1. THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Senate held in the Chancellor’s Committee Room, University, Nedlands on Wednesday, 21 February 2010, at 5.00 pm PRESENT: The Chancellor (Dr M Chaney) in the Chair, the Pro Chancellor (Dr P Flett), the Vice-Chancellor (Professor A Robson), Mr T Antoniazzi, Professor K Simmer. By Invitation: the Executive Director (Academic Services) and Registrar (Mr P W Curtis). Ms P Hass, University Secretary. APOLOGIES: Mr J Langoulant. 1. ADMISSION TO DEGREES AND AWARD OF DIPLOMAS - REF F3604 RESOLVED –1 that the candidates named below be admitted to their respective degrees: Bachelor of Arts .. Craig Anthony Dalton Julia Alexandra Goddard-Williams Timothy William Radford McNamara Blake Adrian Mulraney Bachelor of Arts with Second Class Honours (Division A) .. Kee Liang Joshua Tan Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours .. Julia Alexandra Goddard-Williams Kieran Joseph Anderton Golby Bachelor of Commerce .. Evan David Barter Joshua Mark Chia Yue Ni Gai Ho Si Mun Emily Adele Martin Nicholas Van Leeuwen Bachelor of Computer and Mathematical Sciences .. Nathanael John Rensen Bachelor of Computer Science .. Evan David Barter Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) .. Sathiamoorthy Krishnamuthi Bachelor of Health Science .. Emily Adele Martin Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery .. Bonnie Ann Fergie Greg John Houghton Simon John Jenkin Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery with Honours .. Rickie-Leanne Jackson Kyle Anthony Marchant Bachelor of Music .. Craig Anthony Dalton Bachelor of Science with Second Class Honours (Division B) .. Daniel Robert Hawtin 2. Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours .. James Patrick Martindale Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) .. Gemma Marie Cassidy Rabbi'ah Binte Che Omar Tan Hui Ping Pamela Too Pei Ni Wilson Geraldine Cecelia Hui Lin Bachelor of Science (Exercise and Health Science) .. Dannika Jade Bonser Stephen Gareth Hennessy Bachelor of Science (Marine Science) .. Jean-Philippe Dumas Matilda Ann Taylor Bachelor of Science (Mathematical and Statistical Science) .. Daniel Robert Hawtin Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biology and Biotechnology) .. Vithya Anantaraja Ang Cui Xia Chang Baoyue Chong Pei Yu Chuah Chiat Hoai Le Ting Gan Hoe See Ying Caixia Huang Huang Hanqian Shuqing May Lee Michael Balvinder Dhillon Singh Yeo Zhing Zin Bachelor of Science (Pharmaceutical Science) .. Chua Phing Kiat Charmaine Lau Guo Wei Toh Sim Lan Yang Jing Quan Bachelor of Science (Sport Science) .. Shaun-Paul Jun Lun Lopez Xie Zhao Shang Master of Business Administration .. Mandakini Goswami Lily Ling Peek Yean See Yee Ng Master of Education in Applied Linguistics .. Rebecca Winsome Steven Master of Education Research Methods .. Bruce Francis Derby Yiu Wah Kong Master of Manual Therapy .. Cheryl Valentine Doctor of Philosophy .. Adis Duderija Sutarman Gafur RESOLVED - 2 that the candidates named below be admitted to their respective diplomas: Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice .. Jazmyn Farah Tobin Graduate Diploma in Education .. Harold Drewett Oliff Graduate Diploma in Music Practitioner Studies .. Valerie Louise Lang Graduate Diploma in Oil and Gas Engineering .. Mark Andrew Barrett Boey-Jiang Loy Sankar Palat Toby James Ryan 3. RESOLVED – 3 That the candidates named below be admitted to their respective certificates: 2. Graduate Certificate in Arts .. Mia Kornet Juritzen Michael Damian Page Graduate Certificate in Business .. Giada Leone Conti Jane Patricia Turner Graduate Certificate in Business Administration .. Lisa Marie Needham Graduate Certificate in Educational and Developmental Psychology .. Bernadette Lenzo Graduate Certificate in Paediatric Rheumatology .. Endah Citraresmi Graduate Certificate in Paediatric Sleep Science .. Francois Abel REPORT OF RECOMMENDATIONS MADE BY THE ACADEMIC COUNCIL FOLLOWING CIRCULATION ON 2 FEBRUARY 2011 2.1.1 Faculty of Life and Physical Sciences – Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice – Proposal that the Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice be made available to International Students not on Student Visas – Ref F34316 Members noted that In accordance with Academic Council R169/10 Senate resolved (R103/10) to approve the establishment of the Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice. Members were advised that the International Centre had not approved the offering of the course to student visa holders as application for CRICOS registration will not proceed pending resolution of a number of issues. The Academic Council by its R 6/11 had endorsed the Faculty’s recommendation that the Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice be offered to international students not on student visas. 