CET 458/598 Fall 2000 Lecture Notes Chapter 1 – Introduction Section 1.1 mostly terminology Connectivity, scale, link, node, point-to-point, multiple-access, switched network (circuit vs packet switched, similarities to telephone system and snail-mail), storeand-forward, router, gateway, internetwork, network address, routing, unicast vs multicast vs broadcast, multiplexing (and demultiplexing), STDM, FDm, statistical multiplexing (why) packets vs messages, fragmentation, QoS (quality of service), congestion, client/server communication, streaming vs bursty communication, bandwidth, throughput, latency, propagation delay, Classes of network failure: bit errors (bursty or not), packet loss/delay, node/link failure Calculation related: Latency = propagation delay + transmission time + queuing RTT = 2 × latency ~ 2 × delay × bandwidth Prop delay = distance/speed of light in the media Trans Time = size/bandwidth Delay-bandwidth product importance Bits/byte accurate bits for KB, Kb, MB, Mb – 8, 8×210, 210, 8×220, 220 Bits/sec accurate bits/sec for KB/s, Kb/s, MB/s, Mb/s – 8×103, 103, 8×106, 106 Section 1.2 some more terminology Network architecture, layering and levels of abstraction, service interface, peer interface, protocol, protocol graph, protocol specification, encapsulation, header, trailer, payload, frame, packet, message, OSI vs Internet particularly their protocol graphs in Fig 1.17-1.19. Network Design Requirements 1. generality (flexibility) 2. cost effective 3. fair (access) 4. robust (reliable 5. high-performance 6. scalability (to huge #’s of nodes) 7. adaptable to i) changes in technology, ii) changes in application demands (new applications the users want) 8. user communication 9. graceful degradation Section 1.3 skipped about and left out the programming UDP vs TCP, connectionless vs connection oriented, datagram vs virtual stream Socket – end-point of a communication (not just the node) Address -> (host, port) where socket is associated with a port Implementation model Process or thread per protocol Process or thread per message Procedure calls cheap compared to process/thread context switches Upcalls 1 CET 458/598 Fall 2000 Lecture Notes Additional Material (not needed for exam 1) Critique of OSI At one time thought to be THE Model. Now it appears in decline but is useful pedogogically. Reasons for failure are 1) bad timing, 2) bad technology, 3) bad implementations, and 4) bad politics. 1) Bad timing - the time between peak research activity and expentitures should be long enough for good standards to be written. This didn't happen. Patially because of delays in model definition due to politics and partially because TCP/IP was already around. 2) Bad technology - a) the session and presentation layers existance were driven by politics and really had no need to exist (holdovers from SNA). b) data link and network layers were too full and connection oriented because they were defined from a communications (analog) mentality. Eventually they were split into sublayers and connectionless technology (proven need from TCP/IP arena) was added. => extreme over commplication. 3) Bad implementations - due to the complexity initial (proof of concept) implementation were slow and some have never appeared. 4) Bad politics - "belief . . . [that] a bunch of government bureaucrats [were] trying to shove a technically inferior standard down the throats of the poor researchers and programmers down in the trenches" (AST in Computer Networks 3rd ed) caused a lot of resistance (foot dragging). At least partially true about technology. Critique of TCP/IP The model once expounded upon (years late) doesn't clearly define services, interfaces or protocols nor their interactions. Host-to-network layer not a layer but a poorly defined interface. No mention of Data Link or Physical layers. IP and TCP well thought out and implemented but auxillary protocols ad hoc and poorly constructed. Most need updating or have been superseded. Chapter 2 – Direct Link Networks/Data Link Layer What the data link layer does 0. use a physical connection (wire, fiber, space) 1. encode bits 2. frame bit sequences 3. detect errors 4. compensate for errors 5. media access control Link types (physical media) – twisted pait, coaxial cable, optical