NAUJOS KNYGOS VU TVM BIBLIOTEKOJE (papildyta 2007 gegužės 29 d. ) VADYBA. STRATEGINIS VALDYMAS Futurethink: How to Think Clearly in a Time of Change by Edie Weiner, Arnold Brown Table of Contents I. PERSONAL TRAPS: INDIVIDUAL BIASES AND BLOCKS TO SEEING AND UNDERSTANDING CHANGE. 1. Looking Through Alien Eyes. 2. Trend/Countertrend. 3. Substituting the Spiral for the Pendulum. 4. The Extremes Inform the Middle. II. ORGANIZATIONAL TRAPS: INSTITUTIONAL BIASES AND BLOCKS TO RESPONDING TO CHANGE. 6. The Multiplier Effect of New Distribution Channels. 7. Entropy. 8. Integrity Begets Quality. III. SPRINGING THE TRAP: SEEING THE BIG PICTURE. 9. The Law of Large Numbers. 10. Demography. 11. Compromise Versus Lowest Common Denominators. IV. IMAGINING THE WAY: USING METAPHORS TO FREE YOUR MIND. 12. The Three-Legged Stools of the Political Agenda. 13. Right-of-Way. 14. Football Meets Shopping. 15. Managing by Harnessing Evolution. 16. Self-Defeating and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies. Conclusion. References. Index. Effective Project Management: Traditional, Adaptive, Extreme, 4th Edition Robert K. Wysocki, Ph.D. Table of Contents Part I: Traditional Project Management. Chapter 1: What Is a Project? Chapter 2: Traditional, Adaptive, Extreme: A Dynamic Project Management Landscape. Chapter 3: Defining the Project. Chapter 4: Building the Work Breakdown Structure. Chapter 5: Estimating Duration, Resource Requirements, and Cost. Chapter 6: Constructing and Analyzing the Project Network Diagram. Chapter 7: Finalizing the Schedule and Cost Based on Resource Availability. Chapter 8: The Need to Plan: Conducting the Joint Project Planning Session. Chapter 9: Building and Managing an Effective Project Team. Chapter 10: Monitoring and Reporting Project Progress. Chapter 11: Closing Out the Project. Chapter 12: Critical Chain Project Management. Part II: Adaptive Project Framework. Chapter 13: Introduction to the Adaptive Project Framework. Chapter 14: Version Scope. Chapter 15: Cycle Plan. Chapter 16: Cycle Build. Chapter 17: Client Checkpoint. Chapter 18: Post-Version Review. Chapter 19: Extreme Project Management and Other Variations to APF. Part III: Organizational Considerations. Chapter 20: Project Portfolio Management. Chapter 21: Project Support Office. Epilogue: Putting It All Together Finally. Exploring Corporate Strategy Gerry Johnson Kevan Scholes Richard Whittington Book Description The sixth edition of internationally acclaimed strategy volume retains the established strengths of previous editions while updating and revising material to address today's corporate climate. The book builds on the practice of strategic management and blends theory with practice with case studies for experiential learning that allow readers to apply concepts and theories and build their own. The book emphasizes the importance of a clear analysis of the strategic situation facing the organization and a rational assessment of future options as it draws on the growing research and literature on decision-making processes within a political and cultural context. The volume comprehensively addresses the strategic position, strategic capability, expectations and purposes, corporate-and business-level strategy, directions and methods of development, strategy into action, and managing strategic change plus it includes extensive case studies. For managers and potential managers. Economics of Strategy, 4th Edition David Besanko, David Dranove, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer Table of Contents Introduction: Strategy and Economics. Primer: Economic Concepts for Strategy. PART ONE: FIRM BOUNDARIES. 1. The Evolution of the Modren Firm. 2. The Horizontal Boundaries of the Firm: Economies of Scale and Scope. 3. The Vertical Boundaries of the Firm. 4. Organizing Vertical Boundaries: Vertical Integration and Its Alternatives. 5. Diversification. PART TWO: MARKET AND COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS. 6. Competitors and Competition. 7. Strategic Commitment. 8. The Dynamics of Pricing Rivalry. 9. Entry and Exit. 10. Industry Analysis. PART THREE: STRATEGIC POSITION AND DYNAMICS. 11. Strategic Positioning for Competitive Advantage. 12. Sustaining Competitive Advantage. 13. The Origins of Competitive Advantage: Innovation, Evolution, and Environment. 14. Agency and Performance Measurement. PART FOUR: INTERNAL ORGANIZATION. 15. Incentives in Firms. 16. Strategy and Structure. 17. Environment, Power, and Culture. 18. Strategy and the General Manager. Organizational Design R. Burton, Børge Obel Contents 1. Define the scope of an organization and assess its goals; 2. Strategy; 3. Environment; 4. The configuration and complexity of the firm; 5. Distributed organizations; 6. Task design; 7. People; 8. Leadership and organizational climate; 9. Coordination, control and information systems; 10. Incentives; 11. Design dynamics: managing change and multi-organizations; References. Project Management ToolBox: Tools and Techniques for the Practicing Project Manager Dragan Z. Milosevic Table of Contents Preface. PART I: PROJECT INITIATION TOOLS. Strategic Role of the PM Toolbox. -----Project Selection (Dr. Joseph P. Martino). -------Project Portfolio Mapping. PART II: PROJECT PLANNING TOOLS. Voice of the Project Customer (Jose Campos). --------Scope Planning. ----Schedule Development. -------Cost Planning. ------Quality Planning. ------Risk Planning. ------Team Building (Dr. Hans J. Thamhain). PART III: PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION TOOLS. Scope Control. -----Schedule Control. -----Cost Control. ----- Quality Control. ----Performance Reporting and Closure. PART IV: INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS. Selecting and Customizing Project Management Toolbox The Theory and Practice of Change Management John Hayes CONTENTS: PART 1: CORE CONCEPTS - The Nature of Change - Organisational Effectiveness and the Role of Change Management – Systems, Models and Alignment - Organisational Learning and Organisational Effectiveness - Process Models of Change PART 2: RECOGNISING AND DIAGNOSING THE NEED FOR CHANGE - Recognising the Need for Change and Starting the Change Process - Diagnostic Models - Gathering and Interpreting Information for Diagnosis PART 3: MANAGING PEOPLE – Power, Politics and Stakeholder Management – The Role of Leadership in Change Management Communication - Training and Development - Motivating Others to Change - Managing Personal Transitions PART 4: SHAPING IMPLEMENTING STRATEGIES AND MANAGING THE TRANSITION - Shaping Implementation Strategies Maintaining Control During the Change PART 5: INTERVENTIONS - Types of Interventions - Action Research - Appreciative Inquiry - High Performance Management Business Process Re-engineering - Selecting Interventions PART 6: KEEPING CHANGE ON TRACK - Reviewing and Sustaining Change PART 7: DEVELOPING AND MAINTAINING HELPING RELATIONSHIPS - Modes of Intervening - Effective Helping and the Stages of the Helping Relationship Innovation Management Strategies Implementation & Profits A. Afuah CONTENTS: 1. Introduction and Overview; I. FUNDAMENTALS; 2. Models of Innovation; 3. The Underpinnings of Profits: