: Florida State University LR: Kansas State University LR: University of Kentucky LR: Legnaro National Laboratory LR: Los Alamos (Ion Beam Facility) LR: Los Alamos (Ion Beam Materials Laboratory) LR: Lucas Heights Research Laboratory LR: Lund Pelletron Laboratory LR: McMaster University LR: Naval Academy Accelerator Laboratory LR: University of New York, Brooklyn College LR: University of Notre Dame LR: ORNL EN Tandem LR:ORNL Triple Ion Beam Irradiation Facility LR: ORNL 25URC Accelerator LR: Interface Science Western Ontario LR: Queen's University LR: University of Rochester LR: SUNY at Stony Brook LR: CRN, Strasbourg, MP Tandem LR: CRN, Strasbourg, Vivitron LR: Tata Institute LR: Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory LR: University of Washington-Seattle LR: Western Michigan State University LR: University of Western Ontario LR: Yale University List of Participants FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R O 493 498 500 503 505 507 509 512 515 517 518 520 522 524 527 529 530 533 536 538 540 541 547 549 551 553 555 558-566 SNEAP 1990 Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA. October 22-25, 1990 Published by World Scientific Publishing Company, 1991. TITLE Opening Remarks Welcoming Remarks Status of the Vivitron Project High Voltage Performance of the Yale ESTU Status of 16MV Pelletron at NSC, New Delhi Breaking the 10MV Barrier With an FN Accelerator A Belt Charging System for the Vivitron-Design, Early Results Transverse Charging Belt Motion and Compound Charging Screens The Solution of a Charging Belt Problem The KSU-CRYEBIS: A Unique Accelerator System for Low Energy, Highly Charged Ions Simple Solution to Ion Source Matching A Convenient Procedure for Making MgH- Ions ESTU, A Program for Charge State Selection Discoveries of the Year at the ORNL EN Business Meeting Vivitron Dead Section Pumping Test Location of an Electron Source in Inclined Field Accel. Tube Radioactive Ion Beams With the HHIRF Accelerators The Construction & Experience With the NEW FSU Tandem Grading Resistor Improvements for a NEC Pelletron Performance of Enclosed Caddock Resistors in an FN Tandem Progress on the LANL Varian Stabilizer System Upgrades The Vertical Van de Graaff Telemetry System Terminal and Ion Source Control for the Yale ESTU Tandem Open Forum on Safety On-Beam and Off-Beam Performance of Quarter Wave Resonators for the ALPI LINAC On-Line Operation of Quarter-Wave Retrofit Resonators A Simple and Inexpensive PC Based LINAC Control System Operating Experience With the KSU LINAC Control System KSU Cryogenics System SNEAP Report Corrosion Resistant Heat Exchangers for the KPS Model RS Compressor Laboratory Report: Australian National University LR: Brookhaven National Laboratory LR: California Tech (Kellog Radiation Lab) AUTHOR Richard, P. Donoghue, T.R. Haas, F. Hyder, H.R.McK. Kanijilal, D. Adams, C.T. AFFILIATION Kansas State University CRN, Strasbourg Yale University NSC, New Delhi University of Pennyslvania FORM O O R P R P PAGES 1 2 7 19 33 38 Helleboid, J.M. CRN, Strasbourg P 43 Trainor, T.A. U. Washington P 58 Weitkamp, W.G. Stockli, M.P. U. Washington Kansas State University P P 69 79 Weisser, D.C. Middleton, R. Hyder, H.R.McK. Jones, N. McKay, J. Heugel, J. Chapman, K.R. ANU, Canberra U. Pennsylvania Yale University ORNL CRNL CRN, Strasbourg Florida State University P P P P O P P 90 103 107 113 121 139 146 Garrett, J.D. ORNL P 159 Chapman, K.R. F.S.U. P 175 Weisser, D.C. Noe, J.W. ANU, Canberra SUNY at Stony Brook P P 186 189 Darling, R. Los Alamos NL P 199 Gray, J. Kindlmann, P.J. Kansas State University