fiber, free space (air or vacuum -> wireless, satellites) Frequency (in hertz) Wavelength(λ) = c*df/frequency where df = degradation factor, dependent on medium digital -> o’s and 1’s so need to modulate electromagnetic wave to encode bits this is done by varying frequency, amplitude or phase if nor DC levels full-duplex and half-duplex circuits 2 CET 458/598 Fall 2000 Lecture Notes (Chapter 2 continued) codec – coder/decoder Shannon’s Theorem – gives an upper bound to capacity of a link (bps) as a function of signal-to-noise ratio (dB) - this is a practical limit C = Bw log2(1+S/N) Note: Nyquist’s Theorem gives a theoretical and absolute limit Max data rate in bps = 2×Bw×log2 V where V is number of signal levels (A,H,V)DSL, SONET, encoding – NRZI, manchester, 4b/5b framing – imposes structure on bit stream type – byte oriented, bit oriented, byte counting, bit/byte stuffing, non-data symbols Error detection Error detecting vs error correcting codes, CRC, parity (vertical and horizontal) Reliable Transmission Above codes help bit error but if can’t correct must retransmit or if lose entire frame must resend. So use acknowledgement (ack) to say received. Nack says damaged. Leads to stop-and-wait then on to sliding window process. Need to understand sliding window and relationship of window size and max-sequence number. Where do timeouts occur? What happens to duplicate packets? What is a piggybacked ack? When would you expect an explicit ack? When would an ack cover > 1 frame? What is a selective ack? Ethernet Speeds, cable types, repeaters, bridges, spanning tree algorithm (need, high lights), access control since shared media (CSMA/CD <- carrier sense multiple access with collision detection), addresses (48 bit unique), type vs length in 802.3, p-persistent, exponential back-off, jamming signal, when does it work best? FDDI Token, monitor, token holding time, token rotation time, priority/real-time support, token loss Wireless 802.11, different physical “media”, spread spectrum, direct sequence (chipping code), hidden nodes and exposed nodes, access control -> RTS & CTS & ACK, distribution system (stationary part) 3 CET 458/598 Fall 2000 Lecture Notes Additional Media Access information So how can the single "broadcast" channel be allocated to the competing users? static or dynamic allocation Static allocation advantage - simple and easy disadvantage - inefficient: wastes bandwidth on unused subchannels and limits available bandwidth to users that produce bursty traffic Dynamic Allocation analysis model assumptions 1. independent stations (nodes) - each node generates frames with a constant (and independent) probability 2. only a single channel is available 3. collisions (frames interfering) are detectable by all stations • collisions are the only transmission/reception errors 4 frame transmission can begin at any time (continuous) or must begin at the start of a discrete interval (slot) 5. carrier (transmissions) can/cannot be sensed 1-persistent CSMA • node listens before sending if channel busy waits till not busy when not busy transmits if collision detected waits random amount of time & tries again • called 1-persistent because node transmits with probability 1 whenever it finds the channel idle • the diameter of the network (and medium, copper or air) effects the longest propagation delay of the signal (carrier) between the 2 most distant nodes. This is the length of time for the signal to reach from one node to the most distant node. If node A and node B are at the extreme ends of the network and node A, sensing a idle channel, transmits a frame, it must wait until the signal reaches node B and for that same amount of time again to be positive that node B did not transmit a frame just as the frame from node A reaches node B (e.g., must wait 2 to be sure a collision did not occur). Collision-Free Protocols - sometimes called reservation protocols • contention period - a non-idle period in which transmissions occur; a non-idle period which may have collisions • assumption: N nodes each with a "hard-wired" address in the range 0 to N-1 Limited Contention Protocols • why this type of protocol, too? contention oriented protocols under low load has low delay under high load efficiency goes down collision-free protocols