ALL WALES HIGHER TRAINING PROGRAMME SOUTH WALES TRAINING PROGRAMME 1. SPECIALIST REGISTRAR IN PALLIATIVE MEDICINE. 2. SpR/StR ROTATIONAL POST IN SOUTH WALES BETWEEN Holme Tower Marie Curie Hospice, Penarth Velindre Hospital, Cardiff (2 posts) University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff Llandough Hospital, Penarth Y Bwthyn Newydd, Princess of Wales Hospital, Bridgend Ty Olwen, Morriston Hospital, Swansea (3 posts) Royal Gwent Hospital Newport SE Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Community SPC Team based at Marie Curie Hospice, Penarth 3A. THE WORK OF THE DEPARTMENT(S) IN SOUTH WALES 3A.1 Specialist Registrar in Palliative Medicine. This post provides a comprehensive training for those wishing to pursue a career to Consultant level in Palliative Medicine and covers all the experience required to reach a CCT with experience in all health care settings. All trainees will rotate every 8 months between some of the following locations to obtain the required range of experience. In-patient specialist palliative care experience is gained in Holme Tower Marie Curie Hospice, Ty Olwen Palliative care unit and Y Bythyn Newydd Bridgend. The rotation also includes experience at the Regional Oncology Centre at Velindre Hospital and with the hospital palliative care teams at the University Hospital of Wales. Hospital, Royal Gwent Hospital Newport and Morriston and Singleton Hospitals Swansea. Community experience is gained at Ty Olwen or In Cardiff and Vale in a joint post between between the SE Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Community SPC Team based at Marie Curie Hospice, Penarth and George Thomas Trust. 3.2 Medical Staffing is as follows:- Holme Tower Marie Curie Hospice Two Consultants One One One One One One Dr. Anthony Byrne (Medical Director) until Feb 2010 Dr Jo Hayes 2 other locum consultants (6 sessions) from Jan 2010 ST for inpatient unit) ST (community team ) ST (for hospital team) ST2 ST1 FY1 Velindre Hospital Two Consultants in Palliative Medicine Professor Ilora Finlay Dr Nicki Pease Two ST posts One Macmillan Nurse (WTE) Nineteen Consultant Clinical Oncologists and thirteen Specialist registrars Cardiff & Vale NHS Trust Including University Hospital of Wales & Llandough Hospitals Two Consultants in Palliative Medicine Three Macmillan Nurses Dr. Melanie Jefferson (UHW) Dr Anthony Byrne (Llandough) from Feb 2010 1 Y Bwthyn Newydd, Princess of Wales Hospital Three Consultants in Palliative Medicine Dr Pola Grzybowska Dr Fiona Rawlinson 3rd consultant to be appointed One SHO shared with rheumatology One FP2 One FY1 Ty Olwen, Morriston Hospital Two Consultants in Palliative Medicine One Senior Lecturer/Consultant in Palliative Medicine Four Staff Grades One FP2 Dr Idris Baker (Lead clinician) Post to be filled Dr. Helen Taylor Royal Gwent Hospital Senior Lecturer/Consultant in Palliative Medicine One ST 3A.3 Dr Simon Noble Duties of the post. The programme is designed to rotate between at least six of the posts and also to provide experience in a wide range of specialties that inter-relate and impinge on palliative medicine. The list of rotational opportunities listed later is not exclusive and other opportunities can be arranged as required. The full range of medical specialties is well represented through the hospitals in Newport, Swansea and Cardiff and full research and teaching facilities through the Cardiff University. It is envisaged that the successful applicant will take the opportunity to experience other specialties and the timetable is flexible to allow for this. The current timetable for each unit is as below. Holme Tower Marie Curie Hospice Monday Team Meeting Consultant Ward Round Tuesday Study period Wednesday Ward work and Day Centre MDT Meeting Ward review Best Practice Seminars (monthly) Teaching/Audit Ward work Domicilary visits Thursday Consultant ward round Undergraduate teaching MDT meeting Undergraduate teaching Friday Community MDT meeting SpR teaching Ward Work Domicilary visits It is expected that the Specialist Registrar will see day patients as appropriate. Cardiff and Vale Community post based with George Thomas Hospice Care and Marie Curie Hospice, Penarth Monday George Thomas Hospice Care (GTHC) Multidisciplinary Team Meeting GTHC Domiciliary Visits GTHC Tuesday GTHC Wednesday Marie Curie Community Team Domiciliary Visits Marie Curie Community Team Multidisciplinary Clinical Meeting Marie Curie Community Team Domiciliary Visits 2 Thursday Marie Curie Community Team Medical Student Teaching or Community Team Teaching Marie Curie Community Team Medical Student Teaching or Community Team Teaching Friday SpR Teaching or Personal Study Time GTHC Velindre Hospital SpR Post 1 Monday MDM – Active Support Unit(ASU) & Consultant Review Tuesday Ward review Velindre Or Oncology Clinic Velindre Wednesday Consultant Ward Round ASU Thursday Evidence Based Meeting monthly with UHW Team Clinic patient review Friday MDM ASU Ward work Monthly SpR