Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control and Southern Methodist University Product Development Process Improvement Report Final Report Prepared for: Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control Prepared by: Southern Methodist University School of Engineering Engineering Management, Information and Systems Department Systems Engineering Program Dr. Jerrell T. Stracener Dr. Richard S. Barr Dr. Stephen A. Szygenda, P.E. Dr. Mitch A. Thornton, P.E. Dr. George W.Choller, P.E. Dr. Susan G. Vandiver, P.E. May 31, 2006 Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary 2.0 Statement of Tasks and Deliverables 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.0 Task 1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.0 Objectives Methodology Results Conclusions Task 2 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5.0 Survey of CMMI and Lean Enterprise Modeling Techniques Recommendations Recommendations for Further Study and Analysis Execution of Tasks Final Report Deliverables Objectives Methodology Results 4.3.1 Tailoring Activity Research Results 4.3.2 Additional CMMI Related Research Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) General Motors Cycle-Time Improvements Conclusions Task 3 and 4 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Objectives Methodology Results 5.3.1 Requirements-Based Cost Modeling Process 5.3.2 Program Architecture Development Process Conclusions 6.0 Summary 1.0 Executive Summary This project is the first step for collaboration between LMMFC and Southern Methodist University to develop strategies for achieving effective productivity levels while 2 maintaining compliance with the Capability Maturity Model, Integrated™ (CMMI). The effort of this project consists of five tasks as described in the following paragraphs. Task 1 The goal of Task 1 is to explore methods for optimizing the benefits gained from investment in CMMI based organizational standard process through intelligent application of productivity enhancement initiatives already existent within the LMMFC business enterprise and exploration of other potential initiatives which are not yet part of the LMMFC culture. Southern Methodist University Systems Engineering program personnel (SMU SE) developed a process and flow chart to investigate and document initiatives, which have potential to apply to CMMI Level 5: optimizing. The process includes identifying initiatives, performing literature survey, documenting the information, relating the initiative to CMMI Level 5 practices, identifying whether the initiative is current or emerging, adding the results and references to the CMMI Identification Table spreadsheet, and providing recommendations. Task 2 The goal of Task 2 is to explore program types and characteristics that will lead to a classification scheme for tailoring the LMMFC Organizational Standard Process (OSP) for specific programs and/or projects. Also included in the tailoring algorithm are program dominant factors and weighting according to the desired program objectives. Southern Methodist University systems engineering program personnel performed extensive research of tailoring activities using the internet and other resources including company private documents. The research findings are invaluable for knowledge of tailoring activities and future study; however, they provide no specific guidelines, algorithms, or processes for tailoring program functions based upon program classifications and weighting. SMU SE developed a tailoring process flow diagram, which includes the LMMFC OSP as the input and the tailored OSP as the output. The project type and project characteristics determine the program classification scheme. The tailoring algorithm is determined by the program classification, dominant program factors, and weighting criteria. Excel spreadsheets are used as examples of the program classification scheme. Task 3 Recommendations for further study include, but are not limited to, a Requirements-Based Cost Modeling Process and a Program Architecture Development Process. Task 4 3 The effort to complete Task 3 and other LMMFC/SMU collaboration projects shall be mutually agreed-to including analyses and reports to convey the findings and status of the research. Task 5 This document completes Task 5, the final report. 2.0 Statement of Task and Deliverables 2.1 Survey of CMMI and Lean Enterprise Modeling Techniques Task 1 LMMFC shall provide initial CMMI and Lean Enterprise references to SMU SE to for use as a point-of-departure body of knowledge to initiate this effort. LMMFC’s experiences with CMMI compliance and lean analysis techniques (including Axiomatic Design theory as applied to manufacturing operations) will provide a baseline of information to form a shared picture of the problem domain. SMU SE shall add those information resources deemed pertinent and useful to this effort where applicable. It is the intent of this task to raise the knowledge level of both SMU SE and LMMFC on current and emerging theory, practices and approaches to system design, development, support process modeling and improvement. Task 2 LMMFC shall provide examples of process tailoring and program characteristics for existing programs. From this baseline, SMU SE shall perform a study to determine a program classification scheme and the dominant factors that should be used in tailoring the application of the LMMFC Organizational Standard Process (OSP) to specific program types. Where applicable, the recommendations shall be accompanied by techniques to be used in determining the extent of effect associated with each discriminating factor. 