ECHE 311 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS Fall 2005, 11:00 AM. -12:15 PM T,TH, SWGN 2A 15 Professor: Office: Tel: Email: Web site: Office Hrs: Dr. Branko N. Popov 2C19 777-7314 Monday 11-12 am, Fri. 11-12 am and by appointment at 777-7314 or by email. Teaching Assistants: Vijayadurga Office: Email: Tel: Nallathambi 2B33 777-9541 Kirk A. Newman E-mail: Muthucumarasamyayyad Subasari Office: 2B 29 E mail: Tel: 777-9541 Textbook: Smith, Van Ness, and Abbott, “Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics” 7th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2005. Ref. Textbooks: Elliot and Lira, “Introduction to Applied Thermodynamics,” Prentice Hall PTR, 1999. K. S. Pitzer, “Thermodynamics,” 3rd Edition, Mc. Graw-Hill, 1995. Prerequisite: ENGR 290, Thermodynamic Fundamentals Course Objectives: The students will learn the concepts of chemical engineering systems, evaluation of thermodynamic property changes of pure materials, solution thermodynamics of single- 1 phase multicomponent systems, phase and chemical and electrochemical reaction equilibrium, electrochemical equilibrium. Computer Usage: Extensive use of spreadsheets, MathCad or Maple and graphing packages. Expected Knowledge: To pass this course the student must demonstrate that he/she knows how to set up and solve phase equilibrium problems recognize thermodynamic fundamentals and distinguish thermodynamic models(e.g. compressibility equation, Equations of State, activity coefficient models, etc). calculate vapor-liquid equilibrium (bubble point, dew point and flash). determine and locate-pure component thermochemical data. determine the Nernst potential , electrochemical equilibrium set up and solve problems in reaction equilibrium Grading: 2 exams 40% September 22, October 27 /2005 Weekly Quizzes 10% Homework 25%: Follow ChE Handbook Format* Final Exam 25%: Thursday, Dec. 9 @ 2:00 PM Comprehensive Total 100% *Homework must be submitted on time. Late homework will not be accepted unless valid reasons exist. Exams (open book) will be related to the homework and lecture material. 2 ECHE 311 Approximate Schedule, Fall 2005 Final Exam Friday December 9 @ 2:00 P.M Holidays September 5, Labor Day, October 13-14, (Fall Break), Nov 23-Nov 27, Thanksgiving Date Topic and Reading Comment Unit 1 First and Second Law/Equation of States/Residual Properties 8/18 Orientation. Review of Basic Concepts: Mass and Energy Balances: First day of class, Read SVNA Ch 1,2,4,, B .N .Popov “Handouts” 8/23 The Reversible Process, Enthalpy, Heat capacity: Read: SVNA Ch2 , B. N. Popov” Handouts “The Fist Law” 8/25 Second Law, Entropy, Read SVNA Ch. 5 thru Section 5.9, B.N. Popov Handouts ”The Second law of Thermodynamics,” 8/30 Properties of pure fluids: Equation of State-Virial Equation Read SVNA Ch.3, Problem Solving (P.S.) 9/1 Cubic Equations of State, Problem Solving 9/6 Generalized Correlations for Gases and Liquids, 9/8 Property Relations Homogeneous Phases, SVNA Section 6.1 6.2 9/13 Fundamental Equation: Homogeneous Phases, Residual Properties: Read SVNA Section 6.1 6.2, 6.3, (P. S). 9/15 Two phase systems / SVNA, Section 6.4, (P.S) Generalized Properties Correlation for Gases: SVNA, Section 6.7, (P.S). 9/20 Review Unit 1. 9/22 EXAM 1-Unit 1 Unit 2 Solution Thermodynamics Theory: Phase Equilibrium 9/27 Criterion for Phase Equilibrium: Chemical Potential, Read SVNA Ch.11 Section 11.1, and 11.2. (P.S) 3 9/29 Fugacity from an EOS-Pure Component, Read SVNA Section 11.5 10/4 Generalized Correlation for the Fugacity Coefficientf (P.S) 10/6 Ideal Solution 10/11 Solution Thermodynamics Liquid Phase Properties from VLE data: Read SVNA Ch 12 10/13 -14 Fall Brake 10/18 Activity Coefficients from experimental data (P.S.) 10/20 Models for the Excess Gibbs Energy and Margules Equation/ (P. S.) 10/25 Review Unit 2 10/27 EXAM 2 on Unit 2 Unit 3 Gamma/Phi Method/Electrolyte Equilibrium/Reaction Equilibrium 11/3 Gamma-Phi method for VLE, Raoult’s law, Modified Raoult’s law, Read SVNA Ch. 10, B .N .Popov “Handouts” 11/8 Dew point and Bubble point calculations 11/10 Flash calculations: Problem Solving 11/15 Reaction Equilibrium , Read SVNA Chapter15, Section 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4 13.5, 13.6, 13.7 11/17 Application of equilibrium criteria to chemical reactions/ Standard Gibbs Free Energy change and the equilibrium constant (Effect of Temperature, Van’t Hoff Equation Gas-Phase Reactions 11/22 Application of equilibrium criteria to chemical reactions/ Standard Gibbs free energy change and the equilibrium constant (Effect of temperature, Van’t Hoff Equation gas-phase reactions 11/24 No class 11/29 Liquid-phase reactions, Equilibrium conversion for single reactions 12/1 Review Thanksgiving Last day of Class _________________________________________________________________________________ 4