Assets, Competences, and Knowledge; 4. Sources and Transfer of Innovation; II. STRATEGIZING; 5. Recognizing the Potential of an Innovation; 6. Reducing Uncertainty: The Role of Technological Trends, Market Regularities, and Innovation Strategy; 7. Choosing a Profit Site: Dynamic Competitive Analysis; 8. Strategic Choice or Environmental Determinism; 9. Identifying Potential Co-competitors; 10. Strategies for Sustaining Profits; III. IMPLEMENTING AND PROTECTION OF PROFITS; 11. Financing Entrepreneurial Activity; 12. Implementation of the Decision to Adopt; IV. GLOBALIZATION; 13. Globalization for Innovations; 14. Innovating for Emerging Economies; 15. Role of National Governments in Innovation; 16. The Internet: A Case in Technological Change; Strategic Innovation Process; Appendix 1 Standards and Dominant Designs; Appendix 2 Organizational Structures; Appendix 3 Organizational Boundaries; Glossary; Case 1: Netscape Corporation; Index Getting to Scale Growing Your Business Without Selling Out Jill Bamburg Table of Contents Introduction 1. Ideas 2. Entrepreneur 3. Access to Capital 4. Ownership 5. Access to Markets 6. Production and Operations 7. Cooperative Structures 8. People, Organization and Values Conclusion Leadership and the New Science Discovering Order in a Chaotic World Margaret Wheatley Table of Contents 1. Discovering an Orderly World 2. Newtonian Organizations in a Quantum Age 3. Space is not Empty: Invisible Fields That Shape Behavior 4. The Participative Nature of the Universe 5. Change, Stability, and Renewal: The Paradoxes of SelfOrganizing Systems 6. The Creative Energy of the Universe'Information 7. Chaos and the Strange Attractor of Meaning 8. Change'The Capacity of Life 9. The New Scientific Method Epilogue: Journeying to a New World Further Development of These Ideas and Practices Managing People And Organizations in Changing Contexts Martin, Graeme Table of Contents 1. An Introduction to Managing People in Changing Contexts 2. The Nature of Management, Managers and their Work 3. Managing in the IndividualOrganisational Context 4. Managing in the Organisational Context 5. Managing in an International Context 6. he Corporate Context and Managing People 7.The Knowledge Context and Managing People 8. The Technological Context and People Management 9.Managing Organisational Change. The Sustainable Enterprise Profiting from Best Practice Jonathan REUVID Table of Contents Sustainable Value; A New Framework for Business; Business Standards; Marketing & Consumption; Waste & Recycling; Emissions & Contaminants; Land Use; Energy Use; Transport; Health & Safety; Employment; External Relationships; Process Efficiency; Funding & Investment; Making it Happen Successful Project Management Trevor L YOUNG Table Of Contents 1.What is success? 2. The climate for success 3. The project process -- key steps for success 4. Project conception and start-up 5. The definition phase 6. Managing the stakeholders 7. Managing the risks 8. Planning the Project 9. Launching and executing the Project 10. Closure and post-project evaluation. Organizational Change Barbara Senior, Jocelyne Fleming Contents PART ONE: THE CONTEXT AND MEANING OF CHANGE 1. Organisations and their changing environments 2. The nature of organisational change PART TWO: ORGANISATIONS FOR CHANGE 3. Organisational structure and change 4. Cultures for change 5. The politics of change 6. The leadership of change: individuals 7. The leadership of change: teams PART THREE: STRATEGIES FOR MANAGING CHANGE 8. Hard systems models of change 9. Soft systems models 10. A changing future The Natural Advantage of nations BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, INNOVATION AND GOVERNANCE IN THE 21ST CENTURY Edited by Karlson 'Charlie' Hargroves and Michael Harrison Smith Contents: Introduction • Part I: The Need for a New Paradigm • Part II: Natural Advantage: A Business Imperative • Part III: Achieving a Natural Advantage of Nations • Part IV: Sustainable Cities: The Challenge of the 21st Century • Part V: A National Collaborative Approach: The Bigger Picture - Building Resilience • Bibliography, Index ORGANIZACIJOS ELGSENA. ŽMOGIŠKIEJI IŠTEKLIAI. Stress At Work Management And Prevention J. Stranks Table of Contents 1.Introduction to stress 2. The causes of stress 3. Responses to stress 4. The evaluation of stress 5. Coping with stress 6. Stress in the workplace 7. Managing stress at work 8. The civil implications 9. The criminal implications 10. Executive summary Great Leadership What It Is And What It Takes in a Complex World Table of Contents Part 1 THE FOUNDATIONS FOR GREAT LEADERSHIP: Clarity from Confusion 1.The Importance of a Leadership Framework: Understanding What's at Stake 2. The Source of Our Confusion: Understanding and Resolving the Complexity of Leadership 3. The Complete Picture on Leadership: Understanding the Anatomy of Leadership Part 2 CHARACTER IN LEADERSHIP: Soul, Heart and Mind 4. The Soul of the Leader: Looking at Your Leadership Style - From the Inside Out 5. The Heart and Mind of the Leader: Embracing the Personal Qualities of Great Leadership. Part 3 COMPETENCE IN LEADERSHIP: Knowledge, Skill and Talent 6. The Three Dimensions of Leadership: Finding the Right Leadership Mix for the Right Leadership Role 7. The Mystery of Organizations: Understanding How Your Organization Works - and How to Shape It 8. The Practice of Organizational Leadership: Sustaining the Relevance and Impact of Your Organization 9. The Practice of Operational Leadership: Creating the Efficiencies of Your Organization 10. The Practice of People Leadership: Bringing Out the Best in Your People Work Motivation History, Theory, Research, And Practice Gary P. Latham Table of Contents Part I. The 20th century : understanding the past 1. 1900-1925 : biology, behavior, and money 2. 1925-1950 : Dust Bowl empiricism 3. 1950-1975 : the emergence of theory 4. 1975-2000 : the employee is immersed in thought 5. 20thcentury controversies Part II. The 21st century : examining the present 2000-2005 6. Needs : the starting point of motivation 7. Personality traits : distal predictors of motivation 8. Values : trans-situational goals 9. Cognition : goals, feedback, and self-regulation 10. Social cognitive theory 11. Affect/emotion : the employee has feelings too Part III. Future directions and potential misdirections 12. Boundaryless psychology Part IV. Epilogue 13. The art of practice Mergers Leadership, Performance and Corporate Health David Fubini, Colin Price and Maurizio Zollo Contents The Elusive Healthy Merger ------Creating the New Company at the Top -----Communicating the Corporate Story ----- Establishing a New Performance Culture------Championing External Stakeholders ------Fostering Momentum and Learning ----Shaping Your Leadership Role ------Works Cited------Acknowledgements Inside the Mind of the Stakeholder The Hype Behind Stakeholder Pressure Ulrich Steger Contents PART 1: STAKEHOLDERS AND CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY - AN OVERVIEW 1. The Hype behind Stakeholder Pressure; U.Steger 2. Getting into the Minds of Stakeholders: Framework and Methodology; O.Salzmann 3. Stakeholder Dynamics; O.Salzmann, A.Ionescu-Somers & S.Tywuschik 