HSC 106 Personal Health - Central Michigan University

HSC 106 Personal Health
Plan for Learning Activities & Assessment linked to Michigan Teacher Preparation Standards
Standard 1
Competency 1.1 Understand basic health
content as it relates to school health education.
1.1.2 Understand the health education content areas
as they apply to social, mental, physical, and
environmental health. The content areas should
include the prevention of injury and violence;
alcohol and drug use prevention; tobacco use
prevention; sexual health; nutrition; physical
activity; emotional health; personal and consumer
health; and community and environmental health.
Relate and analyze principles of health to one’s
personal life.
Assess his/her lifestyle and develop specific
plans to improve personal health for lifelong
learning about healthier lifestyle.
Define and describe component with practical
application to personal health within each
dimension of health.
Establish a personal mission statement that
o Encourage a habit of focusing on what
is important to the student
o Provide a valuable basis from which to
make decisions
o Allows focus in life by defining destiny
o Provides periodic opportunity for selfexamination.
Assists student in learning to examine and
solve problems through the intellectual process
skills including practical application and
Class lecture
o Review Course Syllabus:
Chapter 1 Invitation to Wellness (emotional health)
Chapter 7 Surviving and Thriving
Chapter 15 Protecting Your Safety & Your Environment p. 352375
Chapter 14 Protecting Your Sexual Health
Chapter 8 Making Health Food Choices
Chapter 3 Joy of Fitness
Chapter 4 Improving Cardio Respiratory Fitness
Chapter 12 Taking Care of Yourself
Chapter 15 Protecting Your Safety & Environment
Online Quizzes
Exam Items(s)
Portfolio Grading Rubric
Mission Statement Assessment Rubric
Behavior Modification Grading Rubric
 Textbook
Hales, Diane, An Invitation to Wellness, Central
Michigan University Edition, Thompson
Custom Solutions (2006)
Student Assignment:
o Read Chapter 1 pages 1-21
o Read Chapter 7 pages 118-149
Student Assignment
 Assess his/her lifestyle = wellness
 Portfolio
o Development of personal mission
o Review of 6 Dimensions of
Health and Wellness
 Behavior Modification Project
Standard 1
Competency 1.2 Demonstrate skills related to
individual health.
1.2.2 Demonstrate strategies used to recognize,
avoid and manage health and safety risks.
Establish their Wellness Portfolio that will
get them more involved in their own
wellness and better prepared to implement
personal behavior changes.
1.2.3 Demonstrate the ability to solve problems,
make decisions, and set goals related to personal
Students create individual wellness portfolio
 Psychological/Physical Wellness
o www.testwell.org printout
o Time Stress Questionnaire
o Wellness Worksheet
 Social Wellness
o Wellness Worksheet # 2
o Summary of findings
 Intellectual Wellness
o Wellness Worksheet # 3
o Sample Magazine Advertisement
 Environmental Wellness
o Wellness Worksheet # 14
 Spiritual Wellness
o Wellness Worksheet # 17
o Rough draft of personal mission
 Personal Mission Statement
 Paper of summary of findings during portfolio
development process
 Scholarly references (3) related to the
Dimensions of Wellness
o Library Guide: Distinguishing
Scholarly from Non-Scholarly
 References
o APA Format Examples
Behavior Modification Project:
 Students conduct a health improvement project
that applies health concepts from course work
to improve an aspect of health.
o www.RealAge.com assessment of
health behaviors
o Submit results with project with
 Students may choose one unhealthy aspect of
health to quit, or one health behavior to begin.
 Journal entries
o Two entries per week (4 weeks)
Healthy Lifestyles Wellness Portfolio Grading Rubric
Behavior Modification Project Grading Rubric
 Fulfills 25% of writing requirement for
University Programs classes.
Health Improvement Strategy & Evaluation Form
1.2.4 Demonstrate strategies used to peacefully
resolve conflict and prevent violence.
½ - 1 page in length
Submitted weekly - typed
 Barriers encountered
 Successes
 Emotional changes
 Comments & feelings
o Goals for week
o Writing:
 Techniques used to adhere to
 How was the project
 What could have been done
differently for improved
 Use of support systems
Conduct scholarly research in support of your
change and complete the Health Improvement
Strategy & Evaluation Form
Read Chapter 14 Protecting Your Sexual
Health pages 328 – 351
Read Chapter 15 Protecting Your Safety and
Your Environment pages 352- 373
Exam item(s)
Standard 1
Competency 1.3 Analyze and predict the impact
of health behaviors that support or place child
health at risk, as identified in the health
research, e.g., the six priority areas identified by
Centers for Disease Prevention and Control.