2.1.2 Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics – Renaming Accredited Master of Engineering to the Master of Professional Engineering – Ref F5406 Members also noted that the Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics had proposed that the course leading towards the Master of Engineering be renamed the Master of Professional Engineering. 2.1.3 Faculty of Education – Master of Teaching – Formal Establishment of Programmes – Refs F22930, F22931, F32530 RESOLVED - 4 (i) to approve that the Primary teaching and Secondary teaching courses (currently recorded as fields of study within the Master of Teaching) be formally established as programmes leading to the Master of Teaching (Primary) and Master of Teaching (Secondary) respectively; and (ii) the addition of the programmes to the Schedule of Courses. 2.1.4 Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences – Rescission of the courses Graduate Certificate in Applied Anthropology (Native Title and Cultural Heritage) and Graduate Diploma in Applied Anthropology (Native Title and Cultural Heritage) – Refs F7963, F7964 RESOLVED – 5 (i) to approve that the course leading to the Graduate Certificate in Applied Anthropology (Native Title and Cultural Heritage) and the Graduate Diploma in Applied Anthropology (Native Title and Cultural Heritage) be not available for new enrolments from 2011; (ii) to approve the rescission of the course leading to the Graduate Certificate in Applied Anthropology (Native Title and Cultural Heritage) and the Graduate Diploma in Applied Anthropology (Native Title and Cultural Heritage with effect from the date that students 4. currently undertaking the programme complete their course in accordance with the relevant rules; and; (ii) to approve the amendment of the Schedule of Courses. 3. THE 2010 ANNUAL REPORT UNDER THE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ACT 2006 – REF 247 The Financial Management Act 2006 requires that the University submit an annual report including financial statements and performance indicators to the Minister for Education for subsequent presentation to State Parliament within 90 days of the end of the financial year. Prior to this, the Auditor General is required to audit the financial statements and performance indicators. The Executive Committee of Senate had before it the full text of the Draft Annual Report together with the Financial Statements and Key Performance Indicators for subsequent submission in final form to the Minister and the Auditor General. The Audit and Review Committee had considered the 2010 Financial Statements and Performance indicators at its meeting on Thursday, 17 February 2010 and by Resolution 2 /11 had recommended to Senate that Senate adopt the Annual Report, including certification of the draft Financial Statements and Key Performance Indicators for submission to the Auditor General. The Vice-Chancellor introduced the Report and noted that it had been considered by the Audit and Review Committee on 17 February 2011. Members were advised that a report on the audit by the Auditor General including any comment on Key Performance Indicators would be presented to Senate in due course. RESOLVED – 6 (i) to receive the draft Annual Report of The University of Western Australia for 2010, including the Financial Statements and the Performance Indicators, subject to audit by the Office of the Auditor General; (ii) to approve the certification of the draft unaudited Financial Statements and Performance Indicators for submission to the Auditor General; and (iii) on completion of the audit by the Office of the Auditor General to – (a) authorise the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor to effect minor amendments arising from the audit; and (b) authorise the Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor to sign off and transmit to the Minister the Annual Report including the audited Financial Statements and Performance Indicators. 4. STATUTE NO. 12: METHOD OF ELECTION BY CONVOCATION OF PERSONS TO BE MEMBERS OF SENATE – REF 02/08/007/002 Pursuant to Statute 12, Clause 2 “Method of Election by Convocation of Persons to be members of Senate” it is provided that the election of members of Senate must be held on the second Tuesday of March or such later date in that month as Senate may appoint. The second Tuesday of March in 2011 is 8 March. Due to timing and resources issues Convocation has requested that Senate approve an alteration of the election date. 5. RESOLVED - 7 to approve pursuant to Statute 12 Clause (2) that the Convocation election of members of the Senate be held on 10 March 2011. Confirmed CHAIR / /