Meeting Ward work Ward review 1pm Team Meeting Pall Med/ Chronic Pain Clinic or Alternate weeks Clinical Audit Study Afternoon Ward work – Velindre Wednesday MDM- First Floor Thursday Evidence Based Meeting monthly with UHW team Clinic and ward patient review BJ Friday Ward work Monthly SpR Meeting (MDM = Multi-disciplinary team Meeting) SpR Post 2 Monday First Floor Ward Round Alternate Weeks Community Liaison Meeting George Thomas Trust (GTT) Tuesday Domiciliary Visits with George Thomas Trust (GTT) Or Ward Review Study Afternoon Oncology Clinic Royal Gwent with Dr Chris Gaffney 1pm Team Meeting Pall Med/ Chronic Pain Clinic or Alternate weeks Clinical Audit Every 6thweek Undergraduate Teaching Holme Tower all day Oncology Clinic Royal Gwent Dr Alison Brewster Ward Review University Hospital of Wales Monday Ward review Tuesday Ward work/ Head and Neck Cancer MDT Palliative Medicine MDT Ward review Monthly MND Clinic Consultant ward round Wednesday 8.00 a.m. Colorectal cancer MDT Hospital Grand Round Study afternoon Thursday Ward review Friday SpR Teaching monthly Ward Review Ward review Opportunity will also be given for placement in Llandough Hospital during this part of the rotation according to training needs 3 Y Bwthyn Newydd, Princess of Wales Hospital, Bridgend Monday Ward work (PM) Discharge meeting (Audit) Staff Support meeting Tuesday MDT Planning meeting Uro/Oncology Meeting Postgrad meeting Research Wednesday Ward consultations or Day Care Thursday Ward work (PM) Friday PM – OPD Colorectal/Oncology meeting Teaching (monthly) Multidisciplinary Educational meeting Clinical meeting (G(I)M) Ward consultants Ward work Domiciliaries Domiciliaries Tŷ Olwen, Swansea NHS Trust Post 1: Inpatient unit based at Morriston Hospital Monday am pm Tuesday Wednesday Thursday PM PM PM PM 0900-0930 Ward meeting Ward work 0900-0930 Ward meeting 0900-1300 11-1200 alt wks Neuro-oncology MDT 12-1300 monthly Service audit progress meeting PM 1030-1200 Ward work Consultant ward round 4th Fri – Swales SpR education meeting PM MDT meeting Ward work PM PM PM 1300 1230-1400 Medical team education/audit 1300-1400 Grand Round Registrar Teaching (consultant) monthly Audit/teaching prep etc Ward work and Consultant ward round Ward work Friday PM Ward work Monthly Service Audit afternoon Post 2: Hospital Palliative Care Team[HPCT]( Singleton plus Morriston Hospital but based at Singleton Hospital Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday am pm Friday PM PM PM PM PM Ward work 2nd Monday: HPCT medical staff teaching (CON) 08-0900 GIT MDT 0830-0930 Colorectal MDT 0900-1200 Ward work 0945-1200 Consultant HPCT round (Singleton) Ward work PM PM PM PM PM Ward work 13-1400 Oncology Seminar 1230-1400 Medical team education/audit 1330-1430 Head and Neck MDT Ward work Teaching and audit preparation Ward work Monthly Service Audit afternoon 09-0945 Oncology Ward round Consultant HPCT Ward round Ward work 4 4th Fri – Swales SpR education meeting Post 3 : Community Palliative care Team [CPCT] based at Ty Olwen, Morriston Hospital Monday am Wednesday Thursday Friday PM PM PM PM 0900 Team Meeting 0900 Team Meeting 0900 Team Meeting 0900 Team Meeting 0900 Team Meeting Community team/visits pm Tuesday PM CPCT education meeting Community team/visits PM PM 13-1400 Lung Cancer MDT Audit/ teaching prep etc 4th Fri – Swales SpR education meeting PM PM 1230-1400 Medical team education/audit 13-1400 Grand Round Monthly Service Audit afternoon Community team/visits PM Community team/visits Community team/visits Royal Gwent Hospital Monday Team Meeting Ward work Tuesday Hot review Ward work Wednesday Team education (Monthly) Case reviews Thursday Lung cancer clinic Ward review Teaching/Audit Study period GI cancer clinic Ward work Lung MDT Friday Ward work SpR teaching Ward Work HOLME TOWER MARIE CURIE Hospice is a 30-bedded Hospice and Palliative Care Unit with over 500 admissions a year of whom over 50% are discharged to home. The average length of stay is 13 days and full diagnostic services are available at nearby Llandough Hospital. There is an active Day Care Unit where alternative therapies such as hypnotherapy and reflexology are available. Minor treatments including blood transfusions and paracentesis are undertaken on a day care basis. There are four Marie Curie community nurses working from Holme Tower and there is close liaison with both a home care team run by the George Thomas Trust and with Tenovus Cancer Information Centre to prevent duplication of service. There are two outpatient clinics one at Llandough Hospital (2 miles away) and the other at Velindre Hospital, the cancer centre. There is a bereavement service for relatives of patients known to Holme Tower. VELINDRE HOSPITAL is the regional cancer centre for South East Wales. At Velindre Hospital palliative medicine advice is provided by Professor and a Consultant, two Specialist Registrars in Palliative Medicine and a Macmillan nurse .The team sees in the region of 800 referrals a