Modified from Madeline Hunters Lesson Plan Design

McGovern 1
Lesson Plan (1)
Class: Spanish I
Grade Level: Freshmen
Unit: Unidad 3 Etapa 3 (Día 1)
Teacher: Kelly McGovern
Students will be able to use direct object pronouns. Students will be able to use direct object
pronouns with conjugated and infinitive verbs. Students will be able to answer questions without
repetitive use of the noun (replacing nouns that are used as direct objects with pronouns).
Students will be to use the personal “a”
Iowa Core Curriculum-Subject Area Standard
Communication: Communicate in Languages Other Than English
 Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and
emotions, and exchange opinions.
 Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
 Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a
variety of topics.
Comparisons: Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture
 Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparison of the
language studied and their own
Essential Question
Can you replace nouns that are being used as direct objects with pronouns in statements and in
questions and answers? Do you have it? Yes, I have it.
Anticipatory Set
Quick Start Review: Gender affiliation with nouns and their articles.
Example: el abrigo, el paraguas, las plantas, el bosque, la bufanda, los árboles…
Teaching: Activities
 Introduce Direct Object Pronouns with powerpoint
 Powerpoint DOP practice with white boards as a class
 Homework: Activities from textbook: Act. 14 (page 231)
 Cooperative Learning Activity (as described in closure)
Cooperative Learning Activity: Have students work in groups of 4. Student 1 writes a verb
(tener). Student 2 writes a logical noun (perro). Student 3 writes a logical sentence (Marta tiene
un perro). Student 4 writes a follow-up sentence using a direct object pronoun (Lo tiene en el
parque hoy). The group evaluates the 2 sentences. Then Students 2 writes a verb and the activity
continues so that each student participates in each part of the activity. –Will be written and
handed in as a group at the end of class.
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Independent Practice
White board practice is done individually and shown to teacher when each student finishes. The
teacher will say the phrase in English (question) students will write it in Spanish. The students
will then proceed to answer the question in Spanish by using D.O.P.s.
*Student will be given homework for more practice
Homework: Activity 14 on page 231
¿Qué compra? Sigue el modelo: Roberto: el guante de béisbol
Tú: ¿Roberto compra el guante de béisbol?
Otro(a) estudiante: Sí, lo compra.
(1) Diana: los patines
(2) Ignacio: la raqueta
(3) Roberto: las pelotas
(4) Jose: las pesas
(5) Edwardo: el casco
(6) Lucho: los bates
(7) María: la patineta
(8) Rocío: el traje de baño
(9) Miguel: la bola
Cooperative Learning Activity will be used to check the students understanding.
Spanish book
Paper & writing utensil
Duration: 45 minutes
 Quick Start Review: Articles: feminine & masculine (5 min)
o Check homework while students work on QSR
 Present/Introduce Gramática: Direct Object Pronouns & Personal “a” (15 min)
 Class practice (done independently): white board activity (10 min)
 Group work: Cooperative Learning Activity (15 min)
 Homework: Independent bookwork activities 14 with DOPs
Extra explanation:
Modified from Madeline Hunters Lesson Plan Design
McGovern 3
Lesson Plan (2)
Class: Spanish I
Grade Level: Freshmen
Unit: Unidad 3 Etapa 3 (Día 2)
Teacher: Kelly McGovern
Students will be able to conjugate the verb “estar” in the present tense. Students will be able to
conjugate –AR, -ER, and –IR verbs in the present progressive tense (regular and irregular).
Students will be able to say what is happening (an action) right now using the present
progressive tense.
Iowa Core Curriculum-Subject Area Standard
Communication: Communicate in Languages Other Than English
 Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and
emotions, and exchange opinions.
 Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
 Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a
variety of topics.
Comparisons: Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture
 Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparison of the
language studied and their own
Essential Question
What is happening right now? What am I doing? What are [you/he/she/them/we] doing?
¿Qué estoy/estás/están/estáis/estamos haciendo?
Anticipatory Set
Have students write down activities that they enjoy and use the verbs as the bowl words that are
used later in the lesson.
Teaching: Activities
 Powerpoint and worksheet to present & practice the new grammar (page 232)
 Multiple Intelligences Kinesthetic: Charades: In groups of 4 (or pods), each student will
have the opportunity to choose from a bowl containing various verbs and act out the
action. The others in the pod have to describe these actions using the present progressive
Teacher observes the progress from the white board activity.
Independent Practice
The worksheet will be used as a way of measuring how the students are understanding the
McGovern 4
Writing utensil
Spanish book
Bowl or container
Cards with action verbs written on them
Duration: 45 minutes
 Check homework during the Quick Start Review (5 min)
 Go over homework with correct answers (5)
 Present Gramática: Gerunds & Present Progressive Tense (15 min)
o Student fill in sections 1,2,3,5
o Contains built in class practice for conjugating –AR, -ER, -IR verbs into the
present progressive: use white boards (+10 min)
 Charades game (10 min)
 Assign homework during the last few minutes of game:
o Homework: Side one of worksheet (section 4)
o Each student brings in 2-3 pictures of people doing activities for which they have
learned the vocabulary.
 Extra explanation:
 Additional assignment for extra practice:
Links to a website where students can study vocabulary. This particular link provides extra
practice with conjugating in the present progressive tense with flash cards. The “study” options
include speller, learn, and test. There are also games: scatter & space race to help students
practice in a way that is more fun that flash cards and quizzes. Students will record their learn
score, test score, best scatter score, and speller score to provide some insight to the teacher as to
how the students are doing with the material.