2.2 Recommendations Task 1 SMU SE shall conduct a study to analyze the Specific Practices that constitute the CMMI Level 5 Process Areas of Organizational Innovation and Deployment and Causal Analysis Resolution and make specific recommendations as to the application of LEAN methods in the development of LMMFC organizational processes to satisfy the requirements. Task 2 4 SMU SE shall develop and propose a set of program classifications and weighting criteria used for guidance in OSP tailoring activities. 2.3 Recommendations for Further Study and Analysis Task 3 SMU SE shall provide suggestions for further study and analysis, including estimations for resource needs and time durations, in order to define further the research tasks and to communicate to LMMFC the direction(s) of focus. The culmination of this task shall be a formal acknowledgment by LMMFC of SMU intentions and plans. Agreed-to tasking shall not exceed allowable funding or time constraints for the effort detailed in this Statement of Work. 2.4 Execution of Tasks Task 4 SMU SE shall execute the mutually agreed-to plans and tasks from 2.3, above, developing required analyses and reports as required for LMMFC’s use to convey the findings and status of the research effort. 2.5 Final Report Task 5 SMU SE shall develop a final report detailing the findings of the research tasks and recommendations for increased performance in product development process management and improvement practice. 2.6 Deliverables Task Task/ Subtask Description Deliverables Quantity Task Start Percent Delivery Total Effort SOW Schedule Reference 1 Task 1 Outbrief Briefing, informal report 1 Hard Copy 15 Nov 2005 9 Mar 2006 50 2.1, 2.2 2 Task 2 Outbrief Briefing, informal report 1 Hard Copy 20 Feb 2006 14 Apr 2006 30 2.1, 2.2 3 Recommendations Briefing for further study 1 Hard Copy 3 Apr 2006 4 May 2006 5 2.3 4 Execution of Study tasks Briefing 1 Hard Copy 8 May 2006 26 May 2006 10 2.4 5 Final Report Briefing, 1 Hard formal report Copy, 1 CD ROM 15 May 2006 31 May 2006 5 2.5 3.0 Task 1 5 3.1 Objectives An objective of Task 1 is to raise the knowledge level of both SMU SE and LMMFC on current and emerging theory, practices and approaches to system design, development, support process modeling and improvement. SMU SE shall provide a study and recommendations for the application of emerging initiatives applicable to CMMI Level 5 Process Areas of Organizational Innovation and Deployment, and Causal Analysis Resolution requirements. 3.2 Methodology The SMU research team used systems engineering principles and practices. They developed a process for performing the research on the initiatives and their application to CMMI Level 5 Optimization. Thus, LMMFC could use this process for further investigation of alternative initiatives. The application of this process is demonstrated through examples of identified initiatives. 3.3 Results The flowchart shown in Figure 1 represents the SMU process to identify and document initiatives, which are applicable to Innovation and Deployment and/or Causal Analysis Resolution. Identify an initiative that has potential to apply to Maturity Level 5: Optimizing Perform literature survey of initiative – web, books, magazines, conferences, professional organizations, corporate literature Document using the Documentation Tab Format Does initiative relate to a CMMI Level 5: Optimization Practice No Yes Identify the status of initiative: current or emerging Add Results to the CMMI Table and Add Pertinent References No Document Results and Provide Recommendations Yes Literature survey complete Figure 1 Flow Chart of the SMU Process The selection criterion for an initiative, which has potential to apply to Maturity Level 5, includes the following items. 6 • • • May provide incremental and innovative improvement of the organization’s: – Processes and/or – Technologies May provide guidelines and recommendations for identifying causes of defects and other problems May provide guidelines and recommendations for defect prevention The spreadsheet developed by SMU SE includes all of the following: • • • • • Identified initiatives References Process flow chart Documentation completed for each initiative Quality Function Deployment (QFD) flow-down of the initiatives to CMMI Level 5 SMU SE provides the initiative documentation by entries into the CMMI Level 5 Documentation tab of the spreadsheet. The tasks for the researcher and items, which are entered into the spreadsheet, include the following elements. • • • • • • • • • Determine the main category, in which the initiative is representative, i.e., quality, management, production, design, reliability, etc. Describe the central idea of the initiative. History – Start year – Created by – Companies who have used it successfully List of key elements of initiative – Describe key element – Describe benefits of each key element Describe how the initiative relates to a specific CMMI Level 5 Goal and Practice. – Specify which CMMI Level 5 Goal and Practice to which it relates. Document whether the initiative status is current or emerging. Document the group reference number and reference information. If the information relates to a CMMI Level 5 practice, enter the reference number in the Excel spreadsheet, CMMI Level 5 Initiative Identification Table. Enter the reference data in the Reference tab data sheet. Flow-down of the identified initiatives to the Goals and Practices to meet the requirements of CMMI Level 5 is performed by the QFD sheets of the spreadsheet. 