1 IEEE Malaysia Section Report (2010-2011) PART A - SECTION SUMMARY A.1 Executive Summary A.1.1 The section executive committee members for year 2011 being elected during the 21st Annual General Meeting on 15/1/2011 and their portfolio are as follow: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Portfolio Chair Vice Chair/Membership/Chapter Development Secretary Treasurer Professional Activities/Industrial Relation Communication/Newsletter Educational Activities Student Activities Past Chair/Award and Recognition Auditor Auditor Member Name Mahamod Ismail Mustafar Kamal Hamzah Low Sew Ming Maryam Mohd Isa Zainal Abu Kassim Kalai Selvan Subramaniam Hafizal Mohamad Yasmin Hanum Mohd Thayoob Zaiki Awang Zainab Abu Bakar Low Pik Jian Most of the activities planned in 2010 is executed by the previous executive members are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Portfolio Chair Vice Chair/Membership Development Secretary Treasurer Professional Activities/Industrial Relation Communication/Newsletter Educational Activities Student Activities Past Chair Auditor Auditor Member Name Zaiki Awang Mahamod Ismail Zuhaina Zakaria Maryam Mohd Isa Zainal Abu Kassim Lau Ngie Ung Low Sew Ming Iqbal Saripan Mohd Nasir Taib Kalai Selvan Subramaniam Suhaila Subahir A.1.2 Section Highlights In 2010, IEEE Malaysia Section joined Kharagpur (India), South Australia, and Queensland (Australia) Sections in celebrating its 25th year anniversary. Over the 25 years we have held many major events including international IEEE conferences in Malaysia. From these activities, the presence of IEEE in the Malaysian public has been enhanced tremendously. IEEE Malaysia Section again successfully carried out a lot of activities ranging from conferences, technical talks, Distinguished Lecture Programs (DLP), industrial visits and social events. An increase in the number of members indicates positive development in our effort to attract Electrical Engineering professionals to join IEEE Malaysia. 2010 has also observed the formation of a new student branch and chapter, i.e. UNITEN Student Branch and Systems, Man, and Cybernetics chapter respectively. Against the backdrop of economic uncertainties of 2010, the Section took steps to streamline its operations and be more prudent in its spending. A major bulk of the financial resources was spent on supporting chapter events through the chapter grants and giving priority to technical-related activities. Steps were also taken to increase revenue by taking a more direct involvement in Section-owned activities such as SCOReD and others. This has resulted in a much better financial health than previously. It hoped that this effort will continue in the future, so that more activities can be delivered to its members. 2 Among the major conferences successfully organized in 2010 were: (i) 2010 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (APACE 2010) organized by AP/MTT/EMC (ii) 2010 IEEE International Conference on Power & Energy jointly organised by PES and PELS/IA/IE (iii) 2010 IEEE Conference on Open Systems organized by Computer Society (iv) IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronic (ICSE2010) organised by EDS (v) International Conference on Photonics 2010 (ICP2010) organised by PS (vi) 2010 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APPCAS 2010) organised by CAS (vii) International Conference on Engineering Education 2010 (ICEEDU2010) organised by EduSoc (viii) IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences organised by EMBS (ix) IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development 2010 (SCORED2010) organised by IEEE UNITEN SB A.2 Financial Report A.2.1 Summary IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION BUDGET FOR 2010 INCOME 1 2 3 RM 2010 Section Rebate from IEEE HQ (USD14,638.10) 47,099.07 Seed money SCORED 2009 5,000.00 Seed money from ISIEA 2009 5,000.00 Seed Money from SCOReD2010 5,000.00 Seed Money from APCCAS 2010 5,000.00 Seed Money from ICSIPA 2009 3,000.00 Seed Money from PECON 2010 5,000.00 HQ support (USD500) 1,664.00 RM 76,763.07 Professional Activity (Conference/Seminar/Short Course/Society) Surplus ICSIPA 2009 5,732.35 Surplus ISIEA 2009 7,500.00 Surplus ICEDSA 2010 2,000.00 Surplus SCOReD 2009 3,000.00 Surplus EMAP 2009 700.00 Surplus ICSE 2010 2,095.93 Surplus ICEED 2009 6,577.00 Appreciation Dinner 2010 19,370.00 Student Activities SCOReD 2010 Income Student Activitiy Rebates 64,973.54 46,975.28 3 616.48 TOTAL INCOME EXPENDITURE 1 65,590.02 189,328.37 RM RM Travelling, Meeting and Grant AGM / Travelling / R10 / Food 32,070.84 Societies/ Chapters (Grants) 31,944.50 64,015.34 2 Secretariat and Operating Expenses 7,200.00 7,200.00 3 PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (Conference/Seminar/Short Course/Talk/Congress/Society) SCOReD2010 Expenses 28,297.00 Conferences Seed Money 22,500.00 Appreciation Dinner 2010 18,670.00 Leadership Camp Seminar 4,071.60 Surplus ICEED 2009 6,577.00 80,115.60 4 Student Activties 600.00 600.00 5 Miscellaneous 1,156.29 1,156.29 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 153,087.23 2010 SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) 36,241.14 Bank balance as at 31st December 2009 52,633.36 Cash in hand 31st December 2009 164.58 Total cash and Bank Balance as at 31st December 2010 52,797.94 89,039.08 REPRESENTED BY: Bank balance as at 31st December 2010 88,667.50 Cash in hand 31st December 2010 371.58 A.2.2 Any other financial activities Nil 89,039.08 4 PART B - ORGANIZATIONAL ACTIVITIES B.1 Membership Development Activities B.1.1: The objectives of the Membership Development Committee (MDC) of IEEE Malaysia are as follows: - To increase the number of professional and student members - To retain as many members as possible - To promote more members to Senior Members or even Fellow - To set up more Society Chapters and Student Branches B.1.2: The total number of members according to membership status as of December 2010 is presented below. The above figures indicate the number of members in all categories (except Student Member) has increased from 2009. Accordingly, the total number of IEEE Malaysia members in 2010 increased by 12% compared to 2009. B.1.3: The number of members according to the technical societies in 2010 compared to 2009 and 2008 are as follows:2008 2009 2010 AES010 Aerospace and Electronic Systems 22 31 22 AP003 Antennas and Propagation 64 90 88 BT002 Broadcast Technology 15 28 14 C016 Computer 329 466 426 CAS004 Circuits and Systems 89 118 139 CE008 Consumer Electronics 37 48 40 CIS011 Computational Intelligence 35 48 78 COM019 Communications 587 866 760 CPMT021Components, Packaging and Manufacturing 49 63 50 CS023 58 89 85 DEI032 Dielectric and Electrical Insulation 17 22 25 E025 Education 43 42 70 ED015 Electron Devices 89 121 108 EM014 Engineering Management 43 64 41 EMB018 Engineering in Medicine and Biology 47 38 67 EMC027 Electromagnetic Compatibility 34 41 37 Society Control Systems 5 GRS029 Geoscience and Remote Sensing 14 22 25 IA034 Industry Applications 46 58 65 IE013 Industrial Electronics 55 60 80 IM009 Instrumentation and Measurement 58 51 65 IT012 Information Theory 24 34 22 ITS038 Intelligent Transportation 6 9 9 MAG033 Magnetic Society 11 15 16 MTT017 Microwave Theory and Techniques 94 114 100 NNS011 Neural Networks Society 1 - - NPS005 Nuclear Plasma Science 5 5 6 OE022 Oceanic Engineering 7 8 20 PC026 Professional Communication 13 16 11 PE031 Power Engineering 130 168 159 PEL035 Power Electronics 47 41 68 PHO036 Photonics Society (formerly IEEE LEOS) 53 75 73 PSE043 1 2 3 Product Safety Engineering RA024 Robotics and Automation 66 67 95 RL007 Reliability 19 29 21 SIT030 Social Implications of Technology 21 22 24 SMC028 Systems, Man and Cybernetics 30 35 55 SP001 Signal Processing 91 120 129 SSC37 Solid-State Circuits 37 62 44 UFF020 Ultrasonics, Ferroelectric 8 10 7 VT006 Vehicular Technology 30 30 44 WIE050 Women in Engineering 125 266 192 B.1.4: Social Meetings and Membership Drives were carried out at various institutions in order to attract more professionals and students to join IEEE and enjoying the benefits of a member. i) A series of membership drive was organized by AP/MTT/EMC joint chapter at UTM, Unisel, UMP and Naval Base, Lumut as shown below. No Date Venue Speaker 1 7 January FKE UTM Prof Dr Mazlina Esa 2 20 January UNISEL Suhaila Subahir 3 23 January UTM KL Prof Dr Mazlina Esa 4 8 March Naval Base, Lumut Cdr Franklin Joseph 5 7 April FKE UTM Prof Dr Mazlina Esa 6 21 May FKE UTM Prof Dr Mazlina Esa 7 12 July Naval Base, Lumut Cdr Franklin Joseph 8 19 July FKE UTM Prof Dr Mazlina Esa UMP Yusnita Rahayu FKE UTM Prof Dr Mazlina Esa 9 10 4 August 6 11 2 September FKE UTM Prof Dr Mazlina Esa ii) Penang MTT/EDS/SSCS Chapter organized a talk on Introduction to IEEE and Member Benefit by Boon Leng Lim on 24th June 2010. iii) Two Membership Development Programs were organized by UTAR SB and were conducted by Mr Teoh Boon Yew at Setapak Campus. iv) Control System Society organized a membership Drive at International Islamic University Malaysia on 29/07/2010. The event was conducted by Prof. Dr. Mohd. Nasir Taib, Dr. Tin Win and Dr. Musse Mohamad Ahmed. v) One membership drive was organized by PELS/IA/IE at Unisel on 24 th March 2010. This event was conducted by Mr. Gobbi. vi) IEEE UKM SB organized a talk on promoting IEEE on 13 th October 2010 at UKM. The talk was presented by Dr. Ashrif A. Bakar vii) A membership drive was conducted by Dr Arosha Senanayake from IEEE RAS. B.2 Chapter Activities B.2.1: There are four joint chapters, fourteen chapters, and two affinity groups under IEEE Malaysia Section. The technical