Introduction to Applied Statistics STA 2122, Section 4 Fall 2002 INSTRUCTOR: Dacheng Liu OFFICE: 201A OSB, 644-1306 EMAIL: OFFICE HOUR: T Th 11:00-12:00 am or by appointment CLASS MEETINGS: MW F 1:30 - 2:30 pm, M 2:30 - 3:20 pm TEACHING ASSISTANT: Seo-Eun Choi TEXT: Elementary Statistics, by Mario F. Triola, Addison Wesley, Eighth Edition, 2000 STUDENT'S SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Not required. There are two copies reserved at Dirac Science Library (reference desk). COURSE OBJECTIVE: To gain an understanding of the basic principles and methods of business statistics and to obtain experience in applying those principles to analyze real data. PREREQUISITE: MAC 1105 or equivalent HOMEWORK: There will be one homework assignment each week. It will be assigned in class. The homework of each week is due on the next Monday. The primary intention of the homework assignment is to let you practice the techniques covered in class and to prepare for the exams. The homework will be collected and graded. EXAM POLICY: 4 exams will be given. The exams are NOT cumulative (except in the sense that the material is naturally cumulative). All exams are close-book, close-notes. However, you are allowed to have one page of notes and formulae for each exam. I will provide all the tables that you need in the exam, for example, Normal distribution table, t distribution table, etc. Calculators will be needed. Make-up exam can only be scheduled BEFORE the regular exam day for a proper reason. Supporting documents are needed for scheduling a make-up exam. The exams are equally weighted. If two exams are missed for any reason, the student must withdraw from the course. GRADING: Your final grade will be based on homework and exams. Homework will contribute 15% for your final grade, and exams 85%. Final grade A = 93% and above C+= 77% and above A-= 90% and above C = 73% and above B+= 87% and above C-= 70% and above B = 83% and above D = 60% and above B-= 80% and above F = less than 60% COURSE OUTLINE: Chap.1 Introduction to Statistics Chap.2 Describing, Exploring and Comparing Data Chap.3 Probability Chap.4 Probability Distributions Chap.5 Normal Probability Distributions Chap.6 Estimates and Sample Sizes Chap.7 Hypothesis Testing Chap.8 Inferences from Two Samples Chap.9 Correlation and Regression Chap.10 Multinomial Experiments and Contingency Table ADDITIONAL INFROMATION: Students with disabilities needing academic accommodations should do the following within the first week of class: Register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center. (SDRC) Bring a letter from the SDRC to the instructor indicating that you need academic accommodation. Each student is required to abide by the Florida State University Academic Honor Code as defined in section FAC 6C2-3.04 of the Student Handbook. Any person caught cheating in an exam shall be given a minimum penalty of a zero with additional penalties determined by the severity of the incident.