4.Stakeholders and Corporate Sustainability; U.Steger, F.Baptist, J.Prinzhorn, O.Salzmann, A.Nick & S.Tywischik 5. What Is it with Stakeholder Pressure?; U.Steger PART 2: STAKEHOLDER REPORTS 6. Financial Institutions - Corporate Sustainability as a Significant Niche?; A.Nick 7. Communities and Cities: Local Players in Corporate Sustainability; O.Salzmann & J.Prinzhorn 8. Governments: The Challenge of Addressing Corporate Sustainability at the Macro Level; F.Baptist 9. NGOs: Catalysts of Corporate Sustainability; J.Prinzhorn & O.Salzmann 10. Consumer Organizations: Aligining Corporate Sustainability and Consumer Interest; A.Ionescu-Somers 11. Media: Indifferent Observers of Corporate Sustainability; S.Tywuschik 12. Corporate Customers and Suppliers: How Companies Influence other Companies; A.Ionescu-Somers 13. Unions: On the Backseat of Corporate Sustainability; O.Salzmann & J.Prinzhorn Managing Diversity in the Global Organisation Creating New Business Values Celia de Anca and Antonio Vazquez Vega Contents PART ONE: UNDERSTANDING DIVERSITY I. BACKGROUND: 1. Dominant and rising values 2 Diversity in the historic perspective of business management II. CONTENT 3. Gender and management 4. Culture and business management 5. Personality and diversity management PART TWO: MANAGING DIVERSITY III. Policies and best practices: A new framework for analysing the management of corporate diversity Chapter 6: Diversity management in today's companies IV. Case studies EPILOGUE: TEN CONCRETE QUESTIONS FOR GLOBAL REFLECTION Managing Human Resources 5th Edition Luis Gomez-Mejia, David Balkin, Robert Cardy Contents Part I. Introduction 1. Meeting Present and Emerging Strategic Human Resource Challenges Part II. The Contexts of Human Resource Management 2. Managing Work Flows and Conducting Job Analysis 3. Understanding Equal Opportunity and the Legal Environment 4. Managing Diversity Part III. Staffing 5. Recruiting and Selecting Employees 6. Managing Employee Separations, Downsizing, and Outplacement Part IV. Employee Development 7. Appraising and Managing Performance 8. Training the Workforce 9. Developing Careers Part V. Compensation 10. Managing Compensation 11. Rewarding Performance 12. Designing and Administering Benefits Part VI. Governance 13. Developing Employee Relations 14. Respecting Employee Rights and Managing Discipline 15. Working with Organized Labor 16. Managing Workplace Safety and Health 17. International HRM Challenge The Blackwell Handbook Of Personnel Selection Ed. by Evers, Arne; Anderson, Neil; Voskuijl Olga Table of Contents Preface 1. Relationships between Practice and Research in Personnel Selection: Does the Left Hand Know What the Right Is Doing? ( N.Anderson) Part I: Preparing for Selection 2. Job Analysis: Current and Future Perspectives (O.F. Smit-Voskuijl) 3. The Impracticality of Recruitment Research (A.M. Saks) 4. The Design of Selection Systems: Context, Principles, Issues (R.A. Roe) 5. Is the Obvious Obvious? Considerations About Ethical Issues in Personnel Selection – (O.F. Voskuijl, [et al.]) Part II: Developments in the Use of Different Kinds of Predictors 6. The Selection/Recruitment Interview: Core Processes and Contexts (R.L. Dipboye) 7. Cognitive Ability in Personnel Selection Decisions (D.S. Ones, St. Dilchert) 8. Personality in Personnel Selection (J.F. Salgado, F. de Fruyt) 9. Emotional Factors as Selection Criteria (Ch.Woodruffe) 10. Situational Judgment Tests (D. Chan, N. Schmitt) 11. Assessment Centers: Recent Developments in Practice and Research (F. Lievens, G.C. Thornton) Part III: Decisions and their Context 12. Decision Making in Selection (M.Ph. Born, D.Scholarios) 13. Relevance and Rigor in Research on the Applicant's Perspective: In Pursuit of Pragmatic Science (A.L. Imus, A.M. Ryan) 14. Ethnic Bias and Fairness in Personnel Selection: Evidence and Consequences (A.Evers, [et al.]) Part IV: Criterion Measures 15. The Prediction of Typical and Maximum Performance in Employee Selection (U.Ch. Klehe, N.Anderson) 16. Job Performance: Assessment Issues in Personnel Selection (Ch.Viswesvaran, D.S. Ones) 17. The Prediction of Contextual Performance (L.M. Penney, W.C. Borman) Part V: Emerging Trends and Assessment for Change 18. Computer-Based Testing and the Internet (D. Bartram) 19. A Review of Person--Environment Fit Research: Prospects for Personnel Selection (A. E. M. Van Vianen) 20. Selection of Leaders in Global Organizations (N. Cunningham-Snell, D.Wigfield) 21. Expatriate Selection: A Process Approach (A.E.M. Van Vianen, [et al.]) 22. Selection for Teams (N.J. Allen, M.M. West) 23. Multilevel Selection and Prediction: Theories, Methods, and Models (R.E. Ployhart, B. Schneider) Author Index Subject Index Business Psychology and Organisational Behaviour By Eugene McKenna Table of Contents Part One: Perspectives and Enquiry. Historical Influences and Research Methodology. Part Two: The Individual. Personality. Intelligence and Psychological Testing. Motivation and Job Design. Perception. Communication. Learning and Memory. Information Processing and Individual Decision Making. Attitudes, Values, Job Satisfaction and Commitment. Part Three: The Group. Groups. Teambuilding. Leadership and Management Style. Power, Politics and Conflict. Part Four: The Organization. Organizational Structure and Design. Organizational Culture. Organizational Change and Development. Part Five: Management and Organizational Issues. Human Resource Practices: Selection and Appraisal. Human Resource Practices: Rewards, Training and Development. Health and Work: Stress. Service is Front Stage Positioning Services for Value Advantage James Teboul Contents 1.Toward a New Definition of Servines 2. Services: The Front-Stage Experience 3.The Service Triangle 4. The Service-Intensity Matrox 5. Finding and Keeping the Fit 6. The Three Movements of Quality 7. Balancing Supply and Demand 8. From Industrial to Professional Servines 9. Managing the Change Process 10. Conclusion Managing by Values A Corporate Guide to Living, Being Alive, and Making a Living in the 21st Mentury Simon L. Dolan, Salvador Garcia and Bonnie Richley Contents PART I: MANAGEMENT BY VALUES: LOGIC AND CONTENT -----Managing by Values (MBV): Its Foundation and Evolution ----Values: But, what Actually are they? -------Renew or Die: The Importance of Culture Change ----------The Logic of Two Different Cultures: Control vs. Development PART II: PRACTICES ASSOCIATED WITH MANAGEMENT BY VALUES (MBV) The Relationships between Organizational Development (OD) and MBV ----------Creating a Culture Shift: Roles and Managing Resistance to Change in your Company -------- A Step by Step Process for Putting MBV into Practice --------Putting MBV into ------- Practice is not Easy: 24 Likely Problem Areas - and Suggested Answers ------Postscript: An MBV Voyage: Past, Present and Future ENGAGED KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Engagement with New Realities Kevin C. Desouza and Yukika Awazu Table of contents Preface * Introduction * Engaging Tensions of Knowledge Management Control * Engaging with Missing Knowledge Management Capabilities * Engaging the Knowledge Chiefs * Engaging with Distributed Knowledge Management * Engaging Knowledge Management in Strategic Alliances * Engaging with Customer Knowledge Markets * Engaging to Construct Knowledge Markets * Engaging to Calibrate Knowledge Management Systems * Future of Engaged Knowledge Management * Appendix Corporate Social Responsibility And International Development Is Business the Solution? Author(s): Hopkins, Michael Table of Contents 1 Can CSR Pave the Way for Development? 