14-08-03 Programx - newlifeministriescrc

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.--Proverbs 22:6 Start young when training up your children. Trust that God will bless that training even when they are old. If you would
train your children rightly, train them in the way they should go and not in the way they would.--J. C. Ryle
Weekly Worship & Information News
Sunday September 7, 2014
We pray for the Lord’s blessing this morning as pastor, Doc Wilson leads us in preaching from God’s Word.
Today's Service Order
This is Amazing Grace
Blessed Assurance
Your Name
Son of God
The Lord’s Supper/Communion
Offering: General Fund
Let the People say Amen
Closing Prayer
New Life Ministries’ Community News
Please pray for those in our church family who continue to struggle with physical ailments and employment issues. Give praise for
those who have found employment and for those recuperating from illness. Remember those recuperating from surgery and
The second collection next week will be for the Cary Christian Center, Cary Mississippi.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED please let me know if you are able to commit to one or two days (or half days) for our church service
supporting Habitat for Humanity of Paterson. Friday, September 26 and Saturday, September 27. You may sign up at
church or simply send an email to me with the dates you are willing to volunteer. Waiver forms will be available at church. Gail
Meyer, Cell: 201-390-7336 email gail.meyer@pearson.com. Let me know your shirt size, I have a supply of Habitat for Humanity Tshirts on hand. (Minimum age for service is 16 years.) We will be meeting at the Eastern Christian HS parking lot each morning at
7:15am. I will be providing lunch each day for everyone.
Here is the schedule for Coffee Servers for the next few weeks:
September 7th
Phil & Judy Verrengia
September 14th Jay & Lisa Van Hoff
September 24th Kevin & Lynn Roukema
September 28th Dan & Grace Cooper
Offerings - 2014
Actual vs. Budget
Month of August 2014
August 31th
Year to Date 2014
Requested Announcements
CARY CHRISTIAN CENTER save the Date: Saturday, September 13, 2014, at 5 PM at Covenant CRC. Join us and
our brothers and sisters from Cary Christian Center for food and fellowship at a southern catfish fry (fried chicken
too). Enjoy a delicious meal and hear about the exciting things going on in Cary from Darcy Johnson and friends. A
free will offering will be collected.
“The Holland Christian Home Foundation cordially invites you to celebrate the 119th Anniversary of the Holland
Christian Home. A Dinner will be held Wednesday, September 17, 2014 at 6:00 pm at the Tides Estate
located at 1245 Belmont Ave. in North Haledon. The evening’s guest speaker will be Richard Culp, Executive VP,
Pearson Publishing. For tickets, please contact the Foundation office at 973-427-4087 ext. 651 as soon as possible.”
Mattaniah Male Choir returns again to NJ! Friday, September 19, 7:45 p.m. at the Preakness Valley United
Reformed Church, 480 Valley Road in Wayne. A free-will offering will be taken to benefit the renovation/construction
project of the Holland Christian Home’s Mountain View Nursing Unit. Questions or more information? Call Lois Marples
at 201-522-2926 or 973-699-2526.
Holland Christian Home North Haledon, NJ, is looking for a Charge Nurse, full time, 3-11 p.m., with occasional weekends, as
necessary. Must have current R.N. license, Minimum two years of supervisory experience in long term care, Excellent organizational,
time management and leadership skills. Please call Kathy, 973-427-4087, ext. 636, or fax resume to 973-427-8939. Also looking
for a Driver, full time, 8 am-4 pm, to transport residents, keep vehicles maintained and clean. Must have valid driver’s license,
clean driving record, and good communication skills.
From Eastern Christian (EC):
Eastern Christian School Association is accepting applications for substitute teachers for the 2014-2015 school year.
Interested parties should contact Nancy Hemrick via email at nancyhemrick@easternchristian.org or at 973.427.6244.