under low load has high delay 4 CET 458/598 Fall 2000 Lecture Notes under high load channel efficiency increases want to combine to get best of both; this is accomplished by using asymmetric protocols => they react differently at different loads • optimal probability of successful transmission using a symmetric protocol goes to 1/e by the time the number of nodes reaches 5 => the way to increase the probability of acquiring the channel is to decrease the competition (this is common sense, too) * try dividing the nodes into groups and only the members of a group compete with each * alternative - dynamically change the size of the group as a function of load IEEE 802 LAN Standards 802.2 describes the Logical Link Control sublayer (upper part of data link layer) 802.3/Ethernet • difference between Ethernet-I/II & 802.3 • 1-persistent CSMA/CD - transmits if idle else waits, on collision waits a random time • 10 Mbps (really a family, 1-10 Mbps, Ethernet 10Base5, thin net only 185 m per segment), 100baseT • thick net RG8 (500 m), thin net RG58 (200 m), twisted pair - really point-to-point limited to 100 m), FROL fiber 2KM, • time domain reflectometer use to detect cable problems, requires knowing the cable lay out very well • Manchester encoding, high -> +0.85 v, low. -> -0.85 v • transceiver - transmit, receive, carrier detection, collision detection • transceiver cable (AUI) - up to 50 m long, shielded twisted pairs (data in/out, control in/out, power) • interface board - assembles data into proper format, generates checksum & transmits frame; extracts data & does checksum verification on incoming frames; frequently handles a pool of buffers; some do DMA & interrupt main computer; handles backoff on collision detection • repeaters extend length of cable (from 500 m to 2.5 km) & can provide arbitrary topology without cycles as long as no two nodes are separated by more than 4 repeaters; repeaters are "dumb" devices - they pass "good" packets both ways • bridges (selective repeaters) only pass packets that need to be on the other side (destination appears to be on the other side); this is usually accomplished by keeping track of the source nodes on side A if the packets arriving at side A have a destination in the list of sources for side A they are not passed through, otherwise they are passed); This also permits simultaneous packets on either side of a bridge if they stay on opposite sides) • the 802.3 protocol • preamble 7 bytes of 10101010 used to sync receiver's clock • start of frame 10101011 • addresses 2 or 6 bytes (usually only 48 bit addresses used) 5 CET 458/598 Fall 2000 Lecture Notes * high bit used when multicasts are to be sent; the rest of the address specifies the multicast address; an address of all 1's is a broadcast * next to highest bit - local address (e.g., has no meaning off of the local net) • data length 2 bytes (Note: on Ethernet this field is a packet type field used to distinguish upper layer protocols) • data 0 - 1500 bytes (packet length, addresses to checksum, must be 64-1518 bytes) • noise burst (jam) sent on collision detection (32 bytes) • slot time (2) = 512 bit times = 64 bytes • binary exponential backoff - after i tries with collisions waits 0 to 2i-1 slot times before retrying, 0 <= i <= 10, when i reaches 16 considered an error and left to higher layers to recover if possible • Note: Tokoro & Tamaru acknowledgement scheme may not work through repeaters & bridges • channel efficiency for small packets is quite poor (never the less with remote login packets tend to be small); channel efficiency goes up as the packet size increases • problems: potential for an indefinite wait to send no priorities, not good in real-time systems 802.4 - token bus • no collisions, worst case delay is bounded • physically a linear or tree shaped cable (bus) • nodes arranged in a logical ring (physical order unimportant) • nodes know their predecessor's and successor's addresses • only nodes having THE token (a special control frame) are permitted to transmit • after transmitting a frame (or more) the node passes the token to it's successor 802.5 - Token ring • not really a ring but point-to-point links arranged in a circle; links can be [must be the same on a single ring] twisted pair, coax or fiber • fair