Notice of vacancies Date of issue: 14 July 2006 Closing date for applications: 28 July 2006 * General information The notice of vacancies provides a list of public sector job vacancies. It is published weekly and should be made available to public sector employees at their usual place of work. For enquiries regarding placement of vacancies and other advertisements in this notice, please phone 8226 2893. For distribution enquiries, please phone Government Publishing SA on 8207 0910. If you are interested in any of the jobs listed, contact the person identified for a copy of the job & person specification or to discuss the position. From time to time information about matters that may affect your employment will be published in this Notice. If you are employed under the Public Sector Management Act, please check any Public Service Notices from the Commissioner for Public Employment. In relation to any commercial advertising in the notice, the views expressed are not necessarily those of the Commissioner for Public Employment. Applications for vacancies To be considered for jobs listed in this notice you must send your application to the address at the end of each advertisement, ensuring that it is received by the correct person AND by the closing date. All applications are treated in confidence. Interpreting services Those who need help to understand the contents of this notice can phone the Interpreting and Translating Centre on 8226 1990. * Unless shown otherwise THE NOTICE OF VACANCIES CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS: Eligibility to apply for vacancies contained in this Notice Public Service Notices (published when required) Public Sector Management Act (PSM Act) salaried vacancies South Australian Health Commission Act (SAHC Act) vacancies Other Public Sector salaried vacancies Weekly Paid vacancies ELIGIBILITY PUBLIC EMPLOYEES DETERMINED TO BE 'RELEVANT PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' UNDER REGULATION 11 OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT ACT In addition to Public Sector Management Act employees, only applications received from persons either employed by the following organisations or in the arrangements specified below will also be accepted for all vacancies listed unless marked (Advt) which are also being advertised in the public press. Public Sector Management Act employees of administrative units (includes those employees appointed subject to the provisions of the Act (ie ongoing) and those employees appointed on a contract basis (ie temporary, casual and longer term contract employees)) Hourly, daily and weekly paid employees of administrative units Employees of administrative units employed under the Children’s Services Act, 1985, the Education Act, 1972 or the Technical and Further Education Act, 1975 Police Officers employed in the Police Department who are Legal Officers, Engineers, Psychologists and Research Officers to whom Clause 29(f) of the Police Officers Award applies Participants of equal employment opportunity programs gazetted by the Minister under Section 67 of the Public Sector Management Act, in line with processes approved by the Commissioner for Public Employment. Further details on specific programs are provided in Commissioner’s Standard No 1 – A Planned Workforce Persons currently employed by South Australian Public Sector agencies through the South Australian Public Sector Graduate Recruitment Program for the first 12 months of employment under that Program Presiding Officer, Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal persons employed in the following public sector agencies and other organisations: 1 Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board Adelaide Festival Centre Trust Alinytjara Wilurara Natural Resources Management Board Carclew Youth Performing Arts Centre Incorporated Chiropractors Board of South Australia Courts Administration Authority, but only those appointed pursuant to the Courts Administration Act, 1993 including those appointed pursuant to Section 6(3) of the Sheriff’s Act, 1978 Country Arts SA Country Fire Services Board Dairy Authority of South Australia Education Adelaide Elliston Le Hunte Animal and Plant Control Board Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board Essential Services Commission of South Australia Government House Grant Animal and Plant Control Board History Trust of South Australia PUBLIC EMPLOYEES DETERMINED TO BE 'RELEVANT PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' UNDER REGULATION 11 OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT ACT (Continued) Homestart Finance, but only those employees who were formerly employees of the South Australian Housing Trust and who were transferred to Homestart Finance by proclamation of the Governor on 21 December 1995. Hospitals and Health Centres incorporated under the South Australian Health Commission Act, 1976 Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management Board Land Management Corporation, but only employees who: were transferred from the Department for Administrative and Information Services by proclamation of the Governor on 21 May 1998 or 18 December 2003; or were transferred from the Department for Environment, Heritage and Aboriginal Affairs by the Commissioner for Public Employment on 11 October 1999; or were previously employed as greenkeepers in the MFP Development Corporation; and who have maintained such rights since their transfer Legal Services Commission of South Australia Lucindale Naracoorte Animal and Plant Control Board Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board Northern Yorke Peninsula Animal and Plant Control Board Nurses Board of South Australia Parliament, Officers of either House or a person under the separate control of the President of the Legislative Council or the Speaker of the House of Assembly Personal Assistants to Members of Parliament (but not those employed on a temporary or casual basis) whose employment is or has been terminated because of a change of Member or status of Member as a result of the State Election on 18 March 2006. This determination is effective for any Personal Assistant who has been so terminated for a period of 15 months from the declaration of the poll Police Complaints Authority Rangelands Integrated Natural Resources Management Group SA Arid Lands Natural Resources Management Board SA Murray Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Board Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia South Australian Forestry Corporation South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service, but not operational firefighters South Australian Tourism Commission South Australian Water Corporation South East Natural Resources Management Board Superannuation Funds Management Corporation of South Australia Tandanya - National Aboriginal Cultural Institute Incorporated TransAdelaide, excluding AN employees made available to operate metropolitan railways West Beach Trust WorkCover Corporation of South Australia, but only those employees who were formerly members of the staff of the South Australian Occupational Health and Safety Commission as employees of the Department for Industrial Affairs and who transferred to WorkCover Corporation of South Australia by proclamation of the Governor pursuant to the Clause 2 of the Schedule of the WorkCover Corporation Act, 1994 and only in relation to Public Sector Management Act vacancies DISCLAIMER The State of South Australia does not sponsor, endorse or necessarily approve of any products or services advertised in the Notice of Vacancies by private sector entities and makes no warranties or representations regarding the quality, merchantability or fitness for purpose of those products or services. Please view this advertisement in print/page layout. The Public Service Medal is awarded as part of the national system of Australian Honours and Awards. All South Australian Public Sector employees are eligible for this award unless they are eligible for other comparable awards such as the Australian Police Medal and the Australian Fire Service Medal. The sole criterion for the award is ‘outstanding public service’. Outstanding service would include service above that normally expected on the job or special achievement in difficult or unusual circumstances. Service could be outstanding if it were seen to demonstrate a high degree of resource and devotion to duty in a particular situation, or in the exemplary discharge of special duties. This could be in areas such as: Service excellence to the public, internal or external clients Application of initiative, innovation or creativity to projects, programs or policy development Leadership either as an individual, a team member, or as a supervisor or manager Quality improvement contributions achieving more efficient processes, cost savings, improved products or better service delivery. The award is not an award for long service or for service at a senior level, and agencies are encouraged to consider nominating employees who have made outstanding contribution regardless of age, length of service or classification level. Nominations for the 2007 Australia Day Honours List are called for by the Public Service Medal Committee. These should be received by Friday, 28 July 2006. Nominations can be made by anyone on nomination forms available from the Office of Public Employment. They should be supported by three written referee statements. Nominations are confidential and any individual nominated would not normally be directly approached for information. For further information and copies of the nomination form please visit the Public Service Medal information on the Office of Public Employment website If you have any queries please contact Laura Harris on (08) 8226 2943. PSM ACT VACANCY INFORMATION PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT Please contact the Human Resources Section for details of the relevant agency’s conditions of employment. APPEAL RIGHTS Public Sector Management Act vacancies to be filled on an ongoing basis are subject to appeal pursuant to Section 43 of the Act, unless shown otherwise. With effect from 17/07/95 appeal rights exist for all ongoing positions at or below Executive Level 1 ie for positions with a salary or maximum salary limit less than $84,354 pa. No appeal rights exist for vacancies designated contract (including casual, temporary and longer term contracts). Appeal rights are only available to all employees of administrative units under the Public Sector Management Act with the exception of those employees employed on temporary, casual or longer term contracts who have 12 months or less continuous employment within the Public Service. Appeal rights are also available to: officers appointed under the Parliament (Joint Services) Act, 1985, including officers of either House of Parliament or a person under the separate control of the President of the Legislative Council or the Speaker of the House of Assembly; employees of the MFP Development Corporation to whom such rights have been extended by a proclamation of the Governor under Section 71 of the Public Sector Management Act and who retain such rights. REQUESTS TO CIRCULARISE VACANCIES Details of vacancies to be published in this section will be accepted by Business Services of the Office of Public Employment up to 12.00 p.m. FRIDAY prior to the date of issue of the Notice. Whenever possible however, agencies are encouraged to forward vacancy details as soon as they become available. This action will facilitate the clearing of positions for advertising in the Notice. The facsimile number is 8226 2966, and for any enquiries please telephone 8226 2893. PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM ASO1 HR ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($19194.00/35036.00) Vacancy No. T3503/2006 Duties: The HR Administrative Officer is primarily responsible for contributing to the timely and efficient administration and support of human resource systems and procedures and providing administrative support to the HR Team. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Travel between campuses and other Institutes may be required. Located with Adelaide Metro/Region. May be required to undertake duties in other locations within DFEEST at the same classification level. A flexible approach to duty hours and the taking of leave is essential. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (TAFE SA - Human Resources Unit - Adelaide City Campus) Enquiries and Applications to: Amelia Bolt, HR Consultant, Human Resources Unit, TAFE SA, Human Resources Unit, 120 Currie Street, Adelaide SA, 5000, telephone (08) 8207 8867, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Karen MacKinnon, Assistant HR Consultant, telephone (08) 8207 8858, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\TAS0133.doc Must Read Information for Applicants:\NOV P&W -Must Read.doc ASO1 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES OFFICER (LIBRARY) (TEMPORARY UP TO 22/12/2006) ($19194.00/35036.00) Vacancy No. T5345/2006 Duties: The Administrative Services Officer (Library) is responsible for the provision of customer services, clerical services, and support activities in the library which result in an effective and efficient library service to the Institute. Special Conditions: Rostered evening and/or weekend duty may be required. Some travel between campuses may be required. Located at Marleston Campus in the first instance. There is a requirement to travel between Institute campuses and/or be located at any of the Institute campuses as the need arises. A flexible approach to working hours and the taking of leave is essential. This position is a “prescribed position”. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory police check. Required to participate in Performance Management. Location: Adelaide Metro (Marleston) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (TAFE SA - Marleston Campus - Library Services Unit) Enquiries and Applications to: Jenny Natt, Senior Librarian, Library Services Unit, 120 Currie Street, 120 Currie Street, 5000, telephone 8207 8426, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Jenny Natt, telephone 8207 8426, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\ASO1 TAS0196 v2.doc 4 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO1 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($19194.00/35036.00) Vacancy No. (Advt-Recirc) T4627/2006 Duties: The Administrative Officer is accountable to the Office Manager for the provision of a variety of services, primarily assisting the Correspondence Officer, to facilitate efficient and effective administrative support to the Minister and Ministerial staff. The Administrative Officer is also responsible for providing a back-up reception service. Special Conditions: The incumbent is required to participate in a roster system, as the Office is open between 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday and some out of hours work may be required from time to time.The incumbent may be required to act in other positions within the Minister’s office (or to provide assistance) to cover the absence of fellow staff members. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Water, Land, and Biodiversity Conservation (Office of the Minister for the River Murray) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Heather Naumann, Office Manager, GPO Box 2834, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8207 2183, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Gemma May, telephone 8207 2190, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies, along with a current CV. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: J&P:\ASO1 Admin Officer.doc How to Apply:\How to apply_J&P.pdf ASO2 LEGAL SECRETARY (CASUAL) (Advt) Vacancy No. 5479/2006 Duties: The Legal Secretary is required to provide a confidential secretarial/keyboard and administrative support service to a group of lawyers employed in the Crown Solicitor’s Office. The Legal Secretary may also be required to provide a reception service to the Office and to relieve the Office Administrator in his/her absence. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work will be required during times of demand. The incumbent must be able to type at 65 wpm with 98% accuracy. Location: Various Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Attorney-General's (Crown Solicitor's Office - Business Services Section) Enquiries to: Jannie Donald, Personal Assistant, telephone 8207 1674, email Applications to: Sharyn Harvey, Office Administrator, Level 5, 45 Pirie Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8207 1629, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: J&P:\ASO2 Legeal Sec JULY 06.doc Guidelines on writing applications:\Guidelines on writing applications.doc 5 ($37253.00/40321.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 LEGAL SECRETARY (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T5480/2006 Duties: The Legal Secretary is required to provide a confidential secretarial/keyboard and administrative support service to a group of lawyers employed in the Crown Solicitor’s Office. The Legal Secretary may also be required to provide a reception service to the Office and to relieve the Office Administrator in his/her absence. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work will be required during times of demand. The incumbent must be able to type at 65 wpm with 98% accuracy. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Attorney-General's (Crown Solicitor's Office - Commercial Section) Enquiries to: Jannie Donald, Personal Assistant, telephone 8207 1674, email Applications to: Sharyn Harvey, Office Administrator, Commercial Section, Level 5, 45 Pirie Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8207 1629, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Guidelines on writing applications:\Guidelines on writing applications.doc J&P:\ASO2 Legeal Sec JULY 06.doc ASO2 LEGAL SECRETARY (Advt) Vacancy No. 5342/2006 Duties: The Legal Secretary is required to provide a confidential secretarial/keyboard and administrative support service to a group of lawyers employed in the Crown Solicitor’s Office. The Legal Secretary may also be required to provide a reception service to the Office and to relieve the Office Administrator in his/her absence. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work will be required during times of demand. The incumbent must be able to type at 65 wpm with 98% accuracy. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Attorney-General's (Crown Solicitor's Office - Commercial Section) Enquiries to: Jannie Donald, Personal Assistant, Commercial Section, Crown Solicitor's Office, telephone 8207 1674 Applications to: Sharyn Harvey, Office Administrator, Commercial Section, Crown Solicitor's Office, Level 5, 45 Pirie Street , Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8207 1629 Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: J & P:\Legal Secretary JP Spec x 3.doc Guidelines:\Guidelines on writing applications.doc 6 ($37253.00/40321.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 PAYROLL SERVICES OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 28/02/2007) ($37253.00/40321.00) ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (PART-TIME) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. T5329/2006 Duties: The Payroll Services Officer is responsible to the Payroll Systems Supervisor for the provision of specialist advice and all functions associated with producing the fortnightly salaries payroll and to maintain staff records of salaries, service and leave for staff of the Attorney-General's Department and agencies with service agreements to this Department. Ensure that salary payments are accurate, timely and have appropriate approvals. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Attorney-General's (Justice Portfolio Services - Human Resources - Payroll Services) Enquiries and Applications to: Rosetta Crugnale, Payroll Supervisor , Payroll Services, GPO Box 464, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8207 1867, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: J & P:\ASO2 Payroll Officer 4.doc Guidelines:\Guidelines on writing applications.doc ASO2 Vacancy No. 5257/2006 Duties: The Administrative Officer: Delivers a specialised range of administrative functions within the context of the Licensing and Standards Unit. Provides administrative support services to workgroups, clients and stakeholders in order to achieve Licensing and Standards Unit objectives and goals. Contributes to/supports the achievement of Licensing and Standards Unit client service objectives and goals. Contributes to the delivery and maintenance of efficient work practices within the Licensing and Standards Unit. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 18.75 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. The appointee maybe subject to a Criminal History check prior to confirmation of employment Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Education and Children's Services Enquiries and Applications to: Kathy Wright, A/Manager, Licensing & Standards, Education Building, 6th Floor, 31 Flinders St, Adelaide, 5075, telephone 8226 1324, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Nicole Goodchild, telephone 8226 1270, or email Additional temporary hours of work may be available depending on the availability of funding. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\ASO2 lic standards june2006 (2).doc 7 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) Vacancy No. 5112/2006 Duties: The Program Administration delivers a specialised range of administrative functions to support the operations of the Education Services Unit, provides administrative support services to workgroups, clients and stakeholders in order to achieve the provision of an effective accredited learning and development service within a Registered Training Organisation for the department, contributes to / and supports the achievement of workgroup/and unit client service objectives and goals and contributes for the delivery and maintenance of efficient work practices within the Education Services Unit. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. The Program Administrator to be based at the Education Development Centre, Milner St, Hindmarsh. The appointee may be subject to a Criminal History check prior to confirmation of appointment. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Education and Children's Services (Office of People & Culture - Education Services, HR Development) Enquiries to: Kathryn Jones, telephone 8463 5823, email Applications to: Nicole Highett, Level 2, Milner Street, Hindmarsh, 5007, telephone 8463 5817, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Nicole Highett, telephone 8463 5817, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. A temporary appointment may also be made from this vacancy. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\ASO2 Program Admin.doc 8 ($37253.00/40321.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 9 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T5237/2006 (Advt) Duties: The Administrative Officer is accountable to the Team Leader (DFC Support Team) for the provision of a general administrative service to the Support Team. Special Conditions: The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of specific outcomes. The incumbent may be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or its equivalent. Some out of hours work may be required. A satisfactory offender history check is required. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Division as reflected in the Divisional Business Plan. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Customer Relations - Commission of Inquiry (Children in State Care)) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms T. Djakovic, Team Leader, Customer Relations, Qantas House Level 3 GPO Box 292, Adelaide SA, 5001, telephone 8207 0923, email Note: Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Job and Person Specifications are available from Sue Lewis, telephone 82266045, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\Admin Officer ASO2 - COI.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER (TEMPORARY FOR 6 MONTHS) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. T5238/2006 Duties: The Records Management Officer contributes to the provision of an efficient and effective records management services to Families SA, by providing a timely file creation and classification service, maintaining the records of all disposal activities, retrieving records as required, and assisting with the ongoing maintenance, storage and disposal of records. Special Conditions: Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Some out of hours work may be required. The incumbent may be required to travel or work across and, or be located at any of the Department for Families and Communities Units/Divisions as required. Required to enter into a performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Customer Relations Unit) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mr J. Fitzpatrick, Records Manager, Families SA - Customer Relations Unit, GPO Box 292 , Adelaide, SA, 5001, telephone 8226 6876, email Note: Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Job and Person Specifications are available from Sue Lewis telephone 82266045 or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\RMO ASO2 JPS-current.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 10 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ACCOUNTING SERVICES OFFICER (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 5303/2006 Duties: The Accounting Services Officer is responsible for the provision of a broad range of Accounting Services functions to DFEEST including, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Banking facilities. This position will perform a range of specialised Accounts Payable systems requirements and administrative functions resulting in timely and accurate financial information. Special Conditions: Some Intra-state travel maybe required. Some out-of-hours work may be required .A flexible approach to the taking of recreation leave is essential. The successful applicant will be required to participate in the Performance Management process. This position is a ‘prescribed position.’ Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory police check. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (Shared Business Services Financial, Asset and Procurement Services - Accounting Services) Enquiries and Applications to: Danielle Ritter , Coordinator, Accounting Services , Level 3, 31 Flinders Street, Adelaide , 5000, telephone 8226 2425, email Note: 2 positions are available. Job and Person Specifications are available from Danielle Ritter, telephone 8226 2425, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees, one being a line manager. Applicants are also required to address the criteria of the Job and Person Specification in their application. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: J&P:\AS02 Acc Serv Offr July 06.doc Job Application Guidelines:\Job Application Guidelines Feb 2006.doc 11 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 12 PROJECT OFFICER - MARKETING (EDITH COWAN) (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. TO 22/12/2006) T5338/2006 Duties: The Project Officer – Marketing (Edith Cowan) is responsible to the lecturing staff, Marketing Studies and is responsible to the Educational Manager, Business Studies and accountable to General Manager, Business Services &Educational Support for the provision of a diversified range of administrative support services, which results in efficient and effective quality service to the clients, particularly students and staff of the department. Special Conditions: A flexible approach to duty hours and the taking of leave is essential. May be required to travel across campuses and interstate. Adelaide City Campus. May be required to be relocated across the Institute & Department. This is a part-time temporary position working 18.75 hours per week up to 22/12/06 in the first instance. This is a ‘prescribed’ position. Appointment is subject to a satisfactory Police check. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (TAFE SA - Adelaide City Campus - Business Studies) Enquiries to: Roberta Veale, Business Studies, telephone 8207 8334, email Applications to: Merilyn Higgins, Office Manager, TAFE SA, 120 Currie Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8207 8638, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Merilyn Higgins, telephone 8207 8638, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 21 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\ASO2 ADP226 v6.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) AMENDMENT ASO2 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. T5132/2006 Amended To: ASO2 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T5132/2006 Duties: The Administrative Support Officer is responsible for providing a confidential, effective and efficient secretarial and administrative service which contributes to the effective operations of the Office the Executive Director. Special Conditions: This is a temporary full-time position up to 6 months in the first instance. Located at the Adelaide City Campus in the first instance, but may be relocated across the Institute and Department. Some out of hours work may be required; the incumbent will be required to work on a rotational basis between the hours of 8.00am to 6.00pm. Incumbent may be required to travel between TAFE SA campuses as required. A flexible approach to working hours and the taking of leave is essential. This is a ‘prescribed position’. Appointment is subject to a satisfactory police check. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Amended Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (TAFE SA - Adelaide City Campus - Office of the Executive Director) Enquiries and Applications to: Alexandra Hall, A/Manager, Executive Services, TAFE SA 120 Currie Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8207 8239, Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Gabriella Ferraro, telephone 8207 8693, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 17 Jul 2006 13 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 FEE FOR SERVICE COORDINATOR (TEMPORARY UP TO 3 MONTHS) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. T4978/2006 Duties: The Fee For Service Course Coordinator is responsible for the coordination and administration of Fee for Service and Short Courses run by the Hotel Division and is responsible for the provision of accurate and timely information to industry and the general public, undertaking a range of administrative functions, which assist educational staff in the effective training of students within the program. Special Conditions: This position is a "prescribed position". Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory police check. Some out of hours work may be required at certain times of the year. Some intra/interstate travel may be required. Required to participate in DFEEST Performance Management Program. Location: Adelaide Metro (Regency Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (TAFE SA - Hotel Division) Enquiries and Applications to: Kylie Gabell, Hotel Division, Days Road, Regency Park, 5010, telephone 8348 4447, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Kylie Gabell, telephone 8348 4447, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specifications:\FFS Course Coordinator ASO2.doc 14 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 LIBRARY TECHNICIAN (TEMPORARY UP TO 28/04/2007) Vacancy No. T5307/2006 Duties: The Library Technician is accountable to the Librarian for contributing to the provision of timely, accurate and relevant information and library services to staff and students at the Institute. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Library Technician’s qualification required or equivalent. Special Conditions: Rostered evening and/or weekend duty may be required. Some travel between campuses may be required. There is a requirement to travel between Institute campuses and/or be located at any of the Institute campuses as the need arises. A flexible approach to working hours and the taking of recreation leave is required. Will be required to participate in performance management. Prescribed Position: Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory police check. Location: Adelaide Metro (Regency Campus) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (TAFE SA - Regency Campus - Library Services) Enquiries to: Mitra Iraji, Librarian, Library Services, telephone 83484239, email Applications to: Anne Smart, Manager, Library Services, TAFE SA Regency Campus Days Road, Regency Park, 5010, telephone 0437810270 / 83484235, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Job and Person Specifications are available from Anne Giglio, telephone: 83484237 or email Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. This position is a prescribed position. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory police check. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: J&P Specification and Application Guide:\TAN0585 Library Technician.doc Employment Declaration:\hrb49.doc ASO2 ($37253.00/40321.00) CORRESPONDENCE /ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT OFFICER ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 5163/2006 Duties: Provide an efficient and effective correspondence service, utilising RecFind, maintain complaint register, general administration tasks, maintain general upkeep of office equipment, requisition stationery, maintain health distribution address lists, responsible for requisitioning and distribution of MHU policies/ general publications, backup support for Masterpiece purchasing and accounts payable, word processing services. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Required to enter into a performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Mental Health Unit) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Sue Johnson, Business Manager, Mental Health Unit, PO Box 287, Rundle Mall or Level 8 Citi Centre, 11 Hindmarsh Square , Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 6182, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Sue Johnson, telephone 8226 6182, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 15 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 16 PROJECT SUPPORT OFFICER (PART-TIME) (CONTRACT ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. APPOINTMENT FOR 2 YEARS) C5214/2006 Duties: The Project Support Officer will support the management and delivery of the Winegrape HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) and Competency-based training programs. The incumbent ensures provision of a high quality project support service, particularly in areas of coordination workshops and meetings, production of workshop materials, client database management and project administration. For success in this position the appointee will need strong customer orientation for both internal and external clients, excellent communication skills particularly with non English speaking clients and technical skills which are relevant to the provision of an effective project support service. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 30 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked.The part time (up to 0.8FTE) contract position is initially for two years subject to the continuation of funding. The position is initially located at the Loxton Office but appointee may be required to relocate elsewhere within the State.Core business hours are between 8.45am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays, but variation of these hours may be negotiated.Occasional out of hours work and intrastate travel may be required.A current driver's licence is desirable. The incumbent will be required to maintain a safe working environment by adopting appropriate hazard management practices consistent with the role. The incumbent will be expected to uphold the Employee Conduct Standards contained in the Public Sector Management Act (1995)*. Location: Riverland (Loxton) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Primary Industries and Resources (Rural Solutions SA) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Dafni Polymiadis, Team Leader, Riverland/SE, Rural Solutions SA, telephone (08) 85959115 or 0427 392 572, email Applications to: Mrs Fiona Black, Human Resource Consultant, Rural Solutions SA, GPO Box 1671, Adelaide, 5001, telephone (08) 8226 1960, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies, including contact details for three current referees. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\ASO-2 Project Support Officer SHS.doc Guidelines:\pos_desc_how_to_apply.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT (Advt) Vacancy No. 4280/2006 Duties: To provide a high-level secretarial, administrative and project support services to the SafeWork SA Directorate, including the coordination of Parliamentary documentation. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Keswick) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Administrative and Information Services (SafeWork SA) Further Information:, Enquiries to: Ms Renea Everett, HR Project Officer, SafeWork SA, telephone 8463 4949, email Applications to: Mr Bryan Russell, Director Strategic Interventions, SafeWork SA, GPO Box 465, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8303 0232, email, web site Note: Position descriptions are available from Judy Best, telephone 8463 4998, email (see Page 4 for job application guidelines). Please forward an original application (marked confidential) plus two copies. External applicants to government are required to complete the ‘Declaration on Application for Employment in the South Australian Public Sector’ and submit as a component of their written application. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\ASO3 Executive Assistant SI.doc Declaration Form:\HR 1 Declaration.doc ASO3 ($43385.00/46453.00) INFORMATION OFFICER (OHS) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 5236/2006 Duties: The Information Officer is accountable to the Manager, Help & Early Intervention Centre for assisting industry to achieve the best possible occupational health and safety outcomes in South Australian workplaces. The Officer is responsible for the effective and efficient dissemination of State occupational health and safety advice as well as other Acts of Parliament administered by this Agency to the community. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Provide front counter customer service and advice on a rotating roster. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Administrative and Information Services (SafeWork SA) Further Information:, Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Anne Hallion, A/Manager, Help & Early Intervention Centre, SafeWork SA, GPO Box 465, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 0421 098 120, email, web site Note: Position descriptions are available from Lyn Vujadinov, telephone 8204 9895, or email Please forward an original application (marked confidential) plus two copies. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: position description:\ASO3 OHS Info Officer.doc 17 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 5328/2006 Duties: The Office Administrator is accountable to the Manager, Government Investigations Unit, for the provision of a comprehensive administrative/financial/secretarial and personnel management service which contributes to the effectiveness of the operations of the Government Investigations Unit of the Crown Solicitor’s Office. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Attorney-General's (Government Investigations Unit - Crown Solicitor's Office) Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Andrew Hill, Manager Government Investigations Unit, Crown Solicitor's Office, Government Investigations Unit GPO Box 464 , Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8204 9428, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: J&P:\office administrator cso.doc Guidelines:\Guidelines on writing applications.doc ASO3 PERSONAL ASSISTANT - SUPREME COURT JUDGE (Advt) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 5256/2006 Duties: The Personal Assistant is responsible for the provision of a confidential secretarial, administrative and clerical service as required by a Judge of the Supreme Court, which results in achieving the efficient operation of the Judge’s Chambers and supports the Judge in his/her activities Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Appointment is under the Courts Administration Act, 1993 and terms and conditions of employment are governed by the Public Sector Management Act, 1995. