Date of issue: 18 May 2007 Closing date for applications: 1 June 2007 General information The Notice of Vacancies provides a list of public sector job vacancies. It is published weekly and should be made available to public sector employees at their usual place of work. For enquiries regarding placement of vacancies and other advertisements in this notice, please phone 8226 2893. For distribution enquiries, please phone Government Publishing SA on 8207 0910. If you are interested in any of the jobs listed, contact the person identified for a copy of the job & person specification or to discuss the position. From time to time information about matters that may affect your employment will be published in this Notice. If you are employed under the Public Sector Management Act, please check any Public Service Notices from the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. In relation to any commercial advertising in the notice, the views expressed are not necessarily those of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. Applications for vacancies To be considered for jobs listed in this notice you must send your application to the address at the end of each advertisement, ensuring that it is received by the correct person AND by the closing date. All applications are treated in confidence. Interpreting services Those who need help to understand the contents of this notice can phone the Interpreting and Translating Centre on 8226 1990. * Unless shown otherwise THE NOTICE OF VACANCIES CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS: Eligibility to apply for vacancies contained in this Notice Public Service Notices (published when required) Public Sector Management Act (PSM Act) salaried vacancies South Australian Health Commission Act (SAHC Act) vacancies Other Public Sector salaried vacancies Weekly Paid vacancies ELIGIBILITY PUBLIC EMPLOYEES DETERMINED TO BE 'RELEVANT PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' UNDER REGULATION 11 OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT ACT In addition to Public Sector Management Act employees, only applications received from persons either employed by the following organisations or in the arrangements specified below will also be accepted for all vacancies listed unless marked (Advt) which are also being advertised in the public press. Public Sector Management Act employees of administrative units (includes those employees appointed subject to the provisions of the Act (ie ongoing) and those employees appointed on a contract basis (ie temporary, casual and longer term contract employees)) Hourly, daily and weekly paid employees of administrative units Employees of administrative units employed under the Children’s Services Act, 1985, the Education Act, 1972 or the Technical and Further Education Act, 1975 Police Officers employed in the Police Department who are Legal Officers, Engineers, Psychologists and Research Officers to whom Clause 29(f) of the Police Officers Award applies Participants of equal employment opportunity programs gazetted by the Minister under Section 67 of the Public Sector Management Act, in line with processes approved by the Commissioner for Public Employment. Further details on specific programs are provided in Commissioner’s Standard No 1 – A Planned Workforce Persons currently employed by South Australian Public Sector agencies through the South Australian Public Sector Graduate Recruitment Program for the first 12 months of employment under that Program Presiding Officer, Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal Persons employed in the following public sector agencies and other organisations: 1 Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board Adelaide Festival Centre Trust Alinytjara Wilurara Natural Resources Management Board Carclew Youth Performing Arts Centre Incorporated Chiropractors Board of South Australia Courts Administration Authority, but only those appointed pursuant to the Courts Administration Act, 1993 including those appointed pursuant to Section 6(3) of the Sheriff’s Act, 1978 Country Arts SA Country Fire Service Dairy Authority of South Australia Education Adelaide Elliston Le Hunte Animal and Plant Control Board Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board Essential Services Commission of South Australia Government House Grant Animal and Plant Control Board History Trust of South Australia PUBLIC EMPLOYEES DETERMINED TO BE 'RELEVANT PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' UNDER REGULATION 11 OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT ACT (Continued) HomeStart Finance, but only those employees who were formerly employees of the South Australian Housing Trust and who were transferred to HomeStart Finance by proclamation of the Governor on 21 December 1995. Hospitals and Health Centres incorporated under the South Australian Health Commission Act, 1976 Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management Board Land Management Corporation, but only employees who: were transferred from the Department for Administrative and Information Services by proclamation of the Governor on 21 May 1998 or 18 December 2003; or were transferred from the Department for Environment, Heritage and Aboriginal Affairs by the Commissioner for Public Employment on 11 October 1999; or were previously employed as greenkeepers in the MFP Development Corporation; and who have maintained such rights since their transfer Legal Services Commission of South Australia Lucindale Naracoorte Animal and Plant Control Board Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board Northern Yorke Peninsula Animal and Plant Control Board Nurses Board of South Australia Parliament, Officers of either House or a person under the separate control of the President of the Legislative Council or the Speaker of the House of Assembly Personal Assistants to Members of Parliament (but not those employed on a temporary or casual basis) whose employment is or has been terminated because of a change of Member or status of Member as a result of the State Election on 18 March 2006. This determination is effective for any Personal Assistant who has been so terminated for a period of 15 months from the declaration of the poll Police Complaints Authority Rangelands Integrated Natural Resources Management Group SA Arid Lands Natural Resources Management Board SA Murray Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Board Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission South Australian Forestry Corporation South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service, but not operational fire-fighters South Australian State Emergency Service employees, under Fire and Emergency Services Act who were transferred from the Emergency Services Administrative Unit on 1 October 2005 South Australian Tourism Commission South Australian Water Corporation South East Natural Resources Management Board Superannuation Funds Management Corporation of South Australia Tandanya - National Aboriginal Cultural Institute Incorporated TransAdelaide, excluding AN employees made available to operate metropolitan railways West Beach Trust WorkCover Corporation of South Australia, but only those employees who were formerly members of the staff of the South Australian Occupational Health and Safety Commission as employees of the Department for Industrial Affairs and who transferred to WorkCover Corporation of South Australia by proclamation of the Governor pursuant to the Clause 2 of the Schedule of the WorkCover Corporation Act, 1994 and only in relation to Public Sector Management Act vacancies DISCLAIMER The State of South Australia does not sponsor, endorse or necessarily approve of any products or services advertised in the Notice of Vacancies by private sector entities and makes no warranties or representations regarding the quality, merchantability or fitness for purpose of those products or services. 2 Training Call for our 2007 brochure All courses can be tailored and conducted in-house for only $1795 per day 1 person Discount 3+ people Adelaide City Effective business writing $295 $200 5 June Emotional intelligence made practical $295 $200 7 June The new supervisor $595 $495 26 & 27 June How to think on your feet & influence people $295 $200 5 July Leadership skills $595 $495 10 & 11 July Excellent customer service $295 $200 12 July Speaking confidently to groups $495 The skilled negotiator $595 19 & 20 July $495 26 & 27 July Developing Potential (Australia) Pty Ltd Email: Phone: 1300 88 44 86 Website: 3 PSM ACT VACANCY INFORMATION DATE OF ISSUE:18/5/07 CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT Please contact the Human Resources Section for details of the relevant agency’s conditions of employment. APPEAL RIGHTS Public Sector Management Act vacancies to be filled on an ongoing basis are subject to appeal pursuant to Section 43 of the Act, unless shown otherwise. With effect from 17/07/95 appeal rights exist for all ongoing positions at or below Executive Level 1 ie for positions with a salary or maximum salary limit less than $84,354 pa. No appeal rights exist for vacancies designated contract (including casual, temporary and longer term contracts). Appeal rights are only available to all employees of administrative units under the Public Sector Management Act, with the exception of those employees employed on temporary, casual or longer-term contracts, who have 12 months or less continuous employment within the Public Service. Appeal rights are also available to: Officers appointed under the Parliament (Joint Services) Act, 1985, including officers of either House of Parliament or a person under the separate control of the President of the Legislative Council or the Speaker of the House of Assembly; Employees of the MFP Development Corporation to whom such rights have been extended by a proclamation of the Governor under Section 71 of the Public Sector Management Act and who retain such rights. REQUESTS TO CIRCULARISE VACANCIES Details of vacancies to be published in this section will be accepted by the Public Service Workforce Division, Department of the Premier and Cabinet up to 12.00 p.m. FRIDAY prior to the date of issue of the Notice. Whenever possible however, agencies are encouraged to forward vacancy details as soon as they become available. This action will facilitate the clearing of positions for advertising in the Notice. The facsimile number is 8226 2924, and for any enquiries please telephone 8226 2893. 4 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 NOTICE OF VACANCIES DATED 18 MAY 2007 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM Trainee 5 TRAINEE - RECEPTION/ADMIN (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3189/2007 Duties: This position will require the trainee to work within the front office as a trainee receptionist and general office assistant. The trainee's training will include the meeting and greeting members of the public, staff, telephone answering duties, filing, word processing, photocopying and general admin. MGHS is an all girls school with approx. 600 students and the admin unit is responsible for providing a reception and clerical service to assist parents, staff and the wider school community. Special Conditions: To apply for this position you need to be between the ages of 17-24 (inclusive). You can be between the ages of 17-28 (inclusive) if you fit into one of the following targeted groups: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, declared disability, long term unemployed (12 months or more), have been or are under State Care. You can only do one state government traineeship, and you must not have taken a package from the state government within the last three years. You must be a South Australian resident, and must not be currently employed in the State Government. Location: Kingswood Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Education and Children's Services (Mitcham Girls High School) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Administrative Coordinator, CareerStart SA, DFEEST, GPO Box 320, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 1800 683 534, web site Note: To apply for this position please click on "Apply Now" for instructions. If you would like more information about traineeships, resumes, and interviews, please click on "Traineeship Information". Please contact CareerStart SA on 1800 683 534 if you have any questions. Closing Date: 28 May 2007 Downloads: Apply Now:\Traineeship Coversheet for NOV.DOC Traineeship Information:\info about traineeships_v2.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) Trainee 6 TRAINEE - CLERICAL PROCESSING (OFFICE ADMINISTRATION) (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3268/2007 Duties: The position is based in the Customer Service Office Team. The trainee will be responsible for mail, filing, word processing, photocopying, answering the phone and general administrative duties under the supervision of the Office Administrator. The unit is a regional office with a small customer service officer team of 8 people which provides administrative/clerical assistance to the Housing Managers, Housing Support Co-ordinator and Housing Advisor. Special Conditions: To apply for this position you need to be between the ages of 17-24 (inclusive). You can be between the ages of 17-28 (inclusive) if you fit into one of the following targeted groups: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, declared disability, long term unemployed (12 months or more), have been or are under State Care. You can only do one state government traineeship, and you must not have taken a package from the state government within the last three years. You must be a South Australian resident, and must not be currently employed in the State Government. This position will be filled by an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander as per section 56 (2) of the equal opportunity Act 1984. Employment is subject to the following special requirement: Police Check Location: Whyalla Norrie Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Housing SA, Whyalla Region) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Administrative Coordinator, CareerStart SA, DFEEST, GPO Box 320, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 1800 683 534, web site Note: To apply for this position please click on "Apply Now" for instructions. If you would like more information about traineeships, resumes, and interviews, please click on "Traineeship Information". Please contact CareerStart SA on 1800 683 534 if you have any questions. Closing Date: 28 May 2007 Downloads: Apply Now:\Traineeship Coversheet for NOV.DOC Traineeship Information:\info about traineeships_v2.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) Trainee 7 TRAINEE - CLERICAL PROCESSING (OFFICE ADMINISTRATION) (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3266/2007 Duties: This position will share reception duties and will be responsible for meeting and greeting members of the public, records management, paying accounts, mail outs, filing, word processing, photocopying, answering the phone, and general admin. Governance Support Services (GSS) is a unit of 10 people which oversees information flows between the DFC Portfolio and Minister's offices. It is responsible for the coordination and preparation of corporate governance policies, high-level portfolio ministerials, as well as for the coordination of briefings and reports. GSS is also responsible for the provision of high level Freedom of Information and information privacy principles services for the Department. Special Conditions: To apply for this position you need to be between the ages of 17-24 (inclusive). You can be between the ages of 17-28 (inclusive) if you fit into one of the following targeted groups: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, declared disability, long term unemployed (12 months or more), have been or are under State Care. You can only do one state government traineeship, and you must not have taken a package from the state government within the last three years. You must be a South Australian resident, and must not be currently employed in the State Government. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Office of the Chief Executive, Governance Support Services) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Administrative Coordinator, CareerStart SA, DFEEST, GPO Box 320, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 1800 683 534, web site Note: To apply for this position please click on "Apply Now" for instructions. If you would like more information about traineeships, resumes, and interviews, please click on "Traineeship Information". Please contact CareerStart SA on 1800 683 534 if you have any questions. Closing Date: 28 May 2007 Downloads: Apply Now:\Traineeship Coversheet for NOV.DOC Traineeship Information:\info about traineeships_v2.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) Trainee 8 TRAINEE - ADMINISTRATION OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3192/2007 Duties: This position is based at the reception desk, the trainee will be responsible for meeting and greeting other members of the department and public, assisting in paying accounts, travel bookings, mail outs, filing, word processing, photocopying, answering the phone, and general admin. This unit is a small team of 5 people and is responsible for providing an admin service to the Aboriginal Health Division. Special Conditions: To apply for this position you need to be between the ages of 17-24 (inclusive). You can be between the ages of 17-28 (inclusive) if you fit into one of the following targeted groups: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, declared disability, long term unemployed (12 months or more), have been or are under State Care. You can only do one state government traineeship, and you must not have taken a package from the state government within the last three years. You must be a South Australian resident, and must not be currently employed in the State Government. This position will be filled by an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander as per section 56 (2) of the equal opportunity Act 1984. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Aboriginal Health Division) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Administrative Coordinator, CareerStart SA, DFEEST, GPO Box 320, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 1800 683 534, web site Note: To apply for this position please click on "Apply Now" for instructions. If you would like more information about traineeships, resumes, and interviews, please click on "Traineeship Information". Please contact CareerStart SA on 1800 683 534 if you have any questions. Closing Date: 28 May 2007 Downloads: Apply Now:\Traineeship Coversheet for NOV.DOC Traineeship Information:\info about traineeships_v2.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) Trainee 9 TRAINEE - CLERICAL PROCESSING (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3188/2007 Duties: Will be responsible to the Supervisor, for the timely & accurate provision of a payroll service including payment of salaries & wage and maintenance of leave records. Will prepare & process data for payroll system (CHRIS). Calculate & process arrears and terminal leave payments. Will also assist in assisting with pay related enquiries from IMVS employees. The Payroll Office comprises 5 employees and falls under the umbrella of the Human Resources Branch. Special Conditions: To apply for this position you need to be between the ages of 17-24 (inclusive). You can be between the ages of 17-28 (inclusive) if you fit into one of the following targeted groups: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, declared disability, long term unemployed (12 months or more), have been or are under State Care. You can only do one state government traineeship, and you must not have taken a package from the state government within the last three years. You must be a South Australian resident, and must not be currently employed in the State Government. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Institute of Medical & Veterinary Science) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Administrative Coordinator, CareerStart SA, DFEEST, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 1800 683 534, web site Note: To apply for this position please click on "Apply Now" for instructions. If you would like more information about traineeships, resumes, and interviews, please click on "Traineeship Information". Please contact CareerStart SA on 1800 683 534 if you have any questions. Closing Date: 28 May 2007 Downloads: Apply Now:\Traineeship Coversheet for NOV.DOC Traineeship Information:\info about traineeships_v2.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) Trainee 10 TRAINEE - ACCOUNTING / GENERAL ADMINISTRATION (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3237/2007 Duties: Responsible for processing accounts payable and accounts receivable transactions, collection and banking of credits and cash, answering queries from and providing advice to client users and vendors. Services are provided to the Department of the Premier & Cabinet and Arts SA agencies. The Accounting unit is a team of 10 people and is responsible for providing an account payable and receivable service for the Department of the Premier & Cabinet. Special Conditions: To apply for this position you need to be between the ages of 17-24 (inclusive). You can be between the ages of 17-28 (inclusive) if you fit into one of the following targeted groups: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, declared disability, long term unemployed (12 months or more), have been or are under State Care. You can only do one state government traineeship, and you must not have taken a package from the state government within the last three years. You must be a South Australian resident, and must not be currently employed in the State Government. Employment is subject to the following special requirement: Police Check Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Premier and Cabinet (Financial Services, Services Division) Enquiries and Applications to: Administrative Coordinator, CareerStart SA, DFEEST, GPO Box 320, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 1800 683 534, web site Note: To apply for this position please click on "Apply Now" for instructions. If you would like more information about traineeships, resumes, and interviews, please click on "Traineeship Information". Please contact CareerStart SA on 1800 683 534 if you have any questions. Closing Date: 28 May 2007 Downloads: Apply Now:\Traineeship Coversheet for NOV.DOC Traineeship Information:\info about traineeships_v2.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) Trainee 11 TRAINEE - ADMINISTRATION (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3193/2007 Duties: The trainee is a full time position within the Minister's Office. This position reports to the Office Manager and is responsible for the provision of professional receptionist services, accurate and timely correspondence and administrative support to the Ministerial team as required, which contributes to the efficient and effective operation of the Minister's office. The role of the Minister's Office is to provide executive, administrative and secretarial support as well as advice to the Minister on government policy, Cabinet, statutory requirements, cross-issue with other portfolios, liaison with the Department, other Government Agencies, Ministers, Members of Parliament and relevant organisations and officials, projects, research and briefings. Special Conditions: To apply for this position you need to be between the ages of 17-24 (inclusive). You can be between the ages of 17-28 (inclusive) if you fit into one of the following targeted groups: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, declared disability, long term unemployed (12 months or more), have been or are under State Care. You can only do one state government traineeship, and you must not have taken a package from the state government within the last three years. You must be a South Australian resident, and must not be currently employed in the State Government. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Primary Industries and Resources (Office for the Hon. Jennifer Rankine, MP) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Administrative Coordinator, CareerStart SA, DFEEST, GPO Box 320, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 1800 683 534, web site Note: To apply for this position please click on "Apply Now" for instructions. If you would like more information about traineeships, resumes, and interviews, please click on "Traineeship Information". Please contact CareerStart SA on 1800 683 534 if you have any questions. Closing Date: 28 May 2007 Downloads: Apply Now:\Traineeship Coversheet for NOV.DOC Traineeship Information:\info about traineeships_v2.pdf Position Description:\Primary Industries & Resources J&P PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) Trainee 12 TRAINEE - CLERICAL / ADMINISTRATION (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T3264/2007 (Advt) Duties: Contribute to an efficient and effective administrative support service to the Safety and Regulation Division including offering a friendly and responsive administrative service to the Division. The duties will include being the first point of contact for customers of the Division, reception duties, answering telephones, face to face contact, word processing, data entry, file management, stationery ordering, monitoring of office equipment and general administrative duties. Responsibilities of the role will include administration, finance, procurement and human resources and; will offer a friendly, responsive, administrative service. The general administrative team is responsible for the provision of administrative support to the Shared Business Services Section of the Division. The position is located at Walkerville with networks across the Adelaide metropolitan area and regional offices of the Division. If you are interested in this traineeship you are strongly encouraged to contact Susan Cook on 8343 2466 (or for more valuable information. Special Conditions: To apply for this position you need to be between the ages of 17-24 (inclusive). You can be between the ages of 17-28 (inclusive) if you fit into one of the following targeted groups: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, declared disability, long term unemployed (12 months or more), have been or are under State Care. You can only do one state government traineeship, and you must not have taken a package from the state government within the last three years. You must be a South Australian resident, and must not be currently employed in the State Government. All applicants must also complete the DTEI Employment Declaration and post it along with a resume, application form and proof of date of birth to be eligible for this position. Location: Walkerville Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Safety and Regulation) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Administrative Coordinator, CareerStart SA, DFEEST, GPO Box 320, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 1800 683 534, web site Note: To apply for this position please click on "Apply Now" for instructions. If you would like more information about traineeships, resumes, and interviews, please click on "Traineeship Information". Please contact CareerStart SA on 1800 683 534 if you have any questions. Closing Date: 28 May 2007 Downloads: Apply Now:\Traineeship Coversheet for NOV.DOC Traineeship Information:\info about traineeships_v2.pdf Employment Declaration:\DTEI Employment_Declaration.DOC PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (TEMPORARY UP TO 26/08/2007) Vacancy No. T3152/2007 Duties: The Administrative Assistant is responsible to the Office Manager for the provision of an efficient administrative, clerical and reception service for Adult Physical Neurological (APN) and Brain Injury Options Coordination (BIOC) that contributes to the efficient operation of the service. The Administrative Assistant will be required to handle personal and telephone enquiries promptly, effectively and in a sensitive, friendly and professional manner, including taking messages and relaying promptly to the appropriate staff. They will be required to process relevant correspondence such as sorting, distributing and recording mail and facsimiles, and coordinating meeting arrangements, booking venues and catering at the request of other staff members. The Administrative Assistant will contribute to the provision of an effective and efficient reception and telephone service through a range of other activities including collecting of time sheets and other documents to be relayed to the appropriate department within required deadlines. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be willing to relocate within the service should the need arise. Location: Adelaide Metro (Gilles Plains) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Disability SA - APN & Brain Injury Service Coordination - Gilles Plains) Further Information: Enquiries to: Judy Cushway, Office Manager, APN & BIOC Service Coordination, Gilles Plains, telephone 8366 7502, email Applications to: Elsje Coles, HR Administration Officer, Disability SA, Human Resources, 103 Fisher Street, Fullarton, 5063, telephone 8372 1411, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Judy Cushway, telephone 8366 7502, or email . Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Employment Declaration Form:\Declaration Form.doc Job Application Guidelines:\Job Application Guidelines.pdf J&P Specification - Admin Assistant:\ASO-1 Admin Assistant APNBIOC.doc 13 ($19866.00/36262.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO1 CLERICAL OFFICER (PART-TIME) Vacancy No. 3075/2007 Duties: The Clerical Officer contributes to the efficient and effective operation of the office through the provision of a high quality reception service and clerical and administrative support to staff and clients of Disability SA, Northern Suburbs Office. The Clerical Officer will provide an efficient switchboard service, including the taking and distribution of messages and the provision of information, and will also carry out word processing duties as well as maintaining administrative files and providing a photocopying service. The Clerical Officer will provide assistance to other clerical and secretarial staff as required, including accurate collection of data and the recording and distribution of incoming and outgoing correspondence. The appropriate circulation of information to staff and other units is important, and the successful applicant may be required to arrange catering, venues and equipment for seminars and meetings. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 0.6 full time equivalent and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be willing to relocate within the service should the need arise. Location: Adelaide Metro (Salisbury) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Disability SA - Northern Suburbs) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Hilda Best, Office Manager, Disability SA, Northern Suburbs, 46 Commercial Road, Salisbury, 5108, telephone 8282 5500, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Hilda Best, telephone 8282 5500, or email Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&P Specification - Clerical Officer:\ASO-047.DOC Employment Declaration Form:\Declaration Form.doc Guidelines:\Generic Job Guidelines.pdf 14 ($19866.00/36262.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO1 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($19866.00/36262.00) Vacancy No. T3133/2007 Duties: The Administrative Services Officer is responsible for the provision of clerical, financial and administrative duties which result in quality services to the staff and clients of the Enfield District Centre. Special Conditions: Some travel between District Centres may be required. Some out of hours work may be required. Initial appointment will be to Enfield District Centre within Families SA, but the appointee may be reassigned to any other location to perform work of a similar nature appropriate to the classification, either on a temporary or ongoing basis. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro (Enfield) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Northern Metro Region - Enfield District Centre ) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Dean Martin, Business Manager, Enfield District Centre, PO Box 594, Prospect East, 5084, telephone 8269 8333, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Dean Martin, telephone 82698333, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&P:\ASO-1 Job Person Spec.doc Guidelines:\Generic Job Guidelines.pdf 15 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO1 16 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES OFFICER (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($19866.00/36262.00) Vacancy No. TO 3 MONTHS) T3138/2007 Duties: The Administrative Services Officer is responsible for the provision of clerical duties which results in quality services to the staff and clients of the District Centre. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 22.5 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Some intrastate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Some out of hours work may be required. Must be prepared to be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or equivalent. Successful applicants will be required to undergo a Criminal History and Background Check prior to being employed. Location: Adelaide Metro (Noarlunga) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Southern Metro Region - Noarlunga District Centre) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mrs Kathy DeDear, Business Manager, Families SA, 5 Alexander Kelly Drive, Noarlunga Centre, 5168, telephone 8207 3018, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Kathy DeDear, telephone 8207 3018, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants are required to address the Person Specification in their application. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Service. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: :\Admin services-officer AS01.doc Guidelines:\Generic Job Guidelines.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO1 17 BUSINESS SUPPORT CONSULTANT (CASUAL UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($19866.00/36262.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) L2958/2007 Duties: The incumbent works under direction to assist with the provision of an effective and responsive service in a broad range of administrative services, closely following established systems, guidelines and procedures. For success in this position the appointee will need a strong customer service orientation for both internal and external clients, excellent communication skills and technical skills relevant to the provision of an administrative service. The Casual pool, Port Lincoln office, Business Support Consultant contributes to PIRSA by providing business and administrative services to groups across PIRSA, home teams within Rural Solutions SA and other customers. Special Conditions: Core business hours are between 8.45am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays, but variation of these hours may be negotiated. A current driver's licence is desirable. Occasional out of hours work and intrastate travel may be required. The incumbent will be required to maintain a safe working environment by adopting appropriate hazard management practices consistent with the role. The incumbent will be expected to uphold the Employee Conduct Standards contained in the Public Sector Management Act (1995)*. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Port Lincoln) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Primary Industries and Resources (Rural Solutions SA) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mrs Aileen Stone, Team Leader, Eyre Rangelands, Rural Solutions SA, telephone (08) 8648 5164 or 0429 091 988, email Applications to: Mrs Ann Staunton, Business Support Consultant, Rural Solutions SA, 5 Adelaide Place, PORT LINCOLN SA, 5606, telephone (08) 8688 3400, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies, including details of three current referees. Closing Date: 25 May 2007 Downloads: Position Description:\ASO-1 Port Lcln CasBSC April 07.doc Guidelines:\pos_desc_how_to_apply2.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO1 BUSINESS SUPPORT CONSULTANT (CASUAL UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($19866.00/36262.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) L2960/2007 Duties: The incumbent works under direction to assist with the provision of an effective and responsive service in a broad range of administrative services, closely following established systems, guidelines and procedures. For success in this position the appointee will need a strong customer service orientation for both internal and external clients, excellent communication skills and technical skills relevant to the provision of an administrative service. The Casual pool, Port Augusta office, Business Support Consultant contributes to PIRSA by providing business and administrative services to groups across PIRSA, home teams within Rural Solutions SA and other customers Special Conditions: Core business hours are between 8.45am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays, but variation of these hours may be negotiated. A current driver's licence is desirable. Occasional out of hours work and intrastate travel may be required. The incumbent will be required to maintain a safe working environment by adopting appropriate hazard management practices consistent with the role. The incumbent will be expected to uphold the Employee Conduct Standards contained in the Public Sector Management Act (1995)* Location: Eyre Peninsula (Port Augusta) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Primary Industries and Resources (Rural Solutions SA) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mrs Aileen Stone, Team Leader, Eyre Rangelands, Rural Solutions SA, PO Box 357, PORT AUGUSTA SA, 5700, telephone (08) 8648 5164 or 0429 091 988, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies, including details of three current referees. Closing Date: 25 May 2007 Downloads: Position Description:\ASO-1 Pt Aug CasBSC April 07.doc Guidelines:\pos_desc_how_to_apply2.pdf ASO2 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (TEMPORARY FOR 1 YEAR) Vacancy No. T2217/2007 Duties: The provision of a wide range of support services functions, including: Reception, Prisoner Finance, Prisoner Canteen, Prisoner Property, Correspondence, Prisoner Mail, Prisoner Telephone System, PABX telephone reception duties, vehicle log sheets, DCS computer systems. Special Conditions: Working within a prison environment, involving face to face contact with prisoners. Required to assist with other support services tasks within Adelaide Womens Prison. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Location: (Not Specified) Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Correctional Services Enquiries and Applications to: Ms R Forth, Business Manager, Adelaide Womens Prison, PO Box 2042, REGENCY PARK, 5492, telephone 83430105, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 25 May 2007 Downloads: Admin officer:\ASO2 ADMIN AWP.doc applicant package:\Applicant package-info-jul02.doc 18 ($38557.00/41732.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 FINANCE OFFICER ($38557.00/41732.00) Vacancy No. 3191/2007 Duties: The Finance Officer is accountable to the Business Manager for providing an efficient and effective administrative service to the Centre by maintaining the prisoner finance, prisoner phone system, providing budget support for the Business Manager and maintaining the asset registers. The position provides back up support for the Prisoner's Canteen, prisoner mail system and receptionist duties. Special Conditions: Working within the prison environment with prisoner contact. A current Driver's Licence is essential. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Location: Riverland (Cadell) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Correctional Services Further Information: http;// Enquiries and Applications to: M/s K Paschke, Business Manager, Cadell Training Centre, Boden Road, Cadell, 5321, telephone 08 85403602, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J & P Specification:\Finance Officer ASO2 80507.doc Applicant Package:\Advice to Job Applicants.pdf 19 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE OFFICER ($38557.00/41732.00) Vacancy No. 3219/2007 Duties: The Accounts Payable Officer is accountable to the Supervisor, Accounts Payable for the provision of a comprehensive, efficient and effective accounts payable service for the Department for Correctional Services, including the preparation for payment of creditor accounts, the accurate coding of invoices, the preparation of account batches for on-line processing through the computerised accounts payable system, reconciliation of supplier statements, follow-up of adjustment notes and claiming of discounts. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Nil. Desirable: Post Secondary qualifications. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. The incumbent must be prepared to be assigned or undertake duties of another position at this remuneration level or equivalent and must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Correctional Services (Finance & Asset Services) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Margaret Burton, Executive Assistant, Finance & Asset Services, 25 Franklin Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 08 8226 9131, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Margaret Burton, telephone (08) 8226 9131, or email, Please forward three copies of your application and current CV which includes the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Electronic applications will be accepted. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job & Person specification:\JP Accounts PO.doc Advice to Applicants:\Advice to Job Apps_07.pdf 20 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ($38557.00/41732.00) Vacancy No. 3252/2007 Duties: The Administrative Officer is accountable to the District Office Manager for: providing specialised personal and confidential administrative support to the District Director, and/or Coordinators, within a district: providing administrative support services to workgroups, clients and stakeholders in order to achieve the district objectives and goals: contributing to and supporting the achievement of District Director client service objectives and goals: contributing to the delivery and maintenance of efficient work practices within the district office. Special Conditions: A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. The successful applicant may be subject to a Criminal History Screening Check prior to confirmation of appointments. Location: Adelaide Metro (Elizabeth) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Education and Children's Services (School & District Operations - Barossa District Office) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms R. Pinnegar, District Office Manager, Barossa District Office, LB 239, 50 Elizabeth Way Elizabeth Shopping Centre, Elizabeth, 5112, telephone 8256 8103, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms R. Pinnegar, telephone 8256 8103, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&P Spec:\ASO2 district.doc 21 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 BUSINESS SUPPORT OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T3177/2007 Duties: Responsible to the Business Manager, Transitional Accommodation for the provision of administrative and resource management services relating to human resources, information management matters, finance, budget, supply catering and facilities management matters which contribute to effective and efficient support services being provided to Transitional Accommodation in accordance with Departmental objectives. Special Conditions: A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Guardianship & Alternative Care Transitional Accommodation) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms J Tilbrook, Business Manager, Transitional Accommodation, Level 4 / 162 Grenfell Street, Adelaide SA, 5000, telephone 8226 7220, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Jo Tilbrook telephone 8226 7220, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\ASO2 BSO TA 0706_1.doc Guidelines:\Job Application Guidelines.pdf 22 ($38557.00/41732.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES OFFICER (TEMPORARY FOR 6 MONTHS) ($38557.00/41732.00) Vacancy No. T3130/2007 Duties: The Administrative Officer is accountable to the Manager, Strategic Housing Policy for the provision of administrative/corporate support services that result in a significant contribution to an effective and efficient administrative support service to the Unit and the Department for Families and Communities. Special Conditions: Position to commence on 9 July 2007. Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Housing Policy and Strategy - Housing Policy and Planning - Strategic Housing Policy) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms E Curtis, Office Administrator, Strategic Housing Policy, telephone 8207 0144, email Applications to: Mr D Stuart, Business Officer, Housing Policy and Strategy, Level 2 Riverside Building North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8207 0117, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Erin Curtis, telephone 8207 0144 or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: :\J&P ASO2 - Administrative Officer.doc Guidelines:\Generic Job Guidelines.pdf 23 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 24 REGIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($38557.00/41732.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T3066/2007 Duties: The Regional Customer Service Officer is responsible to the Office Administrator whilst undertaking administrative duties and works closely with the Service Delivery Manager for the provision of first point of contact service at the front counter and within the regional office. This position provides a quality service to members of the public by providing routine information regarding eligibility for Housing SA services including public and private housing assistance. The position is also responsible for the day to day provision and maintenance of the counter services and public waiting area. Special Conditions: More than one position available. This position is temporary for an initial period of up to 6 months with the possibility of an extension. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Required to enter into a performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes. A flexible approach to duty hours and the taking of leave is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro (Salisbury) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Housing SA - Salisbury Region) Further Information:, Enquiries and Applications to: Ms S Buckland, Office Administrator, Housing SA - Salisbury Region, 1 Ann Street, Salisbury, 5108, telephone 8259 1420, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Trish McKernan, telephone 8259 1401, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&P:\ASO2.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 25 REGIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICER (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($38557.00/41732.00) Vacancy No. TO 6 MONTHS) T3068/2007 Duties: The Regional Customer Service Officer is responsible to the Office Administrator whilst undertaking administrative duties and works closely with the Service Delivery Manager for the provision of first point of contact service at the front counter and within the regional office. This position provides a quality service to members of the public by providing routine information regarding eligibility for Housing SA services including public and private housing assistance. The position is also responsible for the day to day provision and maintenance of the counter services and public waiting area. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position. Hours/days to be worked are 7.5 hours each day on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday (week 1) and 7.5 hours each day on Thursday and Friday (week 2). Salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. This position is temporary for an initial period of up to 6 months with the possibility of an extension. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Required to enter into a performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes. A flexible approach to duty hours and the taking of leave is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro (Salisbury) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Housing SA - Salisbury Region) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms S Buckland, Office Administrator, Housing SA - Salisbury Region, 1 Ann Street, Salisbury, 5108, telephone 8259 1420, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Trish McKernan, telephone 8259 1401, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&P:\ASO2.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 26 ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT OFFICER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($38557.00/41732.00) Vacancy No. 12 MONTHS) C3275/2007 Duties: The Administrative Support Officer is accountable to the Manager, Support Services for providing an efficient and effective administrative and student management service to ICHM. This position also contributes to the ICHM goals and objectives and agreed performance outcomes. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required and a flexible approach to the hours of duty is essential. Travel between campuses may be required. A flexible approach to taking leave is essential. Required to participate in DFEEST Performance Management Program. Appointment to this position may be subject to a satisfactory police check. Location: Adelaide Metro (Regency Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (TAFE SA - International College of Hotel Management) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Penny Snyders, Manager Support Services, International College of Hotel Management, Regency Campus, Days Road, Regency Park, 5010, telephone 8348 4614, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Penny Snyders, telephone 8348 4614, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\Job Application Guide 17.08.06.doc Job & Person Specification:\TAN1271AdminSupportOfficerASO2. doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATION OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($38557.00/41732.00) Vacancy No. T3214/2007 Duties: The Administrative Officer is accountable to the Director, Strategic Planning Policy and Research, and is responsible for the provision of clerical, reception and support services that result in a significant contribution to an effective and efficient, administrative support service to the Branch. Special Conditions: The appointee may be subject to a Criminal History Check prior to confirmation of appointment. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health as reflected in the Strategic Plan. The incumbent may be assigned elsewhere within the Department subject to relevant provisions of the PSM Act. The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. Out of hours work may be required to accommodate priorities and meet deadlines. May be required to work across the division to meet divisional priorities. This position is temporary for an initial period of up to 12 months with the possibility of extension or permanent appointment without further advertisement. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Policy & Intergovernment Relations - Strategic Planning, Policy & Research) Enquiries to: Mr Tony Woollacott, Manager, Strategic Planning & Analysis Unit, telephone 8226 6033, email Applications to: Ms Marlene Hoppo, Administration Officer, Policy & Intergovernment Relations Division, Level 10 Citi Centre Building, 11 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 6041, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Job and Person Specifications are available from Marlene Hoppo telephone 8226 6041, or email Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: ASO2 Admin Officer May 07:\SPA_RPE ASO2 Admin Officer_May07.doc 27 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 28 ADMINISTRATION CO-ORDINATOR (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY FOR ($44903.00/48079.00) Vacancy No. 12 MONTHS) T3313/2007 Duties: The Administration Coordinator is responsible for the daily supervision of the administrative support team, as well as the provision and coordination of an efficient administration and resource management service which contributes to the effective operation of the Native Title Section in the resolution of native title claims. Special Conditions: This is a job sharing position working 15 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. The incumbent must be flexible as to days and hours worked. Current working days are Monday and Tuesday. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Attorney-General's (Crown Solicitor's Office - Native Title Section) Enquiries and Applications to: Susie Provenzano, Administration Co-ordinator, Crown Solicitor's Office, GPO BOX 464, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8207 1865, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Guidelines for writing applications:\Guidelines for writing applications.doc J&P:\ASO3 Admin Coord May 07.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 29 CORONIAL SERVICES OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($44903.00/48079.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T3199/2007 (Advt) Duties: The Coronial Services Officer is accountable to the Co-ordinator Operations for the provision of a high quality service in relation to deaths reported within South Australia, including coordinating the initial investigations, reporting matters to the State Coroner, referring matters for investigation and authorising and arranging the conveyance of deceased persons within the State of South Australia. Special Conditions: Must be prepared to work on a seven day roster basis as to hours worked. Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Appointment is under the Courts Administration Act, 1993 and terms and conditions of employment are governed by the Public Sector Management Act, 1995. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Courts Administration Authority (Coroner's Court) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Denise Newton, Operations Coordinator, Coroner's Court, 302 King William Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8204 0600, email Note: Information on the application process including Guide for Applicants for addressing selected criteria, Job and Person Profile and Information Kit, is also available on the CAA Website. It is important to read the Guide for Applicants to ensure that the correct criteria are responded to and that all appropriate information is included in the application. Job and Person Profiles are available by emailing Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Risk management and safety are core values of the Authority. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Employment Declaration:\employment_declaration.doc Application Cover Sheet:\applicant_cover_sheet.doc Information Kit:\info_kit_coron_supp_off.doc Guide for Applicants:\guide_coron_supp_off.doc Job Profile:\coron_serv_off.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 30 INQUEST SUPPORT OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($44903.00/48079.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3206/2007 Duties: The high level objectives to be met by the Inquest Support Officer are to assist in the coordination of inquest preparation through the provision of a confidential and efficient administrative support service as required by Senior Counsel Assisting/Counsel Assisting the State Coroner and the Deputy State Coroner. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Appointment is under the Courts Administration Act 1993. Terms and conditions of employment are governed by the Public Sector Management Act, 1995. Risk management and health and safety are core business values for the Authority. The incumbent is expected to work in a manner consistent with the Authority Code of Conduct. Required to enter into a performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Courts Administration Authority (Coroner's Court) Enquiries to: Ms Margaret Craddock, Inquest Support Officer, Coroner's Court, telephone 8204 0600, email Applications to: Ms Denise Newton, Coordinator Operations, Coroner's Court, 302 King William Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8204 0600, email Note: Information on the application process including Guide for Applicants for addressing selected criteria, Job and Person Profile and Information Kit, is also available on the CAA Website. It is important to read the Guide for Applicants to ensure that the correct criteria are responded to and that all appropriate information is included in the application. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Employment Declaration:\employment_declaration.doc Application Cover Sheet:\applicant_cover_sheet.doc Information Kit:\info_kit_inquest_supp_off.doc Guide for Applicants:\guide_inquest_supp_off.doc Job Profile:\inquest_supp_off.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 PROJECT SUPPORT OFFICER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($44903.00/48079.00) Vacancy No. TO 27/02/2009) C3305/2007 Duties: The Project Support Officer: provides project support services to the Legislation Reform Unit: manages the legislative reform consultation process: manages the Legislation Reform Unit communication processes including publishing services for the Units website: provides administrative support services to the Unit undertaking administrative research projects, maintaining records, composition of correspondence, managing and monitoring of the budget, purchasing and acquittals. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some intrastate travel may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. The appointee may be subject to a Criminal History check prior to confirmation of appointment Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Education and Children's Services (Policy, Planning & Performance - Legislation Reform Unit) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms J. Leppard, Legislation Reform Unit, Level 8, Education Centre 31 Flinders Street, ADELAIDE, 5000, telephone 8226 1386, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms J. Leppard, telephone 8226 1386, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\ASO3ProjSupOfficer07.doc AMENDMENT ASO3 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SUPPORT OFFICERS (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($44903.00/48079.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) 3069/2007 Duties: The International Business Support Officer: Provides a range of specialised services to support the Unit’s international business development plan. Oversees and monitors specific administrative components of Marketing and International Business Development service provision. Undertakes specific projects to support the Unit’s business development function. Contributes to and supports a high performing, results orientated Marketing and International Business Development team. Amended Special Conditions: Two of the four positions require the occupant to be fluent in written and spoken Mandarin and one position requires the occupant to be fluent in written and spoken Japanese, to act as interpreter when dealing with international clients. Please note there are individual J&P's for each of the three roles and their differing language requirements, please ensure you access the correct one. Some international/interstate travel. Significant out of hours work. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. The appointee maybe subject to a Criminal History check prior to confirmation of appointment. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Education and Children's Services (Policy, Planning and Performance International Education Services) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms. L Davies, International Education Services, GPO Box 1152, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8226 3402, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Sarah Pilkington, telephone 8226 3402, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 25 May 2007 31 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) AMENDMENT ASO3 ADMINISTRATION OFFICER (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($44903.00/48079.00) Vacancy No. TO 6 MONTHS) (Advt) T2497/2007 Duties: The Administration Officer is responsible for the monitoring and implementation of financial management, regional performance and service standards within a region, and contribute to the development of regional plans. In consultation with the Manager and Service Delivery Manager, the Administration Officer coordinates the provision of administration and support services within the region. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 22.5 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences is required. This position is temporary for an initial period of up to 6 months with the possibility of an extension. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (Port Augusta) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Housing SA - Port Augusta) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Chellie Hosking, Manager, Housing SA, PO Box 175, Port Augusta, 5700, telephone 8642 9133, email Amended Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Mr Allan Johnston, telephone 8642 9132, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. "Please note change to J&P" Closing Date: 25 May 2007 ASO3 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION UNIT OFFICER ($44903.00/48079.00) Vacancy No. 3298/2007 Duties: The Freedom of Information Officer is accountable for evaluating applications made under the FOI Act, undertaking research and providing draft determinations of these applications. The position provides an advisory service to those people wishing to make an application for information under the FOI Act. Special Conditions: May be required to work outside of normal business hours in order to process urgent FOI requests. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Police (Freedom of Information Unit) Enquiries to: Senior Sergeant Robyn Wesley, Manager, FOI Unit, telephone 8204 2480, email Applications to: Personnel Clerk, GPO Box 1539, ADELAIDE SA, 5001 Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\JobApplicationGuidelines.pdf Job & Person Specification:\3298 Freedom of Info Officer.doc 32 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 BUSINESS SERVICES COORDINATOR ($44903.00/48079.00) Vacancy No. 3245/2007 Duties: To deliver effective and timely human resource services, including consultancy advice, recruitment and selection, payroll and position management and other management support. To deliver effective and timely financial services, including variance analysis, debtor management, accounts payable, accounts receivable, banking, petty cash, reconciliation's and other. To support the delivery of effective business services through the accurate, relevant and timely communication of business information to managers and staff. To support the OR&S Occupational Health & Safety Committee in fulfilling the Offices OHS&W requirements. To support the Business Services team in the development of business processes that meet the needs of the Office. To assist the operations of Business Services through various projects and tasks Special Conditions: The incumbent is expected to work in a manner consistent with all relevant legislation including the PSM Act, OHS&W Act, EEO Act and the Public Sector Code of Conduct. The incumbent must be prepared to be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or equivalent. The incumbent is responsible and accountable for working in an equitable manner and taking reasonable care to protect his/her own health, safety and welfare and avoiding adversely affecting the health and safety of others at work by complying with OHS&W and EEO policies, practices and legislation. The incumbent will provide the highest standards of customer service to clients at all levels by modelling service excellence that meets the needs of customers and enhances the corporate profile of the organisation. The incumbent is responsible and accountable for keeping accurate and complete records of their business activities in accordance with the State Records Act 1997. A satisfactory Police Check is required Location: (Not Specified) Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Premier and Cabinet (Office for Recreation and Sport) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Chris Paul, Manager, Business Services, Office for Recreation and Sport, telephone 0401123976, email Applications to: Ms Candice Dennis, Business Services Coordinator, Business Services, 27 Valetta Road, Kidman Park, 5025, web site Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: JOB DESC:\BSC (ASO3).doc 33 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 COMMITTEE COORDINATOR (TEMPORARY UP TO 5 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T3296/2007 Duties: The Committee Coordinator is accountable to the Manager, Assessment for providing a highly professional support service to independent committees and sub-committees, that play a crucial, state level role in the South Australian Planning system. This role includes the provision of high level coordination between these committees, chairpersons, external committee members and the professional staff of Planning SA, organising regular meetings, remuneration, venues, collation and distribution of agendas, and taking of minutes. The Committee Coordinator will also assist with various projects and Agency initiatives as required. Working in a team environment, this position offers a highly organised and motivated person the opportunity to get exposure to urban development and sustainability issues of state significance. Special Conditions: The incumbent may be assigned to other areas to perform work of a similar nature appropriate to the classification on either a temporary or permanent basis. Occasional work outside of normal hours and travel necessitating overnight absences may be required. The incumbent will be expected to uphold the Employee Conduct Standards contained in the Public Sector Management Act (1995)*. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Primary Industries and Resources (Planning SA - Assessment Branch) Enquiries to: Ms Rocio Barua, Project Officer, Planning SA, telephone 8303 0775, email Applications to: Mr Matthew Liddell, HR Officer, Planning SA, GPO Box 1815, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8303 0621, email Note: Please note that the closing date for applications is 5:00pm Friday the 25th of May 2007. Please forward an original application plus two copies and a completed employment declaration. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked ‘confidential’. Planning SA has attractive flexible working arrangements to assist staff in balancing their lifestyle. Closing Date: 25 May 2007 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\Comtee Coord (ASO3) DAC_May07.doc Guidelines for Applicants:\Applicant Guidelines.doc Employment Declaration:\Employment Declaration.doc 34 ($44903.00/48079.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 2 YEARS) Vacancy No. T3058/2007 Duties: Coordinate and manage the development of high quality, timely and efficient publications and promotional material. Liaise with the department's media and corporate communications unit to ensure compliance by, and consistency in, communications processes and policies. Provide a central liaison point for LSG communications processes, policies including assisting with Internet and Intranet content maintenance. Undertake the role of Executive Officer for the LSG Communications Reference Committee. Contribute to the development, maintenance and operation of communication and promotion processes that assist in achieving customer relationship management objectives. Assist in the development of mechanisms and processes for the monitoring of feedback in line with customer relationship management aims and communication strategies. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Land Services Group) Further Information:, Enquiries to: Ms Cherie Summers, Coordinator Online Services, Land Services Group, telephone 8204 9410, email Applications to: Ms Linda Botting, Customer Liaison Officer, Land Services Group, Level 2 101 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 3986, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Linda Botting, Customer Liaison Officer, telephone 8226 3986, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: :\Communications Officer ASO3.doc ASO3 ($44903.00/48079.00) BUSINESS SUPPORT OFFICER ($44903.00/48079.00) Vacancy No. 3322/2007 Duties: The Business Support Officer is accountable to the Senior Administrative Officer and, as part of a small rotational team, is responsible for the provision of a range of administrative support services that may include some or all of the following: Management of records; Provision of reception and / or secretarial services; Provision of general administrative support services; which contributes to the effective and efficient operation of the Treasurer's Office. Special Conditions: Required to participate in a roster for staffing the office from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm on working days. Some out of hours work may be required and a flexible approach to the taking of leave is necessary. Must be prepared to be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or equivalent. Location: (Not Specified) Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Treasury and Finance (Office of the Treasurer) Enquiries and Applications to: Mrs Meredith Dobbin, Senior Administrative Officer, Treasurer's Office, Level 8 200 Victoria Square, ADELAIDE, 5000, telephone 8226 1874, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\3322 BSO ASO2 May07.doc 35 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 SENIOR PAYROLL OFFICER ($44903.00/48079.00) Vacancy No. 3182/2007 Duties: Ensure the integrity of data entry by checking complex payroll transactions eg timesheets. Manage the overpayments recovery process for all client agencies. Manage the distribution of all fortnightly payroll control reports to client agencies eg Bonafides. Responsible for the accurate data entry of payments for Workers Compensation employees. Resolution of difficult payroll issues escalated from the PAES Client Service Centre. Manage the allocation and resolution of other payroll enquiries from the PAES Client Service Centre. Provide support to the Team Leader Payroll Operations as required. Provide and promote service excellence and foster effective teamwork. Provide advice, information, training and assistance on payroll issues to Payroll Officers. Undertake process improvement activities that contribute to effective and efficient service delivery. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. This position may be offered on either a full-time or part-time basis. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Treasury and Finance (Support Services - Payroll and Employee Services) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Anna Dal Pra, Manager Payroll Operations, Payroll and Employee Services, telephone 8226 5756, email Applications to: Ms Gemma Coleman, Administrative Officer, Payroll and Employee Services, Ground Floor 12 Victoria Place, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 7620, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Gemma Coleman, telephone 8226 7620, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: pos desc:\ASO3-Snr Pay Off (Pay Ops).doc ASO4 LAW CLERK (TEMPORARY UP TO 21/12/2007) Vacancy No. T3308/2007 Duties: The Law Clerk is responsible for the administration of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act by assessing and researching claims, consulting and advising solicitors, victims and offenders; negotiating with plaintiff’s solicitors; determining economic loss; preparing briefs for trial; undertaking any other work necessary to process the claims; and preparing reports for the Attorney-General. The Law Clerk also prepares responses to Parliamentary Questions, participates in legislative review and appears in the District and Magistrates Courts. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Attorney-General's (Crown Solicitor's Office - Civil Litigation) Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Richard Murray, Manager, Victims of Crime, Crown Solicitor's Office, Level 17, 45 Pirie Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8207 1687, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&P:\ASO4 Law Clerk May 07.doc Guidelines for writing applications:\Guidelines for writing applications.doc 36 ($51319.00/53690.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 HUMAN RESOURCE CONSULTANT (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($51319.00/53690.00) Vacancy No. T3333/2007 Duties: The HR Consultant provides accurate and relevant advice, support and information to managers and staff. Provides a HR Management information and analysis service which meets the needs of the Institute. Provides training to managers and staff on a one-to-one basis or in small groups. Undertakes projects as required. The HR Consultant needs to be able to identify issues and refer complex issues to the Senior HR Consultant. Special Conditions: Some out of hours may be required. Travel between campuses and other Institutes may be required. Intrastate travel with possible overnight absences may be required. Located at Adelaide Metro you may be required to undertake duties in other locations within DFEEST at the same classification level. A flexible approach to duty hours and the taking of leave is essential. This position is a ‘prescribed position’. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory police check. Location: Adelaide CBD (ADELAIDE) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (TAFE SA - Adelaide City Campus - Human Resources) Enquiries to: Judy Trout, Team Leader, Human Resources, telephone 82078363, email Applications to: Michelle Turner, Office Coordinator, Human Resources, TAFE SA 120 Currie Street, ADELAIDE, 5000, telephone 8207 8641, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Judy Trout, telephone 82078363, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&P HR Consultant - ASO4:\ASO-4 TAS0135 v1.doc ASO4 37 ADMINISTRATION MANAGER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($51319.00/53690.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3295/2007 Duties: The Administration Manager, is accountable to the Officer in Charge, Local Service Area for the provision of business services that include management and financial accounting, budgeting, human resources, administration, supply and property which contributes to the effective operation of the Local Service Area. Special Conditions: Located in one of several country areas. Some out of hours work and intrastate travel will be required. Location: Port Augusta Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Police Enquiries to: Ms Annette Waters, telephone (08) 8648 8010, email Applications to: Personnel Clerk, GPO Box 1539, ADELAIDE SA, 5001 Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\JobApplicationGuidelines.pdf Job and Person Specification:\LSA Country Admin Manager ASO4.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 PROJECT OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($51319.00/53690.00) Vacancy No. T3281/2007 Duties: The Office of Major Projects and Infrastructure (OMPI) is a small agency with a high political profile. The office aims to identify strategic infrastructure priorities for the State, coordinate infrastructure planning and development across government and facilitate the timely delivery of key projects that support the economic social and environmental development of the State. The Project Officer will be responsible for providing a range of project support services including research, collection, analysis and dissemination of high quality data for the development of existing and proposed infrastructure strategies and policies and the maintenance of a State-wide database of approved infrastructure projects and plans. The position involves work on minor projects which contributes to the achievement of State infrastructure initiatives and establishes sound business relationships with the general public, private sector and government infrastructure stakeholders. Special Conditions: Please note this position will be offered on a part-time or fulltime basis. Out of hours work will be required, including intra travel and the occasional overnight absence. Flexibility to work across the Office on diverse projects. A current Drivers Licence is desirable. Office of Major Projects and Infrastructure is a smoke-free workplace. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Office of Major Projects & Infrastructure) Enquiries to: Mr Andrew Gehling, Director, Strategic Asset Management, telephone 8463 6242, email Applications to: HR Customer Support, 33-37 Warwick Street (PO Box1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (Quick Search, Vacancy No. T3281, Search), email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\Project Officer ASO4 4138.doc Guide to apply :\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC 38 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 TEAM LEADER ($51319.00/53690.00) Vacancy No. 3307/2007 Duties: The Team Leader Taxation contributes to the achievement of RevenueSA’s taxation objectives by the supervision and training of staff and performing project work aimed at improving business systems. The Team Leader Taxation also undertakes other duties as directed. Special Conditions: This position may be offered on either a full-time or part-time basis. Salary will be adjusted accordingly.· The incumbent may be required to undertake both intra and interstate travel including overnight stays.· Applicants should note that they will be required to authorise a Police Offender History Report.· Applicants must not have been found guilty of any relevant offence.· Starting and finishing times are set according to business need.· The successful applicant may be expected to interchange with other positions at the same level. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. The successful applicant must not have been found guilty of any relevant offence. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Must be prepared to be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or equivalent. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Treasury and Finance (RevenueSA - Taxation Services - Assessing and Taxpayer Assistance) Enquiries and Applications to: Ian Grimshaw, Manager, Taxation Services, Taxation Services, State Administration Centre Level G, 200 Victoria Square, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 3716, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies addressing the Job and Person Specification, including your curriculum vitae and the names of three current referees. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\Generic J P - ASO4.doc 39 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 TAXATION OFFICER ($51319.00/53690.00) Vacancy No. 3320/2007 Duties: The Taxation Officer contributes to the achievement of RevenueSA’s taxation objectives by the supervision and training of staff and performing project work aimed at improving business systems. The Taxation Officer also undertakes other duties as directed. Special Conditions: 1. Some out of hours work may be required on occasion.2. Rostering requirements exist, starting and finishing times will be set according to business needs. 3. The successful applicant may be reassigned to any position of the same level within RevenueSA. 4. Participation in and contribution to the DTF Performance management process.5. Requirement to lodge an Authority to Access Offender History Information form and subsequently not have been found guilty of a relevant offence. 6. This position may be offered on either a full-time or part-time basis. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. 7. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Treasury and Finance (RevenueSA - Taxation Services - Pay-roll Tax) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Tom Colmer, Technical Officer, Pay-roll Tax, State Administration Centre Level 2, 200 Victoria Square, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8204 9871, email, web site Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies addressing the Job and Person Specification, including your curriculum vitae and the names of three current referees. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\Generic J P - ASO4.doc 40 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 BOARD SERVICES OFFICER (Advt) Vacancy No. 3222/2007 Duties: The Board Services Officer contributes to high level secretariat services provided to the Boards and Committees managed by Super SA. The incumbent supports the Manager in providing high quality, accurate and timely Board and Committee papers and reports in line with statutory requirements and agreed protocols, collaborating effectively with the executives and other staff of the agency to ensure quality and timely advice and information is provided and decisions communicated. The incumbent takes the primary responsibility for scheduling, coordinating inputs and production of papers, and first review of the papers produced. The Board Services Officer is responsible for the development, maintenance and dissemination of policies and protocols related to Boards, Committees and their members, and contributes to the research of governance and industry trends that underpins this. The incumbent also assists the Manager in planning and coordinating activities that support effective prudential management, such as internal audit, benchmarking and implementation of process improvements and change. Special Conditions: Periodic out of hours work may be required to facilitate the high service levels to Boards and Board Members expected of the Unit. Occasional interstate and intrastate travel may be required. This position may be offered on either a full-time or part-time basis. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Treasury and Finance (Super SA) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Denise Stokes, Snr Management Consultant, Stillwell Management Consultants, L14/99 Gawler Place, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8212 0999, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Jacqui Mackrall, telephone 8212 0999, or email NB Please forward your application (Covering letter and CV only) in a Microsoft Word document to quoting reference 3222/2007. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job Spec:\Board Services Officer ASO4.doc 41 ($51319.00/53690.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 TEAM LEADER, BUSINESS SERVICES (Advt) ($51319.00/53690.00) Vacancy No. 3224/2007 Duties: Reporting to the Manager, Business Services, the incumbent contributes to strategic responses about business change and its integration into business systems, office budgets and forecasts, processes, contracts, financial models and HR applications. The incumbent also supports the effective and efficient financial analysis and forecasting of member and scheme business issues, and other financial functions for Super SA. Special Conditions: Periodic out of hours work including occasional interstate and intrastate travel may be required. May be required to perform other duties within this classification. This position may be offered on either a full-time or part-time basis. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Treasury and Finance (Super SA) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Denise Stokes, Snr Management Consultant, Stillwell Management Consultants, L14/99 Gawler Place, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8212 0999, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Jacqui Mackrall, telephone 8212 0999, or email NB Please forward your application (covering letter and CV only) in a Microsoft Word document to quoting reference 3224/2007 Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\3224 Team Leader Business S.doc 42 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 TEAM LEADER, PAYROLL ($51319.00/53690.00) Vacancy No. 3178/2007 Duties: Supervise staff involved in payroll data input services for client agencies and be their primary contact for resolution of complex payroll issues. Prioritise and allocate payroll data entry workloads daily and identify and arrange overtime resources as necessary. Coordinate fortnightly payroll checking and ensure compliance to payroll audit controls. Contribute to the maintenance and enhancement of relationships with client agencies by participation in client payroll service delivery meetings. Manage the manual bulk transfers of employees into and from PAES databases. Participate in special projects eg TVSP calculations; Enterprise Bargaining increases; new client implementations. Provide and promote service excellence and foster effective teamwork and business relationships. Assist the Manager Payroll Operations with performance development of staff. Undertake process improvement activities that contribute to effective and efficient service delivery. Contribute to development of effective branch processes and procedures. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. This position may be offered on either a full-time or part-time basis. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Treasury and Finance (Support Services - Payroll and Employee Services) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Anna Dal Pra, Manager Payroll Operations, Payroll and Employee Services, telephone 8226 5756, email Applications to: Ms Gemma Coleman, Administrative Officer, Payroll and Employee Services, Ground Floor 12 Victoria Place, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 7620, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Gemma Coleman, telephone 8226 7620, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: pos desc:\ASO4-Team Ldr Pay Sup fnl.doc 43 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 ABORIGINAL PROGRAMS OFFICER (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($57233.00/64112.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) 3291/2007 Duties: The Aboriginal Programs Officer reports to the Manager, Rehabilitation Programs Branch and is responsible for providing high quality rehabilitation programs particularly in relation to Aboriginal offenders. The position includes advising on customisation, development and delivery of programs, responsibility for planning and review, and may include assistance with assessment. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Correctional Services (Custodial Services - Rehabilitation Programs Branch) Enquiries to: Mr Michael Burvill, Manager , Rehabilitation Program Branch, telephone 8226 9199, email Applications to: Ms Michelle Jones, Administrative Officer, Rehabilitation Programs Branch, GPO Box 1747, Adelaide SA, 5001, telephone 8226 9977, email Note: Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of two current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 28 May 2007 Downloads: Job ans Person Spec:\SAPO ASO5.doc Applicant Package:\ApplicantPackage100507.pdf ASO5 SENIOR PROJECT OFFICER, COMMUNITY BENEFIT SA (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($57233.00/64112.00) Vacancy No. T3145/2007 Duties: The Senior Project Officer for Community Benefit SA is required to assist in the achievement of the objectives and outcomes of the Department and Community Connect Branch primarily by contributing to the operation and implementation of the Community Benefit SA (CBSA) grants program (the Charitable and Social Welfare Fund) and managing some components of the CBSA program. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Community Connect Branch - Community Programs & Service Development) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mr John Smith, Executive Officer, Community Benefit SA, GPO Box 292, Adelaide, SA, 5001, telephone 08 8415 4238, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Sara Bann, telephone 08 8415 4235, or email Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&P Speci:\CBSAspoASO5finalNov04.doc Guidelines:\Generic Job Guidelines.pdf 44 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 PROPERTY AND WORKS OFFICER (Advt) ($57233.00/64112.00) Vacancy No. 2719/2007 Duties: The Property and Works Officer is accountable to the Senior Property and Works Officer for the provision of a central property role to Families SA. The incumbent is responsible for contributing to the control and/or coordination of a wide range of property related matters including the Minor Works program, strategic planning and the provision of advice and recommendations relating to properties and accommodation as they affect Families SA. The incumbent is required to provide timely advice which assists in the development of efficient business planning and management practices across Families SA. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Corporate Services) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Jason Paiva, Business Support Officer, Families SA - Corporate Services, telephone 8226 6896, email Applications to: Peter Nottage, Snr Property & Works Officer, Families SA - Corporate Services, Level 7 EDS Centre,108 North Terrace, ADELAIDE , 5000, telephone 8226 6152, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: :\Property & Works Officer.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 45 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 46 SENIOR PROJECT OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 30/04/2008) ($57233.00/64112.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3110/2007 Duties: The Senior Project Officer is responsible for contributing to the identification of the needs of Aboriginal people who are older, people with disabilities and their carers, and the development of strategies which address these needs. This will include contributing to the development and establishment of service initiatives, together with ongoing involvement in ensuring that community based services for older Aboriginal people, people with disabilities and carers are equitable, effective and efficient. The Senior Project Officer will also contribute to policy development and the review of Aboriginal specific services including financial efficiency and data analysis. Special Conditions: Intrastate / interstate travel, together with some work outside normal office hours, will be required. The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. A flexible approach to duty hours and the taking of leave is essential. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Office for the Ageing) Further Information: Enquiries to: Graham Aitken, Team Leader, Aboriginal Team, Service & Program Development, Office for the Ageing, telephone 8207 0465, email Applications to: Ms Nadia D'Aloisio, Assistant Project Officer, Office for the Ageing, Level 4 South West Riverside Centre North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8207 0467, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Nadia D'Aloisio, (08) 8207 0467, or email Applicants must address the Essential and Desirable Criteria of the Job and Person Specification. Please forward an original plus three copies to be received by the COB of the closing date specified. Applicants should include the name, address and contact details of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&P:\ASO5 SPO SPD DH0348 (27).doc Guidelines:\Generic Job Guidelines.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 TECHNICAL SUPPORT OFFICER (Advt-Recirc) Vacancy No. 747/2007 Duties: The Technical Support Officer is accountable to the ICT Desktop Fleet Manager for coordinating and undertaking a range of activities associated with the management of Computers within the Department of Health. This position provides second and third level support and problem resolution resulting in a contribution to the enhancement of PC Computing throughout the Department. The Technical Support Officer works as part of a team and provides support in the coordination and implementation of DH projects, activities and initiatives on behalf of the Information and Communication Technology Services Branch. The Technical Support Officer is responsible for leading and managing a team of four Desktop Support Officers in the provision of second level support. The Technical Support Officer is also responsible for the provision of expert advice and assistance to ICT relating to the maintenance, support and development of PC’s within the DH Network environment. Special Conditions: The appointee may be subject to a Criminal History Check prior to confirmation of appointment. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health as reflected in the Strategic Plan. The incumbent may be assigned elsewhere within the Department subject to relevant provisions of the PSM Act. The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. Some out of hours work will be required. Interstate and intrastate travel will be required. May be required to attend up to 10 days full time training each year. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health as reflected in the DH Strategic Plan. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Information and Communication Technology Services - Delivery Services) Enquiries to: Mr D. Hemsworth, A/Desktop Fleet Manager, Delivery Services, telephone 8226 8991, email Applications to: Ms. K. Diamandi, Administrator, Business Services, Information and Communication Technology Services, PO Box 287, Rundle Mall, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 7348, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. E-mailed applications are unacceptable. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the Job and Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from Maria Savage, telephone 8226 7344, or email Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&P_Technical Support Officer_ASO5:\J&P_ASO5 Tech Support OfficerJun06.doc 47 ($57233.00/64112.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 POLICY OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($57233.00/64112.00) Vacancy No. T3113/2007 Duties: The Policy Officer is responsible to the Manager, Policy and Legislation for supporting the provision of policy and legislative advice and the development and review of strategic policy plans and/or legislation. The Policy Officer works closely and collaboratively with a range of stakeholders to generate a high level of support for the policy development process. Special Conditions: The appointee may be subject to a Criminal History Check prior to confirmation of appointment. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health as reflected in the Strategic Plan. The incumbent may be assigned elsewhere within the Department subject to relevant provisions of the PSM Act. The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of specific Divisional outcomes. Some out of normal hours work may be required to accommodate priorities and meet deadlines and intrastate/interstate travel may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Policy & Legislation - Strategic Planning, Policy and Research - Policy & Intergovernment Relations) Enquiries to: Dr Helen van Eyk, A/Manager, Policy and Legislation Unit, telephone 822 66057, email Applications to: Ms Marlene Hoppo, Administration Officer, Policy & Intergovernment Relations, Level 10 Citi Centre Building 11 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 822 66041, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: aso5PolOff743:\ASO5POLOFF-POL&LEGAPR07 ASO5 OHS&W COORDINATOR ($57233.00/64112.00) Vacancy No. 3334/2007 Duties: The OHS&W Coordinator is responsible for driving the effective implementation and management of DPC's Occupational Health, Safety & Welfare Management System and ensuring its compliance with the relevant performance standards and legislation. This position provides a support service to the Senior OHS&W Consultant in the development, implementation, management and review of the DPC OHS&W Management System. The position also coordinates and provides advice to DPC's agencies in relation to OHS&W activities. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Premier and Cabinet (Services Division) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Kerryn Suthern, Senior OHS&W Consultant, Human Resources, GPO Box 2308, ADELAIDE, 5001, telephone 08 8463 5471, email Note: Applications close at the COB on Monday 28 May 2007. Applications are to take the form of Curriculum Vitae and covering letter only. Closing Date: 28 May 2007 Downloads: Position Description:\ASO5 OHSW Coordinator.doc 48 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 MANAGER, CLIENT SERVICES (Advt) Vacancy No. 3226/2007 Duties: The position reports directly to the manager, Operations and is responsible for providing daily management of the ICT service desk function, and the regular compilation and analysis of service desk reports. The position is also responsible for providing leadership to the operations team in the resolution of problems and the management of possible conflict situations from a customer and a team perspective. The Manager, Client Services is responsible for the delivery of exemplar customer services to Members, Parliamentary Staff and Electorate offices with the Political Environment of SA by delivering an ICT account management function for the various support divisions of Parliament. In addition, the position represents the manager, Operations and acts as a point of contact to key stakeholders in daily operations and in the even of major issues. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Must be prepared to be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or equivalent. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Corporate Services - Corporate ICT Parliamentary Network Support Group) Enquiries and Applications to: Mr. J Brook, Client Support Officer, Parliamentary Network Support Group, L6 Qantas House 144 North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 83030971, email Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: :\Mgr Client Svcs PID.doc 49 ($57233.00/64112.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRE MANAGER ($57233.00/64112.00) Vacancy No. 3011/2007 Duties: The Customer Service Centre Manager is accountable to the Customer Service Centre Operations Manager for effectively managing a Customer Service Centre and staff to provide a quality customer service in a designated customer region: pro-actively establish and maintain strong, collaborative relationships and networks required to support the provision of high quality, responsive, integrated and timely services to customers: ensuring that Customer Service Centre staff have access to the appropriate information and referral networks to meet obligations to enable a timely, responsive, quality customer service: ensuring that processing and receipting activities associated with client service delivery comply with financial and audit guidelines and maintain the integrity of security of information systems and transactions: contributing to the implementation of Customer Service activities and services that are relevant and accessible to Transport SA customers in accordance with Directorate and Agency priorities and plans which contributes to the achievement of Directorate and Agency goals and objectives, in particular to the effective delivery of customer service to the transport community. Special Conditions: Initial location will be in a Customer Service Centre to be assigned, but the incumbent may be assigned or be required to work in other areas anywhere in the State to perform work of a similar nature appropriate to the classification on either a temporary or permanent basis. Must be prepared to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes. Must be prepared to undergo a Police Offender History Check by South Australia Police (SAPOL). Out of hours work and intrastate travel necessitating overnight absences may be required. Attendance may be required on days other than Public Holidays over the Christmas/New Year period. A current driver’s licence is essential. Location: Various Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Lands and Service SA Division) Enquiries to: Ms Michelle Williamson, telephone 8343 2196, email Applications to: HR Customer Support, 33-37 Warwick Street (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (Quick Search, Vacancy No. 3011, Search), email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\Customer Service Centre Mgr ASO5.doc Guide to apply :\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC 50 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($57233.00/64112.00) Vacancy No. T3303/2007 Duties: The Planning Development Officer is accountable to the Senior Planning Officer, Land Use Coordination for overseeing and/or undertaking the timely assessment of Land Development/Division applications referred for comment under the Development Regulations by Councils and the Development Assessment Commission and building consent applications under the Metropolitan Adelaide Road Widening Plan Act: coordinating Agency comments and/or making recommendations on mining lease applications: undertaking projects and providing expert advice on road widening, control of access and a range of other relevant planning matters, including Plan Amendment Reports, Statement of Intents and Section 30 Reviews, which contributes to the Agency meeting relevant legislative requirements and achieving Corporate and Government objectives. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Corporate Membership of the Royal Australian Planning Institute, or such qualifications or experience in urban regional planning, environmental management or a related discipline to satisfy requirements for professional qualifications for the purpose of Section 101 of the Development Act 1993. Special Conditions: Out of hours work and inter/intrastate travel necessitating overnight absences may be required. Possession of a current Drivers Licence. Location: Adelaide Metro (Walkerville) Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Road and Traffic Management) Enquiries to: Mr George Morias, telephone 8343 2303, email Applications to: HR Customer Support, 33-37 Warwick Street (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: This position is also being advertised under Vacancy T3297/2007 at the PO2 level and Vacancy T3304/2007at the TGO4 level. Please note there is only one position. Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (Quick Search, Vacancy No. T3303, Search), email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\Plan_Development_Off_ASO5 3547.doc Guide to apply :\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC 51 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 TEAM LEADER, SERVICE DESK (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($57233.00/64112.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3315/2007 Duties: The Team Leader, Service Desk is accountable to the Manager, Service Desk for the management and provision of a range of comprehensive customer services supporting the efficient, effective operation of the Department’s ICTS environment and other relevant DTF business applications. Ongoing development and implementation of new ICTS customer support methodologies and practices will also be required. Special Conditions: Some work outside normal business hours and weekend work will be required according to client’s needs as well as participation in an On Call roster, rotated amongst other Service Desk staff. The incumbent is required to achieve performance targets that have been negotiated and mutually agreed with the Manager, Service Desk. This position may be offered on either a full-time or part-time basis. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Treasury and Finance (Corporate Services - ICT Services) Enquiries and Applications to: Matthew Hawkins, Service Desk Manager, Level 3 State Admin Centre 200 Victoria Square, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 82072325, email Closing Date: 28 May 2007 Downloads: :\Team Leader Service Desk AS05.doc ASO5 ASSISTANT FINANCIAL ACCOUNTANT (TEMPORARY FOR 12 MONTHS) ($57233.00/64112.00) Vacancy No. T3255/2007 Duties: The Assistant Financial Accountant is accountable to the Senior Financial Accountant for contributing to the management of the Department’s financial information and in particular ensuring the accuracy, integrity and completeness of information recorded in the Department’s general ledger. The Assistant Financial Accountant also has a key role in preparing the Department’s general purpose and special purpose financial reports and more generally in contributing to enhanced financial management, reporting and analysis within the Department. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree or equivalent in Accounting, Finance, Business or Economics majoring in accounting. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Water, Land, and Biodiversity Conservation (Corporate Services Directorate Financial Services Group) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Karen Prideaux, Senior Financial Accountant, GPO Box 2834, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8463 7924, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Karen Prideaux, telephone 8463 7924, or email Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees, along with a current CV. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&P:\JP Asst Finl Acct.doc How to Apply:\How to Apply_J&P.pdf 52 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 MINISTERIAL LIAISON OFFICER (OFFICE FOR WOMEN AND OFFICE FOR VOLUNTEERS) (Advt) ($66302.00/70369.00) Vacancy No. 3310/2007 Duties: The Ministerial Liaison Officer, Office for Women and Office for Volunteers is accountable to the Office Manager for the creation and maintenance of efficient, effective, and responsive liaison services between the Office for Women and the Office for Volunteers, Attorney-General’s Department and the Office of the Minister for the Status of Women and Volunteers. The Ministerial Liaison Officer will provide expert advice and assistance to the Minister, Ministerial staff and relevant Agencies which contribute to the achievement of the Government’s objectives. To provide a range of project, policy and management support services in relation to the Status of Women and Volunteers. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Attorney-General's (Minister Rankine's Office) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Sheila Westmacott, Senior HR Consultant, Human Resources, GPO BOX 464, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8207 2545, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Guidelines for writing applications:\Guidelines for writing applications.doc J&P:\MLO - ASO6.doc ASO6 MINISTERIAL LIAISON OFFICER (OFFICE OF CONSUMER & BUSINESS AFFAIRS) (Advt) ($66302.00/70369.00) Vacancy No. 3312/2007 Duties: The Ministerial Liaison Officer (MLO) is responsible for the development and maintenance of effective communication and the delivery of appropriate services between the Office of Consumer and Business Affairs (OCBA), Minister for Consumer Affairs and staff within the Minister’s office. The MLO is required to facilitate the provision of co-ordinated expert advice/assistance to the Minister and to Ministerial staff, and to work collaboratively with OCBA staff. Key responsibilities include: securing and enhancing efficient and timely management of correspondence and briefings for the Minister’s consideration through the establishment and maintenance of appropriate systems, procedures and relationships; evaluating and analysing reports and recommendations; providing specialist advice; keeping abreast of current issues; and facilitating arrangements between OCBA and the Minister’s office. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Attorney-General's (Minister Rankine's Office) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Sheila Westmacott, Senior HR Consultant, Human Resources, GPO BOX 464, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8207 2545, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Guidelines for writing applications:\Guidelines for writing applications.doc J&P:\MLO - ocba.doc 53 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 SENIOR POLICY OFFICER (Advt) Vacancy No. 3147/2007 Duties: The position is responsible for the provision of high quality policy options, strategies and advice, the management of projects and the conduct of research on State and National issues relevant to legislation administered by the Office of Consumer and Business Affairs. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Appropriate tertiary qualifications in Economics and/or Law or related discipline. Special Conditions: Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Attorney-General's (Office of Consumer and Business Affairs - Legal, Enforcement and Policy Branch) Enquiries to: Rachel Abbott, Office Co-ordinator, Office of Consumer and Business Affairs, telephone 8204 9816, email Applications to: Ms G Bernardi, Deputy Commissioner, Policy and Legal, Office of Consumer and Business Affairs, GPO Box 1719, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8204 9588 Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&P:\ASO6 Sen Pol Off April 07.doc Guidelines for Writing Applications:\Guidelines for writing applications.doc ASO6 ($66302.00/70369.00) SENIOR ABORIGINAL PROGRAMS OFFICER (Advt) ($66302.00/70369.00) Vacancy No. 3290/2007 Duties: The Senior Aboriginal Programs Officer reports to the Manager, Rehabilitation Programs Branch and is responsible for providing high quality rehabilitation programs particularly in relation to Aboriginal offenders. The position includes advising on customisation, development and delivery of programs, responsibility for planning and review, and may include assistance with assessment. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Correctional Services (Custodial Services - Rehabilitation Programs Branch) Enquiries to: Mr Michael Burvill, Manager, Rehabilitation Program Branch, telephone 8226 9199, email Applications to: Ms Michelle Jones, Administrative Officer, Rehabilitation Programs Branch, GPO Box 1747, Adelaide SA, 5001, telephone 8226 9977, email Note: Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of two current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 28 May 2007 Downloads: Job and Person Spec:\SAPO ASO6.doc Applicant Package:\ApplicantPackage100507.pdf 54 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) AMENDMENT ASO6 SENIOR CONSULTANT (TEMPORARY UP TO 3 MONTHS) ($66302.00/70369.00) Vacancy No. T3060/2007 Department: Families and Communities (Housing SA -Operational Policy Branch) Applicants and intending applicants are advised that the position advertised in the Notice of Vacancies dated 11 May 2007 has been withdrawn from call ASO6 SENIOR PROJECT OFFICER (TEMPORARY FOR 12 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T2465/2007 Duties: AN EXCITING OPPORTUNITY EXISTS TO CONTRIBUTE TO EFFECTIVE HEALTH POLICY AND STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT FOR ABORIGINAL PEOPLE. The Senior Project Officer is responsible to the Manager, Liaison & Strategy, Aboriginal Health Division for promoting equitable, effective and efficient Health policy and services for Aboriginal people based on identified needs. The Senior Project officer is to identify and lead projects and related planning activities and strategy development to improve outcomes in Aboriginal health. The position provides timely policy advice, consultancy services, written briefs and reports concerning Aboriginal health and wellbeing matters. The Senior Project Officer will also undertake evaluations of strategy and system performance associated with Health Portfolio’s response to the needs of Aboriginal people. Special Conditions: The position will be on a contract. Some inter and intra-state travel and out-of-hours work may be required. A current drivers license is essential. Travel on unsealed roads will be required. Travel on light aircraft will be required on a regular basis. The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of specific outcomes. The incumbent must be prepared to be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or its equivalent. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health, as reflected in the Strategic Plan. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Aboriginal Health Division - Liaison and Strategy) Enquiries to: Ms Sally Castell-McGregor, Aboriginal Health Division, telephone 8226 7210, email Applications to: Mr John Evans, Senior Administration Coordinator, Aboriginal Health Division, PO Box 287, Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA, 5000, telephone 8226 7358, email Note: People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are particularly encouraged to apply. Applications must address the criteria in the job and person specification, stating the names and contact details of three current professional referees. Please forward an original application plus two copies to: Mr John Evans, Senior Administration Coordinator, Aboriginal Health Division, Department of Health, Level 9Citi Building, 11 Hindmarsh Sq Adelaide, SA 5065. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&P Specification:\ASO6 Snr Policy & Planning Off.doc Advertisement:\Advertisement ASO6 2465.doc 55 ($66302.00/70369.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 SENIOR PROJECT OFFICER ($66302.00/70369.00) Vacancy No. 3163/2007 Duties: The Senior Project Officer is accountable to the Executive Consultant(s) for the management or administration of significant projects of a sensitive, innovative, critical or complex nature relating to Operations Division and the operations of the Department of Health and Health portfolio agencies. The Senior Project Officer will provide expert advice and contribute to the development of a range of corporate, service delivery and governance projects and will ensure their successful implementation. Special Conditions: The appointee may be subject to a Criminal History Check prior to confirmation of appointment. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health as reflected in the Strategic Plan. The incumbent may be assigned elsewhere within the Department subject to relevant provisions of the PSM Act. The incumbent may be required to work for periods at locations other than the city office of the Department of Health. The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. Out of hours work may be required from time to time, and intrastate travel may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Operations) Enquiries to: Ian Halkett, Executive Consultant, Operations, telephone 8226 7053, email Applications to: Ms Anthea Hamilton, Project Officer, Out of Hospital Strategies, PO Box 287 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA, 5000, telephone 8226 6744, email Note: Job and Person Specifications available from Ms Anthea Hamilton, telephone 8226 6744 or email Applications must address the criteria in the job and person specification, stating the names and contact details of three current professional referees. Please forward an original application plus three copies. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are particularly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&P Specification:\ASO6 Snr Project Officer.doc 56 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 57 SENIOR OHS COORDINATOR (TEMPORARY UP TO 9/05/2008) ($66302.00/70369.