with a "known" upper bound on channel access • 802.5 is a token ring , other types of rings exist • physical length of a bit on the ring * data rate - R Mbps => a bit occurs every 1/R sec * propagation speed of 200 m/sec => bit occupies 200/R m (at 1 Mhz 1 km contains 5 bits) • bits copied into bit buffer, inspected, copied out => 1 bit delay • the token is removed from the ring when a node wants to transmit; nodes also remove their own (non token) transmissions • ring must be "large" enough (propagation delay and bit delays) to contain the entire token; on short rings artificial delays are inserted to accommodate the token) • limit on frame size is usually imposed by transmit timer (token holding time) • network efficiency can approach 100% during heavy load 6 CET 458/598 Fall 2000 Lecture Notes COMPARISION of 802 LANs • use roughly similar technology and get roughly similar performance • 802.3 • advantages * simple algorithm * nodes installable "on the fly" * active components not needed * delay at low load practically 0 • disadvantages * minimum valid frame is 64 bytes - a lot of overhead * nondeterministic * no priorities * 2.5 km cable length * at high load collisions seriously add to overhead & thus negatively impact throughput • 802.4 • advantages * uses highly reliable off the self cable TV equipment * deterministic (unless repeated loss of token during high load occurs) * has priorities (and can reserve bandwidth for high pri traffic) * excellent throughput & efficiency at high load • disadvantages * protocol extremely complex * has substantial delay at low load • 802.5 • advantages * has priorities (not as fair as token bus) * can be built from lots of different media * only type that can detect and fix cable breaks * frame size can be short or very long * throughput and efficiency high at high loads • disadvantages * centralized monitor * significant delay at low loads •at high loads 802.3 will become overloaded and throughput and efficiency goes to the dogs; 802.4/5, however, will have an efficiency approaching 100% Cost of physical plant - Ethernet cheapest, token bus most expensive Fiber • advantages * fiber has high bandwidth * not affected by electromagnetic interference (from machinery, power surges or lightning) * excellent security (hard to tap) FDDI - Fiber Distributed Data Interface • 100 Mbps (data rate) 7 CET 458/598 Fall 2000 Lecture Notes • up to 200 km • commonly used as a backbone for multiple LANs • multimode fibers & LEDs • error rate - specification requires <= 1 error in 2.5*1010 bits (= 250 secs) • cabling - 2 counter-rotating rings for redundancy if 1 cable breaks the other is a backup if both break at (~) same spot the two rings can be joined on either side of the break to make one large ring • class A nodes connect to both rings, class B nodes to only one ring • uses 4 out of 5 encoding (because the technology to support Manchester encoding, 200 megabaud, to costly [then]) * each group of 4 MAC symbols (1,0, & non data) encoded as 5 bits on medium * => 32 combinations: 16 data, 3 delimiters, 2 control, 3 hardware signaling, 8 unused * saves bandwidth * lacks self-clocking, which Manchester has, for synchronization so uses long preamble & very stable clocks (frames upto 4500 bytes) • next page FDDI 4-0ut-of-5 encoding & FDDI frame format • protocol similar to 802.5 • token passing & sender removes frame on the way back • due to potential for long delay (1000+ nodes & 200 km fiber), FDDI nodes put token back on ring as soon as done transmitting frames • frame structure similar to 802.5 • also has synchronous frames (for switched PCM or ISDN) (FDDI-II) * generated by a master station every 125 sec * header, 16 bytes of non circuit switched data, & 96 bytes of circuit switched data => 96 PCM channels per frame (4 T1 channels or 3 CCITT channels); each of these multichannels uses 6.144 Mbps; there may be a max of 16 multichannels using 98.3 Mbps for 1536 PCM channels • frames not reserved for synchronous traffic are allocated on demand by priority • nodes have token timers if the token is early any node may transmit (when it has the token) if token is late only high priority may transmit • FFOL - FDDI Follow on LAN (speed 625 Mbps) backbone for FDDI's 8 CET 458/598 Fall 2000 Lecture