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Courts Administration Authority (Supreme Court) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Dianne Mifsud, Exec Assist to Chief Justice, Supreme Court, telephone 8204 0390, email Applications to: Ms Julie Jolley, Manager, Judicial Support, Supreme Court, 1 Gouger Street , Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8204 0024, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Wendy Pfoertsch, telephone 8204 0471 or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Risk management and safety are core values of the Authority. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 24 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job Profile:\Judges PA Job Profile 2006.doc Guide for Applicants:\Guide For Applicants.doc 18 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. TO 12 MONTHS) T5119/2006 Duties: The high level objectives to be met by the incumbent of this position are to provide high quality project support to the Public Affairs Branch by undertaking and assisting with a broad range of branch activities including liaison with other government agencies and private contractors. Special Conditions: Based in Adelaide CBD. Some out of hours work will be required. This is a part-time position working 22.5 hours per week (7.5 hrs per day Monday, Wednesday & Friday) and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Refer to the Job and Person Specification for further conditions. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Environment and Heritage Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Kate Zealand, telephone (08) 8226 2965, email Applications to: Recruitment Selection Team, Human Resource Services, Department for Environment Heritage, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, 5001, telephone (08) 8204 1898, email Note: Applicants must address the Selection Criteria listed in the Person Specification. Job and Person Specifications are available from the Recruitment Selection Team by email at or by telephone on (08) 8204 1898. Please forward 4 copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Please quote vacancy number T5119/2006 when applying. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Applicant Guidelines:\Applicants Guidelines DEH .doc Job and Person Specification:\ c ASO3 ASSISTANT PROJECT OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. T5258/2006 Duties: The Assistant Project Officer contributes to the development, implementation and monitoring of projects within the Customer Relations Unit (CRU) which contributes to the successful delivery of the CRU programs across the State and the achievement of operational objectives. Special Conditions: Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Required to enter into a performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Customer Relations Unit) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mr John Fitzpatrick, Records Manager, Families SA - Customer Relations Unit, GPO Box 292, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 82266876, email Note: Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Job & Person Specifications are available from Jason Paiva telephone 08 82266896, or email Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\Asst Project Officer Cust.Rel Unit.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 19 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 SECURITY SERVICES OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T5158/2006 Duties: The Security Services Officer is accountable to the Security, Manager for the effective operation of security services within the Department for Families and Communities. The incumbent will be required to participate in the day to day security operations for the designated areas of control as defined in the Security Risk Management Plan. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Required to enter into a performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Organisational Development - Facility Services Security Services) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Darren Deane, Security, Manager, Facility Services, telephone 8207 0648, email Applications to: Mrs Lynda Bucsai, Administrative Officer, Facility Services, GPO Box 1669 , Adelaide, 5008, telephone 8207 0724, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Lynda Bucsai, telephone 8207 0724, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\Security Officer ASO3.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf ASO3 ($43385.00/46453.00) PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. T5349/2006 Duties: A challenging opportunity exists for a skilled Project Administrator wishing to develop their organisational skills, critical thinking skills and demonstrate their initiative. The position: Delivers a specialised range of project and related administrative functions within the bounds of a continuous improvement initiative. Contributes to and supports the achievement of the continuous improvement project Terms of Reference and goals. Contributes to the delivery and maintenance of efficient work practices within the bounds of the continuos improvement project Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (Aligned to the Office of the Chief Executive) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Elayne Neill, Project Manager, Level 1, West, 31 Flinders Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 3821, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Elayne Neill, telephone 8226 3292, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 24 Jul 2006 Downloads: J & P:\ASO3 Project Administrator.DOC Job Guidelines:\Job Application Guidelines Feb 2006.doc 20 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 PERSONAL ASSISTANT (TEMPORARY FOR 3 MONTHS) ($43385.00/46453.00) PURCHASING OFFICER (Advt) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. T5336/2006 Duties: The Personal Assistant is responsible to the General Manager (D) Educational Programs & Services for providing a confidential, effective and efficient secretarial and administrative service. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required and a flexible approach to the hours of duty is essential. Intrastate travel may be required. There is a requirement to travel between campuses and/or be located at any of the campuses as the need arises. Required to participate in DFEEST Performance Management Program. This position is a "prescribed position". Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory police check. This position is a "prescribed position". Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory police check. Location: Adelaide Metro (Regency Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (TAFE SA - Regency Campus - Regency International Centre) Enquiries and Applications to: Derrick Casey, Regency International Centre, Regency Campus Days Road , Regency Park , 5010, telephone 8348 4469, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Derrick Casey, telephone 8348 4469, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: PA RIC:\TAN 0367 Personal Assistant RIC.doc ASO3 Vacancy No. 5261/2006 Duties: The Purchasing Officer is accountable to the Principal Contract Manager for the provision of a purchasing processing service. The service includes the provision of advice to internal customers on purchasing procedures and product information and provision of purchasing services for goods and services with a total contract value of less than $50,000 (including GST). Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Must be licensed to drive a car. The incumbent must be prepared to be assigned to another position at this remuneration level, or equivalent. The incumbent will participate in special projects, as required. The incumbent must be prepared to commit to South Australia Police Code of Conduct. Location: Adelaide CBD (Procurement and Contract Management Services Branch) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Police (Business Service) Enquiries to: Mark Peterson, Principal Contract Manager, telephone 820 42405, email Applications to: Personnel Clerk, GPO Box 1539, ADELAIDE SA, 5001 Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Job and Person Specifications are available from Moira O'Neil, telephone 820 42754, or email Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\JobApplicationGuidelines.doc Job and Person Specification:\Purchasing Officer ASO3.doc 21 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) 22 ASO3 OFFICE MANAGER (TEMPORARY UP TO 30/03/2007) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. (Recirc) T4555/2006 Duties: The Office Manager is a position within the Office for Volunteers. This position reports to the General Manager and is responsible for the provision of a total administrative service, including document and records management practices, accounts/finance processes and reporting, HR support and advice, and to facilitate the effective operations of the Office for Volunteers. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required (including weekends and public holidays).The incumbent must be prepared for the possibility of being assigned to another position at this remuneration level or equivalent.This position is temporary for an initial period of up to 9 months with the possibility of an extension. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Primary Industries and Resources Enquiries and Applications to: Ms S Panton, Assistant Human Resources Consultant, Corporate HR, Level 16, 25 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 0207, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\ASO3_OfficeManager_OFV.doc How to Apply:\Guidelines Howtoapply(Jan05).doc ASO3 SERVICE DESK OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T5309/2006 Duties: The Service Desk Officer is accountable to the Team Leader, Service Desk for: providing a range of customer services to support the efficient and effective operation of the Department's desktop environment, core and other relevant DTF business applications and information communication and technology services (ICTS) infrastructure Special Conditions: This position may be offered on either a full-time or part-time basis. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Treasury and Finance (Corporate Services - ICT Services) Enquiries and Applications to: Daniel Hughes, Team Leader Service Desk, ICT, State Administration Centre 200 Victoria Square , Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 0540, email Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: S D Officer J & P:\SD Officer ASO3 J & P.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 23 COMPLIANCE SERVICES OFFICER GRADE III (STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE & PLANNING) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 5275/2006 Duties: The Compliance Services Officer Grade III is responsible to the Principal Compliance Officer, Strategic Intelligence and Planning for assisting in analysis, research and reporting tasks relating to organisational, compliance and revenue issues. The incumbent is required to contribute to the development of compliance programs and assist in the development of intelligence database or compliance program systems. Special Conditions: Some country or interstate work involving overnight absences and after hours work may be involved. Possession of, and willingness to use a current drivers licence is essential. Applicants are required to authorise a check of Police Offender History Records, and the successful applicant must not have been found guilty of any relevant offence. The Department of Treasury and Finance is committed to recruitment, training and retention of a skilled workforce. Where diversity is valued, where flexibility in employment arrangements is encouraged and where career development opportunities are clear and defined. This position may be offered on either a full-time or part-time basis. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. All staff within the Department are required to participate in and contribute to the performance management process. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Treasury and Finance (RevenueSA - Compliance Services) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mrs M Kokoti, Principal Compliance Officer, RevenueSA Compliance Services, GPO Box 2149, Adelaide SA, 5001, telephone 8226 3769, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Susan Shanahan, telephone 8226 3764, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants must state their ability to meet each of the requirements detailed in the Job & Person Specification. Applications should be marked 'Private & Confidential'. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: ASO3 CSOfficer:\Aso3 Intelligence.doc ApplnGuidelines:\Guidelines.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 DIVISIONAL ADMINISTRATION OFFICER ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 5154/2006 Duties: The Divisional Administrative Officer provides coordination, support and improvement to key administrative and business processes in the Resource Allocation Division, and facilitates the effective provision of administrative support and advice to the Directors, Executive Directors, Chief Executive and Minister. The Divisional Administrative Officer also, during lunch periods and periods of leave or other absence, undertakes the role of the Administrative Officer, providing reception services to the public and administrative support to members of the Office of the Chief Executive, including the Executive Director, Corporate Strategy and Business Services, the Principal Adviser and the Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive. Special Conditions: Some intrastate/interstate travel may be required involving overnight absences. Some out of hours work may be required. A current Driver’s Licence is essential. When relieving as the Administrative Officer, work fixed hours of 8.30am to 5.00pm daily and undertake all of the roles and functions of that officer. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Water, Land, and Biodiversity Conservation (Natural Resource Management Services Directorate - Resource Allocation Division - Executive Group) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Colin White, Manager, Licensing Administration, GPO Box 2834, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8463 6891, email, web site Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Colin White, Manager Licensing Administration, telephone 8463 6891, or email Please forward three copies of your application along with a current CV. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Please address the essential and desirable minimum requirements listed in the job and person specification, in your application. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: J&P:\ASO-3 Div Admin Officer.doc How to apply:\How to apply_J&P.pdf 24 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 PERSONAL ASSISTANT TO THE CHIEF OF STAFF (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. T5343/2006 Duties: The Personal Assistant to the Chief of Staff is accountable to the Chief of Staff for the provision of a confidential, secretarial and administrative support service to the Ministerial Advisers and Chief of Staff. This includes the provision of undertaking project work and research under limited direction. The Personal Assistant is also responsible for co-ordinating the distribution of Cabinet Submissions and cabinet comments as well as providing general administrative support to the Ministerial office. The Personal Assistant will have a close working relationship with The Chief of Staff, Advisers and Office Manager to ensure a consistent approach in all departmental policies and procedures. Special Conditions: The Minister’s Office is a smoke free workplace. The Minister’s Office is committed to reducing its energy usage and contributing to the SA Government’s greenhouse gas emission targets. The incumbent is required to participate in a roster system, as the office is open between 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday and some out-of-hours work may be required from time to time. The incumbent may be required to act in other positions within the Minister’s office (or to provide assistance) to cover the absence of fellow staff members. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Water, Land, and Biodiversity Conservation (Office of the Minister for the River Murray) Further Information: Enquiries to: Heather Naumann, Office Manager, telephone 8207 2183 , email Applications to: Bronwyn Wilson, Correspondence and Resources Administrator, GPO Box 2834, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8207 2197, email, web site Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Bronwyn Wilson, telephone 8207 2197, or email Please forward three copies of your application along with a current CV. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Please address the essential and desirable minimum requirements listed in the job and person specification, in your application. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: J&P:\PA to COS 130606.doc How to apply:\How to apply_J&P.pdf 25 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 VACANT PROPERTY MANAGER (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T5224/2006 Duties: The Vacant Properties Manager is accountable to the Manager, Residential Sales & Acquisitions for managing the transition of vacant properties from other DFC Divisions to Real Estate Services and ensuring they are prepared for sale in a timely and efficient manner. The Vacant Properties Manager is accountable for ensuring transfer targets are met for the SACHA/AHA (South Australian Community Housing Authority/ Aboriginal Housing Authority) transfers, and the Asset Acquisition Program. The Vacant Properties Manager will also ensure the accurate and timely reporting on these programs, and regularly liaise directly with other Housing SA units. Special Conditions: A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. A flexible approach to duty hours and the taking of leave is essential. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Asset Services - Real Estate Services) Further Information: Enquiries to: Olivia Piper, Property Services Manager, Real Estate Services, telephone 82070152 Applications to: Kara-lee Karpluk, Office Manager, Real Estate Services, GPO BOX 292, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 82070372, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Kara-lee Karpluk, telephone 82070372, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 26 ($49584.00/51874.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 HOUSING OFFICER (Advt) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 5083/2006 Duties: The Housing Officer is responsible for assessing, advising, and coordinating the appropriate provision of (public/private) housing across the Aboriginal Rental Housing Program and General Housing Program for Housing SA customers. This ensures the achievement of strategic housing objectives, which results in maintaining successful tenancies and services within a designated geographical area of responsibility. The Housing Officer reports to the Manager, Housing SA, Port Lincoln Region, liaises with tenants and consults and negotiates with numerous internal and external stakeholders eg; (Real Estate Officers, Benefit Review Officers, Risk Management, OHS&W Officers, Recovery Officers, Offices of Members of Parliament, Residential Tenancy Officers, other Government and Non Government service providers including representatives from other housing and related agencies). Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Required to enter into a performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Ceduna) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Housing SA) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr M Breuker, Manager, Housing SA, telephone 8683 2101, email Applications to: Mrs A Jones, Customer Service Officer, Housing SA, 10 Hallett Place PO Box 1241, Port Lincoln, 5606, telephone 8683 2120, email Note: Job and Person Specifications and Application Form are available from Anne Jones, telephone 8683 2120, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 AMENDMENT ASO4 EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. T4942/2006 Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (TAFE SA -Office of the Executive Director -Adelaide City Campus) Applicants and intending applicants are advised that the position advertised in the Notice of Vacancies dated 07 Jul 2006 has been withdrawn from call 27 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 SERVICE FINANCE OFFICER (Advt) Vacancy No. 5285/2006 Duties: The Service Finance Officer is accountable for the provision of client focussed, professional financial and administrative advice and analysis on a range of Business Service support services. The position is responsible for the establishment, monitoring and analysis of the Service’s capital, revenue and recurrent budgets, provides expert financial, workforce and strategic planning advice, informing the Director on strategic and critical Service budget matters, attending to financial enquiries and preparing and assisting in the development of business cases and concept analysis briefs and assisting in managing project purpose funding for the Service. The incumbent will also organise and prepare briefing papers, assist in the processing of administrative matters and provide strategic project support as required. This role will also provide a backup function to the Planning and Audit role requiring the coordination of Service planning and audit requirements. The Service Finance Officer is also required to provide financial assistance, advice and liaise with all Service Branch Managers particularly on aspects of the capital and recurrent expenditure. The incumbent is responsible for undertaking financial and administrative reviews and assessing opportunities to minimise costs to ensure operations are maintained at an optimal/economic level and those practices meet SAPOL’s strategic requirements. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree in Accountancy, Commerce, Economics, Business Management or a related discipline, majoring in Accounting. Special Conditions: The occupant may be required to work outside of normal hours and some intra/interstate travel may be required from time to time. The Service Finance Officer may be required to provide similar assistance within another Service on a needs basis. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. Location: Adelaide CBD (Business Service) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Police Enquiries to: Jane Hunt, Manager, Business Service Support Branch, telephone 8204 2912, email Applications to: Personnel Clerk, GPO Box 1539, ADELAIDE SA, 5001 Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\JobApplicationGuidelines.doc Job and Person Specification:\Finance Officer ASO-4.doc 28 ($49584.00/51874.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) AMENDMENT ASO4 ACCREDITATION AUDITOR-REGIONAL (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 5164/2006 Duties: The Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure is seeking enthusiastic candidates for the position Accreditation Officer Auditing. This person will contribute to the continued development of a viable and sustainable motor driving instruction industry that provides quality services to the South Australian community. The successful applicant will be responsible for conducting audits and competency based assessments of Authorised Examiners and Accreditated Instructors, in both cars and commercial vehicle classes, to the approved audit standards. The person will be responsible for generating audit reports that are consistent with contemporary audit practices, identifying risk areas and recommending and participating in corrective action, to ensure continuous improvement and compliance to standards. If you possess excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to deal with diverse groups of people, have a knowledge of contemporary audit practices and experience in producing written audit reports based on the principles of objectivity, fairness, then you maybe the applicant we are looking for. Amended Special Conditions: The position is managed from the Driver Training & Audit Section at Oaklands Park, but the incumbent will be based in a regional area, works with considerable autonomy and is required to travel extensively across the State as required. Required to work flexibly as per operational needs with the potential for some after-hours and weekend work. A flexible attitude to the taking of annual leave is required. A current unconditional (full) Drivers Licence and ability to drive a manual vehicle is required. The incumbent is required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes and participate in professional development, as required, in a contemporary training environment. Employees new to DTEI will be required to undergo a Police clearance. Location: Various (Regional) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure Enquiries to: Mrs June Milton, Driver Training and Audit, telephone 8374 5114, Applications to: Ms Lena English, HR Officer, Safety and Regulation Division, Po Box 1, WALKERVILLE SA, 5081, telephone 8343 2800, Amended Note: Please note that the Job and Person Specification has been amended on the online version of the Notice of Vacancies. Job and Person Specifications are also available from Nic Cudarans, telephone 8343 2374 or email Please forward three copies of your application. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 21 Jul 2006 29 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) AMENDMENT ASO4 ACCREDITATION OFFICER-METRO (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 5183/2006 Duties: The Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure is seeking enthusiastic candidates for the position Accreditation Officer Auditing. This person will contribute to the continued development of a viable and sustainable motor driving instruction industry that provides quality services to the South Australian community. The successful applicant will be responsible for conducting audits and competency based assessments of Authorised Examiners and Accreditated Instructors, in both cars and commercial vehicle classes, to the approved audit standards. The person will be responsible for generating audit reports that are consistent with contemporary audit practices, identifying risk areas and recommending and participating in corrective action, to ensure continuous improvement and compliance to standards. If you possess excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to deal with diverse groups of people, have a knowledge of contemporary audit practices and experience in producing written audit reports based on the principles of objectivity, fairness, then you maybe the applicant we are looking for. Amended Special Conditions: The position is located in and managed from the Driver Training & Audit Section at Oaklands Park with some regional travel requiring overnight stays anticipated. Required to work flexibly as per operational needs with the potential for some after-hours and weekend work. A flexible attitude to the taking of annual leave is required. A current unconditional (full) Drivers Licence and ability do drive a manual vehicle is required. The incumbent is required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes and participate in professional development, as required, in a contemporary training environment. Employees new to DTEI will be required to undergo a Police clearance. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure Enquiries to: Mrs June Milton, Driver Training and Audit, telephone 8374 5114, Applications to: Ms Lena English, HR Officer, Safety and Regulation Division, Po Box 1, WALKERVILLE SA, 5081, telephone 8343 2800, Amended Note: Please note that the Job and Person Specification has been amended in the online version of the Notice of Vacancies. Job and Person Specifications are also available from Mr Nic Cudarans, telephone 8343 2374 or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 21 Jul 2006 30 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 DRIVER TRAINING OFFICER (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) Vacancy No. 5355/2006 Duties: The Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (DTEI) is seeking training staff for the position Driver Training Officer. This person will contribute to the continued development of a viable and sustainable motor driving instruction industry, which provides quality services to the South Australian community. The successful applicant will be responsible for training delivery in the Authorised and Accredited training courses delivered by the department and the conduct theoretical and practical on -road driving assessments, in accordance with established criteria, government legislation and agency policies. In addition to this the person will contribute to the development of competency standards, course material and assessment instruments. If you possess excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to deal with diverse groups of people, have a knowledge of contemporary training, assessment and adult learning principles, then you may be the applicant we are looking for. Special Conditions: The position is initially located in the Standards and Training Unit at Oaklands Park. Intra- and interstate travel requiring absences overnight and work outside normal hours and at weekends may be required. A flexible attitude to the taking of annual leave is required. A current Drivers Licence is required and must be able to drive a Manual Vehicle in the relevant vehicle class. The incumbent is required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes and participate in professional development, as required, in a contemporary training environment. Employees new to DTEI will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History Check. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure Enquiries to: Ms Angelika Wandell, Coordinator, Standards and Training, Driver Training and Audit Section, telephone 8374 5153, email Applications to: Lena English, HR Officer, Safety and Regulation, Po Box 1, WALKERVILLE, 5081, telephone 8343 2800, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Mr Nic Cudarans, telephone 8343 2374, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Speciification:\Driver Train Officer ASO4 .doc Guide to Applicants:\Guide to Applicants.doc Employment Declaration:\Employment_Declaration.doc 31 ($49584.00/51874.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 ASSET OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 9 MONTHS) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T5057/2006 Duties: The Asset Officer is accountable to the Strategic Asset Management Officer for undertaking a range of operational facility management services related to Department occupied properties including liaising with Section Heads to meet specific accommodation needs of each Section. Coordinating and controlling the day to day operation of the maintenance plans, contributing to a range of projects and objectives that will facilitate the provision of operational and strategic facility management services, which contributes to the achievement of Section and Corporate objectives relating to the effective management of Department assets. Special Conditions: Some work outside normal hours and interstate and intrastate travel requiring overnight absences may be required. A current driver’s license is essential. Attendance may be required on days other than the public holidays over the Christmas and New Year period. Participates in the Department’s performance management processes. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants are requested to address each of the essential and desirable criteria from the Job and Person Specification. Please quote the job vacancy number in your application. Location: Adelaide Metro (Walkerville) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Corporate Contracting & Procurement Corporate Facilities) Enquiries to: Mr G Barrowcliff, telephone 8343 2459, email Applications to: HR Customer Liaison Group, 33 - 37 Warwick St, (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (click on the “Quick Search” section of the website), or email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Employment Declaration:\Employment_Declaration.doc Guidelines:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC J&P Spec:\ASO4 Asset Officer, Corp Contract.DOC ASO4 CLAIMS OFFICER (PART-TIME) Vacancy No. 5297/2006 Duties: The Claims Officer is responsible to the Claims Manager for contributing to the successful achievement of SAICORP’s business objectives by the provision of quality and timely service in the area of claims processing and management and to contribute to the equitable resolution of claims and to assist Agencies and staff in relation to SAICORP’s claim requirements and procedures. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 18.75 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. The position holder will need to visit insured agencies and incident sites from time to time to manage claims. Location: (Not Specified) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Treasury and Finance (SAFA - SAICORP DIVISION) Enquiries and Applications to: Richard Woods, Senior Claims Officer, SAICORP, Level 5, State Administration Centre 200 Victoria Square, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 2183, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\Claims Officer ASO-4.doc 32 ($49584.00/51874.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 WEB MANAGEMENT OFFICER ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 5337/2006 Duties: The Web Management Officer is accountable to the Manager, Strategic Communications & Marketing for providing services for the ongoing development, maintenance and review of the Department’s Internet and Intranet sites, and associated services; design, developing and booking advertising for print, maintaining the photo-library database, preparing images for publication, and liaising with external contractors, to meet Agency and legislative requirements for multimedia. Special Conditions: Some work outside normal hours may be required. Intrastate and interstate travel involving overnight absences may also be required. A current driver’s licence is required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Water, Land, and Biodiversity Conservation (Corporate Services Directorate Corporate Services Division - Strategic Communication and Marketing Group) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Matthew Bowman, A/Manager, Strategic Communications & Marketing Group, GPO Box 2834, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8463 6637, email, web site Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Melanie Clarke, telephone 8463 7999, or email Please forward three copies of your application along with a current CV. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Please address the essential and desirable minimum requirements listed in the job and person specification, in your application. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: J&P:\ASO4 Web Management Officer JP v2.doc How to apply:\How to apply_J&P.pdf ASO5 CUSTOMER CONTACT CENTRE CO-ORDINATOR (Advt) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 5312/2006 Duties: The Customer Contact Centre Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the efficient and effective day to day operations of the Service SA Customer Contact Centre sites which deliver a broad range of call centre services for State Government agencies. Special Conditions: Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. Please note there is a one week closing date. Location: Adelaide Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Administrative and Information Services (Policy, Planning and Community Services - Service SA) Further Information:, Enquiries and Applications to: Chris Poole-Stoneman, Manager, Customer Contact Centres, Service SA, GPO Box 1707, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 7503, email, web site Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Linda Clark, telephone 8204 8788, or email applicants are required to complete the ‘Declaration on Application for Employment in the South Australian Public Sector’ and submit the original as a component of their written application. Closing Date: 24 Jul 2006 Downloads: J&P specification:\060616_ASO5 CCC Co-ordinator.doc Employment Dec:\Employment Declaration Form.doc 33 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 BRANCH ACCOUNTANT (PART-TIME) (Advt) ($55298.00/61944.00) SENIOR PROPERTY OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 5290/2006 Duties: The Branch Accountant is accountable to the Manager, Tenancies Branch for undertaking and assisting with a range of activities associated with the provision of:·- Comprehensive, efficient and effective budget management and monitoring services for the Tenancies Branch- Financial Management of the Residential Tenancies and Retail Shop Leases Funds- High quality financial consultancy services and timely, relevant and reliable management reporting for the Branch Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree in accounting, finance or economics majoring in accounting. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 18.75 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Attorney-General's (Office of Consumer and Business Affairs - Tenancies Branch) Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Brian Scholz, Manager, Tenancies Branch, Office of Consumer and Business Affairs, GPO Box 965, Adelaide, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 82049559, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: J & P:\Branch accountant AG0311.doc Guidelines:\Guidelines on writing applications.doc ASO5 Vacancy No. T5021/2006 Duties: The Property Officer contributes to the planning and achievement of property related outcomes by managing projects within agreed budgets and time frames, undertaking research and feasibility assessment to guide redevelopment, upgrading sale and acquisition of property. The Property Officer is responsible and required to exercise judgment on the suitability of property for development, including the obtaining of concept plans, approximate development costs, assessment of locations, liaison with local government and providing reports, briefings and a financial feasibility on property being considered for future development. The Property Officer is responsible for developing brief for the engagement of consultants and managing consultant deliverables. Special Conditions: A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Housing SA - Real Estate Services) Enquiries to: Simon Cooper, Manager, Projects Evaluation, Housing SA - Real Estate Services, telephone 8207 0574 Applications to: Kara-lee Karpluk, Office Manager, Housing SA - Real Estate Services, GPO BOX 1669 , Adelaide, 5001, telephone 82070372, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Kara-lee Karpluk, telephone 82070372, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 34 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 35 BUSINESS OBJECTS SENIOR DEVELOPMENT ANALYST, MID-RANGE SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENT (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 2 YEARS) (Advt) C5266/2006 Duties: The Business Objects Senior Development Analyst is accountable to the Business Objects Administrator for: developing Reporting Solutions for the Business using the Business Objects suite of products and assisting in the administration, delivery and support of Business Objects solutions contributing to the realisation of Business Service Unit strategies in relation to the design, development, support and integration of Business Objects solutions for reporting, extract/transform/load functions and data warehouse systems within the Department recommending improvements to and progressing the development of reporting strategies with business users and assisting with the implementation of these recommendations, including the development/facilitation of training and development, providing consultation services to a range of clients based on specific knowledge in relation to the development and support of business intelligence services using Business Objects solutions. Special Conditions: The position is part of the Mid-Range Team in the Business Services Unit (BSU) of the Corporate Information Section at Walkerville.Some work outside normal hours and inter/intrastate travel involving overnight absences may be required.A current Drivers Licence is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Corporate Services Division) Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Mitch Robertson, Business Objects Administrator, 33-37 Warwick St (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, telephone 8343 2086, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (Quick Search, Vacancy No. C5266/2006, Search), email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: ASO5 Bus Objects:\ASO5 Bus Objects Snr Dev Analyst.doc Guide to Apply:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC Employment Dec:\Employment_Declaration.