chapter and affinity group chairs are as below: Joint Chapters Antenna & Propagation (AP), Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Communication (ComSoc) and Vehicular Technology (VT) Power Electronics (PELS), Industrial Applications (IA) and Industrial Electronics (IE) Electron Devices (EDS), Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT) and Solid-State Circuits (SSCS), Penang Society Power Engineering (PES) Computer Society (CS) Electron Devices (EDS) Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) Signal Processing (SP) Instrumentation and Measurement (IM) Photonic (PS) Circuits and Systems (CAS) Robotic and Automation (RAS) Control (CS) Education (EduSoc) Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBS) Consumer Electronics System, Man and Cybernetics Affinity Group Graduate of Last Decade (GOLD) IEEE Malaysia Women in Engineering (WIE) Mazlina Esa Hafizal Mohamad Mustafar Kamal Hamzah Lim Boon Leng Ismail Musirin Mohd Rawidean Kassim Zaliman Sauli Azhar Aripin Mohd Faizal Ahmad Fauzi Tin Win Ahmad Fauzi Abas Wan Zuha Wan Hassan Arosha Senanayake Mohd Nasir Taib Low Sew Ming Fatimah Ibrahim Abdul Rahman Ramli Tan Ching Seong M Iqbal Saripan Zuhaina Zakaria B.2.2: Only one new chapter was formed in 2010, i.e. SMC028 Systems, Man and Cybernetics. B.2.3: Most of the chapters are actives and the weakest one been coached by prominent society/chapter. B.2.4: Chapter Activities The activities for chapters can be summarized as follow: 7 (i) Antenna & Propagation (AP), Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Joint Chapter We successfully organized two major events, one being a new initiative. The success story of the series of APACE, IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, continues with its 4th appearance this year. It was held on 9-11 November 2010, at the green Tiara Beach Resort, Port Dickson. APACE 2010 was graced with the presence of world reknown expert; Prof. Dr Atef Z Elsherbeni, an IEEE Fellow, of The Univ. of Mississippi, USA, who delivered a Keynote Presentation and complimentary Tutorial. The conference received over 150 preliminary manuscripts from 67 organizations in 16 countries; 55 academic institutions (39 international, 16 local), and 12 industries (7 international, 5 local). Papers were presented in 11 technical Sessions that spread over parallel tracks. In addition, a newly introduced session known as Industrial Applications Session was held after the Plenary Session. Speakers representing two exhibitors delivered their presentations on latest products. The year 2010 has seen the birth of the newly initiated major event, i.e. 2010 Indonesia-Malaysia Microwave Antenna Conference (IMMAC 2010), thanks to the close collaboration between the IEEE AP/MTT/EMC Malaysia Chapter and the IEEE MTT/AP Indonesia Chapter. It is the inaugural international cooperation between two Nusantara countries, which is also the first event for the IEEE MTT/AP Indonesia Chapter, the local Secretariat. IMMAC 2010 was held at Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Jakarta, Indonesia, on 11-12 June 2010. It has managed to attract a total of over 100 manuscripts from Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan and Iraq. A total of 90 accepted papers have been presented in 16 technical and poster sessions. The conference was graced by the presence of IEEE Fellows; Prof. Shiban Koul (India) and Prof. Takashi Ohira (Japan), who delivered Keynote Presentations. In addition, there were four Invited Speakers from Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. The Chapter sponsored plaques and certificates for the second IEEE Malaysia & Freescale Smart Car Competition 2010 held on 4-5 Dec 2010 at UKM. The Chapter plans to carry out more activities in the following year, with volunteer representatives from industries, academic and research organisations. The following is the list of technical, educational and professional activities organized by the chapter. No. Date Title P-1 23/2/2010* P-2 19/3/2010* P-3 19/7/2010 P-4 23/07/2010 P-5 4/10/2010* E-1 30/11/2010 Benefits of Professional Activities Guide to good seminar presentation Educational Visit E-2 7/12/2010 Educational Visit E-3 20/4/2010 Educational Visit E-4 29/5/2010 Leadership Camp T-1 20/01/2010 T-2 27/1/2010* Microwave Passive Component Design Using CAD Software Innovation in Microwave Benefits of Professional Activities Tips for Graduating Engineers Unmanned Remotely Operated Vehicles Competition 2010 Presenter/ Venue Prof Dr Mazlina Esa UTM Skudai Prof Dr Mazlina Esa UTM Skudai Ir. Mohd Fouzi Yaakob & Cdr Franklin Joseph, at Putrajaya Maritime Center Prof Dr Mazlina Esa UTM Skudai Prof Dr Mazlina Esa UTM Skudai Prof Dr Mazlina Esa (UTM), at The City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Prof Dr Mazlina Esa (UTM), Venue: ISAS, JAXA, Kanagawa, Japan Assoc. Prof. Dr Ahmed Elbarsha (Gouryanis Univ., Libya) at FKEUTM Education Bureau, Malaysia Section, in KL Category / (Attendance) Professional (23) Professional (20) Professional (90) Professional (18) Professional (25) Educational (25) Educational (15) Educational (5) Dr. Mohd Khairul Mohd Salleh, (FKE UiTM) Education (2 ExComs attended) Technical (10) ATM Solutions Sdn Bhd Technical 8 Test and Measurements Seminar on Pre-Thesis Proposal Training; Satellite Training System Antenna Simulation Using CST Design Environment Microwave Design Using AWR Design Environment Impedance Matching Principles Technical Report Writing T-3 17/2/2010 T-4 24/02/2010 T-5 09/03/2010 T-6 18/03/2010 T-7 22/3/2010 T-8 24/03/2010 T-9 6/4/2010 T-10 14/04/2010 T-11 19/4/2010 Fundamentals of Microwave Filters Research Progress in Microwave Engineering RF and Microwave Devices T-12 26/4/2010 Principles of Radar T-13 28/4/ 2010 T-14 22/6/2010* T-15 21/7/2010* T-16 3/8/2010* T-17 6/8/2010 T-18 2/9/2010 Seminar on Final Year Project Workshop; Microwave Communication System Workshop; Microwave Antenna System Distinguished Technical Talk: (i) Plasmonics and Applications (ii) Malaysian Imperial Doctorate Programme (MIDP) PG Technical Talk: Error Concealment using Lapped Orthogonal Transform (LOT) & Multiple Description Image Coding (MDC) Basic Filter Characteristics T-19 30/9/2010 T-20 7/10/2010 T-21 18-20/ 10/2010 9-11/ 11/2010 T-22 T-23 9/11/2010 T-24 10/11/2010 Presentation on Stabilized Optical Tracker Distinguished Technical Talk: WiMAX & LTE Advanced PG Technical Talk on WiMAX & LTE Advanced Training on PCB Prototyping 2010 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (APACE 2010) Tutorial; Efficient Use of the FDTD Technique for Antenna Design Plenary Session: Keynote; The Role of Computer Graphics Cards in UTM Skudai Suhaila Subahir, UNISEL Dr. Mohd Khairul Mohd Salleh (FKE UiTM) Dr. Mohd Khairul Mohd Salleh, (MTC, UiTM) Francis Leong, AWR (FKE, UiTM) Prof Dr Mazlina Esa UTM Skudai Dr. Mohd Khairul Mohd Salleh, (FKE UiTM) Prof Dr Mazlina Esa UTM Skudai Dr. Mohd Khairul Mohd Salleh (FKE UiTM) Prof Dr Mazlina Esa UTM Skudai Cdr Franklin J. Joseph, Naval Base, Lumut Suhaila Subahir, UNISEL Prof Dr Mazlina Esa UTM Skudai Prof Dr Mazlina Esa UTM Skudai Dr Naim Abdullah @ Anthony Centeno (Imperial College London, UK), UTM Skudai (25) Technical (23) Technical (10) Technical (25) Technical (10) Technical (20) Technical (10) Technical (18) Technical (5) PG student: Ali Farzamnia Supervisor: Assoc. Prof Dr Sharifah Kamilah Yusof, UTM Skudai Technical (25) Prof. Dr Mazlina Esa, UTM Skudai Cdr Franklin J. Joseph, Naval Base, Lumut Technical (19) Technical (36) Prof. Dr. Norsheila Fisal PG students: Siti Marwangi, Faiz Ashraf, Joshua, Ali Farzamania Technical (25) Azhar (Hakko Malaysia), FKE, UiTM General Chair: Prof Dr Mazlina Esa (UTM), Tiara Beach Resort, Port Dickson Prof. Dr Atef Z Elsherbeni (Univ. of Mississippi, USA), Tiara Beach Resort, Port Dickson Prof. Dr Atef Z Elsherbeni, Tiara Beach Resort, Port Dickson Technical (25) Technical (120) Technical (13) Technical (42) Technical (50) Technical (6) Technical (6) Technical (15) Technical (40) Technical (100) 9 T-25 10/11/2010 T-26 10/11/2010 T-27 30/11/2010 T-28 7/12/2010 T-29 11-12/ 6/2010 T-30 11/6/2010 T-31 11/6/2010 T-32 12/ 6/2010 T-33 11/ 6/2010 T-34 11/ 6/2010 T-35 11/ 6/2010 T-36 23/11/2010 T-37 24/11/2010 Advancing Electromagnetics Education Industrial Applications Session; Axomic (M) Sdn Bhd Industrial Applications Session; CST Distinguished Technical Talks; (i) Microwave and Antenna Research in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (ii) Engineering Education Accreditation Experience at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia: Efforts towards EAC Accreditation in 2009 Direct Assessment of Program Outcomes Distinguished Technical Talk; Antenna and Rectenna Research at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia: Past, Present and Future 2010 Indonesia-Malaysia Microwave-Antennas Conference (IMMAC 2010) at Universitas Indonesia (UI) Keynote Paper 1: Micromachined, Microwave and Millimeter Wave Circuit Design Keynote Paper 2: Maxwellian Approach to Secret Key Generation for Wireless Information Security Invited Paper 1; Compact Microwave Devices with Embedded Harmonic Suppression Invited Paper 2; Analysis of Serrated Coupling Microstrip Antenna Invited Paper 3; Microstrip Antenna for Mobile Terminals Operating at 5 GHz Band Invited Paper 4: Research on Antennas to Facilitate Fast Growing Wireless Data Communications ISC ISAP meeting during ISAP 2010, Macau, SAR R10 APS CCM meeting during ISAP 2010, Macau, SAR Hunt Ng, Tiara Beach Resort, Port Dickson Technical (100) Dr Linus Lau, Tiara Beach Resort, Port Dickson Prof Dr Mazlina Esa (UTM), at The