CHILD AND YOUTH WORKER PROGRAM PROVINCIAL COORDINATOR’S MEETING MAY 24-26, 2005 WESTOVER INN, ST. MARYS, ONTARIO Participants: Centennial St. Clair (Chatham) Humber Mohawk Northern Confederation Algonquin George Brown Cambrian Fanshawe St. Lawrence Ryerson - Paul Iacovoni - Joy Kemble - Jane Clifton, Susan Leslie Berkis - Nancy Brown Brunton, Sue Pratt, Pat Anderchek - Udo Soltkahn - Sheila Arges - Donna Serafini - Anne Black - Jennifer Cawley-Caruso - Joanne Cox, Julie Cross (London) - Cherie Hall (Woodstock) - Mike Burns (Kingston) - Katherine Murphy (Brockville) - Carol Stuart Absent: Lambton Niagara Sault Ste. Marie 1. a. b. Program Updates: Written submissions are attached Topics for the Agenda were identified for the remaining two days of meetings 2. Wraparound – Elley Graham presented information on Wraparound (she distributed handouts to those present) 3. Ryerson Carol Stuart presented information on the new four year Bachelor of Arts Degree in Child and Youth Care that has been approved at Ryerson as well as a Certificate in Residential Care. Detailed information was distributed at the meeting. Carol confirmed that College level English courses, not communication courses can be considered as equivalent if the student has a minimum “B” grade. It was also noted that in order for college students to be able to take upper level elective psychology courses, they must have completed a recognized prerequisite course. 2 It was also decided that we would like to expand the representation of post secondary education programs at the annual educators meeting. Invitations should be extended to the Child and Family Studies programs at Guelph and Brock Universities. 4. Website Pat Anderchek reviewed the Website and its use. To access go to: It was decided that coordinators will access site at least once a month and attempt to provide information for upgrades on a regular basis. 5. Academic Issues Strategies on how to promote increased professionalism in our students were reviewed. An idea for next years meeting is to address a profile of students who are now entering our programs as a way of better understanding approaches that will encourage the adoption of professional values by our graduates. 6. E. Learning There was a review of the various uses of technology. (please refer to detailed attached notes) 7. National Standards of Practice Professional Regulation Initiative was reviewed (see attachment) The following motion was considered and passed: MOTION: CAAT College Coordinators will participate as partners in a funding proposal entitled “The Role of Competence in Outcomes for Children and Youth” which is developing a process that could lead to a national accreditation methodology: Moved: Jane Clifton Seconded: Mike Burns MOTION PASSED with full support (draft of proposal attached) The members of the Steering Committee who will work on the project are as follows: O.A.C.Y.C., C.C.C.Y.C.A. – Standards Committee Ryerson School of Child and Youth Care Bartemeus CMHO and CAAT Coordinators Joanne Cox from Fanshawe will represent CAAT Coordinators on the Committee 3 8. 9. Placement Issues In depth discussions covered areas such as A. Supervision of students during field placement B. Lack of supervision C. Quality of supervision D. Training for agency supervisors (see attached notes for more information) Corrections Presentation Rick Rozak presented an update on the Youth Justice Studies. He distributed a package at the meeting. 10. Policies and Procedures A. There was a review of practices regarding probation and withdrawal from a program. B. Admission requirements were compared at the various colleges. C. An inventory of the various crisis intervention training programs adopted by the colleges was listed. D. Transfer from college to college was discussed with a reminder regarding the need to consult with the coordinator from the original college. 11. O.A.C.Y.C. Terry McDade was unable to attend so we will ask Terri to forward an update on the Association and the Educator’s Committee. There was a suggestion made that the Association might consider a 3 and 2 year deal on membership rates to students. 12. Volunteers for Ryerson Carol asked for a volunteer for the School Council at Ryerson and a second volunteer for their Advisory Committee. Jennifer and Susan are considering these opportunities. 13. Child and Youth Workers Remaining in Direct Care Roles There was some time devoted to discussing the challenge of encouraging Child and Youth Workers to see direct care as vital and a long term career goal. The loss of experienced workers to other areas is of concern to the field. 14. Chair and Host for Next Years Meeting St. Lawrence College will chair for next year. We are looking at the week of May 23rd to May 28th 2006 and hope to be at a similar setting to the Westover somewhere in the Kingston Brockville area. A budget of $400.00 not including transportation is the goal. 4 15. 16. Task – List – CAATS – May 2005 1. English course equivalency question. (Ryerson) Carol Stuart will be providing current list; if not on the list send course outline for assessment (Carol will facilitate). This affects our students if they want to take any of the upper level Psychology courses. 2. Formal invitation will be sent to Guelph and Brock to be included in CAATS – Terri FOOTNOTE: Given new information that Loyalist, Sheridan and Georgian Colleges may be starting Child and Youth Worker Programs, the Chair for next years meeting will contact the Coordinators of these programs to extend invitations for them to attend May 2006 meeting. 3. Presentation suggestion: information about the “millennial student” Terri 4. CAAT college coordinators will participate as partners in a funding proposal entitled “the role of competence in outcomes for children and youth” which is developing a process that could lead to a national accreditation methodology. (Joanne volunteered to sit on steering committee) 5. O.A.C.Y.C. Student Membership proposal – 3 year price available to first year students, 2 year price to 2nd year students. – Terry 6. Monthly access – for frequent submissions to the CAAT website. Send to Pat – All Coordinators 7. Extend invitations to coordinators not present this year. – Terri Adjourned. 5 UPDATED E-MAIL LIST Joanne Cox Julie Cross Cherie Hall Pat Anderchek Nancy Brown Brunton Joy Kemble Carol Stuart Mike Burns Anne Black Sheila Arges Udo Soltkahn Susan Pratt Katharine Murphy Susan Leslie-Berkis Jennifer Cawley Caruso Jane Clifton Donna Serafini Paul Iacovoni Please add or make changes to your distribution list.