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 MINISTERIAL LIAISON OFFICER, TRANSPORT ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 5242/2006 Duties: The Ministerial Liaison Officer, Transport is accountable to the Office Manager to the Minister for Transport, Minister for Infrastructure and Minister for Energy for developing and maintaining efficient, effective, and responsive liaison services between the Department for Transport , Energy and Infrastructure and the Office of the Minister for Transport. Providing expert advice and assistance to the Minister and Ministerial staff on Transport matters, providing a range of project, policy and management support services in relation to Transport matters, providing advice and support to the Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure as required, which contribute to the achievement of the Government’s objectives in Transport matters. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. The incumbent may from time to time be required to act in other position within the Minister’s office (or to provide assistance to cover the absence of fellow staff members). Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants are requested to address each of the essential and desirable criteria from the Job and Person Specification. Please quote the job vacancy number in your application. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Office for the Minister for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure) Enquiries to: Ms C Seal, telephone 8226 1210, email Applications to: HR Customer Liaison Group, 33 - 37 Warwick St, (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (click on the “Quick Search” section of the website), or email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: J&P Spec:\ASO5 Ministerial Liaison Officer.doc Guidelines:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC 36 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 ACCOUNT MANAGER, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT (TEMPORARY FOR 6 MONTHS) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. T4542/2006 Duties: Facilitate the development, establishment and maintenance of client product delivery through Service SA delivery channels. Identify new business opportunities and develop business relationships and partnerships. Collaboratively develop Service Level Agreements and contractual arrangements with clients. Special Conditions: Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. This is a temporary position for up to 6 months with the possibility of an extension. Must be prepared to be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or equivalent. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Administrative and Information Services (PPCS - Service SA - Central Office ) Further Information: Enquiries to: Julia Weir, Business Development Manager, Service SA, telephone 8226 3831, email Applications to: Linda Clark, HR Officer, Service SA, GPO Box 1707, Adelaide , 5001, telephone 82048788, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Linda Clark, telephone 8204 8788, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: employee dec:\Employment Declaration Form.doc Job & Person Specification:\4542 ASO6 Account Manager BDT.doc ASO6 37 ACCOUNTANT - SYSTEM SUPPORT (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T5284/2006 Duties: The high level objectives to be met by the incumbent of this position are: ensuring the efficient and effective leadership of staff and management of the team through change processes, liasing with management and staff across the Branch to identify and interpret financial data, report system and business process requirements, maintaining an effective working relationship with service providers both within and outside of DEH and ensuring the team provides financial system support services across the Branch. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Relevant tertiary qualification. Special Conditions: Temporary up to 12 months with the possibility of an extension. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Environment and Heritage Further Information: Enquiries to: Simon Putna, telephone (08) 8201 1116, email Applications to: Simon Putna, Senior Consultant, Locher, 80 Richmond Road, Keswick, 5035, telephone (08) 8201 1116, email Note: For a job and person specification and to apply online, please visit and for information on our client visit Applications should be forwarded to Simon Putna by Friday 28 July 2006 quoting Ref No ESP11669. Telephone enquiries are welcome on 08 8201 1116. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5/ ASO6 PROJECT MANAGER (Advt) ($55298.00/61944.00) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. 5044/2006 Duties: Responsible for undertaking the management and administration of projects including the development and administration of contracts and agreements. Managing sales programs/reporting, communication plans, coordinating and directing contractors and consultants, preparing project progress reports and briefings, and quality control. Higher classification position would involve the management of more complex projects and require significant project management experience with the development industry. This position will be situated in the Adelaide CBD Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Applicants are required to authorise a check of Police Offender History Records, and the successful applicant must not have been found guilty of any relevant offence. A South Australian current driver's licence is essential. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Housing Asset Services - Capital Projects) Enquiries and Applications to: Kristy Loller, Office Administrator, Housing Asset Services/Capital Projects, 1 Ann Street, Salisbury, 5108, telephone 82070615, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Kristy Loller, telephone 8207 0615 or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. The position may be filled at either remuneration level depending on the level of responsibility and accountability assigned in accordance with the qualifications and experience of the successful applicant. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf J&P:\Project Manager ASO 5-6 2005.doc 38 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 39 GIS ADMINISTRATOR (TEMPORARY FOR 6 MONTHS) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T5077/2006 Duties: The GIS Administrator is accountable to the Manager of the GIS Unit for the effective design, implementation and operation of the Corporate GIS systems / software and the management of spatial data within the Department for Families & Communities, Organisational Development Division, Information & Knowledge Management. The responsibilities include the management of the corporate GIS database, investigate technologies for the management and distribution of geospatial information and implement systems and software to meet the organisations needs. The position will also manage the GIS software environment, assist in access to, and migration of data from external sources, oversee quality control, develop policy and procedures in the use of data within DFC. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Organisational Development Division - Information & Knowledge Management - GIS Unit) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mr G Maguire, Manager, Geographic Information Systems, GIS Unit, Level 5, Riverside Centre North Tce, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 82070592, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf J&P:\ASO6 - GIS Administrator.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 MINISTERIAL LIAISON OFFICER, INFRASTRUCTURE (Advt) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. 5228/2006 Duties: The Ministerial Liaison Officer, Infrastructure is accountable to the Office Manager, Office of the Minister for Transport, Minister for Energy, and Minister for Infrastructure for developing and maintaining efficient, effective, and responsive liaison services between the Land Management Corporation, the Office of Major Projects and Infrastructure, Future ICT and the Office of the Minister for Infrastructure. Providing expert advice and assistance to the Minister, Ministerial staff and relevant Agencies, which contributes to the achievement of the Government’s objectives in Infrastructure matters, providing a range of project, policy and management support services in relation to Infrastructure, which contribute to the achievement of the Government’s objectives in Infrastructure matters. Special Conditions: Location will be in the Minister’s Office. Some out of hours work and occasional intra-state or interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required The incumbent is required to adhere to the Guidelines for Ethical Conduct set out in Commissioner’s Standards, which describes responsibilities for all Public Sector Management Act employees in relation to matters including confidentiality, disclosure of information, impartiality and conflict of interest, and to the Code of Conduct for South Australian Public Sector employees. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants are requested to address each of the essential and desirable criteria from the Job and Person Specification. Please quote the job vacancy number in your application. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Office of the Minister for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure) Enquiries to: Ms C Seal, telephone 8226 1210, email Applications to: HR Customer Liaison Group, 33 - 37 Warwick St, (PO Box1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (click on the “Quick Search” section of the website), or email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: J&P Spec:\ASO6 Ministerial Liaison Officer.doc Employment Declaration:\Employment_Declaration.doc Guidelines:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC 40 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO7 PROJECTS MANAGER (Advt) Vacancy No. 5272/2006 Duties: The purpose of the Projects Manager position is to provide a focal point for overall management of technology investigation implementation and application development projects to satisfy multi-agency requirements across the Criminal Justice community. The Projects Manager is responsible for initiating, planning and monitoring a programme of project work, facilitating completion of concurrent projects and ensuring that agreed agency and technology outcomes are achieved. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required.Some intrastate / interstate travel may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Attorney-General's (Justice Business Services - Justice Technology Services) Enquiries and Applications to: Yvonne Melhuish, Human Resource Consultant, Justice Business Services, Wakefield House Level 14, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 08 8226 5477, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: J & P:\ASO7 Project Manager Appl AG1082.doc Guidelines:\Guidelines on writing applications.doc 41 ($70714.00/76759.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO7 42 TEAM LEADER - NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT NATIONAL PROGRAMS (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($70714.00/76759.00) Vacancy No. TO 5 YEARS) (Advt) C5167/2006 Duties: The Team Leader National Programs is accountable to the Group Manager (GAS) for the team that supports the State in delivering their requirements under NAP, NHT and NLP national funding programs, provides advice on the development of new national funding agreements and support the development and implementation of good business project management processes for DWLBC to manage externally-sourced funds such as Australian Government funded programs. The main focus is that the incumbent supports the Group Manager in his role as the State Chair of the Joint NRM Steering Committee established by the Commonwealth and State Governments for the administration, management and delivery of Bilateral Agreements for national funding programs. Special Conditions: The position is located at the Waite Campus, Urrbrae, but the incumbent may be required to relocate elsewhere in the state. Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Urrbrae) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Water, Land, and Biodiversity Conservation (Natural Resource Management Services Directorate - Natural Resource Management Support Division - Natural Resource Management Governance & Support Group) Further Information: Enquiries to: Hadyn Hanna, Group Manager, Natural Resource Management Governance and Support, telephone 8303 9675, email Applications to: Lisa Smith, Administration Officer, Natural Resource Management Governance and Support, GPO Box 2834, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8303 9597, email, web site Note: Position Descriptions are available from Lisa Smith, telephone 8303 9597, or email Please forward three copies of your application along with a current CV. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Please address the essential and desirable minimum requirements listed in the job and person specification, in your application. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\ASO-7 National Programs.doc How to apply:\How to apply _Position Descriptions.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO7/ ASO8 COORDINATOR, STRATEGIC FINANCIAL ANALYSIS (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($70714.00/76759.00) (Advt) ($79691.00/82849.00) Vacancy No. 5296/2006 Duties: The Co-ordinator, Strategic Financial Analysis: Contributes to the development of policies and strategies and maintains standards and supports the achievement of corporate objectives. •Develops, implements, delivers, monitors and evaluates projects and programs related to budget and financial management across the agency. Plans and implements the development of budget and financial management objectives to guide programs and meet corporate goals. • Provides significant expertise focussed towards the delivery of high quality and responsive and strategic budget and financial services across the Department. Ensures that efficient work practices are maintained and upheld within the Budget and Finance unit. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Tertiary qualifications in accountancy, finance, business management, economics or other related fields. Special Conditions: Intrastate and Interstate travel as required. Extended out of hours work may be required. The successful applicant may be subject to a Criminal History Check prior to confirmation of appointment. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Education and Children's Services (Office of Business Improvement and Strategic Financial Management - Budget & Financial Management) Enquiries and Applications to: Mr C Vetere, Assistant Director, Budget & Finance, DECS, Level 10, Education Centre 31 Flinders St, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 1363, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms R Raeder, telephone 8226 0064, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. The position may be filled at either remuneration level depending on the level of responsibility and accountability assigned in accordance with the qualifications and experience of the successful applicant. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Word doc:\ASO7-8 Co-ord Strat Finncl.doc 43 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO8 ACUTE APPLICATIONS MANAGER (Advt) ($79691.00/82849.00) Vacancy No. 5233/2006 Duties: The ICT Acute Applications Manager is responsible for leading and managing the life-cycle support of specialist and critical clinical applications within a multi-sourced environment. The incumbent ensures the delivery of contractual and performance aspects of Service Level Agreements and supports the arrangements with vendors and service providers. The ICT Acute Applications Manager will also lead, plan, manage, coordinate and implement complex support services, projects and programs which extend across sites and directorates within the Department. The above apply particularly to the support of the OACIS system, that became the responsibility of this position on 24/5/2006. Special Conditions: Some interstate travel and out of hours work may be required. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health as reflected in the DH Strategic Plan. May be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Health System Management - Information and Communication Technology Services - Delivery Services) Enquiries to: Mr. G. Earl, Chief Technology Officer, Information & Communication Technology Services, telephone 8226 7355, email Applications to: Ms. K. Diamandi, Administrator, Business Services, Information and Communication Technology Services, P.O. Box 287, Rundle Mall, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 7348, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. E-mailed applications are unacceptable. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the Job and Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from Maria Savage, telephone 8226 7344, or email Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: J&P Specification:\ASO8 Acute Applications Mgr.doc 44 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) MAS3 MANAGER, HUMAN RESOURCES (Advt) Vacancy No. 5356/2006 Duties: This rare appointment is available for an outstanding Human Resources Manager with a proven track record of success in managing significant change management programs and in aligning the HR function with business values, operations and strategic directions. The appointee will carry umbrella responsibilities for selection, counselling, development, retention, workforce planning, employee relations, performance management and management of the HR plan and will provide key input into the Agency’s strategic directions for its ongoing successful operations. We are seeking a professional with considerable initiative, energy, drive and enthusiasm backed up by outstanding interpersonal communication skills, relevant qualifications and experience related to the above areas. The position provides for an immensely high level of professional and personal satisfaction, together with significant inter-Agency communication and influence over the future directions of the Public Sector in South Australia. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Treasury and Finance (Corporate Services - Human Resources) Enquiries and Applications to: Stillwell ,, ., ., telephone 8212 0999, web site Note: Please forward your application as a Microsoft Word document to quoting Ref. No: 006/1613 in the subject heading. Telephone enquires to Beth Clise on 8212 0999 are welcome. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 45 ($84354.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 EXECUTIVE GROUP EXA 46 DEPUTY DIRECTOR (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP Vacancy No. TO 5 YEARS) (Advt) C5332/2006 Duties: The Deputy Director is responsible to the Executive Director and to the Executive Committee of Cabinet for advising government agencies on implementation of South Australia’s Strategic Plan and supporting related whole-of-government initiatives. Particular responsibilities will include embedding the principles of both good strategic planning and effective collaboration with business and other community interests in achieving Plan targets. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Premier and Cabinet Further Information: Enquiries to: Tanya Smith, Executive Director, Office of the Executive Committee of Cabinet, telephone 08 8226 4105, email Applications to: Rebecca Codling, PA to Tanya Smith, Office of the Executive Committee of Cabinet, GPO Box 2343, Adelaide SA, 5001, telephone 08 8226 3537, email Note: 3 Copies of applications, no more than 4 pagers plus resume. Your application should address the Essential Knowledge/ Skills/ Experience. Closing date is Monday, 31 July 2005. Closing Date: 31 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\5332 Dir ExA J&P spec Rev.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 EXECUTIVE GROUP (Continued) EXB 47 DIRECTOR, REGIONAL CONSERVATION (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP Vacancy No. TO 5 YEARS) (Advt) C5212/2006 Duties: The Regional Conservation directorate undertakes the majority of DEH’s on-ground programs and as Director, you will be responsible for the delivery of the Department’s field operations in biodiversity conservation, visitor, fire and public land management and coast and marine conservation. Challenges you will face include delivering the department’s priorities regionally, shifting the directorate’s culture from park management to conservation stewardship and building on partnerships with Natural Resource Management Boards and other alliances. As a member of the Department’s Executive, you will also make a significant contribution to the Department’s corporate planning, decision-making and policy formulation. Essential Minimum Qualifications: It is highly advantageous for the incumbent to have an appropriate tertiary qualification relevant to the management of the State's natural resources. Special Conditions: Contract appointment up to 5 years. Intrastate and interstate travel requiring overnight absences will be necessary. The incumbent will be required to enter into a performance agreement with the Chief Executive for the achievement of specified objectives and the delivery of specified outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Environment and Heritage Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Allan Holmes, Chief Executive, telephone 08 8204 9320, email Applications to: Recruitment Selection Team, Human Resource Service, Department for Environment and Heritage, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 08 8204 1898, email Note: Applicants should include a statement of how they meet the essential requirements listed in the Executive Position Statement of not more than two pages, include your Curriculum Vitae and the names and contact details of three referees in your application. Please forward an original and three copies. Executive Position Statement is available from the Recruitment and Selection Team, email or by telephone on 8204 1898. Please quote vacancy number C5212/2006 when applying. NO FOLDERS PLEASE. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Executive Position Statement:\Director RC EPS .doc Declaration Form:\Declaration Form.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 EXECUTIVE GROUP (Continued) EXB 48 DIRECTOR, SA MUSEUM (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP Vacancy No. TO 5 YEARS) (Advt) C5327/2006 Duties: To develop, promote and enhance the public image and reputation of the South Australian Museum as a leading research and collecting institution and community asset. Provide high level strategic and operational advice to the Executive Director Arts SA, the Board and the Minister. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A post graduate qualification in a discipline relevant to the research programs and collections of the South Australian Museum is essential Special Conditions: Out of hours work will be required. Intrastate, interstate and international travel will be required Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Premier and Cabinet (Arts SA - SA Museum) Further Information:,, Enquiries to: Heidi Jones, Senior Consultant, Hender Consultant, telephone 08 8100 8807, email Applications to: Sachra Ure, Senior Consultant, Hender Consulting, 81 Flinders Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 08 8100 8888, email Note: For Position Description and further information visit Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\Director SAM 2006.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM OPS3 SUPERVISOR OPERATIONS ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 5279/2006 Duties: Ensure that Correctional Officers are given appropriate support to perform their roles. Provide administrative support to Unit Managers and Case Management Co-ordinators. Supervise small work groups to ensure that the current Departmental policies and procedures are complied with. Assist Unit Managers and Case Management Co-ordinators to promote a commitment to service excellence and professionalism. Supervise Correctional Officers in specific areas. Perform the duties of Officer in Charge of the institution if/as required. Special Conditions: Proven ability to carry out duties of a Correctional Officer is essential. Will be rostered over 7 days, averaging 38 hours per week. A South Australian current driver's licence is essential. May be rostered Officer in Charge of the Institution as required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Correctional Services Enquiries and Applications to: Ms R Forth, Business Manager, Adelaide Women's Prison, PO Box 2042, REGENCY PARK, 5490, telephone 83430105, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Previous applicants do not need to submit a further application. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Supervisor Operations:\Supervisor Operations.doc Applicant Package:\ApplicantPackage.doc OPS3 SUPERVISOR OPERATIONS (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. T5281/2006 Duties: Ensure that Correctional Officers are given appropriate support to perform their roles. Provide administrative support to Unit Managers and Case Management Co-ordinators. Supervise small work groups to ensure that the current Departmental policies and procedures are complied with. Assist Unit Managers and Case Management Co-ordinators to promote a commitment to service excellence and professionalism. Supervise Correctional Officers in specific areas. Perform the duties of Officer in Charge of the institution if/as required. Special Conditions: Proven ability to carry out duties of a Correctional Officer is essential. Will be rostered over 7 days, averaging 38 hours per week. A South Australian current driver's licence is essential. May be rostered Officer in Charge of the Institution as required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Correctional Services Enquiries and Applications to: Ms R Forth, Business Manager, Adelaide Women's Prison, PO Box 2042, REGENCY PARK, 5490, telephone 83430105, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Previous applicants do not need to submit a further application. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Supervisor Operations:\Supervisor Operations.doc Applicant Package:\ApplicantPackage.doc 49 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) AMENDMENT OPS3 YOUTH WORKER (TEMPORARY UP TO 30/11/2006) Vacancy No. T5056/2006 Department: Families and Communities (Families SA -Metropolitan Aboriginal Youth Team) Applicants and intending applicants are advised that the position advertised in the Notice of Vacancies dated 07 Jul 2006 has been withdrawn from call OPS3/ OPS4 OPTIONS COORDINATOR (PART-TIME) ($43385.00/46453.00) ($43385.00/46453.00) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 5225/2006 Duties: Provide direct assistance to individuals and families, including the assessment of client needs, the allocation and co-ordination of supports and the provision of family support. Contribute to planning and to the development of community-based services and informal support networks to ensure that individuals with disability are able to achieve their full potential and attain a quality lifestyle within the community of their choice. Special Conditions: One part-time ongoing position working 37.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Appointment classification will be dependent upon the qualifications and experience possessed by the successful applicant. A current driver's licence is essential. Some out of hours work and intra/interstate travel may be required. May be assigned to another geographical location within the service should the need arise. Location: Adelaide Metro (Gilles Plains) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Disability Services SA - North Eastern Suburbs) Further Information: Enquiries to: Tiffany Bolton, A/Team Coordinator, Child & Youth Team, Disability Services SA, telephone 8366 7300, email Applications to: Anna Beltrame, Office Manager, Disability Services SA North Eastern Suburbs, 31 Blacks Road, Gilles Plains SA, 5086, telephone 8366 7300, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Anna Beltrame or Kathy Handyside, telephone 8366 7300, or email or Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: JD/Options Coordinator:\OPS-05.DOC Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 50 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS3/ OPS4 OPTIONS COORDINATOR (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($43385.00/46453.00) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. T5390/2006 Duties: Provide direct assistance to individuals and families, including the assessment of client needs, the allocation and co-ordination of supports and the provision of family support. Contribute to planning and to the development of community-based services and informal support networks to ensure that individuals with disability are able to achieve their full potential and attain a quality lifestyle within the community of their choice. Special Conditions: One full-time temporary position for period of up to 12 months. Appointment classification will be dependent upon the qualifications and experience possessed by the successful applicant. A current driver's licence is essential. Some out of hours work and intra/interstate travel may be required. May be reassigned to another geographical location within the service should the need arise. Location: Adelaide Metro (Gilles Plains) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Disability Services SA - North Eastern Suburbs) Further Information: Enquiries to: Tiffany Bolton, A/Team Coordinator, Child & Youth Team, Disability Services SA, telephone 8366 7300, email Applications to: Anna Beltrame, Office Manager, Disability Services SA North Eastern Suburbs, 31 Blacks Road, Gilles Plains SA, 5086, telephone 8366 7300, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Anna Beltrame or Kathy Handyside, telephone 8366 7300, or email or Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: JD/Options Coordinator:\OPS-05.DOC Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 51 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS4 52 SENIOR YOUTH WORKER (TEMPORARY UP TO 30/06/2007) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T5156/2006 Duties: As a member of the a team, assist in meeting departmental responsibilities in relation to adolescents, young offenders, child protection, substitute care, domestic violence and family counselling. Plan, develop and implement services and programs for adolescents and young offenders and their families. Work with communities and groups in defining and meeting community needs. Special Conditions: Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences and travel in small aircraft may be required. Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Successful applicants will be required to undergo a Criminal History and Background Check prior to being employed. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (Coober Pedy) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Country Region - Coober Pedy District Centre) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mr M Stratton, Manager, Families SA, PO Box 172, Coober Pedy, 5723, telephone 08 8672 4500, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Michael Abfalter, telephone 08 8672 4509, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants are required to address the Person Specification in their application. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\OPS4 Snr Yth Worker Coober Pedy.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS4 53 VEHICLE EMISSIONS OFFICER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 2 YEARS) (MORE THAN ONE C5374/2006 POSITION) (Advt) Duties: The Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure is seeking the services of a motivated vehicle mechanic to undertake the role of Vehicle Emissions Officer. The successful applicant will be accountable to the Project Manager, Diesel NEPM for providing vehicle inspections and conducting vehicle exhaust emissions testing as part of the Diesel NEPM team. A range of vehicles and fuel types are to be tested for in-service emission levels on a chassis dynamometer at a recently established Vehicle Emissions Test Facility. The successful applicant will also contribute to the development of Facility operational procedures and resolving vehicle issues to support Departmental goals and objectives related to in-service vehicle emission performance. Special Conditions: Initial location will be at Kateena Street, Regency Park. Some work outside normal hours and inter / intrastate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Must be prepared to undergo a Prior Offender History Check by South Australia Police. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to wear a Departmental Uniform. Location: Adelaide Metro (Regency Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Safety and Regualtin Division - Transport Safety Regulation Directorate) Enquiries to: Mr Carmelo Rositano, Project Manager, Diesel NEPM, telephone 8343 2595 Applications to: Mr Nic Cudarans, Assistant HR Officer, Safety and Regulation Division, PO Box 1, Walkerville, 5081, telephone 8343 2374, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Mr Nic Cudarans, telephone 8343 2374, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\VehicleEmissionsOfficerOPS4.doc Guide to Applying for Positions:\Guide_to_applying_for_positions.doc Employment Declaration:\Employment_Declaration.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM PSO1 54 ASSESSOR, COURT ASSESSMENT & REFERRAL DRUG SCHEME (CARDS) & YOUTH CARDS (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 1 YEAR) (Advt) C5248/2006 Duties: The CARDS and Youth CARDS Assessor is responsible for conducting the preliminary assessment and providing the final report. Initial reports will be provided to the Magistrates and Youth Courts and Family Conference Team outlining a person's eligibility, motivation and appropriateness for referral to designated treatment providers for defendants referred to the scheme. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Degree in social work, psychology or health science or a recognised equivalent. Special Conditions: 1-5 year contract with an initial 12 month appointment. Located at the Christies Beach Magistrates Court. Appointment is under the Courts Administration Act, 1993 and terms and conditions of employment are governed by the Public Sector Management Act, 1995. Risk management and safety are core business values. Some flexibility in working hours may be required, including some out of hours work and intra/interstate travel. A South Australian current driver's licence is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro (Christies Beach) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Courts Administration Authority (Magistrates Court Division - Specialist Courts CARDS Unit) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Michelle Brown, Youth CARDS Coordinator, Specialist Courts, telephone 8204 0118 Applications to: Mr Robert Lindsay, Director, Magistrates Courts & Youth Court, P O Box 6115, Halifax Street, ADELAIDE SA, 5000, telephone 8204 0720/ 8204 0722 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from MCD Administration, email or from CAA web site. Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications sent by email will not be accepted. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job Profile:\Assessor CARDS pso1 cbeach 20060703.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 SOCIAL WORKER (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) Vacancy No. 5141/2006 Duties: The Social Worker, Crisis Response Unit is responsible for utilising social work skills to assess and work with children/young people, families and communities on complex issues as a member of a team. This may involve projects and/or therapeutic interventions and will involve assessment, analysis, and interpretation and communication of findings, results and projected solutions. The incumbent will operate under professional Supervision in regard to the selection and adaptation of methods and techniques to be used. The degree of personal autonomy will increase with the development of skills and experience within a regime of formal Supervision. The Supervisor, Crisis Response Unit will contribute to decision making through contributions to documented findings and/or written/oral advice on the results of assessments and interventions. In human service delivery, the outcomes will be evident in physical, behavioural and/or other social change made by clients, although these may not often be obvious in the short term. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. However, pursuant to Section 67 of the Public Sector Management Act, 1995, persons of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, who consider they have the appropriate background, knowledge and skills but do not have the essential qualification, are eligible to apply. Special Conditions: Some positions within the Crisis Response Unit operate on a 24 hour shift work basis and as such regular out of hours work and attendance at nights, evenings and weekends on a rotating shift basis is required and will be required to regularly be on call and work autonomously. Intrastate travel will also be required. The location of this position may change to meet service demands. Successful applicants will be required to undergo a Criminal History and Background Check prior to being employed. Holds a current driver's license and is able and willing to drive in the course of their duties. Location: Adelaide Metro (Adelaide Metro) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Business Units - Crisis Response Unit) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Jude Maguire, Senior Practitioner, Crisis Response Unit, telephone 8203 0424, email Applications to: Kerry Fleming, Business Manager, Crisis Response Unit, GPO Box 292, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 82030424, email Note: Positions available are full time but applicants interested in working part time are encouraged to apply. Positions available are part of the Brief Intervention Team which operates during normal working hours however, if need arises applicants must be prepared to work on a shift work basis. Job and Person Specifications are available from Kerry Fleming telephone 8203 0424 or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants are required to address the Person Specification. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 55 ($40626.00/51874.