year. Velindre Hospital undertakes all clinical oncology for South East Wales. There are nineteen Consultant Clinical Oncologists and thirteen specialist registrars in oncology; all have a commitment to liaise and work with palliative medicine. There are full diagnostic radiology services for oncology patients at Velindre, including MRI. PET scanning is being commissioned. Velindre Hospital has a total of 87 beds and currently about 70% of the workload involves non-curative anti-cancer treatments, which are aimed at prolonging life. The Certificate/Diploma/ MSc in Palliative Medicine is organised from Velindre and the administration base is there. Cancer Relief Macmillan Fund funded the initial development of the Diploma in 1989; the Diploma has been extended into a Masters Degree now in its sixth year. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF WALES is the main teaching hospital for the Cardiff University School of Medicine. This post will form the medical component with a consultant of the Palliative Care Team at the University Hospital of Wales along with three hospital Macmillan Nurses. The team receives 1000 referrals at a year and 15% of these patients have non-malignant disease. All areas of the hospital make referrals to the team including tertiary services of Cardiology, Haematology, Nephrology and Neurology. There is a wellestablished close working relationship with neurology, haematology and pain management services and opportunity to attend chronic pain and motor neurone disease clinics. Opportunity may also be given for trainees to gain experience of other specialist tertiary services. In addition the trainee will spend some of 5 the placement in Llandough Hospital with Dr Byrne where experience in management of both malignant and non-malignant lung disease and gynaecological cancers can be gained. Y BWTHYN NEWYDD UNIT, PRINCESS OF WALES HOSPITAL, BRIDGEND is the District General Hospital for Bridgend and surrounding area. The palliative care department is run by Drs Pola Grzybowska and Fiona Rawlinson, with a retirement vacancy to be filled shortly. The department is responsible for 8 inpatient beds, a Day Hospital with up to 20 patients a session, 4 days a week at Y Bwthyn Newydd a specialist purpose built unit developed with Macmillan , a Day Hospital with up to 20 patients a session, 4 days a week. Y Bwthyn is also the clinical base for the integrated hospital, community, day care Macmillan nursing team. The post allows the Specialist Registrar opportunity to see the interface of palliative medicine in a with all departments and professional groups in the busy District General Hospital as well as opportunity for experience with community services. The department has embraced new technology; Canisc (our local Cancer information electronic clinical record) is available throughout the trust, this supports us being virtually paper free and provides excellent access to our clinical record across our trust. This post at times may occasionally provide some support to the DHG in Neath Port Talbot. TY OLWEN, MORRISTON HOSPITAL, SWANSEA Ty Olwen Palliative Care Service, Swansea NHS Trust provides specialist inpatient care, in a newly refurbished 20-bed inpatient unit, situated on the campus of a busy hospital which has a range of secondary and tertiary services including regional cardiac centre, renal unit, neurosurgical services and the national centre for Burns and Plastic surgery. The service and its administration are based in Morriston Hospital .As designated Cancer Centre, the Lung, Urological and Neuroncology Cancer teams are based on the Morriston Hospital Campus together with Facio-Maxillary surgery. The inpatient unit receives huge benefit from access to diagnostic services in radiology and pathology as well as support from colleagues in respiratory medicine gastroenterology etc. There is a strong multidisciplinary team in the inpatient unit, which includes physiotherapy, occupational therapy, chaplains, social worker and pharmacist. The service provides a Trust-wide Hospital Palliative Care team, which supports patients and families in the Department of Radiotherapy and Oncology. There is a whole floor dedicated to oncology and haematology inpatient care and considerable team activity is focused here but there are many other patients in surgical , gynaecological and medical beds throughout the hospital .The team is well supported by diagnostic services. The Hospital Palliative Care team regularly supports 9 Cancer MDTs. The Community Palliative Care Team provides a unique opportunity with a full multidisciplinary approach to patient care and has on average about 130 patients in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot. There is a Day Care Service at Ty Olwen offering places for patients on three days per week and the medical team in the Community respond to requests for medical advice in this patient group. There is a strong culture of audit. Many of the CNS and medical