Notes FDDI 4-out-of-5 Encoding and Frame Data Symbols 4-bit data group 5-bit symbol Formats 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11110 01001 10100 10101 01010 01011 01110 01111 10010 10011 10110 10111 11010 11011 11100 11101 Control Symbols IDLE _ _ _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ _ _ K _ _ _ _ _ _ T _ _ _ _ _ _ R _ _ _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ _ _ QUIET _ _ _ _ _ HALT _ _ _ _ _ _ 11111 11000 10001 01101 00111 11001 00000 00100 no more than two zeros in a row plus NRZI used on all symbols (transition on a 1 bit and no transition on 0 bits) other 5-bit symbols unused FDDI Information Frame PA SD FC DA SD PA SD FC DA SA FCS ED FS = = = = = = = = Information FCS ED FS 4500 bytes FDDI Token PA SA FC ED FCS covers FC, DA SA, Information and FCS Preamble (16 or more IDLE symbols) Start delimiter (a J & a K symbol) Frame control (2 symbols) Desination address (4 or 12 symbols) Source address (4 or 12 symbols) Frame check sequence (8 symbols) End delimiter (1 or 2 T symbols) Frame status (an R & an S symbol) 9 CET 458/598 Fall 2000 Lecture Notes Chapter 3 - Switching/Media Access Section 3.1 Switch, network scalability and geographic scope, ease of expansion, incremental expansion without (necessarily) poorer performance, aggregate capacity, datagram (connectionless), virtual circuit (connection oriented), source routing, routing table, , permanent vs switched virtual circuit, virtual circuit identifier, overhead (re: network bandwidth and routing information at nodes), reliability, delay and scalability for the 3 types of connectivity models, pre-allocation of resources and effect on QoS ability Section 3.2 Purpose of a bridge (as opposed to repeater), need for learning bridges, , spanning tree algorithm: why needed, basics (lowest id selected as root, parallel routes with highest hop counts “turned off”), bridge limitations (scalability, heterogeneity) Section 3.3 - ATM See M. Main’s PowerPoint for depth clues Leave out Section 3.35 and Section 3.4 Additional ATM Material B-ISDN (Broadband ISDN) and ATM Why needed? high data rate media - ISDN doesn't scale well multi-media - video & bursty data intelligent network operations - more services & better reliability New Architecture uses cell (small packet) switching technique designed assuming bursty traffic (even voice is bursty if silences are removed from the transmitted signal) 48 byte cells plus 5 bytes of header Why cells so small? small cells wanted by telephone companies because there would then be a greater chance that cells would be available when needed & thus avoid delays; voice delays of > ~10ms results in line echo effects large cells - data people wanted for less overhead (eg, less fragmentation overhead [processing time] and less bandwidth wasted on packet/cell overhead ended in 2 camps 32 byte or 64 byte cells => 48 byte data + header ATM - allows for better utilization of bandwidth given variable bit rate and bursty data SONET - Synchronous Optical Networks 10 CET 458/598 Fall 2000 Lecture Notes SONET - developed by Bellcore - becoming widely used in telephone sys hierarchy of speeds OC-1 51.84 Mbps OC-3 155.62 Mbps • initial implementation speed OC-9 466.56 Mbps OC-12 622.08 Mbps • initial implementation speed OC-18 933.12 Mbps OC-24 1,244.16 Mpbs (1.24416 Gbps) OC-36 1,866.24 Mbps OC-48 2,488.32 Mbps ... OC-240 12,441.60 Mbps (12.4416 Gbps) STSx - Synchronous Transport Signal level x (level x corresponds to OC- x level) built on top of basic optical media, complexity (of agregate-frame structure) increases as media bandwidth increases STS is based on the Synchronous Digital Heirarchy where STS-1 forms the basis for higher data rate media frames STS-1 frame 125 sec wide (duration) 9 rows of 90 bytes => 810 bytes 27 bytes (of 810) are overhead (9B section o/h & 18B line o/h), this leaves 783 bytes of payload (data) the frame payload is called synchronous payload envelope, SPE 87 bytes by 9 rows (783 bytes) 9 bytes are path o/h => 774 bytes available for data fixed-size frames are sent synchronously but data may not be ready at that time so data may begin anywhere within the frame once a payload is formed it is sent as is & thus may span frames => thus part of overhead tells where (pointer) within