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 ABORIGINAL FAMILY PRACTITIONER (Advt) ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 5241/2006 Duties: As a member of a multi-disciplinary team plan, develop and implement services and programs which enhance the problem solving and coping capacity of individuals and families. Provide a culturally responsive service that respects the values of Aboriginal people and focuses on the well being, caring and healing of the Aboriginal community. Undertake departmental responsibilities in relation to child protection, vulnerable young persons, young offenders, alternative care, domestic violence and family counselling. Provide a high quality service in the assessment of Aboriginal child protection notifications and make recommendations for culturally appropriate interventions that assist in facilitating the safety and protection of Aboriginal children. Work with communities and groups in defining and meeting community needs and contribute to the development of departmental policies and services. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. However, pursuant to Section 67 of the Public Sector Management Act, 1995, persons of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, who consider they have the appropriate background, knowledge and skill but do not have the essential qualification, are eligible to apply. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (Coober Pedy) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Country Region - Coober Pedy District Centre) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Kenise Neill, Supervisor, Families SA, PO Box 172, Coober Pedy, 5723, telephone 8672 4501, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Michael Abfalter, telephone 08 8672 4509, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants are required to address the Person Specification in their application. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\hr-AFP-district-centres.doc Guidlines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 56 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 57 SOCIAL WORKER (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T5243/2006 Duties: As a Social Worker your role is to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team with children and young people requiring care and protection and their families, communities and carers. The ultimate aim of your job is to support and empower children and young people to assume a meaningful role in society when they reach adulthood. You will work within a case management framework using your specialist skills to: Undertake investigations and holistic assessments; Use social work models to inform interventions; Deliver sustained intervention within a multidisciplinary team; Respond effectively to immediate situations/crises. Social Workers work within a legislative and ethical framework. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. However, pursuant to Section 67 of the Public Sector Management Act, 1995, persons of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, who consider they have the appropriate background, knowledge and skills but do not have the essential qualification, are eligible to apply. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work will be required. Intrastate travel. Operates in a regional context whilst attached to a district centre. The location of this position may change to meet service demands. Information disclosed in respect of any criminal history may be taken into account where the history is relevant to the duties of the position. Holds a current driver’s license and is able and willing to drive in the course of their duties. Location: Adelaide Metro (Woodville) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Southern Metropolitan Region Woodville District Centre) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms. Sandy Petticrew, Supervisor, Families SA Woodville, telephone 84062777, email Applications to: Ms Rosanne Farrington, Business Manager, Families SA, Woodville, 824 Port Road, Woodville, 5011, telephone 84062777, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Shana Manukonga, telephone 84062777, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Positions are available in Intake and Long Term teams. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification: Social Worker:\Social Worker 2005.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 58 RESEARCH OFFICER (ENVIRONMENT) (PART-TIME) (CONTRACT ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. APPOINTMENT UP TO 5 YEARS) C4899/2006 Duties: The Research Officer is responsible for providing scientific support to all projects being conducted within the Invasive Species Sub-program, including undertaking field activities and electrofishing sampling relating to the development of innovative wetland carp traps and possible carp control programs within the South Australian River Murray and Lachlan River catchment. The appointee will be involved in conducting literature reviews, fieldwork, liaison with landholders, report writing, and assisting on other projects within the Inland Waters & Terrestrial Ecology Program as required. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree in Science, with a major in freshwater ecology or related discipline. Special Conditions: This is a part-time contract position, working 15 per fortnight, for up to 5 years and may be extended depending on funding. Occasional interstate travel, including absences overnight, and periods of time spent in the field, will be required. Periods of time will be spent on small boats and in isolated locations. An honours degree, current “car” driver’s licence, coxswains certificate (or the ability to obtain one), and more than 20 hours boat-electrofishing experience (qualified Senior Operator preferred) are highly desirable. Location: Adelaide Metro (West Beach) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Primary Industries and Resources (SA Research and Development Institute) Further Information:, Enquiries to: Mr Ben Smith, Snr Research Officer, Aquatic Sciences, telephone 0403433403, email Applications to: Ms S Dobbins, Admin Manager, Aquatic Sciences, PO Box 120 , Henley Beach, 5022, telephone 8207 5407, email Note: Position descriptions are available from Sue Dobbins, telephone 8207 5407, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: How to apply for a job with SARDI:\Applying for Positions in SARDI.pdf Job & Person Specification:\4899 PSO1 -Research Officer.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 59 RESEARCH OFFICER (MICROBIOLOGY) (PART-TIME) (CONTRACT ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. APPOINTMENT FOR 1 YEAR) C5295/2006 Duties: The Research Officer (Microbiology) provides a specialist risk assessment and food safety research capacity that underpins the provision of policy advice to Government and industry on food safety, market access issues and product innovation. The Research Officer (Microbiology) is accountable to the Food Safety Research Leader for assisting in the development and implementation of research programs in the area of food safety microbiology. Initial work will focus on routine food safety microbiology and genetic typing of isolates. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree in Science, Microbiology or related discipline. Special Conditions: This is a part-time contract position, working 30 hours per fortnight, for 1 year and may be extended depending on funding. It is anticipated that for the first 6 months this position may increase to 45 hours per fortnight, depending on work being negotiated. The position is located at IMVS, Frome Road, Adelaide and also the Glenside Laboratories. Some intra-state and occasional interstate travel, including absence overnight, will be required. A current “car” driver’s licence is essential. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Primary Industries and Resources (SA Research and Development Institute) Further Information:, Enquiries and Applications to: Dr A Pointon, Program Leader, Innovative Food & Plants, GPO Box 397, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8207 7838, email Note: Position descriptions and guidelines are available from Dr Andrew Pointon, telephone 8207 7838, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Preparing your application:\Applying for Positions in SARDI.pdf Position Description:\PSO-1 Food Safety Microbiology 2006.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 SENIOR PSYCHOLOGIST (PART-TIME) Vacancy No. 5213/2006 Duties: As a member of the Central Intake Team (CIT), within the Specialist Intervention and Support Service (SISS), the Senior Psychologist will undertake assessment with individuals and their families for the purpose of determining their eligibility for services, obtaining relevant history and identifying vulnerability factors. In particular, the incumbent will be responsible for undertaking assessments with individuals and families whose complex needs complicate the determination of eligibility and identification of vulnerability factors. In consultation with the Team Leader the Senior Psychologist will provide supervision to other Psychologists within the Central Intake Team and assist with complex eligibility decisions. The Senior Psychologist will contribute to research, policy development and innovative practices in the diagnosis of intellectual disability and assessment of vulnerability factors. Will also contribute to the other services provided by the Specialist Intervention and Support Service including, clinical assessment and intervention, consultancy and training. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Eligible for registration with the South Australian Psychological Board. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 45 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. A current driver's licence is essential. Some out of hours work and intra/interstate travel is required. Must be prepared to relocate within the service should the need arise. Location: Adelaide Metro (Regency Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Disability Services SA - Central Intake Team, Specialist Intervention & Support Service) Further Information: Enquiries to: Rochelle Hay, Team Leader, Disability Services SA, Specialist Intervention & Support Service, telephone 8348 6500, email Applications to: Chris Lawrence, Office Manager , Disability Services SA, Specialist Intervention & Support Service, Regency Park Centre 171 Days Road, Regency Park SA , 5010, telephone 8348 6500, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Chris Lawrence, telephone 8348 6500, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: JD/SnrPsychCIT:\PSO-045.DOC Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 60 ($55298.00/61944.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 SENIOR SOCIAL WORK PRACTITIONER (PART-TIME) (Advt) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 5207/2006 Duties: As a member of an Early Childhood Service (ECS) team the Senior Social Work Practitioner will participate in the planning and provision of a community based service to children less than 6 years of age and their families. Services will be focused on supporting children and families, promoting early childhood development, promoting positive social interactions and accessing community services. The incumbent will provide leadership in developing innovative practices and collaborative projects and contribute to policy development. Provide consultancy services and provide direct client services. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 37.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. A current driver's licence is essential. Certificate in First Aid for Centres and Schools. Some out of hours work and intrastate travel may be required. Must be prepared to relocate within the service should the need arise. May be required to work across regions. Location: Adelaide Metro (Christies Beach) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Disability Services SA - Early Childhood Service) Further Information: Enquiries to: Kath Vannan, A/Manager, Disability Services Office Early Childhood Service, telephone 8348 6500, email Applications to: Chris Lawrence, Office Manager , Disability Services SA Early Childhood Service, 171 Days Road, Regency Park SA , 5010, telephone 8348 6500, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Chris Lawrence, telephone 8348 6500, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: JD/SnrSWPractitioner:\PSO-038.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 61 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 SENIOR SPEECH PATHOLOGIST (PART-TIME) Vacancy No. 5202/2006 Duties: As a member of the Early Childhood Service (ECS), the Senior Speech Pathologist will participate in the planning and provision of a community-based service to children less than six years of age and their families. Services will be focused on supporting children and families, promoting early childhood development, promoting positive social interactions and accessing community services. The incumbent will provide leadership in developing innovative practices and collaborative projects and contribute to policy development. Provide professional supervision, direction and support to other therapists as required, consultancy services and direct client services. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree in speech pathology or other appropriate qualification giving eligibility for Practising Membership of the Speech Pathology Association of Australia Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 30 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. A current driver's licence is essential. Certificate in First Aid for Centres and Schools. Some out of hours work and intrastate travel may be required. Must be prepared to relocate within the service should the need arise. May be required to work across regions. Location: Adelaide Metro (Gilles Plains) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Disability Services SA - Early Childhood Service) Further Information: Enquiries to: Zarinah Zaafar, A/Manager, Disability Services Office Early Childhood Service, telephone 8348 6500, email Applications to: Chris Lawrence, Office Manager , Disability Services SA, Specialist Intervention & Support Service, 171 Days road, Regency Park SA , 5010, telephone 8348 6500, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Chris Lawrence, telephone 8348 6500, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: JD/SnrSpeechPathologist:\PSO-022.DOC Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 62 ($55298.00/61944.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 SENIOR OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST (PART-TIME) (Advt) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 5208/2006 Duties: As a member of the Child and Youth Team the Senior Occupational Therapist will contribute to the provision of interdisciplinary developmental services that ensure that people eligible for services are able to achieve their full potential. The incumbent will provide direct services for clients; professional direction to other Occupational Therapists; a professional consultancy service will contribute to the development of policy and will take leadership in developing innovative practices. Will also contribute to community development activities and educational programs and may be assigned by the Regional Manager to co-ordinate specific projects. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Degree or other qualification that gives eligibility for registration as an Occupational Therapist Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 15 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. A current driver's licence is essential. Some out of hours work and inter/intrastate travel will be required. Must be prepared to relocate within the service should the need arise. Location: Murray Lands (Murray Bridge) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Disability Services SA - Riverland and Murraylands Region) Further Information: Enquiries to: Sue Horsnell, A/Regional Manager , Disability Services SA, Riverland & Murraylands Region, telephone 8532 4503, email Applications to: Norina Lancaster, Office Manager , Disability Services SA, Hills/Mallee/Fleurieu Region, PO Box 823, Mt Barker SA, 5251, telephone 8391 3022, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Norina Lancaster, telephone 8391 3022, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: JD/SnrOTCS:\PSO-049.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 63 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 SENIOR SOCIAL WORKER/PSYCHOLOGIST, ABORIGINAL FOCUS ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 5244/2006 Duties: The primary responsibilities of this position are to: assess the circumstances and needs of clients referred from across the human services sector, negotiate and liaise with government departments and non-government agencies at senior and direct service levels in order to assess all appropriate services for those with exceptional needs to ensure a satisfactory life within the community; prepare complex reports for the Management Assessment Panel, Youth and Adult Courts that are focused on client strengths and needs. The incumbent is responsible for providing strategic support to the development, trialing and evaluation of strategies, which achieve optimal service responses to exceptional needs clients, especially clients of Aboriginal & Torres Strait origin, through the facilitation of processes that address the needs of specific individuals and families. In addition, the incumbent will contribute to the development of a sound knowledge of all service systems and services provided for clients within the mental health, health, disability, education, justice and community systems. In doing so, develop a clear understanding of the barriers for people with complex and exceptional needs for receiving support from service providers. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree in Social Work, a Registered Psychologist or an equivalent qualification approved by the Commissioner for Public Employment Special Conditions: The incumbent may be required to travel or work across and/or be located at any of the Department for Families and Communities Units/Divisions as required. The incumbent will be required to participate in the Performance Management process. Some out of hours work may be required Intrastate travel may be required. A flexible approach to the taking of leave is required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Exceptional Needs Unit) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Andrew Coidan, A/Manager, Exceptional Needs Unit, telephone 8229 6100, email Applications to: Mrs Jo Perkins, Senior Project Officer, ODACS, GPO BOX 292 , ADELAIDE, 5001, telephone 8226 6284, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Mrs Jo Perkins, Senior Project Officer, telephone 8226-6284, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian public sector. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 64 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 SENIOR PRACTITIONER (Advt) Vacancy No. 5082/2006 Duties: Contribute to quality Social Work practice in a location and promote quality outcomes for clients by providing expert supervision, consultation and advice, and assisting in the further development of social work knowledge and promoting Departmental programs. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. However, pursuant to Section 67 of the Public Sector Management Act, 1995, persons of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, who consider they have the appropriate background, knowledge and skills but do not have the essential qualification, are eligible to apply. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (Coober Pedy) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Country Region - Coober Pedy District Centre) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Kenise Neill, Supervisor, Families SA, PO Box 172, Coober Pedy, 5723, telephone 08 8672 4501, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Michael Abfalter, telephone 08 8672 4509, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications are required to address the Person Specification in their application. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\PSO2 senior-practitioner-dcs.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 65 ($55298.00/61944.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 66 SENIOR RESEARCH OFFICER (STATISTICS) (PART-TIME) (CONTRACT ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. APPOINTMENT UP TO 5 YEARS) C5293/2006 Duties: This position, within the Food Safety Research Program, is accountable to the Senior Statistician Food Safety, to support the research in SARDI and other clients by managing statistical analysis components of research projects through quality advice, consulting and collaboration on the design, analysis and interpretation of experiments, surveys and other studies. The Senior Research Officer (Statistics) is to ensure the highest quality dissemination of research outcomes to researchers, the general scientific community and users. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree in Science, Agricultural Science or related discipline, with major in Statistics. Special Conditions: This is a part-time contract position, working 45 hours per fortnight, for up to 5 years and may be extended depending on funding. The position is located at Glenside. Some intra-state and occasional interstate travel, including absence overnight, will be required. A current “car” driver’s licence is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro (Glenside) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Primary Industries and Resources (SA Research and Development Institute) Further Information:, Enquiries and Applications to: Dr Andreas Kiermeier, Senior Research Officer, Innovative Food & Plants, GPO Box 397, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8207 7884, email Note: Position descriptions and guidelines are available from Dr Andreas Kiermeier, telephone 8207 7884, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Preparing your application:\Applying for Positions in SARDI.pdf Position description:\PSO-2 Food Safety Stats 2006.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 67 CUSTOMER MINOR WORKS ENGINEER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T5306/2006 Duties: The Customer Minor Works Engineer is accountable to the Regional Operations Engineer for: undertaking the technical and administrative management of minor projects; participating in the definition and implementation of road management strategies; providing an active liaison and consultation service including specialist technical research and evaluation advice on traffic and road management matters to a range of customers and stakeholders including Local Government; ensuring bridge assets within the Region are maintained including any related traffic management; providing assistance to the Regional Operations Engineer on an as required basis, which contributes to the achievement of Agency objectives of providing an infrastructure that is efficient, reliable, safe and in harmony with the environment. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Professional Engineer Special Conditions: Based at Naracoorte.Some work outside normal hours and travel necessitating overnight absences will be involved.A current Drivers Licence is essential. Location: Murray Lands (Naracoorte) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Eastern Region) Enquiries to: Mr Adrian Bolton, telephone 8532 8111, email Applications to: Ms Mardi Lucas, Eastern Region, 121- 129 Thomas Street, Murray Bridge, 5253, telephone 8532 8156, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (Quick Search, Vacancy No., Search), email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer.The position is being offered at either the PSO-2 or TGO-3 level. Please note there is only one position.TGO-3 refer vacancy T5304/2006. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: JP:\PSO-2 Cust Minor Wks Eng.DOC Guide:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC Emp Dec:\Employment_Declaration.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO3 68 THROUGHCARE / ASSIST COORDINATION UNIT, CUSTODIAL SERVICES (TEMPORARY FOR 6 MONTHS) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. T5291/2006 Duties: The position will have a strategic focus, aimed at identifying and dismantling systemic "log-jams" and breakdowns in communication in DCS (and in the wider criminal justice system) that hinder implementation of the Department's Throughcare policy. Through the provision of training and coaching for CMC's, and hands- on case management and co-ordination support for prison- based social workers in complex cases, the position is also expected to contribute actively to building the Departments Throughcare capacity. The position will complement existing induction, reception and assessment processes to identify vulnerable short term and remand prisoners. Linkages will also be developed with psychological services, program teams in prison and with Community Corrections case management services to co-ordinate pre-release planning prior to release. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Essential: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. Eligible for registration with a recognised professional association (e.g. AASW).Desirable: A Master level qualification in Social Work to a standard approved by the Chief Executive. Registered with a recognised professional association (e.g. AASW). Special Conditions: The position is based at the Prisoner Assessment Unit, Yatala Labour Prisons, but will be required to operate in various locations within the state of South Australia to meet organisational needs. Some out of hours work may be required. Current SA motorcar drivers licence is essential, and must be willing to drive. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: SA Government Services Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Correctional Services (Custodial Services) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ollie Peters, Manager, Throughcare /Assist Coordinator Projects, Dept for Correctional Services, Yatala Labour Prison Peter Brown Drive , Northfield SA , 5085, telephone 08 83430455, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Michelle Bartlett, Personal Assistant to the Director Custodial Services, telephone 08 8226 9780, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\CC-Throughcare Coordinator-pso3.doc Application Package:\Applicant package-info-jul02.doc Code of Conduct:\Code of Conduct.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO3 69 SENIOR HYDROGEOLOGIST (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. TO 2 YEARS) (Advt) C5268/2006 Duties: The Senior Hydrogeologist is accountable to the Manager Resource Investigations for evaluating, developing and coordinating groundwater projects and investigations that contribute to the knowledge and understanding of the capacity of the State’s groundwater resources and contributing to the accuracy and dissemination of groundwater resources technical data and advice. In particular this position will be focussing on River Murray Salt Interception Scheme investigations in the first instance. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor of Science, Natural Resource Management or equivalent or Professional Engineer. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work to meet critical deadlines and other obligations will be required.Some intra and inter state travel may be required.The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of specific service or program outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Water, Land, and Biodiversity Conservation (Policy, Information and Infrastructure Directorate - Knowledge and Information Division - Groundwater Group) Further Information: Enquiries to: Todd Hodgkin, Senior Hydrogeologist, telephone 08 8204 8513, email Applications to: Soula Tyrteos, Administration Officer, GPO Box 2834, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 08 8463 6947, email, web site Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Soula Tyrteos, telephone 08 8463 6947, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees, along with a current CV. Closing Date: 04 Aug 2006 Downloads: J&P:\Snr Hydrogeologist PSO3.doc How to Apply:\How to apply_J&P.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 TECHNICAL SERVICES STREAM TGO3 70 CUSTOMER MINOR WORKS OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($54391.00/57413.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T5304/2006 Duties: The Customer Minor Works Officer is accountable to the Regional Operations Engineer for: undertaking the technical and administrative management of minor projects; contributing to the development of the road maintenance program; participating in the definition and implementation of road management strategies; providing an active liaison and consultation service, including specialist technical research and evaluation advice on traffic and road management matters, to a range of customers and stakeholders including Local Government, which contributes to the achievement of Agency objectives of providing an infrastructure that is efficient, reliable, safe and in harmony with the environment. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Possession of a recognised qualification approved as being appropriate to the career group or alternative as defined with the classification standards. Special Conditions: Based at Naracoorte.Some work outside normal hours and travel necessitating overnight absences will be involved.A current Drivers Licence is essential. Location: Murray Lands (Naracoorte) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Eastern Region) Enquiries to: Mr Adrian Bolton, telephone 8532 8111, email Applications to: Ms Mardi Lucas, Eastern Region, 121-129 Thomas Street, Murray Bridge, 5253, telephone 8532 8156, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (Quick Search, Vacancy No. XXXX, Search), email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer.The position is being offered at either the TGO-3 or PSO-2 level. Please note there is only one position. PSO-2 refer vacancy T5306/2006. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: JP:\TGO-3 Cust Minor Wks Off.DOC Guide:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC Emp Dec:\Employment_Declaration.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 TECHNICAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) TGO3 TECHNICAL OFFICER - BRIDGE DESIGN (Advt) ($54391.00/57413.00) Vacancy No. 5364/2006 Duties: The Supervising Technical Officer – Bridge Design is accountable to the Supervising Engineer for providing a range of high quality, efficient and effective technical drafting services relating to all complexities of bridge design projects, participating in a range of drafting management activities, undertaking a range of activities associated with the development of drafting standards, which contributes to the achievement of Section and Agency objectives related to the development and management of bridge and transport-related structural assets. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Possession of a recognised qualification approved as being appropriate to the career group or alternative, as defined within the classification standards. Special Conditions: Initial location will be the Pavements and Structures Section, located at Walkerville. The successful applicant may be reassigned to other areas of the Agency to perform work appropriate to the classification on either a temporary or continuing basis. Some out of hours work and inter and intrastate travel may be required. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants are requested to address each of the essential and desirable criteria from the Job and Person Specification. Please quote the job vacancy number in your application. Location: Adelaide Metro (Walkerville) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Statewide Operations and Programs Pavements & Structures Section) Enquiries to: Mr P Wilson, telephone 8343 2072, email Applications to: HR Customer Liaison Group, 33 - 37 Warwick St, (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (click on the “Quick Search” section of the website), or email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: J&P Spec:\TGO3 Technical Officer - Bridge.doc Employment Declaration:\Employment_Declaration.doc Guidelines:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC 71 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:14/07/06 NOMINATIONS 72 Vacancy Position and Administrative Unit Nominated 589/2006 Aboriginal Early Childhood Project Officer, Education and Children’s Services JUNE ROMEO, Project Officer, Aboriginal Early Childhood, Education and Children’s Services 2527/2006 Senior Practitioner, Families and Communities NO NOMINATION WILL BE MADE ON THIS CALL 2896/2006 Accounts Receivable Coordinator, Primary Industries and Resources TERESA COOK, Accounts Receivable Officer, Primary Industries and Resources 2930/2006 Administrative Officer, Health ANASTASIA TAVLARIDIS, Administrative Officer, Health 2952/2006 SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER , Correctional Services MR JODEY HATCHARD, Project Manager Facilities, Administrative and Information Services JOE SABATO, Project Manager, Correctional Services 2955/2006 Senior Asset Planner , Correctional Services IRENE GOVAS, Asset Planner, Police 2973/2006 Manager, Records Management, Police NO NOMINATION WILL BE MADE ON THIS CALL 2990/2006 Senior Data Analysis Officer, Treasury and Finance JOANNE HENDERSON, Business & Data Analyst, Treasury and Finance 3097/2006 Senior Intelligence Analyst, Police JAMES SAYWELL, Intelligence Analyst, Police Note: Further nomination may be made on this call 3184/2006 Housing Advisor, Families and Communities DARRYL ALLEN, Housing Advisor, Families and Communities Nomination of KYLIE JOY is withdrawn 3272/2006 Supervisor, Special Programs for Youth, Families PAUL BANYTIS, Supervisor, SPY, and Communities Families and Communities 3411/2006 Manager, Case Management, Correctional Services YILMA WOLDGOBREAL, Community Corrections Officer, Correctional Services PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:14/07/06 NOMINATIONS (Continued) 73 Vacancy Position and Administrative Unit Nominated 3517/2006 Administration/Policy Officer, Water, Land, and Biodiversity Conservation LISSA FOUNTAINE, Admin Policy Officer, Water, Land, and Biodiversity Conservation 3612/2006 Manager, Families and Communities CATHERINE HARMAN, Manager, Enfield District Centre, Families and Communities 3623/2006 Supervisor Accounting Services, Police NO NOMINATION WILL BE MADE ON THIS CALL 3702/2006 Casework Support Officer, Families and Communities KASEY MCKENZIE, Casework Support Officer, Families and Communities 3703/2006 Volunteer Manager/Case Management Support Worker, Families and Communities LISA NORMAN, Volunteer Manager/Case Management Support Worker, Families and Communities 3758/2006 Supervisor Operations, Correctional Services NICKY SWALWELL, Correctional Officer, Correctional Services 3775/2006 Policy Officer, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure SCOTT HALL, Policy Officer, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure 3820/2006 Divisional Accountant, Health REBECCA LANG, Senior Financial Analyst, Health 3890/2006 Finance Officer, Education and Children’s Services GIAO REYNOLDS, Finance Officer, Education and Children’s Services 3975/2006 Client Services Officer, Courts Administration Authority BRONWYN O’NEIL, Court Officer, Magistrate Court, Port Adelaide, Courts Administration Authority 4027/2006 Accounts Receivable Officer, Education and Children's Services RACHEL ROGERS, A/Accounts Receivable Officer, Education and Children's Services 4084/2006 Manager, Contracts and Licensing, Families and Communities NO NOMINATION WILL BE MADE ON THIS CALL 4119/2006 Infrastructure Management Operations Administrator, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure ANDREW HARWOOD, A/Infrastructure Management Operations Administrator, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:14/07/06 NOMINATIONS (Continued) Vacancy Position and Administrative Unit Nominated 4193/2006 Senior Coordinator, Executive Services, Primary Industries and Resources LISA FARLEY, Manager, Business & Administrative Support, Primary Industries and Resources 4370/2006 Service Finance Officer, Police NO NOMINATION WILL BE MADE ON THIS CALL 4377/2006 IM Policy Strategist, Primary Industries and Resources CLARE SPEECHLEY, Senior Policy Officer, Primary Industries and Resources 4574/2006 Consultant Strategic Contracts, Families and Communities RALPH ALVINO, Senior Contracts Adviser, Health 4609/2006 Supervisor Operations, Correctional Services NO NOMINATION WILL BE MADE ON THIS CALL APPEAL INFORMATION Whilst it is recognised that practices in relation to handling enquiries regarding nominations may vary between Administrative Units, it is recommended that such enquiries should in the first instance be directed to the chairperson of the selection panel or, if that person is not known or available the enquiry person named under the appropriate vacancy description as contained in the Notice of Vacancies. Appeals pursuant to Section 43 of the Public Sector Management Act against the above nominations must be lodged on the prescribed form and with the Appeals Administrator, Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal, 3 rd Floor, AON House, 63 Pirie Street, Adelaide, within seven days after the publication of the notice of nominations. It should be noted that “late” appeals cannot be considered by the Tribunal. Consequently, it might be preferable to forward appeals using the facsimile service ((08) 8226 2801). If using postal services please address your appeal to the Appeals Administrator, Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal, Office of Public Employment, GPO Box 1651, Adelaide, 5001. As Chief Executives may now attempt to resolve by conciliation issues relevant to an appeal, prior to its hearing, a copy of the appeal form must also be sent by the due date to the relevant Chief Executive. The Chief Executive will decide if conciliation is to be attempted and advise the Tribunal Secretary of that decision within one week of receiving a copy of the appeal. Please note that in respect of the nominations, there is no right of appeal on the basis of superior merit. An appeal against a nomination may only be made on one or more of the following grounds: that the employee nominated is not eligible for appointment to the position: or that the selection processes leading to the nomination were affected by nepotism or patronage or were otherwise not properly based on assessment of the respective merits of the applicants: or that there was some other serious irregularity in the selection processes, and may not be made merely on the basis that the Tribunal should redetermine the respective merits of the appellant and the employee nominated. 