City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Technical (100) Prof Dr Mazlina Esa (UTM), at ISAS, JAXA, Kanagawa, Japan Technical (10) General Chairs: Profs. Dr Eko Tjipto Rahardjo (UI, Indonesia) and Dr Mazlina Esa (UTM, Malaysia), UI, Jakarta Prof Dr Shiban K Koul, (FIEEE, IIT Delhi, India), UI, Jakarta Technical (100) Prof Dr Takashi Ohira, (FIEEE, Toyohashi Univ. of Technology, Japan), UI, Jakarta Technical (100) Prof Dr Mazlina Esa (UTM, Malaysia), UI, Jakarta Technical (30) Prof. Dr Monai K Krairiksh (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladrakabang, Thailand), UI, Jakarta Dr Elyas Palantei (Univ. Hassanuddin, Indonesia) UI, Jakarta Technical (28) Dr Adit K (Indonesia) UI, Jakarta Technical (25) Prof Dr Mazlina Esa Technical (30) Technical (20) Prof Dr Mazlina Esa Technical (25) Technical (100) Technical (25) 10 T-38 24-26 /11/2010 T-39 8/12/2010 T-40 9/12/2010 T-41 10/12/2010 T-42 10/12/2010 Training on Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS) - Fundamentals R10 MTTS CCM meeting during APMC 2010, Yokohama, Japan ISC APMC meeting during APMC 2010, Yokohama, Japan General Discussion with MTTS Delhi and MTTS Singapore Chapter Chairs EMCS DLP (online); (i) EMC/EMI issues in biomedical research (ii) Design/modeling for periodic nano structures for EMC/EMI Srini Bommana (Agilent Singapore), Venue: FKE, UiTM Prof Dr Mazlina Esa Prof Dr Mazlina Esa Profs Dr Mazlina Esa, Dr Shiban, Dr Michael Ong Prof Dr Dr Ji Chen, Univ. of Houston Technical (20) Technical (45) Technical (50) Technical (4) Technical (15) (ii) Communication (ComSoc) and Vehicular Technology (VT) Joint Chapter In year 2010, 18 technical programs, including DLP (6), technical talk (5), industrial visit (3), short course and educational (4) have been conducted throughout the year. Two series of distinguish lecture programs (DLP) session featuring two speakers; Prof. Tad Matsumoto from Oulu University / Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) and Prof. Qian Zhang from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). The following is the list of technical, educational and professional activities organized by the chapter. Date Title T-1 24-Jan-10 MIMO and WiMAX Development T-2 24-Mar-10 Mobile Broadband and Capacity Optimization T-3 22-Apr-10 Fibre to the Home (FTTH) P-1 28-Apr-10 Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Immune System Dr. Tiong Sieh Kiong, UNITEN (UNITEN) T-4 12-May-10 Frequency Domain Turbo Equalization Prof. Tad Mastumoto, Fellow IEEE, Professor, JAIST, Japan DLT (18) Prof. Tad Mastumoto, Fellow IEEE, Professor, JAIST, Japan University of Oulu, Finland (UPM) DLT (27) Prof. Tad Mastumoto, Fellow IEEE, Professor, JAIST, Japan University of Oulu, Finland (UTeM) DLT (37) T-5 13-May-10 T-6 13-May-10 T-7 9-Jun-10 Frequency Domain Turbo Equalization for Single Carrier Signaling and its Information Theoretic Considerations Frequency Domain Turbo Equalization for Single Carrier Signaling and its Information Theoretic Considerations Competition and Presenter (Venue) Category (Attendance) Technical Talk (200) No Dr. Nordin Ramli, MIMOS ( IIUM) Mr Bonie Erwanto Vice President, Operational Excellence and Performance Management, Axiata Group Bhd (IIUM) Prof. Khazani Abdullah, Adjunct Professor UNITEN (UNITEN) Mr. Abu Saeed Khan Technical Talk (18) Technical Talk (20) Professional (15) Technical Talk 11 P-2 23-Jun-10 E-1 22-Jul-10 E-2 23-Jul-10 E-3 P-3 4-Aug-10 25-Aug-10 Technology: Friend or Foe? Fuzzy Logic and Particle Swarm Optimisation Technical Visit Wireless Broadband: Past, Present and Future Technical Visit to MAXIS Support Vector Machine and Ant Colony E-4 22-Sep-10 Round Table with YTL Communications' COO, ALI TABASSI 15 10-Dec-10 Advances in Cognitive Radio Networks 16 10-Dec-10 Cooperation in Cognitive Radio Networks 17 11-Dec-10 Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications 14-Dec-10 Important Things that were not Taught in School and University 18 Strategy Analyst, Ericsson South East Asia (MMU) (16) Dr. Tiong Sieh Kiong, UNITEN (UNITEN) Professional (11) Scientific & Technical Products Sdn. Bhd. Industrial Visit (12) Dr. Hafizal Mohamad, MIMOS (UIAM) Technical Talk (190) MAXIS Dr. Tiong Sieh Kiong, UNITEN (UNITEN) YTL Communications Sdn Bhd, WiMAX Data Centre, Lot PT 189, Sentul Park, Jalan Strachan, Sentul West, 51100 Kuala Lumpur Prof. Dr. Qian Zhang Professor, Hong Kong University of Technology (SKMM) Prof. Dr. Qian Zhang Professor, Hong Kong University of Technology (UKM) Prof. Dr. Qian Zhang Professor, Hong Kong University of Technology (UPM) Dr. Hafizal Mohamad / IEEE Malaysia Student Conventions (MSC) (UPM) Industrial Visit (15) Professional (20) Talk and Industrial Visit (16) DLT Talk (75) DLT Talk (31) DLT Talk (32) Educational (18) (iii) Power Electronics (PELS), Industrial Applications (IA) and Industrial Electronics (IE) Joint Chapter The chapter has been awarded with the best IEEE Malaysia Chapter and has also been awarded with the IEEE Industry Applications Society Outstanding Small Joint Chapter Award for activities carried out in 2009. In year 2010, the joint chapter PEL/IA/IE has co-organized successfully seven major conferences/symposia; the ICEDSA2010, ISIEA2010, ICIAST 2010, ICCAIE2010, ICOS2010, ICCAIE2010 and PECON2010. A total of 1072 technical papers are presented and will be included in the IEEE Database. In addition there are 16 technical, 1 major professional and 3 membership development events. In 2010 the joint chapter was involved in co-sponsorship of the Region 10 IAS Chapters Leadership and Industry Applications workshop. The inaugural ICCAIE2010, CSSR 2010 and ICOS2010 were developed in conjunction with the IEEE theme of Advancing Technology for Humanity with the integration of Humanities Tracks providing an interdisciplinary platform for networking. The combined event has a total of 420 technical papers from over 700 full-paper submission with participants from 35 countries. It was also graced with 9 parallel tutorials and 3 keynote sessions. The following is the list of technical, educational and professional activities organized by the chapter. No. Date C-1 25/4/2010 – Title 2010 International Presenter/ Venue Seri Pacific Hotel, Category / (Attendance) Conference 12 27/4/2010 C-2 15/6/2010 – 17/6/2010 C-3 3/10/2010 – 6/10/2010 C-4 29/11/2010 – 1/12/2010 C-5 5/12/2010 – 7/12/2010 5/12/2010 – 7/12/2010 C-6 (iv) C-7 5/12/2010 – 7/12/2010 P-1 22/11/2010 – 23/11/2010 T-2 22/11/2010 – 23/11/2010 Conference on Electronic Devices, Systems and Applications International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems 2010 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications (ISIEA 2010) 2010 IEEE International Conference on Power & Energy 2010 IEEE Conference on Open Systems 2010 International Conference on Computer Applications & Industrial Electronics (ICCAIE 2010) 2010 International Conference on Science and Social Research (CSSR 2010) 2010 Region 10 IEEE IAS Chapters' Leadership Workshop 2010 IEEE Region 10 Technical Seminar on Industry Applications Kuala Lumpur (116) Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre Conference (187) Park Royal Hotel, Penang Conference (140) Sunway Hotel Conference (209) Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Conference (20) Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Conference (263) Park Royal Hotel, Penang Professional (25) Park Royal Hotel, Penang Technical (35) Conference (137) Electron Devices (EDS), Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT) and Solid-State Circuits (SSCS), Penang Joint Chapter Year 2010 witnessed the significant engagement of Penang MTT/EDS/SSCS Chapter in the Distinguished Lecturer Program. This is the year with highest number of Distinguished Lecturer with total of 5 invited in the expertise area of Device modeling and Circuit Simulation. Among the experts were Professor Mitiko from Hiroshima University in Japan (the inventor of HiSIM Model) and Dr Marcel Pelgrom from NXP in Netherland (the inventor of famous Pelgrom Theorem). This helps to enhance the local exposure and knowledge in Device Modeling and Circuit simulation and establish connection with the world well recognized expert of the Device Engineering. No. Date Title T-1 19/01/2010 Global Navigation Satellite System T-2 10/3/2010 T-3 27/4/2010 X parameter; What are they and what are they good for Introduction to LTE Technology T-4 6/5/2010 T-5 14/7/2010 T-6 4/8/2010 T-7 24/8/2010 CMOS Device Technology and Scaling challenges in FPGA Ballistic Quantum Transport in Nano Devices and Circuits New Driving Force for Electromigration in ULSI Interconnection and Its Implication to IC Layout Compact Modeling for Presenter/ Venue Andrew Addy from Spirent Communication/PSDC Mihai Macru from Agilent Technologies/PSDC Sonali Sarpotdar from Agilent Technologies/PSDC Dr Jeff Watt from Altera Corporation/PSDC Category / (Attendance) Technical (26) Technical (19) Technical (8) Technical (15) Prof Vijay Arora from Wilkes University/PSDC Technical (32) Dr Tan Cher Ming from National Technology University/PSDC Technical (9) Prof Mansun Chan from Technical (22) 13 (v) T-8 12/10/2010 T-9 23/11/2010 Nano Transistors from Circuit Simulation Perspective Difference Faces of Variability Surface-Potential-Based Compact Modeling for Accurate Prediction of Circuits Performances HongKong University of Science and Technology Dr Marcel Pelgrom from NXP Prof Mitiko MiuraMattausch from Hiroshima University Technical (30) Technical (40) Power Engineering Society (PES) The chapter has been very active in organizing and sponsoring various activities throughout the year 2010. The chapter received the High Performance Chapter