3.4 Conclusions 7 SMU conducted the study and determined that the following initiatives have application to Specific Practices of CMMI Level 5 Process Areas of Organization Innovation and Deployment and Causal Analysis Resolution. Lean Six Sigma Axiomatic Design Systematic Innovation Systems Engineering Innovation Systems Engineering Leading Indicators Prognostic Health Maintenance Enterprise Systems Engineering Intrapreneurship and Innovation Product Development Analysis & Optimization SMU SE documents the initiatives identification with a CMMI Level 5 Specific Practice in a spreadsheet format. The enclosed Excel® spreadsheet file labeled “CMMI Level 5 and Initiatives with QFD” contains the data. The summary CMMI Table and References sheets, QFD sheets, and detailed initiative information are linked within the spreadsheet. The results of Task 1 provide a systems engineering process for further investigation of initiatives, which are applicable to CMMI Level 5 Optimization. SMU SE demonstrates the use of the process in the examples of the initiatives identified previously. This is by no means an exhaustive list nor have the initiatives been thoroughly examined in this task. 4.0 Task 2 4.1 Objectives The objective of this task is to explore program types and characteristics that will lead to a classification scheme for tailoring the LMMFC Organizational Standard Process (OSP) for specific programs and/or projects. Also included in the tailoring algorithm are program dominant factors and weighting according to the desired program objectives. 4.2 Methodology The Southern Methodist University systems engineering research team performed extensive research of tailoring activities using the internet and other resources including company private documents. SMU SE used a systems engineering top down approach for developing the tailoring process flow diagram. 4.3 Results 4.3.1 Tailoring Activity Research Results 8 The tailoring process flow diagram developed by SMU SE, shown in Figure 2, includes the LMMFC OSP as the input and the tailored OSP as the output. SMU SE uses the project type and project characteristics to determine the program classification scheme. The tailoring algorithm is determined by the program classification, dominant program factors, and weighting criteria. The enclosed Excel® spreadsheet entitled “Program Classification” illustrates the program classification scheme. The enclosed Excel® spreadsheet entitled “Acquisition Phase vs. Program Activities” provides examples of opportunities for tailoring program activities based upon the life cycle phase of the program. Project Project Type Type Project Project Characteristics Characteristics Program Program Classification Classification Tailoring Tailoring Algorithm Algorithm OSP OSP Dominant Dominant Factors Factors Tailored TailoredOSP OSP With With Recommended Recommended Program Program Function Function Tasks Tasks Weighting Weighting Criteria Criteria Figure 2 Tailoring Process Diagram SMU SE identified the project type by the phase of the project life cycle in which it resides. These types include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Research Concept Refinement Technology Development System Redesign System Demonstration and Test Production & Deployment Operations & Support Retirement Project characteristics used to determine tailoring include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Type of Contract (Cost Plus, Fixed Price) Sole Source/Competitive Project or Contract Duration Program Budget Product Type 9 6. Number of Systems 7. Customer 8. Measure of Priority The program classification scheme will be based upon the project type and project characteristics. Previous LMMFC programs may be used as case studies. LMMFC will determine the dominant factors for each program/project. The dominant factors may include cost/budget, schedule, available talent/staffing, and risk assessment. A weighting criteria will be developed based upon the desired program objectives such as future business considerations, schedule versus cost trade-offs, and available personnel. The weighting criteria will include a correlation of independent and dependent factors such as contract type and customer, program type and number of systems, and program budget and duration, just to name a few. The tailoring algorithm, to be developed will use the LMMFC Organizational Standard Process (OSP) as the starting point for tailoring. Program classification, dominant factors, and weighting criteria will be factors used in the algorithm for tailoring the OSP for a specific program/project. The goal of the resulting tailored OSP is to meet the objectives of the enterprise. 4.3.2 Additional CMMI Related Research During the performance of Task 2 addition information was obtained which was deemed pertinent to CMMI Level 5 requirements. The first of these is the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and General Motors cycle time improvement as explained in the following paragraphs. Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) ITIL® (the IT Infrastructure Library) is the most widely accepted approach to IT service management in the world. ITIL provides a cohesive set of best practice, drawn from the public and private sectors internationally. A comprehensive qualifications scheme, accredited training organizations, and implementation and assessment tools support it. The best practice processes promoted in ITIL support, and supported by, the British Standards Institution's standard for IT service Management (BS15000). About ITIL • • ITIL is the only consistent and comprehensive documentation of best practice for IT Service Management. Used by many hundreds of organizations around the world, a whole ITIL philosophy has grown up around the guidance contained within the ITIL books and the supporting professional qualification scheme. ITIL consists of a series of books giving guidance on the provision of quality IT services, and on the accommodation and environmental facilities needed to support IT. ITIL was developed in recognition of organizations' growing dependency on IT and embodies best practices for IT Service Management. 10 • • The ethos behind the development of ITIL is the recognition that organizations are becoming increasingly dependent on IT in order to satisfy their corporate aims and meet their business needs. This leads to an increased requirement for high quality IT services. ITIL provides the foundation for quality IT Service Management. The widespread adoption of the ITIL guidance has encouraged organizations worldwide, both commercial and non-proprietary, to develop supporting products as part of a shared 'ITIL Philosophy'. What is ITIL? • • • • ITIL is best practice in IT Service Management, developed by OGC and supported by publications, qualifications and an international user group. ITIL intent is to assist organizations to develop a framework for IT Service Management. Worldwide, ITIL is the most widely used best practice for IT Service Management. The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is a set of rules for how to deliver IT services more efficiently by improving management processes across IT departments that support networks, applications, databases and systems. Developed in 1992 and maintained by the U.K.'s Office of Government Commerce, ITIL originally served as a set of standards that service providers had to follow to deliver IT services to the British government. After its inception, public companies realized the benefits and implemented parts of ITIL in their internal IT departments. Who is ITIL for? • • ITIL is aimed toward: – IT service providers – CIOs It will also inform: – Business managers – Customers & end-users involved in building good relationships with their IT service providers What are the benefits of using ITIL? • ITIL provides a systematic and professional approach to the management of IT service provision. Adopting its guidance can provide such benefits as: – reduced costs – improved IT services through the use of proven best practice processes – improved customer satisfaction through a more professional approach to service delivery – available standards and guidance – improved productivity – improved use of skills and experience 11 ITIL Users • • Proctor & Gamble representatives told about 1,000 attendees at the International IT Service Management Summit in Boston last week that the global company has saved about $500 million across multiple departments since beginning to streamline processes with ITIL four years ago. IT managers with tight budgets and growing demands might want to check out a set of best practices that have enterprises such as Proctor & Gamble and the U.S. Navy talking about its promise to cut costs and optimize services. General Motors Cycle-Time Improvements Obtained through contacts at General Motors, information is included regarding the cycle-time improvements achieved though increasing standardized assemblies granularity and centralized infrastructure. Information during a meeting with C. Triplett, global officer for manufacturing and quality at GM, it was learned that historically, new auto models were subject to a total redesign and re-use of sub-assemblies was minimal (unlike Toyota). Two key changes resulted in dramatic improvements in cycle-time. 1. 2. 4.4 Increase Standards Granularity • Instead of standardizing and re-using components • Design and standardize larger assemblies • Increase reuse of those assemblies that had been through rigorous process • Results: – Provisioning: from 4 months → 3 weeks – Utilization (reuse): 15% → 30% Centralize Infrastructure • Take infrastructure pieces away from application people and centralize • Application engineers focus on their core competencies – Not platform, architecture issues • Result: big improvements in cycle time and utilization Conclusions SMU SE conducted extensive research of tailoring activities using the internet and other resources including company private documents. The research findings are invaluable for knowledge of tailoring activities and future study; however, they provide no specific guidelines, algorithms, or processes for tailoring program functions based upon program classifications and weighting. The results of the research include the types and characteristics of programs, which lead to a classification scheme. By combining the classification scheme, dominant factors and weighting criteria based upon desired program objectives, an algorithm can be developed in the future for tailoring the LMMFC Organizational Standard Processes. 