2 What is CSR all About and Where is it Going? 3 Corporate CSR Development Case Studies: Failures and Success 4 Failures of Development: A Global View 5 Corporations Should Abandon Philanthropy and Concentrate on CSR 6 A Critique of CSR and Development 7 CSR and Poverty 8 Supply Chain Issues 9 CSR in developing countries 10 Limitations of International Agencies 11 Socially Responsible Investment in Developing Countries 12 Main Actions for Companies Involved in Development KOMUNIKACIJA. VIEŠIEJI RYŠIAI Communication Between Cultures Samovar, Larry A. Synopsis "Communication Between Cultures" continues with the features that have made it the best-selling text for the intercultural communication course. The new edition of this leading gives students an understanding and appreciation of different cultures and helps them develop practical skills for improving their communication with people from other cultures. It's renowned for being the only text on the market to consistently emphasize religion and history as key variables in intercultural communication. Packed with the latest research and filled with numerous, compelling examples that force students to examine their own assumptions and cultural biases, this book helps students understand the subtle and profound ways culture affects communication. The book is divided into four interrelated parts: Part I introduces the study of communication and culture; Part II focuses on the ability of culture to shape and modify our view of reality; Part III puts the theory of intercultural communication into practice; and Part IV converts knowledge into action. Essentials of Negotiation by Lewicki/Barry/Saunde Table of Contents Chapter 1 - The Nature of Negotiation Chapter 2 - Strategy and Tactics of Distributive Bargaining Chapter 3 - Strategy and Tactics of Integrative Negotiation Chapter 4 - Negotiation, Strategy and Planning Chapter 5 - Perception, Cognition, and Communication Chapter 6 - Communication Chapter 7 - Finding and Using Negotiation Power Chapter 8 - Influence Chapter 9 - Ethics in Negotiation Chapter 10 Relationships in Negotiation Chapter 11 - Multiple Parties and Teams Chapter 12 - International and Cross-cultural Negotiation Chapter 13 - Managing Negotiation Impasses Chapter 14 - Best Practices in Negotiations Corporate Communication Paul A. Argenti Table of Contents 1.The Changing Environment for Business Case: Arthur Andersen 2. Communicating Strategically Case: Carson Containers 3. An Overview of the Corporate Communication Function Case: Dell Computer Corporation 4. Identity, Image and Reputation Case: Muzak 5. Corporate Advertising Exercise: Corporate Ad Samples 6. Media Relations Case: Adolph Coors Company 7. Internal Communication Case: Westwood Publishing 8. Investor Relations Case: Steelcase, Inc. 9. Government Relations Case: Disney's America Theme Park 10. Crisis Communications Case: Coca-Cola India BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION: PLANS, PROCESSES, AND PERFORMANCE DiSanza, James R and Nancy J Legge Table of Contents Preface. 1. The Role of Communication in Business and the Professions. DYADIC AND GROUP COMMUNICATION. 2. The Employment Interview. 3. Listening and Feedback in Organizational Relationships. 4. Interpersonal Politics: Power and Sexual Harassment in Organizations. 5. Communicating in Organizational Groups and Teams. CREATING A PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATION. 6. Considering Audience Feedback. 7. Preparing and Delivering Presentations. 8. Creating and Using Visual Aids. TYPES OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS. 9. Technical Presentations. 10. Proposal Presentations. 11. Sales Presentations. 12. Risk Communication. 13. Crisis Communication. Speaking for Success by Jean Miculka Table of contents UNIT 1: COMMUNICATING ON ALL CHANNELS. 1. You Are a Coded Communication Channel. 2. Speech is an Oral Language Code. 3. Paralanguage Flavors the Verbal Message. 4. Nonverbal Codes Send Silent Messages. UNIT 2: COMMUNICATING PERSON TO PERSON. 5. Building Confidence. 6. Developing Interpersonal Skills. 7. Interviewing Successfully. UNIT 3: COMMUNICATING IN GROUPS. 8. Speaking in Groups. 9. Informative and Persuasive Speaking. UNIT 4: COMMUNICATING WITH AN AUDIENCE. 10. Designing a Message for an Audience. 11. Researching and Organizing Ideas. 12. Polishing Your Presentation. Invitation to Public Speaking 2e Cindy L. Griffin Table of contents 1. Why Speak In Public? 2. Entering The Public Dialogue with Confidence: Your First Speech. 3. Effective Listening. 4. Developing Your Speech Topic and Purpose. 5. Your Audience And Speaking Environment. 6. Gathering Support Materials. 7. Developing And Supporting Your Ideas. 8. Reasoning. 9. Organizing Your Speech. 10. Introductions And Conclusions. 11. Outlining The Speech. 12. Language. 13. Delivering The Speech. 14. Visual Aids. 15. Informative Speaking. 16. Invitational Speaking. 17. Persuasive Speaking. 18. Persuasion And Reasoning. 19. Speaking on Special Occasions. 20. Speaking In Small Groups. Unleashing the Power of PER A Contrarian's Guide to Marketing and Communication Mark Weiner Table of Contents Part One: The Changing Landscape of Marketing and Corporate Communication. 1 New Opportunities for Marketing and Public Relations. 2 New Challenges Facing Marketing and Public Relations. Part Two: Using Research to Strengthen Public Relations. 3 Measuring Public Relations Programming. 4 Setting Meaningful and Measurable Public Relations Objectives. 5 Using Research to Shape Public Relations Strategy and Tactics. 6 Evaluating Public Relations Programs for Continual Improvement. Part Three: Transforming Your Public Relations Program. 7 Real Business Results: Proving—and Improving—PR ROI. 8 From Concept to Reality. Appendixes. The Future of Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management: Challenges for the Next Generation Editor(s) - Elizabeth L Toth Table of Contents Contents: Preface. Introduction. Part I: Excellence: The Practitioner's Responsibility. L. Hon, How Public Relations Knowledge Has Entered Public Relations Practice. Part II: Advances in Understanding Excellence and Communication. C.H. Spicer, Collaborative Advocacy and the Creation of Trust: Toward an Understanding of Stakeholder Claims and Risks. R.L. Heath, Management Through Advocacy: Reflection Rather Than Domination. D.W. Stacks, M.L. Watson, Two-Way Communication Based on Quantitative Research and Measurement. K.D. Plowman, Public Relations, Conflict Resolution, and Mediation. Y. Rhee, Interpersonal Communication as an Element of Symmetrical Public Relations: A Case Study. P. Murphy, Coping With an Uncertain World: The Relationship Between Excellence and Complexity Theories. Part III: Advances in Understanding Excellence and Management. B. Steyn, Contribution