the frame the data begins data within the payload may not begin at begining of payload (due to jitter, etc) so end to end ATM - a particular ATM channel/stream/connection (end-to-end "thingy") uniquely identified by VCI+VPI VPI - virtual path identifier VCI - virtual circuit identifier - id of particular channel within path long haul carriers look only at VPI & may change at major switching points switches look at VCI & may alter hop-by-hop items in cell header format GFC needed only for subscribers accessing shared media (LANs) for arbitration, contention resolution, etc UNI - subscriber interface (user-network interface) NNI - network interface (network-network interface) 11 CET 458/598 Fall 2000 Lecture Notes 12 CET 458/598 Fall 2000 Lecture Notes S e c t i o n Pa y l o a d O v e r h e a d ····· ····· O v e r h e a d P a t h ATM Cel l ····· ····· Ge n e r a l Sy n c h r o n o u s Di g i t a l He i r a r c h y ( SDH) F r a me St r u c t u r e UNI ATM Cel l Header bit 8 7 6 5 GFC 4 3 2 1 VPI bit 1 VPI NNI ATM Cel l Header 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 VPI 2 VCI 3 PT 2 VCI ResCLP 4 HEC 5 3 PT ResCLP 4 HEC 5 octe t GFC VPI VCI PT HEC CLP Res = = = = = = = 1 octe t Gener i c Fl ow Cont r ol Vi r t ual Pat h I dent i f i er Vi r t ual Channel I dent i f i er Payl oad Type Header Er r or Cont r ol Cel l Loss Pr i or i t y Reser ved 13 CET 458/598 Fall 2000 Lecture Notes AAL very complex each of the 4 protocols to be supported have implications: to switch architectures on congestion control in the network for error control in admission control (bandwidth guarantees) additionally the speed & distances at which these nets are intended to operate add compexity - it is likely that even very large messages can be entirely on the "wire" for a lot longer than it takes to put them on the wire; thus, error control and congestion control have to be proactive (e.g., forward error control and congestion avoidance) • this has lead ATM/B-ISDN designers to suggest moving some functionality usually seen (& defined) at higher layers into the switch hardware ATM Adaptation Layer - AAL needed to adapt [older] services to ATM, AAL is an end to end layer classes of AAL AAL 1 - circuit emulation: virtual circuit, constant bit rate, connection oriented AAL 2 - variable bit rate video: virtual circuit, variable bit rate, connection oriented AAL 3/4 -connection-oriented data: virtual circuit, connection oriented, bursty - X.25, SMDS, DQDB and/or -connectionless data: variable bit rate data - CNLP, IP, SMDS, DQDB AAL 5 - connection oriented variable bit rate: very lean (less error recovery and no built in retransmissions) for less overhead, reduced complexity for easier/faster implementation [will probably eventually have connectionless, too) Network Layer (sort of) Issues for ATM basic element is the virtual circuit (officially virtual channel) normally point to point (end to end) but multicast (point to multipoint channels are possible may be permanent (always) or switched (dynamic, like phone call) unidirectional (use a pair for duplex connections) doesn't provide acknowledgements (assumed fiber optic as phys layer, highly reliable, so left error control to higher layers cells may be discarded due to congestion or damaged but never reordered 2-level connection heirarchy visible to higher layers (virtual circuits may be agregated into a virtual path (all VC's follow same VP, even when rerouted) Cell formats GFC currently unused in UNI switching at intermediate nodes done by VPI at end node/switch by VCI (allows for smaller tables PT now called PTI and now 3 bits 14 CET 458/598 Fall 2000 Lecture Notes Payload type 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Meaning User data cell, no congestion, cell type 0 User data cell, no congestion, cell type 1 User data cell, congestion experienced, cell type 0 User data cell, congestion experienced, cell type 1 Maintenance, adjacent switches Maintenance, end-to-end switches Resource Management (used by ABR congestion control) Reserved CLP - 1 => low priority, 0 => high/normal Connection Setup uses complex ITU protocol (Q.2931), handled by control plane ADD PARTY messages can be sent after circuit setup to form multicast group ATM addresses come in three forms (1st byte