SALE OF SITE FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ON LAND PARCEL AT BOON LAY WAY/ JURONG WEST ST 51/ ST 41 TECHNICAL CONDITIONS OF TENDER CONTENTS PAGE PART I GENERAL 67 PART II PLANNING CONCEPT 67 PART III PLANNING GUIDELINES 68 PART IV DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES 69 - 70 PART V TENDER SUBMISSION / OTHER REQUIREMENTS 70 66 PART I 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 The Urban Redevelopment Authority (“the Authority”), acting as agent for and on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Singapore (“the Government”), is inviting offers for lease by tender for Land Parcel at Boon Lay Way/ Jurong West St 51/ St 41 (“the Land Parcel”). The lease of the Land Parcel is subject to these Technical Conditions of Tender and the Conditions of Tender for the Land Parcel. In these Technical Conditions of Tender, where the context so admits, the expression “the Authority” includes the Government. 1.2 The successful tenderer must in addition to the Conditions of Tender observe and comply with these Technical Conditions of Tender. The Conditions of Tender and these Technical Conditions of Tender are to be read together with the Control Plans of the Land Parcel supplied in the Developer’s Packet. PART II 2.0 PLANNING CONCEPT 2.1 The Land Parcel is located within the Jurong West Planning Area. 2.2 The Land Parcel is located along Boon Lay Way, Jurong West St 51 and Jurong West St 41 with Lakeside MRT station just across the road. It is also close to sports and recreational areas like the nearby Jurong Lake, Japanese and Chinese Gardens, Jurong East Swimming Complex and stadium, and amenities such as Jurong Point and the Jurong East Regional Centre. 2.3 The Land Parcel shall be developed for a condominium or flats and/ or serviced apartments development. PART III 67 3.0 PLANNING GUIDELINES 3.1 The planning parameters for the Land Parcel are: PLANNING PARAMETERS PROVISION/REQUIREMENT *Site Area 27,000.0 m2 Land use/ Zoning Residential Type of Proposed Housing Development Condominium or Flats and/ or Serviced Apartments (If the site is developed either in part or wholly for serviced apartments, the proposed residential development will not be accorded condominium status) +Permissible Gross Plot Ratio 3.5 (maximum) Permissible Gross Floor Area (GFA) 94,500 m2 (maximum) 85,050 m2 (minimum) Building Height (maximum) Subject to technical height constraint of 60m AMSL Storey Height Control (maximum) 4.5 m (1st storey) 3.6 m (upper storey) Building Setback/ Buffer To comply with Development Control Guidelines issued from time to time by the Competent Authority under the Planning Act (Cap 232) Building Coverage * Site area is subject to government survey or resurvey + Indicated only for the information of tenderers 68 PART IV 4.0 DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES 4.1 General Guidelines Development Control 4.1.1 The successful tenderer shall comply with the Development Control Guidelines that have been issued or may be issued from time to time by the Competent Authority under the Planning Act. Car Park 4.1.2 The successful tenderer shall provide parking spaces in accordance with the requirements under the latest Parking Places (Provision of Parking Places and Parking Spaces) Rules or any statutory modification and re-enactment thereto. Access Into State Land 4.1.3 For the purpose of entering State Land to do any works for the purpose of or in relation to the proposed development as may be required under these present Technical Conditions of Tender or Conditions of Tender, the successful tenderer shall obtain a Temporary Occupation Licence from the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) for use of the State Land. The Temporary Occupation Licence may be granted on such terms and conditions and subject to the payment of such charges and fees as SLA may determine. 4.2 Particular Guidelines Ancillary Commercial Facilities 4.2.1 The allowable commercial quantum and use for the Land Parcel shall be determined in accordance with the prevailing Development Control (DC) Guidelines and shall not exceed 283.5 sq.m. Under the current DC Guidelines, only shops dealing with PERSONAL SERVICE TRADES are allowed for both condominium and apartment developments. Vehicular Ingress/ Egress 4.2.2 Ingress and egress to the Land Parcel shall be taken from Jurong West Street 41, as shown on the Control Plan; and subject to the requirements and approval of the Land Transport Authority (LTA), Development & Building Control Department. Provision of new Pedestrian Footpath 69 4.2.3 There is an existing concrete footpath (complete with public lighting) along the western perimeter of the Land Parcel as shown on the Control Plan. This footpath is serving the residents of adjacent developments and leads to Lakeside MRT station. 4.2.4 (i) The successful tenderer is required to construct a new pedestrian footpath of width 8.0m along the western perimeter of the Land Parcel as shown on the Control Plan. The design (complete with ancillary facilities like public lighting) and construction of the footpath shall be subject to the conditions and requirements of the relevant Competent Authorities. (ii) The footpath shall be completed on or before the issuance of the Temporary Occupation Permit by the Building and Construction Authority for the proposed development. (iii) The pedestrian footpath shall be deemed to be completed upon the relevant Competent Authority’s confirmation that the footpath has been constructed and completed in accordance with the relevant Competent Authority’s requirements and to its satisfaction. (iv) The successful tenderer shall maintain the footpath at his own cost and expense until such time when it is taken over by the relevant Competent Authority. 4.2.5 The successful tenderer is required to ensure that the pedestrian linkage served by the existing footpath is maintained with safe access allowed at all times throughout the development of the Land Parcel and before the completion of the new footpath. PART V 5.0 TENDER SUBMISSION/ OTHER REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Plans of Proposed Development 5.1.1 Tenderers are not required to submit plans of the proposed development in their tenders for the Land Parcel. 5.1.2 The successful tenderer shall after the acceptance of his tender by the Authority submit plans of the proposed development to the Authority (when required by the Authority) and all relevant Competent Authorities for approval. 70 5.2 CONQUAS Assessment of Construction Quality 5.2.1 The successful tenderer shall be required to refer and submit the proposed development to the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) to be assessed for the construction quality of the building works under the Construction Quality Assessment System (CONQUAS). 5.2.2 The successful tenderer shall for the purpose of this Condition comply with all requirements, procedures, directions and request of BCA and shall pay all fees, charges and other amounts payable to BCA for and in relation to the assessment of the construction quality of the proposed development under CONQUAS. The successful tenderer shall also render his full co-operation to BCA, its officers, employees and agents in relation to such assessment under CONQUAS. 71