team undertake postgraduate degree courses. Education and teaching are important components of our service and is now even more important with the growing School of Medicine and the important relationship with Swansea University. Planning to expand the service to meet the need of patients with other diseases than cancer is advancing. ROYAL GWENT HOSPITAL The Royal Gwent Hospital is a busy 700 bedded DGH serving the surrounding population of Gwent. The hospital based team is lead by Dr Simon Noble and consists of an Associate Specialist and a team of Clinical Nurse Specialists. The surrounding population has a greater proportion of non malignant terminal disease patients than those with cancer and this is reflected in the clinical caseload. The trainee will have opportunity to attend heart failure, chronic lung disease and neurodegenerative disease clinics as well as participate in joint oncology clinics. The team works closely with the neighbouring St Anne’s Hospice and the Community services provided by the St David’s Foundation and Hospice of the Valleys. Trainees will be encouraged to spend time with each local provider. Rotational Opportunities: The following departments have indicated that they would welcome rotation from the Specialist Registrar in Palliative Medicine to spend however much time would be desirable to ensure a full education has been obtained from this post:- Paediatric Oncology & Palliative Care Dr Richard Hain is a Senior Lecturer in Paediatric Palliative Medicine and all trainees will rotate through an attachment to the department as part of their training. 6 Medical Genetics Professor Julian Samson’s department of Medical Genetics is one of the leading departments in the United Kingdom. Experience with any of genetically related disease groups including the cancer genetics department could be easily arranged. 4. CLINICAL DUTIES OF POST Clinical 1. To participate in providing advice on symptom control to doctors in the area requesting advice. 2. Maintenance of accurate medical records and accurate prescription records. 3. Attendance at the Outpatient Clinic attached to that post, to see new and follow up patients as required. 4. To work as part of a multi-disciplinary team and liaise with other professionals within the team as appropriate. 5. To communicate clinical decisions and advice to the Consultants responsible for the patients care. 6. To supervise junior staff where appropriate. 7. To communicate rapidly and accurately with the patient’s General Practitioner about the patient’s condition and to ensure that the General Practitioner has been notified immediately on the death of the patient. Teaching Teaching is a major commitment of Palliative Medicine in Wales. The Specialist Registrar would be expected to attend teaching sessions as appropriate and to undertake a variety of different teaching activities to provide training in teaching and education principles, particularly small group discussion and group facilitation, lecture preparation and delivery, in medical students for final MBBCH and OSCE format. The department of Palliative Medicine is involved in teaching medical students throughout MB ChB as well as doctors from overseas and other disciplines. Research Research is an important aspect of palliative medicine in Wales. The post holder will be actively encouraged to undertake research interest and develop a research project within a short time of coming into post. Those wishing to pursue an MD will be actively encouraged to do so. Administrative duties The successful applicant will be expected to be involved in the organisation of the on-call rota, liaison with GPs and Journal Club. Participation in audit To participate in palliative medicine audit programmes at all units and to participate in the All Wales Audit as that becomes established over the next few years. Location of duties In South Wales Holme Tower Marie CurieHospice, Bridgeman Road, Penarth, South Glamorgan Velindre Hospital, Whitchurch, Cardiff University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff Llandough Hospital, Penarth Y Bwthyn Newydd Unit, Princess of Wales Hospital, Bridgend Ty Olwen Palliative Care Service, Morriston Hospital, Swansea Royal Gwent Hospital Newport George Thomas trust Hospice Cardiff Occasional duties in case of emergency The junior doctor accepts that he/she will also perform duties and occasional emergencies in unforeseen circumstances at the request of the Consultant in Palliative Medicine, in consultation where practical with his or her colleagues both senior and junior. It has been agreed between the professions and the department that while juniors accept that they will perform such duties, the Secretary of State stresses that additional 7 commitments arising under this sub-section are exceptional and in particular that juniors should not be required to undertake work of this kind for prolonged periods on a regular basis. 