of Public Relations to Organizational Strategy Formulation. M. Sung, Toward a Model of Scenario Building From a Public Relations Perspective. U. Ströh, An Alternative Postmodern Approach to Corporate Communication Strategy. B.K. Berger, Public Relations and Organizational Power. Y-H. Huang, A Revisit of Symmetrical Communication From an International Perspective: Status, Effect, and Future Research Directions. J. Scott, Relationship Measures Applied to Practice. S.A. Bowen, The Extent of Ethics. K. Hallahan, Integrated Communication: Implications for Public Relations Beyond Excellence. Part IV: Advances in Program Planning and Its Evolutions in the New Century. L. Aldoory, B-L. Sha, The Situational Theory of Publics: Practical Applications, Methodological Challenges, and Theoretical Horizons. D.R. Holtzhausen, Activism. B-L. Sha, R.L. Ford, Redefining "Requisite Variety": The Challenge of Multiple Diversities for the Future of Public Relations Excellence. L. Aldoory, Reconceiving Gender for an "Excellent" Future in Public Relations Scholarship. L.M. Hagan, For Reputation's Sake: Managing Crisis Communication. Part V: Conditions for Global Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management. C-J.F. Hung, Toward the Theory of Relationship Management in Public Relations: How to Cultivate Quality Relationships? Y-R.R. Chen, Effective Government Affairs in China: Antecedents, Strategies, and Outcomes of Government Affairs. K. Sriramesh, The Relationship Between Culture and Public Relations. A. Tkalac, The Application of Situational Theory in Croatia. R.I. Wakefield, A Retrospective on World Class: The Excellence Theory Goes International. Part VI: Challenges to Educators. D.K. Wright, J.V.S. Turk, Public Relations Knowledge and Professionalism: Challenges to Educators and Practitioners. M.P. Russell, An Education Model to Prepare for Excellence in Public Relations: A Case Study of the Syracuse University Limited Residency/Distance Learning Master's Program in Communications Management. Public Relations A Values-Driven Approach, Cases Edition 3rd Edition David Guth, Charles Marsh Contents I. FOUNDATIONS OF PUBLIC RELATIONS. 1. What Is Public Relations?2. Jobs in Public Relations. 3. A Brief History of Public Relations. 4. The Publics in Public Relations. 5. Communication Theory and Public Opinion. 6. Ethics and Social Responsibility in Public Relations. II. THE PUBLIC RELATIONS PROCESS. 7. Research and Evaluation. 8. Planning: The Strategies of Public Relations. 9. Communication: The Tactics of Public Relations. 10. Writing and Presentation Skills. 11. Public Relations in the Digital Age. III. PUBLIC RELATIONS TODAY AND TOMORROW. 12. Crisis Communications. 13. Public Relations and Marketing. 14. CrossCultural Communication. 15. Public Relations and the Law. 16. Your Future in Public Corporate Public Affairs Interacting With Interest Groups, Media, and Government Lerbinger, Otto Table of Contents Contents: Preface. Part I: Introduction. An Overview of Corporate Public Affairs. Part II: Interest Group Strategies. Interest Group Strategies and Forms of Opinion Leader Communication. Conflict Resolution: Mediation and Negotiation. Part III: Media Strategies. Proactive Media Relations. Gaining Semicontrol Over the Media: Broadcast Appearances. Gaining Complete Control Over the Media: Advocacy Advertising. Holding the Media Accountable and Suing. Bypassing the News Media: Direct Communication. Part IV: Governmental Strategies. Direct Lobbying. Grassroots Lobbying. Electoral Activities. Litigation Communication. Part V: Dominance Versus Competition. Ascendancy of Corporate Power. Constructing a Competitive Political Marketplace. Heeding the Public Interest. MARKETINGAS. Everything I Know About Sales Success The World's Greatest Business Minds Reveal Their Formulas for Winning the Hearts and Minds Gerhard Gschwandtner The art and science of selling has never been more complex, demanding, or potentially lucrative. As a sales professional, you know that staying ahead of the game means continually educating yourself-both in the successful techniques that have stood the test of time and about the freshest new ideas on everything-from generating leads to creating trust, from branding your business to closing the deal. Brand Vision How to Energize Your Team to Drive Business Growth Taylor, David Table of Contents: Introduction: be a brand CEO, not a strategy tourist. I. SEARCH FOR TRUE INSIGHT. 1. Create an insight springboard. II. THE VISIONING JOURNEY. 2. What are you going to fight for? 3. Where’s the sausage? 4. Sizzle that sells. 5. Big brand ideas beat brand essence. III. BRING THE VISION TO LIFE. 6. Test drive the vision. IV. BRAND-LED BUSINESS. 7. Beyond brandwashing to true engagement. 8. Create hero products. 9. Communicating without ego tripping. Brand Vision to Action Toolkit. Branding a Store How to Build Successful Retail Brands in a Changing Marketplace Table of Contents The store as a brand ---- Brand identity; ----Retail brand positioning;---- Differentiating brand personality; ----The retail brand communication mix: advertising, direct marketing and in-store communication;----- Multi-sensory communication; -----Store design and Store employees. Competitive Identity The New Brand Management for Nations, Cities and Regions Simon Anholt Contents What is Competitive Identity? --------The Theory of Competitive Identity -------- Understanding National Image --------Planning for Competitive Identity ----------Implementing Competitive Identity ---------Competitive Identity and Development The Ultimate Sales Managers' Guide John Klymshyn Table of Contents Part I Finding, Keeping, and Releasing Salespeople 1 HIRING 2 TRAINING 3 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION 4 THE THREE-TIERED SALES TEAM 5 REWARDS AND RECOGNITION 6 WHEN TO FIRE A SALESPERSON Part II Sales Meetings 7 GROUP MEETINGS 8 ONE-ON-ONE MEETINGS - FIFTEEN MINUTES OF FAME Part III Planning and Preparation 9 GOALS LEAD TO GREATNESS 10 THE THREE-STEP BUSINESS PLAN 11 TEN TASKS TODAY Part IV Skills All Salespeople Should Have 12 COLD CALLING 13 PRESENTATION SKILLS 14 CLOSING TECHNIQUES ALL SALESPEOPLE SHOULD KNOW 15 EXPECTATION MANAGEMENT Sales Promotion 1e Tony Yeshin, Table of contents 1. Understanding sales promotion. 2. The roles and limitations of sales promotion. 3. The context for sales promotion. 4. Developing the theory of sales promotion. 5. The strategic dimensions of sales promotion. 6. Developing the sales promotion plan. 7. Identifying sales promotion objectives. 8a. Consumer promotions – financial incentives. 8b. Consumer promotions – product based offers. 8c. Consumer promotions – other consumer promotions. 9. Promoting to the trade. 10. Trade shows, event management and sponsorship. 11. Evaluating sales promotion. 12. Integrating sales promotion activity. 