The content areas in this course include: the
prevention of injury and violence; alcohol and
drug use prevention; tobacco use prevention;
sexual health; nutrition; physical activity;
emotional health; personal and consumer
health; and community and environmental
They complete the Wellness Portfolio assignment
(attached with grading rubric). Students visit the
http://www.Testwell.org website to assess their
personal six dimensions of health and wellness.
Students also log into http://www.realage.com to
assess their overall areas of health and wellness
Tobacco use: lecture
Alcohol and other drugs: lecture
Student complete a series of worksheets for the Wellness
Portfolio assignment
o (Worksheet #11- stress (focuses on stress and the
major role it plays in decision making regarding
injuries, etc.;
o worksheet #14- environmental health (this
worksheets helps students to reflect on ways to
their behavior and lifestyle directly impacts the
environment they live in);
o worksheet #17 – spiritual wellness (this worksheet
helps the student take inventory about the values
in their life)
Students also complete a personal mission statement that
looks at their roles and responsibilities for their own health
Wellness Worksheet # 3 – tobacco (focuses on intellectual
wellness and becoming aware of the power of advertising
for alcohol, tobacco and drugs); discussion for possible
behavior modification project.
Wellness Worksheet #3 (focuses on becoming aware of the
power of advertising in the media regarding alcohol/ drug
consumption). Students critically analyze an advertisement
for an alcohol or tobacco product.
Benchmark 1.3.2
Investigate social and personal factors influencing
health behaviors of young people, e.g.,
family, peers, media, culture, environment,
technology, and community norms.
Evaluate a broad range of personal and cultural
values including the understanding of the
American society and culture as related to
health and health care.
Wellness Worksheet # 2 (focuses on relationships and the
differences between genders and decision making regarding
Weekly quizzes #1, # 2, #3, #4, #5, #6
given online
Student Assignment:
 Complete Wellness Worksheets:
o #2 - What’s Your Gender Quotient
o # 14 – Environmental Health
o #3 - Analyzing Advertisements
o #11 - Time Stress Questionnaire
o #17 – Self Exploration: Identity,
Values, Experiences, Goals
Completion of Worksheets
Grading Rubric for Wellness Portfolio
o Reflection on Dimensions of Health and
o Review of Scholarly Articles referring to
Dimensions of Wellness
Grading Rubric for Wellness Portfolio & Behavior
Sexual Behavior/ STD and Pregnancy: lecture
Dietary patterns: lecture weeks 3 and 4.
Inadequate physical activity: lecture week 3.
Impact of Disease – Utilize websites:
1.3.5 Analyze the impact of disease, other health
problems, medical advances and research on
contemporary health practices and the prevention of
Standard 2
Competency 2.1 Obtain health-related data
about the social and cultural environments,
growth and development factors, needs and
interests of young people
2.1.1Select valid and current sources of information
and data, e.g., the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, the
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health.
2.1.2 Effectively use computerized sources of
information and data.
www.RealAge.com to assess overall
o www.Testwell.org to accesses
Dimensions of Wellness
Read Chapter 2 – Making Healthy Choices
pages 22-39
Read Chapter 7 – Surviving and Thriving
pages 118 – 149
Read Chapter 11 – Preventing Cancer & Other
Illnesses pages 234 – 265
Exam item(s)
Student Assignment:
 Read Chapter 3 – Joy of Fitness pages 40 – 61
 Read Chapter 12 – Taking Care of Yourself
pages 266 – 289
 Complete: Research Readiness Self
Assessment (RRSA)
Score on RRSA
Score on RRSA
Research Readiness Self Assessment
Library Searches to find Scholarly Articles
o www.RealAge.com
o www.Testwell.org
Standard 7
Competency 7.1 Use technology effectively to
access valid health information.
7.1.2 Access valid information sources.
Modification Program
o Report from Websites:
 www.Testwell.org
 www. RealAge.com
Research Readiness Self Assessment
Guidelines for Selection of Scholarly Sources
Grading Rubric for Wellness Portfolio
Grading Rubric for Behavior Modification Project