Program (HPCP) for 2009 and this year it continues the tradition of providing its members with various activities for technical knowledge and professional development and social networking. The activities are summarized in the table below: No. T1 13/01/2010 T2 27/01/2010 T3 05/02/2010 T4 15/05/2010 T5 Date 23/06/2010 Title 1-Day Technical Talk on ‘Energy Efficiency’ Technical Talk on Trends in Power System Research IEEE PES/CIGRE/CIRED/DLP Workshop on Smart Grid Initiatives in the Asia Pacific CIGRE/PES Colloquium on Lightning Protection and Power Systems 4th Int. Power Eng. and Optimization Conference (PEOCO2010), Technical Co-sponsor T6 23/06/2010 Innovative PhotovoltaicThermal (PVT) Technology for Future Applications T7 24/06/2010 Power System Stability Issues and Research T8 08/07/2010 T9 08/07/2010 Technical Talk by Prof Saman on Green Computing Technical Talk by Dr Halgamuge on Biological Effects of Radio Frequency and Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Presenter/ Venue Dr. Musse Venue: IIU Prof. K. L. Lo Venue: UiTM, Shah Alam Category / (Attendance) Technical (25 participants) Venue: APS, Shah Alam Technical (30 participants) Venue: Berjaya Times Square, KL Technical (80 participants) Venue: Grand Blue Wave Hotel, Shah Alam Technical (About 120 technical papers presented in two days) Dato Dr Mohd Yusof Othman/Venue: Grand Blue Wave Hotel, Shah Alam Dr Sallehudin Yusof/ Venue: Grand Blue Wave Hotel, Shah Alam Technical (30 participants) Technical (90 participants) Technical (30 participants) Venue: UiTM, Shah Alam Technical (60 participants) Venue: UiTM, Shah Alam Technical (60 participants) Prof. Peter Crossley Venue: UPM Technical (60 participants from industry and academia) T10 13/07/2010 Technical Talk/DLP on Smart Grid T11 28/09/2010 Workshop by Prof. Dommel Venue: APS, Shah Alam Technical participants from industries and universities 27/10/2010 DLP/Technical Talk on Switching Surges Prof Dommel Venue: TNBR Technical (50 participants from industry and academia) T12 14 T13 29/11/2010 IEEE PECON 2010 Venue: Sunway Resort, hotel & Spa, Sunway Technical (About 180 technical papers presented in three days) T14 08/12/2010 Workshop on T&D Asset Management Venue: Chorus Hotel, KL Technical participants from industries and universities T15 17/12/2010 Technical Talk Prof Akagi Venue: Uniten Technical participants from industries and universities 23/06/2010 Talk on “Power Engineering, an Enabler of the New Economic Model (NEM) of Malaysia- A Sharing of Experiences and Concerns of the Developing World” P1 Datuk Dr Ahmad Zaidee Laidin Venue: Grand Blue Wave Hotel, Shah Alam Professional (90 participants) (vi) Computer Society (CS) The chapter successfully organized IEEE International Conference on Open Systems 2010 (ICOS 2010), 5 -7 Dec 2010, in Seri Pan Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. There were also two DLP Talks by Prof. Dr. Zhang from Hong Kong University and Prof. Dr. Chua Tat Seng from National University of Singapore (NUS). In addition, addition, the chapter was Technical Co-Sponsor for CAMP 2010 (Mac 2010), ITSim 2010 (June 2010), ICCCE 2010 (May 2010) and i-USEr 2010 (Dec 2010) conferences. No. Date Title T-1 Dec 2010 T-2 Mac 2010 IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS 2010) DVP Talk, “Web-based search engine” T-3 June 2010 DVP Talk, “BioMetrics: Current & Future Trends” E-1 Dec 2010 T-4 Mac 2010 T-5 May 2010 T-6 June 2010 T-7 Dec 2010 IEEE-Freescale Smart Car Competition CAMP 2010 Conference, Technical Sponsorship with UiTM ICCCE 2010 Conference, Technical Sponsorship with UIAM ITSim 2010 Conference , Technical Sponsorship with UTP I-USEr 2010 Conference, Technical Sponsorship with UiTM Presenter/ Venue Sri Pan Pacific Hotel, KL Prof. Dr. Chua Tat Seng National Univ. of Singapore (NUS) Category / (Attendance) Technical (40) Prof. Dr. Zhang (University of Hong Kong) UKM, Bangi Technical (40) SACC, Shah Alam Technical (30) Educational (25 teams) Technical (100) Prince Hotel, KL Technical (120) KLCC, KL Technical (300) UiTM, Shah Alam Technical (80) (vii) Electron Devices Society (EDS) The major event for the year is ICSE2010 conference held in Holiday Inn Melaka where we successfully published about 94 papers in IEEE Explore. Six keynote speeches were given by 15 international and local speakers. The chapter also successfully organized five professional short courses both for industry and academic members. These short courses were also educational in nature as some students were permitted into the course free of charge. No. Date S-1,T-1 06/02/2 010 T-2 12/03/2 010 T-3 09/04/2 010 T-4 30/04/2 010 T-5 04/06/2 010 T-6 27/06/2 010 T-7 29/06/2 010 T-8 16/07/2 010 S-2, T-9 17/08/2 010 T-10 28 30/06/2 010 P-1 E-1/P-2 06 08/07/2 010 E-2/P-3 28 29/10/2 010 E-3/P-4 2223/11/2 010 E-4/P-5 30/11/2 010 T-11 0103/12/2 010 T-12 2224/12/2 010 Title ED-Excom meeting/Retreat 1 ICSE2010 committee meeting ICSE2010 committee meeting ICSE2010 committee meeting ICSE2010 committee meeting ICSE2010 committee meeting ICSE2010 committee meeting ED-Excom meeting 2 ED-Excom meeting 3/Buka Puasa event IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronic (ICSE2010) IEEE Malaysia Leadership Camp Profesional Short Course on Taguchi Method for Product and Process Optimization Profesional Short Course on Optical Measurement and Analysis Intensive Course on Photonics Technology Part I Short Course : Quantum Nanoelectronics & Nanoscale Characterizations 2010 International Conference on Enabling Science and Nanotechnology (ESciNano 2010) Intensive Course on Photonics Technology Part II Presenter/ Venue Holiday Inn Melaka Category / (Attendance) Social/Technical(13) JKEES Meeting Room, UKM JKMB Meeting Room, UKM JKEES Meeting Room,, UKM JKMB Meeting Room, UKM Holiday Inn Melaka Technical (12) Holiday Inn Melaka Technical (17) JKEES Meeting Room,, UKM Residence Hotel@ Uniten Technical (12) Technical (13) Technical (10) Technical (13) Technical (18) Social/Technical (12) All Ex-Comm members Holiday Inn Melaka Technical (100) PM Dr Zaliman, Shah Alam Prof Dr PR Apte, IIT Bombay & Prof Ibrahim/Puri Pujangga UKM Prof Dr Sahbudin Shaari/Bilik Latihan TEA UKM Prof Dr Sahbudin Shaari/Bilik Latihan TEA UKM Prof Madya Dr Manaf/UTM Professional (20) Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre Technical (100) Prof Dr Sahbudin Shaari/Bilik Latihan TEA UKM Profesional/ Educational (20) Profesional/ Educational (20) Profesional/ Educational (20) Profesional/ Educational (20) Profesional/ Educational (15) (viii) Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) In year 2010, the major highlight for CPMT Chapter is the International Electronics Manufacturing Technology (IEMT 2010) Conference which was held on November 30 th-December 2nd, 2010, at Renaissance Hotel, Melaka. A core team member group, which consists of 19 volunteers from the industry and universities, was formed, to plan and organize the conference. This 3-day event was well attended by professionals from industries and academic institutions throughout the world. Through a careful one-year planning, the conference was very successful in attracting total of 91 high quality papers, 15 poster papers, 8 keynote addresses and 4 short courses. In all, over 300 16 people attended the event. The conference has been able to attract people from more than 17 countries. No. Date 1 Nov 30, 2010 2 Nov 30, 2010 3 Nov 30, 2010 4 Nov 30, 2010 5 Dec 1, 2010 6 Dec 1, 2010 7 Dec 1, 2010 8 Dec 1, 2010 9 Dec 1, 2010 10 Dec 2, 2010 11 Dec 2, 2010 12 Dec 2, 2010 13 Dec 1, 2010 14 Dec 1, 2010 15 Dec 2, 2010 16 Dec 2, 2010 Title State-Of-The-Art and Trends in 3D IC/Si Integrations and WLP Advanced Copper Wirebonding Past, Present and Future of Packaging Flip Chip Technology Heterogeneous Integration - A Key Enabling Technology Innovation and Collaboration Keeping up with Market Demands And Transitions Current Technology Barriers and Future Direction for Packaging The Practice of Engineering in The Year of The Tiger Presenter/Venue Category/ Attendance) Dr. John Lau Prof (220) Dr. Ho Hong Meng Prof (220) Prof (220) Mr. Joe Fjelstad Dr. Yutaka Tsukada Dr. Rolf Aschenbrenner Prof (220) Prof (220) Prof (220) Mr. CC Lee Dr. Yutaka Tsukada Prof (220) Dr. William Chen Prof (220) Automotive Electronics – Density Increase Packaging As Enabler Technology Packaging Trends in Mobile Electronics, Towards Wafer Level Packaging Dr. Knoblauch Andreas Prof (220) Importance of Reliability In Electronics Mr. Joe Fjelstad Prof (220) Small Signal Electrical Testing in Package Engineering Ultra Low CTE (0 ppm/C) Mr. YC Ng Prof (220) Dr. Yutaka Tsukada Prof (60) Polyimide Film and Its Potential IntegratedApplication Wafer Level Packaging - An Emerging Synergism DFMEA/PFMEA : What They Never Teach You In Formal School Miniaturization Innovation Evolution of Electronics Packaging – What’s Coming Next …? Prof (220) Mr. Xavier Baraton Mr. John Hunt Prof (60) Mr. Shankar Shridhar Prof (60) Mr. Amir Nur Rashid Wagiman Prof (60) (ix) Signal Processing (SP) This year the chapter managed to organize various activities ranging from membership drive, workshops, technical talks, technical visit, competition, conference technical co-sponsorships, social activities as well as administrative meetings. Four workshops, including one fully sponsored by the chapter, were conducted (OFDM at MMU, Matlab GUI at Uniten, image processing at MMU and IPIARTI at UTM KL). Eight technical talks were also held in four locations (MMU Cyberjaya, AIMST Kedah, UTP Perak and UTM Skudai). The chapter also had a technical visit to several labs in UTP as well as running a logo design competition for ICSIPA2011. Even though there was no any conference organized this year, SP collaborated with four conferences (cooperative sponsor for IWAIT2010 and SCORED2010 and technical co-sponsor for ISSPA2010 and SITIS2010). A couple of social activities were also held in conjunction with our UTP technical visit. Finally four administrative meetings and a membership drive were also held in 2010. The educational, professional and technical activities are summarized as below. 