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3309/2007 Duties: The Senior OHS Coordinator is accountable to the Manager, Health, Safety and Welfare Branch, for the effective development, implementation and management of Occupational Health and Safety Services across SAPOL. The Senior OHS Coordinator will also be required to monitor OHS activities and programs and initiate and implement strategies and policies for prevention and control of workplace health and safety. The incumbent will ensure that SAPOL’s safety management system complies with relevant work cover self insurer standard legislation standards and best practice principles. Special Conditions: Some intra state travel and overnight absences in addition to work outside normal hours may be required from time to time. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Police (Health, Safety and Welfare Branch) Enquiries to: Mr Niel Mauriello, Manager, HS & W Branch, telephone 8204 2273, email Applications to: Personnel Clerk, GPO Box 1539, ADELAIDE SA, 5001 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Sonia Mangelsen, telephone 8204 2283, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\JobApplicationGuidelines.pdf Job & Person Specification:\3309 Senior OHS Coor ASO-6.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 PROJECT MANAGER (Advt) Vacancy No. 3271/2007 Duties: The Project Manager is accountable for the effective management of capital works and non-infrastructure projects in accordance with designated time, cost and quality objectives including coordinating and planning all aspects of projects from receipt of a project proposal to project completion: implementing project management processes necessary to achieve the project’s goals and objectives, in accordance with corporate and Directorate systems: managing processes which minimise the Agency’s risk exposure which contributes to the achievement of Agency program objectives. Special Conditions: Located in the Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (DTEI), Transport Services Division, Northern and Western Region based at either Port Augusta (preferable) or Port Lincoln. Some work outside of normal hours and intrastate travel necessitating overnight absences will be involved. A current driver’s license is essential. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Road and Traffic Management) Enquiries to: Mr Peter Short, Regional Manager, telephone 8648 5220, email Applications to: HR Customer Support, 33-37 Warwick Street (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: This position is also being advertised under Vacancy 3265/2007 at the TGO5 level and Vacancy 3267/2007 and PO3 level. Please note there is only one position. Job and Person Specifications are available for download from HTTP:// (Quick Search, Vacancy No. 3271, Search), email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\ASO6 Project Manager 2302.DOC Guide to apply :\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC Employment Dec:\Employment_Declaration.doc 58 ($66302.00/70369.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 BUSINESS ANALYST (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($66302.00/70369.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3242/2007 Duties: The Business Analyst is responsible as part of the Application Analysis team for undertaking the review, investigation, evaluation, definition and co-ordination of change to business procedures, business application requirements and systems that leads to improved and high quality service delivery to business units within the Department of Treasury and Finance. The position is responsible for providing business analytical skills in the support of business application systems for departmental business units. Special Conditions: Occasional out of hours work and some inter/intrastate travel will be required. The incumbent is required to achieve performance targets that have been negotiated and mutually agreed with the Manager, Application Analysis. This position may be offered on either a full-time or part-time basis. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Treasury and Finance (Corporate Services - ICT Services) Enquiries and Applications to: Stephen Doyle, Manager Business Applications Services , 200 Victoria Square State Admin Centre Level 3, Adelaide, South Australia, 5000, telephone 82261487, email Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: :\J & P Business Analyst_TF1435.doc ASO7 INVESTIGATIONS OFFICER (POSSIBLY MORE THAN ONE POSITION) (TEMPORARY FOR 12 MONTHS) ($73189.00/79446.00) Vacancy No. T3316/2007 Duties: The Investigations Officer provides significant expertise and comprehensive advice which ensures the development of Teacher Registration Board policy and procedures that support compliance with legislative requirements. Manages projects, investigations and complaints in accordance with Teachers Registration Board legislative requirements and related policies and procedures. Provides expert advice and consultation services to a range of clients based on significant discipline knowledge of legislative requirements and specific programs. Responsible for the delivery and maintenance of efficient and effective work practices. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Successful applicant may be subject to a criminal history check prior to confirm of appointment. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Education and Children's Services (Teachers Registration Board) Enquiries to: Ms W Hastings, Registrar, Teachers Registration Board, telephone 8226 5983, email Applications to: Ms K Capogreco, Teachers Registration Board, Level 6, 70 Pirie Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 5978, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms K Capogreco, telephone 8226 5978, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 28 May 2007 Downloads: Position Description:\ASO7 TRB.doc 59 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO7 PROJECT MANAGER, BUSINESS PROCESS IMPROVEMENT (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($73189.00/79446.00) Vacancy No. T2673/2007 Duties: Review the processes of planning, funding, contracting, monitoring, and evaluating the provision of services under the Home and Community Care (HACC) program in South Australia; recommend and implement process improvements that meet the needs of key partners and stakeholders, increase efficiency, and ensure value for money in the provision of HACC services. Special Conditions: Out of hours work, interstate / intrastate travel requiring overnight absences may be required. A current motor vehicle driver’s licence is desirable. The incumbent will be required to achieve performance targets that are negotiated and mutually agreed with the Director. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Office for the Ageing) Further Information: Enquiries to: Jacquie Connelly, Manager , Program Funding & Management, Office for the Ageing, telephone 8207 0270, email Applications to: Nadia D'Aloisio, A / Assistant Project Officer, Office for the Ageing, Level 4 South West, Riverside Centre, North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available form Ms Nadia D'Aloisio, (08) 8207 0467, or email Applicants must address the Essential and Desirable Criteria of the Job and Person Specification. Please forward an original plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact details of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Guidelines:\Generic Job Guidelines.pdf 60 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO7 61 ENVIRONMENTAL WORKS AND MEASURES COORDINATOR (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($73189.00/79446.00) Vacancy No. 1 YEAR) (Advt) C3261/2007 Duties: The Environmental Works and Measures Coordinator is responsible for the coordination of the South Australian component of the Murray-Darling Basin Commission Environmental Works and Measures program within the broader context of The Living Murray Initiative and, in particular, as a critical input to the management of the South Australian Icon Sites. The position is responsible for developing and maintaining an effective partnership between the Department of Water Land and Biodiversity Conservation, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission and the River Murray Environmental Management Unit within SA MDB NRM Board to deliver the agreed environmental objectives at the SA Icon Sites. In liaison with the SA Icon Site Manager, the position is also responsible for coordinating the development of the South Australian Environmental Works and Measures program, development of the budget, development of approval submissions, administration of the funding and reporting on the expenditure and progress of projects. The position represents South Australia on the Environmental Works and Measures Task Force which reports to the Living Murray Environmental Watering Group. The position is responsible for the development and delivery of Environmental Works and Measure Program funded projects associated with the South Australian section of the River Murray Channel Icon Site. Special Conditions: Must possess a current drivers licence valid in SA. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Water, Land, and Biodiversity Conservation (Policy, Information & Infrastructure Directorate - Infrastructure & Business Division - River Murray Works & Measures) Further Information: Enquiries to: Brenton Erdmann, Program Leader, River Murray Works and Measures, telephone 8204 8577, email Applications to: Annette Sutton, Office Manager, GPO Box 2834, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8204 8550, email Note: Job Descriptions, Selection & Context Statements are available from Annette Sutton, Office Manager, telephone 8204 8550, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees, along with a current CV. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job Description:\JP ASO7 EWM Coord.doc Selection & Context Statement:\Selectn & Contxt Stmt - EWM Coord.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO8 EARLY CHILDHOOD POLICY ADVISER (STATE) ($82480.00/85749.00) Vacancy No. 3288/2007 Duties: The Early Childhood Policy Adviser (State): Provides high-level organisational support and advice to support the departments’ and the Ministers’ decision-making in the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Child Development, the Chief Executive’s Coordinating Committee on Child Development and Early Childhood Senior Officers Group. Establishes and maintains effective relationships with state key early childhood stakeholders, including the Minister for Education and Children’s Services and the Minister Assisting in Early Childhood Development, to ensure effective ongoing communication and feedback loops are in place within DECS, across relevant agencies and with communities. Contributes to the whole of government approach to integrating early childhood services by identifying and managing policy development and review that supports coherent policies across all levels of education and children’s services and the delivery of a whole of department services. Contributes to the delivery and maintenance of efficient work practices within Early Childhood and Statewide Services. Special Conditions: Some intrastate and interstate travel may be required. Extensive out-of-hours work is required. The appointee may be subject to a Criminal History check prior to confirmation of appointment. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Education and Children's Services (Early Childhood and Statewide Services Executive Director's Unit) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms S. Thompson, Level 5, 31 Flinders Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 1653, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Robin Soyland, telephone 8226 1653, or email Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\ASO 8 ECS Policy (State)JP.doc 62 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO8 PRINCIPAL PROGRAM MANAGER (TEMPORARY UP TO 30/12/2007) ($82480.00/85749.00) Vacancy No. T3225/2007 Duties: The Principal Program Manager position is a strategic role, within Families SA and is accountable for providing policy advice on the development of an early intervention framework. Achieving specific outcomes for vulnerable and high risk infants. Promoting a highly responsive and well coordinated service delivery response for vulnerable and high risk infants. The provision of efficient and effective program management. Line management responsibility for staff. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Must be prepared to be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or equivalent. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Child Protection Directorate) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Sue Foster, Director, Child Protection Directorate, telephone 8463 6190, email Applications to: Ms Sue Foster, Director, Child Protection Directorate, GPO Box 292, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8463 6190, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Sheryn Macpherson, telephone 8463 6192, or email Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Guidelines:\Generic Job Guidelines.pdf 63 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO8 MANAGER, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT (Advt) ($82480.00/85749.00) Vacancy No. 3277/2007 Duties: The Manager, Planning and Development is responsible for providing an industry perspective in conducting research, formulating strategies and providing policy advice on urban and regional planning, environment policy and related matters to ensure a competitive environment for business to operate in this State. The position is responsible for managing staff and complex departmental projects, ensuring reporting requirements are met, and establishing cooperative working relationships with other government and private sector bodies. The position will also be responsible for tasks such as the preparation of reports and briefing papers for the Minister and Chief Executive, consultation with industry and business representatives, and provision of secretarial/executive support to various committees and working groups. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Relevant tertiary qualifications. Special Conditions: Out of business hours work and some interstate travel will be required. The appointee will be required to participate in regular performance reviews. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Trade and Economic Development (Economic Analysis & Policy Division) Enquiries to: Mr Mick O'Neill, Director, telephone (08) 8303 2376, email mick.o' Applications to: Human Resources Unit, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Colleen Lower, telephone (08) 8303 2433 or Applicants are requested to provide an electronic copy of their application which addresses the JPS. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\ASO8 Mgr Planning & Dvlpmt.doc Application Guidelines:\Application Guidelines.doc ASO8 APPLICATION MANAGER (Advt) Vacancy No. 3232/2007 Duties: The Application Manager is responsible for the management of ICT application staff and support staff undertaking planning, specification, development, maintenance and operational support for business systems that leads to improved and high quality service delivery to business units within the Department of Treasury and Finance. The position is responsible for leading and providing ICT technical skills in the support of business application systems for departmental business units. Special Conditions: Frequent out of hours work and some intra/interstate travel will be required. The incumbent is required to achieve performance targets that have been negotiated and mutually agreed with Manager, Business Application Services. This position may be offered on either a full-time or part-time basis. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Treasury and Finance (Corporate Services - ICT Services) Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Stephen Doyle , Manager Business Applications Services , 200 Victoria Square State Admin Centre Level 3, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 82261487, email Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: :\Application ManagerTF0236.doc 64 ($82480.00/85749.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO7/ ASO8 MANAGER, FINANCIAL SERVICES (Advt-Recirc) ($73189.00/79446.00) ($82480.00/85749.00) Vacancy No. 2074/2007 Duties: Responsible to the Director, Strategy and Business Services, for leading the Financial Services Unit to ensure the achievement of all financial operations related to Super SA. The incumbent will work collaboratively within the Executive and Management Groups to contribute to the achievement of the business objectives of the Super SA office. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree in accounting, finance or economics majoring in accounting. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required to deal with peak loads. May be reassigned to other duties within this skill and classification level. The position may be offered on either a full-time or part-time basis. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. Required to participate in the Department’s Performance Management Program. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Treasury and Finance (Super SA) Enquiries to: Allison Ashby or Sharon Magro, Ashby Molitar Recruitment, telephone (08) 8228 3800 Applications to: Allison Ashby, Ashby Molitar Executive, telephone (08) 8228 3800, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Courtney Greig, telephone (08) 8228 3800, or email Send your resume quoting Reference No: 2074/2007 to Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job Spec:\Mngr Financial Services ASO-7.doc 65 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 EXECUTIVE GROUP EXC 66 PUBLIC TRUSTEE (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP Vacancy No. TO 5 YEARS) (Advt) C3345/2007 Duties: The Public Trustee is responsible for the efficient management of the Public Trustee’s Office. The role encompasses the management of estates in the following capacities: Administrator, Executor or Trustee of deceased estates; Administrator of estates of protected persons under the Guardianship and Administration Act; Manager of estates of protected persons under the Aged and Infirm Person’s Property Act; Attorney or Agency; Trustee for minors as a result of distributions in interstate estates administered by private administrators and by appointment as trustees for other trusts and wills. In the preparation of: Wills for testators appointing a public trustee as executor; Enduring Power of Attorney and Enduring Power of Guardianship. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Degree in Commerce, Business or Economics. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work is involved. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences is required. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Attorney-General's (Public Trustee Office) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Debra Contala, Executive Director, AGD Corporate & Business Services, GPO BOX 464, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8207 1618, email Note: To be considered for this role you will need to have a successful record in the management of an organisation as well as financial and budgetary experience. Job and Person Specifications are available from: Ms Tammy Connelly, Personal Assistant to the Executive Director - Phone 8204 9851, Email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Guidelines for writing applications:\Guidelines for writing applications.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 LEGAL OFFICERS LEC4 SOLICITOR/PROSECUTOR (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($83504.00/91097.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) 3356/2007 Duties: The Solicitor/Prosecutor is accountable to the Managing Solicitor/Prosecutor, for contributing to the processing of criminal matters through the South Australian criminal justice system by adjudicating offences, providing legal advice, conducting committal proceedings, preparing files for trial, and involvement in the conduct of those trials. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Eligible for admission to the Supreme Court of South Australia. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work will be required. Incumbent must have a current driver’s licence. Travel to country areas involving overnight absences may be required. The Office of the DPP is located in Adelaide and conducts regular circuits to Port Augusta and Mount Gambier, as well as conducting a limited number of summary trials in Magistrates Courts around the State.Will be required to work in different sections of the Office over time. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Attorney-General's (Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions) Enquiries and Applications to: Lois Papafotiou, Administration Manager, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, GPO Box 464, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8207 2505, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Job and Person Specifications available from Jane MacInnes, Senior Secretary on phone 8207 1709 or on the website Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Guidelines for writing applications:\GUIDELINES TO APPLICANTS DPP.doc J&P:\LEC 4 SolProsMay 07.doc LEC5 SOLICITOR/PROSECUTOR (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($98688.00/107798.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) 3358/2007 Duties: The Solicitor/Prosecutor is accountable to the Managing Solicitor/Prosecutor, for contributing to the processing of criminal matters through the South Australian criminal justice system by adjudicating offences, providing legal advice, conducting committal proceedings, preparing files for trial, and involvement in the conduct of those trials. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Eligible for admission to the Supreme Court of South Australia. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work will be required. Incumbent must have a current driver’s licence. Travel to country areas involving overnight absences may be required. The Office of the DPP is located in Adelaide and conducts regular circuits to Port Augusta and Mount Gambier, as well as conducting a limited number of summary trials in Magistrates Courts around the State.Will be required to work in different sections of the Office over time. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Attorney-General's (Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions) Enquiries and Applications to: Lois Papafotiou, Administration Manager, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, GPO Box 464, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8207 2505, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. J&Ps available by contacting Jane MacInnes, Senior Secretary, Ph 8207 1709 or on the website: Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Guidelines for writing applications:\GUIDELINES TO APPLICANTS DPP.doc J&P:\LEC 5 SolPros April 2007.doc 67 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM OPS1 68 TRAINEE CORRECTIONAL OFFICER (TEMPORARY FOR 12 MONTHS) ($19452.00/36262.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T3240/2007 (Advt) Duties: Correctional Officers interact directly with prisoners to provide a positive role model and to support the security, well-being and rehabilitation of prisoners to minimise the risk of re-offending. Special Conditions: Applicants will be required to undergo pre-employment testing and prior offender history check. Successful applicants will be required to undertake a 12 month traineeship and achieve Certificate 3 in Correctional Practice. Vacancies are located at country and metropolitan prisons. Hours of duty involve a rotating 24/7 shift roster, averaging 38 hours per week. Must possess a current driver's licence and either possess or be prepared to obtain a Senior First Aid certificate. Location: Various Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Correctional Services Enquiries and Applications to: Ms J Cammarano, HR Consultant, Department for Correctional Services, GPO Box 1747, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8226 9044, email Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Application Form:\Application Form - January 2007.pdf Information Package:\Information Package January 2007.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS1 69 QUARANTINE STATION INSPECTORS (CASUAL POOL) (CASUAL UP TO 30/06/2008) ($19452.00/36262.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) L3160/2007 (Advt) Duties: The Plant Health Program is a program, which exists within the broader PIRSA Agriculture and Wine Division. The Program is a plant protection program, which underpins all plant-based industries within South Australia. The legislative basis for the Program is the Fruit and Plant Protection Act 1992, which provides for the protection of fruit and plants within the State from declared and quarantinable diseases and pests. The Plant Health Program conducts roadblocks in its country locations to control the illegal entry of fruit and vegetables and plant material into South Australia. From time to time we have a need to employ people on a casual or short term basis at our Yamba, Pinnaroo, Ceduna and Oodla Wirra roadblocks. Inspect vehicles to ensure that uncertified host fruit, produce and products are redirected for inspection, retained for destruction or returned to the State of origin. Maintain, record, and promote good public relations. Special Conditions: Work outside normal hours and weekend work will be required. A current driver's licence is an essential requirement. The Quarantine Stations at Ceduna and Yamba operate 7 days per week/24 hours per day, and staff are rostered on 8 hour shifts. The hours of duty average 37.5 hours per week. The Quarantine Station at Oodla Wirra normally operates 7 days per week/16 hours per day however, a 24-hour operation is implemented for the period of October to March each season. The hours of duty average 37.5 hours per week. The Quarantine Station at Pinnaroo operates 7 days per week/14 hours per day, and staff are rostered on 7 hour shifts. The hours of duty average 35 hours per week. Location: Various Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Primary Industries and Resources (Agriculture & Wine - Plant & Food Standards Program - Plant Health Operations) Enquiries and Applications to: Please see details below for information Note: Enquiries and provision of Position Descriptions can be made by contacting: Kevin Brown at the Yamba Roadblock, PIRSA, 117 Ral Ral Avenue, Renmark 5341 telephone 0408 899 640. Ceduna Roadblock: Peter Lowe, PIRSA, PO Box 183, Ceduna, 5690, telephone 0427 252 108. Pinnaroo Roadblock: Jolanda Edwards, PIRSA, PO Box 128, Pinnaroo, 5304, telephone 0428 112 887. Oodla Wirra Roadblock: Neville Duncan, PIRSA, PO Box 80, Peterborough, 5422, telephone (08) 8650 5930. Please forward an original application plus two copies to the Quarantine Station Supervisor of the location of your preference. Applicants should include the name, address and contact numbers of three current referees and also include a completed and signed 'Declaration of Application of Employment in the SA Public Sector'. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply. Details will be kept on file for a period of 12 months and you may be contacted if a suitable position arises. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Position Description:\3160 Position Description.doc Declaration:\3160 Declaration.doc Capabilities Guidelines:\3160 Guidelines.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS2 70 VOLUNTEER/ACTIVITY COORDINATOR (PART-TIME) (CONTRACT ($38557.00/41732.00) Vacancy No. APPOINTMENT UP TO C3073/2007 15 MONTHS) (Advt) Duties: As a member of the Volunteer Services team the Volunteer/Activity Coordinator contributes to the provision of an efficient and productive volunteer activity service, as well as the planning and implementation of purposeful development options, as determined by the Manager of Volunteer Services (Strathmont Campus). The Volunteer/Activity Coordinator will contribute to the provision of an efficient and effective service for Volunteer Services by recruiting and training new volunteers and ensuring their ongoing training as required, achieving predetermined goals by implementing programs and activities for people with disabilities, supporting clients to develop recreation and education skills, providing practical support and encouragement to assist individuals and groups to participate and enjoy all options to the best of their ability, and other activities that will encourage the inclusion of people with a disability in all aspects of community life. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A current Senior First Aid Certificate. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 15 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to relocate within the service should the need arise. This position is temporary for an initial period of up to 15 months. Location: Fleurieu Peninsula (Victor Harbor) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Disability SA - Volunteer Services) Enquiries to: Annette Jones, Manager, Volunteer Services, Disability SA, telephone 8266 8539, email Applications to: Eleanor Bator, Volunteer Centre Assistant Manager , Disability SA, Volunteer Services, 696-710 Grand Junction Rd, Oakden, 5086, telephone 8266 8539, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Eleanor Bator, telephone 8266 8539, or email Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&P Specification - Volunteer/Activity Coordinator:\OPS-61.doc Employment Declaration Form:\Declaration Form.doc Job Application Guidelines:\Job Application Guidelines.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS2 71 NIGHT OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($38557.00/41732.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T2520/2007 Duties: Provide care, supervision and a safe environment for young people residing in Community Residential Care during night shift and provide links to after hours support for young people. Special Conditions: Rostered shifts will be between 10:30pm/11:00pm and 6:30am/7:00am (depending on the unit) covering 365 days per year (maximum 152 hours per 4 week roster). Some out of hours work or “on call” arrangements may be required. Penalty payments for public holidays, weekends and shift work will apply. Successful applicants will be required to undergo a Criminal History and Background Check prior to being employed. A current Senior First Aid Certificate is required. A current driver’s licence is essential. Initial appointment will be to the Community Residential Care in the metropolitan area, but may be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or its equivalent. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Guardianship & Alternative Care Community Residential Care) Further Information: Enquiries to: Bianca Weiler, Business Support Officer, Community Residential Care, telephone 8226 7206, email Applications to: Mr Kevin Fechner, Operation Supervisor, Community Residential Care, Level 4 162 Grenfell St, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 6752, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Night Officer:\OPS 2 Night Officer Vacancy Number .doc Guidelines:\Generic Job Guidelines.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS2 72 YOUTH SUPPORT WORKER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($38557.00/41732.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T3212/2007 (Advt) Duties: The Youth Support Worker provides assistance and support to youth workers and other professionals in the delivery of programs and services to young people in residential care and performs routine security and admissions duties. When on night duty and escort duty, the Youth Support Worker is accountable for the safety and supervision of young people and also for the security of residential care facilities during night shift. Special Conditions: A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. This position is temporary for an initial period of up to 12 months with the possibility of an extension. A flexible approach to duty hours and the taking of leave is essential. More than one position available. Must be prepared to work on a roster basis as to hours worked. This position may be offered on either a full-time or part-time basis. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Whyalla) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Guardianship & Alternative Care Transitional Accommodation) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Mike Jackson, Acting Program & Operations Services Manager, Transitional Accommodation, Level 4/162 Grenfell Street, Adelaide SA, 5000, telephone 8226 6793, email Note: Job and Person Specifications and application forms are available from Margaret Yeoell, telephone (08) 8226 6270, or email Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Please address the application only. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Application form:\Application for YSW.doc Employment Declaration:\Employment Declaration Form.doc Guidelines:\Generic Job Guidelines.pdf J&P:\OPS2 Youth Support Worker TA 0606.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS1/ OPS2 RESEARCH SERVICES OFFICER (WISAC) (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($19452.00/36262.00) TO 31/12/2007) ($38557.00/41732.00) Vacancy No. T3279/2007 Duties: The Research Services Officer ensures operation of aquaculture facilities at WISAC and provides successful completion of a series of research trials and pilot-commercial scale demonstration activities that will be conducted at this site. These trials are required to demonstrate the opportunity for commercial aquaculture utilising saline groundwater from the Woolpunda/Waikerie/Qualco salinity interception scheme that discharges into the Stockyard Plains Disposal Basin. Responsibilities include the maintenance of fish culture tanks including water quality, feeding, cleaning and data collection and also the maintenance of equipment including laboratory, water circulation and oxygenation systems. New research systems may be built depending on future needs. The incumbent will be required to download basic data information on water quality parameters and write a brief weekly overall site summary report on the progress of research. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position, working up to 60 hours per fortnight, until December 31st 2007, with a possible extension depending on the availability of funds. The position is located at the Waikerie Inland Saline Aquaculture Centre, Waikerie. The incumbent is required to work 10 days per fortnight as part of a staff roster. Weekend work will be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 hours per day for which penalty rates will be paid. The incumbent will be required to be ‘on-call’ at times after hours in case of emergencies. A current Class 1 drivers licence is essential. Location: Riverland (Waikerie) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Primary Industries and Resources (SA Research and Development Institute) Further Information:, Enquiries to: Mr M Gluis, Shellfish Aquaculture Specialist, Aquaculture, telephone 8207 5466, email Applications to: Ms S Dobbins, Human Resource Consultant, Aquatic Sciences, PO Box 120, Henley Beach, 5022, telephone 8207 5407, email Note: Position descriptions and guidelines are available from Ms Claire Minge, telephone 8207 5400, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Preparing your application:\Applying for Positions in SARDI.pdf Position Description:\OPS-1 Waikerie 60 hrs.pdf 73 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS1/ OPS2 RESEARCH SERVICES OFFICER (WISAC) (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($19452.00/36262.00) TO 31/12/2007) (Advt) ($38557.00/41732.00) Vacancy No. T3287/2007 Duties: The Research Services Officer ensures operation of aquaculture facilities at WISAC and provides successful completion of a series of research trials and pilot-commercial scale demonstration activities that will be conducted at this site. These trials are required to demonstrate the opportunity for commercial aquaculture utilising saline groundwater from the Woolpunda/Waikerie/Qualco salinity interception scheme that discharges into the Stockyard Plains Disposal Basin. Responsibilities include the maintenance of fish culture tanks including water quality, feeding, cleaning and data collection and also the maintenance of equipment including laboratory, water circulation and oxygenation systems. New research systems may be built depending on future needs. The incumbent will be required to download basic data information on water quality parameters and write a brief weekly overall site summary report on the progress of research. Special Conditions: This is a temporary position, working up to 24 hours per fortnight, until December 31st 2007, with a possible extension depending on the availability of funds. The position is located at the Waikerie Inland Saline Aquaculture Centre, Waikerie. The incumbent is required to work 5 days per fortnight from Wednesday until Sunday inclusive as part of a staff roster. Weekend work will be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 hours per day for which penalty rates will be paid. The incumbent will be required to be ‘on-call’ at times after hours in case of emergencies. A current Class 1 drivers licence is essential. Location: Riverland (Waikerie) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Primary Industries and Resources (SA Research and Development Institute) Further Information:, Enquiries to: Mr M Gluis, Shellfish Aquaculture Specialist, Aquaculture, telephone 8207 5466, email Applications to: Ms S Dobbins, Human Resource Consultant, Aquatic Sciences, PO Box 120, Henley Beach, 5022, telephone 8207 5407, email Note: Position descriptions and guidelines are available from Ms Claire Minge, telephone 8207 5400, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Preparing your application:\Applying for Positions in SARDI.pdf Position Description:\OPS-1 Waikerie 24 hrs.pdf 74 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS2 75 CASUAL TECHNICAL OFFICER - BRANCHED BROOMRAPE (CASUAL FOR 12 MONTHS) ($38557.00/41732.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) L3236/2007 (Advt) Duties: The Technical Officer provides experimental (laboratory and field) and technical support for a national project to eradicate the parasitic weed branched broomrape, through host testing, weed biology and field detection studies. Special Conditions: The position will be based approximately 70% at the Waite Campus and 30% at Murray Bridge.Some fieldwork may require overtime on weekday and weekends. Laboratory work will be in quarantine, in isolation from other staff.A current drivers licence is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro (Waite) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Water, Land, and Biodiversity Conservation (Land and Biodiversity Services Animal and Plant Control Group - Branched Broomrape Program) Further Information: Enquiries to: Anna Williams, Research Officer, Branched Broomrape, telephone 8303 9678, email Applications to: Bob Manouge, Program Administrator, Branched Broomrape Program, GPO Box 2834, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8303 9521, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Bob Manouge, telephone 8303 9521, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: How to Apply:\How to apply _Position Descriptions.pdf Declaration on Employment:\Declaration on employment.pdf Job & Person Specification:\Cas Technical OfficerJP.