Congruent Design P P 212 222 D P 231 259 Pengo, R. Noe, J.W. SUNY at Stony Brook P 278 Myers, E.G. Florida State University P 289 Carnes, K. Kansas State University P 296 Rankin, A.B. Spingler, D. Kansas State University Florida State University P P 311 316 R R R 323 326 327 Weisser, D.C. Carlson, C. Carr, R. LR: Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories LR: Florida State University LR: Kansas State University LR: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory LR: Legnaro National Laboratory (ALPI) LR: Legnaro National Laboratory (XTU Tandem) LR: LANL (Ion Beams Facility) LR: LANL (Ion Beams Materials Lab) LR: Naval Academy Tandem Accelerator Laboratory LR: University of Notre Dame LR: ORNL (25URC Tandem Lab) LR: ORNL (EN Tandem Lab) LR: Purdue University LR: University of Rochester LR: SUNY at Stony Brook LR: Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory LR: University of Washington LR: Western Michigan University LR: Yale University Group Photo List of Participants FORM: McKay, J.W. Chapman, K.R. Krause, R.D. Proctor, I.D. Fortuna, G. Cervellera, F. Darling, R. Evans, C.R. Vanhoy, J.R. R R R R R R R R R 328 330 334 336 337 340 341 344 346 Berners, E.D. Alton, G.D. Jones, N. Mueller, K.A. Cross, C. Gast, R. Westerfeldt, C.R. R R R R R R R R R R O O 348 350 352 353 355 357 359 361 364 365 369 370-375 Ferguson, S.M. Hyder, H.R.M. D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report SNEAP 1991 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA. October 16-19, 1991. Published by World Scientific Publishing Company, 1992. TITLE Opening Remarks Welcoming Remarks Status of the KSU Superconducting LINAC Status t of the ALPI Project Status of the Positive Ion Injector (PII) for ATLAS at ANL First Operation of the ATLAS PII Linac and a Comparison to Tandem Injection Discussion on the Tandem Accelerator Superconducting Cyclotron at Chalk River AMS Accelerator at WHOI Status of the AMS Facility at Purdue University Business Meeting Development of a Knowlege-based Control System for a Model KN Van de Graaff Accelerator The Role of Simulators in Accelerator Operations Computer Animation of Particle Acceleration An Adaptive Controller for the DTS Negative Ion Source The LLNL Computer Control System Drive Motor Repair Panel Discussion on Resistor Developments New Developments at the Injectors of VICKSI Accelerator Developments of the Yale ESTU Startup of the Vivitron as an H.V. Electrostatic Accelerator End Stations: High Voltage Europa PIXE on a Shoestring or Practical Uses of an Old AN Van de Graaff Panel Discussion on Accelerator Safety Discussion: Injector Problems The Ion Source Test Bench for BNL'S Tandem Van de Graaff Fac. High Resolution Injector for the Canberra 14 UD Pelletron Accelerator High Intensity Proton Beams from a SNICS Ion Source Multi-Cathode Ion Source Development The FSU Optically Pumped Polarized Lithium Ion Source Discussion: Accelerator Facility Safety Problems Laboratory Report: Argonne National Laboratory LR: Australian National University LR: Brookhaven National Laboratory LR: Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories LR: Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica LR: Florida State University LR: Kansas State University LR: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory AUTHOR Tesmer, J. Moss, J. Needham, V. Fortuna, G. Zinkmann, G. AFFILIATION Los Alamos NL Kansas State University INFN, Legnaro ANL FORM O O R R R PAGES 1 2-4 5-13 14-36 37-50 Pardo, R. ANL P 51-57 Schmeing, H. CRNL D 58-62 Schneider, R. Mueller, K. McKay, J. Stark, J. Woods Hole Ocean. Inst. Purdue