13. International sales promotion Strategic Brand Management By: Richard Elliott, Larry Percy Table of Contents SECTION 1 The Socio-Cultural Meaning of Brands 1.Understanding the Social Psychology of Brands 2. Emotion and Brands 3. The Symbolic Meaning of Brands 4. Cultural Meaning Systems and Brands SECTION 2 Brand Equity 5. Brand Equity 6. Auditing and Measuring Brand Equity SECTION 3 Managing Brands 7. Brand Strategies 1---Symbolic Brands 8. Brand Strategies 2---Functional Brands 9. Brand Stretching and Retrenching 10. Branding Services and Managing the Corporate Brand 11. Brands and Advertising Marketing Research 5th Edition An Applied Orientation and SPSS 14.0 Student CD Naresh Malhotra Contents PART I: INTRODUCTION AND EARLY PHASES OF MARKETING RESEARCH Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING RESEARCH Chapter 2 DEFINING THE MARKETING RESEARCH PROBLEM AND DEVELOPING AN APPROACH PART II: RESEARCH DESIGN FORMULATION Chapter 3 RESEARCH DESIGN Chapter 4 EXPLORATORY RESEARCH DESIGN: SECONDARY DATA Chapter 5 EXPLORATORY RESEARCH DESIGN: QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Chapter 6 DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH DESIGN: SURVEY AND OBSERVATION Chapter 7 CAUSAL RESEARCH DESIGN: EXPERIMENTATION Chapter 8 MEASUREMENT AND SCALING: FUNDAMENTALS AND COMPARATIVE SCALING Chapter 9 MEASUREMENT AND SCALING: NONCOMPARATIVE SCALING TECHNIQUES Chapter 10 QUESTIONNAIRE AND FORM DESIGN Chapter 11 SAMPLING: DESIGN AND PROCEDURES Chapter 12 SAMPLING: FINAL AND INITIAL SAMPLE SIZE DETERMINATION PART III: DATA COLLECTION, PREPARATION, ANALYSIS AND REPORTING Chapter 13 FIELD WORK Chapter 14 DATA PREPARATION Chapter 15 FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION, CROSS-TABULATION, AND HYPOTHESIS TESTING Chapter 16 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE AND COVARIANCE Chapter 17 CORRELATION AND REGRESSION Chapter 18 DISCRIMINANT AND LOGIT ANALYSIS Chapter 19 FACTOR ANALYSIS Chapter 20 CLUSTER ANALYSIS Chapter 21 MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCALING AND CONJOINTANALYSIS Chapter 22 REPORT PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION Chapter 23 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING RESEARCH Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management Cecil Bozarth Contents 1.Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management 2. Operations and Supply Chain Strategies Dell Computer Corporation 3. Business Processes 4. Managing Quality 5. Managing Projects 6. Developing Products and Services 7. Process Choice and Layout Decisions in Manufacturing and Services 8. Managing Capacity 9. Forecasting 10. Sourcing Decisions & the Purchasing Process 11. Logistics 12. Sales and Operations Planning (Aggregate Planning) 13. Managing Inventory Throughout the Supply Chain 14. Managing Production Across the Supply Chain 15. JIT / Lean Production 16. Managing Information Technologies Across the Supply Chain FINANSAI MANAGEMENT FOR PRACTICAL INVESTMENT Robert A Strong Table of contents 1. The Concept of Investing. 2. Understanding Risk and Return. 3. The Marketplace. 4. Bond Fundamentals. 5. Common Stock. 6. Market Mechanics. 7. Fundamental Stock Analysis. 8. Valuation Tools. 9. Technical Analysis. 10. Market Efficiency. 11. Behavioral Finance. 12. Gathering Investment Information. 13. Market Indexes. 14. Convertible Securities. 15. Investing Internationally. 16. Why Diversification? 17. The Role of Derivative Assets. 18. Managing the Equity Portfolio. 19. Managing the Fixed Income Portfolio. 20. Mortgage-Backed Securities. 21. Investment Companies. 22. Performance Measurement and Presentation. 23. Contemporary Issues. The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets 8th Author(s): Frederic S. Mishkin Table of Contents Part I Introduction 1. Why Study Money, Banking, and Financial Markets? 2. An Overview of the Financial System 3. What Is Money? Part II Financial Markets 4. Understanding Interest Rates 5. The Behavior of Interest Rates 6. The Risk and Term Structure of Interest Rates 7. The Stock Market, the Theory of Rational Expectations, and the Efficient Market Hypothesis Part III Financial Institutions 8. An Economic Analysis of Financial Structure 9. Banking and the Management of Financial Institutions 10. Banking Industry: Structure and Competition 11. Economic Analysis of Banking Regulation Part IV Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy 12. Structure of Central Banks and the Federal Reserve System 13. Multiple Deposit Creation and the Money Supply Process 14. Determinants of the Money Supply 15. Tools of Monetary Policy 16. What Should Central Banks Do? Monetary Policy Goals, Strategy and Tactics Part V International Finance and Monetary Policy 17. The Foreign Exchange Market 18. The International Financial System Part VI Monetary Policy 19. The Demand for Money 20. The ISLM Model 21. Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the ISLM Model 22. Aggregate Demand and Supply Analysis 23. Transmission Mechanisms of Monetary Policy: The Evidence 24. Money and Inflation 25. Rational Expectations: Implications for Policy International Business Finance Michael Connolly Table of Contents Introduction to International Finance. History of Money and Finance. The Foreign Exchange Market. Hedging Foreign Exchange Risk. Financial Management. Financial Scams and Swindles Capital Structuring B. Coyle Bonds A Concise Guide for Investors Moorad Choudhry Contents Foreward ----Preface ----Getting to the Starting Point -----Bond Basius -----The United Kingdom Gilt Market --Investing in Non-UK Government Bonds ---Corporate Bonds, Eurobonds and Credit Quality ---Understanding and Appreciating the Yield Curve ----Dealing for the Private Investor ----Further Reading ----Useful Websites---Glossary Asset Price Dynamics, Volatility and Prediction by Taylor, Stephen J. Contents Preface 1. Introduction PART I: Foundations 2. Prices and Returns 3. Stochastic Processes: Definitions and Examples 4. Stylized Facts for Financial Returns PART II: Conditional Expected Returns 5. The Variance-Ratio Test of the Random Walk 6. Further Tests of the Random Walk Hypothesis 7. Trading Rules and Market Efficiency PART III: Volatility Processes 8. An Introduction to Volatility 9. ARCH Models: Definitions and Examples 10. ARCH Models: Selection and Likelihood Methods 11. Stochastic Volatility Models PART IV: High-Frequency Methods 12. High-Frequency Data and Models PART V: Inferences from Option Prices 13. Continuous-Time Stochastic Processes 14. Option Pricing Formulae 15. Forecasting Volatility 16. Density Prediction for Asset Prices International Corporate Finance (AISE) 8e Jeff Madura, Florida Atlantic University Table of contents PART 1. CORPORATE FINANCE ABROUD 1. Managing Finale in Foreign Subsidiaries: An Overview. 2. International Flow of Funds. 3. International Financial Markets. 4. Exchange Rate Determination. 5. Exchange Rates Derivatives. PART 2. EXCHANGE RATE BEHAVIOR. 6. Government and Exchange Rates. 7. International Arbitrage and Interest Rate Parity. 8. Relationships between Inflation, Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates. PART 3. EXCHANGE RATE RISK MANAGEMENT. 9. Forecasting Exchange Rates. 10. Measuring Exposure to Exchange Rate Fluctuations.11. Managing Transaction Exposure. 12. Managing Economic Exposure and Translation Exposure. PART 4. LONG-TERM ASSET AND LIABILITY MANAGEMENT. 13. Direct Foreign Investment. 14. Multinational Capital budgeting. 15. Multinational Restructuring. 16. Country Risk Analysis. 