74 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:14/07/06 NOMINATIONS (Continued) Chief Executives must ensure that the Notice of Vacancies is distributed within their organisation as quickly as possible to enable applicants wishing to appeal, to do so within the prescribed 7 day limit. A list of the members of the Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal and Disciplinary Appeals Tribunal panels is included in the issue of the Notice of Vacancies dated 8 August 2003. Enquiries relating to the appeal process should be directed to Jenny Schahinger, Appeals Administrator, Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal, C/- Office of Public Employment, telephone (08) 8226 2881, email: Jeff Walsh COMMISSIONER FOR PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT 75 SAHC ACT VACANCY INFORMATION SA HEALTH COMMISSION ACT VACANCIES AND INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY SCIENCE ACT Vacancies contained in this section will be filled under the provisions of the South Australian Health Commission Act, 1976 and in the case of IMVS positions the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science Act, 1982. In addition to South Australian Health Commission Act employees, applications received from persons employed by the organisations contained on pages 1 and 2 of the Notice will also be accepted for vacancies listed in this section. Applicants are encouraged to obtain further details of the position and conditions of the vacancy from the contact officer nominated in the advertisement. Applicants should relate their application to the Person Specification for the position and include a Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume to maximise their chances of being considered further by a Selection Panel. GRIEVANCE PROVISIONS If you believe that your application for promotion has received unfair treatment relating to the selection process, you may have the right to seek a review of the decision. The right of review ONLY applies to employees under the South Australian Health Commission Act and employees under the Public Sector Management Act who were seconded to the SA Health Commission prior to 1st September, 1987. This Grievance Procedure is explained in more detail in Part 3-1 of the SAHC Act Human Resources Manual. Initial enquiries should be directed to the Chairperson of the Selection Panel. REQUEST TO CIRCULARISE SA HEALTH COMMISSION ACT AND INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY SCIENCE ACT VACANCIES ALL requisitions for filling SA Health Commission Act and Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science Act Vacancies should be forwarded to the DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (Consulting Team, Workforce Management Branch) by close of business Tuesdays prior to the date of issue of the following week's Notice of Vacancy. Every effort will be made to ensure vacancies are advertised as soon as possible. However, Health Units and Hospitals are encouraged to forward vacancy details as soon as they become available. This action will facilitate the clearing of positions for advertising in the Notice. Enquiries may be directed to the Consulting Team, telephone number (08) 8226 6196 or facsimile number (08) 8226 6935, and E-Mail 76 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM AMENDMENT ASO1 WARD CLERK (RELIEVER), DIVISIONS OF PAEDIATRIC MEDICINE AND PAEDIATRIC SURGERY (CASUAL) (Advt) ($19194.00/35036.00) Vacancy No. 4876/2006 Amended To: ASO1 WARD CLERK (RELIEVER), DIVISION OF PAEDIATRIC MEDICINE (CASUAL) (Advt) ($19194.00/35036.00) Vacancy No. 4876/2006 Amended Duties: The Casual Ward Clerk (Reliever) is accountable primarily to the Divisional Directors (Nursing & Medical), Division of Paediatric Medicine via the respective Business Managers, for the provision of an effective clerical service which results in contributing to the service of excellence provided by the Women's and Children's Hospital Campus of the Children, Youth and Women’s Health Service (CYWHS), to facility users, including patients and their families, ward staff, students and others. Amended Special Conditions: This position is offered on a casual 'as and when' needed basis covering staff shortages and/or any leave of absences within the departments/wards of the Division of Paediatric Medicine. A 20% casual loading will apply to the base rate of pay in lieu of accruing annual and sick leave entitlements. Must be prepared to work a variety of shifts/hours. Some out of hours work may be required. May be required to cover the Administrative Officer role within Departments of the above Division, for which a higher duty payment at the ASO2 salary and classification may be offered. Must be prepared to undertake and complete any other administrative duty as directed by the Business Support Consultant, Business Manager and/or Divisional Directors. Location: Adelaide Metro (North Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Division of Paediatric Medicine) Enquiries to: Meg Baker, Executive Assistant, Division of Paediatric Medicine, telephone 8161 7424, Applications to: Recruitment & Retention Unit, Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249Recruitment & Retention Unit, Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 21 Jul 2006 77 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO1 CLERICAL OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 28/06/2008) ($19194.00/35036.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T5039/2006 Duties: Responsible for the provision of an efficient clerical and reception service to the Hospital, Primary Health Unit & Community Health Centre. Special Conditions: 37.5 hours per week. Hours are 8.30 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday. Some out of hours work may be required. TOIL arrangements exist for approved out of hours work. Some intrastate travel may be required. Maybe required to work across all sites of the Health Unit. The incumbent will be required to strictly observe the confidentiality of information received and given. A current South Australian Drivers Licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. Location: Coober Pedy Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Coober Pedy Hospital and Health Services Inc) Enquiries and Applications to: M Kammermann, Manager Administration/Services, Coober Pedy Hospital and Health Services Inc, PO Box 143, Coober Pedy, 5723, telephone 86725009 Note: Applicants are required to address the criteria listed in the Person Specification in their application. A detailed Job and Person Specification is available from Miriam Kammermann, Manager Administration/Services, telephone 86725009, or email Please forward four complete sets of your application. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Further information and all vacant listings for the Region can be obtained from our Website Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: j&p:\ASO1June 06.doc ASO1 ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT (FULL-TIME OR JOB SHARE BASIS) (Advt) ($19194.00/35036.00) Vacancy No. 5123/2006 Duties: The Administration Assistant is accountable to the relevant Manager for the provision of efficient and timely clerical support; and will contribute to the provision of a quality customer service by acting as a resource and information point for patients, families and visitors. Must be prepared to work in all Administration areas of CDHS. Special Conditions: This position may be offered on either a full-time or job share basis. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. Proficient computer skills in the operation of the Microsoft suite is desirable as is a current SA Drivers Licence. Some flexibility of working hours may be required. Salary sacrificing is available to employees. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Ceduna) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Eyre Regional Health - Ceduna District Health Service) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms M Liddle, Human Resource Officer, Ceduna District Health Service, PO Box 178, Ceduna, 5690, telephone (08) 8626 2110, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Ceduna ASO1 Admin Officer:\aso1_ceduna_20060629.doc 78 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO1 79 RELIEVING OFFICER - FULL TIME AND PART TIME (TEMPORARY FOR 1 YEAR) ($19194.00/35036.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T5221/2006 Duties: Relieving Officer provides leave relief for clerical officers across all areas of Repatriation General Hospital. The Relieving Officer works in various units within the Hospital to provide a professional, customer-focused clerical service and is a principal point of contact for external and internal customers. Special Conditions: Full time and part time positions are available. The incumbent will be required to deputise at a higher classification from time to time in various areas within the hospital. Location: Adelaide Metro (Daw Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Repatriation General Hospital - Nursing and Patient Services) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mary Hatchard, Repatriation General Hospital, telephone 08 8275 1156, email Applications to: Pat Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park, 5041 Note: Please quote vacancy number T5221 in your application. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from RGH is an approved Public Benevolent Institution for fringe benefits tax purposes which enables eligible employees to salary sacrifice/package up to 50%. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Spec:\ASO1 REL OFF T5221 JULY06.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO1 X-RAY CLERK OPD (TEMPORARY UP TO 30/09/2007) Vacancy No. T5144/2006 Duties: The position is responsible for clerical duties within the Radiology department. The position is also responsible for assisting the LMO liaison officer. The clerk must prioritise workloads and liaise with other clerical workers within the team. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Daw Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Repatriation General Hospital - Radiology) Further Information: Enquiries to: Karen Meadows, Radiology, telephone 08 8275 1139, email Applications to: Pat Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park, 5041 Note: Please quote vacancy number T5144 in your application. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification in their application. JOB AND PERSON SPECIFICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE AT RGH is an approved Public Benevolent Institution for fringe benefits tax purposes which enables eligible employees to salary sacrifice/package up to 50%. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Spec:\ASO1 X-RAY CLK T5144 JULY06.doc 80 ($19194.00/35036.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 81 SECRETARY - FAMILIAL CANCER UNIT, DEPARTMENT OF GENETIC MEDICINE (PART-TIME) (Advt) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 5074/2006 Duties: The Secretary will be accountable to the Executive of the Division of Laboratory Medicine via the Head, Familial Cancer Unit for the provision of a confidential secretarial, administrative and reception service for the Familial Cancer Unit. Special Conditions: This is a permanent part time position working 60 hours per fortnight (working between Monday to Thursday of each week; with the flexibility to change the working days and hours if required (and with the appropriate notification) by the Head of Department. Salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. The incumbent may be required to work out of hours including weekends and public holidays. The secretary will be required to participate in the staff appraisal process and to attend relevant education activities. Depending on work requirements, the incumbent may be deployed to other departments within the division of Laboratory Medicine to perform work of a similar nature appropriate to classification and skills. This position involves obtaining, handling and retrieving confidential data about clients and their families. The incumbent is required to sign a Confidentiality Declaration on taking up the appointment. Location: Adelaide Metro (North Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Department of Genetic Medicine (Division of Laboratory Medicine) Enquiries to: Cassandra Willoughby, Divisional Secretary, Division of Laboratory Medicine, telephone 8161 7417, email Applications to: Recruitment & Retention Unit, Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: jd:\AS02FAMCANUNITJULY06.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 WARD CLERK, NEWLAND WARD (PART-TIME) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 5108/2006 Duties: The Ward Clerk is accountable to the Business Manager for the provision of a comprehensive, confidential administrative service to Newland Ward. The incumbent will also provide a reception service, assisting with phone and personal enquiries from parents, patients, staff and visitors. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 50 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Hours worked are within the range of 7:00 am and 7:00 pm Monday to Friday and this position is currently worked 5 days per week, 5 hours per day, from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Must be prepared to attend relevant meetings and staff development and education activities as required. Performance will be assessed regularly based upon the outcomes of the position as detailed in the job and person specification. A process for performance management will be negotiated with the line manager. Location: Adelaide Metro (North Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Newland Ward (Division of Paediatric Surgery) Enquiries to: Tammy Moffat, Business Manager, Divsions of Paediatric Surgery & Anaesthesia and Theatre Services, telephone 8161 7270, email Applications to: Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hopsital Campus, Children, Youth and Women's Health Service, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 82 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, PAEDIATRIC SURGERY ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 5107/2006 Duties: The Administrative Assistant is accountable to the Business Manager, Division of Paediatric Surgery for the provision of a comprehensive confidential administrative service to the Paediatric Surgery Department. Tasks include coordinating theatre lists for a group of medical officers, supporting their clinics and liaising with patients and their carers. Special Conditions: May be required to participate in job rotation programs within the Division of Paediatric Surgery by undertaking work in other areas. Must be prepared to attend relevant meetings and staff development/education activities as required.Some out of hours work may be required. Performance will be assessed regularly based upon the outcomes of the position. A process for performance management will be negotiated with the line manager. Location: Adelaide Metro (North Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Paediatric Surgery (Division of Paediatric Surgery) Enquiries to: Tammy Moffat, Business Manager, Divisions of Paediatric Surgery and Anaesethesia and Theatre Services, telephone 8161 7270, email Applications to: Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hopsital Campus, Children, Youth and Women's Health Service, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: jd:\AS02PAEDSURGJUNE06.doc 83 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 5106/2006 Duties: The Office Administrator is accountable to the Manager Finance for the provision of a confidential secretarial, administrative and reception service which results in achieving an effective level of management of the Finance Office. The Office Administrator is also responsible for providing timely, accurate and discreet secretarial services to meet the needs of the Finance staff. The Office Administrator also performs the role of car parking officer handling general queries and maintaining the car parking database. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required from time to time. Will be required to undertake a health assessment prior to commencement. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Flinders Medical Centre - Finance Department - Division of Business Services) Enquiries to: Gary Verstegen, Manager, Finance, telephone 8204 5702 Applications to: Dawn Lindenberger, Client Services Officer, Human Resources, Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders Drive, Bedford Park, 5042, email Note: Flinders Medical Centre offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a Job and Person Specification please contact the enquiry person or download from the address given below. Applicants are requested to quote Job Number 5106 in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: job and person specification:\ASO2 Secretary to Director Finance.doc 84 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 SECRETARY ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 5209/2006 Duties: The Secretary is accountable to the Professor, Department of Surgery for the provision of a comprehensive, confidential secretarial and administrative assistant service and will also be required to carry out projects under minimal supervision. The incumbent is also accountable to several other consultants & research staff within the department. Special Conditions: Will be required to undertake a Health Assessment prior to commencement. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check. Location: Adelaide Metro (Bedford Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Flinders Medical Centre - Surgical & Specialty Services - General & Digestive Surgery) Enquiries to: Ms Michelle Raymond, Personal Assistant to the Divisional Director of Surgical and Specialty Services, telephone 8204 3948, email Applications to: Ms Tania Corr, Client Service Officer, Human Resources and Organisational Development, Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders Drive, Bedford Park, 5042, email Note: Flinders Medical Centre offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a Job and Person Specification please contact the enquiry person or download from the address given below. Applicants are requested to quote Job Number 5209/2006 in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\Secretary_ASO2.doc 85 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMISSIONS & ACUTE REFERRAL UNIT (AARU) RECEPTIONIST (TEMPORARY UP TO 6/07/2007) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. T5130/2006 Duties: The Admissions & Acute Referral (AARU) receptionist provides a customer focussed administrative and reception service, acting as a principal point of contact for external and internal customers of the hospital contributing to an effective and efficient Hospital admissions and discharge service. Co-ordinate the transport of eligible patients to ensure the most cost-effective method of transport is used. Special Conditions: RGH is committed to continuous quality improvement and expects all staff to initiate and participate in programs in keeping with this ethos. To participate in the staff appraisal process as frequently as may be required, but at least annually. A commitment to on-going personal/professional development.Hours of work: 75 hours per fortnight rostered over 24 hours, 7 days per week including public holidays and weekends. It is the preference of the department that staff dress in accordance with that of a front–line service area and in line with the negotiated dress code. As the number of patients accessing the hospital is significantly less during the evenings, the duties of the late and night shift may differ from the duties of the early shift. The incumbent will be required to take on other duties as directed commensurate with the ASO2 level. Location: Adelaide Metro (Daw Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Repatriation General Hospital - Nursing and Patient Services) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mary Hatchard, Repatriation General Hospital, telephone 08 8275 1156, email Applications to: Pat Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park, 5041 Note: Please quote vacancy number T5130 in your application. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from RGH is an approved Public Benevolent Institution for fringe benefits tax purposes which enables eligible employees to salary sacrifice/package up to 50%. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Spec:\AARU RECEPT T5130 JULY06.doc 86 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 SENIOR X-RAY CLERK - RECEPTION (TEMPORARY UP TO 31/08/2007) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. T5161/2006 Duties: Provide a complete reception service by arranging Radiology appointments in the Radiology department as well as co-ordinating the arrival and departure of patients. The position is also responsible for generating invoices for private outpatients, as well as receiving and receipting payments. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Daw Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Repatriation General Hospital - Radiology) Further Information: Enquiries to: Karen Meadows, Radiology, telephone 08 8275 1139, email Applications to: Pat Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park, 5041 Note: Please quote vacancy number T5161 in your application. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification in their application. JOB AND PERSON SPECIFICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE AT RGH is an approved Public Benevolent Institution for fringe benefits tax purposes which enables eligible employees to salary sacrifice/package up to 50%. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Spec:\ASO2 SNR CLERK RECEP T5161 JULY06.doc ASO2 CORRESPONDENCE CLERK (TEMPORARY FOR 6 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T5226/2006 Duties: Contribute to the effective and efficient operation of the organisation’s records management and correspondence control systems by ensuring all correspondence is classified, indexed, filed and is archived in accordance with established guidelines. Special Conditions: A temporary fulltime appointment will be offered in the first instance for 6 months from the date of commencement. Some out of hour’s work may be required. May be required to assist or be re-located to other areas within DASSA, should the need arise. Current motor vehicle driver’s licence and willingness to drive is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro (Parkside) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Southern Adelaide Health Service - Drug and Alcohol Services SA Business Services) Enquiries to: Mrs Christina Parker, Administrative Officer, Drug and Alcohol Services SA, telephone 8274 3359, email Applications to: Mr Bob Ball, Manager, Human Resources, Drug and Alcohol Services SA, 161 Greenhill Road, PARKSIDE SA, 5063, telephone 8274 3334, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Christina Parker, telephone 8274 3359, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 87 ($37253.00/40321.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATION OFFICER ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 5198/2006 Duties: As a member of a multi-disciplinary team, the Administration Officer is responsible to the Manager Southern Vales for establishing and coordinating an efficient and high quality administrative support system at GP Plus - Aldinga. This will include: Setting up office and administrative procedures in a new centre. Provision of confidential customer focussed reception services. Provision of administrative support for the manager and staff of GP Plus Aldinga. Coordinating provision of high quality information services, including client information, electronic information, data management and financial records. Supervision and training of other administrative staff working in the team. Coordinating effective operational functioning for co-located agencies. Special Conditions: Located at GP Plus Aldinga. Job sharing as combination of two part-time positions may be considered in the selection process. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. May be required to work at any site within the Southern Health Services. Some out of hours work may be required. Appointment may be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check. Job and Person Specifications are reviewed regularly as part of the ongoing Performance Development Process. Location: Adelaide Metro (Noarlunga Centre) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Southern Adelaide Health Services - Noarlunga Health Services) Enquiries to: Alison King, A/Manager Southern Vales Community Health Service, Noarlunga Health Services, telephone (08) 8392 8050, email Applications to: Nicolle Paisawa, Assistant Human Resources Consultant, Noarlunga Health Services, PO Box 437, Noarlunga Centre, 5168, telephone (08) 8384 9515, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Alison King, A/Manager, telephone (08) 8392 8050, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential', clearly noting the vacancy number. Please note that emailed or faxed applications will not be accepted. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 ASO2 SUPPLY OFFICER (Advt) Vacancy No. 5205/2006 Duties: Responsible to the Supply Operations Coordinator for all aspects of the purchasing and inventory control of goods and services for a designated group of products/suppliers to meet the needs of The Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be based predominantly at the Lyell McEwin Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Corporate Services - Materials Department) Enquiries to: Derek Mason, Supply Operations Coordinator, Materials Department, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 6604, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 88 ($37253.00/40321.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 RELIEF CLERK-FINANCE (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. TO 24 MONTHS) (Advt) C5203/2006 Duties: Responsible to undertake a continued training program to become familiar with all systems and procedures within the Finance Department and subsequently provide relief clerical services to facilitate continuity of departmental output during periods of absence in the Department ie., annual leave, long service leave, sick leave etc. Special Conditions: 75 hours per fortnight 8.45 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday. Some out of hours work and intrastate travel may be required. Current SA drivers licence essential Location: Eyre Peninsula (Whyalla) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Whyalla Hospital and Health Services Inc) Enquiries to: Mrs Y Warncken, Manager, Finance/Patient Services, telephone 86488512 Applications to: Ms K Burns, Human Resource Assistant, The Whyalla Hospital and Health Services Inc, PO Box 267, Whyalla, 5600, telephone 86488524, email Note: Applicants are required to address the criteria listed in the Person Specification in their application. A detailed Job and Person Specification is available from the Human Resource Department, telephone 86488524, or email Applications will not be accepted via email or fax, please forward four complete sets of your application. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 ASO3 HOTEL SERVICES COORDINATOR ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 5191/2006 Duties: The Hotel Services Coordinator is responsible for the provision of an appropriate high quality range of support services, namely, Catering, Housekeeping and Maintenance (Hotel Services group) to clients and staff of the Murray Bridge Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital (MBSMH) and the Murray Mallee Community Health Service (MMCHS). Special Conditions: The Hotel Services Co-ordinator will be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes and participate in special projects as required. Some out of hours work and some intra and interstate travel may be required. A current South Australian driver's licence and a willingness to drive is essential. Appointee will be required to produce a National Police Certificate and not be found guilty of any offence relevant to the area of employment. Location: Murray Lands (Murray Bridge) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Country Health SA - Murray Bridge Soldiers Memorial Hospital) Enquiries to: Joe McDavitt, Manager Business & Environment Services, Murray Bridge Soldiers Memorial Hospital, telephone (08) 8535 6926, email Applications to: Linda Thompson, Human Resource Consultant, Murray Bridge Soldiers Memorial Hospital, PO Box 346, Murray Bridge, 5253, telephone (08) 8535 6926, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Hospital Administration, telephone (08) 8535 6777, or email Please forward four (4) complete sets of your application and include the name, address, and contact details of three (3) current work referees. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Hotel Services Co-ordinator J&P:\Hotel Services Coordinator ASO3 J&P.doc 89 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2/ ASO3 DATA MANAGER - MEDICAL ONCOLOGY RESEARCH (TEMPORARY FOR 12 MONTHS) ($37253.00/40321.00) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. T3973/2006 Duties: The Data Manager in the Medical Oncology Department is required to coordinate and manage Clinical Trials in accordance with Good Clinical Research Practice (GCRP). Assist with the identification of potentially eligible patients and inform the medical staff of the screening procedures for study entry. Coordinate patient appointments and clinical follow-up, the collection of data, the collection of specimens and the collation of test results and the immediate reporting of serious adverse events. Special Conditions: Out of hours work, interstate travel may be required. Will be required to undertake a Health Assessment prior to commencement. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check. Location: Adelaide Metro (Bedford Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Flinders Medical Centre - Surgical and Specialty Services - Medical Oncology) Enquiries to: Ms Belinda Tarca, Secretary, General Surgery, telephone 8204 8997, email Applications to: Ms Tania Corr, Client Service Officer, Human Resources and Organisational Development, Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders Drive, Bedford Park, 5042, email Note: Flinders Medical Centre offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a Job and Person Specification please contact the enquiry person or download from the address given below. Applicants are requested to quote Job Number T3973/2006 in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply. The position may be filled at either remuneration level depending on the level of responsibility and accountability assigned in accordance with the qualifications and experience of the successful applicant. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\ASO2 Data Manager JP.doc 90 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2/ ASO3 ABORIGINAL MEN'S HEALTH WORKER (TEMPORARY UP TO 3 MONTHS) ($37253.00/40321.00) (Advt) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. T5168/2006 Duties: The Aboriginal Men’s Health Worker will work to improve Aboriginal men’s health in Whyalla by facilitating events for Aboriginal men at risk, that are culturally inclusive, appropriate and accessible. A comprehensive list of issues and strategies to address Aboriginal men’s health issues will be developed in a participative approach, and will be utilised to further address the priority areas. Essential Minimum Qualifications: ASO2 (Probationary - new entry level) - up to 12 month appointment with performance assessment at 6, 9 and 12 months - willingness to undertake studies in Cert in Aboriginal Primary Health Care. ASO3 (qualified operative) - Certificate in Aboriginal Primary Health Care. Special Conditions: Some approved out of hours work may be required for which time in lieu (TOIL) arrangements may apply. Must hold a current SA driver’s licence and be willing to drive. The position is 1fte or 75 hours per fortnight. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Whyalla) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Nunyara Wellbeing Centre Inc.) Enquiries to: Mr A Baker, Manager, Nunyara Wellbeing Centre, telephone 86494366 Applications to: Ms K Burns, Human Resource Assistant, The Whyalla Hospital and Health Services Inc., PO Box 267, Whyalla, 5600, telephone 86488524, email Note: Applicants are required to address the criteria listed in the Person Specification in their application. A detailed Job and Person Specification is available from the Human Resource Department, telephone 86488524, or email Applications will not be accepted via email or fax, please forward four complete sets of your application. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 91 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR (PART-TIME) Vacancy No. 5250/2006 Duties: Responsible for the management of the Community and Allied Health Services Division’s volunteers, working towards best practice standards for volunteer program management. Responsible for working closely with program managers, other volunteer coordinators in the region and other relevant bodies to develop and maintain this process. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 40 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work may be required. Travel in the region may be required. A current drivers licence is essential. Hours to be negotiated according to the program's needs. Attendance at mandatory training sessions as determined by the organisation. Location: Port Pirie Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Georgina Bickley, Primary Health Care Manager, Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc, telephone 86384735, email Applications to: Ms Jane Southam, Personnel Clerk, Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc, Box 546, Port Pirie, 5540, telephone 86384626, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. These are available from the Human Resources Department telephone 86384626 or e-mail applicants will be subject to a police check prior to their appointment being confirmed. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\Volunteer Coord ASO 3 June 06.doc 92 ($43385.00/46453.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 93 COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKER - MULTICULTURAL NEW ARRIVED REFUGEE PROJECT WORKER (PART-TIME) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 5264/2006 Duties: As a member of a multi-disciplinary team, the Community Health Worker – multicultural, will promote the health and well-being of women by providing responsive primary health care services, programs and activities based on social justice and a social view of health working in collaboration with women of diverse language and culture, other staff and relevant organisations froma range of sectors.This will be achieved through the identification of health needs/issues, group programs, health educations, health promotion, community development projects, advocacy and supporting training and development activities for other staff, agencies and community members. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 15 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work will be required. Must possess a current driver’s licence and be willing to drive. May be required to work from any location within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Language skills may need to be used for translating and interpreting. The duties performed as part of this role may be varied subject to negotiation. Located at Dale Street Women's Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Port Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (CNAHS Central Eastern Western Primary Health Care) Enquiries to: Ms Pat Netschitowsky, Senior Admin Officer, Primary Health Care Western, telephone 8444 0700, email Applications to: Human Resource Team, Primary Health Care Services Central Eastern Western, PO Box 508, Prospect East SA, 5082, telephone 8342 8600, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from the Human Resource Team on 8342 8600 or email Please forward an original plus three copies. Applicants are required to obtain the Job and Person Specifications and address the criteria. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 94 WOMEN'S COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKER/COUNSELLOR (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY FOR ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 6 MONTHS) T5260/2006 Duties: The Dale Street Regional Women’s Community Health Worker is responsible for:Contributing to the provision of range of responsive and effective specialist services to women in the Western region of Adelaide by:providing general counselling and support services. facilitating and undertaking the development, implementation and evaluation of workshops and group programs on specific women’s health issues.•developing and providing health information and resources•initiating other relevant health promotion and community based strategies and initiatives including working with new arrival womenThe position works within a feminist, primary health care approach, based around the identification and provision of services and community advocacy on women’s social health and wellbeing. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 60 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work will be required. Must possess a current driver’s licence and be willing to drive. Required to work within the administrative policies and procedures of CNAHS and the DOH. Required to work from the Regional Women’s Health Service (Dale St. Women’s Health Centre Location: Adelaide Metro (Port Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (CNAHS Central Eastern Western Primary Health Care) Enquiries to: Ms Pat Netschitowsky, Senior Admin Officer, Primary Health Care Western, telephone 8444 0700, email Applications to: Human Resource Team, Primary Health Care Services Central Eastern Western, PO Box 508, Prospect East SA, 5082, telephone 8342 8600, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from the Human Resource Team on 8342 8600 or email Please forward an original plus three copies. Applicants are required to obtain the Job and Person Specification and address the criteria. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 95 HEALTH PROMOTION OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 26/01/2007) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T5065/2006 Duties: The health promotion officer is responsible to the Manager Primary Health & Aged Care Services, for the facilitation and co-ordination of a distinct range of health promotion activities including involvement in identification of needs, planning, delivery and evaluation of services, programs, resource identification and co-ordination to improve the health outcomes of the Coober Pedy Community and surrounding areas. Special Conditions: Current South Australian drivers license and willingness to drive is essential. Some out of hour’s work and intrastate travel may be required. Must be prepared to undergo Police Security Check. Location: Coober Pedy Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Coober Pedy Hospital and Health Services Inc) Enquiries and Applications to: Gai DiDonna, Manager Primary Health and Aged Care Services, Coober Pedy Hospital and Health Services, PO Box 143, Coober Pedy, 5723, telephone 86723901, email, web site Note: Applicants are required to address the criteria listed in the Person Specification in their application. A detailed Job and Person Specification is available from Gai DiDonna, Manager Primary Health and Aged Care Services, telephone 86723901, or email Please forward four complete sets of your application. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Further information and all vacant listings for the Region can be obtained from our Website Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 ABORIGINAL CHILDREN AND FAMILIES PROGRAM WORKER (PART-TIME) (Advt) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 5223/2006 Duties: The Aboriginal Children and Families Program Worker is responsible to the Manager, Health Equity for Life Team, and is a member of the Children and Families Team MMCHS. The Aboriginal Children and Families Program Worker will promote the health and well being of Aboriginal children, families and communities by providing responsive primary health care services, programs and activities that are based on social justice and a social view of health whilst working in collaboration with communities and relevant organisations within government and other sectors. The position is based at MMCHS 2 days a week, and Meningie and Raukkan 1 day a week. The program has a focus on delivering services from culturally relevant sites using culturally relevant approaches. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Certificate in Aboriginal Primary Health Care. Please note: Equal Opportunity Exemption, Aboriginal Health Workers, On 27 April 2005, the South Australia Equal Opportunity Tribunal granted a further 3-year extension of the Exemption to only employ Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander People to Aboriginal Health Worker positions. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 45 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. May be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes and participate in special projects as required. Must possess a current driver’s licence and be willing to drive within the Murray Mallee and Hills Mallee Southern Region. Some out of hours work may be required. Will be expected to participate in training opportunities as negotiated. Required to work at any HMSRHS site as required. Work within HMSRHS - DH policies and procedures. Appointee will be required to produce a National Police Certificate without being found guilty of any offence relevant to the area of employment. Location: Murray Lands (Murray Bridge) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Country Health SA) Enquiries to: Lesley Porter, Manager, Equity for Life Team, Murray Mallee Community Health Service, telephone (08) 8535 6800, email Applications to: Linda Thompson, Human Resource Consultant, Murray Bridge Soldiers Memorial Hospital, PO Box 346, Murray Bridge, 5253, telephone (08) 8535 6777, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Sarena Buchanan, telephone (08) 8535 6828, or email Pleae forward four (4) complete sets of your application and include the name, address, and contact details of three (3) current work referees. Applicants are required to address the Person Specification in their application. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Ab Child Fam Program Worker J&P:\Ab Child Fam Program Worker.doc 96 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY COORDINATOR ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 4943/2006 Duties: Assist the Manager OHS Branch in providing value-adding OHS services to the IMVS. Develop and provide training programs including web based learning programs. Disseminate information including the production of a regular "health and safety" bulletin and maintaining the Safety website on the intranet. Provide regular reports in a simple comparative format. Provide clerical support and general assistance for the OHS Branch. Special Conditions: Some out of hours and intrastate travel may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science - OH&S Branch) Enquiries to: Mr Jim Toshach, Manager OHS Branch, telephone 8222 3234, email Applications to: Ms Gill Norrington, Manager, Human Resources, IMVS, Frome Road, Adelaide, 5000, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: J&PS:\ASO-4 OHS.doc ASO4 97 BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES PROJECT OFFICER (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. TO 30/06/2007) (Advt) T5159/2006 Duties: The incumbent will be responsible for the delivery of the MML&E Building Healthy Communities project plan in consultation with the BHC Steering Committee. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 60 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. A current car drivers licence is essential and a willingness to travel in the course of duties. Intrastate travel may be required necessitating occasional overnight absences and out of hours travelling by motor vehicles and/or light plane. Some out of hours work may be required where flexitime provisions apply. The appointee will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History Check. The position is located in Marla or Mintabie. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (Marla or Mintabie) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Northern & Far Western Regional Health Service Inc.) Enquiries to: Mr Brett Humphrys, Manager Regional Planning & Service Development, Northern & Far Western Regional Health Service Inc., telephone (08) 86485536, email Applications to: Ms Michelle Struck, A/Human Resource Assistant, Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Services Inc., Hospital Road, Port Augusta, 5700, telephone (08) 86485697, email Note: All Applicants are required to address the Job & Person Specification in their Applications. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Further information on region and all vacant position listings can be obtained from our website Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 98 COORDINATOR, EARLY YEARS PARENTING CENTRE (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. TO 27/03/2009) (Advt) C5240/2006 Duties: The role of the Coordinator of the Early Years Parenting Centre will be the management of the Centre, including all programs, activities, and staff. The Coordinator will also be responsible for undertaking needs analysis and research to inform the strategic direction of the centre. The Coordinator will provide leadership to staff and those who utilise the centre to ensure that the Centre embeds a philosophy of community development in all activities and programs. Evaluation and regular review of the Centre's activities and programs in relation to outcomes set by the Management Committee, Advisory Group and funding body, will be a key component of the role. The Coordinator will ensure the Centre operates within budget, including managing occupancy fees related to the use of the Centre by other agencies, and ensuring that the building and facilities are adequately maintained. The Coordinator will also provide regular reports to the Management Committee, the funding body and the Advisory Group. The Coordinator will be responsible for developing all policy and procedures relating to the Early Years Parenting Centre. These policy and procedures will reflect those of the Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Services Inc. and will respect the philosophies of partner agencies. The Coordinator will be responsible for researching and developing a model for an Early Childhood Development Centre appropriate for Port Augusta and preparing a report for decision makers in Health and Education state-wide portfolios. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required (TOIL arrangements apply). A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. The appointee will be subject to a satisfactory criminal history check. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (Port Augusta) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Services Inc.) Enquiries to: Ms Rosemary Box, Team Leader Child & Women's Health Team, Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Services Inc., telephone (08) 86485800, email Applications to: Ms Michelle Struck, A/Human Resource Assistant, Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Services Inc., Hospital Road, Port Augusta, 5700, telephone (08) 86485697, email Note: All Applicants are required to address the Job & Person Specification in their applications. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Further information on region and all vacant position listings can be obtained from our website Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICER (TEMPORARY FOR 1 YEAR) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. T5219/2006 Duties: The Senior Administrative Officer is responsible for: Supervision of Repat Clinic clerical staff, Day-to-day management, training & support of the RGH Clerical Relieving Pool Co-ordinating relief requirements for all RGH clerical staff covered by the Relieving Officers Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. The incumbent may be required to deputise at a higher classification and/or work in other areas of the hospital from time to time. Location: Adelaide Metro (Daw Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Repatriation General Hospital - Nursing and Patient Services) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mary Hatchard, Repatriation General Hospital, telephone 08 8275 1156, email Applications to: Pat Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park, 5041 Note: Please quote vacancy number T5219 in your application. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from RGH is an approved Public Benevolent Institution for fringe benefits tax purposes which enables eligible employees to salary sacrifice/package up to 50%. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Spec:\ASO4 SEN ADMIN T5219 JULY06.DOC ASO4 99 ASSISTANT RESOURCE ACCOUNTANT (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. TO 31/07/2007) T5201/2006 Duties: The Assistant Resource Accountant is accountable to the Resource Accountant of the Surgical and Specialties Service and is responsible for ensuring financial transactions are processed in accordance with all internal and external regulatory requirements, accurately and on a timely basis. The Assistant Resource Accountant is also responsible for some internal reporting, junior medical staff rosters and non commission funds. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 18.75 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Royal Adelaide Hospital - Surgical & Specialties Service) Enquiries to: Mr Simon McPherson, Resource Accountant, Surgical & Specialties Service, telephone (08) 8222 4607, email Applications to: Ms Lynda Brown, Administrative Manager, Surgical & Specialties Service, Level 8 Emergency Block, Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000, telephone (08) 8222 5680, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Joanne Tryfopoulos, telephone (08) 8222 5680, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: JPS:\ASO4 Assistant Resource Accountant.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 PROGRAMMER (TEMPORARY UP TO 31/12/2006) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T5206/2006 Duties: Responsible for providing application systems analysis, design, specifications, programming, testing, documentation and end user training in the maintenance of existing, and development of new, Information Technology systems. Will be required to satisfy departmental objectives by providing technical services that facilitate the provision of effective and efficient IT systems, in support of business objectives and priorities of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Special Conditions: This position is available on a temporary basis until 31/12/2006. The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Corporate Services - Information Technology & Telecommunications) Enquiries to: Chris Pattichis, Business Analyst - Applications, Information Technology & Telecommunications, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 7775, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 ASO5 PROGRAM COORDINATOR - FAMILY & COMMUNITY HEALING (Advt) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 5253/2006 Duties: The Programme Coordinator is responsible to the Regional Manager for the planning, coordination, delivery and evaluation of primary health care projects/programs. The Programme Coordinator will work with PHCS managers to ensure that staff are supported to work in partnership according to team and site plans. The Programme Coordinator will provide day-to day support and direction to staff to provide high quality services for Aboriginal people. The position will require contributing to the development and implementation of mechanisms for consultation with Aboriginal people about PHCS and other services to enhance accountability to the community, and to support and extend services. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be necessary. Must possess a current Driver’s Licence and be willing to drive. Required to work from any location within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Enfield) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (CNAHS Central Eastern Western Primary Health Care) Enquiries to: Ms Terry Stewart, Regional Aboriginal Health Team Manager, Primary Health Care Western, telephone 8342 8600, email Applications to: Human Resource Team, Primary Health Care Services Central Eastern Western, PO Box 508, Prospect East SA, 5082, telephone 8342 8600, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from the Human Resource Team on 8342 8600 or email Please forward an original plus three copies. Applicants are required to obtain the Job and Person Specification and address the criteria. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 100 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGER (TEMPORARY UP TO 24/11/2006) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. T5170/2006 Duties: Supports the Business Manager, Nursing and Patient Services with financial analysis and forecasting with a view to acting in the role of Business Manager during periods of leave. Provides management support and direction to clerical services within Nursing and Patient Services, including Wards, Switchboard, Admission and Discharges Unit, and Outpatient Clinics. Ensures the ongoing review and improvement of work practices and service delivery, promoting customer satisfaction and service utilisation. Under limited direction of the Business Manager, Nursing and Patient Services, responsible for leading change within the clerical service areas of Nursing and Patient Services. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Daw Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Repatriation General Hospital - Nursing and Patient Services) Further Information: Enquiries to: Robyn Boyes, Business Manager, Nursing and Patient Services, telephone 08 8275 1269, email Applications to: Pat Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park, 5041 Note: Please quote vacancy number T5170 in your application. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from RGH is an approved Public Benevolent Institution for fringe benefits tax purposes which enables eligible employees to salary sacrifice/package up to 50%. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Spec:\ASO5 ASS BUS MGR T5170 JULY06.doc 101 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) MAS3 DIRECTOR ABORIGINAL HEALTH (Advt) ($84354.00) Vacancy No. 5227/2006 Duties: The Director Aboriginal Health is responsible to the Executive Director Primary and Population Health for a number of key health service wide functions including leading the development, management and monitoring of CYWHS Aboriginal health policies, programs and activities and for the leadership and development of the Aboriginal workers across CYWHS. The overall purpose of the position is to develop the capacity of the CYWHS to integrate and sustain services and programs that improve access to health services for Aboriginal people and contribute to improved health outcomes. The Director will play a key role in overseeing implementation of health outcomes and addressing key priorities in the CYWHS Aboriginal Health Strategy such as Community involvement and partnerships; workforce development; access to health services; programs to address the health and well being of Aboriginal people. The CYWHS recognise that our priorities will require a coordinated approach in a systematic and comprehensive manner across South Australia and we will work in partnership with other health regions, metropolitan and country, and with Aboriginal organisations to address these. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work will be required. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History Check. Intra and interstate travel may be required. May be relocated to meet organisational Need. People of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background are encouraged to apply. Location: (Not Specified) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Children, Youth and Women's Health Service - Child and Youth Health) Further Information:, Enquiries to: Ms Gail Mondy, Executive Director, Primary and Population Health, Children, Youth and Women's Health Service, telephone 81616005, email Applications to: Recruitment and Retention Unit, Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, 72 King William Road, NORTH ADELAIDE, 5006, web site Note: People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Job descriptions are available from web site (Child and Youth Health employment link). Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification, vacancy number, and include details of three current referees. Please note that Salary Sacrifice is an advantage to this position. Closing Date: 26 Jul 2006 102 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 GRANT FUNDED SCIENTISTS 103 GFS1 GRANT FUNDED SCIENTIST, MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES (TEMPORARY FOR 6 MONTHS) ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. T5113/2006 Duties: The incumbent will receive, test, and store microorganisms referred from other institutions and countries for identification and susceptibility testing as part of the Asia-Pacific Region SENTRY Surveillance. The incumbent will conduct research into emerging resistance in Australia and the Asia-Pacific Region. Assist in data entry and analysis of results. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Degree in Science or Applied Science, or Associate Membership of the Australian Institute of Medical Scientists. Special Conditions: This is a temporary full time position available for a period of six months, commencing from 17 July 2006. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (North Adelaide) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (Div of Laboratory Medicine) Enquiries to: Jan Bell, Unit Head, Antiobiotic Research Laboratory, Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, telephone 8161 6359, email Applications to: Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, Children, Youth and Women's Health Service, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: jd:\GFS1MICROJULY06.doc GFS1 RESEARCH ASSISTANT (TEMPORARY FOR 12 MONTHS) ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T5197/2006 Duties: Responsible for the day to day running of experiments in a research project in the Department of Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Surgery to examine biological mechanisms responsible for nasal polyposis and chronic inflammatory disorders of the nose and sinuses. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor of Science (Honours or equivalent) majoring in molecular biology. Special Conditions: This position is temporary for 12 months. The contract does not provide for overtime and penalty rate payments. However, time-in-lieu may be available. The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Surgery - ENT Surgery) Enquiries to: Dr Lorwai Tan, Chief Research Scientist, ENT, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 7158 or 0402 155 396, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 NURSING OFFICERS RN/M1 104 REGISTERED NURSES & REGISTERED MIDWIVES (PART-TIME) (MORE THAN ONE ($40413.00/54309.00) Vacancy No. POSITION) (Advt) 5162/2006 Duties: The Registered General Nurse/Midwife is responsible for the provision of an appropriate high quality nursing care to patients/clients of Murray Bridge Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Inc. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Or, registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse and Midwife by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: More than one position is available and hours will be negotiated on a part time basis for which salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. The incumbent is required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes and participate in special projects as required. Some out hours work or on call work may be required. A current South Australian driver's licence and a willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. Location: Murray Lands (Murray Bridge) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Country Health SA - Murray Bridge Soldiers Memorial Hospital) Enquiries to: Carol Thoman, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Murray Bridge Soldiers Memorial Hospital, telephone (08) 8535 6711, email Applications to: Linda Thompson, Human Resource Consultant, Murray Bridge Soldiers Memorial Hospital, PO Box 346, Murray Bridge, 5253, telephone (08) 8535 6777, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Murray Bridge Soldiers Memorial Hospital Administration, telephone (08) 8535 6777, or email Please forward four (4) complete sets of your application and include the name, address, and contact details of three current work referees. Applicants are required to address the Person Specification in thier application. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: RN Midwife J&P:\RN Midwife J&P.DOC SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/M1 105 TRANSITION TO PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE PROGRAM 2007 (TEMPORARY FOR 12 MONTHS) ($40413.00/54309.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T4689/2006 (Advt) Duties: Delivers direct and comprehensive nursing care and individual case management to patients or clients in the practice setting within the boundaries of education and skill preparation. In collaboration with the Nurse Unit Manager and Clinical Nurse(s), uses the process of nursing to provide comprehensive care. You will work within a Nursing team of 200 which is supported by a wide range of health disciplines including Allied Health, resident / visiting Medical Specialists and practitioners. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: More than one position is offerred and available on a temporary basis for 12 months. Consideration may be given to a 2006 commencement date, which will include a 4-day induction program. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Whyalla) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Whyalla Hosptial and Health Services Inc) Enquiries to: Meredith Bruce, Clinical Facilitator, telephone 86488510, email Applications to: Mrs Elena Trimmings, Nursing/Medical Secretary, PO Box 267, Whyalla, 5600, telephone 86488400, email Note: Application Forms are available from Meredith Bruce, Clinical Facilitator on telephone 86488510 or Elena Trimmings, Nursing/Medical Secretary on telephone 86488400 or email Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of two professional and one personal current referees. Please submit Curriculum Vitae with application, including Academic Transcript and Clinical Placement Reports. Closing Date: 11 Aug 2006 Downloads: j&p:\Nurse - Midwife RN1 & RM1.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) 106 RN1 REGISTERED MIDWIFE GRADUATE TRANSITION PROGRAM (TEMPORARY) (MORE THAN ONE ($40413.00/54309.00) Vacancy No. POSITION) (Advt) T5200/2006 Duties: The Registered Midwife gives direct and comprehensive patient care using the process of nursing and practices within the individual's level of competence and experience. Acts as a role model and teacher while maintaining a high level of clinical knowledge and expertise within own capabilities. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a Midwife by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: More than one position is available on a temporary basis. Application packs are to be obtained prior to submission of application. Contact Ms Marlene Migliaccio on telephone no. 8282 1632.May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Elizabeth Vale) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Lyell McEwin Hospital Nursing) Enquiries to: Ms Vaal Thrupp, Clinical Nurse, Lyell McEwin Hospital, telephone 8182 9000, email Applications to: Ms Jo Robertson, Acting Divisional Nurse Manager, Lyell McEwin Hospital, Haydown Road, Elizabeth Vale SA, 5112, telephone 8182 9000, email Note: Attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits available. Closing Date: 11 Aug 2006 RN1 REGISTERED NURSE - INTENSIVE CARE UNIT (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($40413.00/54309.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) 5217/2006 Duties: The Registered Nurse plans and gives direct and comprehensive patient care using the process of nursing and practices within the individual's level of competence and experience. Acts as a role model and teacher while maintaining a high level of clinical knowledge and expertise within own capabilities. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Elizabeth Vale) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Lyell McEwin Hospital Nursing) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Anne Webb, Nurse Manager, Lyell McEwin Hospital, Haydown Road, Elizabeth Vale SA, 5112, telephone 8182 9000, email Note: Please provide an original and three (3) copies of application with the name, address and contact number of three (3) current referees. Applicants should clearly address how they meet the capabilities, experience, knowledge and qualifications outlined in the Person Specification. Attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits available. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN1 107 REGISTERED NURSE GRADUATE TRANSITION PROGRAM (TEMPORARY) (MORE THAN ONE ($40413.00/54309.00) Vacancy No. POSITION) (Advt) T5066/2006 Duties: The Registered Nurse plans and gives direct and comprehensive patient care using the process of nursing and practices within the individual's level of competence and experience. Acts as a role model and teacher while maintaining a high level of clinical knowledge and expertise within own capabilities. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: More than one position is available on a temporary basis. Application packs are to be obtained prior to submission of application. Contact Ms Helen Hillier on telephone no. 8182 9237. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Elizabeth Vale) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Lyell McEwin Hospital Nursing) Enquiries to: Ms Anne Webb, Nurse Manager, Lyell McEwin Hospital, telephone 8182 9000, email Applications to: Ms Di Beveridge, Nursing Director, Lyell McEwin Hospital, Haydown Road, Elizabeth Vale SA, 5112, telephone 8182 9000, email Note: Attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits available. Closing Date: 11 Aug 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN1 108 GRADUATE NURSE PROGRAM (FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY FOR 12 MONTHS) ($40413.00/54309.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T4594/2006 (Advt) Duties: Accountable and responsible for the delivery of care to patients and their families. Must demonstrate the necessary skills and knowledge to provide care relevant to the patient’s needs.The Registered Nurse - Graduate Nurse Program will work within the framework of the Transformational Model for Professional Practice and support the enhancement of nursing/midwifery practice by applying the characteristics of hardiness through commitment, control and challenge, by accepting and responding to changing circumstances, demonstrating an empowered, positive and confident behaviour and attitude. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: More than one position is offered and available on a temporary basis from January 2007 to January 2008. Part-time hours may be negotiated/considered, for which salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. May be required to work at any site within the Children, Youth and Women's Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (North Adelaide) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Nursing Services) Enquiries to: Centre for Continuing Education, telephone 8161 7140 Applications to: Recruitment & Retention Unit, Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Further information and application packages are available on the website, OR by contacting Karen Tulloch, GNP Coordinator or Centre for Continuing Education on 8161 7140. GNP Recruitment information day will be held on Thursday, 20 July 2006 at 12.30 - 2.30 pm, light lunch provided. RSVP by COB Tuesday, 18th July 2006, is essential. Closing date for applications is Friday 11 August 2006. Closing Date: 11 Aug 2006 Downloads: jd:\GNPJDJUNE06.DOC SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) 109 RN1 REGISTERED MIDWIFE (PART-TIME) (MORE THAN ONE ($40413.00/54309.00) Vacancy No. POSITION) (Advt) 5097/2006 Duties: Accountable to the Clinical Nurse Manager of Midwifery Services for the provision of client centred participatory care, which involves sensitive and supportive care to a midwifery consumer base, including ante/intra/post partum patients and their babies. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse and Midwife by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: More than one position will be offered and available on a part-time basis and to be negotiated with the sucessful applicants, for which salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Initially rostered over 7 days including participation in night duty. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. Location: Gawler Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Gawler Health Service - Nursing Services) Enquiries to: Ms Sonia Angus, Clinical Manager of Midwifery Services, Gawler Health Service, telephone 85212131, email Applications to: Mrs Sharyn Bayliss, Human Resources Officer, Gawler Health Service, PO Box 196, GAWLER, 5118, telephone 85212094, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 RN1 REGISTERED NURSE (PART-TIME) (MORE THAN ONE ($40413.00/54309.00) Vacancy No. POSITION) (Advt) 5095/2006 Duties: Accountable to the relevant level 3 nurse for delivery of direct patient/client nursing in surgical settings. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: More than one part time position may be available for which FTE will be negotiated with the sucessful applicant. Salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Initially rostered over 7 days. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. Location: Gawler Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Gawler Health Service - Nursing Services) Enquiries to: Mrs Sue Maksimovic, Clinical Nurse Manager, Surgical Services, Gawler Health Service, telephone 85212156, email Applications to: Mrs Sharyn Bayliss, Human Resources Officer, Gawler Health Service, PO Box 196, GAWLER, 5118, telephone 85212094, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) 110 RN1 REGISTERED NURSE - ACUTE CARE UNIT WARD S4 (FULL-TIME / PART-TIME) (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($40413.00/54309.00) Vacancy No. 5071/2006 Duties: Accountable for the delivery of high quality nursing care to patients admitted to the Acute Care unit. Demonstrates clinical nursing knowledge and skill in caring for the individual patient with acute medical, surgical and trauma conditions. Contributes to the provision of a safe and productive environment for patients and staff. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: More than one position is available on a full time, part time, weekends and night duty positions (including 10 hour night shifts) are available. Salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Royal Adelaide Hospital - Acute Care Unit - Ward S4) Enquiries to: Mr Nathan Chapman, A/Clinical Nurse Consultant, Ward S4B, telephone 8222 4000 Applications to: Ms Su White, Nursing Director, Orthopaedic & Trauma Service, Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact numbers of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential minimum requirements as outlined in the Job and Person Specification. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\RN1-Acute-July2006.doc RN1 REGISTERED NURSE - OPERATING ROOM SERVICES (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($40413.00/54309.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) 4888/2006 Duties: May be required to manage post operative patients across the continuum of care from the immediate post-operative recovery to patient discharge. Required to be accountable for the delivery of high quality nursing care to patients. Demonstrates clinical nursing knowledge and skill relevant to the area of practice and utilises evidence-based practice to achieve quality patient outcomes. Contributes to the provision of a safe and productive environment for patients and staff. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: More than one position is offered and available on a full-time and part-time basis and may be evening shifts, night shifts and some day shifts. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Royal Adelaide Hospital - Day Surgery Unit - Operating Room Services) Enquiries to: Ms Jill Sprigg, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Day Surgery Unit & Surgical Specialties Admission Suite, telephone 8222 5087 Applications to: Ms Marg Cattonar, Nursing Director, Nursing & Patient Care Services, Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact numbers of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential minimum requirements as outlined in the Job and Person Specification. Job and Person Specifications available from Nursing & Patient Care Services, Tel: 8222 5125. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN1 111 REGISTERED NURSE - GASTRO ENTEROLOGY INVESTIGATIONAL UNIT (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($40413.00/54309.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) 5114/2006 Duties: Accountable for the delivery of high quality nursing care to patients. Demonstrates clinical nursing knowledge and skill relevant to the area of practice and utilises evidence-based practice to achieve quality patient outcomes. Contributes to the provision of a safe and productive environment for patients and staff. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: More than one position is available on a full time and part time basis. Initially rostered over 5 days. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Royal Adelaide Hospital - Gastro Enterology Investigational Unit Surgical Specialties Service) Enquiries to: Ms Lyn Murfitt, Nurse Manager, Gastro intestinal services, telephone 8222 4564, email Applications to: Ms Lyn Green, Nursing Director, Gastro intestinal services, Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact numbers of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential minimum requirements as outlined in the Job and Person Specification. Job and Person Specifications available from Nursing & Patient Care Services, Tel: 8222 5125. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\RN1-GEIU-July2006.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) AMENDMENT RN2 PATIENT STREAMING NURSE ($56194.00/59317.00) Amended To: RN2 PATIENT STREAMING NURSE (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) Vacancy No. 4881/2006 Duties: Accountable to the Central Flow Coordinator for supporting and facilitating the Ward Pull model across 7 days and for establishing and maintaining effective communication related to patient flow. Responsible for the effective facilitation of patient movement within the hospital that enables patients to be in the right place at the right time. Where the right place is not available the Patient Streaming Nurse will determine the next best place for the patient. Will provide practical assistance ensuring the wards can receive patients in a timely way. This includes initial nursing care and the settling and orientation of patients to the ward environment. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Amended Special Conditions: More than one position available (amended). Will be required to undertake a Health Assessment prior to commencement. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check. May be required to work at any site within the Southern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Bedford Park) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Flinders Medical Centre - Nursing, Midwifery and Patient Services - Bed Management) Enquiries to: Ms Naomi Heinrich, Nursing Director, Nursing, Midwifery and Patient Services, telephone 8204 5266, Applications to: Ms Tania Corr, Client Service Officer, Human Resources and Organisational Development, Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders Drive, Bedford Park, 5042, Note: Flinders Medical Centre offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a Job and Person Specification please contact the enquiry person or download from the address given below. Applicants are requested to quote Job Number 4881/2006 in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 21 Jul 2006 112 ($56194.00/59317.00) Vacancy No. 4881/2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN2 CLINICAL NURSE - THEATRE (PART-TIME) (Advt-Recirc) Vacancy No. 1203/2006 Duties: Responsible for the provision of a competent and reliable instrument nurse role, and aware of AS4187 – cleaning, packaging and sterilisation requirements under the direction of the Theatre Co-ordinator. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position initially working .5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Location: Lower North (Clare) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Lower North Health) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms L Carter, Executive Assistant, Lower North Health , PO Box 239, Clare, 5453, telephone 8842 6500, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Linda Carter, telephone 88426500 or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 113 ($56194.00/59317.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM NURSING OFFICERS PSO2/ RN2 MENTAL HEALTH WORKER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP TO 30/06/2008) ($55298.00/61944.00) ($56194.00/59317.00) Vacancy No. C5121/2006 Duties: Responsible for the development, planning, implementation and evaluation of a range of programs, using primary health care principles, that promotes the mental health and well being of people within the area, ensuring services are able to meet the changing needs of the community. To facilitate a continuum of care philosophy through established links between primary and secondary health service providers. Will contribute to strategic planning and develop effective communication systems that increase awareness of mental health issues by implementing consultation processes between the service providers and client representatives in the area. Will develop effective working relationships with local Health Service staff and those local, regional and statewide agencies and individuals who have a responsibility for mental health and well being. Essential Minimum Qualifications: For appointment at the PSO2 classification: Appropriate qualification from a recognised tertiary institution giving eligibility to membership with the relevant professional association where appropriate. For appointment at the RN2 classification: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a contract appointment up to 30/06/2008. Location is negotiable within the Mid North, Regional Health Service Program area. Intrastate travel will be required. A current drivers licence and willingness to drive is essential. Some out of hours work may be required for which time in lieu arrangements will apply. Attendance at mandatory training sessions as determined by the organisation. Location: (Not Specified) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Mid North Health Inc - Regional Health Services Program) Enquiries and Applications to: Melissa Koch, Regional Health Services Program Coordinator, Regional Health Services Program, PO Box 20, Booleroo Centre, 5482, telephone 86672458, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Successful applicants will be subject to a police check prior to their appointment being confirmed. Salary sacrificing is available to employees. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 114 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 NURSING OFFICERS RN2 CLINICAL NURSE - ACUTE (PART-TIME) Vacancy No. 5153/2006 Duties: The Clinical Nurse provides direction and supervision to staff and delivers direct nursing care to patients/clients/residents within the practice setting. The Clinical Nurse, through education and experience has acquired nursing skills and knowledge to assist them in fulfilling their role. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 70 hours per fortnight initially rosterd over five days, for which salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. May be required to relieve the Clinical Nurse Consultant in his/her absence. Location: South East (Millicent) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (South East Regional Health Service Inc - Millicent & District Hopsital & Health Service Inc) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms S Loxton, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Millicent & Districts Hospital & Health Services Inc, PO Box 93, Millicent, 5280, telephone 8733 0100, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms S Loxton, telephone 8733 0100, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\CN Acute Millicent Jul06.doc 115 ($56194.00/59317.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN2 CLINICAL NURSE ($56194.00/59317.00) Vacancy No. 5194/2006 Duties: Demonstrates leadership both in clinical skills and in team functioning in a multi-disciplinary team. Will function as a specialised mental health clinician providing evidence based interventions in a responsive manner to allocated clients with the aim of producing recovery and independence from specialised services. Will participate in ongoing evaluation both of own practice and of program effectiveness. Willing to act as a resource person for other clinicians on mental health issues for groups in the population who are identified as requiring early mental health intervention, and liaises with relevant community services to promote responsive services for the population group. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a Mental Health Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Job and Person Specifications are reviewed regularly as part of the ongoing Performance Development process.May be required to work within other locations of the Southern Adelaide Health Service. Initially appointed to the Noarlunga Early Intervention Services but may be required to move to another team or service within the region.Initially rostered overf 5 days.A current driver’s licence and willingness to drive is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro (Noarlunga Centre) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Southern Adelaide Health Service - Noarlunga Health Services) Enquiries to: Don Tustin, Team Leader, Noarlunga Health Services, telephone (08) 8384 9993, email Applications to: Nicolle Paisawa, Assistant Human Resources Consultant, Noarlunga Health Services, PO Box 437, Noarlunga Centre, 5168, telephone (08) 8384 9515, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Don Tustin, telephone (08) 8384 9993, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential' and clearly noting the vacancy number. Please note that emailed or faxed applications will not be accepted. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 116 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM NURSING OFFICERS PSO2/ RN2 DIABETES EDUCATOR/PROJECT OFFICER (TEMPORARY FOR 12 MONTHS) ($55298.00/61944.00) (Advt) ($56194.00/59317.00) Vacancy No. T5204/2006 Duties: Responsible for supporting the development, implementation, delivery and evaluation of diabetes continuing education and support programs to health professionals in rural and remote South Australia as per the Diabetes Outreach Strategic Plan. Essential Minimum Qualifications: For appointment at the RN-2 level - Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. For appointment at the PSO-2 level - Appropriate qualification from a recognised tertiary institution giving eligibility for membership with the relevant professional association where appropriate. Special Conditions: The incumbent will initially be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Some out of hours work may be required and frequent travel to regions within South Australia. This position is temporary for 12 months. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Medicine - Diabetes Outreach) Enquiries to: Jan Hooper, Nursing Co-Director, Medicine, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 7442, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Jane Giles, Diabetes Outreach, email Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 117 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 NURSING OFFICERS RN3 Band A 118 NURSE MANAGER ($66329.00/68460.00) Vacancy No. 5100/2006 Duties: Accountable to the Nursing and Midwifery Director, Flinders Women and Children Division for developing, maintaining and evaluating divisional management systems and services to support the provision of optimal patient care. The application of management systems and services to individual clinical units will ensure effective and efficient provision of resources to support optimal patient care. Will work with the Divisional Executive and is accountable to the Nursing and Midwifery Director. Will foster and promote collaborative relationships with Nursing, Midwifery, Medical, Allied Health, Administrative and Ancillary staff within the organisation. Wil liaise with nursing and midwifery colleagues and other health care professionals within FMC and other health units in relation to human and material resources. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse and Midwife by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Some weekend work may be required, for which hours worked outside Monday to Friday will be paid at the RN3 Band Z level. Will be required to undertake a Health Assessment prior to commencement. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check. May be required to work at any site within the Southern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Flinders Medical Centre - Flinders Women and Children Division) Enquiries to: Sharon Crowley, Acting Nursing Director, telephone 8204 3023 Applications to: Dawn Lindenberger, Client Services Officer, Human Resources, Flinders Drive, Bedford Park, 5042, email Note: Flinders Medical Centre offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a Job and Person Specification please contact the enquiry person or download from the address given below. Applicants are requested to quote Job Number 5100 in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: job and person specification:\Women's Health Nurse Manager JP .doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) AMENDMENT RN3 Band CENTRAL FLOW COORDINATOR A (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($66329.00/68460.00) (Advt) Amended To: RN3 Band CENTRAL FLOW COORDINATOR A (Advt) ($66329.00/68460.00) Vacancy No. 4885/2006 Vacancy No. 4885/2006 Duties: Accountable to the Nursing Director, Nursing, Midwifery and Patient Services for facilitating the Ward Pull model, for establishing and maintaining effective communication related to patient flow and for monitoring predictive trends to identify problems before they occur. Responsible for the effective facilitation of patient movement within the hospital that enables patients to be in the right place at the right time. Where the right place is not available the CFC will determine the next best place for the patient. Ward Pull is a decentralized patient flow model where clinical areas take responsibility for identifying and coordinating patient transfers into the ward. The fundamental principle of patient flow within the Ward Pull model is to get the right patient, to the right place at the right time. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Amended Special Conditions: ONE position only (amended). Will be required to undertake a Health Assessment prior to commencement. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check. May be required to work at any site within the Southern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Bedford Park) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Flinders Medical Centre - Nursing, Midwifery and Patient Services - Bed Management) Enquiries to: Ms Naomi Heinrich, Nursing Director, Nursing, Midwifery and Patient Services, telephone 8204 5266, Applications to: Ms Tania Corr, Client Service Officer, Human Resources and Organisational Development, Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders Drive, Bedford Park, 5042, Note: Flinders Medical Centre offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a Job and Person Specification please contact the enquiry person or download from the address given below. Applicants are requested to quote Job Number 4885/2006 in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 21 Jul 2006 119 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) AMENDMENT RN3 Band NURSING CO-ORDINATOR PATIENT FLOW A (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($66329.00/68460.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T4830/2006 Duties: Responsible for managing and allocating the Repatriation General Hospitals bed stock in line with the RGH Bed Management Policy. Responsible for coordinating the interface between acute and community care for the nursing service to ensure timely, safe discharges into the community and to prevent unnecessary admissions and re-admissions. Amended Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a temporary position for up to 12 months. Flexibility of work hours can be negotiated dependant on ward/unit requirements. Location: Adelaide Metro (Daw Park) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Repatriation General Hospital - Nursing and Patient Services) Further Information: Enquiries to: David Morris, Repatriation General Hospital, telephone 08 8275 1784, Applications to: Pat Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park, 5041Pat Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park, 5041 Note: Please quote vacancy number T4830 in your application. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification in their application. JOB AND PERSON SPECIFICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE AT RGH is an approved Public Benevolent Institution for fringe benefits tax purposes which enables eligible employees to salary sacrifice/package up to 50%. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 07 Jul 2006 120 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN3 Band A 121 CLINICAL NURSE CONSULTANT - TRANSITIONAL & COMMUNITY SERVICE (Advt) ($66329.00/68460.00) Vacancy No. 5099/2006 Duties: Is a Level 3 Registered Nurse, accountable for the delivery of high quality nursing care to older patients presenting to the Emergency Department. Will identify older and at risk people presenting to the Emergency Department and undertake a comprehensive assessment regarding their specific needs as soon as practical after their presentation. Will ensure that the specific care needs of older people are co-ordinated and appropriate referrals to other health professionals occur as soon as possible after presentation. Will develop, implement, monitor and evaluate a specific management plan to ensure that older patients age-specific care needs are met whilst in the Emergency Department and Emergency Extended Care Unit (EECU). Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Initially rosterd over 5 days. Some out of hours work may be required. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Royal Adelaide Hospital - Transitional & Community Service Emergency Department - Aged Care) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Meg Lewis, Nursing Director, Transitional & Community Service, Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8222 5133, email Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact numbers of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential minimum requirements as outlined in the Job and Person Specification. Job and Person Specifications available from Nursing & Patient Care Services, Tel: 8222 5125. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\CNC-EDAgedCare-July2006.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM OPS2 FACILITIES SERVICES OFFICER ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 5142/2006 Duties: Responsible for the development, coordination, promotion and implementation of safety and security strategies to ensure the provision of a safe environment for staff, clients and visitors. Responsibility for assets management, including scheduling of maintenance programs, testing and tagging, oversee contract implementation, asbestos monitoring, maintenance and recording. Responsible for the implementation and development of the fire safety and internal emergency plan for the hospital. General collection and delivery of goods. Special Conditions: Current driver's licence essential. Rostered over 5 days, Monday to Friday, 76 hours per fortnight. some out of hours work will be required. Intrastate travel may be required. Maintain current Fire Wardens Certificate. Participates in Annual Development Review. Contributes to the Health Units Quality Improvement and Occupational Health, Welfare and Safety programs. Attendance at mandatory sessions as determined by the organisation. Duties required within this position are physically demanding. The appointee will be subject to a satisfactory criminal history check. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (Quorn) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Quorn Health Services Inc.) Enquiries to: Ms Alison Hoare, EO/DON, Quorn Health Services Inc., telephone (08) 86487888, email Applications to: Ms Michelle Struck, A/Human Resource Assistant, Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Services Inc., Hospital Road, Port Augusta, 5700, telephone (08) 86485697, email Note: All Applicants are required to address the Job & Person Specification in their application. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Further information on region and all vacant position listings can be obtained from our website Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 122 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS2 123 PROGRAM ASSISTANT, RIVERLAND CARER RESPITE PROGRAM (PART-TIME) (CONTRACT ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. APPOINTMENT FOR 2 YEARS) C5137/2006 Duties: The Riverland Carer Respite Program Assistant will assist and support the Coordinator of the Riverland Carer Respite Program for the Renmark Paringa District Hospital Inc. to assist the co-ordinator to arrange individualised in home carer respite for carers of people who have dementia with difficult and challenging behaviours, are frail aged, are caring for a person who has a disability, or caring for a person with palliative care needs. In conjunction with other health unit staff, develop, implement and evaluate the Program, and fulfill reporting requirements. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 30 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work may be required. A South Australian current driver's licence is essential. Location: Riverland (Renmark) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Renmark Paringa District Hospital Inc.) Enquiries to: Mrs Gina Stephenson, RCR Co-ordinator, Renmark Paringa District Hospital, telephone 8580 4161, email Applications to: Mrs A. Robertson, Manager, Community Services, Renmark Paringa District Hospital, Box 1946, RENMARK , 5341, telephone 8580 4161, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Gina Stephenson telephone 8580 4161, or Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 21 Jul 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS2 124 REHABILITATION ASSISTANT (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. TO 22/06/2007) T5172/2006 Duties: Rehabilitation Assistant is responsible for the delivery of rehabilitation services in both the day rehabilitation facilities and the clients’ home. The position is classified at the operational services level 2 by virtue of the requirement to: . work under general direction and undertake a range of health related activities which require the practical application of learned health provision skills in field and rehabilitation care. The Rehabilitation Assistant assists with patient care and rehabilitation for patients as directed by the relevant allied health professional and the Day Rehabilitation Services Manager. Tasks may include installing prescribed equipment, assistance with ADL tasks and carrying out specified components of rehabilitation programs such as exercise and mobility activities or therapeutic groups . Special Conditions: Some out of hour’s work may be required. Travel within the Southern Metropolitan Area may be required. Hours are required to be flexible to meet the needs of the program. Staff may be required to work at RGH or other regional health sites. This can include other rehabilitation programmes provided by the Division. Travel within the Southern Adelaide area will be required (hospitals, residential care and community). Flexible working hours will be required and participation in weekend rosters may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Daw Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Repatriation General Hospital - Division of Rehabilitation, Aged Care and Allied Health) Further Information: Enquiries to: Meredith Stewart, Repatriation General Hospital, telephone 08 8275 1980, email Applications to: Pat Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park, 5041 Note: Please quote vacancy number T5172 in your application. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from RGH is an approved Public Benevolent Institution for fringe benefits tax purposes which enables eligible employees to salary sacrifice/package up to 50%. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Spec:\OPS2 REHAB ASS T5172 JULY 06.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS3 125 ABORIGINAL FAMILY SUPPORT WORKER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. TO 27/03/2009) (Advt) C5239/2006 Duties: The Aboriginal Family Support Worker will be responsible for planning and delivering programs to parents of children aged 0-5, with a specific focus on responding to the needs of the Aboriginal community. These programs will aim to assist parents to create supportive environments for their children. The development of these programs will be informed by ongoing liaison with both parents from the Aboriginal community, and relevant agencies within Port Augusta. The position will aim to address gaps in the current supports and accessibility of services available to the target group. This will require the development of networks and partnerships across relevant departments within both Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Services Inc. and external agencies, which will benefit the community by providing programs based at the Early Years Parenting Centre. The Aboriginal family Support Worker will also promote relevant programs and services to Aboriginal parents who visit the Early Years Parenting Centre, and provide support and supervision to Aboriginal parents and community members who volunteer at the Centre, or are members of the Advisory Group. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required (TOIL arrangements apply). A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. The appointee will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History Check. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (Port Augusta) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Services Inc.) Enquiries to: Ms Rosemary Box, Team Leader Child & Women's Health Team, Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Services Inc., telephone (08) 86485800, email Applications to: Ms Michelle Struck, A/Human Resource Assistant, Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Services Inc., Hospital Road, Port Augusta, 5700, telephone (08) 86485697, email Note: All Applicants are required to address the Job & Person Specification in their Applications. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Further information on region and all vacant position listings can be obtained from our website Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS3 126 ORAL & MIXILLOFACIAL SURGERY UNIT SENIOR DENTAL ASSISTANT (PART-TIME) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 5222/2006 Duties: The Dental Assistant works under general direction and is responsible for the coordination and provision of support activities to Specialist Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, Postgraduate Trainees, Dental Operators, Undergraduate Dental Students and other clinic staff, resulting in the efficient and effective Dental treatment of clients. This includes undertaking duties and monitoring quality to ensure the cleanliness and proper functioning of operating areas, performing clerical and administrative tasks and providing information to clients. This role requires undertaking a range of health related operational activities including providing training and instruction to Dental Assistants (OPS1 and OPS2). Special Conditions: This is a permanent part-time position working 30 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work may be required. Intrastate/Interstate travel may be required. Must have a current and valid driver's licence. Must be prepared to work at any SA Dental Service location when required. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Appointment will be subject to Satisfactory Offender Check. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (SA Dental Service) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Marg Pierson, Unit Manager, SA Dental Service, GPO Box 864, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8222 8224, email Note: Please quote job number 5222/06 in your application and forward an original plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. To obtain a position description, contact Jenny Simcock on 8222 9036 or email Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM MPS1 MANAGER, SPEECH PATHOLOGY SERVICES (Advt) ($69501.00) Vacancy No. 5195/2006 Duties: The Manager, Speech Pathology Services is accountable for the provision of effective leadership to direct, develop and manage Speech Pathology services at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital. The Manager is responsible for facilitating the ongoing development of an integrated Speech Pathology service, which will provide a high quality, cost efficient and comprehensive service. The Manager will actively contribute to divisional management strategies in a teamwork approach. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate Degree in Speech Pathology or other appropriate qualification giving eligibility for Membership of Speech Pathology Australia. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Some out of hours work may be required. The Manager will also be expected to actively participate in the clinical activities of the department on a .40 basis. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Nursing, Patient Care & Support Services - Speech Pathology) Enquiries to: Valerie Segi, Nursing Co-Director, Critical Care & Imaging, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 6539, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from Tracy Cann, Executive Assistant, telephone 8222 6539, or email Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 127 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKER - CSA (PART-TIME) (Advt) ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 5259/2006 Duties: The Dale Street Regional Women’s Community Health Worker is responsible for:Contributing to the provision of range of responsive and effective specialist services to women in the Western region of Adelaide by:Provision of specific counselling and support services for women survivors of Child Sexual Abuse.facilitating and undertaking the development, implementation and evaluation of workshops and group programs on child sexual abuse.developing and providing health information and resources.initiating other relevant health promotion and community based strategies and initiatives.The position works within a feminist, primary health care approach, based around the identification and provision of services and community advocacy on women’s social health and wellbeing Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive or Registered Psychologist. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 30 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Must possess a current driver’s licence and be willing to drive. Some out of hours work may be required. Required to work from any location within CNAHS PHC Services. Required to work within the administrative policies and procedures of CNAHS and the DOH. Located at Dale Street Women's Community Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Port Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (CNAHS Central Eastern Western Primary Health Care) Enquiries to: Ms Pat Netschitowsky, Senior Admin Officer, Primary Health Care Services Central Eastern, telephone 8444 0700, email Applications to: Human Resource Team, Primary Health Care Services Central Eastern Western, PO Box 508, Prospect East SA, 5082, telephone 8342 8600, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are availalbe from the Human Resource Team on 8342 8600 or email Please forward an original plus three copies. Applicants are required to obtain the Job and Person Specifications and address the criteria. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 128 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 PHYSIOTHERAPIST (Advt-Recirc) Vacancy No. 2211/2006 Duties: Delivery of a high quality physiotherapy service to inpatients, outpatients and residential care clients of Lower North Health Service and hospital and community based domiciliary and paediatric physiotherapy services as part of the “Growing Healthy Kids” team at the Lower North Community Health Service. The division of the above services will occur in consultation with the senior physiotherapist. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree or other qualification which entitles registration as a Physiotherapist. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Location: Lower North (Clare) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Lower North Health) Enquiries to: Ms W Avery, Home Care Program Manager, Lower North Health, telephone 88426500, email Applications to: Ms L Carter, Executive Assistant, Lower North Health, PO Box 239, Clare, 5453, telephone 88426500, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Linda Carter, telephone 88426500, or email Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Please forward three copies of your application. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 129 ($40626.00/51874.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 SOCIAL WORKER - COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 4482/2006 Duties: The social worker works in a multi-disciplinary team to provide specialised mental health interventions for clients registered with the Community Rehabilitation and Recovery Team (Shared Care). Program and community development is undertaken as required to meet the needs of clients and carers. Ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of services occurs. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. Eligibility for membership to the Social Workers Association of Australia. Special Conditions: May be required to work at any site within the Southern Adelaide Health Services. Applicants may be required to produce a satisfactory Criminal Offender History Check. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. The social worker will be asked to work in the homes of clients and in public environments. The social worker will be asked to work in accordance with National Practice Standards for the Mental Health Workforce. Some out of hours may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Noarlunga Centre) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Noarlunga Health Services - Southern Adelaide Health Services) Enquiries to: John Strachan, A/Team Leader, Community Rehabilitation and Recovery Team, telephone (08) 8384 9599, email Applications to: Fran Beard, Human Resources Consultant, Noarlunga Health Services, PO Box 437, NOARLUNGA CENTRE, 5169, telephone (08) 8384 9672, email Note: Applicants are required to address both 'essential' and 'desirable' components of the Person Specification as outlined in the Job & Person Specification which are available from John Strachan, A/ Team Leader, Community Rehabilitation and Recovery Team, telephone, (08) 8384 9599 or email Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Please mark the vacancy number on your application. Please do not email or fax your application. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 130 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 131 CLINICIAN AMBULATORY REHABILITATION - SPEECH PATHOLOGIST (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. TO 22/06/2007) T5181/2006 Duties: The PS01 clinician is a member of an interdisciplinary ambulatory rehabilitation team providing services to patients needing neurological and orthopaedic rehabilitation through Day Rehabilitation Service. Services are provided primarily centre based but some home based work will be required. The role of the PS01 is supported by PS02 staff within this service and/or within the discipline department. The incumbent is responsible to the Manager Day Rehabilitation Services and to the Director of Rehabilitation Services for the provision of a comprehensive clinical service, providing a team based client centred approach to client care resulting in improved outcomes for clients. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree in speech pathology or other appropriate qualification giving eligibility for Practicing Membership of the Speech Pathology Association of Australia. Special Conditions: This is a part time position working 0.6 fte and salary will be adjusted according to hours worked. Travel within the Southern Adelaide area will be required. Flexible working hours will be required and the occupant may be required to work over 5 days. Staff may be required to work at RGH or other regional health sites. This can include other rehabilitation programmes provided by the Division. Travel within the Southern Adelaide area will be required (hospitals, residential care and community). Flexible working hours will be required and participation in weekend rosters may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Daw Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Repatriation General Hospital - Division of Rehabilitation, Aged Care and Allied Health) Further Information: Enquiries to: Meredith Stewart, Repatriation General Hospital, telephone 08 2875 1980, email Applications to: Pat Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park, 5041 Note: Please quote vacancy number T5181 in your application. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from RGH is an approved Public Benevolent Institution for fringe benefits tax purposes which enables eligible employees to salary sacrifice/package up to 50%. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Spec:\PSO1 CLINICIAN SPEECH T5181 JULY06.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 132 CLINICIAN AMBULATORY REHABILITIATION - SOCIAL WORKER (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. TO 22/06/2007) T5186/2006 Duties: The PS01 clinician is a member of an interdisciplinary ambulatory rehabilitation team providing services to patients needing neurological and orthopaedic rehabilitation through Day Rehabilitation Service. Services are provided primarily centre based but some home based work will be required. The role of the PS01 is supported by PS02 staff within this service and/or within the discipline department.The incumbent is responsible to the Manager Day Rehabilitation Services and to the Director of Rehabilitation Services for the provision of a comprehensive clinical service, providing a team based client centred approach to client care resulting in improved outcomes for clients. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 0.4 full time equivalent and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Travel within the Southern Adelaide area will be required. Flexible working hours will be required and the occupant may be required to work over 5 days.Staff may be required to work at RGH or other regional health sites. This can include other rehabilitation programmes provided by the Division. Travel within the Southern Adelaide area will be required (hospitals, residential care and community). Flexible working hours will be required and participation in weekend rosters may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Daw Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Repatriation General Hospital - Division of Rehabilitation, Aged Care and Allied Health) Further Information: Enquiries to: Derryn Cashmore, Repatriation General Hospital, telephone 08 8276 9666, email Applications to: Pat Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park, 5041 Note: Please quote vacancy number T5186 in your application. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from RGH is an approved Public Benevolent Institution for fringe benefits tax purposes which enables eligible employees to salary sacrifice/package up to 50%. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Spec:\PSO1 CLINICIAN SOC WRK T5186JULY06.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) 133 PSO2 SOCIAL WORKER (PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY) (FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME) (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 5234/2006 Duties: Responsible for the effective delivery of social work services to women and men, 16 years and over, who have experienced rape or sexual assault and their significant others. This includes comprehensive one to one and group work services, providing education and training programs and undertaking a range of research and project work. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. Special Conditions: More than one position is available. In total there are 1.4fte permanent and 0.2fte temporary hours (until February 2008) available. Intending applicants must clearly state in their application their interest in full-time or part-time hours. Applicants intending to apply for part-time are aked to state what hours they are wishing to apply for. Some out of hours work may be required. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Required to enter into a performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD (North Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's & Children's Hospital Campus - Yarrow Place, Rape & Sexual Assault Service) Enquiries to: Sharon Lockwood, Social Work Coordinator, Yarrow Place, telephone 82268777 Applications to: Ms Katrina Dee, A/Director, Yarrow Place, Rape & Sexual Assault Service, Children, Youth & Women's Health Service, PO Box 620, North Adelaide, 5006 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Yarrow Place, telephone 82268777, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 PSO2 SENIOR OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. TO 30/06/2007) T5087/2006 Duties: Responsible for the provision of specialised Occupational Therapy services to clients with primarily acquired brain injury or neurological conditions. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Degree or other qualification which gives eligibility for registration as an Occupational Therapist. Possession of a Graduate Certificate in Driving Assessment and Training. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 69.75 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work may be required. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Fullarton) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (CNAHS - RAH - Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre) Enquiries to: Catherine Kimber, Manager, Brain Injury Rehabilitation Community and Home, telephone 83373000, email Applications to: Mary Staunton, A/Manager, Human Resources, Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, 207-255 Hampstead Road, Northfield, 5085 Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from Human Resources, telephone 82221621. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: J&P Specification:\PSO2 Senior Occup Ther.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 134 PHYSIOTHERAPIST (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. TO 12 MONTHS) (Advt) T5165/2006 Duties: The Physiotherapist provides a range of effective physiotherapy services and programs that promote better health in the Mallee region as a member of the Mallee Community Health Services Team. The Physiotherapist ensures quality outcomes for clients by participating in the planning, development and evaluation of those services and programs. The Physiotherapist is responsible for providing comprehensive case management, education and consultancy services to staff, individuals and groups, as negotiated with the Manager, Mallee Community Health Services. As a member of the multi-disciplinary Mallee Community Services Team the Physiotherapist is accountable to the Clinical Services Manager for the achievement of team outcomes. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree or other qualification which entitles registration as a Physiotherapist, and eligibility for registration with the Physiotherapy Board of South Australia. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 30 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Frequent travel within the Mallee region, and a current South Australian Driver’s Licence is essential. Some out of hours work may be required. Appointee will be required to produce a National Police Certificate, and not be found guilty of any offence relevant to the area of employment. Location: Murray Lands (Lameroo) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Country Health SA - Mallee Health Service) Enquiries and Applications to: Claire Crane, A/Manager, Mallee Community Health Services, Mallee Health Service, 1a Vardon Tce, Lameroo, 5302, telephone (08) 8576 4677, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Claire Crane, telephone (08) 8576 4677, or email Please forward four(4) complete sets of your application and include the name, address, and contact details of three (3) current work referees. Applicants are required to address the Person Specification in their application. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Physio PSO2 J&P:\Physio J&P PSO2.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 COMMUNITY PHYSIOTHERAPIST (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY FOR ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 6 MONTHS) (Advt-Recirc) T3254/2006 Duties: The Community Physiotherapist, as part of the Primary Health Care team, is responsible for the coordination, best practice delivery and evaluation of Community Physiotherapy services to the Lower North region, in the areas of home-based physiotherapy services, health promotion/education and community development. The Community Physiotherapist liaises with hospital-based physiotherapists to provide consistent information to health units and the community in the Lower North. The Community Physiotherapist will also liaise with other health services eg. Division GP and other community-based services and groups. Essential Minimum Qualifications: degree or equivalent qualifications in Physiotherapy, registration with the Physiotherapist Board of SA. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 15 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Location: Lower North (Clare) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Lower North Health) Enquiries to: Lyndall Fowler, Director, Community Health, Lower North Health, telephone 88426500, email Applications to: Linda Carter, Executive Assistant, Lower North Health, PO Box 239, Clare, 5453, telephone 88426500, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 PSO2 PHYSIOTHERAPIST (Advt-Recirc) Vacancy No. 3253/2006 Duties: Coordination and delivery of a physiotherapy service for acute care and aged care residential settings of Lower North Health and a limited role in early intervention for young children in the community. Scope of practice covers orthopaedic, antenatal, paediatric, neurological, and thoracic physiotherapy as well as community education. The position has a leadership role in clinical protocol and program development, clinical supervision a PSO1 physiotherapist and students on placement. The role includes co-ordination of Manual Handling Training across all sites of LNH. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor in Applied Science (Physiotherapy) or equivalent. Registered with the Physiotherapists Registration Board of SA. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Location: Lower North (Clare) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Lower North Health) Enquiries to: Lyndall Fowler , Director, Community Health, Lower North Health, telephone (08) 88426576, email Applications to: Linda Carter, Executive Assistant, Lower North Health, PO Box 239 , Clare, 5453, telephone 88426500, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 135 ($55298.00/61944.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 SOCIAL WORKER (Advt-Recirc) Vacancy No. 3255/2006 Duties: The position is responsible for the delivery of Social Work services using a primary health care framework to improve social health and well being in the community and for people in the Lower North service area with social problems. The role includes coordination and provision of social, educational and advocacy services to communities, health service staff, clients and individuals.Scope of practice covers services to inpatients, community clients, group talks, health promotion, program development and community development. Evaluation and monitoring of these services is also expected. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Location: Lower North (Clare) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Lower North Health ) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Linda Carter, Executive Assistant , Lower North Health , PO Box 239, Clare, 5453, telephone 08 88426500, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Linda Carter, telephone 08 88426500, or email Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 136 ($55298.00/61944.