CS 235 Computer Organization Instructor: Office: Office Hours: Text: Dr. Stephen Shum steve.shum@augie.edu MC 123 274-5497 MUWHF: 2-4pm Fall 2015 http://shum.augie.edu Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Todd Austin: Structured Computer Organization, 6/E (ISBN-10: 0132916525), Prentice Hall 2013 Course Objectives: We will discuss the concepts and techniques of constructing digital computers as a series of levels. In particular, we will examine the details of 2 contemporary machine levels, namely, the digital logic level and the microarchitecture level. Course Outline: date Week 1 9-2, 4 topic Binary Numbers reading Appendix A Week 2 9-7, 9, 11 Binary Numbers Appendix A Week 3 9-14, 16, 18 Floating Point Numbers Appendix B Week 4 9-21, 23, 25 Introduction chap 1 Week 5 9-28, 30, 10-2 Computer Systems chap 2 Week 6 10-5, 7, 9 The Digital Logic Level chap 3 Week 7 10-12, 14, 16 The Digital Logic Level chap 3 Week 8 10-19, 21, 23 The Digital Logic Level chap 3 Week 9 10-26, 28, 30 The Digital Logic Level chap 3 Week 10 11-2, 4, 6 The Digital Logic Level chap 3 Week 11 11-9, 11, 13 The Microarchitecture Level chap 4 Week 12 11-16, 18, 20 The Microarchitecture Level chap 4 Week 13 11-23, 25, 27 The Microarchitecture Level chap 4 Week 14 11-30, 12-2, 4 The Microarchitecture Level chap 4 Week 15 12-7, 9, 11 The Microarchitecture Level chap 4 Course Requirements: 12 homework assignments 3 exams 16 pop quizzes 1 final Total Week # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 M 30 pts each – 120 pts each -10 pts each -120 pts -- Tu W 360 360 160 120 1000 Th F Hw1 Hw2 Hw3/Exam1 Hw4 Hw5 Hw6 Hw7 Exam2 HW8 Hw9 Hw10 Exam3 Hw11 Hw12 Course Policy: 1. Homework must be turned in at the beginning of class (before 8:40am) on the due date. 2. You can do the homework by yourself or with one partner. 3. Late homework is NOT accepted (turn in what you have for partial credits). 4. No makeup exams will be given without PRIOR arrangements with the instructor. 5. Grading scheme: 930-1000 A 900-929 A870-899 B+ 830-869 B 800-829 B770-799 C+ 730-769 C 700-729 C670-699 D+ 630-669 D 600-629 D< 600 F 6. The exams and homework assignments are based on the material discussed in class. 7. Any student caught cheating will receive the grade of F. Hint for success: 1. Prepare for class. Read over the material to be discussed before each class. 2. Attend every class and take notes. Ask questions if you do not understand anything. 3. Go through your notes after each lecture. If you do not understand your notes, read the book or go ask the instructor. 4. Do the homework as soon as it is assigned (i.e., start early) so that you can ask questions if you are stuck. 5. Review the notes and homework problems before each exam. Regarding disability: Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact Student Academic Support Services located in the Career Center Suite in the Edith Mortenson Building, room 100. Email susan.bies@augie.edu or call 605.274.5503 with your questions on documenting a disability and possible accommodations. Contact the SASS office early in the academic term so that accommodations can be implemented in a timely fashion. Honor Code: As a community of scholars, the students and faculty at Augustana College commit to the highest standards of excellence by mutually embracing an Honor Code. The Honor Code requires that examinations and selected assignments contain the following pledge statement to which students are expected to sign: “On my honor, I pledge that I have upheld the Honor Code, and that the work I have done on this assignment has been honest, and that the work of others in this class has, to the best of my knowledge, been honest as well.” The complete Honor Code can be found at www.augie.edu/honor. Regarding Cell Phones In order to avoid distracting the class, please ensure that your cell phone is on silent or turned off during class. Texting during class is not acceptable. Your compliance will help to maintain the positive learning environment of our class period.