17 No. Date Title E-1 15th May 2010 Dr. Mohamad Yiusoff Alias /MMU E-2 16th June 2010 Syed Khaleel Ahmed/ Uniten, Educational (5) E-3 19th June 2010 Dr. Fazly Salleh Abas ( MMU, Educational (8) E-4 16th December 2010 Various, UTM, Kuala Lumpur. Educational (80) E-5 13th, 14th, 27th, 28th Nov, 18th Dec 2010 18th December 2010 Workshop on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) with MATLAB Practical Sessions Intensive One-day Workshop on Building a GUI using MATLAB Intensive One-day Workshop on Image Processing using MATLAB Image Processing, Image Analysis and Real Time Imaging Workshop NI Labview Programming Workshop Category / (Attendance) Educational (10) Kelvin Tang, MMU, Selangor Educational (26) Briefing on EDAS Conference Management System Deploying Textual Mathematics on Real-Time Embedded Hardware with LabVIEW MathScriptRT Module ANN Detection for Liver Disease Mustafar Kamal Hamzah (UITM), MMU, Selangor. Ken Ng (National Instruments), MMU, Selangor Educational (5) Dr. R. Logeswaran (MMU), AIMST, Kedah Mahendra V. Chikuluri (MMU), AIMST, Kedah Catherine Ong (Hi-Tech Instruments), AIMST, Kedah Prof. Zainal Arifin Ahmad (USM), AIMST, Kedah Prof. Sean McLoone (National University of Ireland), UTM, Johor Technical (72) Dr. R. Logeswaran (MMU), UTP, Perak Dr. Omar Mohd Rijal (UM), UTP, Perak Technical (39) Technical (39) AIMST, Kedah Technical (NA) Technical (12) E-6 T-1 24th February 2010 T-2 22nd April 2010 T-3 22nd April 2010 T-4 22nd April 2010 Time-Frequency Signal Processing in Biomedical Applications Technology and Application of Micro CT Scan T-5 22nd April 2010 Recent Advances in Biomaterials T-6 28th June 2010 T-7 3rd December 2010 3rd December 2010 T-8 T-9 T-10 22nd April 2010 3rd December 2010 P-1 11th -12th January 2010 P-2 10th – 13th May 2010 Blind System Identification (Deconvolution) for Thermocouple Sensors - A Research Area Involves Signal Processing for Sensor Application Disease Detection Using Artificial Neural Network Statistical Multivariate Technique for Some Image Analysis Problems Campus Tour of AIMST University, Kedah Technical Visit to UTP’s Intelligent and Signal and Image Processing Lab (ISI) and 3D Fire and Gas Mapping Lab International Workshop in Advanced Image Technology 2010 (IWAIT2010) International Conference on Information Sciences, Signal Processing and Their Presenter/ Venue UTP, Perak Technical (5) Technical (72) Technical (72) Technical (72) Technical (42) Renaissance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Professional (NA) Renaissance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Professional (NA) 18 P-3 15th – 18th December 2010 P-4 13th – 14th December 2010 December201 0 – March 2011 P-5 Applications 2010 (ISSPA2010) International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems 2010 (SITIS2010) IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development 2010 (SCORED2010) ICSIPA 2011 Logo Design Competition Impiana KLCC Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Professional (NA) IOI Palm Garden, Putrajaya Professional (NA) Local Universities Professional (NA) (x) Instrumentation and Measurement (IM) There were two EXCO meetings held and one membership drive held at IIUM on 29 July 2010 with 95 attendees. Although the Microbike Competition was intended to do in 2010, the rules need to be changed due to the level of difficulty in balancing on two wheels. The new rules were not drawn yet and the competition has to be delayed until mid 2011. (xi) Photonic (PS) The stable continuity provided by the previous committee enabled IEEE Photonics Society to continue its agenda and mission for the year 2010. One major achievement of 2010 was the International Conference on Photonics 2010 (ICP2010). Held in Pulau Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia, ICP2010 was the first international conference organized by the society. About 112 paperds were accepted for the conference with attendance of 93 presenters worldwide. Topical Meeting on Photonics 2010 (TMP 2010) held in June 2010 in UPM marks a new type of conference co‐organized by the society and IEEE GOLD. Only invited speakers were involved in presenting their research outcome. This meeting successfully invited 15 speakers from various field ranging from optical fiber communications to material and devices research in the field of photonics. . Other major achievements by the society include a formation of independent optical sensor group within the society. The members handled their own meetings and organised visits to other labs to look for collaboration opportunities with others (which are not IEEE members) in optical sensor research and development. Distinguish lecture series (DLS) and photonics lecture series (PLS) are continually organized by the society. One DLS done in March represent Prof John Dudley from France talking about Linear Fiber and its future. On the other hand, PLS were done in parallel with membership drive to promote photonics as well as membership of IEEE Photonics Society in Malaysia. The society hopes to continue DLS and PLS programmes as part of spreading the benefits of photonics as well as promoting the society to the public in 2011. No. Date Title E-1 29/01/2010 E-2 12/02/2010 E-3 04/03/2010 T-1 16/03/2010 E-4 19/05/2010 Two-photon excitation microscopy in evaluating semiconductor materials Self-mixing technique based on VCSEL for biomedical applications -linear fiber - new technology, new opportunity Postgraduate Progress Meeting L-Band Brillouin-Erbium Fiber Laser Utilizing Brillouin Pump Pre- Presenter/ Venue Dr Ahmad Shukri Muhammad Noor / Dewan Seminar UPM Ahmad Ashrif Abu Bakar UKM Prof John Dudley Dewan Seminar UPM Dr Ahmad Fauzi Abas BK 12 UPM Assoc Prof Dr M Hayder Almansoori UNITEN Category / (Attendance) Educational (42) Educational (11) Educational (35) Technical (11) Educational (18) 19 T-2 T-5 14/06/2010 (2-day event) 17/06/2010 05/05/2010 (4- day event) 23/07/2010 T-6 29/07/2010 E-5 02/08/2010 E-6 17/08/2010 E-7 30/11/2010 E-8 02/12/2010 T-3 T-4 amplified Technique Topical Meeting on Photonics 2010 Dewan Seminar UPM Technical (65) Le Croy Talk International Conference on Photonics UPM Holiday Villa Beach Resort Langkawi Technical (5) Technical (96) Sensor for Environmental Monitoring, Medical Diagnostic and Food Quality Control Digital High Speed Oscilloscope. What are the Issues? Single Crystal Semiconductor Nanostructures for Energy Conversion Devices on Flexible and Non-crystalline Surfaces Fiber Inspection Probe Assoc. Prof Dr Norazah Dewan Taklimat UPM Technical (33) Dr. Martin Miller BK 6 Technical (38) Dr. Logeeswaran Veerayah Jayaraman Dewan Seminar UPM Education (50) Photonics Laboratory UPM Fac of Science UPM Education (8) Assoc Prof Dr Amin Malek Mohammadi BK 17 UTeM Education (21) Visit to Prof Azah Laboratory by Optical Sensor group Advanced optical modulation and multiplexing formats Education (7) (xii) Circuits and Systems (CAS) IEEE Circuits and Systems society, Malaysia (CAS) has completed a number of activities for year 2010. The chapter has successfully organized the main event of the year, the 2010 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APPCAS 2010) on 6th-9th Dec 2010 at Hilton and Le Meridien Hotel, KL. Almost 350 papers were presented and more than 400 participants have attended the conference. Another main activity, jointly organized by IEEE CAS Malaysia and MIMOS Berhad was the Workshop on Smart Sensor 2010 (WSSS2010). 70 participants nationwide have attended the workshop. Other activities such as distinguished lecture programs (DLP), membership drives, tutorials and small workshops have also been carried out throughout the year. No. Date E-1 2021/04/2007 Title -Market Analysis and Market Space for USN -Current R&D status in Bio Sensors Technology -Trend & Development in Physical Sensor and MEMs Technology -Biochemical Sensors for Medical Applications -WSN research trends & activities in NEST -Review & Implementation of Advanced Analog-Mixed Circuit design for USN Presenter/ Venue Ahmad Hilmi Halim/ Mimos Mr David Khor / Mimos Prof Dr Mohd Noor Ahmad/ Mimos Prof Dr Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis/ Mimos Prof Dr Lee Yook Heng / Mimos Dr Fadlee A Rasid/ Mimos Dr Mohd Nizar Hamidon/ Mimos Mohd Shahiman Sulaiman/ MIMOS Assoc Prof Dr Tun Zainal Category / (Attendance) Educational (70) 20 E-2 E-3 0405/08/2010 09/12/2010 E-4 10/12/2010 E-5 06/12/2010 E-6 06/12/2010 E-7 06/12/2010 E-8 06/12/2010 T-1 0709/12/2010 -Microwave-Based Sensors Technology & Applications -Optical-Based Sensor Technology and Applications 2 Days Workshop on Making Mobile Robot Tutorial Design of indoor 60GHz Multi-GBPS Wireless Baseband Transceiver Azni bin Zulkifli/ Mimos Prof Dr Kaida Khalid/ Mimos Dr Faisal Rafiq Bin Mohamd Adikan/ Mimos Wan Zuha Wan Hasan/ UPM Khairul Hamzani Hamid Prof Shyh-Jye Jou/ Penang Tutorial on VLSI Architectures for DSP and Communications Phase-Locked Loops: Principle and Some Topics Digital Microfluidic Biochips: A Vision for Functional Diversity and More than Moore From Nano-Devices to NanoCircuits and Nano-Systems on chip DC-DC Conversion Prof Gerald Sobelman/ Penang -Fun with Injection Locking -Column-Parallel A/D Converters for CMOS Image