12 5.0 Tasks 3 and 4 5.1 Objectives The objective is for SMU SE to provide suggestions for further study and analysis. 5.2 Methodology Systems engineering principles and practice provide a high-level viewpoint enabling CMMI Level 5 (Optimizing) alternatives and activities. The purpose of Organizational Innovation and Deployment is to select and deploy incremental and innovative improvements that measurably improve the organization’s processes and technologies. The improvements support the organization’s quality and process-performance objectives as derived from the organization’s business objectives. 5.3 Results SMU SE recommended to LMMFC two areas of study for further research to support CMMI Level 5: Optimizing. Since process optimization requires quantitative modeling, the recommended research focuses on the development of models for designing and customizing organizational processes: a Requirements-Based Cost Modeling Process and a Program Architecture Development Process. 5.3.1 Requirements-Based Cost Modeling Process A federal Small Business Innovative Research initiative called for proposals as follows, but made no award. This research directly addresses one of the three fundamental process-design metrics: cost, schedule, and performance. The ability to collect operation and maintenance cost data across the life of a weapon system or other military product will also provide far greater visibility into total cost of ownership and other measures of life-cycle cost. This will enable the user community to identify quickly major areas of operations and support expense that can be modeled and analyzed for potential improvement, allowing upgrade and replacement decisions to be made with confidence that the savings promised will be the savings delivered. The model-based approach to product and process cost modeling, leading to enterprise wide cost management, is the proper solution path. Although most manufacturers rely heavily on modeling applications (i.e., spreadsheets or discrete financial models) to develop cost estimates, companies must begin to use integrated model-based systems. These systems will enable all the components of the enterprise to communicate the critical information needed to understand cost factors and impacts in a collaborative, realtime fashion to support business decisions. The objective of this project is to develop an open framework for a requirements-based cost modeling system suitable for application to complex product families. This 13 framework will include mechanisms for associating requirements to solution options and cost data sources, including material costs, labor costs, and process costs in the design, development, production, and operations phases of the life cycle. The framework will identify the components for use in the system, including existing assets such as taxonomies, feature definitions, and cost models. Innovative aspects of the system design shall be demonstrated in a series of selected LMMFC use cases. 5.3.2 Program Architecture Development Process There is a need for the corporation architecture to be adapted and molded to program architectures for different program types. The program architecture is adaptable to the rapidly changing global business environment. In response to this need the architecture provides a framework that is responsive to the customer’s requirements. A systemsengineering approach provides forward-looking high-level principles and practices to guide the development of program architectures. One drawback to this approach is that it is less reliant on previously acquired program data for analysis and outcome. Figure 3 shows a conceptual diagram of the flow-down of corporation architecture to the program architecture. Corporation Architecture Goals Mission Statement Organization & Personnel Infrastructure Flow down to Program with Tailoring - Type of Program Program N Family of Programs Program N Program Architecture Program Mission Statement Organization & Personnel Infrastructure Program A Program Architecture Program Mission Statement Organization & Personnel Infrastructure Figure 3 Program Architecture Concept 5.4 Conclusions SMU SE has provided for further study and analysis. The culmination of this task shall be a formal acknowledgment by LMMFC of SMU intentions and plans. 6.0 Summary The first phase for collaboration of LMMFC and SMU SE is complete. The provided strategies and recommendations assist LMMFC in performing the requirements for Capability Maturity Model, Integrated™ (CMMI) Level 5. 14 The SMU Research Team includes the following members: Dr. Jerrell Stracener Director of the Systems Engineering Program Scholar in Residence Dr. Stephen Szygenda, P.E. Cecil B. Green Chair in Engineering Previous Dean of the School of Engineering Professor Dr. Richard Barr Chair of the Engineering Management, Information and Systems Department Associate Professor Dr. Mitch Thornton Associate Professor Dr. George Chollar, P.E. President, Statistical Design Institute, LLC Adjunct Professor Dr. Susan Vandiver, P.E. Research Assistant 15