University CRNL McMaster University P R O P 63-67 68-79 80-84 85-90 Stark, J. Carr, R. Mead, W.C. McMaster University Cal Tech (Kellogg Lab) LANL P P P 91-105 106-108 109-136 Roberts, M. Ferguson, S. Weisser, D. Arndt, P. Ashenfelter, J. Helleboid, J.M. Lawrence Livermore NL Western Michigan U. ANU, Canberra Hahn-Meitner-Intitut Yale University CRN, Strasbourg P P P P P P 137-149 150-154 155-174 175-182 183-195 196-214 Van der Meer, R. Trimble, S. HVEE P P 215-219 220-224 Maggiore, C. Adams, C. Zarcone, M.J. LANL U. Pennsylvania BNL D D P 225-250 251-264 265-272 Weisser, D.C. ANL, Canberra P 273-282 Evans, C. LANL P 283-294 Norton, G. Chapman, K.R. NEC Florida State University P P 295-304 305-319 D R R R R R R R R 320-332 333-343 344-345 346-360 361-363 364 365-368 369-370 371-372 Fink, C.L. Weisser, D.C. Carlson, C. McKay, J.W. Fazzini, N. Chapman, K.R. Krause, R.D. Heikkinen, D.W. LR: LANL (Ion Beam Facility) LR:LANL (Ion Beam Materials Lab) LR: McMaster University LR: MP-8, Munich LR: Naval Academy Tandem Accelerator Lab LR: Nuclear Science Centre, New Delhi LR: Oak Ridge National Laboratory LR: Purdue University LR: SUNY at Stony Brook LR: Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory LR: University of New York at Albany LR: University of Houston LR: University of Kentucky LR: University of Notre Dame LR: University of Rochester LR: University of Washington LR: Western Michigan University LR: Yale University List of Participants FORM: Chaparro, G.A. Evans, C.R. Stark, J.W. Munzer, H. Huddle, J.R. Kanjilal, D. Jones, N. Mueller, K.A. Lefferts, R. Westerfeldt, C.R. Haberl, A.W. Liu, J. Weil, J. Berners, E.D. Cross, C. Harper, G.C. Ferguson, S.M. Ashenfelter, J. D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R O 373-376 377 378 379 380-381 382 383-385 386 387-388 389-390 391 392-393 394-400 401 402 403-405 406-407 408-412 413-418 SNEAP 1992 AECL Research, Hull, Quebec and Chalk River, Ontario, Canada. September 23-25, 1992. Published by World Scientific Publishing Company, 1995. TITLE Opening Remarks Radioactive Ion Beam Production Challenges at HHIRF Performance Tests of the Negative Ion Injector and Terminal for the Yale ESTU Tandem Status of the Chalk River TASCC Facility New Column Resistor Assemblies for the Notre Dame FN Tandem Van de Graaff Control and Automation of the AMS Facility at WHOI Compact 5 GHz Permanent Magnet ECR Ion Source for VICKSI Tandem Van de Graaff Ion Source Test facility at BNL Further Studies of Charging Belt Properties Lead Resonator Production and Niobium Sputtering Development at LNL Vacuum High Voltage Insulation: A New Perspective Low Cost 16-bit Add-on Regulator for Power Supply Control Status of the Atlas Control System Upgrade Charge Selection Characteristics Using Off-set Electrostatic Quaadrupoles at the Terminal of the 15UD Pelletron at NSC Beam Monitor for Subnanosecond Proton Bunches Open Discussion Business Session Open Discussion Laboratory Report: Florida State University LR: Kansas State University LR: LANL (Ion Beam Facility) LR: LANL (Ion Beam Materials Laboratory) LR: McMaster University LR: INIM, Mexico LR: NSC New Delhi LR: ORNL EN Tandem LR: ORNL 25URC Tandem Accelerator LR: Purdue University PRIME Laboratory LR: U. Rochester MP LR: SUNY at Stony Brook LR: Yale University List of Participants FORM: AUTHOR Greiner, B. Meigs M.J. AFFILIATION AECL ORNL FORM PAGES P 5-12 Hyder, H.R.McK. Yale University P 15-29 Lindqvist. E.H. Berners, E.D. AECL, Chalk River U. Notre Dame P P 34-40 45-53 Cohen, G.J. Woods Hole Ocean. Inst P 54-55 Arndt, P. HMI, Berlin D 59-60 Zarcone, M.J. BNL P 61-65 