5 5.1 STUDY AND TRAINING. Postgraduate training This post is recognised for postgraduate training and covers all aspects as specified in the APM curriculum document. Supervision of postgraduate training is undertaken by the Specialist Training Committee who will carry out the annual appraisal interviews of all Specialist Registrars in Palliative Medicine. The members of this committee are Professor Ilora Finlay, Dr. Ian Back, Dr. Melanie Jefferson, Dr Helen Taylor, Dr Idris Baker, Dr Anthony Byrne, Dr Nicki Pease, Dr Matt Makin, Dr Andy Fowell, Dr Simon Noble, Dr Fiona Rawlinson and Dr Pola Grzybowska. All Specialist Registrars will have opportunity to attend the generic curriculum organised by the Postgraduate Dean’s office, the topics of which include managerial skills, ethics and medical law, communication skills, teaching techniques and Health Informatics. 5.2 Facilities for study leave Study time has been incorporated in the timetable of both posts to ensure that the post holder undertakes sufficient reading and studying. The Diploma and MSc in Palliative Medicine are available for Specialist Registrars to participate in over the course of their training. 5.3 Library Facilities Library facilities are available through the Cardiff University School of Medicine at UHW and Swansea Clinical School, Velindre Hospital, Royal Gwent Hospital, Princess of Wales Hospital, Bridgend and Morriston Hospital, Swansea. The CDROM search facilities are easily accessible in all these venues (booking is required at UHW). The library at Llandough Hospital is a general medical library. The library at Velindre Hospital is a specialist oncology library. Holme Tower has a small collection of specialist reference textbooks. 5.4 Other postgraduate medical education courses There is a wide range of courses/study days organised by the local Postgraduate Medical Education Department. All junior staff are encouraged to attend APM study days and other relevant courses where possible. 6. CONDITIONS OF SERVICE. 6.1 Specialist Registrar posts are covered by the terms and conditions of service for hospital, medical and dental staff, which should be read in conjunction with the general Whitley Council conditions of service. 6.2 The posts are full time and the hours of duty are a standard working week of forty hours. In addition to this the post holder must be available for non-resident on call. If on call the candidate must be resident within 25 miles of Holme Tower when on call for SE Wales and within one hours drive when working in Swansea. The rotas are New Deal compliant. Remuneration for out-of-hours work is paid appropriate to the “banding” of these posts, in accordance with the junior doctor pay deal and contract. 6.3 The salary scale is as pro rata. 7. OTHER FACILITIES. The University Hospital of Wales has a large sports and social club to which the applicant would be eligible to join. There is ample free parking at Holme Tower and Velindre and pay and display car parks at University Hospital of Wales, Llandough Hospital, Princess of Wales Hospital Singleton Hospital and Morriston Hospital. South Wales has a regular inter-city train service to London Paddington and a good regional network of rail and bus services as well as road links. 8. CONDITIONS OF APPOINTMENT. 8.1 The essential qualifications are as outlined in the person specification for the posts. 8.2 The completion of a satisfactory health questionnaire is a condition of the appointment. 8.3 Owing to the vulnerability of those receiving health care, this post is exempt from provisions of Section 4(2) of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. Details of any criminal convictions you may have 8 had must be disclosed; failing to do so could result in dismissal. Any information given will be completely confidential and will be considered only in relation to an application for positions to which the order applies. 8.4 Medical staff are required to be registered with the General Medical Council. 8.5 The post holder must comply with the UK Capital Health Departments guidance on “Protecting Health Care Workers and Patients from Hepatitis B” (PSM (93) 12). 8.6 Removal Expenses The terms and conditions of service state: “removal expenses shall be reimbursed and grants paid only when the employing authority is satisfied that the removal of the practitioners home is required and that the arrangements proposed are reasonable”. As the Specialist Registrar posts are partly funded from charitable sources, the control over removal expenses will need to be stringent. Therefore, successful candidates are advised not to enter into contractual arrangements for the removal of the home until such time as formal approval is confirmed in writing. 9. DATE POST BECOMES VACANT Start date to be agreed. VISITING Candidates for the South Wales Rotation wishing to make an informal visit may do so by making direct arrangements with Dr. Melanie Jefferson at University Hospital of Wales (02920 743377) or Consultants at other centres in the rotation. 9