Sensors - Analysis of Internet Topologies -Conventional Wisdom: Benefits and Consequences of Annealing Understanding of Engineering Principals -New Technologies and Their Measurement Challenges -From Hardware Power to Software Power- a layperson’s views -The semiconductor industries: the challenges & emergence of a new business model -Embedded and Communications Group (ECG) Ramesh Harjani, USA/ KL Shoji Kawahito, Japan/KL Educational (45) Educational (20) Krishnendu Chakrabarty/KL Educational (30) Educational (20) Educational (15) Maciej Ogorzalek and Giovanni DeMichelli/ KL Educational (30) Dr. Alan L. Harvey/KL Educational (10) Technical (400) Fuminori Kobayashi/ KL Ljiljana Trakovic, Canada/KL Randall Geiger, USA/KL Mike Kawasaki, Agilent/KL N R Narayan Murthy, India/KL Jordan Polaski, Malaysia/KL Eric WP Chan, Malaysia/KL T-2 10/12/2010 Core SoC Technologies for indoor 60Ghz Multi-Gbp Wireless Baseband Transceiver Prof Shyh-Jye Jou/Penang Technical (20) T-3 13/12/2010 Design of Over GIGA bit Wireless LSI systems: Next Generation Wireless Communication System Prof . Yoshikazu Miyanaga Technical (70) (xiii) Robotic and Automation (RAS) 2010 has been an active year for IEEE Robotic and Automation Society (RAS), Malaysia chapter. Three discussion forums to promote research collaboration with overseas institutes have been organized. There were four technical activities and five professional development activities organized in 2010 as presented below The chapter organised one AGM and one EXCO meeting and two social meetings in 2010. The social meetings involved meeting with Professor Minoru Sasaki from Gifu University, Japan and Professor Muhammad Arif from Air University, Pakistan. The chapter signed an MoU with the 21 4th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization in Kuala Lumpur, April 2011 organised by International Campus of UTM and the chapter will be the technical cosponsor for the same. No. Date Title Presenter/ Venue T-1 22/02/2010 T-2 19/07/2010 A/P Mohd Rizal bin Arshad Monash University Sunway campus Putrajaya Maritime Centre T-3 30/07/2010 T-4 23/06/2010 P-1 17/06/2010 Underwater Robotic Research: Current and Future Trends National Technical Seminar on Underwater System Technology 2010 Robot Control Systems Using Bio-potential Signals Future Research directions on BioInspired Robotics Devices for Sports (BIRDS) Discussion forum on bio-mechanics research P-2 30/07/2010 Discussion forum on cross-discipline research between Engineering and Medicine P-3 31/07/2010 Discussion forum on bio-engineering research P-4 09/09/2010 P-5 10/09/2010 Proposal to organize IEEE 2012 International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI,2012) during MFI2010 at Salt Lake City, USA Discussion on research student exchange between , Swanson School of Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, US on Robotics and Automation and IEEE RAS chapter (xiv) Prof. Minoru Sasaki Monash University Sunway campus Dr. Arosha Senanayake at MOSTI Category / (Attendance) Technical Talk (20) Technical Event (100) Technical Talk (15) Technical Talk(11) Prof. Muhammad Arif, Air University, Pakistan at Monash University Sunway campus Prof. Minoru Sasaki Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine, Monash University Sunway campus Prof. Minoru Sasaki Monash University Sunway campus Dr. Arosha Senanayake Professional (6) Professional(13) Dr. Arosha Senanayake Professional(8) Professional (8) Professional (6) Control Society (CS) The 2010 activity’s year witnesses several events cutting across education, technical, and professional. Also, the chapter executive committee was able to interact regularly to plan and deliberate on chapter’s progress. Membership drive was also conducted to recruit new members especially the students. The major events for this year include: Training on Matlab programming CSPA 2010 Conference ICSGRC Postgraduate seminar IEEE Membership drive in conjunction with IIUM,IEEE SB No. Date Title Presenter/ Venue Category / (Attendance) E-1 10/03/2010 C-1 21/05/2010 P-1 T-1 T-1 T-1 T-1 04/06/2010 12/06/2010 21/06/2010 12/12/2010 1719/12/2010 A half day seminar on Matlab application for engineering CSPA 2010 ICSGRC Logistic ICSGRC Paper Reviewing ICSGRC CSIP Review 2010 Control, Signal and Image Processing (CSIP) Research Seminar Safanah Raafat UiTM Shah Alam 22 Educational (65) Melaka, Malaysia Conference (110) Dr. Mohd Nasir Taib Shah Alam,Malaysia Shah Alam,Malaysia Shah Alam, Malaysia Janda Baik, Malaysia Professional (8) Technical (9) Tecchnical (30) Technical (7) Educational (50) (xv) Education (EduSoc) This year we successfully made the chapter more active than before through the many activities organized. This includes four exco (administrative) meetings, three workshops, two conferences (one organized by the Chapter, and another as technical co-sponsor), one technical visit, as well as social activity and technical talks. No. Date Title T-1 20/2/2010 ICEEDU2010 meeting Uniten, Kajang T-2 11/3/2010 T-3 16/3/2010 T-4 3/4/2010 Workshop on simulation software Workshop on Bode Plot ICEEDU2010 meeting Dr. Low/Monash University Sunway Dr. Low/Monash University Sunway UiTM, Shah Alam T-5 5/4/2010 Mr.Ng/KLIA T-6 23/7/2010 T-7 25/9/2010 Technical Visit to KLIA Tower Seminar on “How You Can Win the Nobel Prize” ICEEDU2010 meeting T-8 29th –30th Sept. 2010 T-9 30/9/2010 T-10 8th – 9th December 2010 T-11 8/12/2010 T-12 9/12/2010 International Conference on Engineering Education 2010 (ICEEDU2010) Workshop on “Introduction to LateX” International Congress on Engineering Education 2010 (ICEEDU2010) organized by UiTM – Edsoc Chapter as technical co-sponsor Dr.Low chaired the session, “Double Degree Program between UKM and UDE – Rationale, Implementation and Experiences” during ICEEDU2010 Dr.Low chaired the session “Theory of Presenter/ Venue Prof. Rob Reilly /Monash University Sunway Category / (Attendance) Technical (6) Technical (38) Technical (52) Technical (8) Technical (6) Technical (28) Monash University Sunway Melia Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Technical (5) Technical Syed A Khaleel/ Melia Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Technical (15) Sunway Resort Hotel, Sunway Technical (NA) Prof. Axel Hunger/ Sunway Resort Hotel, Sunway Technical (33) Dr. T.S.Yeoh/ Sunway Resort Hotel, Sunway Technical (30) 23 Incentive Problem Solving/Systematic Innovation in Malaysia” during ICEEDU2010 (xvi) Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBS) It has been a remarkable year for IEEE-EMBS Malaysia Chapter in 2010. The chapter successfully organized the 2010 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES 2010) from 30th November to 2nd December 2010 in the Grand Millennium Hotel. This event is a major milestone of the chapter that is established in year 2008. The conference attracted nearly 120 participants from both international and local researchers to exchange knowledge in the world of biomedical engineering and sciences. No Date T1 10/03/2010 T2 10/03/2010 Activities BioMEMS technical talk at MIMOS Malaysia. Technical Visit to MEMS Laboratory, MIMOS Berhad. Category 20 (Member) Technical 20 (Member) 1 (Guest) 10 (Exco. Members) 20 (Guests) 10/03/2010 Membership Drive T3 30/11/2010 – 02/12/2010 T4 30/11/2010 T5 30/11/2010 T6 01/12/2010 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences. Technical Talk by Prof. Nigel H. Lovell, UNSW. Technical Talk by Prof. Toshiyo Tamura, Chiba University. Technical Talk by Prof. Y. T. Zhang, CUHK. (xvii) Attendance Technical 120 Participants Technical 120 participants Technical 120 participants Technical 120 participants Technical Consumer Electronics Despite the fact that elected Executive Committee has only about seven months to plan, organize and carry out activities for the year, the IEEE Consumer Electronics –Malaysia Chapter (IEEE-CE Malaysia) has had another moderate year organizing activities for the benefit of members, professionals and students. This year’s activities were mainly technical talks with topics on embedded systems in consumer electronics and smart home environment. IEEE-CE Malaysia successfully organized two (2) technical talks by subject matter experts in the field mentioned. The chapter will continue to organize activities and becoming co-sponsor for several conferences in 2011 and shall continue in providing opportunity for professional education and training to members. No. Date Title T-1 03/09/2010 T-2 24/11/2010 Introduction to Embedded Linux Interoperability Framework for Smart Home Environment Presenter/ Venue Dr Chui Yew Leong Category / (Attendance) Technical (12) Thinagaran Perumal Technical (18) B.3 Professional and Continuing Education Activities B.3.1 Professional Activities The IEEE Malaysia & Freescale Smart Car Competition 2010 was held at DECTAR Hall, UKM Bangi, Selangor on 4 and 5 December 2010. This event was jointly organized by Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Twenty four teams participated in this competition and nine teams qualified to the final round. UMS A has succeeded to come up as Winner with 25.56s taking away MYR 5K. 1st Runner up went to 24 UMS B with 30.24s (MYR 3K) where 2nd Runner up was Supernova from Monash University with 37.68s (MYR 1.5K). Best Design award (MYR 500) went to Supernova where Technophobe managed to grab the Best Technical Report award (MYR 500). Overall, the competition was a great success. Few participants did mention how happy they were to be given the opportunity to experience and learn on the Freescale S12 microcontroller. They also looked forward to participate in the next competition. B.3.2 Educational Activities