17. Multinational Cost of Capital and Capital Structure. 18. LongTerm Financing. PART 5. SHORT-TERM ASSET AND LIABILITY MANAGEMENT. 19. Financing International Trade. 20. Short-Term Financing. 21.I nternational Cash Management. Asset Allocation and International Investments Ed. Gregoriou, Greg N. Table of Contents 1 Time-Varying Downside Risk: An Application to the Art Market (R.Campbell, R.Kraussl) 2 International Stock Portfolios and Optimal Currency Hedging with Regime Switching (M. Leippold, F.Morger) 3 The Determinants of Domestic and Foreign Biases: An Empirical Study (F.Abid, S. Bahloul) 4 The Critical Line Algorithm for UPM-LPM Parametric General Asset Allocation Problem with Allocation Boundaries and Linear Constraints (D. Cumova, D. Moreno, D. Nawrocki) 5 Currency Crises, Contagion and Portfolio Selection (A. Bandopadhyaya, S. Nagarajan) 6 Bond and Stock Market Linkages: The Case of Mexico and Brazil (A. Bandopadhyaya) 7 The Australian Stock Market: An Empirical Investigation (A. Chan, J. Wickramanayake) 8 The Price of Efficiency So, What Do You Think About Emerging Markets? (Z. Berenyi ) 9 Liquidity and Market Efficiency Before and After the Introduction of Electronic Trading at the Sydney Futures Exchange (M.Burgess, J. Wickramanayake ) 10 How Does Systematic Risk Impact Stocks? A Study of the French Financial Market (H. Gatfaoui) 11 Matrix Elliptical Contoured Distributions versus a Stable Model: Application to Daily Stock Returns of Eight Stock Markets (T. Bodnar, W. Schmid) 12 The Modified Sharpe Ratio Applied to Canadian Hedge Funds (G.N. Gregoriou) Using Investor Relations to Maximize Equity Valuation Thomas Ryan, Chad Jacobs Contents Preface: A Brave New World of Investor Relations. Introduction: A New Approach and Why It’s Important. PART I: CAPITAL MARKETS AND ITS PLAYERS. Chapter One. The Capital Markets and IR. Chapter Two. The Sell-Side Disclosed: Who They Are and What They Do. Chapter Three. The Buy-Side: Institutional and Retail Investors. Chapter Four. Employees, Suppliers, Customers. Chapter Five. The Media. Chapter Six. Global IR. PART II: POST BUBBLE COMMUNICATIONS; Events In The Markets and The New World of IR. Chapter Seven. Greed Is Good— 90's Style. Chapter Eight. Of Rules and Regulations. Chapter Nine. Post Bubble Reality. Chapter Ten Of Reason, Renewal and Honesty. PART III: INVESTOR RELATIONS: THE FUNDAMENTALS; Traditional IR And The Need For Change. Chapter Eleven. Traditional IR: What It Is, and Why It’s Not Enough. Chapter Twelve. Staffing and Sourcing The New IR. Chapter Thirteen. Grasping The IR Evolution. PART IV: INVESTOR RELATIONS: MAXIMIZING EQUITY VALUE. Chapter Fourteen. Positioning IR to Succeed. PART V: DEFINITION. Chapter Fifteen. The IR Audit. Chapter Sixteen. Excavating Value Post Audit. PART VI: DELIVERY. Chapter Seventeen. From Definition To Delivery. Chapter Eighteen. To Guide or Not to Guide, That Is the Question. Chapter Nineteen. Targeting the Audience. Chapter Twenty. Integrating with PR. Chapter Twenty-One. Infrastructure/ Disclosure Check. Chapter Twenty-Two. Delivering The Goods. PART VII: DIALOGUE. Chapter Twenty-Three. From Delivery to Dialogue. Chapter Twenty-Four. Maintaining and Building Relationships. Chapter Twenty-Five. Meeting The Street. Chapter Twenty-Six. Event Management. Chapter Twenty-Seven. The Banker Mentality. Conclusion: A Call for Change. How to Fund Your Business The essential guide to raising finance to start and grow your business Steve Parks Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1 An overview Chapter 2 What do funders want? Chapter 3 Preparing your business for a funding round Chapter 4 Preparing your plan Chapter 5 Types of funding Chapter 6 Sources of funding Chapter 7 Selecting a funding mix Chapter 8 Negotiating the deal Chapter 9 After raising the funding Analysis of Financial Statements, 2nd Editon Pamela P. Peterson, Frank J. Fabozzi Contents PART ONE: THE BASICS. Chapter 1. Introduction. Chapter 2. Financial Statements. Chapter 3. The Quality of Financial Information. PART TWO: ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. Chapter 4. Financial Analysis. Chapter 5. Equity Analysis. Chapter 6. Cash Flow Analysis. PART THREE: APPLYING FINANCIAL ANALYSIS. Chapter 7. Measuring Company Performance. Chapter 8. Credit Analysis. Chapter 9. Analysis of Risk Using Fundamentals. Chapter 10. The Lessons We Learn. Statistics Of Financial Markets Haerdle W. /Franke J. Table of contents I. Option Pricing: Derivaties.- Introduction to Option Management.- Basic Concepts of Probability Theory.Stochastic Processes in Discrete Time.- Stochastic Integrals and Differential Equations.- Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model.- Binomial Model for European Options.- American Options.- Exotic Options and Interest Rate Derivatives. II. Statistical Model of Financial Time Series: Introduction: Definitions and Concepts.- ARMA Time Series Models.- Time Series with Stochastic Volatility.- Nonparametric Concepts for Financial Time Series. III. Selected Financial Applications: Valuing Options with Flexible Volatility Estimators.- Value-at-Risk and Backtesting.- Copulas and Value-at Risk.- Statistics of Extreme Risks.- Neural Networks.- Volatility Risk of Portfolios.- Nonparametric Estimators for the Probability of Defaulting. Overview of the Markets H/C by Financial World Publishing Synopsis From the "Risk Management" series, this title examines the debt and equity markets and introduces techniques for evaluating which markets to use, when to use them and how much funding to raise from them. This range of risk management texts has undergone extensive re-writing to give each book in the series an international perspective. Each explains and analyses core aspects of risk assessment management so as to be useful to students and practitioners. All of the titles adopt a practical and clear approach to their subject, and all are fully updated versions of a series of books previously produced by training experts at BPP. APSKAITA Financial Management for Decision Makers P.Atrill Contents Preface –Acknowledgements ---1. Introduction to financial management 2. Financial planning and projected financial statements 3. Analysing and interpreting financial statements 4. Making capital investment decisions 5. Making capital investment decisions: further issues 6. Financing a business (1): sources of finance 7. Financing a business (2): raising long-term finance 8. The cost of capital and the capital structure decision 9. Developing a dividend policy 10. Managing working capital 11. Measuring and managing for shareholder value 12. Mergers, takeovers and the valuation of shares Accounting 7th Edition Charles Horngren, Walter Harrison Contents 1.Accounting and the Business Environment 2. Recording Business Transactions 3. The Adjusting Process 4. Completing the Accounting Cycle 5. Merchandising Operations 6.Merchandise Inventory 7. Accounting Information Systems 8. Internal Control and Cash 9. Receivables 10. Plant Assets and Intangibles 11. Current Liabilities and Payroll 12. Partnerships 13. Corporations: Paid-In Capital and the Balance Sheet 14. Corporations: Retained Earnings and the Income Statement 15. Long-Term Liabilities 16. The Statement of Cash Flows 17. Financial Statement Anglysis 18. Introduction to Management Accounting 19. Job Order Costing 20. Process Costing 21. Cost-Volume-Profit Anglysis 22. The Master Budget and Responsibility Accounting 23. Flexible Budgets and Standard Costs 24. Activity-Based Costing and Other Cost Management Tools 25.Special Decisions and Capital Budgeting Management Accounting by Anthony A. Atkinson, Robert S. Kaplan, S. Mark Young Table of Contents 1.Management Accounting: Information that Creates Value. 