Eastern Christian School announces a 2014-2015 part time Music opening at its Middle School campus. The position
required 20 hours per week. Interested parties should contact Dick VanYperen at dickvanyperen@easternchristian.org.
Eastern Christian School announces a 2014-2015 part time opening for an Administrative Assistant at the Eagles
Extended Learning Program. Responsibilities include: Word Processing, Use of Mail Chimp, Telephones/Receptionist, and
Bookkeeping Assistance. Interested parties should contact James Anderson at jamesanderson@easternchristian.org.
Eastern Christian School announces a 2014-2015 part time opening for the Eagles after School Program Director. The
position required 20 hours per week excluding holidays and school breaks. Responsibilities include: Direction and
supervision of students and after school staff. Facilitate a variety of recreation and enrichment activities. First Aid and
Emergency Procedures when necessary. Student Record Maintenance. Interested parties should contact James Anderson at
Denominational News
From CRC Communications
FREE WEBINAR - Join us on September 17 when Karen Wilk presents "7 Reasons to Live Among, In and With Your
Neighborhood." In this webinar we will explore how and why living in, with and among your neighbors is so important. For
more details and registration for this free, one-hour event visit www.crcna.org/webinars.
From World Renew
UKRAINE AND RUSSIA - Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko announced on Wednesday that he had agreed with Russian President
Putin on a ceasefire process in eastern Ukraine. Ukraine’s president said that the two had spoken by phone and had come to a mutual
understanding on steps that would lead to peace. Putin’s spokesman claimed that Moscow was not in a position to officially agree to a
cease-fire as Russia was not party to the conflict. The back-and-forth came as President Obama arrived in Estonia in preparation for the
NATO summit happening in Wales on Thursday to back plans for a rapid response force.
POSITION OPENING - World Renew, an agency of the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA), has a full time
opening for a Country Consultant (Country Director) in Uganda. We require someone who has a proven track record in
delivering program results while also building organizational and community capacity. The position must foster interaction
between various projects and teams that enhances a unified vision of World Renew’s work. Visit
www.worldrenew.net/careers for more information; to apply, submit your current resume and a cover letter indicating your
related skills and experience to dhoogvliets@worldrenew.net. Application deadline is Sept. 15.
From ServiceLink
CHURCH TEAMS TO THE DR! - Encourage pastors and congregations in the Dominican Republic by working side-by-side with
the local DR church members in the construction of small community churches and pastors' homes. Deep friendships and
lasting bonds are established, helping to build the Kingdom of God as you serve and learn together. More information is
available at www.crwm.org or volunteer@crcna.org.
ARE YOU A GREAT STORY TELLER/WRITER? - Come support World Renew's Cambodia Country Consultant (who has limited
English language writing skills) by creatively writing or editing proposals, reports, newsletters and stories of transformation
into proper and creative English. This exciting volunteer opportunity includes visits to ministry sites within Cambodia to
meet WR partners. More information available at www.worldrenew.net or volunteer@crcna.org.
From Back to God Ministries International
NEW MISSIONARIES - Several new missionaries are either on the mission field or will be there soon. Pray that they may
develop meaningful, deep relationships in their communities. Pray that they will be effective in their ministries as they
transition to living in new cultures.
GROUNDWORK - Lust: When it came to the deadly sin of lust, Buechner said: “Lust is the craving for salt by a man dying of
thirst.” Even in our sexually saturated culture God’s Word shows that the Spirit can lead us another way. Join the
Groundwork conversation – find a local radio station or listen online at www.GroundworkOnline.com.
KIDS CORNER - Modern St. Patrick: Remember—the Kids Corner crew is visiting Ireland, and Liz has been kidnapped! While
the kids explore the ruins of the church that St. Patrick built, Liz becomes a modern St. Patrick, returning to those who had
kidnapped him and bringing them God’s Word. Find a station or listen online. Then contact Kids Corner at Box 506, Worth IL
60482 or email kids@kidscorner.net for great resources for kids and parents.