IEEE Malaysia Section has organized two educational activities as described below: (i) Leadership Camp with the purpose of providing training and sharing experiences with the chapter chairs and secretaries on the running of IEEE Chapters. This activity aimed to enhance leadership in Malaysian Chapters. This was held on 29 th May 2010 at Holiday Inn Kuala Lumpur Glenmarie, and the speakers were Prof Norman, Prof Mohd Nasir, Prof Zaiki and Dr Zuhaina. (ii) “The dilemma of OBE Implementation in Engineering Education” was held on 30 th November 2010 at Auditorium 1 of Monash University Sunway Campus. The speaker was Prof Ramesh Singh, who is an active panel member of EAC. As OBE is to be a benchmark for the accreditation of the Malaysian Universities (in particular the Engineering Faculty), this seminar aimed to provide an insight to the academics in their implementation of OBE. B.4 Students Activities B-4-1: There are 13 student branches under the Section: Student Branch IIUM MMU Monash University UiTM UKM UM UMS UPM USM UTAR UTM UTP UNITEN Student Counselor Khaizuran Abdullah Mohamed Yusoff Alias S.Veera Ragavan Anees Abdul Aziz Azah Mohamad (from Dec 2010 - Ahmad Ashrif A. Bakar) Fatimah Ibrahim Farrah Wong Mohd Nizar Hamidon Mohd Rizal Arshad Ezra Morris Abraham Gnanamuthu Mazlina Esa Fawnizu Azmadi Hussin Yasmin Hanum Md. Thayoob B-4-2: There is only one student branch (UNITEN) formed in 2010. B-4-3: Student Activities The first activity for 2010 was IEEE SB Counselors Round Table Discussion held on the 6th of March 2010 at Universiti Putra Malaysia. The objective is to share experiences in planning activities for IEEE SB in the respective universities. The IEEE SBs who participated in this event were IEEE SB UPM, IEEE SB UiTM, IEEE SB MMU, IEEE SB UTAR and IEEE SB UKM. The second activity organized was IEEE Malaysia Student Convention (IEEE MSC) 2010 held on 14th and 15th of December 2010. IEEE GOLD Malaysia and IEEE SB UPM were the main coorganiser in this event. Among the activities included in this program were Special Talk by Dr. Hafizal Mohamad (Chair, IEEE ComSoc) Social Activity: Horse riding(Equine UPM) Special Talk by Dr. Alyani Ismail (Head, Dept. Of Computer and Communication Systems Engineering) Exchanging of experiences : Forum (panels from IEEE Gold) 25 All IEEE SBs were invited however only the following accepted the invitation: IEEE SB UPM, IEEE SB UiTM, IEEE SB UKM, IEEE SB IIUM, IEEE SB Monash University, IEEE SB MMU and IEEE SB UTAR B-4-4: Student Branch Activities The SB also organize various Technical, Courses/Seminars/Technical Talks/Tutorials) i) ii) Educational and Social Meetings (Short MMU SB has organised the following technical talks and educational meetings: No. Date Title M E-1 o n aT-1 s h 27-012010 Research Program 03-032010 E-2 U n i v E-3 e r s T-2 i t y T-3 09-062010 Sharing Session on How to build a website Talk on `Competition and Technology: Friend or Foe? Green Technology Talk 22-072010 06-082010 09-082010 12-082010 19-082010 Presenter/ Venue Scholar Assembly Language Workshop MATLAB Workshop C++ Programming Workshop Public Speaking Workshop Prof. Tou Teck Yong Dr. Hairul Azhar Abdul Rashid, FOE MMU (NMES Lab, FOE) Mr Fazri Nuha Yusof (Interactive Lab, FCM) Category / (Attendance) Educational (24) Technical (42) Abu Saeed Khan, Strategy Analyst, Ericsson South East Asia (NMES Lab, FOE) Educational (9) Mahendra V. Chilukuri, Multimedia University (FIT XR0001) Dr. Tan Wooi Haw, MMU (Microprocessor Lab) Educational (26) Technical (18) Nasrin Sadeghianpour (AR 3007, Technical (39) FOE) S T-4 Vishnu Monn Baskaran (AR 2006, Technical (35) B FOE) P-1 Azrena Binti Mohd Noor, Professional s Multimedia University (FIT (24) e XR0001) n Joomla Workshop Ahsan Raza Sheikh Technical (11) tT-5 23-112010 Research Officer FOE (AR 3007, FOE) t E-4 24-11Robotic Talking Mr. Saqib Munawwar (Post Educational (17) w 2010 Hand Graduate Student, Hamdard o University, Karachi Pakistan) [FIT XR0001] t T-6 25-11Google Android Yap Wen Jiun, MMU (CR 1026, Technical ( 38) e 2010 talk FOE) a ms to participate in IEEE Smart Car Competition organized by Freescale and also participated in IEEE Malaysia Student Convention 2010. iii) IEEE UiTM SB organized activities as follows: No. Date E-1 T-1 30/07/2010 (2 days) 23/2/2010 (2 days) 16/3/2010 Kursus Pengurusan Organisasi FKE Engine's Union (EU) Engineering Carnival EndNotes Talk T-2 4 -5th Dec Participated in IEEE Freescale Smartcar P-1 Title Presenter/ Venue Bagan Lalang Beach Resort UiTM -FKE Dr. Zuhaina Zakaria/UiTM UKM Category / (Attendance) Educational (100) Professional (100) Technical (58) Technical 26 Competition iv) IEEE UKM SB has organized one educational activity, 2 professional development activities, 3 technical activities and 2 social events as shown below. Every activity has been well participated by students, lecturers and professional personnel. In terms of financial status, UKM SB has good support from the university management and we believe that all future activities can be organized successfully. No. Date E-1 23/2/2010 P-1 5/3/2010 P-2 10/12/2010 T-1 22/12/2010 v) Presenter/ Venue Category / (Attendance) Introduction to Artificial Neural Network & Fuzzy Logic Visit to Tasik Kenyir Hydro power plant Talk on Cooperation in Cognitive Radio Network One day workshop on Basic Microcontroller (Theory & Practical) Dr. Hussain Shareef & Mr. Ahmad Farid Educational (30) Ms Afida Ayob Professional (40) Prof. Dr. Qian Zhang Professional (35) Dr. Nasharuddin Zainal Technical (20) IEEE UM SB has organised the following technical talks and educational meetings: No. vi) Title Date Presenter/ Venue Title Industrial Visit to MicroElectro-Mechanical 10/3/2010 Systems (MEMS) MIMOS Bhd. Department Laboratory, MIMOS Bhd. f Presentation from o T-1 10/3/2010 MIMOS Bhd. MIMOS research team l Exco meeting between l 10/3/2010 MIMOS research team MIMOS Bhd. o S-1 and IEEE UM SB w Volunteer in IEEE EMBS i Conference on Grand Millenium n 30/11/2010 Biomedical Engineering Hotel, Kuala g T-2 1/12/2010 & Sciences (IECBES Lumpur 2010) a re the activities organised by IEEE UMS SB in 2010: T h e P-1 No. Date P-1 9/4/2010 P-2 9/9/2010 S-1 S-2 16/10/10 October 2010 Title IEEE Design Project Exhibition 2010 Field Trip to Serudong Power Plant, Tawau Club T-shirt LAN game tournament Presenter/ Venue Ir. Chong Kon Ming/ Campus Power Plant Manager/Tawau President Committee Member Category / (Attendance) Professional (15) Technical (15) Social (15) Technical (98) Category / (Attendance) Professional (30) Professional (30) Social (15) Social (15) vii) IEEE Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) Student Branch has successfully organized the Exhibition and Conference on IEEE SusTainable Utilization and Development in ENgineering and Technology 2010 (IEEE STUDENT 2010) between November 20 th and 21st 2010. Student members from various countries including China, Singapore, Pakistan and Malaysia have presented their research papers and exhibited theirs projects in this international event. 11 members from UTAR Student Branch have also presented their papers in the conference and participated in the exhibition. An exhibition team has won the prize of second runner-up and 3 papers from our members are shortlisted in Best Paper Award. vii) The year 2010 has been another busy year for the UTM SB, though we did not organize any major event. Several student members involved as subcommittees of IEEE Malaysia 27 AP/MTT/EMC Chapter major event, APACE 2010. Several members have papers presented at IEEE major R10 APS and MTTS conferences held in Macau, and Yokohama, respectively. ExComs and several members attended the Workshop held for IEEE Malaysia & Freescale Smart Car Competition 2010 on 17 July at Freescale Semiconductor, together with three UTM teams and advisors. The SB organised an exciting industrial visit to a newly operated power station, Tanjung Bin Power Station, in Pontian, Johor. ExComs and members participated at the international student visit Global Outreach Program (GOP) organized by the class of Bachelor of Medical Electronics (SEP), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, and UTM, to Korea, 10-23 December. No. Date Title P-1* 23/2/2010 P-2* 19/3/2010 P-3* 4/10/2010 T-1* 27/1/2010 Prof Dr Mazlina, UTM Prof Dr Mazlina, UTM Prof Dr Mazlina, UTM ATM Solutions Sdn Bhd at UTM Skudai T-2* 22/6/2010 T-3* 21/7/2010 T-4 28/7/2010 T-5* 3/8/2010 T-6 9-11/ 11/2010 E-1 22/3/2010 Benefits of Professional Activities Tips for Graduating Engineers Guide to good seminar presentation Innovation in Microwave Test and Measurements Workshop; Microwave Communication System Workshop; Microwave Antenna System Seminar on Aviation Course Distinguished Technical Talk: (i) Plasmonics and Applications (ii) Malaysian Imperial Doctorate Programme (MIDP) 2010 IEEE AsiaPacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (APACE 2010) Industrial Visit to Tanjung Bin Power Station E-2 17/7/2010 Freescale Semiconductor E-3 20/7/2010 E-4 45/12/2010 10-23/ 12/2010 Workshop on IEEE Malaysia & Freescale Smart Car Competition 2010 Roadshow/Briefing on Schneider Electric's Univ. Challenge 2010; “Green The World @ my campus” IEEE Malaysia & Freescale Smart Car Competition 2010 Gobal Outreach Program of 4 SEP UTM Students to Korea E-5 Presenter/ Venue Category / (Attendance) Professional (23) Professional (20) Professional (25) Technical (25) Prof Dr Mazlina, UTM Technical (6) Prof Dr Mazlina, UTM Career Development Unit, UTM Skudai Dr Naim Abdullah @ Anthony Centeno (Imperial College London, UK), UTM Technical (6) Technical (several students attended) Technical (15) General Chair: Prof Dr Mazlina Esa (UTM), Tiara