tells which) 20 byte OSI style addresses by country 20 byte OSI style addresses by international organization 15 digit decimal ISDN phone numbers (historical) ATM Service Categories CBR, VBR, ABR, UBR CBR - Constant Bit Rate - like a wire (pt-2-pt): no error checking, flow control or other processing. Useful for voice, video. interactive things without compression or silences extracted VBR - Variable Bit Rate - two sublasses RT (real-time) and NRT (non-real-time); RT has stringent arrival rate requirements but variable bit rate (MPEG with complete base frame followed by difference frames) => RT requires minimal jitter ABR - Available Bit Rate - bursty traffic with a rughly known bandwidth; network provides rate feedback - asks sender to slow down when congestion noticed UBR - Unspecified Bit Rate - makes no promises and gives no feedback about congestion; perfect for IP Service characteristic Bandwidth guarantee Suitable for real-time Suitable for bursty Congestion feedback CBR yes yes no no RT-VBR yes yes no no NRT-VBR yes no yes no ABR opt no yes yes UBR no no yes no Quality of Service 15 CET 458/598 Fall 2000 Lecture Notes when virtual circuit established transport layer and ATM layer agree on QoS parameters - depends on trafic to be offered, whats available vs whats desired some typical parameters - peak cell rate (PCR), sustained cell rate, minimum cell rate, cell variation delay tolerance (CDVT), cell loss ratio, cell delay variation, cell error ratio Congestion control via traffic shaping is part of the Generic Cell Rate Algorithm - which is the mechanism for enforcing QoS agreements primary parameters of note are PCR and CDVT - PCR used for admission contro and CDVT needed to adjust for jitter but sometimes still need to discard packets to control jitter ATM LANs • problem - LANs tend to be connectionless and use broadcasts - how can ATM be used as a LAN when it is connection oriented * idea 1 - use special server that all hosts have a connection to and it forwards all packets as appropriate - poor use of bandwidth and single point of failure or congestion * idea 2 - use switched (or permanent) virual circuits for each host to all other hosts - problem how do hosts relate IP to virtual circuit (how to do ARP without broadcasts) * idea 3 - use idea 2 add two special servers (LES - LAN Emulation Server, to do ARP, and BUS - Broadcast/Unknown Server, to take care of bradcast and muticast) ATM Forum calls idea 3 a LIS (Logical IP Subnet) and the LES an ATMARP server (doesn't support broadcasting or multicasting) ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL) AAL layer provides different service classes as already discussed. To provide this flexibility the AAL Layer is divided into 2/3 sublayers. the Convergence Sublayer (CS) provides the characteristics of the AAL service type being used. The Segmentation and Reassembly (SAR) sublayer is below that. The SAR layer adds/removes headers & trailers for the CS layer.The CS sublayer fragments/defragments arbitrary sized messages into 44 to 48 byte chunks. It is typically viewed as having a service specific subsublayer and a common subsublayer. 16 CET 458/598 Fall 2000 Lecture Notes Some differences in AAL protocols Item service class multiplexing message delimiting advance buffer alloc. user bytes available CS padding CS overhead (bytes) CS checksum SAR payload (bytes) SAR overhead (bytes) SAR checksum AAL1 A no none no 0 0 0 none 46-47 1-2 none AAL2 B no none no 0 0 0 none 45 3 none AAL3/4 C/D yes Btag/Etag yes 0 32 bit word 8 none 44 4 10 bits AAL5 C/D no Bit in PTI no 1 0-47 bytes 8 32 bits 48 0 none MidTerm 1 Review The exam will cover the material discussed in class and in the class text chapters 1 through 3. The above lecture notes provide pointers to relevant sections, terminology, and concepts in the text and some additional study material. Material may be drawn from the assigned homework for chapter 1 and 2. Additional study support may be obtained from the author’s PowerPoint presentations (numbers 2 through 6 on the Web page). Most questions will fit the true/false, matching, multiple guess, fill in the blank or short answer (a sentence or four) model. However, you should bring a calculator because there will be at least 1 calculation type problem. 17