Modified from Madeline Hunters Lesson Plan Design
McGovern 5
Lesson Plan (3)
Class: Spanish I
Grade Level: Freshmen
Unit: Unidad 3 Etapa 3 (Día 3)
Teacher: Kelly McGovern
Students will know how to use the present progressive tense with direct object pronouns.
Student will understand the structure of questions and sentences that utilize direct object
pronouns and present progressive tense.
Iowa Core Curriculum-Subject Area Standard
Communication: Communicate in Languages Other Than English
 Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and
emotions, and exchange opinions.
 Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
 Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a
variety of topics.
Comparisons: Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture
 Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparison of the
language studied and their own
Essential Question
What is happening right now? What am I doing? What are [you/he/she/them/we] doing?
¿Qué estás haciendo?
Anticipatory Set
Quick Start Review: Describe the actions on the pictures using the present progressive tense of
the action verbs.
Teaching: Activities
Quick Start Review: Gerunds and DOP review describing pictures
Worksheet (side 2)
“Gusano” game: Take turns rolling the die on player’s turn. Move the appropriate amount of
spaces as signified by die #1. Each space has a phrase that will need to be conjugated into the
present progressive. Die #2 will tell the player into which form to conjugate it. If the student
answers correctly, the player remains on the space and waits for next turn. If not, student moves
back where he/she was before the roll. If player lands on the “pass” space, the student must
answer correctly on the first attempt to pass through. Answers provided on answer game sheet.
Review and go over worksheet. The teacher will observe students understanding of the material
during the Gusano game.
Independent Practice
Worksheets will be independent work for each student. During the game, each student answers
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The worksheet will be used to evaluate the understanding of each student. The teacher will also
being walking around the classroom during the game to observe how each student is
understanding the material.
Worksheet (side 2)
Game sheets (game and answer sheet)
Dice for each pair of students
Duration: 45 minutes
 Check in homework during Quick Start Review (5 min)
 Go over homework with correct answers (5 min)
 Present Gramática: Attaching DOPs to Present Progressive –refer to DOP powerpoint (10
 Worksheet (sections 6,7,8,9) & oral review as a class (15 min)
 “Gusano” game: 2 players per game (10 min)
Modified from Madeline Hunters Lesson Plan Design
McGovern 7
Lesson Plan (4)
Class: Spanish I
Grade Level: Freshmen
Unit: Unidad 3 Etapa 3 (Día 4)
Teacher: Kelly McGovern
Review day: Students will know how to use the present progressive tense with direct object
pronouns. Students will master this material for the test tomorrow.
Iowa Core Curriculum-Subject Area Standard
Communication: Communicate in Languages Other Than English
 Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and
emotions, and exchange opinions.
 Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
 Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a
variety of topics.
Comparisons: Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture
 Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparison of the
language studied and their own
Essential Question
What is happening? ¿Qué estoy/estás/están/estáis/estamos haciendo?
Anticipatory Set
Quick Start Review: As students enter the computer lab, greet them with a question: ¿Qué estás
hacienda? Each student should be able to understand and respond with an appropriate answer
along the lines of: Estoy trabajando en mi español. Estoy estudiando español.
Teaching: Activities
Go to Computer Lab to review and master direct object pronouns and present progressive tense.
Students will go to the following links for practice
Students will record their scores in the following categories:
Study: Learn Score __________
Test Score __________
Games: Best Scatter Score__________
Best Space Race Score __________
Recap and go over everything that students should be able to do for the test tomorrow.
Independent Practice
Quizlet activities are to be done individually.
Students will hand in their score cards. The teacher will walk around the room to answer any
questions the students might have and to see how well they are doing with the exercises.
McGovern 8
Computers in the computer lab
Score cards (with internet cite and score spaces)
Duration: 45 minutes
Quizlet link #1 (about 20 minutes)
Quizlet link #2 (about 20 minutes)
Last minute questions (5 min)
Modified from Madeline Hunters Lesson Plan Design
McGovern 9
Lesson Plan (5)
Class: Spanish I
Grade Level: Freshmen
Unit: Unidad 3 Etapa 3 (Día 5)
Teacher: Kelly McGovern
Students will show their understanding of the material of the unit with direct object pronouns and
the present progressive tense by taking an exam.
Iowa Core Curriculum-Subject Area Standard
Communication: Communicate in Languages Other Than English
 Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and
emotions, and exchange opinions.
 Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
 Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a
variety of topics.
Comparisons: Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture
 Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparison of the
language studied and their own
Essential Question
What is happening? ¿Qué estoy/estás/están/estáis/estamos haciendo? ¿Tienes algo? Sí, lo tengo.
Anticipatory Set
Ask for any last minute questions to answer in the first 5 minutes of class. Go over the test and
what each section entails. Students begin the test.
Teaching: Activities
Unit Test is attached.
Students hand in the test and have a night fee of homework.
Independent Practice
Test is to be done independently.
The teacher will walk around the room to answer any questions. The test will be used as the
means to measure the progress of the students.
Exam & pencil or pen
Duration: 45 minutes
Quizlet link #1 (about 20 minutes)
Quizlet link #2 (about 20 minutes)
Last minute questions (5 min)