Beach Resort, Port Dickson Technical (1 ExCom. and students participated) Prof Dr Mazlina Esa Siti Nurhidayah Chai Pei Keon Educational (ExComs, 16 students and Counselor participated) Educational (ExComs, and students participated) Educational (ExComs assisted) Schneider Electric at FKE UTM UKM Korea Educational (9 students participated) Educational (4 ExComs and students participated) viii) IEEE UTP SB organised the UTP-IEEE Signal Processing Society Technical Seminar 2010: 28 a. Liver Disease Detection using Artificial Neural Networks by AP Dr. Logeswaran Deputy Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Multimedia University. b. Statistical Multivariate Technique for Some Image Analysis Problems by Assoc. Prof Dr. Omar Mohd Rijal from Institute of Mathematical Science, Universiti Malaya. Both speakers were invited by Dr. Vijanth on behalf of IEEE Signal Society Malaysia B.5 Affinity Group Activities B-5-1 Graduate of the Last Decade (GOLD) This year marks a very good year for IEEE GOLD Affinity Group Malaysia Section. GOLD organized most of its usual event such as IEEE Bowling 2010 (with free t-shirts) and co-organized the IEEE Dinner and Appreciation Night together with IEEE Malaysia Section and IEEE WIE. GOLD was fortunate to have a guest from GOLD Region 5 coordinator for Houston, Texas, USA and gave a talk on Opportunity within IEEE GOLD. His valuable experience and understanding of what IEEE GOLD and IEEE as a whole can provide to graduates of EE are much appreciated. Malaysian Student Convention was held as the event closure for the year 2010. Held in UPM with IEEE Student branch representatives, the convention achieved its objective to provide student branch members with valuable information and knowledge as well as social networking opportunities for them to survive after their graduation. Hopefully the momentum will continue in 2011. No. Date Title Presenter/ Venue Category / (Attendance) Educational (108) E-1 08/01/2010 ALUMNI UPM – A Success Story Izuardi Ibrahim and Izman Haidi T-1 06/05/2010 UPM Technical (41) T-2 UPM Technical (65) T-3 14/06/2010 (2-day event) 18/08/2010 UPM Technical (16) E-2 20/10/2010 COIT UNITEN Education (16) E-3 26/11/2010 (2-day event) Legend Water Chalet Port Dickson Education (123) T-4 08/12/2010 E-4 14/12/2010 (2-day event) IEEE GOLD Colloquium Topical Meeting on Photonics 2010 Introduction to Medical Imaging The continuous benefit of IEEE after student life BENGKEL PENYELIDIKAN & PENGAJARAN BERASASKAN PENYELIDIKAN Reconfigurable Multi-core Baseband Processing Architecture for SDR Malaysian Student Convention UPM Technical (17) UPM /UNITEN Education (30) B-5-2 Women in Engineering (WIE) The highlight of this year’s activity is organizing the IEEE Annual and Appreciation Night 2010 on the 6th November 2010 at Grand Bluewave Hotel. A summary of other activities conducted by WIE in 2010 is as follows: No. Date E-1 16/3/2010 T-1 1/7/2010 Title Using EndNote in writing thesis Trends in US Presenter/ Venue Dr Zuhaina Zakaria Category / (Attendance) 50 students Prof Muhammad Rashid 30 participants 29 T-2 9/7/2010 S-1 6/11/2010 Engineering Education and ABET Accreditation Requirements Workshop on "Doing Research Innovatively Organising IEEE Malaysia Annual and Appreciation Dinner 2010 Prof Saman K. Halgamuge , Grand Bluewave, Shah Alam 30 students 230 participants B-5-3 Life Member There are no particular activities planned and held for Life Member during 2010. B.6 Awards & Recognition Activities B.6.1 Award constituted by the section The Section presented the following awards at the IEEE Malaysia Annual Award and Appreciation Night held on the 6th November 2010 at Grand Bluewave Hotel, Shah Alam:i. Outstanding Volunteer Award a. Prof. Borhanuddin Mohd Ali b. Zainal Abu Kassim c. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatimah Ibrahim ii. Best Chapter Award - PELS/IA/IE Joint Chapter B.6.2 Award(s) received from R10 Nil B.6.3 Award(s) received from IEEE HQ Nil B.7 Communication Activities (Newsletter, Home Page, E-mail etc.) B.7.1 Newsletter The section do not have official newsletter. All informations are disseminated via section/chapters websites and mailing-lists/groups. B.7.2 Home Page Currently, the URL for IEEE Malaysia Section web is http://www.ieeemalaysia.org. In 2010, the webmaster facilitated in setting up domain, FTP account database and MySQL database for EMBS and Comsoc/VT. The Chapters, Student Branches and Affinity Groups may be reached via the following addresses:Computer Society www.cs.ieeemalaysia.org Communication Society www.comsoc.ieeemalaysia.org Power Engineering Society Components, Packaging & Manufacturing Technologies Society Antennas & Propagation / Electromagnetic Compatibility / Microwave Theory & Techniques Joint Chapter Electronic Devices Society http://www.ewh.ieee.org/soc/pes/malaysia/ www.cpmt.ieeemalaysia.org www.aps.ieeemalaysia.org www.eds.ieeemalaysia.org 30 Signal Processing Society www.sp.ieeemalaysia.org Circuits and System Society Power Electronics / Industrial Applications/Industrial Electronic Joint Chapter Instrumentation and Measurement Society Robotics and Automation Society Electron Devices / Microwave Theory and Techniques / SolidState Circuits Society Joint Chapter in Penang Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Education Society Photonic Society (formerly LEOS) Control System Society Universiti Putra Malaysia Student Branch Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Student Branch Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Student Branch Universiti Teknologi Mara Student Branch Universiti Teknologi Petronas Student Branch International Islamic University Student Branch Multimedia University Student Branch Universiti Malaysia Sabah Student Branch Monash University www.cas.ieeemalaysia.org GOLD www.gold.ieeemalaysia.org http://ewh.ieee.org/r10/malaysia/ie_ia_pel/ www.ims.ieeemalaysia.org www.ras.ieeemalaysia.org http://ewh.ieee.org/r10/malaysia/mttedssc/ http://www.embs.org/ www.edsoc.ieeemalaysia.org www.leos.ieeemalaysia.org http://groups.yahoo.com/group/css_member/ www.upm.ieeemalaysia.org www.ukm.ieeemalaysia.org www.utm.ieeemalaysia.org www.uitm.ieeemalaysia.org www.utp.ieeemalaysia.org www.iium.ieeemalaysia.org www.mmu.ieeemalaysia.org www.ums.ieeemalaysia.org http://www.ieee-monash.org/sb/ The home page is regularly updated at least weekly. B.7.3 Other means of contact The section also communicates via the following mailing-list / googlegroups to specified members. ieee-mychairs@googlegroups.com ieee-malaysia-excom@googlegroups.com ieeemyexcom@googlegroups.com ieeemysc@googlegroups.com ieeemy@googlegroups.com B.8 Community Activities TBD B.9 Other Organizational Activities TBD 31 PART C - OTHERS C.1 Relationship with National Societies C-1-1: The Section has good relations with national professional bodies or societies. Several conferences organized by the Section were either co-organized with these bodies or participated by their members. Furthermore, the Section encourages the event organizer/chapter to ensure that the participant can get equivalent hours for their Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Trainings Program approved by the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) or Institute of Engineers Malaysia (IEM). C.2 Special Events Nil C.3 Problems to be Anticipated The decrease in student numbers needs to be addressed more aggressively by all concerned. All chapters also need to be more pro-active in attracting members by increasing their presence through organizing more high-impact activities. C.4 Best Practices of your section (which you would like share with other sections for the benefits of members) PART D - GOALS AND PLANS D.1 Continuation of Project/Activity in Progress and Their Implementation Plans The Section will continue its activities and plans for organizing conferences, technical workshops involving both students and professionals have already started. The following are some major events planned for 2011. However, more activities are expected to be held by the technical societies after the formation of the new committee. Event Electric Power System Simulation Competition (EPSCOM2011) Series of Workshops on C Programming for PIC, PCB and Mobile Robot ICSIPA2011 Conference ICEEDU2011 Conference IEEE Regional Symposium on Micro and Nanoelectronics (IEEE-RSM2011) DVP Talk - Embedded systems, smart home, audio and video technology 1st IEEE Indonesia-Malaysia Conference on Control and Systems Asia Pacific Communication Conference (APCC) 2011 2011 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Application (ISIEA 2011) 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Informatics (ISCI2010) IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference (RFM 2011) Organiser PES Tentative date TBA CAS Feb-Oct 2011 SP EDUSOC EDS November 2011 June 2011 28-30/09/2011 CE 15/08/2011 CSS July 2011 COMSOC/VT October 2011 PELS PELS AP/MTT/EMC October 2011 March 2011 27-29 Dec 2011 32 D.2 Goals and Future Plans D.2.1: The IEEE Malaysia Section goal is to be the leader of technical society for electrical and electronic engineers in the country. Thus, IEEE Malaysia Section is gearing itself to assist members by providing more hands-on skills training, technical competency courses and seminars. We are also putting more efforts in promoting community services Malaysian-wide by increasing cooperation with the industry and society at large. D.2.2: The Section also plans to attract more members and upgrade the membership status of its members. Efforts to increase the number of student members and student branches will be carried out more aggressively.