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) AMENDMENT OPS3 SERVICE COORDINATOR (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($44903.00/48079.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T2929/2007 Duties: The Service Coordinator position is a role within the Murray Bridge District Centre is accountable for: Contributing to the planning, provision and evaluation of direct services to people with disabilities and their families. Encouraging people with disability and their families to have greater control and influence over decisions that affect their quality of life. Contributing to awareness within the Community, and to the development and provision of community-based supports and activities for people with disabilities and their families. Contributing to the development of services to people with disabilities and their families within Families SA. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. The position is based at the Murray Bridge District Centre but will be required to liaise with Disability SA. Location: Murray Lands (Murray Bridge) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Country Region - Murray Bridge) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ruth Palachicky, Families SA, telephone 8535 6211, email Applications to: Melissa Clark, Business Support Officer, Families SA, 1-5 Seventh Street PO Box 721, Murray Bridge, 5253, telephone 8535 6211, email Amended Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Melissa Clark, telephone 8535 6211, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. "Please note extended closing date" Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 76 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS4 COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS OFFICER ($51319.00/53690.00) Vacancy No. 3085/2007 Duties: The incumbent is responsible for the case management of adult offenders placed on probation, parole, pre-parole, bail, home detention or community service orders, and the provision of a service to Courts, Prisoner Assessment Committee and the Parole Board in order to assist offenders to adopt a non-offending lifestyle. The incumbent will provide case management service to offenders and their families through a range of programs and activities and is expected to contribute to the planning and development of best practice, and the achievement of Regional and team goals. Special Conditions: Some out of hour’s work will be necessary. This position is part of the Northern Country Regional Team and will be located initially at the Marla Community Correctional Centre. A current South Australian driving licence is essential. Movement between professional programs and/or office localities will be necessary for professional development, career advancement and/or departmental requirements. Employment will be conditional on satisfactory Police clearance. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (Marla CCC) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Correctional Services (Community Corrections - Northern Country Region Marla CCC) Enquiries and Applications to: Mr David Thompson, Regional Manager, Northern Country Region, PO Box 225, Port Augusta, 5700, telephone 08 86411899, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Debra Grantham, telephone 08 86411899, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job and Person specification:\J&P-CCO4-Marla-May 2007.doc Applicants package:\Applicants package.pdf 77 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS6 UNIT MANAGER ($60674.00/64112.00) Vacancy No. 3233/2007 Duties: The Unit Manager is accountable for ensuring the provision of a high quality, cost effective customer focussed service within an institutional environment, promoting a commitment to service excellence and professionalism amongst staff and ensuring the provision of appropriate training and development of staff and prisoners. The Unit Manager is responsible for the financial performance of the unit and contributes to the development and implementation of institutional policy. Special Conditions: Hours of work will be 37.5 hours per week Monday to Friday. Some out of hours work may be necessary. After a period of 24-36 months the occupant may be required to reassign to another position which may involve relocation within the department at the same classification level. The Unit Manager will be required to perform on call duties. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (Port Augusta) Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Correctional Services Enquiries to: Ms Liz Lampard, General Manager, DCS - Port Augusta Prison, telephone (08) 86 485400, email Applications to: Ms Cheryl Kite, Supervisor Support Services, DCS - Port Augusta Prison, PO Box 6, PORT AUGUSTA SA, 5700, telephone (08) 86 485406, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&P:\JP - OPS6 UNIT MANAGER.doc Info Pack:\Advice to Job Applicants Jan 07.pdf 78 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS PO1 79 SOCIAL WORKER (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY FOR ($43470.00/55890.00) Vacancy No. 6 MONTHS) (MORE THAN ONE T3077/2007 POSITION) (Advt) Duties: The Crisis Response Unit is responsible for the provision of a 24 hour, 7 day a week call centre and an effective after hours crisis response service for the Department as well as other government and non-government agencies across South Australia. The Crisis Response Unit provides the following services: Child Abuse Report Line responsible for receiving, assessing and recording all child abuse and neglect notifications. Crisis Care (4pm to 9am Mon-Friday & 24 hours on weekends and public holidays) responsible for providing an extensive after hours service for Families SA including the receiving assessing and recording of all child abuse and neglect notifications for all children across the state, domestic violence, homelessness, anti-poverty services and after hours District Centre case responses. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline. Persons of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, who have the appropriate background and skills but do not have the essential qualification, are eligible to apply. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 37.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some positions (this includes this position) operate on a 24 hour shift work basis and as such regular out of hours work and attendance at nights, evenings and weekends on a rotating shift basis is required and will be required to regularly be on call and work autonomously. Intrastate travel will also be required. The location of this position may change to meet service demands. Successful applicants will be required to undergo a Criminal History and Background Check prior to being employed. Holds a current driver's license and is able and willing to drive in the course of their duties. Location: Adelaide Metro (Adelaide Metro) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Business Units - Crisis Response Unit) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Di Cooper, Supervisor, Crisis Response Unit, telephone 8124 4430, email Applications to: Kerry Fleming, Business Manager, Crisis Response Unit, GPO Box 292, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8124 4424, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Kerry Fleming, Business Manager, Crisis Response Unit on 8124 4426 or via email Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&P:\Social Worker Crisis Response Unit.doc Guidelines:\Generic Job Guidelines.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO1 SOCIAL WORKER (PART-TIME) (Advt) Vacancy No. 3078/2007 Duties: The Crisis Response Unit is responsible for the provision of a 24 hour, 7 day a week call centre and an effective after hours crisis response service for the Department as well as other government and non-government agencies across South Australia. The Crisis Response Unit provides the following services: Child Abuse Report Line responsible for receiving, assessing and recording all child abuse and neglect notifications. Crisis Care (4pm to 9am Mon-Friday & 24 hours on weekends and public holidays) responsible for providing an extensive after hours service for Families SA including the receiving assessing and recording of all child abuse and neglect notifications for all children across the state, domestic violence, homelessness, anti-poverty services and after hours District Centre case responses. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree in social work or qualification approved by the Commissioner for Public Employment. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 37.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some positions (this includes this position) operate on a 24 hour shift work basis and as such regular out of hours work and attendance at nights, evenings and weekends on a rotating shift basis is required and will be required to regularly be on call and work autonomously. Intrastate travel will also be required. The location of this position may change to meet service demands. Successful applicants will be required to undergo a Criminal History and Background Check prior to being employed. Holds a current driver's license and is able and willing to drive in the course of their duties. Location: Adelaide Metro (Adelaide Metro) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Business Units - Crisis Response Unit) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Di Cooper, Supervisor, Crisis Response Unit, telephone 8124 4430, email Applications to: Kerry Fleming, Business Manager, Crisis Response Unit, GPO Box 292, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8124 4424, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are able from Kerry Fleming, Business Manager Crisis Response Unit on 8124 4426 or via email, Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&P:\Social Worker Crisis Response Unit.doc Guidelines:\Generic Job Guidelines.pdf 80 ($43470.00/55890.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO1 81 SOCIAL WORKER (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($43470.00/55890.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T3172/2007 (Advt) Duties: The Crisis Response Unit is responsible for the provision of a 24 hour, 7 day a week call centre and an effective after hours crisis response service for the Department as well as other government and non-government agencies across South Australia. The Crisis Response Unit provides the following services: Child Abuse Report Line - responsible for receiving, assessing and recording all child abuse and neglect notifications. Crisis Care (4 pm to 9 am Mon-Friday & 24 hours on weekends and public holidays) - responsible for providing an extensive after hours service for Families SA including the receiving, assessing and recording of all child abuse and neglect notifications for all children across the state, domestic violence, homelessness, anti-poverty services and after hours District Centre case responses. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline. Persons of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, who have the appropriate background and skills but do not have the essential qualification, are eligible to apply. Special Conditions: Some positions (including the available position) operate on a 24 hour shift work basis and as such regular out of hours work and attendance at nights, evenings and weekends on a rotating shift basis is required and will be required to regularly be on call and work autonomously. Intrastate travel will also be required. The location of this position may change to meet service demands. Successful applicants will be required to undergo a Criminal History and Background Check prior to being employed. Holds a current driver's license and is able and willing to drive in the course of their duties. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Business Units - Crisis Response Unit) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Di Cooper, Supervisor, Crisis Response Unit, telephone 8124 4430, email Applications to: Kerry Fleming, Business Manager, Crisis Response Unit, GPO Box 292, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8124 4424, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Kerry Fleming, Business Manager, Crisis Response Unit on 8124 4426 or via email Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Guidelines:\Generic Job Guidelines.pdf J&P:\Social Worker Crisis Response Unit.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO1 82 RESEARCH OFFICER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($43470.00/55890.00) Vacancy No. TO 30/06/2011) (Advt) C3273/2007 Duties: This position has been created to investigate the genetics of heat and water stress at reproductive stages, pod drop in lentils and bacterial blight in field pea as part of germplasm enhancement and to create new plant material and structured populations. The Pulse Germplasm Enhancement program is funded by the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) and SARDI to advance the breeding of pulse crop varieties tolerant to reproductive frost, bacterial blight, pod drop and heat stress for South-East Australian farming systems. The Research Officer is responsible for conducting experiments in conjunction with the Principal Scientist using plant tissue culture, classical plant breeding and other molecular technologies to develop plant populations in the growth chamber and the glasshouse and collaborate with other professional and technical staff to conduct and manage experiments, manage data and implement work plans as part of a team. The incumbent liaises with other professional and technical officers in Pulse Breeding Australia (PBA) and collaborates with other professional and technical staff in SARDI, interstate collaborators, visiting scientists, postgraduate students, post doctoral fellows and industry representatives. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Degree in Plant Science or Agricultural Science or equivalent. Special Conditions: This is a contract position located at the Waite Research Precinct, until 30 June 2011. Renewal of this position is based on the individual’s performance and will be reviewed each financial year. Some intra-state and occasional interstate travel, including absence overnight, may be required. The appointee will be required to work with field pea, chickpea, faba bean and lentil pollen that may induce an allergic response in some people. Location: Adelaide Metro (Urrbrae) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Primary Industries and Resources (SA Research and Development Institute) Further Information:, Enquiries to: Dr Ahmad Maqbool, Principal Scientist, Crop Improvement, telephone 8303 9483, email Applications to: Mrs C O'Loughlin, Administration Officer, Innovative Food and Plants, GPO Box 397, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8303 9605, email Note: Position descriptions and guidelines are available from Mrs C O'Loughlin, telephone 8303 9605, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of two professional referees. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Preparing your application:\Applying for Positions in SARDI.pdf Position Description:\PO-1 PGER 2007.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO2 83 EAST MEETS WEST PROJECT OFFICER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($58995.00/65723.00) Vacancy No. TO 30/06/2008) (Advt) C3302/2007 Duties: The Department for Environment and Heritage is seeking a highly motivated person to drive the establishment of the NatureLinks East meets West Biodiversity Corridor, a key commitment under South Australia's Strategic Plan. The Project Officer will be responsible for finalising the NatureLinks East Meets West Corridor Plan, ensuring extensive consultation with stakeholders and developing collaborative relationships to ensure the establishment of the biodiversity corridor. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Degree in Environmental Science, Natural Resource Management or equivalent. Special Conditions: A current driver’s licence and a willingness to drive is essential. The incumbent of this position will be required to undertake emergency operations including bush fire suppression activities, commensurate with their fitness and training levels. This may require at times, some out of hours work including participation in an ‘on call’ roster". ·Some out of hours work and intrastate travel with overnight absences may be required. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Port Lincoln) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Environment and Heritage Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Louisa Halliday, telephone 08 8688 3131, email Applications to: Recruitment Selection Team, Human Resource Service, Department for Environment and Heritage, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 08 8204 1898, email Note: Applicants must address the criteria listed in the Person Specification. Job and Person Specifications are available from the Recruitment and Selection Team by email or telephone 8204 1898. Please forward four (4) copies of your application. NO FOLDERS PLEASE. Applicants should include the name, and contact details of three current referees. Please quote vacancy no C3302/2007 when applying. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job and Person Specifications:\PO2 East Meets West Proj Off JP 07.doc Applicant Guidelines:\Applicants Guidelines DEH .doc Declaration Form:\Declaration Form.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO2 84 SENIOR PSYCHOLOGIST (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($58995.00/65723.00) Vacancy No. TO 30/04/2008) T3076/2007 Duties: As a member of the interdisciplinary Child & Youth Team the Senior Psychologist contributes to the planning and provision of developmental services that ensures that people eligible for services are able to achieve their full potential. The Senior Psychologist will provide direct client services; professional direction to other Psychologists; a professional consultancy service; will contribute to the development of policy and will take leadership in developing innovative practices. The Senior Psychologist will contribute to community development activities and educational programs and may be assigned by the Regional Manager to co-ordinate specific projects. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Eligible for registration with the SA Psychology Board. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 0.5 full time equivalent and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Must be prepared to be assigned to another position within the service should the need arise. Location: Adelaide Metro (Salisbury) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Disability SA - Northern Suburbs) Further Information: Enquiries to: Sandra Elliot, Regional Manager, Disability SA, Northern Suburbs, telephone 8282 5500, email Applications to: Hilda Best, Office Manager, Disability SA, Northern Suburbs, 46 Commercial Road, Salisbury, 5108, telephone 8282 5500, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Hilda Best, telephone 8282 5500, or email Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&P Specification - Senior Psych:\PSO-002.doc Employment Declaration Form:\Declaration Form.doc Guidelines:\Generic Job Guidelines.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO2 SENIOR PRACTITIONER (TEMPORARY FOR 3 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T3087/2007 Duties: Contribute to quality Social Work practice in a location and promote quality outcomes for clients by providing expert supervision, consultation and advice, and assisting in the further development of social work knowledge and promoting Departmental programs. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. Special Conditions: An appointment to the Crisis Response Unit will require regular/rostered shiftwork and overtime. The incumbent will be required to uphold the values of the division and participate in a regular performance management process for the achievement of outcomes. Intrastate travel involving overnight absences may be required. A flexible approach to the taking of leave is required. The incumbent may be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or its equivalent. Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro (Adelaide Metro) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Business Units - Crisis Response Unit) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Di Cooper, Supervisor, Crisis Response Unit, telephone 8124 4430, email Applications to: Kerry Fleming, Business Manager, Crisis Response Unit, GPO Box 292, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8124 4424, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Kerry Fleming, Business Manager, Crisis Response Unit on 8124 4426 or via email Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Guidelines:\Generic Job Guidelines.pdf 85 ($58995.00/65723.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO2 SENIOR PRACTITIONER ($58995.00/65723.00) Vacancy No. 2839/2007 Duties: Contribute to quality Social Work practice in a location and promote quality outcomes for clients by providing expert supervision, consultation and advice, and assisting in the further development of social work knowledge and promoting Departmental programs. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline. Persons of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, who have the appropriate background and skills but do not have the essential qualification, are eligible to apply. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be required to uphold the values of the division and participate in a regular performance management process for the achievement of outcomes. Intrastate travel involving overnight absences may be required. An appointment to the Crisis Response Unit will require regular/rostered shiftwork and overtime. The incumbent may be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or its equivalent. Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver’s licence is essential. Successful applicants will be required to undergo a Criminal History and Background Check prior to being employed. Location: Adelaide Metro (Salisbury) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Northern Metro - Salisbury District Centre) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms S Radcliffe, Supervisor, Intake and Assessment Team, PO Box 296 , Salisbury, 5108, telephone 8209 4910, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Susan Radcliffe, telephone 8209 4910, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications are required to address the Person Specification in their application. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 86 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO2 87 SENIOR PRACTITIONER (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($58995.00/65723.00) Vacancy No. TO 3 MONTHS) T2989/2007 Duties: Contribute to quality Social Work practice in a location and promote quality outcomes for clients by providing expert supervision, consultation and advice, and assisting in the further development of social work knowledge and promoting Departmental programs Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree in social work or qualification approved by the Commissioner for Public Employment Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 37.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Location: Adelaide Metro (Aberfoyle Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Southern Metro Region - Aberfoyle Park District Centre) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms B Warren, Supervisor, Aberfoyle Park Families SA, Shop 15 Hub Shopping Centre Hub Drive, Aberfoyle Park, 5159, telephone 8374 6111, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Guidelines:\Generic Job Guidelines.pdf J&P:\snr practitioner-crisis-resp.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO2 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($58995.00/65723.00) Vacancy No. T3297/2007 Duties: The Planning Development Engineer is accountable to the Senior Planning Officer, Land Use Coordination for overseeing and/or undertaking the timely assessment of Land Development/Division applications referred for comment under the Development Regulations by Councils and the Development Assessment Commission and building consent applications under the Metropolitan Adelaide Road Widening Plan Act: coordinating Agency comments and/or making recommendations on mining lease applications: undertaking projects and providing expert advice on road widening, control of access and a range of other relevant planning matters, including Plan Amendment Reports, Statement of Intents and Section 30 Reviews which contributes to the Agency meeting relevant legislative requirements and achieving Corporate and Government objectives. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Professional Engineer Special Conditions: Out of hours work and inter/intrastate travel necessitating overnight absences may be required. Possession of a current drivers licence. Location: Adelaide Metro (Walkerville) Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Road and Traffic Management) Enquiries to: Mr George Morias, telephone 8343 2303, email Applications to: HR Customer Support, 33-37 Warwick Street (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: This position is also being advertised under Vacancy T3303/2007 at the ASO5 level and Vacancy T3304/2007 at the TGO4 level. Please note there is only one position. Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (Quick Search, Vacancy No. T3297, Search), email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\Plan Development Eng PSO2 3547.doc Guide to apply :\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC 88 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO1/ PO2 HYDROGEOLOGIST (Advt) ($43470.00/55890.00) ($58995.00/65723.00) Vacancy No. 3234/2007 Duties: The Hydrogeologist is accountable to the Manager Groundwater Resource Assessment South East for the provision of specialist hydrogeological advice and project work, which fosters and contributes to the effective management of the State’s water resources in accordance with water resource management principles and Agency objectives. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree in Engineering or Science, preferably majoring in an Earth Science discipline. Special Conditions: Work outside normal hours and some intra/inter-state travel will be required which may involve overnight absences. A current Driver’s Licence is essential. Location: South East (Mount Gambier) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Water, Land, and Biodiversity Conservation (Resource Allocation Division South East Region Group) Further Information: Enquiries to: Glenn Harrington, Manager Groundwater Resource Assessment SE, telephone 8735 1147, email Applications to: Alison Regan, Business Services Manager SE, PO Box 1246, Mount Gambier, 5290, telephone 8735 1066, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Alison Regan, telephone 8735 1066, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: How to Apply:\How to apply _Position Descriptions.pdf Declaration on Employment:\Declaration on employment.pdf Job & Person Specification:\PSO2 Hydrogeologist SE.doc 89 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO3 PROJECT MANAGER (Advt) Vacancy No. 3267/2007 Duties: The Project Manager is accountable for the effective management of capital works and non-infrastructure projects in accordance with designated time, cost and quality objectives including coordinating and planning all aspects of projects from receipt of a project proposal to project completion: implementing project management processes necessary to achieve the project’s goals and objectives, in accordance with corporate and Directorate systems: managing processes which minimise the Agency’s risk exposure which contributes to the achievement of Agency program objectives. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Professional Engineer. Special Conditions: Located in the Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (DTEI), Transport Services Division, Northern and Western Region based at either Port Augusta (preferable) or Port Lincoln. Some work outside of normal hours and intrastate travel necessitating overnight absences will be involved. A current driver’s license is essential. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Road and Traffic Management) Enquiries to: Mr Peter Short, Regional Manager, telephone 8648 5220, email Applications to: HR Customer Support, 33-37 Warwick Street (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: This position is also being advertised under Vacancy 3265/2007 at the TGO5 level and Vacancy 3271/2007 and ASO6 level. Please note there is only one position. Job and Person Specifications are available for download from HTTP:// (Quick Search, Vacancy No. 3267, Search), email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\PO3 Project Manager 2302.DOC Guide to apply :\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC Employment Dec:\Employment_Declaration.doc 90 ($68310.00/72450.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO4 91 PRINCIPAL POLICY ADVISER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($75038.00/82024.00) Vacancy No. TO 5 YEARS) (Advt) C3260/2007 Duties: The Principal Policy Adviser is responsible for providing expert policy advice, developing innovative strategies and preparing responses on a range of forestry sector matters. This involves representing PIRSA on committees at State or National levels and liaising with agencies and industry organisations. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A relevant degree in Forestry, Forest Science, Natural Resource Management, Economics, Public Policy or equivalent. Special Conditions: Out of hours work and intrastate and interstate travel is required. The position may be located in either Adelaide or Mount Gambier. A current driver’s licence is essential. The incumbent will be required to maintain a safe working environment by adopting appropriate hazard management practices consistent with the role. The incumbent will be expected to uphold the Employee Conduct Standards contained in the Public Sector Management Act (1995). Location: Adelaide or Mount Gambier Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Primary Industries and Resources Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Natalie Perry, Executive Assistant, PIRSA Forestry, PO Box 162, Mount Gambier, 5290, telephone (08) 8735 1221, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Position Description:\PO4 Principal Policy Adviser.doc How to apply:\Guidelines Howtoapply(Jan05).doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 TECHNICAL SERVICES STREAM TGO4 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($61144.00/64112.00) Vacancy No. T3304/2007 Duties: The Planning Development Officer is accountable to the Senior Planning Officer, Land Use Coordination for overseeing and/or undertaking the timely assessment of Land Development/Division applications referred for comment under the Development Regulations by Councils and the Development Assessment Commission and building consent applications under the Metropolitan Adelaide Road Widening Plan Act: coordinating Agency comments and/or making recommendations on mining lease applications: undertaking projects and providing expert advice on road widening, control of access and a range of other relevant planning matters, including Plan Amendment Reports, Statement of Intents and Section 30 Reviews which contributes to the Agency meeting relevant legislative requirements and achieving Corporate and Government objectives. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Recognised trade qualification relevant to traffic engineering. Special Conditions: Out of hours work and inter/intrastate travel necessitating overnight absences may be required. Possession of a current Drivers Licence. Location: Adelaide Metro (Walkerville) Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Road and Traffic Management) Enquiries to: Mr George Morias, telephone 8343 2303, email Applications to: HR Customer Support, 33-37 Warwick Street (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: This position is also being advertised under Vacancy T3297/2007 at the PO2 level and Vacancy T3303/2007 at the ASO5 level. Please note there is only one position. Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (Quick Search, Vacancy No. T3304, Search), email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\Plan Development_Off_TGO4 3547.doc Guide to apply :\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC 92 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 TECHNICAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) TGO5 PROJECT MANAGER (Advt) Vacancy No. 3265/2007 Duties: The Project Manager is accountable for the effective management of capital works and non-infrastructure projects in accordance with designated time, cost and quality objectives including coordinating and planning all aspects of projects from receipt of a project proposal to project completion: implementing project management processes necessary to achieve the project’s goals and objectives, in accordance with corporate and Directorate systems: managing processes which minimise the Agency’s risk exposure which contributes to the achievement of Agency program objectives. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Possession of a recognised qualification approved as being appropriate to the career group or alternative as defined within the classification standards. Special Conditions: Located in the Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (DTEI), Transport Services Division, Northern and Western Region based at either Port Augusta (preferable) or Port Lincoln. Some work outside of normal hours and intrastate travel necessitating overnight absences will be involved. A current driver’s license is essential. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Road and Traffic Management) Enquiries to: Mr Peter Short, Regional Manager, telephone 8648 5220, email Applications to: HR Customer Support, 33-37 Warwick Street (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: This position is also being advertised under Vacancy 3267/2007 at the PO3 level and Vacancy 3271/2007 and ASO6 level. Please note there is only one position. Job and Person Specifications are available for download from HTTP:/ (Quick Search, Vacancy No. 3265, Search), email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\TGO5 Project Manager 2302.DOC Guide to apply :\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC Employment Dec:\Employment_Declaration.doc 93 ($66302.00/70369.00) PSM ACT NOMINATIONS DATE OF ISSUE:18/5/07 NOMINATIONS DATED 18 MAY 2007 Vacancy Position and Administrative Unit 9709/2006 Regional Coordinator Transport Safety MR PETER THOMAS, A/Regional Coordinator, Compliance, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure Transport Safety Compliance, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure 8/2007 Manager IT Strategic Planning, Police PETER ROGERS, Senior Strategist, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure 507/2007 Manager, Financial Services , Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology ANTHONY CREEK, Team Leader Accounting Services, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure 1208/2007 Property Officer, Environment and Heritage LISETTE KING, Licensing Officer, Environment and Heritage 1607/2007 Intelligence Analyst, Police MICHELLE MURRAY, A/Intel Analyst , Police 1704/2007 Senior Practitioner, Families and Communities KELLY BROCKMAN, Social Worker, Families and Communities BEN MAHR, Social Worker, Families and Communities 1708/2007 Administration Coordinator Psychology Unit, Correctional Services MS CONNIE CAPOBIANCO , Administration and Project Support Officer, Correctional Services 1730/2007 Administration Officer, Police SANDY MUIR, Admin Officer, Police 1767/2007 Senior Policy Officer, Trade and Economic Development JIHN BARKER, Research Officer, Parliament of SA 2061/2007 Account Anaylst, Treasury and Finance NO NOMINATION WILL BE MADE ON THIS CALL 2071/2007 Approvals Officer, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure ROBERT ANDERSON, Technical Standards & Safety Officer, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure 2079/2007 Publications Coordinator, Treasury and Finance CATHERINE BOBOS, Publications Coordinator, Treasury and Finance 94 Nominated PSM ACT NOMINATIONS DATE OF ISSUE:18/5/07 NOMINATIONS (Continued) Vacancy Position and Administrative Unit Nominated 2085/2007 Manager Youth Court, Courts Administration Authority TOM CLARKSON, Supervising Registrar, Courts Administration Authority 2095/2007 Policy Officer, Treasury and Finance KATHY YANKOFF, Policy Officer, Treasury and Finance 2336/2007 Policy Officer, Water, Land, and Biodiversity Conservation LISSA FOUNTAINE, Administration Policy Officer, Water, Land, and Biodiversity Conservation 2545/2007 Senior Service Desk Officer, Treasury and Finance KYLIE MILLIKEN, Service Desk Officer, Treasury and Finance 2667/2007 Senior Property Coordinator, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure MICHELLE RODGERS, Senior Property Consultant, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure 95 PSM ACT NOMINATIONS DATE OF ISSUE:18/5/07 APPEAL INFORMATION Whilst it is recognised that practices in relation to handling enquiries regarding nominations may vary between Administrative Units, it is recommended that such enquiries should in the first instance be directed to the chairperson of the selection panel or, if that person is not known or available the enquiry person named under the appropriate vacancy description as contained in the Notice of Vacancies. Appeals pursuant to Section 43 of the Public Sector Management Act against the above nominations must be lodged on the prescribed form and with the Appeals Administrator, Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal, 12 th Floor, State Administration Centre, 200 Victoria Square, within seven days after the publication of the notice of nominations. It should be noted that “late” appeals cannot be considered by the Tribunal. Consequently, it might be preferable to forward appeals using the facsimile service ((08) 8226 2801). If using postal services please address your appeal to the Appeals Administrator, Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal, Office of Public Employment, GPO Box 1651, Adelaide, 5001. As Chief Executives may now attempt to resolve, by conciliation, issues relevant to an appeal prior to its hearing, a copy of the appeal form must also be sent by the due date to the relevant Chief Executive. The Chief Executive will decide if conciliation is to be attempted and advise the Tribunal Secretary of that decision within one week of receiving a copy of the appeal. Please note that in respect of the nominations, there is no right of appeal on the basis of superior merit. An appeal against a nomination may only be made on one or more of the following grounds: that the employee nominated is not eligible for appointment to the position: or that the selection processes leading to the nomination were affected by nepotism or patronage or were otherwise not properly based on assessment of the respective merits of the applicants: or that there was some other serious irregularity in the selection processes, and may not be made merely on the basis that the Tribunal should redetermine the respective merits of the appellant and the employee nominated. Chief Executives must ensure that the Notice of Vacancies is distributed within their organisation as quickly as possible to enable applicants wishing to appeal, to do so within the prescribed 7 day limit. A list of the members of the Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal and Disciplinary Appeals Tribunal panels may be found at /Appeals Tribunal/More Information. Enquiries relating to the appeal process should be directed to Jenny Schahinger, Appeals Administrator, Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal, telephone (08) 8226 2881, email: Jeff Walsh COMMISSIONER FOR PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT 96 SAHC ACT VACANCY INFORMATION DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 SA HEALTH COMMISSION ACT VACANCIES AND INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY SCIENCE ACT Vacancies contained in this section will be filled under the provisions of the South Australian Health Commission Act, 1976 and in the case of IMVS positions the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science Act, 1982. In addition to South Australian Health Commission Act employees, applications received from persons employed by the organisations contained on pages 1 and 2 of the Notice will also be accepted for vacancies listed in this section. Applicants are encouraged to obtain further details of the position and conditions of the vacancy from the contact officer nominated in the advertisement. Applicants should relate their application to the Person Specification for the position and include a Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume to maximise their chances of being considered further by a Selection Panel. GRIEVANCE PROVISIONS If you believe that your application for promotion has received unfair treatment relating to the selection process, you may have the right to seek a review of the decision. The right of review ONLY applies to employees under the South Australian Health Commission Act and employees under the Public Sector Management Act who were seconded to the SA Health Commission prior to 1st September, 1987. This Grievance Procedure is explained in more detail in Part 3-1 of the SAHC Act Human Resources Manual. Initial enquiries should be directed to the Chairperson of the Selection Panel. REQUEST TO CIRCULARISE SA HEALTH COMMISSION ACT AND INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY SCIENCE ACT VACANCIES All requisitions for filling SA Health Commission Act and Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science Act vacancies should be forwarded to the DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (HR Administration Team, Workforce Development Division) by close of business Tuesday prior to the date of issue of the following week's Notice of Vacancies. Every effort will be made to ensure vacancies are advertised as soon as possible, however hospitals and health centres are encouraged to forward vacancy details as soon as they become available. This action will facilitate the timely clearing of positions for advertising in the Notice. Enquiries may be directed to the HR Administration Team, telephone number (08) 8226 6195, facsimile number (08) 8226 6935, or e-mail on 97 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 NOTICE OF VACANCIES DATED 18 MAY 2007 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM Trainee 98 TRAINEE - CLERICAL ADMINISTRATION (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3190/2007 Duties: This position will be based in the reception area, the trainee will be responsible for meeting and greeting patients, making appointments, conducting mail outs, filing, word processing, photocopying, answering the phone, and general administrative duties. This unit is a small team of 4-5 people and is responsible for providing an admin service to the Service Director, Clinical Director and Medical Staff with rights to Private Practice. Special Conditions: To apply for this position you need to be between the ages of 17-24 (inclusive). You can be between the ages of 17-28 (inclusive) if you fit into one of the following targeted groups: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, declared disability, long term unemployed (12 months or more), have been or are under State Care. You can only do one state government traineeship, and you must not have taken a package from the state government within the last three years. You must be a South Australian resident, and must not be currently employed in the State Government. Location: Salisbury Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Northern Mental Health Executive Administration, Private Practice) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Administrative Coordinator, CareerStart SA, DFEEST, GPO Box 320, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 1800 683 534, web site Note: To apply for this position please click on "Apply Now" for instructions. If you would like more information about traineeships, resumes, and interviews, please click on "Traineeship Information". Please contact CareerStart SA on 1800 683 534 if you have any questions. Closing Date: 28 May 2007 Downloads: Apply Now:\Traineeship Coversheet for NOV.DOC Traineeship Information:\info about traineeships_v2.pdf SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO1 TEAM RESOURCE OFFICER - ADELAIDE ACAT SOUTH ($19866.00/36262.00) Vacancy No. 3187/2007 Duties: As a member of the Adelaide Aged Care Assessment Team, the Team Resource Officer contributes an efficient and effective administrative and clerical service to the program. The incumbent processes referrals and updates client information as required, schedules clinical appointments for assessors, provides a data entry service, liaises with Metropolitan Domiciliary Care to access case notes and provides clerical support to team members. The Administration Officer participates as a member of team in team focused activities. Special Conditions: The incumbent may be required to travel or work across and/or be located at any of the Metropolitan Domiciliary Care locations. Some out of hours work may be required. Will be required to participate in the performance management review process. A flexible approach to the taking of leave is required. Current drivers licence desirable. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Metropolitan Domiciliary Care) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Todd Williams, Team Leader, telephone 8193 1305, email Applications to: Ms Laura Perry, HR Administration Officer, Metropolitan Domiciliary Care, 19 21A Belmore Terrace, Woodville, 5011, telephone 8440 6722, email Note: To obtain a copy of the Job & Person Specification refer to the employment opportunities section on our website or contact Todd Williams on 8193 1305 or email Applicants are required to address all of the essential and desirable requirements of the person specification in their application. Please quote vacancy number 3187/2007 in your application and forward an original application plus two copies, including the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants may be required to undergo a criminal history check and/or medical examination. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job and Person Specification :\ASO-1 AACAT Team Resource Officer.doc Applying for positions at MDC :\Guide 2 apply for Positions at MDC.doc 99 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 100 PAYROLL SERVICES OFFICER (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($38557.00/41732.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) 3211/2007 Duties: Responsible to the Supervisor, Payroll Services for all aspects of the payment of employees of the Lyell McEwin Hospital (LMH) by processing and checking timesheets and other payroll input data, entering employee data onto the system, maintaining leave records, assisting in the preparation of payroll data, attending to staff and departmental enquiries, complying with established procedures and maintaining agreed standards, ensuring deadlines are achieved, assisting with the provision of quality and timely information to LMH managers and employees and other customers as required. Special Conditions: More than one position available. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro (Elizabeth Vale) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Lyell McEwin Hospital Payroll Services) Enquiries to: Mr Chris Knevitt, Payroll and Carpark Manager, Payroll Services, Lyell McEwin Hospital, telephone 8282 0337, email Applications to: Human Resources Team, Human Resources and Organisational Development, Lyell McEwin Hospital, Haydown Road, Elizabeth Vale, 5112 Note: Applicants are requested to quote the vacancy number in their application. Please provide an original and three (3) copies of application with the name, address and contact number of three (3) current referees. Applicants should clearly address how they meet the capabilities, experience, knowledge and qualifications outlined in the Person Specification. The incumbent will be based at the Lyell McEwin Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. The Lyell McEwin Hospital is a smoke free environment. Attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits available. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&PS:\NW1026 - ASO2 Payroll Officer .doc Guidelines:\How to prepare your application1.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, WOMEN'S ANAESTHESIA (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY FOR ($38557.00/41732.00) Vacancy No. 12 MONTHS) T3111/2007 Duties: The Administrative Assistant for the Department of Anaesthesia, Division of Anaesthesia and Theatre Services is responsible for the provision of a confidential secretarial, administrative and reception service to the Department Head of Women’s Anaesthesia, Consultant Anaesthetists and Anaesthesia Registrars for the Department of Women’s Anaesthesia. Special Conditions: This is a temporary part-time position for a period of 12 months, working 7.5 hours per week (ie. every Tuesday; however, with the flexibility to change the working day if required by management and with the appropriate consultation) and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Location: Adelaide Metro (WCH North Adelaide Campus) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Women's Anaesthesia (Division of Anaesthesia and Theatre Services)) Enquiries to: Cindy-Lee Brown, Administrative Assistant, telephone 8161 7630, email Applications to: Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, Children, Youth and Women's Health Service, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the “Advice to Applicants” document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: job description and advice to applicants document:\AS02WOMENSANAMAY07.doc ASO2 REVENUE CLERK - FEE FOR SERVICE ($38557.00/41732.00) Vacancy No. 3100/2007 Duties: Assist with Fee for Pathology Services billing within the IMVS by providing an accurate, timely and responsive accounts receivable service. Special Conditions: Depending on work requirements the appointee may be transferred to other locations within the Institute to perform work of a similar nature appropriate to the classification either on a permanent or temporary basis. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science - Financial Services) Enquiries to: Ms Jenny Langman, Senior Revenue Officer, telephone 8222 3849, email Applications to: Ms Gill Norrington, Manager, Human Resources, IMVS, Frome Road, Adelaide, 5000, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Written applications must clearly state the vacancy number and include the following: covering letter; resume/curriculum vitae providing full details of employment history and relevant experience, together with names of three referees; a document addressing the requirements from the position specification; and a completed employment declaration form. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&PS:\ASO2 Revenue Clerk.doc 101 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 WARD CLERK (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) Vacancy No. 3169/2007 Duties: Responsible for the provision of a clerical service to the wards. Ensures the effective administrative coordination of the daily ward activities, including bed management, preparation and maintenance of patient records, arranging appointments via HOMER computerised booking system, ordering and maintaining appropriate stock levels of medical and stationary supplies on the ward via SAPICS computerised system and other services. Special Conditions: There are 2 ongoing positions available. The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Surgery) Enquiries to: Teresa Mammone, Office Manager, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 7681, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from Susan Webster, telephone 8222 7637, or email Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\Guidelines Job & Person Specification:\ASO-2 J&PS.doc ASO3 ($38557.00/41732.00) TELEPSYCHIATRY COORDINATOR ($44903.00/48079.00) Vacancy No. 2879/2007 Duties: The Rural and Remote Mental Health Service, through Distance Consultation Team provides clinical and professional outreach services to country South Australia using a variety of strategies, such as video-conferencing. The Telepsychiatry Coordinator has a key role in supporting this service including the responsibility for managing the video-conference booking system and providing administrative and technical support to the users of video-conferencing facilities both within RRMHS and across country South Australia. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Specialist Statewide Mental Health Services - Rural and Remote Mental Health Service) Enquiries and Applications to: Chris Reimer, Administrative Manager, Rural and Remote, PO Box 17, Fullarton, 5063, telephone 8305 1537, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Jenny Midgley, telephone 8303 1136, or email Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 102 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 ABORIGINAL HEALTH WORKER - COPLEY (Advt) ($44903.00/48079.00) Vacancy No. 3122/2007 Duties: The Aboriginal Health Worker will primarily provide to male clients and or their families of the Copley and surrounding Aboriginal Communities a Primary Health Care Service to bring about an education, understanding and knowledge of social, health and well being issues. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Must have successfully completed Aboriginal Primary Health Certificate III or IV or similar alternative tertiary qualification. Experience in an Aboriginal Health Organisation. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence, ability to drive a four wheel drive vehicle and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. This position is offered on a full-time basis. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (PORT AUGUSTA) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (PWHS) Enquiries and Applications to: Mr. O.S. Rowe, Human Resource Officer, Pika Wiya Health Service, PO Box 2021, PORT AUGUSTA, 5700, telephone 86429908, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Owen Rowe, telephone 8642 9908, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. In accordance with Section 56 (2) of the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA), applicants for this position must be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\AHW COPLEY CLINIC 04-04-07.doc 103 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 PROJECT OFFICER (YOUTH) KILBURN BLAIR ATHOL EMPLOYMENT PROJECT (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY FOR ($51319.00/53690.00) Vacancy No. 12 MONTHS) (Advt) T3161/2007 Duties: The Kilburn Blair Athol Employment Project will provide pre employment/work maturity training skills, mentoring and support for 30 people who are experiencing multiple barriers to their successful participation in the job market. As a member of a multi-disciplinary team the Project Officer (Youth) is accountable to the Team Manager, Enfield Community Health service for the provision of training and mentoring support to young unemployed clients residing in the Kilburn Blair Athol area. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 37.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra and interstate travel may be required. Must have a current, valid and unencumbered driver’s licence. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Sefton Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Primary Health Care Services - Enfield Community Health Service) Enquiries to: Bernie McEvoy, Senior Project Officer, Enfield Community Health Service, telephone 8342 8600, email Applications to: Neil Ramsay, Human Resource Unit, Primary Health Care Services, PO Box 508, Prospect East SA, 5082, telephone 8342 8600, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Neil Ramsay, Human Resource Unit, telephone 8342 8600, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants are required to obtain the Job and Person Specifications and address the criteria. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 ASO6 RESOURCE ACCOUNTANT (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($66302.00/70369.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3220/2007 Duties: The Resource Accountant is accountable to the Strategic Manager, Mental Health Finance for the provision of high quality financial advice, expertise and education to Service management and staff in relation to the development and reporting of financial and activity related aspects of the Eastern Mental Health Service in a manner that is consistent with the policies and objectives of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service, Mental Health Directorate. The Accountant is jointly accountable for the Service's strategic planning and making appropriate business recommendations and the application of total quality management principles. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate and relevant tertiary qualification in Accounting, Commerce or Economics. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Specialist Statewide Mental Health Service - Management Accounting) Enquiries and Applications to: Heather Borg, Personal Assistant to Strategic Manager, Mental Health Finance, PO Box 17, Fullarton, 5063, telephone 8303 1130, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\ASO6 Resource Accountant 8May07.doc 104 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 105 SENIOR RESOURCE ACCOUNTANT (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($66302.00/70369.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3223/2007 Duties: The Senior Resource Accountant is accountable to the Manager, Finance for the provision of high quality financial advice, expertise and education to Service management and staff in relation to the development and reporting of financial and activity related aspects of the Service in a manner that is consistent with the policies and objectives of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. The Accountant is jointly accountable for the Service’s strategic planning and making appropriate business recommendations and the application of total quality management principles. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate Degree, Diploma or Associate Diploma qualification in Accounting or Economics. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Specialist Statewide Mental Health Service - Management Accounting) Enquiries and Applications to: Heather Borg, Personal Assistant to Strategic Manager, Mental Health Finance, PO Box 17, Fullarton, 5063, telephone 8303 1130, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\ASO6 Snr ResourceAccountant 8May07.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) AMENDMENT ASO6 BUSINESS MANAGER ($66302.00/70369.00) Vacancy No. 2854/2007 Duties: The Business Manager is accountable to the Site Manager and works on a daily basis with Divisional Directors in relation to the management of financial, human resources, administration and procurement services. Maintenance of relevant financial and statistical data, the monitoring and analysis of budget performance and the provision of reports, financial and management advice and support to the Divisional Directors is the responsibility of the incumbent. The Business Manager contributes to the processes of strategic planning and resource allocation by developing financial and statistical information and investigating the costs and benefits associated with altered practices in promoting optimal or improved usage of resources consistent with the strategic directions of Noarlunga Health Services. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required, for which flexitime arrangements will be provided. May be required to undertake a health assessment prior to commencement. Appointment may be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check. Location: Adelaide Metro (Noarlunga Centre) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Noarlunga Health Services - Southern Adelaide Health Services) Enquiries to: Robin Moore, Noarlunga Health Services, telephone (08) 8384 9311, email Applications to: Nicolle Paisawa, Assistant Human Resources Consultant, Noarlunga Health Services, PO Box 437, Noarlunga Centre, 5168, telephone (08) 8384 9316, email Note: Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification which is available from Bree Howarth, telephone (08) 8384 9311, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential' and clearly stating the vacancy number. Please note emailed and faxed applications will not be accepted. Closing Date: 25 May 2007 106 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 MEDICAL OFFICERS MD2 Level CONSULTANT - DIVISION OF SURGERY 1-9/ (Advt) ($102641.00/135057.00) Vacancy No. MD2G ($122475.00/161155.00) 3162/2007 Level 1-9 Duties: The appointee will have an FRACS or equivalent and be eligible for enrolment on the Specialist Register of South Australia. The appointee will have significant experience in the field of general surgery including laparoscopic surgery and upper GI endoscopy. The appointee will have specialised training in Upper GI surgery, including complex hepato-biliary surgery, advanced laparoscopic skills including experience in laparoscopic fundoplication together with experience in ERCP and bariatric surgery. Clinical research expertise and a commitment to ongoing research is essential. He/she will be responsible for managing the care of all patients allocated to them in collaboration with the responsible Medical Officers, Registrars, fellow Consultants, Nurses and Allied Health professionals. He/she must undertake a commitment to continuous quality improvement activities including regular Surgical Audit. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Appropriate specialist qualifications for Consultant/Senior consultant giving eligibility for registration as a Specialist with the Medical Board of South Australia. Special Conditions: The position will require a commitment of 1.0 FTE to the Lyell McEwin Hospital campus and an “on-call” roster with the other Consultants. Call backs will be paid on a justified need for genuine after hours clinical requirements. The incumbent will be based at The Lyell McEwin Hospital and may be required to work at other locations within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. A formal performance appraisal will be conducted annually. Location: Adelaide Metro (Elizabeth Vale) Award: SA Medical Officers Award and Enterprise Agreement Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Lyell McEwin Hospital Division of Surgery) Enquiries to: Keryn Agar / Jessica Mayer, Divisional Secretary, Division of Surgery, Lyell McEwin Hospital, telephone 81829309, email Applications to: Mrs Kirsteen Knevitt, Medical Administration, Lyell McEwin Hospital, Haydown Road, Elizabeth Vale SA, 5112, telephone 81829309, email Note: Applicants are requested to quote the vacancy number in their application. Please provide an original and three (3) copies of application with the name, address and contact number of three (3) current referees. Applicants should clearly address how they meet the capabilities, experience, knowledge and qualifications outlined in the Person Specification. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 107 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 MEDICAL OFFICERS (Continued) MD2 Level CONSULTANT/SENIOR CONSULTANT 1-9/ (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($102641.00/135057.00) Vacancy No. MD2G (Advt) ($122475.00/161155.00) 3174/2007 Level 1-9 Duties: As a member of a multi-disciplinary team, the Senior Consultant will promote the health and wellbeing of persons affected by imprisonment by providing responsive primary health care services, programs and activities which are based on social justice and harm minimisation principles. The Senior Consultant will work in collaboration with Health and Correctional staff and community organisations within government and other sectors. This will be achieved through the ongoing development, provision and evaluation of clinical and non-clinical health services within a primary health care and public health framework. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Medical Bachelor and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) registrable with the Medical Board of South Australia as a Medical Practitioner. Special Conditions: There are 2 positions available, one Full time position working 75 hours per fortnight and one position working part time 42 hours per fortnight. The duties of this position may, with consultation, be adapted to changing organisational requirements as determined by service wide planning process. Some out of hours work will be required. Must possess a current driver's licence and be willing to drive. May be required to work in a number of prisons within the SA Prison Health Service. May be required to work at any site within the Central/Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: SA Medical Officers Award and Enterprise Agreement Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Primary Health Care Services - South Australian Prison Health Service) Enquiries to: Dr Peter Frost, Prison Health Service Director, South Australian Prison Health Service, telephone 8342 8600, email Applications to: Neil Ramsay, Human Resource Unit, Primary Health Care Services, PO Box 508, Prospect East SA, 5082, telephone 8342 8600, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Neil Ramsay, Human Resource Unit, telephone 8342 8600, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to obtain the Job and Person Specification and address the criteria. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 108 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 MEDICAL OFFICERS (Continued) MD2G Level 5-9 109 STAFF SPECIALIST VASCULAR SURGERY (Advt) ($144262.00/161155.00) Vacancy No. 3029/2007 Duties: This senior position will be based at Flinders Medical Centre (FMC), a 500 bed leading teaching hospital, have clinical responsibilities at FMC and Repatriation General Hospital (RGH) and recommended for an appropriate level of academic status (Professor / Associate Professor) within the Department of Surgery of the School of Medicine at Flinders University. The position will provide clinical services in Vascular Surgery and associated areas in collaboration with medical and other personnel. This position will also provide academic leadership in teaching and research in Vascular Surgery, clinical leadership in Cardiovascular Services and the Department of Surgery and effective liaison with other relevant groups in the School of Medicine, in the wider University and in the community. The Southern Adelaide Health Service brings together Flinders Medical Centre, Noarlunga Health Services, Southern Primary Health, Southern Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Services SA. The Service also maintains a close affiliation with the Repatriation General Hospital. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Appropriate Specialist Qualifications for Consultant/Senior Consultant registerable as a Specialist with the Medical Board of South Australia. Special Conditions: Will be credentialed and privileged for appropriate procedures. On-call arrangements would apply as determined by the Unit Head (currently 1 in 4). Out of hours work will be required. Will be required to work within other locations of the Southern Adelaide Health Service and/or at the Repatriation General Hospital. Support values consistent with the aims of the Region, including honesty, respect and integrity. Will be required to undertake a health assessment prior to commencement. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check. Comply with the Principles of the Code of Fair Information Practice, adopted by the Department of Health, which regulate the collection, use, disclosure, storage and transfer of all personal patient/client information within the Department and throughout its funded service providers. Annual Performance Reviews will be conducted by the Head of Vascular Surgery and Professor of Surgery. Location: Adelaide Metro (Bedford Park) Award: SA Medical Officers Award and Enterprise Agreement Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Southern Adelaide Health Service - Vascular Surgery - Cardiovascular Services) Enquiries to: Dr R Foreman, Director, Vascular Surgery (Clinical), Southern Adelaide Health Service, telephone 8204 4289, email Applications to: Ms M Savva, HR Assistant, Human Resources, Flinders Medical Centre Flinders Drive, BEDFORD PARK SA, 5042, telephone 8240 4132, email Note: Written applications should include a full curriculum vitae and the names and contact details of three current referees. Southern Adelaide Health Service offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a Job and Person Specification please contact the enquiry person. Closing Date: 29 Jun 2007 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 MEDICAL OFFICERS (Continued) MD2 Level SENIOR MEDICAL PRACTITIONER/CONSULTANT/SENIOR CONSULTANT 1-9/ MEDICAL ADMINISTRATION MDP4/ ($102641.00/135057.00) Vacancy No. MD2G ($95416.00/108594.00) 3171/2007 Level 1-9/ ($122475.00/161155.00) MDP4G ($110812.00/126116.00) Duties: Medical Administration Services within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service (CNAHS) will provide an effective and efficient Medical Administration service within designated CNAHS sites. Medical Administration Services will be responsible for the development of specific Regional portfolio areas including but not limited to Senior and junior medical workforce – attraction, recruitment and retention, Post graduate medical education, Credentialing of medical staff, Performance management of medical staff, Clinical Risk Management and Medical workforce management. Medical Administration Services will contribute to the development and implementation of appropriate standards, policies and procedures. Essential Minimum Qualifications: For appointment to MD2/MD2G: Appropriate Specialist Qualifications for Consultant/Senior Consultant registerable as a Specialist with the Medical Board of South Australia. For appointment to MDP4/MDP4G: Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) or equivalent, registerable with the Medical Board of South Australia as a Medical Practitioner. Special Conditions: Although initially based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, the incumbent may be required to visit and work at any acute hospital campus within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Must be prepared to attend relevant meetings and staff development/education activities as required. A formal performance appraisal will be conducted annually. Participation in an after hours roster will be required. Some out of hours work may be required. Intrastate, interstate and overseas travel may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: SA Medical Officers Award and Enterprise Agreement Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Medical Administration) Enquiries to: David Norton, General Manager, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 6762 Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Marie Komorek, telephone 8222 6762, or email Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 110 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 MEDICAL SCIENTIST MeS1 MEDICAL SCIENTIST (Advt) Vacancy No. 3093/2007 Duties: Contribute to the provision of the routine diagnostic infectious diseases service by participating in activities related to test performance and generation of results, participate in the development and maintenance of laboratory computing, participating in the research and development activities of the laboratory as required and assisting with the training and supervision of technical staff as required. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Degree in Science or Applied Science or Associate Membership of the Australian Institute of Medical Laboratory Scientists. Special Conditions: Will be rostered over 24 hours, 7 days a week. Will be required to participate in an "on-call" roster, will be required to work shift rosters, weekends and public holidays, and may be required to work extended hours on an overtime basis which may include weekends and public holidays. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Medical Scientists (SA Public Sector) Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science - Infectious Diseases Laboratories) Enquiries to: Mr David Nielsen, Chief Scientist, telephone 8222 3503, email Applications to: Ms Gill Norrington, Manager, Human Resources, IMVS, Frome Road, Adelaide, 5000, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Written applications must clearly state the vacancy number and include the following: covering letter; resume/curriculum vitae providing full details of employment history and relevant experience, together with names of three referees; a document addressing the requirements from the position specification; and a completed employment declaration form. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 111 ($43470.00/55890.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 MEDICAL SCIENTIST (Continued) MeS2 112 SENIOR SCIENTIST - DNA FACILITY, DEPARTMENT OF GENETIC MEDICINE (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($58995.00/65723.00) Vacancy No. TO 12 MONTHS) T3106/2007 Duties: As a member of the Molecular Medicine Unit of the Department of Genetic Medicine, the Medical Scientist will be responsible for the efficient operation of the Department’s DNA sequencer and for developing methodologies that use the DNA sequencer, and will undertake the development and performance of molecular genetic tests using other technologies. The incumbent will exercise scientific and managerial control of the DNA sequencer and is responsible for supervising its day-to-day operation. The incumbent ensures that the analytical services provided are of the highest standard by reviewing, researching and developing, with senior staff from other disciplines, the scientific methodologies and analytical systems that utilise the DNA sequencer, and by directing and participating in the continuing training, education and development of staff. The incumbent is responsible for monitoring expenditures within the allocated budget. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Degree in Science or Applied Science, or Associate Membership of the Australian Institute of Medical Scientist. Special Conditions: This is a temporary part-time position available from 8 May 2007 for a period of 12 months (or until the substantive incumbent resumes duties; whichever occurs sooner), working 22.5 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out-of-hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (WCH North Adelaide Campus) Award: Medical Scientists (SA Public Sector) Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Department of Genetic Medicine (Division of Laboratory Medicine)) Enquiries to: Kathy Friend, Scientist-in-Charge Molecular Genetics, telephone 8161 7107, email Applications to: Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, Children, Youth and Women's Health Service, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the “Advice to Applicants” document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 May 2007 Downloads: job description and advice to applicants document:\MS2DNAFACILITYJDMAY07.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 NURSING OFFICERS END/ ENC ENROLLED NURSE, GASTROENTEROLOGY DEPARTMENT (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY FOR ($38338.00/43297.00) 12 MONTHS) (Advt) ($36862.00/41631.00) Vacancy No. T3108/2007 Duties: The EN will be responsible for the technical aspects of the running of the pH, impedance and Manometry service within the Gastroenterology Unit under the supervision and overall direction of the Medical Unit Head. Duties will include all aspects of maintenance of the service including placement of pH and impedance tubes, dealing with patients and their families, maintaining supplies for the service, data collection and maintenance relevant to the service. This role will constitute 2 ½ days per week (0.5 FTE). The appointee will be self directed and able to work with minimal supervision, whilst working in liaison with medical and allied health staff. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Enrolled or eligible for enrolment as a Nurse with the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a temporary part-time position available fro 12 months, working 18.75 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. May be required to work at any site within the Children, Youth and Women's Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (WCH North Adelaide Campus) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Gastroenterology Department (Division of Paediatric Medicine)) Enquiries to: Carmela Sergi, Business Officer, telephone 8161 7496, email Applications to: Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, Children, Youth and Women's Health Service, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the “Advice to Applicants” document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 May 2007 Downloads: job description and advice to applicants document:\ENROLLEDNURSEGASTROMAY0 7.doc 113 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) END/ ENC ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR (PART-TIME) ($38338.00/43297.00) ($36862.00/41631.00) Vacancy No. 3155/2007 Duties: The activities coordinator is responsible for the coordination of activities through the development, implementation and evaluation of recreational and therapeutic Diversional Therapy Activities programs aimed at the enhancement of the Quality of Life program for all the residents. The Activities Coordinator will promote resident’s independence by facilitating their involvement in programs designed to maximise their potential, allowing each person progressive and maximum decision making. The Activities Coordinator will encourage an enthusiastic and positive attitude in clients and volunteers towards health maintenance/promotion and will encourage and develop client participation in planning, organising and assessing Diversional Therapy Activities. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Enrolled or eligible for Enrolment with the Nurses Board of South Australia, and who holds or is eligible to hold a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 0.5 full time equivalent and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Must hold a current South Australian Drivers Licence. May be required to work in all locations within the Health Service. A Police check will be required prior to appointment and every 3 years thereafter. Location: Adelaide Hills (Mount Pleasant) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Country Health SA) Enquiries and Applications to: Pat Parks, Clinical Manager, Mount Pleasant District Hospital, Hospital Road, Mount Pleasant, 5235, telephone (08) 8568 0000, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Adrian Brandt, telephone (08) 8568 0000, or email Please forward four (4) complete sets of your application and include the name, address, and contact details of three (3) current work referees. Applicants are required to address the Person Specification in their application. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Activities Coordinator EN:\Activities Coordinator EN.doc 114 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/M1/ END/ ENC ENROLLED/REGISTERED NURSES (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($42434.00/57024.00) (Advt) ($38338.00/43297.00) ($36862.00/41631.00) Vacancy No. 2786/2007 Duties: On offer is a variety of Enrolled & Registered Nursing roles within multiple departments throughout the Hospital. All roles will be responsible for delivering direct comprehensive nursing care and individual case management to patients within their specific clinical areas. Essential Minimum Qualifications: For appointment at the EN classification: Enrolled or eligible for enrolment as a Nurse with the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. For appointment at the RN/M1 classification: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Multiple positions available. The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Medical, Surgical, Critical Care & Imaging) Enquiries to: Eleen Bart, Resource Nurse Manager, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 7429, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Lorraine Ridderhof, telephone 8222 7884, or email Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Nursing Application form:\Nursing Application form.doc Nursing Preemployment Declaration form:\Nursing Pre-Employment.doc 115 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/M1 116 PRIMARY CARE NURSE - MEDICAL PRACTICE (PART-TIME) (CONTRACT ($42434.00/57024.00) Vacancy No. APPOINTMENT FOR 12 MONTHS) C3185/2007 (Advt) Duties: Provide Primary Care services to consumers of the Ceduna Family Medical Practice, and to provide nursing support to medical officers and clients of the Ceduna Family Medical Practice. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a part-time contract position working 32 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. This is a contract position for 12 months. Some knowledge of responsibilities within a medical practice setting and Remote Radiographers licence is desirable. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Ceduna) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Country Health SA - Ceduna District Health Service Inc) Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Andrew Lane, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Ceduna District Health Service Inc, PO Box 178, CEDUNA, 5690, telephone (08) 8626 2110, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the Job & Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\ceduna_20070518_rn_pd.pdf SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/M1 REGISTERED NURSE - MENTAL HEALTH (Advt) ($42434.00/57024.00) Vacancy No. 3158/2007 Duties: The Registered Nurse - Mental Health (RNMH) who in collaboration with the Clinical Nurse Manager/Clinical Nurse delivers comprehensive nursing care for groups of patients. The RNMH contributes to maintaining a collaborative relationship with medical, allied health, administrative and ancillary staff in providing a safe environment and quality patient care. Provides support to peers, students and others. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse and Mental Health Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Job and Person Specifications are reviewed regularly as part of the ongoing Performance Development process. Initial appointment to Morier Ward, however, there may be a requirement to change location to meet organisational needs. Hours rostered over 28 day roster cycle. Nurses seeking a late shift encouraged to apply. Hours worked could be negotiated. May be required to work at any site within the Southern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Noarlunga Centre) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Noarlunga Health Services - Southern Adelaide Health Service) Enquiries to: Terena Slattery, Clinical Nurse Manager, Noarlunga Health Services, telephone (08) 8384 9516, email Applications to: Nicolle Paisawa, Assistant Human Resources Consultant, Noarlunga Health Services, PO Box 437, Noarlunga Centre, 5168, telephone (08) 8384 9316, email Note: Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification which is available from Terena Slattery, telephone (08) 8384 9516, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential' and clearly stating the vacancy number. Please note emailed or faxed applications will not be accepted. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 117 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/M1 118 REGISTERED NURSE - GASTROINTESTINAL UNIT, SURGICAL SPECIALTIES SERVICE (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($42434.00/57024.00) Vacancy No. 3201/2007 Duties: Accountable for the delivery of high quality nursing care to patients which is consistent with the mission of Royal Adelaide Hospital and the core values of the Nursing Department. Demonstrates a level of performance that meets the professional, legal and ethical obligations of the nursing profession. Demonstrates clinical nursing knowledge and skill relevant to the area of practice and utilises evidence-based practice to achieve quality patient outcomes. Contributes to the provision of a safe and productive environment for patients and staff. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Permanent full time and part time positions available, working over a five day roster and rotating on-call roster. Salary will be adjusted according to hours worked. Must be able to work in the equipment reprocessing area. Requirement to wear lead apron intermittently in procedure rooms. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Royal Adelaide Hospital, Ward Q7 - Surgical & Specialties Service) Enquiries to: Ms Dana Thacker, Clinical Nurse Consultant, telephone 8222 4645, email Applications to: Ms Su White, Nursing Director, Surgical & Specialties Service, Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, Adelaide SA, 5000 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original application plus one copy and include the name, address and contact numbers of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential minimum requirements as outlined in the Job and Person Specification. Job and Person Specifications available from Nursing & Patient Care Services, Ph:82225125. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&P Specification:\RN1 Registered General Nurse.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/M1 REGISTERED NURSE LEVEL 1 (FULL-TIME, PART-TIME OR CASUAL) (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($42434.00/57024.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) 3157/2007 Duties: Delivers nursing care to individuals and groups of patients, manages the processes of nursing care delivery on a shift-by-shift basis and contribute to the maintenance of a physically safe and culturally sensitive environment for customers and staff. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: More than one position is available offered on a full-time, part-time or casual basis for which salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. For casual appointment a 20% casual loading applies in lieu of sick leave and annual leave. Initially rostered over 7 days. Accommodation available. Location: South East (Kingston) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (South East Regional Health Service Inc - Kingston Soldiers' Memorial Hospital Inc) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms A Reddy, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Kingston Soldiers' Memorial Hospital Inc, Young Street, Kingston SA, 5275, telephone 8767 0222, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Ann Reddy, telephone 8767 0222, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\RN1 Registered Nurse Kingston May06.doc RN/M2 COMMUNITY MIDWIFE (Advt) Vacancy No. 3204/2007 Duties: As a member of a multi disciplinary team the Community Midwife is accountable to the Manager, Northern Women's and will participate in the development, implementation and evaluation of Northern Women's Community Midwifery Program. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Flexible work over seven days: on call arrangements apply, call back and/or overtime will be required. Intrastate travel will be required. Must have a current, valid and unencumbered driver's licence. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Mileage reimbursement is applicable to this position. Out of hours work will be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Primary Health Care Services - Northern Women's Community Health Centre) Enquiries to: Sarah Macdonald, Manager, Northern Women's Community Health Centre, telephone 8252 3711, email Applications to: Susan Stringer, Human Resources, Primary Health Care Services - Central Eastern, PO Box 508, Prospect East, 5082, telephone 8342 8667, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Susan Stringer telephone 8342 8667, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 119 ($59004.00/62283.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/M2 COMMUNITY MIDWIFE (PART-TIME) (Advt) Vacancy No. 3216/2007 Duties: As a member of a multi disciplinary team the Community Midwife is accountable to the Manager, Northern Women's and will participate in the development, implementation and evaluation of Northern Women's Community Midwifery Program. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 48 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Flexible work over seven days: on call arrangements apply, call back and/or overtime will be required. Intrastate travel will be required. Must have a current, valid and unencumbered driver's licence. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Mileage reimbursement is applicable to this position. Out of hours work will be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Primary Health Care Services - Northern Women's Community Health Centre) Enquiries to: Sarah Macdonald, Manager, Northern Women's Community Health Centre, telephone 8252 3711, email Applications to: Susan Stringer, Human Resources, Primary Health Care Services - Central Eastern, PO Box 508, Prospect, 5082, telephone 8342 8667, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Susan Stringer telephone 8342 8667, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 120 ($59004.00/62283.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/M2 REGISTERED GENERAL NURSE (CLINICAL) (Advt) ($59004.00/62283.00) Vacancy No. 3164/2007 Duties: The Level 2 Registered General Nurse – (Clinical Nurse) is responsible for the delivery of a comprehensive range of health care services to people in a custodial environment, which is consistent with the mission of South Australian Prison Health Service and the core values of the Nursing Department. The Level 2 Registered Nurse (Clinical Nurse) demonstrates a level of performance that meets the professional, legal and ethical obligations of the nursing profession, demonstrates clinical knowledge and skill relevant to the area of practice and utilises evidence-based practice to achieve quality patient outcomes. The Level 2 Registered Nurse (Clinical Nurse) contributes to the provision of a safe and productive environment for clients and staff. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Some intrastate travel maybe required. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (Pt Augusta) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Primary Health Care Services - South Australian Prison Health Service) Enquiries to: Ms Raylee Kinnear, Nursing Director, South Australian Prison Health Service, telephone 8342 8600, email Applications to: Neil Ramsay, Human Resource Unit, Primary Health Care Services, PO Box 508, Prospect East SA, 5082, telephone 8342 8600, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Neil Ramsay, Human Resource Unit, telephone 8342 8600, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to obtain the Job and Person Specifications and address the criteria. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 121 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/M2 REGISTERED GENERAL NURSE (CLINICAL) (Advt) ($59004.00/62283.00) Vacancy No. 3166/2007 Duties: The Level 2 Registered General Health Nurse – (Clinical Nurse) is responsible for the delivery of a comprehensive range of health care services to both women and men in a custodial environment which is consistent with the mission of South Australian Prison Health Service and the core values of Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Services include Mental health, Drug and Alcohol including a Prison Opioid Substitution Program, Aboriginal Health and a range of clinical service. The Level 2 Registered Nurse (Clinical Nurse) demonstrates a level of performance that meets the professional, legal and ethical obligations of the nursing profession, demonstrates clinical knowledge and skill relevant to the area of practice and utilises evidence-based practice to achieve quality patient outcomes. The Level 2 Registered Nurse (Clinical Nurse) contributes to the provision of a safe and productive environment for clients and staff. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Must be prepared to travel and work between metropolitan prisons. Some intrastate travel maybe required. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Primary Health Care Services - South Australian Prison Health Service) Enquiries to: Ms Raylee Kinnear, Nursing Director, South Australian Prison Health Service, telephone 8342 8600, email Applications to: Neil Ramsay, Human Resource Unit, Primary Health Care Services, PO Box 508, Prospect East SA, 5082, telephone 8342 8600, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Neil Ramsay, Human Resource Unit, telephone 8342 8600, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to obtain the Job and Person Specifications and address the criteria. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 122 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/M2 123 CLINICAL NURSE (PALLIATIVE CARE COMMUNITY NURSING) (PART-TIME) (MORE THAN ONE ($59004.00/62283.00) Vacancy No. POSITION) (Advt) 3173/2007 Duties: Responsible to the Director, Community Services, through the Team Leader, Domiciliary, Palliative Care and Community Nursing for coordination of client centred holistic care of a high standard to clients and their carers during a life threatening illness and Dressing and Medication support. Will operate in participatory partnership with all members of the palliative care team and other health partnerships will ensure the clients identified needs are included in the development of an integrated care plan. Will act as an information service and resource in all aspects of community based palliative care exercising responsible referral where appropriate. Community nursing are provided on an outreach basis. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 28.5 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. More than one position available. Location: Gawler Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Gawler Health Service - Community Services) Enquiries to: Ms Debbie Martin, Director Community Services, Gawler Health Service, telephone 85 212 080, email Applications to: Mrs Michelle Pentland, Human Resource Admin Officer, Gawler Health Service, PO Box 196, GAWLER, 5118, telephone 85 212 094, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Michelle Pentland, telephone 85 212 094 or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Previous applicants for this recircularised vacancy will need to reapply. Applicants are required to address the Job & Person criteria when lodging an application. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/M3 Band A 124 CLINICAL NURSE CONSULTANT (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY FOR ($69645.00/71883.00) Vacancy No. 12 MONTHS) T3180/2007 Duties: The Clinical Nurse Consultant is responsible for the effective management of nursing care, as well as human material and financial resource issues at unit level in liaison with the Nurse Manager and Business Manager. He/she will ensure patient care and services are continually evaluated and improved by maximizing the participation of staff and consumers. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 15 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. This is a temporary position for 12 months. Will be required to undertake a health assessment prior to commencement. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory offender history check. May be required to work at any site within the Southern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Flinders Medical Centre - Division of Medicine, Cardiac & Critical Care Services - Diabetes Education) Enquiries to: Collette Geekie, telephone 82045681, email Applications to: Maria Savva, Human Resource Assistant, Human Resources & Organisational Development, Flinders Medical Centre Flinders Drive, Bedford Park, 5042, email Note: Flinders Medical Centre offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a Job and Person Specification please contact the enquiry person. Applicants are requested to quote Job Number T3180 in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\RN3 CNC Diabetes Education.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS PO3/ RN/M3 Band B TEAM LEADER, DISTANCE CONSULTATION (Advt) ($68310.00/72450.00) ($74118.00) Vacancy No. 3062/2007 Duties: As part of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service, Mental Health Directorate, Rural and Remote Mental Health Service (RRMHS) Distance Consultation Services operates in conjunction with the RRMHS Inpatient Unit, and in partnerships with consumer and carers, country primary health care providers and metropolitan based mental health services to provide an integrated mental health response to country communities of South Australia. The Team Leader provides leadership and direction to the combined multi-disciplinary team of ETLS, Telepsychiatry and Transfer of Care. Also undertakes operational management of the service, including administrative support and monitoring of service provision, data collection and service evaluation. Has clinical, administrative and cost centre management functions and is responsible for ensuring the coordination of metropolitan based country mental health inpatient beds that are located within RRMHS Inpatient Unit, Flinders Medical Centre and Noarlunga Health Services. Essential Minimum Qualifications: For appointment at the PO3 classification: Appropriate qualification from a recognised tertiary institution, giving eligibility for membership with the relevant professional association where appropriate. For appointment at the RN3B classification: Registered or eligible for registration as a Mental Health Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: The hours of work will be 37.5/38 hours per week depending on the discipline. The incumbent core time will be Monday to Friday, but will be expected to do some weekend work and participate in the "on call" roster as agreed with the Director. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Specialist Statewide Mental Health Service - Rural and Remote Mental Health Service) Enquiries to: Fiona Kelly, Director, Rural & Remote Mental Health Service, telephone 8303 1136, email Applications to: Christine Reimer, Administrative Manager, Rural & Remote Mental Health Service, PO Box 17, Fullarton, 5063, telephone 8305 1537, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Jenny Midgley, telephone 8303 1136, or email Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 125 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 NURSING OFFICERS AMENDMENT RN5 Cat D DIRECTOR OF NURSING & MIDWIFERY (Advt) ($98220.00) Vacancy No. 2902/2007 Duties: Responsible to the Chief Executive Officer for the strategic and operational leadership of the Nursing and Midwifery Division in order to provide a relevant efficient and effective service that meets the needs of the clients and community. Liaises closely with other Executive members to ensure effective coordination between services and is a member of the Executive team, participating in strategic planning for services, programs and other initiatives and other initiatives. Along with other senior positions the role facilitates the development and maintenance of linkages with consumers and the broader community. Responsible for the establishment, implementation and review of nursing standards and for ensuring appropriate workforce planning and development within the Nursing and Midwifery division. Amended Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate OR Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse and Midwife by the Nurses Board of South Australian and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Intra and interstate travel is required. A current drivers license is essential. No fixed hours of duty. May be required to attend meetings requiring occasional overnight stays. Attendance at mandatory training sessions as determined by the organisation. Successful applicant will be subject to a criminal history check prior to commencement. Location: Port Pirie Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc) Further Information: Enquiries to: Roger Kirchner, Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc, telephone 86384581, email Applications to: Jane Southam, Personnel Clerk, Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc, Box 546, Port Pirie, 5540, telephone 86384626, email Amended Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants must complete and submit the PPRHS Inc Job Application Form and are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. This information is available from the Human Resources Department telephone 86384626 or E-mail Successful applicants will be subject to a criminal record check prior to their appointment being confirmed. Please note that the closing date will now be Friday 1 June 2006. Closing Date: 25 May 2007 126 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM OPS2 DENTAL ASSISTANT, DENTAL DEPARTMENT (TEMPORARY FOR 12 MONTHS) ($38557.00/41732.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3107/2007 Duties: The Dental Assistant is accountable primarily to the Unit Head (Dental) for the provision of an efficient and effective dental assistant service which results in contributing to the service of excellence provided by the CYWHS (Women’s and Children’s Hospital). Special Conditions: This is a temporary full time position for 12 months. Some overtime hours work may be required. Must be prepared to work in a Theatre while patients are under anaesthesia. Ability to work with patients who may be extremely handicapped or injured. Some travel may be required to service outreach centres. Must be prepared to attend relevant meetings with staff. Development/education activities as required and to participate in the staff appraisal process. Location: Adelaide Metro (WCH North Adelaide Campus) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Dental Department (Division of Paediatric Surgery)) Enquiries to: Dr Sam Gue, Departmental Head, telephone 8161 7379, email Applications to: Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, Children, Youth and Women's Health Service, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the “Advice to Applicants” document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: job description and advice to applicants document:\OPS2DENTALASSISTANTMAY07.d oc OPS2 DENTAL ASSISTANT (TEMPORARY FOR 12 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T3153/2007 Duties: The Dental Assistant works under general direction and is responsible for assisting in the coordination and provision of support activities to Dental Operators and other clinic staff, resulting in the efficient and effective dental treatment of clients. This includes undertaking duties and monitoring quality to ensure the cleanliness and proper functioning of operating areas, performing clerical and administrative tasks and providing information to clients. This role requires undertaking a range of health related operational activities including providing training and instruction to Dental Assistants (OPS1). Special Conditions: This position may be filled without further advertising. Some out of hours may be required. Applicant will be subject to satisfactory offender check. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (SA Dental Service) Enquiries and Applications to: Mrs Silvana Kumar, Unit Manager, SA Dental Service, GPO Box 864, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8222 8267, email Note: Please quote job number T3153/07 in your application and forward an original plus three copies, include the name, address and contact number of three referees. To obtain a copy of the position description, email Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: :\OPS2-Dental Assistant April 07.doc 127 ($38557.00/41732.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS PO1 128 SOCIAL WORKER - REMOTE AND ISOLATED CHILDREN'S EXERCISE INC. (Advt) ($43470.00/55890.00) Vacancy No. 3194/2007 Duties: As a member of a multi-disciplinary team, the Social Worker is accountable to the Strategic Manager, Centre for Parenting, Children, Youth & Women's Health Service (CYWHS) and the Remote & Isolated Children’s Exercise Inc (RICE) Manager for the provision of social work services and programs to families with children 0-8 years living in geographically remote and isolated communities. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. Special Conditions: RICE is the employer and CYWHS provides an administrative bureau service and support to RICE employees as specified in the Service Level Agreement. Employment conditions will be generally consistent with the public health sector conditions however where necessary they will be subject to approval by RICE. This is a temporary full time position to be filled for an initial 2 year period. The position is based at Port Augusta and involves extensive travel by 4-wheel drive and air. This appointment will be subject to a satisfactory offender history check; possession of a current driver’s licence and the willingness to drive; flexibility in working hours (including some out of hours work); participation in the organisations performance management process; to relocate (as required) to meet service delivery and or organisational requirements; to travel intrastate which may involve overnight absences (as required). Location: Port Augusta Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Children, Youth and Women's Health Service - and R.I.C.E Inc.) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Lesley Patrick, Administration Officer, Centre for Parenting, telephone 8303 1680, email Applications to: Helen Hoskin, Senior Social Worker, Centre for Parenting, 295 South Terrace, Adelaide, SA, telephone 8303 1685, email, web site Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees and address the essential criteria in the Person Specification. Job and Person Specifications are available from employment link. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Advice to applicants:\Advice_to_Applicants.doc Job & Person Specification:\PO-1 Social Worker RICE May 2007.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO1 RADIOGRAPHER (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($43470.00/55890.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) 3170/2007 Duties: Responsible for performing a range of imaging procedures not requiring constant supervision of technical detail, working both as part of a team or individually. Responsible for providing professional supervision, support and guidance to PDY radiographers, medical radiations students on clinical placement and work experience students. Contributes to approved research programs, and the departmental quality controls programs. Preference will be given to applicants with CT or Angiography experience. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Statement of Accreditation in Diagnostic Radiography from the Australian Institute of Radiography, or its recognised equivalent. Licensed under the Radiation Protection and Control Act SA (1982). Special Conditions: The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Some out of hours work may be required. Shift work will be a requirement. Weekend and public holiday work will be required. Overtime and on call work may be required. Variable starting and finishing times will be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Radiology) Enquiries to: Michael Taylor, Principal Radiographer, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 6228, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Doreen Marks, telephone 8222 6791, or email Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 PO2 SENIOR PHYSIOTHERAPIST - BIRCH (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($58995.00/65723.00) Vacancy No. TO 30/05/2008) T3186/2007 Duties: The Senior Physiotherapist is responsible for the provision of Physiotherapy services to clients of the service in order to maximise their physical potential to achieve optimum independence and quality of life. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree or other qualification which entitles registration as a Physiotherapist. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 30 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Location: Adelaide Metro (Felixstow) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (CNAHS - RAH - HAMPSTEAD REHABILITATION CENTRE) Enquiries to: Angela Congdon, A/Manager-Brain Injury Rehabilitation Community House -BIRCH, Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, telephone 8360 9600, email Applications to: Mary Staunton, A/Manager, Human Resources, Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, 207-255 Hampstead Road, Northfield, 5085 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Bronwyn Thorpe, telephone 8222 1621, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: :\Snr Physio Birch.doc 129 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO2 130 SENIOR SPEECH PATHOLOGIST - BRAIN INJURY REHABILITATION UNIT (PART-TIME) ($58995.00/65723.00) Vacancy No. 3195/2007 Duties: Responsible for the provision of specialist Speech Pathology services to clients with acquired brain injury or neurological conditions. This will require involvement with clients and families of a variety of cultural backgrounds and beliefs in a team setting. This role includes delegated administrative and educational duties as well as provision of clinical support and training of Speech Pathologists and undergraduate students. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree in Speech Pathology or other appropriate qualification giving eligibility for Membership of Speech Pathology Australia. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 60 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Location: Adelaide Metro (Northfield) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (CNAHS - RAH - HAMPSTEAD REHABILITATION CENTRE) Enquiries to: Ms Wendy Forster, Manager, Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit, Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, telephone 8222 1965 Applications to: Ms Mary Staunton, A/Manager, Human Resources, Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, 207 - 255 Hampstead Road, Northfield, 5085 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Bronwyn Thorpe, telephone 82221621, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: :\speech biru po2.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO3 SENIOR CLINICAL COORDINATOR, CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES ($68310.00/72450.00) Vacancy No. 3112/2007 Duties: The Senior Clinical Coordinator is accountable to the Clinical Service Manager/Unit Head for the provision, management and co-ordination of child protection services, which result in optimal client outcomes. Child Protection Services provides comprehensive assessment and therapy services to children and their families. The Senior Clinical Coordinator positions will be required to carry the portfolio for either assessment or therapy domains at Child Protection Services. Each service domain has equal priority; has different purposes/objectives, approaches and frameworks; requires a specific focus and a specific driver/Coordinator. The Senior Clinical Coordinator is responsible to the Clinical Services Manager/Unit Head for the management and co-ordination of all delegated activities including; the supervision of designated clinical staff and the provision of a consultancy service to clinical staff, referring agents and agencies in relation to service delivery, clinical practice, clinical standards, case allocation and case management processes. The Senior Clinical Coordinator is accountable for the co-ordination of clinical meetings encouraging the full participation of staff and the provision of direct services to clients categorised as complex referrals or high need. The Senior Clinical Coordinator is responsible for contributing to the development and co-ordination of resources both within and external to the unit to support clinical practice. The incumbent will be required to undertake specific research and/or health promotion projects as requested by the Clinical Services Manager/Unit Head. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive or a Masters Degree in Clinical or Applied Psychology and registered under the provisions of the Psychological Practices Act, 1973. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be required to participate in an after hours Senior On-call service including weekends and public holidays on a 1:3 basis or when requested to do so by the Clinical Services Manager/Unit Head. The position will require some overtime/after hours work, for which time off in lieu is granted. Paid overtime may be approved in some circumstances. The incumbent will be required to participate in the Children, Youth and Women’s Health Service performance review process. The position may require some intrastate and interstate travel. The incumbent will be required to act for the Clinical Services Manager at the request of the Unit Head/Clinical Services Manager. Location: Adelaide Metro (WCH North Adelaide Campus) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Child Protection Services) Enquiries to: Dr T Donald, Unit Head, ph 81617245, or Mary Aesche, Administrative Mgr, telephone 81617248, email Applications to: Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, Children, Youth and Women's Health Service, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the “Advice to Applicants” document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: jd:\PO3SNRCLINICALC0ORDCPSAPRI L07.doc 131 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 TECHNICAL SERVICES STREAM TGO1 TECHNICAL OFFICER - BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($31906.00/46650.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) 3002/2007 Duties: Working as a member of a team and applying experience in biomedical engineering, and standard methodologies and procedures, in the repair, maintenance, calibration, installation, commissioning, acceptance and in-service inspection of a range of biomedical equipment, ensuring compliance with all relevant Australian and International standards. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Diploma or Advanced Diploma in a relevant technical discipline. Special Conditions: The position is required to participate in an on-call roster and to work outside normal working hours as necessary. Duties may involve working on equipment generating ionising and non-ionising radiation. Must be prepared to be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or equivalent. More than one position available. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (CNAHS - Royal Adelaide Hospital - Biomedical Engineering) Enquiries to: Mr Doug Collett, Operations Manager, Biomedical Engineering, telephone 82225534, email Applications to: Mr M Hill, Administration Manager, Biomedical Engineering, Royal Adelaide Hospital North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 82225534, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Matthew Hill, telephone 82225534, or email Please forward three copies of your application. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\TGO1.doc TGO0/ TGO1 TECHNICAL OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 25/01/2008) (Advt) ($16854.00/41430.00) ($31906.00/46650.00) Vacancy No. T3229/2007 Duties: Perform specialist Clinical Biochemistry assays on routine biological samples, prepare reagents, maintain equipment and assess quality control data. Essential Minimum Qualifications: For appointment at the TGO0 level: The educational standards required for entry to an appropriate Technical study course. For appointment at the TGO1: A Diploma or Advanced Diploma in a relevant technical discipline, or equivalent, such as those specified in the Technical Grades Stream Classification Standards. Special Conditions: This is a temporary position until 25/1/2008. May be required to work variable hours which may include shift, weekends and public holidays (overtime) and shift work. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science - Clinical Biochemistry) Enquiries to: Mr Michael Haywood, telephone 8222 3564, email Applications to: Ms Gill Norrington, Manager, Human Resources, IMVS, Frome Road, Adelaide, 5000, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Written applications must clearly state the vacancy number and include the following: covering letter; resume/curriculum vitae providing full details of employment history and relevant experience, together with names of three referees; a document addressing the requirements from the position specification; and a completed employment declaration form. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: J&PS:\20070403150234037.pdf 132 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 TECHNICAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) TGO0/ TGO1 TECHNICAL OFFICER (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) (Advt) ($16854.00/41430.00) ($31906.00/46650.00) Vacancy No. 3102/2007 Duties: Contribute to the efficient operation of the DCP by sorting, preparing and transporting specimens and performing routine diagnostic pathology testing in a multidisciplinary environment. Essential Minimum Qualifications: For appointment at TGO0, the educational standards required for entry to an appropriate recognised Technical study course. For appointment at TGO1, a Diploma or Advanced Diploma in a relevant Technical discipline, or equivalent, such as those specified in the Technical Grades Stream Classification Standards. Special Conditions: There are a variety of positions available, permanent, temporary, full-time and part-time. Will be rostered over 24 hours, 7 days a week and may be required to work extended hours on an overtime basis which may include weekends and public holidays. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science - Division of Clinical Pathology) Enquiries to: Mr Joe Biello, Manager, telephone 8222 3414, email Applications to: Ms Gill Norrington, Manager, Human Resources, IMVS, Frome Road, Adelaide, 5000, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Written applications must clearly state the vacancy number and include the following: covering letter; resume/curriculum vitae providing full details of employment history and relevant experience, together with names of three referees; a document addressing the requirements from the position specification; and a completed employment declaration form. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 133 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR VACANCY INFORMATION OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES Vacancies contained in this section will be filled under the conditions applicable to each public sector organisation. Appeal provisions may apply to vacancies advertised in this section. Intending applicants are encouraged to clarify appointment conditions and appeal provisions (if any) from the enquiries person named in each advertisement. REQUESTS TO CIRCULARISE VACANCIES Details of vacancies to be published in this section will be accepted by Business Services of the Office of Public Employment up to 12.00 p.m. FRIDAY prior to the date of issue of the Notice. Whenever possible however, agencies are encouraged to forward vacancy details as soon as they become available. This action will facilitate the clearing of positions for advertising in the Notice. The facsimile number is 8226 2966, and for any enquiries please telephone 8226 2893. 134 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 NOTICE OF VACANCIES DATED 18 MAY 2007 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES ASO1 RECEPTIONIST (Advt) Vacancy No. 3243/2007 Duties: Responsible, through the General Manager, for preparation of policies and plans to manage the region’s surface water, groundwater, plant, pests and animals, soils, ecology and coastal marine resources, in association with the people of the region and the Government. Special Conditions: Located at the Board’s Mt Gambier Office. Out of hours work may be required. Must hold a current drivers licence. Location: South East (Mount Gambier) Award: Natural Resources Management Boards Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: South East Natural Resources Management Board Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Grace McNally, Gramac Solutions, 1a Hedley Street (PO Box 413), Mount Gambier, 5290, telephone 08 87248577, email Note: For a copy of the Job and Person Specifications Phone Gramac Solutions (08) 8724 8577 or Applications addressing all criteria outlined in the Job and Person Specifications including resume and details of three nominated referees must be received by 4:00pm Friday 1st June, 2007 Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: :\How to Apply.pdf :\Position Background Receptionist.pdf :\Receptionist.pdf 135 ($19866.00/36262.00) OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES ASO4 136 DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 NRM OFFICER, WHYALLA (PART-TIME) (CONTRACT ($51319.00/53690.00) Vacancy No. APPOINTMENT UP TO 5 YEARS) C3210/2007 (Advt) Duties: The Natural Resources Management (NRM) Officer is responsible for providing a combination of strategic, technical and specialist advice for issues relating to biodiversity and land management in the region of the City of Whyalla on Eyre Peninsula. This involves developing an action plan targeting priority areas for on-ground works, supporting landowners to manage their land in a manner that contributes to a comprehensive system of protected areas and contributing to the support and promotion of habitat and species recovery programs within the region. The incumbent will also ensure that effective networks are developed and maintained and that specialist and technical biodiversity support and advice is provided to landholders and other key stakeholders in an accurate and timely manner. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Degree in Environmental Science, Natural Resource Management or equivalent. Special Conditions: The position is located within the Whyalla area. The position is part time at 37.5 hours per fortnight. Some out of hours work will be required. The incumbent must hold a current driver’s licence. Some travel within and external to the regional is required. The incumbent is required to participate in the Board’s performance review and development process. Location: Eyre Peninsula Award: Natural Resources Management Boards Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mr. Greg Secomb, Manager, Operations, EYRE PENINSULA NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT BOARD, Box 2916, PORT LINCOLN, 5606, telephone 08 8682 5655, email, web site Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 08 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\3210 NRM Officer Whyalla.doc OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) ASO5 BUSINESS ANALYST (TEMPORARY FOR 12 MONTHS) ($57286.00/64021.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3323/2007 Duties: Reporting to the Team Leader Business Analysts, the position is responsible for: Delivering accurate, timely and efficient financial services to internal customers. Provide financial advice concerning business unit initiatives. Work as an active partner with Business Units assisting them to document and monitor achievements of their financial objectives and ensure integrity of financial records. Make a major contribution to efficiency improvements in the team, Shared Services projects and Corporate initiatives. Essential Minimum Qualifications: It is highly desirable that the incumbent has Tertiary qualifications Accounting or similar discipline. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: SA Water Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Sam Sachse, A/Manager Financial Services, GPO Box 1751, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8204 1396, email Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 ASO7 BUSINESS MANAGER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($73189.00/79446.00) Vacancy No. TO 5 YEARS) (Advt) C3218/2007 Duties: The Manager, Business Services is responsible for providing leadership and strategic direction in the provision of financial management, human resources management, communication and information technology and administration services that significantly contributes to the achievement of the SA Arid Lands NRM Board’s objectives. The Manager, Business Services contributes to the effective functioning of the SA Arid Lands NRM Board by ensuring the timely preparation of Board agendas and papers, recording of minutes and follow up of action items. The occupant is also responsible for the leadership and management of the Business Services Unit staff. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Tertiary qualifications in business administration management or a related area are desirable. Special Conditions: Out-of-hours work, intrastate and interstate travel may be required. Location: Port Augusta Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: SA Arid Lands NRM Board Enquiries and Applications to: Mr John Gavin, General Manager, SA Arid Lands NRM Board, PO BOX 2227, Port Augusta SA, 5700, telephone 08 8648 5977, email, web site Note: Position enquiries and job and person specifications available by phone 08 8648 5977 or Applications should be marked ‘Confidential’ and addressed to the General Manager, SA Arid Land NRM Board, PO BOX 2227, Port Augusta SA 5700 or emailed to Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Applications close 5.00pm on Monday 4th June, 2007. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 04 Jun 2007 Downloads: :\Manager Business Services.pdf 137 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) EMA COMMUNITY EDUCATION MANAGER ($71887.00/81030.00) Vacancy No. 3299/2007 Duties: The Community Education Manager (EMA) is responsible for the management and leadership of the work group and for ensuring it is capable of responding to the vocational education and training needs of Government, industry and student clients. Essential Minimum Qualifications: STEP ONE: A minimum of Certificate 4 Assessment & Workplace Training, and a Diploma in Management or equivalent qualification at AQF5 or higher. An EMA step 1 may apply to progress to EMA step 2 on completion of the necessary qualifications (outlined below) and demonstrated satisfactory performance over a 2-year period from the initial date of appointment. STEP TWO: An Undergraduate degree in Adult or Vocational Education, and a Diploma in Management (Min AQF5) or A Graduate Certificate in Management Or Undergraduate degrees in both Adult or Vocational Education and Management or Undergraduate Degree and formal Post Graduate qualifications in Adult or Vocational Education and Management Special Conditions: This is a full-time, permanent position located at Roxby Downs Campus. Some out of hours work may be required. Some inter and intrastate travel may be required. A flexible approach to duty hours, days and the taking of leave is essential. Appointment to this position will be subject to a satisfactory police check. Location: Roxby Downs Award: TAFE Act (Educational Staff) Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (Regional - Roxby Downs Regional Management) Enquiries to: Kym Williams, TAFE SA Regional, telephone 8648 9902, email Applications to: Ingrid White, Assistant HR Consultant, TAFE SA Regional, 141 Nicolson Avenue, Whyalla Norrie, 5608, telephone 8648 8709, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ingrid White, telephone 8648 8709 or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants are requested to provide an electronic copy of their application which addresses the Person Specification to Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 138 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) EXD 139 COMMISSIONER FOR FIRE AND EMERGENCIES (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP Vacancy No. TO 5 YEARS) (Advt) C3274/2007 Duties: The South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission was established in 2005 and reports to the Minister for Emergency Services. The Commission has broad powers and functions relating to Emergency Management and the provision of effective and efficient fire and emergency services. Reporting to the Minister for Emergency Services, the Commissioner is responsible for Emergency Management matters and will provide corporate leadership across the sector. The Commissioner has a range of legislative responsibilities, including being Chairman of the Commission Board and Chief Executive of the Commission. The Commissioner will be responsible for the development and management of a risk based Emergency Management Framework for the State within a National context. The Commissioner will also be responsible for the implementation of the Commission’s Strategic Plan and will contribute to the broader objectives of the South Australian Strategic Plan. The Government of South Australia is seeking a candidate who is an outstanding leader with extensive experience in emergency management, emergency services, or policing. The successful applicant will have highly developed skills and knowledge of organisational management, corporate governance, change management and have a proven commitment to community engagement. The terms and conditions are governed by the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005 within a negotiated contract of up to five (5) years. Special Conditions: Significant intrastate, interstate travel and out of hours work is required Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: SA Fire and Emergency Services Commission Enquiries to: Mr Vincent Monterola, Chairman South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission Board, SAFECOM, telephone 0419 807 727, email Applications to: Mr Richard Hassam, Director Human Services, SAFECOM, GPO Box 2706, ADELAIDE, 5000, telephone 8463 4080, email Note: Telephone 08 8463 4081 or Email to request a detailed Job and Person Specification. - Safety in our workplace is a core business value in the Strategic and Business directions and operations of our organisation. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) Lecturer 140 LECTURER - ACTING (VOICE AND SPEECH) (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($47690.00/65414.00) Vacancy No. TO 14/12/2007) (Advt) T3325/2007 Duties: The primary role of the lecturer is to provide instruction and guidance to students in order to facilitate satisfactory completion of the requirements of their course of study in accordance with relevant curriculum. Assist in the selection, counselling and support to students in the Acting Program. Participate in the development of delivery, assessment & learning support materials, maintenance of standards and administration of the Acting program, Adelaide Centre for the ARTS (AC ARTS). Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Degree or Diploma or equivalent from a recognised tertiary institution, and/or industry experience relevant to the position. Special Conditions: This is a temporary part-time position working 15.75 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some evening and weekend duty may be required. Some Intrastate and Interstate travel may be required. Located at the Adelaide Centre of Arts Campus, however the position may be required to be relocated across other areas of the Institute. A flexible approach to on duty hours and the taking of recreation leave is essential. The successful applicant must meet AQTF requirements for the delivery of this educational program, or agree to commence studying to obtain the relevant qualifications within 12 months of the appointment. Successful applicants at the ASL1 or ASL2 level will be required to perform their duties to the level as outlined in Schedule 2 Clause S2.3 of the TAFE (Educational Staff) Interim Award. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory police check. Required to participate in DFEEST Performance Management Program. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: TAFE Act (Educational Staff) Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (TAFE SA - Adelaide Centre for the Arts) Further Information: Enquiries to: Adelaide Centre for the Arts, Administration Office, telephone 08 8463 5000, email Applications to: Mr Ian Grant, Educational Manager, Adelaide Centre for the Arts / TAFE SA, GPO Box 1872, ADELAIDE SA, 5001, telephone 08 8463 5000, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Adelaide Centre for the Arts Administration Office, telephone 8463 5000 or via email to Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) Lecturer LECTURER - FINANCIAL SERVICES (TEMPORARY UP TO 14/12/2007) ($47690.00/65414.00) Vacancy No. T3280/2007 Duties: The primary role of the Lecturer, Financial Services is to provide instruction and guidance to students in order to facilitate satisfactory completion of the requirements of their course of study in accordance with relevant Training Packages or curriculum outcomes. The appointee will be required to teach and assess a wide range of units from within the Business Services program, with a focus on Law and Financial Services, or as part of a wider commercial application using a range of delivery methods. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Degree or Diploma or equivalent from a recognised tertiary institution, and/or industry experience relevant to the position. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be required to travel and work across and/or be located at any of the Institute's campuses as required. Some evening and weekend duty will be required. A flexible approach to duty hours and the taking of recreation leave is essential. Conditions: TAFE Act conditions apply. Required to participate in DFEEST Performance Management Program. The successful applicant must meet AQTF requirements for the delivery of this educational program, or agree to obtain the relevant qualifications within 12 months of appointment. Successful applicants at the Advanced Skills Lecturers 1 or 2 level will be required to perform their duties to the level outlined in Schedule 2, Clause S2.3 of the TAFE (Educational Staff) Interim Award. This position is a "prescribed position". Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory police check. Location: Adelaide CBD (Tea Tree Gully) Award: TAFE Act (Educational Staff) Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (TAFE SA - Adelaide North) Enquiries to: Baljit Bhela, Educational Manager, Business Services, telephone (08) 8229 1439, email Applications to: Diana Kelvin, Office Manager, Business Services, TAFE SA Tea Tree Gully Campus 100 Smart Road, Modbury, 5092, telephone (08) 8207 8092, email Note: Job & Person specifications are available from Diana Kelvin, telephone 8207 8092, or email Applicants are requested to forward an original application plus two copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 25 May 2007 Downloads: Job & Person Specification & Application Guideline:\TAN1422 Lecturer Fin Serv.doc 141 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) LSC2 SOLICITOR (Advt) Vacancy No. 3251/2007 Duties: The successful applicant will undertake general legal work in the capacity of an in-house legal practitioner and will also be expected to assist in the development of a family law practice in the areas serviced by the Commission's Whyalla office. This position is initially based at Whyalla but the successful applicant may be required to work at another Regional Office of the Commission, or other regional locations serviced by the Commission, as directed from time to time. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Admitted as a practitioner of the Supreme Court of South Australia. or currently eligible for admission to practice in South Australia. As a guide, a minimum two years post admission experience is required for appointment to this position. A knowledge of the operation of the Family Law Act and Child Support Legislation and experience in the Federal Magistrates Court or Family Court are essential. Special Conditions: The successful applicant will initially be based at the Commission’s Whyalla Office but may be required to work at either a Regional Office of the Legal Services Commission, or other regional locations serviced by the Legal Services Commission, as directed from time to time. The successful applicant must be willing to submit to a Police Records check. Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver’s licence and willingness to drive are desirable. The successful applicant will be required to attend training and family law program meetings in the Adelaide office. Full time / part time applicants will be considered. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Whyalla) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Legal Services Commission Enquiries to: Mr G Russell, Manager, Family Law Practice, Legal Services Commission, telephone 8463 3644, email Applications to: Peter Haskett, Deputy Director, Legal Services Commission, GPO BOX 1718, ADELAIDE, 5001, telephone 8463 3644, email Note: Job and Person Specifications and Guidelines on how to apply for positions at LSC are available from Fiona Roberts telephone 8463 3644, or email or downloaded from and Applicants are required to address all the essential and desirable requirements of the person specification in their application. An "Application for Advertised Positions" form must be completed and attached to the application. Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. The Legal Services Commission offers a smoke free environment and currently offers attractive salary sacrifice arrangements. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: LSC Guidelines:\LSC Application Guidelines .doc LSC2 J&P:\LSC2-FLPD-Whyalla-May 2007.doc 142 ($57972.00/62548.00) OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) LSC2 143 SOLICITOR (TEMPORARY FOR 12 MONTHS) ($57972.00/62548.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3270/2007 Duties: The successful applicant will undertake general legal work in the capacity of an in-house legal practitioner and will also be expected to assist in the development of policies and practices to enable the Commission to deliver effective family law services to indigenous South Australians. The successful applicant may be required to work at either a Regional Office of the Legal Services Commission, or other regional locations serviced by the Legal Services Commission within the metropolitan area, as directed from time to time. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Admitted as a practitioner of the Supreme Court of South Australia. or currently eligible for admission to practice in South Australia. As a guide, a minimum two years post admission experience is required for appointment to this position. A knowledge of the operation of the Family Law Act and Child Support Legislation and experience in the Federal Magistrates Court or Family Court are essential. Special Conditions: The Legal Services Commission in agreement with Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement is offering a 12 month contract to provide a family law service to indigenous clients of the Commission who have attended at the office of the ALRM seeking assistance in family law matters. The position will be based at the Adelaide offices of ALRM. The successful applicant may be required to work at regional offices of the Commission or other regional locations serviced by the Commission within the Metropolitan area and / or at offices of the Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement (ALRM). The successful applicant must be willing to submit to a Police Records check. A current driver’s licence and willingness to drive are desirable. The successful applicant will be required to attend training and family law program meetings in the Adelaide office. Some out of hours work may be required. Full time / part time applicants will be considered. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Legal Services Commission Enquiries to: Mr G Russell, Manager, Family Law Practice, Legal Services Commission, telephone 8463 3644, email Applications to: Peter Haskett, Deputy Director, Legal Services Commission, GPO BOX 1718, ADELAIDE, 5001, telephone 8463 3644, email Note: Job and Person Specifications and Guidelines on how to apply for positions at LSC are available from Fiona Roberts telephone 8463 3644, or email or downloaded from and Applicants are required to address all the essential and desirable requirements of the person specification in their application. An "Application for Advertised Positions" form must be completed and attached to the application. Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. The Legal Services Commission offers a smoke free environment and currently offers attractive salary sacrifice arrangements. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: LSC Guidelines:\LSC Application Guidelines .doc LSC2 J&P:\LSC2-FLPD-ALRM-May 2007.doc OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) LSC2 144 SOLICITOR / LEGAL ADVISER (TEMPORARY UP TO 31/12/2008) ($57972.00/62548.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3263/2007 Duties: The successful applicant will undertake general legal work in the capacity of an in-house legal practitioner and will also be expected to assist in the development of a family law practice in the areas serviced by the Commission's Port Augusta office. The successful applicant will also be required to provide advice to members of the public seeking assistance with Legal problems across the practice areas of family, civil and criminal law. This position is initially based at Port Augusta but the successful applicant may be required to work at another Regional Office of the Commission, or other regional locations serviced by the Commission, as directed from time to time. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Admitted as a practitioner of the Supreme Court of South Australia. or currently eligible for admission to practice in South Australia. As a guide, a minimum two years post admission experience is required for appointment to this position. A knowledge of the operation of the Family Law Act and Child Support Legislation and experience in the Federal Magistrates Court or Family Court are essential. Special Conditions: This position is a temporary contract until 31/12/08. The successful applicant will initially be based at the Commission’s Port Augusta Office but may be required to work at either a Regional Office of the Legal Services Commission, or other regional locations serviced by the Legal Services Commission, as directed from time to time. The successful applicant must be willing to submit to a Police Records check. A current driver’s licence and willingness to drive are desirable. The successful applicant will be required to attend training and family law program meetings in the Adelaide office. Some out of hours work may be required. Full time / part time applicants will be considered. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. Location: Eyre Peninsula (PORT AUGUSTA) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Legal Services Commission Enquiries to: Mr G Russell, Manager, Family Law Practice, Legal Services Commission, telephone 8463 3644, email Applications to: Peter Haskett, Deputy Director, Legal Services Commission, GPO BOX 1718, ADELAIDE, 5001, telephone 8463 3644, email Note: Job and Person Specifications and Guidelines on how to apply for positions at LSC are available from Fiona Roberts telephone 8463 3644, or email or downloaded from and Applicants are required to address all the essential and desirable requirements of the person specification in their application. An "Application for Advertised Positions" form must be completed and attached to the application. Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. The Legal Services Commission offers a smoke free environment and currently offers attractive salary sacrifice arrangements. The Legal Services Commission offers a smoke free environment and currently offers attractive salary sacrifice arrangements. Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: LSC Guidelines:\LSC Application Guidelines .doc LSC2 J&P:\LSC2-FLPD-Pt Aug-May 2007.doc OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) PO1 145 COASTAL MANAGEMENT OFFICER, EASTERN & SOUTHERN EYRE PENINSULA (PART-TIME) (CONTRACT ($43470.00/55890.00) Vacancy No. APPOINTMENT UP TO 5 YEARS) C3213/2007 (Advt) Duties: The Coastal Management Officer is responsible for providing a technical and specialist advice for issues impacting on coastal and marine management. This involves developing action plans targeting priority areas for on-ground works, supporting key stakeholders in managing projects that contribute to management of coastal and near shore environments. Coastal Management Officers are located in the central/western and southern/eastern areas of Eyre Peninsula. The incumbent works closely with other NRM staff, Coastal Councils, group and relevant stakeholders and agencies particularly the Department of Environment and Heritage. The incumbent also ensures that effective networks are developed and maintained and that specialist and technical coastal support and advice is provided to key stakeholders in an accurate and timely manner. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate Degree Special Conditions: The position is available from approximately the 1st July 2007.The position is located in the Southern and Eastern Eyre NRM group regions. This is a part time position at 37.5 hours per fortnight. Some out of hours work will be required. The incumbent must hold a current driver’s licence. Some travel within and external to the regional is required. The incumbent is required to participate in the Board’s performance review and development process. Location: Eyre Peninsula Award: Natural Resources Management Boards Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mr. Greg Secomb, Manager, Operations, EYRE PENINSULA NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT BOARD, Box 2916, PORT LINCOLN, 5606, telephone 08 8682 5655, email, web site Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 08 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\3213 Coastal Managment Eastern.doc OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) PO1 NRM OFFICER, WESTERN EYRE PENINSULA REGION (TEMPORARY FOR 1 YEAR) (Advt) ($43470.00/55890.00) Vacancy No. T3209/2007 Duties: The Natural Resources Management (NRM) Officer (Western) is responsible for providing a combination of strategic, technical and specialist advice for issues relating to biodiversity and land management in the Western NRM Region of Eyre Peninsula. This involves developing an action plan targeting priority areas for on-ground works, supporting landowners to manage their land in a manner that contributes to a comprehensive system of protected areas and contributing to the support and promotion of habitat and species recovery programs within the region. The incumbent will also ensure that effective networks are developed and maintained and that specialist and technical biodiversity support and advice is provided to landholders and other key stakeholders in an accurate and timely manner. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Degree in Environmental Science, Natural Resource Management or equivalent. Special Conditions: The position is a temporary twelve month contract position from approximately 23rd July 2007.The position is located within the Western NRM Group area of Eyre Peninsula. Some out of hours work will be required. The incumbent must hold a current driver’s licence. Some travel within and external to the regional is required. The incumbent is required to participate in the Board’s performance review and development process. Location: Eyre Peninsula Award: Natural Resources Management Boards Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mr. Greg Secomb, Manager, Operations, EYRE PENINSULA NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT BOARD, Box 2916, PORT LINCOLN, 5606, telephone 08 8682 5655, email, web site Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 08 Jun 2007 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\3209 NRM Officer Western.doc 146 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 18/5/07 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) PSO3/4 ASSET AND PROJECT ENGINEER (Advt) Vacancy No. 3317/2007 Duties: Job responsibility is to develop and implement a professional asset management program for the River Murray related assets managed by SA Water for the Murray Darling Basin Commission. This includes; Lake Victoria, Murray Mouth Barrages, Weirs and Locks 1 to 9, several Salt Interception Schemes, Environmental Works and Measures. The replacement cost of existing assets is in the order of $750M. The annual maintenance and renewals budget is $25 to 30M. Support the Operations Manager River Murray and have the ability to motivate and mentor an operational team, communicate effectively at all levels, apply strategic thinking and solve technical problems. Required to: develop and implement total asset management methodology for SA Water’s River Murray assets, lead the development of plans and programs for major maintenance and renewals projects, manage relevant investigation, design, procurement and construction contracts and ensure compliance with OHS&W regulations and environmental policies. Ideally have experience in river and open water systems and an understanding of environmental management principles. Be able to work autonomously as well as being a productive team member. Will also be required to represent the Corporation professionally and effectively in a variety of forums. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Engineering (Civil) and desirable to have additional qualifications and experience in project and asset management. Current drivers licence is essential. Special Conditions: Include being located in Berri and some intra and interstate travel requiring overnight absence. This senior role offers variety and rewarding challenges along the river system from beyond the Border to the Murray Mouth with a fantastic life style in South Australia’s Riverland region. Location: Riverland Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: SA Water Enquiries to: Ross Foster, Manager River Murray Operations, telephone 08 8595 2200, email Applications to: Mrs Pat Murphy, Administrative Officer, PO Box 546, BERRI, 5343, telephone 08 8595 2211, email Closing Date: 31 May 2007 147 ($66155.00/78990.00) WEEKLY PAID VACANCY INFORMATION WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES If you are applying for a weekly paid job in this Notice, your application should include this information: the title and number of the job you are applying for; your name; the name of the Agency or Statutory Authority where you are working and your work telephone number; a description of your work experience. If you have any problems or questions about your application you should talk to your supervisor, or you may want to talk to the Office of Public Employment. This Office is located on the 12th Floor, State Administration Centre, 200 Victoria Square, Adelaide. The telephone number is 8226 2893. If you have any questions about your rights to apply for other government jobs you should ask the Office of Public Employment (telephone 8226 2893). In this Notice there are also vacancies for promotional salaried positions. Weekly paid employees who are determined to be ‘relevant public employees’ under Regulation 11 of the Public Sector Management Act who wish to apply for any of these positions are welcome to do so. If you want to discuss any of the positions before putting in an application, you should contact the person whose name and telephone number is listed for enquiries for the position. REQUESTS TO CIRCULARISE VACANCIES Details of vacancies to be published in this section will be accepted by Business Services of the Office of Public Employment up to 12.00 p.m. FRIDAY prior to the date of issue of the Notice. Whenever possible however, agencies are encouraged to forward vacancy details as soon as they become available. This action will facilitate the clearing of positions for advertising in the Notice. The facsimile number is 8226 2966, and for any enquiries please telephone 8226 2893. 148 WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:18/5/07 NOTICE OF VACANCIES DATED 18 MAY 2007 WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES Weekly Paid 149 FOREST CONSTRUCTION WORKER (Advt) Vacancy No. 3217/2007 Duties: The applicant is to perform duties associated with forest establishment, maintenance, tending and protection operations which may include: Pruning and planting of trees, Truck driving and operation of machinery – mobile plant, Weed control, Spreading of mineral fertiliser and weed spraying, Fire standby and fire related duties, Tree selection and marking for thinning operations, Maintenance of records and an understanding and ability to apply quality control techniques in all forest work, Assisting in the provision of on the job training. Special Conditions: A minimum of 38 hours per week. Must be prepared to work overtime, associated with fire standby and fire fighting and other duties as required. Must wear regulation safety equipment and footwear as required. Must be physically fit for forestry work and fire fighting duties and a pre-placement medical assessment will be required. Location: South East (Mt Gambier) Award: SA Govt Civil Construction and Maintenance Award Rate of Pay: $681.74 (1st Increment) $691.84 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Forestry SA Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Jamie O'Neil, HR Officer, PO Box 162, Mt Gambier SA, 5290, telephone 08 87242804, email, web site Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 01 Jun 2007 Downloads: Application Form:\application FORM Mt Gambier CMW4.doc Position description:\Position Description.doc 150