Weitkamp, W.G. Porcellato, A.M. U. Washington INFN, Legnaro P P 69-81 85-101 Diamond, W.T. AECL, Chalk River P 102-116 Hamburger, R.O. Yale University D 119-120 Munson, F.H. Kanjilal, D. ANL NSC, New Delhi P P 121-132 135-140 Hilko, R.A. LANL McKay, J. AECL p D O O R R R R R R R R R R R R R O 141-147 148-156 159-167 168-187 191 195 197 198 199 200 202 203 204 206 208 210 212 215 D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report SNEAP 1994 Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. October 12-15, 1994 Published by World Scientific Publishing Company, 1995. TITLE How Western Michigan Got Its Tandem Grid Supported Carbon Foils for Tandem Terminal Stripping Terminal Laser Stripper for Molecular Beams Discussion of In-Tank Components Discussion of Cooling Water Systems Closed Loop Chilled Water System at MacDonald Lab Electronic Hydrotreater A New Charging Belt for an EN Tandem Investigation of a New Type Charging Belt Resistor Standards for Length etc. New Resistor Voltage Grading System Business Meeting Vacuum Valves and Dry Pumps Future and Operation of Becris at ISL-Berlin Terminal Ion Source for U. of Washington Terminal Computer for the U. of Washington Operating Experience with the Upgraded UW Tandem Upgrading the FN Tandem at Notre Dame Status of the PRIME Lab Accelerator Upgrade Status of the Rochester Tandem The Superconducting Linac Booster at ANU High Mass Tandem Beams Incorporation of Gap Lenses in the 16MV Pelletron Status Reprot on the Holifield Radioactive Beam Project Discussion on Pelletron Upgrades A Video Strip Chart Program LR: Argonne National Laboratory, ATLAS LR: Australian National University, 14 UD LR: Australian National University, 5SDH LR: AECL, Chalk River Laboratories, TASCC Florida State University Kansas State University Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Los Alamos National laboratory Nuclear Science Centre, New Delhi Nuclear Structure Laboratory, U. of Notre Dame Oak Ridge National Laboratory, EN Tandem Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 25URC Purdue University, PRIME Laboratory University of Rochester, NSRL SUNY at Stony Brook Triangle Universities Nuclear laboratory AUTHOR Shamu R.E. Gray T.J. AFFILIATION Western Michigan Kansas State University FORM O P PAGES 3-6 7-8 Heber O. Weizmann Institute of Science P 16-18 D D R 22-26 29-39 40-41 O R P O P O P P 57-59 63-65 66-68 79 83-85 95-105 106-127 133-141 Harper, G.C. Harper, G.C. Wietkamp, W.G. et al Fudan University W. Michigan University ORNL U. Notre Dame ORNL AECL Midwest Vacuum Hahn-Meitner Institut, Berlin U. of Washington U. of Washington U. of Washington P P P 144-146 149-150 161-164 Berners, E.D. Mueller, K.A. et al. Long C. Weisser, D.C. McKay, J.W. Narayanan,M.M. et al Meigs, M.J. et al. Notre Dame Purdue University U. of Rochester ANU, Canberra CRNL N.S.C., New Delhi ORNL P P P P P P R 172-175 181-190 196 199-211 219-225 228-231 235-245 Jones, N.L. ORNL D O R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 251 256-257 261 266 268 270 272 275 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 286 287 289 Westerfeldt, C. Gray T.J. Krause R.D Lu C.R. Ferguson S.M. Jones N.L. Berners et al. Meigs, M.J. McKay, J. Luedi, H. Arndt, P. Kansas State University University of Washington Weizmann Institute of Science Western Michigan University Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Yale University APPENDIX: Compendium of Suppliers Participant List FORM: Adams, C.T. University of Pennsylvania D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report R R R R R O O 291 292 293 294 295 297 307