2. Cost Management Concepts and Cost Behavior. 3. Traditional Cost Management Systems. 4. Activity-Based Cost Management Systems. 5. Management Accounting Information for Activity and Process Decisions. 6. Cost Information for Pricing and Product Planning. 7. Management Accounting and Control Systems: Assessing Performance over the Value Chain. 8. Motivating Behavior in Management Accounting and Control Systems. 9. The Balanced Scorecard. 10. Using Budgets to Achieve Organizational Objectives. 11. Capital Budgeting -Long-Term Assets 12. Financial Control. Corporate Governance: Accountability, Enterprise and International Comparisons Kevin Keasey (Editor), Steve Thompson (Editor), Michael Wright (Editor) Contents 1 Introduction (K. Keasey, S.Thompson, M.Wright). 2 The Development of Corporate Governance Codes in the UK (K. Keasey, H. Short , M. Wright). 3 Financial Structure and Corporate Governance (R. Watson , M.Ezzamel). 4 Institutional Shareholders and Corporate Governance in the UK (H.Short, K.Keasey). 5 Boards of Directors and the Role of Non-executive Directors in the Governance of Corporations (M.Ezzamel, R.Watson). 6 Executive Pay and UK Corporate Governance (A.Bruce,T.Buck). 7 Compensation Committees and Executive Compensation: Evidence from Publicly Traded UK Firms (R.Bonet, M. J.Conyon). 8 The Governance Role of Takeovers (N. O’Sullivan, P.Wong). 9 Governance and Strategic Leadership in Entrepreneurial Firms (C. M. Dalton, P.P. McDougall, J. G. Covin, D.R. Dalton). 10 Corporate Governance: The Role of Venture Capitalists and Buy-outs (M.Wright, S.Thompson, A.Burrows). 11 Explaining Western Securities Markets (M.J. Roe). 12 International Corporate Governance (D.K. Denis, J.J. McConnell). 13 Corporate Governance in Germany (Marc Goergen, Miguel C. Manjon, Luc Renneboog). 14 Network Opportunities and Constraints in Japan’s Banking Industry: A Social Exchange Perspective on Governance (W.P. Wan, R.E. Hoskisson, H.Kim,D.Yiu). 15 Analysing Change in Corporate Governance: The Example of France (M. O’Sullivan). 16 Ownership and Control of Chinese Public Corporations: A State-dominated Corporate Governance System (G. S. Liu, P.Sun). 17 Corporate Governance in Transition Economies (M.Wright, T. Buck, I.Filatotchev). EKONOMIKA Report on the State of the European Union; Volume 2 Jean-Paul Fitoussi and Jacques Le Cacheux Table of contents PART 1: ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES * A Fugitive Boom? * PART 2: NORMS AND INSTITUTIONS * Social Norms and Macroeconomic Policies * Growth Policies in Europe: A Problem of Collective Action? * Macroeconomic Policies in the EUCT * PART 3: COHESION AND ENLARGEMENTS * European Integration and the Dynamic of Inequalities * Understanding the Eastern Enlargement * Fiscal Policies in the CEEC After May 1st 2004 * Turkey and the EU: A Very Long Engagement * PART 4: TOWARD A POLITICAL EUROPE? * Were the Elections of June 2004 Truly 'European'? Global Dimensions of Corporate Governance by Dr. Yadong Luo Table of Contents Preface ---Acknowledgments --- 1.Corporate Governance in International Business: Concepts and Mechanisms 2.Corporate Governance Across Borders: Comparison and Analysis 3.Corporate Governance in Global Operations: Design and Actions 4.Corporate Governance at Multilevels: The Parent-Subsidiary Link 5.Corporate Governance and Accountability in MNCs 6.Corporate Governance and Anti-Corruption in Global Business 7.Corporate Governance and Social Responsibilities in International Business Real Estate Appraisal rom Value to Worth Sara Syce [et al] Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Introduction to the Purchase Decision 3. Property Investment: Placing Property Within The MultiAsset Investment Spectrum 4. The Market Approach (): Rental Value 5. Assessing Capital Value: analysing discount rates 6. Issues of Leasehold Appraisal 7. Structuring Investment Appraisals to Determine Investment Worth 8. Risk within the Appraisal and Worth Process 9. Occupational Property: decision making and appraisal 10. Funding and Financial Structures 11. Measuring Return 12. Handling Risk within the Portfolio 13. Forecasting Real Estate & the New Economy the impact of information and communications technology By: Tim Dixon, [et al] Table of Contents Introduction; Section 1 Context and Framework; Technological Change: Diffusion and Adoption of ICT by Consumers, Businesses and Governments; Business Process and Organisational Change; The New Economy and Real Estate; Section 2 Real Estate Spaces and the Impact of ICT; Real Estate Use and ICT; Real Estate Service Providers and ICT; Section 3 The Future; New directions and Policy Implications: The Future of Real Estate in the New Economy KITOS KNYGOS Business Data Analysis using Excel By: David Whigham Contents 1. Introduction to Excel (1) 2. Understanding Data 3. Data Handling 4. Charting Data 5. Elementary Modelling (1) 6. Elementary Modelling (2) 7. Collating and Categorising Data 8. Data Description – Central Tendency 9. Data Description - Dispersion 10. Data Description - Further Methods 11. Data Description Association 12. Regression Analysis 13. Financial Arithmetic 14. Investment Appraisal Business Ethics & Values C. Fisher, A.Lovell Contents PART ONE: BUSINESS ETHICS MATTER: WHAT IS IT AND WHY DOES IT MATTER? 1. Perspectives on business ethics 2. Ethical issues in business 3. Ethical theories and how to use them PART TWO: INDIVIDUALS' RESPONSES TO ETHICAL ISSUES 4. Values 5. Values and heuristics 6. How people respond to ethical issues at work 7. Whistleblowing PART THREE: ORGANISATIONAL RESPONSES TO ETHICAL ISSUES 8. The three 'C's' - corporate citizenship, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility 9. Sustainability and business 10. Codes and compacts 11. Ethics and values in international business 12. Globalisation and business ethics 13. The future for business ethics and values Research Methods for Business Students 4th Edition Mark Saunders, Adrian Thornhill, Philip Lewis Contents 1. The nature of business and management research and structure of this book 2. Formulating and clarifying the research topic 3. Critically reviewing the literature 4. Understanding research philosophies and approaches 5. Formulating the research design 6. Negotiating access and research ethics 7. Selecting samples 8. Using secondary data 9. Collecting primary data through observation 10. Collecting primary data using semi-structured, in-depth and group interviews 11. Collecting primary data using questionnaires 12. Analysing quantitative data 13. Analysing qualitative data 14. Writing and presenting your project report Global Competition Law and Economics Einer Elhauge and Damien Geradin