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) AMENDMENT PSO2 SENIOR DIETITIAN (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. TO 22/06/2007) (Advt) T4870/2006 Duties: The senior dietitian will be expected to work at City Views, a traditional care facility, being responsible for individual patient meal planning & nutritional intervention; monitoring these plans for improved patient care & outcomes, and working with food service may be required to work across both RGH and City Views sites in providing nutrition and dietetics to inpatients and outpatients. The dietitian is responsible for individual patient meal planning & nutritional intervention & monitoring these plans for improved patient care & outcomes. The dietitian may be required to supervise Flinders University students on clinical placement & assist with research & special projects relating to rehabilitation as part of the Nutrition and Dietetics Department. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate Degree and Post Graduate qualification in Nutrition and Dietetics. Eligible for membership of the Dietitians Association of Australia. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 11.25 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work may be required. Possession of a drivers license is desirable Location: Adelaide Metro (Daw Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Repatriation General Hospital) Amended Enquiries to: Megan Satanek, Director Nutrition and Dietetics, telephone (08) 8275 1718, Applications to: Pat Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park, 5041Pat Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park, 5041 Note: Please quote vacancy number T4870 in your application. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from RGH is an approved Public Benevolent Institution for fringe benefits tax purposes which enables eligible employees to salary sacrifice/package up to 50%. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 21 Jul 2006 137 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 138 SENIOR CLINICIAN AMBULATORY CARE - OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST (TEMPORARY UP TO 22/06/2007) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. T5193/2006 Duties: The PS02 clinician is a member of an interdisciplinary ambulatory rehabilitation team providing services to patients needing neurological and orthopaedic rehabilitation through Day Rehabilitation Service. Services are provided primarily centre based but some home based work will be required. The incumbent is responsible to the Manager Day Rehabilitation Services and to the Director of Rehabilitation Services for the provision of a comprehensive clinical service, providing a team based client centred approach to client care resulting in improved outcomes for clients. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree or other qualification which entitles registration as an Occupational Therapist. Special Conditions: This is a part time position working 0.5 FTE and salary will be adjusted according to hours worked. Travel within the Southern Adelaide area will be required. Flexible working hours will be required and the occupant may be required to work over 5 days. Staff may be required to work at RGH or other regional health sites. This can include other rehabilitation programmes provided by the Division. Travel within the Southern Adelaide area will be required (hospitals, residential care and community). Flexible working hours will be required and participation in weekend rosters may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Daw Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Repatriation General Hospital - Division of Rehabilitation, Aged Care and Allied Health) Further Information: Enquiries to: Melissa welsh, Repatriation General Hospital, telephone 08 8275 1710, email Applications to: Pat Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park, 5041 Note: Please quote vacancy number T5193 in your application. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from RGH is an approved Public Benevolent Institution for fringe benefits tax purposes which enables eligible employees to salary sacrifice/package up to 50%. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: JOB ANE PERSON SPEC:\PSO2 SNR CLIN OT T5193 JULY06.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM ASO5/ PSO2 PROJECT OFFICER PALLIATIVE CARE (TEMPORARY UP TO 28/12/2007) ($55298.00/61944.00) (Advt) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. T5247/2006 Duties: The Project Officer is responsible for effective administrative and financial management of a two studies: (1) Academic Detailing for Dyspnoea and (2) Case Conferencing and Care Planning, conducted at Southern Adelaide Palliative Services (SAPS). The position will maintain accountability for all aspects of the studies from an operational perspective and liaise with the Investigators and funding bodies of the two studies. Special Conditions: Current Driver’s License is essential. There may be occasional after hours meetings that the Project Officer will be expected to attend.The Project Officer will occasionally need to travel to various local sites for meetings necessary for the conduct of the studies and limited interstate travel may be necessary. This a readvertisement of a position advertied in June 06 and previous applicants will be considered after closing date. Location: Adelaide Metro (Daw Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Repatriation General Hospital - Palliative Care) Further Information: Enquiries to: Tania Shelby-James, Repatriation General Hospital, telephone 08 8275 1916, email Applications to: Pat Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park, 5041 Note: Please quote vacancy number T5247 in your application. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification in their application. JOB AND PERSON SPECIFICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE AT RGH is an approved Public Benevolent Institution for fringe benefits tax purposes which enables eligible employees to salary sacrifice/package up to 50%. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Spec:\ASO5 PROJECT OFF T5247 JULY06.doc 139 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM PSO3 SENIOR DISPENSING CLINICAL PHARMACIST (Advt) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. 5139/2006 Duties: The Senior Dispensing Clinical Pharmacist is responsible to the Drug Distribution Coordinator for provision of a range of professional, dispensing and counseling services for inpatients and outpatients of the Repatriation General Hospital as well as the provision of high-level clinical pharmacy services for assigned Clinical Units within the Repatriation General Hospital. The incumbent of this position provides both dispensing and clinical services, and drug information and therapeutic advice to patients of the hospital as well as medical and nursing staff and other health professionals. The incumbent works to optimise outcomes for patients by achieving the best possible quality use of medicines in a safe and cost-effective manner and in accordance with hospital policy. The Senior Dispensing Clinical Pharmacist contributes to the hospital’s teaching and training program and is responsible for collaborative quality assurance activities in the area of quality use of medicines as well as initiating and participating in clinical research and development activities. Furthermore the Senior Dispensing Clinical Pharmacist may be required to contribute to hospital drug policy and pharmacy service delivery by active membership of hospital committees and working parties. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Degree or equivalent in Pharmacy and eligibility for registration as a pharmacist with the Pharmacy Board of south Australia. Special Conditions: May be rostered to work outside normal business hours, including weekends and public holidays. Required to participate in a 7-day per week on-call roster which includes a Saturday morning Dispensary service and parenteral nutrition preparation and other pharmaceutical manufacturing as required. Weekend and other after hours work requires the ability to complete functions in all areas of the pharmacy service including drug information, drug distribution and pharmacy production. Local and interstate travel may be required for attendance at relevant meetings and continuing education activities as appropriate. Location: Adelaide Metro (Daw Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Repatriation General Hospital - Pharmacy) Further Information: Enquiries to: A/Prof Chris Alderman, Director of Pharmacy, Repatriation General Hospital, telephone 08 8275 1878, email Applications to: Mrs P Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park, 5041 Note: Please quote vacancy number 5139 in your application. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification in their application. JOB AND PERSON SPECIFICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE AT RGH is an approved Public Benevolent Institution for fringe benefits tax purposes which enables eligible employees to salary sacrifice/package up to 50%. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Spec:\SNR CLIN PHARM 5139 JULY06.doc 140 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM ASO6/ PSO3 MEDICAL EDUCATION OFFICER (Advt) ($64060.00/67989.00) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. 5190/2006 Duties: Responsible to the General Clinical Training Committee for the development, implementation, coordination and evaluation of the prevocational Trainee Medical Officer training initiatives and strategies and for promoting an environment conducive to learning. Essential Minimum Qualifications: For appointment at PSO-3 level - Appropriate qualification from a recognised tertiary institution giving eligibility for membership with the relevant professional association where appropriate. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Visits to other sites (metropolitan and non-metropolitan where TMO's may be rotated) will be required. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Medical Services - Clinical Education Unit) Enquiries to: Adrian Anthony, Director, Clinical Training, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 0414 881 910, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Val West, Human Resources, telephone 8222 8683, or email Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 141 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR VACANCY INFORMATION OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES Vacancies contained in this section will be filled under the conditions applicable to each public sector organisation. Appeal provisions may apply to vacancies advertised in this section. Intending applicants are encouraged to clarify appointment conditions and appeal provisions (if any) from the enquiries person named in each advertisement. REQUESTS TO CIRCULARISE VACANCIES Details of vacancies to be published in this section will be accepted by Business Services of the Office of Public Employment up to 12.00 p.m. FRIDAY prior to the date of issue of the Notice. Whenever possible however, agencies are encouraged to forward vacancy details as soon as they become available. This action will facilitate the clearing of positions for advertising in the Notice. The facsimile number is 8226 2966, and for any enquiries please telephone 8226 2893. 142 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES ASO2 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER - EDUCATION AND ACCREDITATION (Advt) ($39774.00/42992.00) Vacancy No. 5324/2006 Duties: Responsible to the Principal Adviser - Education and Accreditation for Providing an effective and efficient administrative support service. Duties include minute taking at committee meetings, arranging and preparing for meetings, assisting in database maintenance and providing general administrative and clerical support. Special Conditions: Must have passed an approved word processing test at 50 wpm. The incumbent will be employed under the Nurses Act 1999. Some out of hours work and intrastate travel may be required. Ongoing employment is subject to successful completion of a 3 month probationary period. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Nurses Board of South Australia (Business Services) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms A Vita, Research and Communication Officer, Nurses Board of South Australia, telephone 8223 9750, email Applications to: Mr D Schubert, Manager Business Services, 200 East Terrace, Adelaide, 5000 or PO Box 7176, Hutt Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8223 9797, email Note: Please provide an Original plus three copies of your application and ensure you address the requirements of the Job and Person Specification in your application. Job and Person Specification available from Ms Angela Vita telephone 8223 9750 or from the nbsa website Home Page What's New Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: J&P E&A Admin (ASO2) .DOC:\J&P E&A Admin (ASO2) .DOC 143 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER -RECORDS (Advt) ($39774.00/42994.00) Vacancy No. 5283/2006 Duties: The Administrative Officer Records is responsible to the Records Administrator for contributing to the achievement of organisational goals through the provision of administrative and records management services that meet nbsa's service standards and legislative requirements. The incumbent contributes to the day-to-day records management processes through the use of nbsa's electronic records management system. The incumbent will also provide other general administrative and clerical support. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Must have passed an approved word processing test at 50 wpm. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be employed under the Nurses Act 1999 and will be required to enter into annual, outcome based, performance agreements. Some out of hours work may be required. Ongoing employment is subject to successful completion of a 3 month probationary period. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Nurses Board of South Australia (Business Services Team) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Angela Vita, Research and Communications Officer, Nurses Board of South Australia, telephone 8223 9750, email Applications to: Mr David Schubert, Manager Business Services, 200 East Terrace, Adelaide, 5000 or PO Box 7176, Hutt Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8223 9797, email Note: Please provide an original plus three copies of your application and ensure you address the requirements of the Person Specification in your application. Email applications will NOT be accepted. Job and Person Specifications are available from Angela Vita, Research and Communication Officer, telephone 8223 9750, email Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: J&P Admin Officer Records (ASO2).DOC:\J&P Admin Officer Records (ASO2).DOC 144 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) ASO3 145 SECRETARY TO THE BOARD (TEMPORARY FOR 12 MONTHS) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T5288/2006 Duties: The Secretary to the Board position requires a person who takes initiative, is highly organised, sets priorities and achieves deadlines. You will need to be able to quickly develop an understanding of SSABSA's operations and polices, and to provide an efficient and effective administrative service to the Board and Standing Committees. Excellent communication skills both verbal and written with the ability to provide information to manager and executive levels is desired. The preparation of correspondence, reports, submissions and other documents including the taking of clear, concise and accurate minutes is essential. Essential Minimum Qualifications: South Australian Certificate of Education or equivalent. Special Conditions: SSABSA is a party to the SA Government (Public Sector Salaried Employees) Arbitrated Enterprise Bargaining Award 2004. Appointment is subject to a criminal record check. This position is a twelve month contract with a possibility of extension. A current driver's licence is required. Some out of hours work is required as the Board meets in the evening approximately 8 times a year. Location: Adelaide Metro (Wayville) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Senior Secondary Assessment Board of SA Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Jane Russo, Executive Coordinator, telephone 8372 7432 Applications to: Mrs Caron Duffield, BSSO, Business Services, SSABSA 1st Floor, 60 Greenhill Road, Wayville, 5034, telephone 83727460, email Note: For PID enquiries, application form and guide to applying, refer to SSABSA's website: Applications should be marked "Private and Confidential". Four copies of applications should be provided, including the original. Applications to address all Essential Minimum Requirements listed in the PID. Closing Date for applications: 5 pm, 28 July, 2006. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) ASO3 EVENT COORDINATOR (TEMPORARY FOR 12 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T5357/2006 Duties: Contribute to the successful staging of a major event that generates tourism activity and/or provides business opportunities and/or creates community spirit and pride, and/or profiles the State to our key national and international target markets Special Conditions: The appointment will be subject to 3 months probation. Continuation is conditional upon the achievement of performance objectives and the allocation of sufficient funding. The incumbent will be required to undertake an annual performance agreement with his/her direct manager, using the Performance Development program. The incumbent will be required to take personal responsibility for understanding and complying with the SATC’s policies on OHS&W, equal employment opportunity and public administration. It is the policy of the SATC that staff can be reassigned to other positions or roles consistent with their classification level to meet changing work demands and/or their personal development needs. Possession of a current Class 1 Drivers License, willingness to drive and successful completion of required driver training is mandatory. Out of hours work, intrastate and interstate travel will be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Tourism Commission (Events South Australia - Events) Further Information:, Enquiries to: Ms G Di Tomaso, Personal Assistant, Events South Australia, telephone 8463 4696, email Applications to: Ms L Grantham, General Manager, Events South Australia, GPO Box 1972, ADELAIDE, 5001, email Note: Applications should be marked 'Confidential’. No folders please, just a stapled copy of your application. Closing Date: 21 Jul 2006 146 ($43385.00/46453.00) OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) ASO3 OPERATIONS COORDINATOR (TEMPORARY FOR 12 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T5358/2006 Duties: To co-ordinate the implementation of infrastructure and operational requirements of events, including the preparation of acquisition documents, specifications, drawing, site plans, budget estimates and operations schedules in consultation with the Operations Manager to ensure effective and appropriate event layout and site management Special Conditions: The appointment will be subject to 3 months probation. Continuation of the contract is conditional upon the achievement of performance objectives and the allocation of sufficient funding. The incumbent will be required to undertake an annual performance agreement with direct manager, using the SATC’s Performance Development process. Take personal responsibility for understanding and complying with the SA Tourism Commissions policies on OHS&W, equal employment opportunity and public administration. It is the policy of the Commission that staff can be reassigned to other positions or roles consistent with their classification level to meet changing work demands and/or their personal development needs. Possession of a current Class 1 Drivers License, willingness to drive and successful completion of required driver training. Out of hours work, intrastate and interstate travel will be required Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Tourism Commission (Events South Australia - Operations) Further Information:, Enquiries to: Ms G Di Tomaso, Personal Assistant, Events South Australia, telephone 8463 4696, email Applications to: Ms L Grantham, General Manager, Events South Australia, GPO Box 1972, ADELAIDE, SA, email Note: Applications should be marked 'Confidential’. No folders please, just a stapled copy of application will be fine. Closing Date: 21 Jul 2006 Downloads: Operations Coordinator:\Operations Coordinator May 05.doc 147 ($43385.00/46453.00) OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) ASO6 148 PRINCIPAL RESEARCH OFFICER, OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY, REHABILITATION & COMPENSATION COMMITTEE (TEMPORARY FOR 6 MONTHS) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T5302/2006 Duties: The Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation & Compensation Committee is established under the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991 and comprises Members of Parliament from the House of Assembly and Legislative Council. The functions of the Committee are: [a] to keep the administration and operation of the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986, the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1986, and other legislation affecting occupational health, safety or welfare, or occupational rehabilitation or compensation, under continuous review; and [b] to examine and make recommendations to the Executive and to Parliament about proposed regulations under any of the legislation mentioned in paragraph (a), and in particular regulations that may allow for the performance of statutory functions by private bodies or persons; and[c] to perform such other functions assigned to the Committee under this or any other Act or by resolution of either House of Parliament.Duties: (a) provide effective, efficient and professional procedural and administrative support to the Assembly, its Committees and individual Members; and (b) liaise effectively within Parliament, with government, its agencies and the community, so that Members of Parliament are able to effectively discharge their Parliamentary duties, and (c) conduct research on projects in areas of relevance to the functions of the Committee as set out in the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree. Special Conditions: This position is not under the PSM Act, however general public service conditions apply and entitlements are transferable. Must be able to work outside normal working hours when necessitated by Committee work. Any person who is, or seen to be, active in political or electoral affairs and intends to publicly carry on this activity, may compromise the strict political neutrality of this position and could not be considered for appointment to this position. Location: (Not Specified) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Parliament of SA Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr M Lehman, Deputy Clerk, House of Assembly, Parliament House, telephone 8237 9161, email Applications to: Mrs P Thomson, Manager, Support Services, House of Assembly, Parliament House, North Terrace , Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8237 9226, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) AMENDMENT Lecturer's LECTURER'S ASSISTANT ABORIGINAL EDUCATION Assistant ($41167.00/50831.00) Vacancy No. 5131/2006 Duties: The Aboriginal Education Lecturer’s Assistant is responsible for providing a broad range of support and advisory services to the Aboriginal students attending the Campus. Amended Essential Minimum Qualifications: This position has been amended and does not require an essential qualification. Special Conditions: Some intrastate travel with possible overnight absences may be required. A flexible approach to working hours and the taking of leave is essential. The Lecturer’s Assistant is required to participate in ongoing training organised through the Aboriginal Education Program. This position is subject to continuing funding. Appointment under the TAFE Act: conditions of employment are based on PSM Act conditions. This position is a "prescribed position". Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory police check. Location: Riverland (Loxton) Award: TAFE Act (Educational Staff) Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (Regional - Loxton Aboriginal Education) Enquiries to: Eric Cook, TAFE SA, telephone 8584 6087, Applications to: Sue Labadi, Assistant HR Consultant, TAFE SA, 141 Nicolson Avenue, Whyalla Norrie, 5608, telephone 8648 8725, Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Sue Labadi, telephone 8648 8725, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. In order to meet the deadline, applicants are able to email their application but hard copies must be mailed and postmarked on or before the closing date. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 21 Jul 2006 N/A 149 DESKTOP SUPPORT OFFICER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR Vacancy No. 3 YEARS) (Advt) C5371/2006 Duties: Provision of Help Desk and Desktop support including responding to user enquiries and resolving user problems. Diagnosis and resolution of desktop hardware, system and application problems and support for computer peripherals, printers, mobiles and AV equipment. Testing and deployment of application upgrades and provision of user training. Development and maintenance of user and technical documentation, including standards and policies. Provision of support to the systems administrator in the management of the network and server environment. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree. A Diploma or Advanced Diploma in a relevant technical discipline, or equivalent. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Land Management Corporation Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms S Ablett, Human Resources Officer, Land Management Corporation, GPO Box 698, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 08 8207 0853, email, web site Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Sue Ablett, Human Resources Officer. Tel. No. 08 8207 0853. Email - Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\5371 Desktop Support Officer.doc OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 14/07/06 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) RN3A ADVISER - EDUCATION AND ACCREDITATION (PART-TIME) (Advt) ($66329.00/68460.00) Vacancy No. 5331/2006 Duties: Responsible to the Principal Adviser - Education and Accreditation for providing the education and accreditation advisory function of nbsa. Duties include providing relevant and appropriate advice to the Principal Adviser - Education and Accreditation regarding nursing and midwifery regulatory issues, representing nbsa on committees and working groups, informing and advising nurses/midwives and other stakeholders via presentations and public meetings, ensuring that registered nurses, midwives and enrolled nurses recommended for registration/enrolment meet the requirements to register or enrol through the development and implementation of policies relevant to the education and accreditation function of nbsa. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Permanent Part time appointment of 0.50 FTE @ RN3A. Full time employment with nbsa and other employer will be considered. The incumbent will be employed under the Nurses Act 1999. Some out of hours work and intrastate travel may be required. Ongoing employment is subject to successful completion of a 3 month probationary period. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Nurses Board of South Australia (Business Services) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms A Vita, Research and Communication Officer, Nurses Board of South Australia, telephone 8223 9750, email Applications to: Mr D Schubert, Manager Business Services, 200 East Terrace, Adelaide, 5000 or PO Box 7176, Hutt Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8223 9797, email Note: Please provide an Original plus three copies of your application and ensure you address the requirements of the Job and Person Specification in your application. Job and Person Specification available from Ms Angela Vita telephone 8223 9750 or from the nbsa website Home Page What's New Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Adviser - E&A J&P.doc:\Adviser E&A J&P.doc 150 WEEKLY PAID VACANCY INFORMATION WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES If you are applying for a weekly paid job in this Notice, your application should include this information: the title and number of the job you are applying for; your name; the name of the Agency or Statutory Authority where you are working and your work telephone number; a description of your work experience. If you have any problems or questions about your application you should talk to your supervisor, or you may want to talk to the Office of Public Employment. This Office is located on the 12th Floor, State Administration Centre, 200 Victoria Square, Adelaide. The telephone number is 8226 2893. If you have any questions about your rights to apply for other government jobs you should ask the Office of Public Employment (telephone 8226 2893). In this Notice there are also vacancies for promotional salaried positions. Weekly paid employees who are determined to be ‘relevant public employees’ under Regulation 11 of the Public Sector Management Act who wish to apply for any of these positions are welcome to do so. If you want to discuss any of the positions before putting in an application, you should contact the person whose name and telephone number is listed for enquiries for the position. REQUESTS TO CIRCULARISE VACANCIES Details of vacancies to be published in this section will be accepted by Business Services of the Office of Public Employment up to 12.00 p.m. FRIDAY prior to the date of issue of the Notice. Whenever possible however, agencies are encouraged to forward vacancy details as soon as they become available. This action will facilitate the clearing of positions for advertising in the Notice. The facsimile number is 8226 2966, and for any enquiries please telephone 8226 2893. 151 WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:14/07/06 WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES Weekly Paid 152 SUPPLY ASSISTANT (PART-TIME) Vacancy No. 5182/2006 Duties: Accountable to the Senior Finance Officer for contributing to the provision of an efficient and effective warehousing and disposal service for clients within the Hills Mallee Southern Region. Determines the imprest needs of operational clients within Murray Bridge Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Incorporated (MBSMH Inc), which contributes to the achievement of the Section’s business objectives and Agency organisational efficiency and effectiveness goals. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 60 hours per fortnight and rate of pay will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. The Supply Assistant will be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes and participate in special projects as required. Some out of hours work may be necessary to accommodate the Supply Department requirements of Murray Bridge Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Incorporated. Some intrastate travel may be required. A current South Australian driver’s licence and a willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. Location: Murray Lands (Murray Bridge) Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Rate of Pay: $640.30 (1st Increment) $650.40 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Country Health SA - Murray Bridge Soldiers Memorial Hospital) Enquiries to: Sarah Curtis, Senior Finance Officer, Murray Bridge Soldiers Memorial Hospital, telephone (08) 8535 6709, email Applications to: Linda Thompson, Human Resource Consultant, Murray Bridge Soldiers Memorial Hospital, PO Box 346, Murray Bridge, 5253, telephone (08) 8535 6777, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Hospital Administration, telephone (08) 8535 6777, or email Please forward four (4) complete sets of your application and include the name, address, and contact details of three (3) current work referees. Applicants are required to address the Person Specification in their application. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Supply Assistant J&P:\Supply Assistant WHA3 Permanent J&P.doc WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:14/07/06 AGENCY: WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES (Continued) 153 Weekly Paid GARDENER/MAINTENANCE OFFICER (Advt) Weekly Paid DIVERSIONAL THERAPY ASSISTANT (PART-TIME) (Advt) Vacancy No. 5210/2006 Duties: Will ensure the provision of an effective, efficient, safe and timely service through the delivery of an organisation wide maintenance and gardening service that includes grounds, lawns, gardens and other maintenance as directed. Special Conditions: Initially rostered over five days. May be required to work in other locations within Lower Eyre Health Services. Salary Sacrifice is available to all staff. some on call duties will be required. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Tumby Bay) Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Rate of Pay: $590.60 (1st Increment) $600.60 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Lower Eyre Health Services - Tumby Bay Hospital) Enquiries to: Mr Peter Allen, Operational Services Manager, Tumby Bay Hospital & Health Services, telephone (08) 8688 2107, email Applications to: Mr John Southern, Chief Executive Officer, Lower Eyre Health Services, Box 19, Tumby Bay, 5605, telephone (08) 8688 2107, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Downloads: Gardener/Maintenance Officer LEHS:\lehs_garden_20060714_pd.doc Vacancy No. 5148/2006 Duties: Work with the Diversional Therapist to provide diversional therapy and social activities programs and to assist with co-ordinator of volunteer service providers. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 0.5 full time equivalent and rate of pay will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Location: Lower North (Burra) Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Rate of Pay: $620.40 (1st Increment) $630.30 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Lower North Health) Enquiries to: Ms L Phillips, Director of Nursing - Burra and Clare , Lower North Health, telephone 8842 6500, email Applications to: Ms L Carter, Executive Assistant, Lower North Health, PO Box 239, CLARE , 5453, telephone 8842 6500, email Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:14/07/06 AGENCY: WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES (Continued) 154 Weekly Paid CATERING ATTENDANT (CASUAL) (MORE THAN ONE Vacancy No. POSITION) (Advt) 5196/2006 Duties: Responsible to the Catering Attendant Team Leaders for the operational aspects of the kitchen including production, distribution, wares washing and cleaning and includes functions and special diets. Special Conditions: More than one position is available on a casual basis for which rate of pay will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. A 20% casual loading applies in lieu of sick and annual leave. Initially rostered over 7 days. Some after hours work may be required. Start and finish times will vary according to production and supervisory requirements. Transfer/job rotation to other positions of similar classification within Food Services or other LMHS sites may be required from time to time. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Elizabeth Vale) Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Rate of Pay: $620.40 (1st Increment) $630.30 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Lyell McEwin Hospital - Food Services Department) Enquiries to: Mr Ray Garrod, Manager, Food Services Department, Lyell McEwin Hospital, telephone 8182 9152, email Applications to: Ms Mandy Palumbo, Senior Human Resources Adviser, Lyell McEwin Hospital, Haydown Road, Elizabeth Vale, 5112 Note: Please quote the vacancy number of the position when applying. Please provide three (3) copies of application with the name, address and contact number of three (3) current referees. Applicants should clearly address how they meet the capabilities, experience, knowledge and qualifications outlined in the Person Specification. The Lyell McEwin Health Service is a smoke free environment. Attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits available. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 Weekly Paid MAINTENANCE OFFICER (Advt) Vacancy No. 5064/2006 Duties: Accountable to the Executive Officer / Director of Nursing, Maitland Hospital for the general maintenance throughout the centre and maintaining grounds in a neat and presentable manner. Maintenance includes liaison with contract trades people in order to ensure continual operation of plant and equipment and to meet Australian Standards. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Will be required to be on call out of normal working hours as negotiated with the employer. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. May be required to work at other centres of the Health Service from time to time. Location: Yorke Peninsula & Mid North (MAITLAND) Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Rate of Pay: $660 (1st Increment) $670.10 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Yorke Peninsula Health Service Inc - Maitland Centre) Enquiries to: Miss Kaleena Brammer, Executive Assistant, Yorke Peninsula Health Service Inc, telephone (08) 88533545, email Applications to: Ms Barbara Carlin, Chief Executive Officer, Yorke Peninsula Health Service Inc, 44 First Street, MINLATON, 5575, telephone (08) 88533552, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Kaleena Brammer, telephone (08) 88533545, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006 WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:14/07/06 AGENCY: WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES (Continued) Weekly Paid 155 ENGINEERING TRADESPERSON - MECHANICAL - M7/8/9 (Advt) Vacancy No. 5231/2006 Duties: The successful applicant will undertake corrective and preventative maintenance of mechanical and chlorine plant and equipment in the Outer Metro South area. The position will contribute mechanical trade skills and knowledge consistent with the classification to support operations, maintenance, construction, environmental and business outcomes of the work group, ensure plant and equipment is maintained and workplace OHS, Environmental and Water Quality obligations are met through personal compliance with legislation, policies and procedures. The position will provide prompt response to emergencies and reporting of faults and contribute to the effectiveness of the work team. Applicants need to have the ability to apply high level trade skills specified, ability to work under limited supervision, an understanding of mechanical/electrical equipment and a knowledge of water and wastewater systems. They are also required to have good problem solving skills, organisation and planning skills, basic computer skills for recording information and data entry and a willingness to do further training. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Required: Trade certificate, Relevant Post Trade qualifications or equivalent skills/experience, Drivers licence. Desirable: Dogging licence, Fork lift licence, Crane Operators ticket, Boat Operators licence, Confined Space, MR/HR Truck licence, NREL (disconnect/reconnect). Special Conditions: Required to share on call duty and to work intrastate (Kangaroo Island) Location: (Not Specified) Rate of Pay: $732.00 (1st Increment) $805.45 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: SA Water Enquiries to: Mr Paul Sando, Workshop Coordinator, telephone 8381 0264 mobile: 0407 803 484, email Applications to: Mrs Karen Humby, SA Water, PO Box 796, MURRAY BRIDGE, 5253, email Note: For copies of position description contact Mr Paul Sando, Workshop Coordinator, telephone 8381 0264, mobile 0407 803 484 or email Closing Date: 28 Jul 2006